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Integrative Holistic Educaton: A Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal Society

  • Coaching Choice College


Learning involves a relational process and for learning to be most effectively retained information must have personal meaning. Educators intentionally target learning efforts to include the acquisition of rote (factual and procedural) information along with relational learning which is specific to people, situations, or events and can be associated in memory. In our postmodal society, many educators are concerned as to whether or not students are most effectively developing higher cortical or critical thinking skills. Combining rote and relational learning offers a holistic approach with the intention of developing critical thinking skills. Eight recognized educational models are combined to create a flexible integrative-holistic educational model. Choice and the related cognitive skills are introduced from a three levels paradigm to support the personal relevance aspect of learning. This holistic model recognizes the multiplicity of brain function with respect to creating an adaptive learning environment. Choice is aligned with freedom which is highly valued in Westernized Cultures. Targeting and neutralizing negative cognitions and meta-messages that can interfere with learning can improve educational outcomes. Moving the learner through a process that brings them to engage in choice in learning in a mindful manner may remove personal obstacles that interfere with empowerment in learning whether in a face to face, online, or hybrid learning environment. A dynamic integrative-holistic model that adapts in respect to advances in neuroscience and is anchored in educational methods that support inclusive and individualized learning may assist in the development of life long habits, percepts, skills and cogntions that support creative and critical thinking in students.
Pacic University
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Integrative Holistic Educaton: A Flexible Model to
Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Clarissa E. Ste$en Ed.D.
Pacic University / Western Oregon University
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Integrative Holistic Educaton: A Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of
Students in Our Post-Modal Society
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Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Integrative Holistic Education: A Flexible Model to Meet the Need of Students
in Our Post-Modal Society
Clare E Steffen, Ed.D.
Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR
Learning involves a relational process and for learning to be most effectively retained
information must have personal meaning. Educators intentionally target learning efforts to
include the acquisition of rote (factual and procedural) information along with relational learning
which is specific to people, situations, or events and can be associated in memory. In our post-
modal society, many educators are concerned as to whether or not students are most effectively
developing higher cortical or critical thinking skills. Combining rote and relational learning
offers a holistic approach with the intention of developing critical thinking skills. Eight
recognized educational models are combined to create a flexible integrative-holistic educational
model. Choice and the related cognitive skills are introduced from a three levels paradigm to
support the personal relevance aspect in learning. This holistic model recognizes the multiplicity
of brain function in respect to creating an adaptive learning environment. Choice is aligned with
freedom which is highly valued in Westernized Cultures. Targeting and neutralizing negative
cognitions and meta-messages that can interfere with learning can improve educational
outcomes. Moving the learner though a process that brings them to engage in choice in learning
in a mindful manner may remove personal obstacles that interfere with empowerment in learning
whether in a face to face, online, or hybrid learning environment. A dynamic integrative-holistic
model that adapts in respect to advances in neuroscience and is anchored in educational methods
that support inclusive and individualized learning may assist in the development of life long
habits, percepts, skills and cogntions that support creative and critical thinking in students.
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Integrative Holistic Education Model
Holism by its very nature focuses on the individual
personal point of view.
The concepts of holism consider the gestalt of the mind,
paradigm and the interaction for each individual in the context of the learning environment.
Although there may be a variety of educational programs or models that could be combined to
create a holistic model; the combination of the models
because they offer:
he development of higher cortical thinking skills
to executive functioning
Appreciation for
Learning occurs in academic settings in a
face, hybrid, and online education are less distinct; making this blended approach the new
tradition for learning. Students may expect more immediate methods to access information in
which deeper connecti
ons are made by simply clicking on a link. Many educators are left to
question as to whether or not students are actually developing t
patterns that lead to the development of higher critical thinking skills that support executi
functioning. In other words if those connections are instantly made for them do they process the
•Social and
of Choice
Design of
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Integrative Holistic Education Model
Holism by its very nature focuses on the individual
their approach to learning, and their
The concepts of holism consider the gestalt of the mind,
paradigm and the interaction for each individual in the context of the learning environment.
Although there may be a variety of educational programs or models that could be combined to
create a holistic model; the combination of the models
outlined here blend especially well
he development of higher cortical thinking skills
to executive functioning
the significance of relational learning
Learning occurs in academic settings in a
blended manner in which the lines between face to
face, hybrid, and online education are less distinct; making this blended approach the new
tradition for learning. Students may expect more immediate methods to access information in
ons are made by simply clicking on a link. Many educators are left to
question as to whether or not students are actually developing t
he underlying track
patterns that lead to the development of higher critical thinking skills that support executi
functioning. In other words if those connections are instantly made for them do they process the
•Highly Effective
of Choice
Habits of
Design of
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
their approach to learning, and their
The concepts of holism consider the gestalt of the mind,
body and spirit
paradigm and the interaction for each individual in the context of the learning environment.
