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Design within primary and secondary schools has been increasingly emphasized over the past decade. As a response to this increased interest, qualitative research examining students’ cognitive processes involved in the practices of design has been on the rise. These studies have commonly employed the concurrent think-aloud research methodology to examine and describe an individual’s or group’s thought processes while engaged in a design task. However, the variety of coding schemes used to code and describe the collected think-aloud data has limited the synthesis of findings across design cognition studies, which can be a concern as the synthesis of qualitative studies can potentially lead to the development of more formal and possibly more generalizable theories (Glaser and Strauss in Status passage, Aldine, Chicago, 1971). Nevertheless, a study conducted by Grubbs, Strimel, and Kim (2018) examined the different coding schemes used in analyzing the design cognition of primary and secondary students that were published between 1995 and 2016. Their investigation led to the identification of three distinct themes for the foundation and intent of the various design cognition coding schemes and provided a basis for a more informed meta-synthesis of design cognition research. Therefore, this study examined the design cognition studies identified by Grubbs et al. (2018) and synthesized both the findings and discussions of each, according to the three coding scheme themes. The results of this investigation can provide deeper insights into primary and secondary students’ design thinking and can help inform design pedagogy.
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International Journal of Technology and Design Education (2020) 30:243–274
1 3
A meta‑synthesis ofprimary andsecondary student design
cognition research
GregJ.Strimel1 · EunhyeKim2· MichaelE.Grubbs3· TannerJ.Human4
Accepted: 6 February 2019 / Published online: 12 February 2019
© Springer Nature B.V. 2019
Design within primary and secondary schools has been increasingly emphasized over the
past decade. As a response to this increased interest, qualitative research examining stu-
dents’ cognitive processes involved in the practices of design has been on the rise. These
studies have commonly employed the concurrent think-aloud research methodology to
examine and describe an individual’s or group’s thought processes while engaged in a
design task. However, the variety of coding schemes used to code and describe the col-
lected think-aloud data has limited the synthesis of findings across design cognition stud-
ies, which can be a concern as the synthesis of qualitative studies can potentially lead to the
development of more formal and possibly more generalizable theories (Glaser and Strauss
in Status passage, Aldine, Chicago, 1971). Nevertheless, a study conducted by Grubbs,
Strimel, and Kim (2018) examined the different coding schemes used in analyzing the
design cognition of primary and secondary students that were published between 1995 and
2016. Their investigation led to the identification of three distinct themes for the foundation
and intent of the various design cognition coding schemes and provided a basis for a more
informed meta-synthesis of design cognition research. Therefore, this study examined the
design cognition studies identified by Grubbs etal. (2018) and synthesized both the find-
ings and discussions of each, according to the three coding scheme themes. The results of
this investigation can provide deeper insights into primary and secondary students’ design
thinking and can help inform design pedagogy.
Keywords Design· Design cognition· Think-aloud protocols· Engineering education·
Technology education
* Greg J. Strimel
1 Department ofTechnology Leadership andInnovation, Purdue University, WestLafayette, IN,
2 School ofEngineering Education, Purdue University, WestLafayette, IN, USA
3 Career andTechnology Education, Baltimore County Public Schools, Towson, MD, USA
4 Department ofIntegrative STEM Education, The College ofNew Jersey, EwingTownship, NJ,
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... 67). Sketching is one of the important practices in the cognitive development of visual-spatial abilities and spatial visualization skills (Lane et al., 2010;Sorby & Baartmans, 1996;Strimel et al., 2019). See Figure 4 for a sample student sketch representing some of these visual-spatial characteristics. ...
... This challenge provides problems for both students and teachers in overcoming fixation and ensuring the correct guidance and support during the design process. Strimel et al. (2020) undertook an investigation into design cognition research to integrate the findings from multiple studies to develop more formal and generalised theories that would provide deeper and more powerful understandings of student design thinking to bridge the gap between research and practice. Findings identify problematic traits of studying design such as the context of the study, the design task itself and the coding schemes using to interpret findings. ...
