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The relationships between leisure and happiness-A graphic elicitation method

  • Academy of Leisure Schoolo of Philosophy Zhejiang University

Abstract and Figures

This study aims to explore the intrinsic relationship between leisure and happiness through a graphic elicitation method. Drawings of three happiest moments and descriptions of them were collected among 132 college students in a course from 2015 to 2017 in a key university in eastern China. When, where, why and with whom do they feel the happiest, and what activities make them feel the happiest were analyzed. Then, leisure elements and implied psychological factors bringing happiness were interpreted. The study reveals that the happiest moments are closely related to leisure time, leisure space and leisure activities. Relaxation, tranquility, achievement, autonomy, relatedness and interest are identified as significant mechanisms bringing happiness. Practical suggestions are made to improve people’s leisure participation and thereby happiness. © 2019
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The relationships between leisure and happiness-A graphic
elicitation method
Huimei Liu
and Shuyang Da
Department of Philosophy, Asia Pacic Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China;
School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
This study aims to explore the intrinsic relationship between leisure and
happiness through a graphic elicitation method. Drawings of three hap-
piest moments and descriptions of them were collected among 132
college students in a course from 2015 to 2017 in a key university in
eastern China. When, where, why and with whom do they feel the
happiest, and what activities make them feel the happiest were analyzed.
Then, leisure elements and implied psychological factors bringing happi-
ness were interpreted. The study reveals that the happiest moments are
closely related to leisure time, leisure space and leisure activities.
Relaxation, tranquility, achievement, autonomy, relatedness and interest
are identied as signicant mechanisms bringing happiness. Practical
suggestions are made to improve peoples leisure participation and
thereby happiness.
Received 9 June 2018
Accepted 21 January 2019
Leisure; happiness; graphic
Happiness, which reects peoples cognition and evaluation of their life in a relatively stable way,
has been examined in terms of economics, sociology and psychology (Diener, 1984; Diener &
Lucas, 2000; Diener & Ryan, 2009). It is also increasingly considered as the proper measure of
social progress and the goal of public policy (World Happiness Report, 2017). Being so important,
it has been measured by various institutions across regions and countries. The general happiness
status has been commonly measured by life evaluation questions on a rating scale, such as
Personal Wellbeing Index, Cantril ladder, satisfaction with life, and happiness with life (Lau,
Cummins, & McPherson, 2005).
Similarly, Chinese peoples happiness was measured by surveys such as Report on Well-being
Index in China and China General Social Survey (CGSS), measuring the national well-being with
regard to economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions. It is generally conceived that
the social and political transition in China brought greater happiness to the people, as personal
income was raised by a more ecient allocation of resources and increased incentives for private
investment (Easterlin, Morgan, Switek, & Wang, 2012; Wei, Huang, Stodolska, & Yu, 2015).
However, what particularly brings happiness to Chinese people can be hardly measured or
reported. Thus, the question that we focus on in this paper is what their happiest moments are,
instead of how happy they are.
With the substantial relationship between leisure and better life being acknowledged
(Jackson, 2009), Chinese people are taking an increasing interest in pursuing better life and
awidervarietyofleisureactivities(Lu&Hu,2005). In contemporary China, however, despite
CONTACT Huimei Liu
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
of the continuously growing leisure consumption, the average leisure time of Chinese people
falls to 2.27 hours per day, and leisure space is still inadequate (The Chinas Economic Life
Survey, 2018). Although the positive roles of leisure time, leisure space and leisure activities in
happiness have been proved (e.g. Wei et al., 2015), they are not in sucient supply, and in
what way do these leisure elements inuence well-being has been ignored and is worth of
exploration. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the leisure scholarship by providing an
insight into the specic relationship between leisure and happiness for Chinese people (e.g.
Chinese college students).
Literature review
Happiness is relatively a long-standing notion that can be traced back to the ancient China. Lao
tzu, the founder of Taoism, believed that happiness lies in Tao, namely being desireless and
satisfactory with simple life. Taoism emphasizes that happiness can be pursued by tranquility,
peace of mind, and the beauty of nature (Liu, Li, Iwasaki, Onda, & Lee, 2016). Two hundred years
later, in the ancient Greece, Aristotle also enshrines happiness as a major purpose of life and
a goal in itself, drawing an analogy between leading a happy life and a virtuous life. Later on,
rather than leading a morally good life, happiness is regarded as leading a satisfying life (Nawijn &
Veenhoven, 2013). According to the livability theory developed by Veenhoven (2014), happiness
is assumed to be the outcome of the gratication of needs, as facilitated by the actual living
conditions. It is the degree to which an individual judges the overall quality of his own life as
a whole favorably (Veenhoven, Ehrhardt, Ho, & de Vries, 1993).
Research on well-being falls into two traditions namely, hedonism and eudaimonism. The
hedonistic tradition focuses on the presence of positive aect and the absence of negative aect,
while the eudaimonic tradition focuses on living in a full and deeply satisfying way. Although the
concept of happiness, being frequently used interchangeably with subjective well-being, has
typically been aligned with the hedonic view, it has sometimes been broadened to encompass
both views (Deci & Ryan, 2008; Waterman, Schwartz, & Conti, 2008). Therefore, happiness is
often considered synonymous with subjective well-being and life satisfaction (Carr, 2011; Sheldon
& Lyubomirsky, 2004). There is no unanimity over the content, denition and measures of
happiness (Agbo & Ome, 2017) with some researchers considering indicators of subjective well-
being, aect, quality of life denoting happiness (Easterlin, 2004). The account of wellbeing can be
measured empirically with its three components, including evaluative, experience and eudemo-
nia(Dolan & Metcalfe, 2012). Nevertheless, the measures can merely reect the level of happi-
ness, neglecting the contents of it. Although there may be some agreement about the important
components of good life, such as health and successful relationships, individuals are likely to
assign dierent weights to these components (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Grin, 1985), such as
income (e.g. Wang, 2011), work (e.g. Warr, 2007), leisure (e.g. Lloyd & Auld, 2002), etc.