Although there may be a variety of educational programs or models that could be combined to
outlined here blend especially well
blended manner in which the lines between face to
face, hybrid, and online education are less distinct; making this blended approach the new
tradition for learning. Students may expect more immediate methods to access information in
ons are made by simply clicking on a link. Many educators are left to
he underlying track
patterns that lead to the development of higher critical thinking skills that support executi
functioning. In other words if those connections are instantly made for them do they process the
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
connection in a relational way that provides meaning? There is also the question as to whether
or not these students are sufficiently challenged enough to develop creative thinking skills.
Integrative-Holistic Approach to Education:
Returning to the concept of holistic education; the premise here is to offer an approach that
significantly analyzes the aforementioned questions and sufficiently answers them by offering a
solution that provides an integrative approach. Each of the individual educational models will be
discussed to outline how they contribute to the total picture. In an effort to provide a sound
foundation that is designed to meet the needs of all students, at every level of academic
performance, the place to start is by reviewing Universal Design of Instruction (UDI). This
approach initially constructed by a group of architects, product designers, engineers, and
environmental design researchers at North Carolina State University found its way to the field of
education. The principles are not only aspirational but also speak to application: Equitable use,
Flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance of error, low
physical effort, and size and space for approach for use. When applied to design the principles
ensure respect for the needs of all learners. The guidelines are performance indicators that can
be applied to many products and environments to improve student accessibility and outcomes:
Class climate, interaction, physical environment and products, delivery methods, information
resources and technology, feedback, assessment, and accommodation. When followed and
practiced, the general guidelines ensure the methods applied will successfully address the needs
for each individual student.
With the ground work laid or foundational elements in place; a back-up plan is offered to
ensure the methods used are consciously meeting the educational goals in an efficient manner.
To address this piece one could look to the methods offered through Highly Effective Teaching
(HET). This approach is in essence a holistic model that takes into consideration the interactive
way in which students learn via the nine body-brain compatible elements within the paradigm:
Absence of threat/nurturing reflective thinking, meaningful content, and enriched environment,
movement to enhance learning, choices, adequate time, collaboration, immediate feedback, and
mastery (application).
With such a complete model one might suggest we simply stop here. Although that may be a
very acceptable solution this model in itself doesn’t fully address the fundamental or trace
elements of how to develop skills to the same degree of depth that the following models offer.
Perhaps the foundation for all the models that follow stems from the contributions of neuro-
science. This dynamic field is continually discovering and advancing which allows us the
experience a new understanding and appreciation of how we learn. Educators who keep abreast
of advances in neuro-science have the benefit of being able to address each student with
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Models are designed to help us understand the contributions of neuroscience and apply
research findings in a practical way. The work of Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences in
his own words has not been fully embraced. Despite his personal recognition of this, it doesn’t
diminish the contribution his work offered in considering that intelligence is more expansive
than discrete measures of verbal and mathematical abilities. The recognition of at least eight
forms of intelligence (verbal, mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and naturalistic) provides a broader perspective in which to view the individual.
According to Santrock, (2014), “Critics of this model argue that research on these approaches is
not well established,” (p. 314) . Despite criticism, this layer of the holistic education model
brings a deeper level of understanding in which to appreciate individual ability and approach
each student from a strength-based method.
The next model that builds off neuro-science is the work of Daniel Goleman on Social and
Emotional Intelligence. His work adds a richness to help us understand that we can never
remove culture and environmental factors from the picture in relating to each student. Beyond
the discrete ways in which we measure intelligence we may acquire a complex set of social skills
that allow us to function and thrive. Ideally, as educators we introduce our students to these
skills and support the development of skills that make up social and emotional intelligence to
allow for leadership in education, career development and other future endeavors.
The thread that runs through each of these models is neuro-science. The next approach
appears to be directly connected by highlighting the relationship between emotion, cognition,
and learning. Brain-Based Learning reminds us of the importance of targeting learning efforts
to directly impact the limbic system, so that information will be retained. Emotions cannot be
removed from the learning environment, or the context in which learning occurs. If our goal is
to assist students in transferring learning into long-term memory; we must recognize two regions
of the brain, the hippocampus and the amygdala. Both are located in the limbic area and both
play an important role in the processing of emotions and the transferring of information into
long-term storage.
