This study aims to explore the key theoretical patterns of IT and dynamic marketing capabilities, in order to develop an Agile Marketing Capability’s propositions. The study per-forms an in-depth literature review towards IT and Dynam-ic Marketing Capabilities to outline the key propositions of the Agile Marketing Capability development. The findings of this research provide a set of agile marketing capabilities which helps the theoretical understanding of the agile mar-keting approach. Given its innovativeness, this study pro-poses a first theoretical analysis on Agile Marketing Capa-bility. In turn, such research will require further theoretical contributions and refinements as well as appropriate empiri-cal tests. This study may represent a useful framework for managers and decision makers to better understand the stra-tegic advantages, which can derive from the employment of agile marketing capabilities. This study analyzes the agile marketing approach, which represents a still little explored field of research. Moreover, it is aimed at investigating the key theoretical foundations which may represent the ante-cedents for the future development of the new trend in the agile marketing realm.