The recent studies on Chinese peoples happiness are mainly around ve domains: health,
family, work, social relations and natural environment (Liu, 2006). Lu (2001) conceptualizes
Chinese happiness from three dierent philosophical perspectives: Confucianism, Taoism, and
Buddhism. While Confucianism regards happiness as achieving moral greatness in constant self-
cultivation, Taoism considers happiness to be derived from following Tao; the Great Natural
Force.In Buddhism, happiness is deemed to be found in the other world after nirvana(Lu, 2001;
Wei et al., 2015). The factors inuencing Chinese peoples happiness were also explored, with nine
sources identied (Lu & Shih, 1997), which were corroborated in a follow-up study (Lu, 2001) as:
(a) being loved and cared for by signicant others, (b) material abundance, (c) health, (d) self-
actualization, and (e) being at peace. For dierent groups of Chinese people, Lu (2001) concluded
that: the conditions that people perceive as conducive to happiness are rather similar across age/
cohort and cultural groups. Davey, Chen, and Lau (2009) also revealed that the satisfaction levels
of rural residents were within the normative range for the Chinese population.
Leisure was rst systematically discussed by Aristotle (Newman, Tay, & Diener, 2014), who stated
that leisure is more important than work for the pleasure and happiness it provides in life (Aristotle,
1998, Politics, VIII, III), which is something nal and self-sucient, and is the end of the action
(Aristotle, 1980, Nichomachean Ethics, I, VII). In western academia, leisure has been primarily
viewed as a measure of time, as a container of activity, and in terms of meaning(Jackson, 2005,p.3),
either independently or in combination. Liu and Wu (2012) summarized the basic meanings of
leisure embedded in various cultures in three categories: free time (e.g. Brightbill, 1960), an activity
taking place in leisure time (e.g. Dumazedier, 1974), and an experience or state of mind (e.g. Pieper,
In Chinese, leisure most closely corresponds to two Chinese characters, Xiu Xian, which means
a person leaning against a tree, connoting being free and unoccupied (Liu, Yeh, Chick, & Zinn,
2008). The wisdom of leisure has also long been rooted in Chinese culture and philosophy.
Leisure is, in fact a very important component of traditional Chinese culture, closely related to
philosophy, aesthetics, literature and the arts, and practices of health and wellness (Gong, 2013,
p. 1). Chinese leisure has also been tremendously impacted by the traditional philosophies,
including Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism emphasizes that the rights of the individual
are subordinate to those of the group for social harmony (Liu et al., 2016), which can be
interpreted in terms of interdependent self-construal(Markus & Kitayama, 1991). The type of
self-construal impacts ones emotions, cognitions, and behaviors including, and perhaps espe-
cially, during leisure (Walker, 2010; Walker, Deng, & Dieser, 2005), and is thereby instrumental in
understanding Chinese peoples leisure choices. Chinese people are more likely to view leisure as
an important means of maintaining relatedness and harmony among family, friends and relatives,
rather than self-growth or being one-self (Liu & Walker, 2014). The preference of low-arousal
emotions of Chinese people (Tsai, Knutson, & Fung, 2006) determines their choices of passive
leisure activities (Yu & Berryman, 1996), such as Taichi (a martial art), mahjong (Deng & Liu,
2012) and visiting parks (Chang & Card, 1992).
Leisure and happiness
The notion that leisure leads to happiness gains increasing support from scholars worldwide (e.g.
Hills & Argyle, 1998; Liu & Yu, 2015; Stebbins & Liu, 2012). Kelly (1996) even suggested that an
individuals leisure may have more impact on the quality of life than any other area of behavior
and experience. Studies have conrmed that leisure is an indispensible part of human life and
contributes to the acquisition of happiness (Argyle, 1999; Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2004; Tkach &
Lyubomirsky, 2006). Extant studies have documented the positive relationship between partici-
pating in leisure activities and improved quality of life (Baldwin & Tinsley, 1988; Cracolici,
Cuaro, & Nijkamp, 2010; Lloyd & Auld, 2002). More recently, Modi (2017) claimed that leisure
is widely considered as the fountainhead of all happiness.
Among the existing studies that have explored the relationship between leisure and happiness,
most of them employed quantitative methods. Both the quantity and the quality of leisure were
empirically veried as important determinants of leisure satisfaction and leisure time was proved
to be one of the main sources of utility for well-being (Bonke et al., 2009). Moreover, it has been
further stated that dierent leisure activities have dierent impacts on happiness, as some are
associated with a higher level of happiness (e.g. listening to music, meeting with friends and
travelling) and others with a decreased level of happiness (e.g. spending time on the Internet)
(Schmiedeberg & Schröder, 2017; Schulz, Schulte, Raube, Disouky, & Kandler, 2017; Wang &
Wong, 2014). However, specically how do leisure time and leisure activities inuence happiness
remain inadequately explored.
In the context of China, happiness is also suggested to be signicantly positively correlated with
leisure (e.g. Liu & Stebbins, 2014; Liu & Yu, 2015; Wang & Wong, 2014). Spiers & Walker (2009)
found that overall leisure satisfaction signicantly aected happiness and happiness was positively
correlated with personal relationships for Chinese Canadians. In a study of university students in
Taiwan, Lu and Hu (2002) found that leisure had short-term benets, including positive mood,
physical tness and better structuring of time, as well as long-term eect on happiness. Based on
the above research, our paper adopted a graphic elicitation method aiming to explore more
specic features between leisure and happiness in China.
Research method
Graphic elicitation
Diverse research methods have been adopted to explore the relationship between leisure and
happiness, such as surveying, interviewing and experience sampling (Kleiber, Walker, & Mannell,
2011), most of which rely on language as the privileged medium for data collection (Bagnoli, 2009).