All of the models mentioned are respectful of the degree to which the frontal lobe maintains
and manages executive functioning which is responsible for attention and concentration,
motivation, thinking, planning, decision-making, problem-solving, personality, emotions,
behavior, social behavior, self-awareness, judgment, expressive language, body movement, and
Again, you might pause and say we have the total picture but perhaps that might be premature.
The next proposed model is Habits of Mind. With concern that we not lose the art of critical
and creative thinking, Costa and Kallick researched to determine which traits or predispositions
were necessary to develop critical and creative thinking skills when confronted with problems to
solve. From this body of work, curriculum has been created to support the acquisition of these
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
skills in students. The habit
s are considered a composite of many skills, attitudes, and
lthough there is a place for rote learning, a
move learning from rote to long
accomplish this by emphasizing relational meaning within the context of learning
developing critical thinking. One way we might accomplish this is by introducing choice.
is always present whether acknowledged, or denied; howe
level allows increased freedom in learning.
Transferring Information in
• Factual
• Procedural
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
s are considered a composite of many skills, attitudes, and
lthough there is a place for rote learning, a
s teachers we generally
want to help student’s
term memory to increase retention
(Steffen, 2013)
accomplish this by emphasizing relational meaning within the context of learning
developing critical thinking. One way we might accomplish this is by introducing choice.
is always present whether acknowledged, or denied; howe
ver, bringing it to a conscious
level allows increased freedom in learning.
Transferring Information in
New Acquisition Learning
• Event
• Associative
• Abstract
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
s are considered a composite of many skills, attitudes, and
want to help student’s
(Steffen, 2013)
. We
accomplish this by emphasizing relational meaning within the context of learning
as we focus on
developing critical thinking. One way we might accomplish this is by introducing choice.
ver, bringing it to a conscious
New Acquisition Learning
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Combined Thinking to Build Brain Development
Cognitions of Choice © (Steffen, 2012) is a complimentary model to Habits of Mind. It offers a
network of neural programming that engages self-dialog between automatic thinking, critical
thinking, mindfulness, and integrated life-choices. It evokes an active process of resilience and a
healthy respect for self and one’s ability to learn. Cognitions are not just the thoughts we hold,
but incorporate the actions we take based upon these patterns of thinking. Cognitions connect to
our values and personality traits that create our neural hotwiring or programming that construct
our social perceptions and learning choices. Our cognitions guide our habits of being and life
philosophy. Choices can require a simple yes/no response or be complex and multifaceted. For
some individuals and for anyone in certain situations even the simplest choice can be difficult.
Choice is connected to a larger domain-making of behavioral skills related to decision-making.
Because choices are influenced by learning and a set of responses we store in our memory bank;
we can learn new responses and develop skills to create new choices. Many choices occur in
response to automatic thinking. If the individual’s automatic thoughts are negative and
unhealthy, it will limit their available options to choose and create a more satisfying response.
As the individual gains more freedom in their ability to make choices and knows more about
personal limits and boundaries; choice can be a more readily accessible skill. When the
individual become more familiar with the manner in which they engage in choice, make-
decisions, process information, and create options they have a wider range of responses available
Rote Relational Critical
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
to them. In time, the individual can be assisted in experiencing a higher level of comfort and
move away from a mechanical automatic response to choices that involve critical thinking at a
conscious level. Not all choices require deep critical processing; but when faced with decisions
that require this; the individual will feel more confident if they trust their ability to make choices
accurately with confidence and efficiently.
Choice is aligned with freedom which is highly valued in Western Culture. When an
individual has freedom to choose they are less likely to experience anxiety or depressive
symptoms. Trusting one’s skill and ability to choose may result in a higher level of confidence.
Accessing critical thinking generates a wider range of choices which is the stated intent or
purpose in acquiring skills to generate confidence in the development of new choice thinking
skills. Cognitions of choice are used to neutralize negative self-defeating cognitions that
interfere with self-harmony and creating holistic balance. These cognitions not only offer
patterns of thinking that may be deeply programmed or engrained at the level of core identity,
but also offer intuitive guideposts for making healthier choices. If they are not already present
within the parameters of thought, with practice they can be taught at varying levels of cognitions
and become a part of the integrated life filter or functional force as a means of offering
psychological immunity.
A three tiers level approach is offered which involves a step process toward deeper critical
thinking that are social memories, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and underlying beliefs that can
be learned or are the result of feedback and perceptions. Thoughts and feelings (cognitions)
influence underlying beliefs and behavioral choices. It is these cognitions that drive the belief
structures that influence beliefs and behaviors; therefore, the interest in exploring the
individual’s cognitions of choice. These choices are made from a composite of life experiences
the individual has integrated into their definition of self or identity. Some choices are healthy
others may be unhealthy and can influence the perception of self, empowerment, and view of
position in the world.