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Technology education is a growing field internationally where developments are being made to conform to new agendas and goals of today's society. The role of technology education is to improve the quality of human life through making meaningful advancements to our lives and the world we live in, which is underpinned by an innate ability that all humans possess, the ability to design. Developing designerly members of society that have strong design capability is identified as being of upmost importance, particularly within education. Fostering designerly students effectively and successfully is a complex domain and is evident within a large literature base, where researchers are trying to understand design, what it should look like in practice, and how it can be successfully developed and fostered within education. Design is a key component within technology education curricula, where teachers and students are required to engage in design tasks and activities in an attempt to foster an ability to design. Design is highly complex in nature and with ambiguity within the literature surrounding the construct of design ability, what defines the design process and what cognitive processes are necessary to design, leaves educators and students in an area of unknown. In this paper, a theoretical model is presented and utilised to problematise and unpack the uncertainty of design within technology education. The unknown of designing is worse than the problems themselves, which is why this paper offers an initial attempt at identifying these problems through the lens of understanding, teaching, and learning designing. Results offer insight into the complexities and challenges associated with designing in technology education with the aim and objective to identify future research areas.
... Design thinking comprises the stages of empathising, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing (Cross 2011). Rather than merely being an integral part of the process in engineering and technology design, STEM education researchers consider design thinking as a general cognitive process that can take place in many different fields (Razzouk and Shute 2012), and such a mentality has to be nurtured for every student (Strimel et al. 2018(Strimel et al. , 2019. Similarly, computational thinking (Wing 2006), originally a concept in the Computer Science field, represents an imperative thinking skill set that everyone should master: abstraction and decomposition, thinking recursively, problem reduction and transformation, error prevention and protection, and heuristic reasoning which are needed to solve universal complex problems. ...
STEM education has taken on high importance in Hong Kong K-12 education landscape. Despite policy advocacy and curriculum endeavour, the quality of STEM education varies significantly between schools. Research literature indicates that high-quality STEM education requires teachers’ rigorous delivery of topics and appropriate pedagogies, and one approach to improve such practices is teacher professional development (TPD). However, because current research on TPD has not given explicit consideration to the complex nature of STEM education, there remains a lack of a clear blueprint of how TPD should be conducted to build teachers’ capacity for STEM education effectively. This paper presents a case study that explores the necessary attributes and identifies the missing links of STEM education TPD by understanding how various TPD models supported a Hong Kong K-12 school embracing STEM education. Qualitative data collection methods, including semi-structured interviews and classroom observations, were employed to draw a picture of TPD implementations in the selected school. The findings suggest that, at the macro-level, effective STEM TPD should not stop at employing mixed use of TPD models; the models have to be integrated organically with respect to a school-based STEM curriculum implementation approach. A collaborative culture between teachers must be cultivated for effective inter-disciplinary integration. Collaborative action research should also be promoted to develop collective wisdom of STEM pedagogies. At the micro-level, TPACK and cross-disciplinary integration skills need to be focusing areas of STEM TPD. With these guiding principles, some possible strategies for effective STEM education TPD are suggested.
... Research on students' design thinking strategies and cognitive processes while engaging in the design practices has been increasing to provide deeper insights into student design cognition (Strimel et al. 2020). This research seeks to better understand high school science and engineering technology students' design capabilities and cognitive processes after experiencing science and engineering shared practices. ...
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To address the complete vision of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States. [2013]. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, by States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press of the United States, the research focused on how scientific inquiry and engineering design shared practices promote design thinking and problem-solving skills. High school science and engineering technology students participated in the integrated STEM project, TRAILS, and learned engineering design-based integrated STEM lesson, D-BAIT. After each lesson implementation, triads of students from each class participated in a Concurrent Think-Aloud (CTA) protocol session. During the protocol session, the triads of students engaged in a design task as a team and discussed to solve a transfer problem, which required the application of STEM knowledge from the integrated STEM lesson. A total of 27 Think-Aloud datasets were collected and analyzed from the 2017–2019 school years. The results show that key features of TRAILS (scientific inquiry, biomimicry, and engineering design) emerged from the dialogue of both groups (engineering technology and Biology students). Additionally, patterns from the cognitive protocols (transitions between scientific inquiry, biomimicry, and engineering design) suggest that both groups used similar approaches to solving the engineering design problem.