However, our daily experience is made of a multiplicity of dimensions, which include images and
senses (Eisner, 2008). Recent attention has been given to less common methods based on visual
methods that include photo-elicitation and analysis of the photographs and drawings people create to
express their leisure experiences(Kleiber et al., 2011, p. 54), which provide a exible and interactive
way to present experiences and situations, as well as adierent kind of data that repositions research
questions in ways that verbal information is not able to do(Stewart & Floyd, 2004,p.445).
Graphic elicitation is a visual method based on drawings that are either produced by research-
ers or participants (Bagnoli, 2009; Prosser & Loxley, 2008) as visual representations of concepts,
experiences, beliefs, or behaviors (Copeland & Agosto, 2012). Text descriptions are elicited by
drawings, which facilitate participants to organize and share their experiences. Graphic elicitation
techniques can be especially useful in helping participants to express complex or abstract ideas or
opinions that are dicult to capture via interviews alone (Crilly, Blackwell, & Clarkson, 2006).
Drawings, as a type of visual image, are more removed from reality and have the potential to allow
people to express their perceptions, feelings, and the meanings they associate with leisure.(Kleiber
et al., 2011, p. 96) Photos record merely what really happened, while those in the drawings may
happen in the past, at present or in the future, being real or imagined. The moments hardly recorded
by photos, like swimming or taking a shower, can be easily displayed in drawings. Drawings surface
unspoken thoughts and feelings(Kearney & Hyle, 2004, p. 362), and better empower the participants.
Despite the commonly identied drawbacks, including time requirements for data analysis, partici-
pants resistance to more involved drawing requirements, diculty in categorization, subjective
interpretation (Stiles, 2004), and the risk of decontextualization (Copeland & Agosto, 2012), there
is widespread agreement that drawing techniques are helpful in triangulating data, are useful for
eliciting data related to emotions and emotional experiences, and when combined with non-graphic
techniques, yield deeper, more complex data(Copeland & Agosto, 2012, p. 517). Although photo
elicitation has been successfully applied to analyze the way people make sense of leisure or leisure
preferences (e.g. Brown, Richards, Daniel, & King, 1989; Genoe & Dupuis, 2013;Hallman&Benbow,
2007), graphic elicitation has seldom been adopted in leisure research. Thus, this paper innovatively
explored the relation between leisure and happiness with graphic elicitation techniques.
Research process
Drawings were collected from undergraduate students in an English course from 2015 to 2017 in
akey university in eastern China. Purpose sampling was used and 132 students were invited to
participate. Instructions are given as follows:
Please draw three pictures showing your three happiest scenarios. You can either have already
experienced them before, or you are experiencing them now or would like to experience in the
future. Please do not worry about your drawing skills.
Three drawings were then elicited from each participant to show their happiest moments.
Afterwards, they are invited to describe their drawings orally. Please describe your three scenarios
to your deskmate as detailed as possible. Meanwhile, please record your deskmates description.
The drawings were permitted by the participants to be printed and all the materials collected were
consented to be utilized for research.
After collection, the oral descriptions were transcribed and analyzed in conjunction with the
drawings, following Berges(2007) six steps for analyzing qualitative data. First, the drawings were
stored in the form of photo and the oral descriptions were made into text; secondly, codes were
analytically developed, inductively identied, and axed to the content; later, codes were trans-
formed into categorical themes, including when, where, what, with whom and why; after that,
materials were sorted by those categories. Then, by identifying similar phrases, patterns, relation-
ships, commonalities or dierences, the sorted materials were examined to isolate meaningful
patterns and processes. Finally, the patterns were considered in light of previous research themes
and a summary was made. Each drawing, together with its corresponding description, involving
single or multi aspects, is thoroughly examined to explore the participantsconceptualization of
happiness and how it is connected with leisure.
Despite the interpersonal dierences of the contents, 129 out of 132 participants consider leisure
activities as at least one of their happiest moments and 225 out of 396 paintings have leisure
elements, accounting for 64% of the sample size. By coding, the mechanisms linking leisure with
happiness, including relaxation, tranquility, autonomy, achievement, relatedness and enjoyment,
are interlinked with each other and cannot be sundered.
What are their happiest moments?
Experiences of happiness, in most cases, are the product of several interacting factors, which
merge together to make an eect. The scenarios are decomposed into when, where, what and with
whom to get a better understanding of the happiest moments for Chinese people and the
embedded leisure elements.
When do people feel the happiest?
The drawings related with time bear leisure elements. Ireally enjoy reading outside and bathing in
the sun during a sunny winter afternoon.As what is quoted, the happiest moments of participants
are closely related to leisure time, such as a sunny afternoon, summer vacation of university years,
a sunny, warm and stress-free day, or quiet evenings. In leisure time, they participate in leisure
activities and obtain experiences that lead to happiness. Other happiest moments may also be
a signicant moment in life.
Most of those moments are away from work and free from obligation (e.g. Figures 1 and 2),
and provide meaningful and satisfying experience, which correspond to the denition of leisure.
Where do happiest moments happen?
The places in the drawings can be mainly classied into three types. The rst is where social bonds
take place with others, including home, classroom and dormitory. These places provide peaceful
and relaxing leisure experiences for families, friends, and relatives.
My whole family stay together watching TV, chatting, roaming around, etc. After I enter into college, I stay
away from home for most time, so the time with family is very precious.
In the quote above, the participant particularly enjoys staying at home with his families.
The second type refers to public areas including beaches, parks and lawns, which provide
opportunities to get rid of pressure and be exposed to the nature.
Figure 1. Watching doctor whoas a happiest moment.
Figure 2. Lying on the beach as a happiest moment.
Figure 3. Having a personal studio as a happiest moment.