Level one choices focus on specific cognitive-behavioral skill. This option is to move from
fear-driven response patterns toward assertive engagement which result in congruency between
thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and underlying belief structures. The goal at this level is to create
congruency and a more open channel in which choice making can be experienced. At Level two
the individual is moving away from automatic negative response patterns they engage with a
healthier perspective or positive psychological thought process. The goal of level two is to build
resiliency in the individual to allow them to experience movement in creating choice at a
conscious level. At level three the individual consciously focuses on aspirational goals that
transcend previous perceptions that caused fear, anxiety, or limitations. The goal is to move
toward a collective consciousness with respect for self and all living things.
Each of the lower levels one and two is a fundamental building block toward level three. Not
all learning choices require level three thinking; however, accessing critical thinking at a wider
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
range of response allows for a broader locus of control for th
and make a choice (timing) can be the difference between having a desired outcome and a door
closing on an opportunity. The more an individual is armed with the information about their
choice making ability, and they pra
confident they will become and the better they will be at making choice. Knowing when to pull
back can prevent someone from becoming over
and have a clear sense of one’
s ability may
model to apply in situations that evoke choice making may assist the individual in assessing the
situation, consider the required level of choice, and determine whether or not a d
choice needs to be made.
Critical Thinking in the Development of Choice
This finalizes the proposed integrative holistic education model. Each of the pieces within
the model contributes
to the total picture in a significant way. As the model is dynamic, as is the
field of neuro-
science which is at the foundation of the model; it may change and grow in time as
new advances in neuroscience are discovered that may require amendment to the
concept of holism
and the integration of mind
model that is respectful and recognizes inclusion, both at an aspirational and practical level along
with the importance of focusing on individua
multiplicity of brain-
function in respect to creating an adaptive learning environment. The
model provides the t
ools to develop life
Level 1
•Fear Reduction
Skills Development/Working Through Unconscious Messages
Level 2
Development of Positive Psychology/Working Through the Meta Messages
Level 3
Conscious Thinking/Mindfulness and Integration
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
range of response allows for a broader locus of control for th
e individual. Knowing when to act
and make a choice (timing) can be the difference between having a desired outcome and a door
closing on an opportunity. The more an individual is armed with the information about their
choice making ability, and they pra
ctice and rehearse the skills of choice making, the more
confident they will become and the better they will be at making choice. Knowing when to pull
back can prevent someone from becoming over
whelmed. We are often bombarded by choices;
s ability may
eliminate unwanted stress or anxiety. Having a
model to apply in situations that evoke choice making may assist the individual in assessing the
situation, consider the required level of choice, and determine whether or not a d
Critical Thinking in the Development of Choice
This finalizes the proposed integrative holistic education model. Each of the pieces within
to the total picture in a significant way. As the model is dynamic, as is the
science which is at the foundation of the model; it may change and grow in time as
new advances in neuroscience are discovered that may require amendment to the
and the integration of mind
spirit is stable. What is offered is a dynamic
model that is respectful and recognizes inclusion, both at an aspirational and practical level along
with the importance of focusing on individua
zed learning. The model also recognizes the
function in respect to creating an adaptive learning environment. The
ools to develop life
-long habit
s that support critical and creative thinking
Skills Development/Working Through Unconscious Messages
Development of Positive Psychology/Working Through the Meta Messages
Conscious Thinking/Mindfulness and Integration
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post
e individual. Knowing when to act
and make a choice (timing) can be the difference between having a desired outcome and a door
closing on an opportunity. The more an individual is armed with the information about their
ctice and rehearse the skills of choice making, the more
confident they will become and the better they will be at making choice. Knowing when to pull
whelmed. We are often bombarded by choices;
eliminate unwanted stress or anxiety. Having a
model to apply in situations that evoke choice making may assist the individual in assessing the
situation, consider the required level of choice, and determine whether or not a d
ecision of
Critical Thinking in the Development of Choice
This finalizes the proposed integrative holistic education model. Each of the pieces within
to the total picture in a significant way. As the model is dynamic, as is the
science which is at the foundation of the model; it may change and grow in time as
new advances in neuroscience are discovered that may require amendment to the
model. The
spirit is stable. What is offered is a dynamic
model that is respectful and recognizes inclusion, both at an aspirational and practical level along
zed learning. The model also recognizes the
function in respect to creating an adaptive learning environment. The
s that support critical and creative thinking
Development of Positive Psychology/Working Through the Meta Messages
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
skills. Finally, the model offers a neural network of skills involved in the development of choice
in learning. A three level approach to the development of choice is provided in recognition of
the differences in functioning with learners.