With the current global upheavals and continued disruptions, the need for adaptive and innovative problem solvers has never been greater. This chapter advocates that the foundations for developing future-oriented problem solvers begin in the primary school. One approach to such development is through implementing design-based mathematical modelling within STEM contexts. Consideration is given to features of design-based mathematical modelling, which contrast with the requirements of traditional problem types. Examples of students’ responses to two design challenges are presented, namely, designing a mini-golf course and a new sustainable town. Both cases enabled multiple entry and exit points, various approaches to product creation, and opportunities for the innovative application of existing knowledge, thus providing agency for advancing STEM learning for all students.
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Within the context of fundamental STEM education, the primary objective of this article is to investigate the process of developing lesson plans specifically for the aim of fostering students' capacity for design thinking in the field of science. When it comes to the process of document gathering and analysis, the qualitative research approach is utilized. The outcomes of the study indicate that design thinking makes a substantial contribution to the development of students' creative activities and their ability to engage in problem-solving activities. In addition, it has been demonstrated that design thinking is an extremely efficient method for supporting students in their educational pursuits. Education in the fields of mathematics, science, technology, and engineering are all equally important. while it comes to the field of STEM education, it is essential to adhere to a particular method while developing lesson plans to encourage the growth of design thinking in students. In order to improve the efficiency of STEM education and to provide recommendations regarding areas that need additional research on the subject matter, the purpose of this article is to supply academics and teachers with resources that are pertinent to the subject matter.
With the increased global focus on STEM education, concerns have been raised over the declining role of mathematics, with many claiming that it is watered down or even ignored when two or more disciplines are integrated. Mathematics must be reframed as a powerful component of STEM education, one that is fundamental to numerous professions and is at the forefront in solving so many of today’s problems. The study reported in this chapter illustrates how mathematics can be foregrounded in a fifth-grade STEM activity that involved designing a mini-golf course. Accordingly, the conceptual framework for the study focuses on designing with mathematical ideas in undertaking STEM-based problems. Design learning has received little research especially in the primary grades, where its application to mathematical problem solving has been neglected. Design is regarded as central to both technology and engineering practices, but rarely is acknowledged within mathematics learning. This chapter illustrates how design can be applied in strengthening the application of mathematics in STEM education.
Understanding the evidence that is foundational for PreK-6 Technology and Engineering Literacy Standards can give new insights to both researchers and teachers. This chapter presents a content analysis of concepts and practices in the Standards and the related empirical literature for the PreK-6 cultural age period in order to understand discipline expectations in relation to children’s psychological development. The research base underpinning the standards appears to be supported by research, but less so for the PreK-2 Standards for systems, teamwork, and safety. Additionally, it was identified that understanding how to use a design was missing in the Standards. Self as client or other as client also featured in the research, with the latter adding to children’s cognitive load. Both matter in the psychological development of the young learner, and consideration should be given to this research in the Standards.
This article reports on a 6th-grade society-centred design activity, where students designed a new sustainable town with the goal of at least 50% renewable energy sources. The activity addressed both learning about and learning through design, together with designing for new directions. Through a case study methodology, students’ learning about design was apparent in their iterative processes of problem scoping, idea generation and modification, balancing of benefits and trade-offs, and reflections on and improvements of design features. Disciplinary content knowledge and applications emerged as students worked with renewable energy data and community needs, applied spatial reasoning in positioning town features, and considered budgetary constraints in reaching their “best” design. Students’ responses to how they applied mathematics and science included using the grid coordinates in their planning, meeting given constraints and conditions, coordinating the various town features, using properties of renewable energy sources, and taking into account the nature of the landscape. Reference to empathy and aesthetics were included in the students’ responses. Their design critiques revealed how they could identify positive and negative aspects of their own and their peers’ designs.
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Contemporary early childhood research investigates ways of extending children’s scientific understanding and knowing in the world around them. The current study followed an innovative approach, adopting the design thinking model of IDEO to promote and deepen children’s scientific thinking and understanding of the ‘water cycle’. Digital technologies such as concept map software, simulations, interactive whiteboard and others, were also successfully integrated and played a significant role in the whole process. A total of 61 children from three Greek kindergartens participated in the study (33 boys and 28 girls) and their mean age was 5.2 years. Teachers’ diaries of the activities following the IDEO phases, digital recordings of children’s responses, drawings and concept maps were utilised for the documentation of the teaching intervention. The results revealed that the IDEO model was very helpful and contributed to reaching positive learning outcomes. Children were active participants throughout the intervention and their scientific knowledge was enhanced. Future research with a design thinking framework in exploring science in early childhood education settings is strongly recommended by also successfully integrating digital tools.