As depicted in Figure 2, the drawing exhibits the scene that a participant is lying on the beach
in a charming and relaxing spot, enjoying the scenery and relaxing without disturbance.
Another type is places of ones own, varying from a café, a ower shop, to a studio and a house
(e.g. Figure 3). In those places, leisure activities help to perceive control, freedom and indepen-
dence, which devotes to greater satisfaction with life.
The last one is a personal space. I have been fond of those artistic things since I was young
and I want to produce my own works.A personal studio is drawn with a palette, a drawing board
and some other art tools in it. The drawer expresses his willingness to do design of his own, make
crafts or painting without any other disturbance. In his drawing, a personal space is delineated for
leisure activity, which ensures freedom and self-autonomy.
What are they doing at the happiest moments?
Leisure activities account for most of the happiest moments according to the drawings. Traveling,
eating delicious foods, chatting, listening to music, doing sports, reading and shopping are the
most common leisure activities that trigger happiness. Those activities help people relax and
recover from the hectic life.
The majority of participants regard leisure activities other than work as their happiest
moments. Happiness is obtained through rest, which enables recuperation from anxiety and
exhaustion from work, and can be represented by lying on the beach and bathing in the sunshine,
as shown in Figures 2 and 4.
Strolling, as a typical leisure activity, frequently occurs in the drawings, which can be
shown particularly in Figure 5, in which the three happiest scenarios in life are all strolling.
The respondent says When I was young, the happiest moment was to go out for a stroll with
my parents hand in hand. Now, the happiest moment is to stroll with my girlfriend hand in
hand. In the future, my happiest moment will be to stroll with my wife and our child hand in
Eating also frequently appears in the drawings.
As shown in Figures 6 and 7, respondents enjoy delicacies instead of lling their hungry
stomachs. Moreover, many of them share the delicacies with their families and friends.
By participating in some leisure activities, people obtain pure enjoyment derived from their
interests. As shown in Figure 8, the participant draws headsets and reports that she is interested in
all kinds of music, soft music, rock and roll, pop music, blues, etc. People may obtain pleasure
when pursuing their hobbies. Passions come along with interests facilitate the generation of
Learning is considered leisure activity for some participants. These leisure activities encompass
intellectually stimulating tasks, such as playing chess and learning a foreign language, or physical
challenges, such as playing a ball game and training for a marathon. In Figure 9, the participant
spares his free time to learn Japanese through which he enjoys his own time and masters a new
Whom do they stay with when they feel the happiest?
In the drawings collected, the characters can also be categorized into two kinds. The rst kind of
participants is in need of companion and aection. The people who accompany them are the
loved ones, ranging from family members to friends as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 11 explicitly reveals the importance of social bonds that the picture does not concern
about what the participant is doing, but emphasizes the companions whom he is staying with. The
way aliation is related to leisure can be revealed by Figure 12.
As shown in Figure 12, traveling with a friend or her boy friend is considered as one of the
happiest moments.
Other participants are being accustomed to be separated from others and pay attention to their
own abilities, traits, preferences and wishes. Their drawings show the mechanism of autonomy, as
they portray their happiest moments as staying alone, enjoying freedom and solitude.
For instance, Figure 13 portrays a person walking on a little path under the streetlight. The
imaginary self feels at ease when staying alone and nds serenity in the inner heart. In spite of
being alone and wandering, he does not feel lonely, instead, he owes satisfaction and happiness
from solitude and freedom.
Why do they feel the happiest at these moments?
Both the drawings and the follow-up oral descriptions reveal the psychological mechanisms
that connect leisure with happiness. Rarely does a mechanism function as a single direct
cause. The major reasons provided by participants are decomposed and listed as follows.
In most of the drawings, pressure is eliminated and troubles are thrown away. Relaxation is
the most common reason provided by the participants when explaining their feeling of
happiness, which can be shown in the following quotes.
Figure 4. Reading, bathing and eating as happiest moments.
Figure 5. Strolling as happiest moments.
Figure 6. Enjoying delicacies as a happiest moment.
Its a good way to escape from the life burden, without the constant bothering of distracting thoughts.
Everyone is so relaxed. Everyone also refuses to think about our troubles and setbacks, and this brings me
happiness. Because I am very tired these days, I really want to have a vocation to release my pressure without
worries and sorrows.
Figure 7. Sharing foods with others as happiest moments.
Figure 8. Enjoying listening music as a happiest moment.
Figure 9. Learning Japanese as a happiest moment.
Figure 10. Staying with family or friends as happiest moments.
Figure 11. Staying with family or friends as happiest moments.
Having a short break and being detached from work and study leads to relaxation and recovery,
and therefore happiness.
Though overcoming challenges, personal skills are bettered, bringing sense of fulllment.
Accomplishment for achieving ones dream or goal will bring happiness. Specically, oer from
an ideal university or company makes people happy, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 12. Staying with the loved ones as happiest moments.
Figure 13. Walking alone at night as a happiest moment.
The respondent depicts his drawings as follows:
The rst situation I feel the happiest is that when I receive the acceptance notication from the University
I have applied for. I, for the rst time, have understood the feeling of having passed the national
examinationin ancient China.
In traditional Chinese culture, young scholars took part in the imperial examinations after years of
studying, and the success in examinations could bring fame, positions and wealth. This idea
continues to inuence the people in modern China.
Most of the participants regard the time spent with signicant others as their happiest
moments. The companions may be family members, relatives and friends. Like what is
shown in the following quotes, social activities meet our need for relatedness, which produce
Friends will always have something to discuss and laugh at, just like reaching the consensus of our spirits. The rst
image shows that my parents, my grandparents, my puppy and I have a large house, large garden to live together,
because I think the time I stay with my family is the best time in my life, I really love my family members.
Interpersonal relatedness is an indispensible psychological mechanism when pursuing happiness.