The ultimate objective is to offer a learning environment that is flexible and speaks to all
learners in an inviting way. The idea of assisting the learner and taking them past any personal
obstacles to a place of empowerment is the goal. Whether we teach or learn face to face, online
or in a hybrid method is no longer the question; we are existing in academic environments in
which post-modal have become the norm.
This integrative and holistic approach to learning borrows from psychology, education, and
neuroscience. Bringing relational learning to the forefront within the learning environment is
key. This cannot be over-looked because we must reach the limbic area of students’ brains for
learning to be meaningful and retained. There is no one solution as to how we propose to
accomplish this all important task. The learning must be reciprocal and involves active
interaction between teacher and student. This whole person approach to learning encourages
supportive development and is a preliminary effort to voice the need for integrative holistic
education. Choice in education and life equates to freedom to explore, develop, and create. The
desired outcome is vision and empowerment in the learner.
Learners who view their ability to learn as life-long and continuously tend to be more
resilient. If we want to launch students that are given the tools to be flexible in life, we need to
model flexibility in our teaching methods and learning environments. This can best be achieved
by crafting educational models that promote the tenets found by gleaning an integrative holistic
educational model that most closely fits the needs of today’s students who exist and learn in a
post-modal society.
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
1 Burgstahler, S (2012). Equal access: Universal Design of Instruction. Seattle: DO-IT,
University of Washington.
2. Burgstahler, S. (2013). Universal Design of Instruction (UDI): Definition, Principles,
Guidelines, and Examples.
3. Costa, A., & Kallick, B. (2008). Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential
Characteristics for Success. VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
4. Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
5. Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam.
6. Goleman, D. (1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
7. Kovalik, S. J. (2013). Nine BodyBrain-Compatible Elements of HET Model.
8. Santrock, J.W. (2014). Lifespan Development (14th Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.
9. Sousa, D. A. (2011). How the Brain Learns 4th Ed. California: Corwin/A Sage Company.
10. Steffen (2012). Cogntions of Choice/New Choice Thinking. Retrieved May 25, 2013 from
11. Steffen, Clarissa. (2013). “Universal Design of Instruction and Cognitions of Choice: an
Integrated Approach to Teaching.” Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR. September 2013.
Proceeding from: 2013 Annual Conference Classrooms Without Boundaries: Teaching and
Learning in the Postmodal World.
Integrative Holistic Education: a Flexible Model to Meet the Needs of Students in Our Post-Modal
Society, Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. 2013
Full-text available
Description Having the ability to exercise critical thinking at a conscious level of choice versus impulsively responding may support the difference between health and continued substance misuse during periods of vulnerability. Cognitions of Choice offers twenty-four critical thinking skills that are connected to three levels of developmental choice that engages self-dialog between automatic thinking, meta-thinking, and conscious thought patterns. By the time many individuals make their way into treatment and recovery programs the likelihood of their presenting with physical disabilities and mental health conditions is heightened. Incorporating the principles of Universal Design into program development allows for full access for all participants. Abstract:
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This article introduces the reader to how the universal design framework can be applied to make teaching and learning resources and practices fully inclusive of students with disabilities.
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This brief discusses how faculty can use principles of universal design to maximize the learning of all college students, including students with disabilities. Principles of universal design are first explained, including: equitable use, flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and size and space for approach and use. The brief then lists examples of instructional methods that employ principles of universal design and make course content and activities accessible to people with a wide range of abilities: (1) inclusiveness, which creates a classroom environment that respects and values diversity; (2) physical access, which assures that classrooms, labs, and field work are accessible to individuals with a wide range of physical abilities and disabilities; (3) delivery methods and alternate delivery methods, which includes lecture, discussion, hands-on activities, Internet-based interaction, and field work; (4) information access, which uses captioned videotapes; (5) interaction, which encourages different ways for students to interact with each other and faculty; (6) feedback, which provides effective prompting during an activity and feedback after the assignment is complete; and (7) demonstration of knowledge, which provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate knowledge. A list of 17 resources on universal design is provided. (CR)
Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential Characteristics for Success. VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
  • A Costa
  • B Kallick
Costa, A., & Kallick, B. (2008). Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential Characteristics for Success. VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Nine BodyBrain-Compatible Elements of HET Model
  • S J Kovalik
Kovalik, S. J. (2013). Nine BodyBrain-Compatible Elements of HET Model.
Lifespan Development (14 th Ed)
  • J W Santrock
Santrock, J.W. (2014). Lifespan Development (14 th Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Cogntions of Choice/New Choice Thinking
  • Steffen
Steffen (2012). Cogntions of Choice/New Choice Thinking. Retrieved May 25, 2013 from