Conference Paper
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Engineering design is increasingly viewed as highly beneficial to K-12 education. As a result, engineering continues to be implemented in technology and engineering education classrooms alongside the recent inclusion of engineering within the Next Generation Science Standards. In turn, use of engineering has raised a number of concerns as to what the true intent is and how research can be used for K-12 educational practice. One concern is the identification of engineering content for grades K-12 and how it aligns with professional engineering preparation. Secondly, how can the growing body of engineering design cognition research be used to impact student learning outcomes. As cognitive research in K-12 engineering is being conducted more frequently, it is important to examine the methodologies used, distinguish the proper coding schemes, and develop ways in which the findings of these studies guide educators in the planning of instruction and designing of curricula. Consequently, the article focuses on the influx of K-12 design cognition research related to engineering design. The outcome of this paper is to ground K-12 engineering design cognition research, by making connections with goals of K-12 education.
Conference Paper
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The importance of engineering for P-12 learners continues to increase. This growing interest can be attributed to the idea that engineering education can contribute to the general education of all students as well as inspire a more diverse, and workforce ready, populace to meet the needs of high-demand careers of the 21st century. Engineering education is uniquely positioned to support interdisciplinary learning experiences to foster rich connections and further knowledge and skills of academic disciplines. The inclusion of engineering into P-12 education is now seen as an approach to address challenges facing the U.S. educational system. The teaching of engineering in primary and secondary schools must be expanded to better prepare students with the skills necessary for economic success. Recently, the political climate has followed suit. Legislative efforts have been proposed to award grants to state educational agencies and local educational agencies to support, develop, and implement formal and informal engineering education programs in elementary schools and secondary schools. Despite greater attention to the value, importance, and use of engineering for teaching and learning, few efforts have engaged in establishing an epistemological foundation for the study of engineering in P-12 classrooms. Specifically, little research has been conducted to examine the engineering content and practices that are developmentally appropriate for P-12 learners.
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Cultivating students’ design abilities can be highly beneficial for the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts, and development of higher-order thinking capabilities (National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council, 2014). Therefore, examining students’ strategies, how they distribute their cognitive effort, and confront STEM concepts during design experiences, can help educators identify effective and developmentally appropriate methods for teaching and scaffolding design activities for students (National Research Council, 2010). Yet, educational researchers have only recently begun examining students’ engineering design cognition at the P-12 level, despite reports such as Standards for K-12 Engineering Education? (2010) designating this area of research as lackluster. Of the recent studies that have investigated engineering design cognition at the P-12 level, the primary method of investigation has been verbal protocol analysis using a think-aloud method (Grubbs, 2016). This methodology captures participants’ verbalization of their thought process as they solve a design challenge. Analysis is typically conducted by applying a predetermined coding scheme, or one that emerges, to determine the distribution of a group’s or an individual’s cognition. Consequently, researchers have employed a variety of coding schemes to examine and describe students’ design cognition. Given the steady increase of explorations into connections between P-12 engineering design cognition and development of student cognitive competencies, it becomes increasingly important to understand and choose the most appropriate coding schemes available, as each has its own intent and characteristics.Therefore, this article presents an examination of recent P-12 design cognition coding schemes with the purpose of providing a background for selecting and applying a scheme for a specific outcome, which can better enable the synthesis and comparison of findings across studies. Ultimately, the aim is to aid others in choosing an appropriate coding scheme, with cognizance of research analysis intent and characteristics of research design, while improving the intentional scaffolding and support of design challenges.