All the three happiest scenarios in Figure 5 indicate the function of relatedness in happiness.
Instead of walking alone, the participant prefer going for a stroll with his beloved ones, which
shows his desire for interpersonal attachments.
Autonomy refers to the ability or opportunity to make decisions without being controlled or
disturbed by anyone else. In leisure studies, autonomy is usually viewed as a necessary requisite of
leisure, which is also proved in the following quotes.
The second one shows a free state. No control and no force. I like the mental condition while I focus on my
study. I am very concentrated and I can get away from the things outside.
Figure 14. Being admitted to the ideal university as a happiest moment.
A free state of mind helps to acquire happiness. People fulll their autonomy through doing their
own things and enjoying freedom.
Inner peace can bring happiness. People cherish the love and passion for nature, for music, for
literature, or for arts. Leisure activities which can bring tranquility, like listening to music,
strolling in the park and reading, help to pursue inner peace, and thereby, happiness.
I want to practice my ability of speaking none and living by self. If we do not speak at all, we may have
a moment of tranquility. That is my denition of happiness, tranquility inside.
Tranquility also acts as a mediating factor associating religious activities like prayer or meditation,
with happiness. Our study, however, does not experiment on students with religious beliefs.
By participating in some leisure activities, people obtain pure enjoyment out of their interests.
I want to go to my favorite singers concert to enjoy his song and recall my childhood memory. I love music
so music can give me the sense of happiness. I love to travel around to meet dierent people in dierent
culture. I want to communicate with them and exchange our ideas and values.
This mechanism cannot be ignored since it plays an important role in most leisure activities. Some
may listen to music when they are busy, so relaxation and recovery are not the only reasons why
listening music helps perceive happiness. As a matter of fact, they are exposed to the aesthetic
world, being in a state of enjoyment which provides happiness.
Other mechanisms like compensation also contribute to the perception of happiness. As few
participants reported, when people obtain what they dont have or lack, they feel the happiest.
Some participants stated that faith and beliefs could bring them happiness. The source of
happiness varies with each individual and changes over time.
This study aims at testifying the internal relation between leisure and happiness through
a qualitative way, taking into consideration the results of various quantitative studies and theories
depicting the mechanisms leading leisure to happiness.
In line with the previous studies, the results from the pictures portrayed by the participants and
their oral descriptions indicate that leisure is signicantly and positively correlated to happiness.
The role of place in the context of leisure experience (Kyle & Chick, 2007) is essential in obtaining
leisure satisfaction, while leisure constraints (e.g. time constraints and psychological constraints)
aect leisure satisfaction negatively (Chick et al., 2016), which consequently inuences happiness.
This paper unravels the leisure elements contained in the pictures, including leisure time, leisure
spaces and leisure activities, and reveals the psychological mechanisms linking leisure to happiness
hidden in the drawings.
Leisure time and space contribute to the perception of happiness
Leisure has been identied in various ways such as time not occupied by paid or unpaid work or
personal chores and obligations (e.g. Roberts, 1999; Sonnentag, 2001), preferred activities pursued
during free time for their own sake, fun, entertainment, or self-improvement (Argyle, 1996), and
free time which allows the mind to contemplate physical and spiritual realities (Pieper, 1998). Ma
(2000) suggested that the generation of leisure time is not only the internal requirement of leisure,
but also a kind of social wealth and the symbol of social progress. In our ndings, happiness is
mostly related to time, being discretionary and unoccupied by work, namely leisure time.
In addition, leisure spaces protect peoples leisure rights and satisfy their leisure needs (Ma,
2004). Grounded in memory, experience and social relations (Kyle & Chick, 2007), the meanings
tied to leisure place do facilitate gaining happiness. In this paper, most of the places in the pictures
are leisure places.
Leisure time and leisure spaces, which help meet the growing cultural and spiritual needs,
become increasingly important, and enriching peoples leisure life has been of universal
The culture-shaped leisure choices in the perception of happiness
Most previous studies hold that Chinese people mainly obtain happiness through passive leisure
activities (e.g. watching TV, reading a newspaper), as reected by Taoism, while active leisure
activities (e.g. exercising, socializing, shopping) do not contribute to happiness in China (Wei
et al., 2015). Our study veries that passive leisure activities which emphasize on relaxation and
tranquility, like going for a stroll, enjoying the scenery, traveling and lying on the bed or beach,
are the major sources of happiness for Chinese people. However, both passive activities and active
activities function as the facilitator of happiness, which accords with the ndings of Sonnentag &
Zijlstra (2006) that leisure activities producing happiness are not restricted to low arousal recovery
activities, but may include physically intense forms of leisure.
In the previous studies, various leisure activities have been proved to be positively correlated
with happiness, such as visiting family and friends, playing sports or games, watching television,
listening to the radio (e.g. Menec & Chippereld, 1997; Yarnal, Chick, & Kerstetter, 2008), taking
tourist trips (Mitas, 2010), making art (Reynolds & Lim, 2007), and using the Internet (Koopman-
Boyden & Reid, 2009). In the drawings, leisure activities, as a whole, play a positive role in the
acquisition of happiness. Some cultural-specic leisure activities, like playing mahjong, promote
the perception of happiness. Families, friends, and relatives strengthen interpersonal bonds while
eating, which has been called a national pastime for Chinese people, and food having played an
important role in the history of Chinese leisure”’ (Chang & Card, 1992, p. 16). The signicance of
interpersonal bonds and foods has also been conrmed in our study. Cultural consonance greatly
matters in the perception of happiness (Chick et al., 2016), which is distinctly shown in the results.
Our study found that the happiest moments are largely related to the time spent with family,
friends and life partners, which is in line with Chinese peoplesinterdependent self-construal
(Liu & Walker, 2016). However, quite a few participants also gain happiness from individual
leisure activities, like listening to the music, reading and strolling alone, which unexpectedly
shows the independent self-construal. A tendency of cultural integration is shown in the leisure
choices for happiness.
