A. 2018. Kaldtvanns-algen Hydrurus foetidus-kjennetegn og fore-komst i elver i Norge. Blyttia 76: 255-260. The cold-water alga Hydrurus foetidus-morphology and distribution in ri vers in Norway. Among Ihe sessi le members of Ihe Chrysophyceae, Hydrurus foet/dus is the on ly speeies reach in g a size comparable to that of olher Iha lloid algae. I1 is limited lo cold and lorrent rivers and found at locations in Norway and Svalbard. In permanent locations , developing thall i are found during late winter snowmelt at ra pidly improving light condilions. The color of Ihe thall i is different from that of emerg ing green and bluegreen algae. The tham are embedded in a polysaccharide coat preventing the disrupting effects of the rushing water. The ind ividual cells are devoid of a firm cell wall, and they are characteristic by ils apical, cup-shaped chloroplast with a central pyrenoid. Of particular interest is the presenee of a number of contractile vacuoles. easily recogn ized in the microscope as lang as the ceUs are alive. Hydrurus is sensitive to increasing temperatu res beyond 10 °C, and lethal tem peratures are given as 12-16 °C by authors from different locations. Their disappearence from permanent locations may be a proxy for climate change.
Dag Klaveness, Institutt for Biovitenskap. Universitetet i Oslo. dag.klaveness@ibv.uio.no Eli-Anne Lindstrøm , Norsk Insti tutt for Vannforskning (NIVA). elianne.lindstrom@gmail.com