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The intent of this dissertation was to identify the cognitive processes used by advanced pre-engineering students to solve complex engineering design problems. Students in technology and engineering education classrooms are often taught to use an ideal engineering design process that has been generated mostly by educators and curriculum developers. However, the review of literature showed that it is unclear as to how advanced pre-engineering students cognitively navigate solving a complex and multifaceted problem from beginning to end. Additionally, it was unclear how a student thinks and acts throughout their design process and how this affects the viability of their solution. Therefore, Research Objective 1 was to identify the fundamental cognitive processes students use to design, construct, and evaluate operational solutions to engineering design problems. Research Objective 2 was to determine identifiers within student cognitive processes for monitoring aptitude to successfully design, construct, and evaluate technological solutions. Lastly, Research Objective 3 was to create a conceptual technological and engineering problem-solving model integrating student cognitive processes for the improved development of problem-solving abilities. The methodology of this study included multiple forms of data collection. The participants were first given a survey to determine their prior experience with engineering and to provide a description of the subjects being studied. The participants were then presented an engineering design challenge to solve individually. While they completed the challenge, the participants verbalized their thoughts using an established “think aloud” method. These verbalizations were captured along with participant observational recordings using point-of-view camera technology. Additionally, the participant design journals, design artifacts, solution effectiveness data, and teacher evaluations were collected for analysis to help achieve the research objectives of this study. Two independent coders then coded the video/audio recordings and the additional design data using Halfin’s (1973) 17 mental processes for technological problem-solving. The results of this study indicated that the participants employed a wide array of mental processes when solving engineering design challenges. However, the findings provide a general analysis of the number of times participants employed each mental process, as well as the amount of time consumed employing the various mental processes through the different stages of the engineering design process. The results indicated many similarities between the students solving the problem, which may highlight voids in current technology and engineering education curricula. Additionally, the findings showed differences between the processes employed by participants that created the most successful solutions and the participants who developed the least effective solutions. Upon comparing and contrasting these processes, recommendations for instructional strategies to enhance a student’s capability for solving engineering design problems were developed. The results also indicated that students, when left without teacher intervention, use a simplified and more natural process to solve design challenges than the 12-step engineering design process reported in much of the literature. Lastly, these data indicated that students followed two different approaches to solving the design problem. Some students employed a sequential and logical approach, while others employed a nebulous, solution centered trial-and-error approach to solving the problem. In this study the participants who were more sequential had better performing solutions. Examining these two approaches and the student cognition data enabled the researcher to generate a conceptual engineering design model for the improved teaching and development of engineering design problem solving.
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The core subjects in P-12 education have a common key characteristic that makes them stable over time. That characteristic is a steady content. For example, in the sciences, the basics of biology remain the same—the cell is the basic building block around which organisms are defined, characterized, structured, etc. Similarly, the basics of physics and chemistry are relatively constant, with incremental increases in understanding adding to those basics when impacted by new discoveries over time. The same case can be made for mathematics, whose basic content has been unchanged for centuries and only expanded upon as old theories make way for new. In the same sense, the content of language arts has remained relatively constant over time. As a result, these subjects have maintained their relevancy in P-12 schooling as core knowledge all students should acquire.
Since the publication of Ericsson and Simon's ground-breaking work in the early 1980s, verbal data has been used increasingly to study cognitive processes in many areas of psychology, and concurrent and retrospective verbal reports are now generally accepted as important sources of data on subjects' cognitive processes in specific tasks. In this revised edition of the book that first put protocol analysis on firm theoretical ground, the authors review major advances in verbal reports over the past decade, including new evidence on how giving verbal reports affects subjects' cognitive processes, and on the validity and completeness of such reports. In a substantial new preface Ericsson and Simon summarize the central issues covered in the book and provide an updated version of their information-processing model, which explains verbalization and verbal reports. They describe new studies on the effects of verbalization, interpreting the results of these studies and showing how their theory can be extended to account for them. Next, they address the issue of completeness of verbally reported information, reviewing the new evidence in three particularly active task domains. They conclude by citing recent contributions to the techniques for encoding protocols, raising general issues, and proposing directions for future research. All references and indexes have been updated. Bradford Books imprint
STEM Integration in K-12 Education examines current efforts to connect the STEM disciplines in K-12 education. This report identifies and characterizes existing approaches to integrated STEM education, both in formal and after- and out-of-school settings. The report reviews the evidence for the impact of integrated approaches on various student outcomes, and it proposes a set of priority research questions to advance the understanding of integrated STEM education. STEM Integration in K-12 Education proposes a framework to provide a common perspective and vocabulary for researchers, practitioners, and others to identify, discuss, and investigate specific integrated STEM initiatives within the K-12 education system of the United States. STEM Integration in K-12 Education makes recommendations for designers of integrated STEM experiences, assessment developers, and researchers to design and document effective integrated STEM education. This report will help to further their work and improve the chances that some forms of integrated STEM education will make a positive difference in student learning and interest and other valued outcomes. © 2014 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.