The psychological mechanisms leading leisure to happiness
Deci and Ryan (1985)suggested autonomy, competence, and relatedness are innate human needs.
Newman, Tay, and Diener (2014) identied ve core mechanisms that promote happiness,
including detachment-recovery, autonomy, mastery, meaning and aliation (DRAMMA). In
our research, what the photos show corresponds to their ndings, whereas dierences do exist.
Our research distinguishes relaxation, tranquility, achievement, autonomy, relatedness and enjoy-
ment as six major psychological mechanisms that enhance happiness. Those mechanisms coordi-
nate and cooperate with each other.
Individuals can build up resources during leisure time activities to overcome stress at work,
thereby improving well-being (Newman et al., 2014). Since work is eortful and strains ones
physiological and psychological resources, working continuously can produce negative subjective
well-being (e.g. burnout; Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2005; Schaufeli, Taris, & Bakker, 2006).
Thus, being away from work and relaxed can promote ones well-being. Like ow, relaxation may
be considered a common, prototypical leisure experience, more common than ow and excite-
ment in fact, especially in association with leisure (Kleiber, Caldwell, & Shaw, 1993; Mobily, 1989;
Shaw, 1985). Our result is consistent with the preceding research that relaxation and tranquility
are perceived as signicant psychological mechanisms creating happiness.
Autonomy is also regarded as a necessary mediating mechanism linking leisure and happiness,
which has been veried in this study. Interest is what has been called a knowledge emotion
(Silvia, 2008)along with confusion, surprise, and awe and it is one of the key orienting and
activating aspects of leisure involvement. Pure enjoyment, coming along with catering ones
interests, is also identied as an essential mechanism, which is often excluded in the previous
literature. Relatedness refers to the need for people to feel that: (1) they are loved by and
connected to others, (2) those others understand them, and (3) they are meaningfully involved
with the broader social world in which they live (Deci & Ryan, 1991). In accordance with the
leisure choices, the mechanisms also reect the trend of integrating both types of self-construal in
contemporary China, as some participants particularly enjoy freedom, dependence and autonomy,
which are the core characteristics of the western independent self-construal.
The positive correlation between leisure and happiness is veried through a graphic elicitation
method. The study reveals that the happiest moments are closely related to leisure time, such as
festivals and vacations, silent nights or afternoons. Moreover, a majority of those happiest
moments happen in leisure spaces, like parks, malls, beaches, resorts, etc. In addition, most of
the participants feel the happiest when they are participating in leisure activities, including
traveling, playing sports, listening to music, etc. Hence, leisure advances peoples acquisition of
How leisure activities inuence the perception of happiness varies from person to person,
which can be attributed to the culture background and dierent forms of self-construal.
Nevertheless, relaxation, tranquility, achievement, relatedness and interest are proved to be
signicant and universal mechanisms bringing happiness. Participating in leisure activities,
people detach themselves from work and relax, getting recovery from the heavy pressure of
life. Through participating in some leisure activities, people are able to acquire inner peace,
namely tranquility. Autonomy is also an essential mediating link to happiness in leisure, since
some people engage in leisure activities in order to acquire independence, freedom and self-
direction. Through some leisure activities, like learning a language in the spare time, people
overcome diculties and improve their abilities which bring a sense of achievement and thus
create happiness. Relatedness also stands as an important mechanism, since love, aection and
friendship are three indispensible parts of life. Some leisure activities bring enjoyment which
comes from interests. The mediating factors vary and they may form a compound mechanism to
generate happiness from leisure.
Theoretical and practical implications
To the best of our knowledge, our paper is among the rst qualitative studies to systematically
explore the Chinese conceptualization of happiness and the intrinsic mechanisms leading leisure to
happiness. Our study visualizes and concretizes happiness, innovatively exhibiting dierent percep-
tions of happiness and the psychological process of gaining happiness, with six major mechanisms
identied. Instead of assessing the level of happiness, the graphic elicitation method emphasizes how
people achieve happiness as a process, which provides practical reference for enhancing the happi-
ness level. The cultural characteristics and cultural integration can be reected in the leisure choices
for happiness. Thus, our study also has very important practical implications. For example, leisure
space and leisure time, as basic requirements for leisure activities, should be adequately provided, so
as to ensure the enhancement of happiness. As Godbey (2013) pointed out, on a more daily basis,
core leisure activities will receive more attention in the coming era of Chinese reform. For instance,
sport activities among common people, rather than those among sport elites, will become the focus of
Chinese leisure in the future. Major leisure activities that help gain happiness are supposed to earn
more attention and be widely promoted. The leisure needs of human being will continue to grow
and, therefore, greater eorts in leisure education, leisure policy, and leisure management will be
required in the future (Liu et al., 2008).
Limitations and future research
This research has two limitations, which should be acknowledged. First, the respondents are all
university students. Therefore, it needs to be cautious to generalize the ndings. Second, though the
respondents are among the most excellent university students in China and their English are very
procient, English is not their native language and might aect their descriptions to a certain extent.
People of all ages with dierent occupations should be involved in the future studies. Cross-
national and intercultural views may also bring inspiration for more in-depth research. Moreover,
leisure preferences of dierent groups of people and the diverse functions of leisure when
achieving happiness are worth further exploration.
This research is funded by Zhejiang Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project (No. 18NDJC16YB) and
Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. LY19D010013). The authors would also like to extend
sincere gratitude to the students participated in this research.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China [LY19D010013]; Zhejiang
Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project [18NDJC167YB].
Notes on contributors
Huimei Liu PhD, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Asia Pacic Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure,
Zhejiang University; School of International Studies, Zhejiang University. She is interested in Leisure and
Happiness, Leisure behaviors in Cross-Cultural Contexts. Corresponding author, please email to Huimeiliu@zju.
Shuyang DA is a PhD candidate, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University.
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... Позитивна корелација слободног времена 10 и субјективне среће никако не представља изненађење јер је уско повезана са опуштањем / одсуством стреса, са породицом и пријатељима, аутономијом (могућношћу да индивидуа самостално доноси одлуке без спољашње контроле или притиска) итд. (Liu & Da, 2020). Такође, једва треба споменути да више слободног времена не повећава срећу појединца (Wang & Wong, 2011). ...
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This article provides a multidisciplinary exploration of the concept of happiness, spanning philosophical, psychological, sociological, and economic perspectives. Originally, happiness was perceived as an unpredictable force; however, Socrates and Aristotle recognized the potential for individuals to influence their own happiness, leading to a conceptual shift from a mere description to an exploration of the individual impact that laid the foundation for separating external and internal happiness. This reasoning remains dominant throughout the centuries with certain variations. Christian philosophers such as Augustine and Aquinas further explored the concept of happiness. While Augustine introduced a somber note, proposing that happiness is attainable only in the afterlife, requiring complete obedience in the present world, Aquinas, echoing Aristotle's optimism, believes in the attainability of imperfect happiness in the present world. However, the Reformation period marked a significant turning point, proclaiming the triumph of internal happiness and elevating the pursuit of happiness in the present world over external influences. Utilitarianism later took over the idea of internal happiness, positioning it as the ultimate goal: individuals were called to serve the sovereign master of pleasure, making choices based on utility and quantifying happiness with pain and unhappiness. From a contemporary standpoint, utilitarianism greatly shapes the notion of happiness and its pursuit. Thus, psychology makes efforts to identify internal indicators of happiness and to identify them while acknowledging the presence of external components. Economics, too, has a role in shaping the concept of happiness. Economics emphasizes utility as a key element for internal and short-term happiness, asserting that individuals can follow and create their own happiness through choices. The intricacies of this exploration underscore the complexity of happiness as a concept but also show room for potential collaborations and the need for a holistic comprehension of the notion of happiness.
... The phenomenon of increasing leisure in human life has been directly associated with individuals' happiness (Liu and Da, 2020;Nawijn and Veenhoven, 2012). The influence of past experiences on happiness and well-being is also significant (Leunissen et al., 2021). ...
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Retirees face numerous challenges, particularly in countries with lower socio-economic conditions. Perceived social isolation and happiness levels are seen as significant factors that significantly affect the quality of life in old age. Perceived social happiness levels can disrupt the quality of life in old age and contribute to mental disorders. Recent studies on leisure have suggested a direct impact of individuals’ leisure attitudes on happiness. In this context, leisure nostalgia stands out in the relationship between leisure attitude and happiness levels among retirees. In this study, structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the relationship between leisure attitude, leisure nostalgia, and happiness levels in a sample of 210 retirees. The findings revealed that leisure nostalgia fully mediated the relationship between leisure attitude and happiness. It was concluded that previous experiences significantly shape retirement, and leisure attitude offers valuable opportunities for enhancing happiness through effective leisure utilization.
... [13] Another study used graphic elicitation with college students to explore happiness in leisure, connecting it to specific times, spaces, and activities. [14] Moreover, a groundbreaking study employed computational analysis to decode emotions in abstract drawings, finding that nonartist works provided more precise emotional expression than those of artists. [11] Advancements in technology have enhanced emotion recognition research by streamlining data gathering and emotion identification with minimal disruption to participants. ...
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Introduction: Despite advancements in understanding color-emotion correlations, the influence of mental health on this relationship is less studied. Our research explores how mental health impacts emotional expression through color and depiction style. Methods: Engaging 212 students, we collected 1272 digital drawings representing six primary emotions: anger, fear, sadness, calm, excitement, and happiness. Our study, conducted from November to December 2023, utilized a cross-sectional design. Participants were recruited through convenience sampling. We collected both survey responses and participant-generated images. Using Python and OpenCV, we quantified subjective emotional expressions. Results: Participants predominantly chose red for anger (57.43%), illustrating the red usage percentage for anger, black for fear (38.14%), gray and blue for sadness (27.86%, 27.83%), green for calm (25.73%), and red for both excitement (27.26%) and happiness (22.85%). Fear was the most frequent color fill at 31.58%, with anger the least at 24.95%. Tangible imagery was prevalent (88%-96.2%), while abstract styles were most common in fear depictions (12%). Emotion significantly influences color choices (P = 0.017~<0.001), color number (P < 0.001), and image coverage (P = 0.003). Drawing style comparisons across three mental health levels showed minimal yet significant usage differences: black for fear (P = 0.037), color variability (P = 0.027), and purple for calm (P = 0.012). Despite these differences, mental health did not significantly moderate the relationships between color use and drawing styles. Conclusion: Our study advanced color-emotion research by letting participants select colors, highlighting minimal mental health impacts on emotional expression and consistent associations across cultures and ages. Using Python and OpenCV to quantify qualitative images has greatly increased analysis objectivity, substantially progressing the field.
... Time pressure and leisure constraints make sufficient family leisure nearly impossible. Having excessive leisure time may threaten parental mood (Liu & Da, 2020;Wheeler & Green, 2014), and it may become customary that 'parents are tired of being with their children all the time' (Mikkelsen & Stilling Blichfeldt, 2015, pp. 253-254). ...
... In particular, reportedly volunteer work has shown to have an important relationship with well-being and health [58][59][60][61][62]. In addition to active and social leisure activities, studies have also highlighted the importance of passive leisure activities such as watching TV, listening to music, and reading [63,64]. A notable aspect of passive leisure activities is the use of digital devices. ...
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Leisure plays a key role in the happiness of youth. Studies have shown that various factors of leisure, such as the type, the time, the cost, and the space, have an influence on the adolescents’ happiness. However, little is known about which of these factors is a major factor in youth’s happiness. The purpose of this study is to explore the leisure factors that determine happiness in adolescents by examining the relationship between happiness and various leisure factors. The study used the method of machine learning to analyze national statistical data, National Leisure Activity Survey. The data used in this study were from the National Leisure Activity Survey 2019, which is a national statistic produced by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in the Republic of Korea. The analysis found that leisure perceptions, academic and leisure balance, and public leisure space have a very important impact on the adolescents’ well-being. The findings of this research may contribute to a better understanding of leisure and happiness in adolescents, and will also help adolescents make better use of their leisure time, leading to better leisure lives, and ultimately contribute to raising their level of happiness.
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This study delves into the intricate relationship between social support and college students' subjective well-being and perceived stress by utilizing questionnaires administered to 257 students at a Chinese university. Employing rigorous statistical analysis with SPSS 26.0, the research employed regression and correlation techniques to process the collected data. The findings unveiled a compelling positive correlation between social support and subjective well-being among the participants. Notably, both family and friend support emerged as significant influencers of well-being, although the impact of friend support was more pronounced.The study revealed that heightened levels of social support correlated with a decrease in perceived stress among the students. Among the various forms of social support, friend support demonstrated the most significant effect in mitigating stress. These results underscore the importance of fostering a supportive social environment in academic settings, as it can significantly contribute to the emotional well-being and mental health of college students. By understanding the specific dynamics between social support and these psychological constructs, educational institutions can tailor interventions and strategies to better support their students' holistic development.
Importance: Play has been viewed as a critical occupation supporting health since the founding of occupational therapy, but the complexity of play presents challenges to scholars who study adults. Researchers in occupational science and occupational therapy often address experiential qualities of occupations, including those considered to be play. However, the literature lacks clear descriptions of what constitutes adult play as well as the experiences of adults during preferred activities. Objective: To contribute to the body of knowledge on the wide range of preferred activities adults in the United States pursue and may perceive as play experiences. We refer to these activities as adult play because they contain experiential qualities of play described in key play literature. Design: Cross-sectional survey study. Setting: A 31-item survey, the Daily Occupational Experience Survey–revised (DOESr), was uploaded to Qualtrics for data collection using snowball sampling. The online survey link was distributed to participants aged 18–64 years. Participants: The survey was completed by 491 participants. Exploratory factor analysis was used to extract the most prevalent patterns of play experiences reported. Internal consistency and content validity were also examined. Results: The factor analysis yielded an optimal solution of five factors representing distinct patterns of adult play experiences: Creativity–Adventure, Restoration, Deep Engagement, Ludos, and Mastery. Conclusions and Relevance: The five factors identified by the DOESr represent distinct patterns of adult play experiences. The DOESr demonstrated acceptable internal consistency for three of the five factors as well as for the overall tool. Plain-Language Summary: Previous research on adult occupations has not addressed the array of experiences that adults seek or enjoy while engaging in play. This study identified five patterns of adult play experiences. Understanding these patterns may assist occupational therapy practitioners when tailoring clients’ play experiences to promote optimal health and well-being.
هدف الدراسة: تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى قياس مستوى الشعور بالسعادة لدى النساء العمانيات، وتحديد أهم مصادر السعادة لديهنّ، وعلاقتهما ببعض المتغيرات النفسية والديموغرافية. المنهجية: استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي؛ حيث طبقت خمسة مقاييس على عينة مكونة من (1230) امرأة عمانية من مختلف محافظات السلطنة، وهي: مقياس أكسفورد للسعادة، ومقياس مصادر السعادة، ومقياس تقدير الذات، ومقياس الفاعلية الذاتية، ومقياس صورة الجسم. النتائج: بينت نتائج الدراسة ارتفاع مستوى الشعور بالسعادة لدى النساء العمانيات، وكانت أكثر ثلاثة مصادر للسعادة أهمية لديهنّ: الصحة، يليها الرخاء والسلم الوطني، ثم العائلة. كما وجدت الدراسة علاقات إيجابية ودالة إحصائياً بين مستوى الشعور بالسعادة وكل من تقدير الذات، والفاعلية الذاتية، وصورة الجسم لدى المرأة العمانية. الخلاصة: توجد فروق دالة إحصائياً بين مستوى الشعور بالسعادة وبعض متغيرات الدراسة الديموغرافية؛ كالحالة الزواجية، والعمر، والحالة الوظيفية، والمستوى التعليمي، والمستوى الاقتصادي للمرأة.
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This study delves into expressing primary emotions anger, happiness, sadness, and fear through drawings. Moving beyond the well-researched color-emotion link, it explores under-examined aspects like spatial concepts and drawing styles. Employing Python and OpenCV for objective analysis, we make a breakthrough by converting subjective perceptions into measurable data through 728 digital images from 182 university students. For the prominent color chosen for each emotion, the majority of participants chose red for anger (73.11%), yellow for happiness (17.8%), blue for sadness (51.1%), and black for fear (40.7%). Happiness led with the highest saturation (68.52%) and brightness (75.44%) percentages, while fear recorded the lowest in both categories (47.33% saturation, 48.78% brightness). Fear, however, topped in color fill percentage (35.49%), with happiness at the lowest (25.14%). Tangible imagery prevailed (71.43–83.52%), with abstract styles peaking in fear representations (28.57%). Facial expressions were a common element (41.76–49.45%). The study achieved an 81.3% predictive accuracy for anger, higher than the 71.3% overall average. Future research can build on these results by improving technological methods to quantify more aspects of drawing content. Investigating a more comprehensive array of emotions and examining factors influencing emotional drawing styles will further our understanding of visual-emotional communication.
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During the last decades, the association between leisure engagement and subjective well-being (SWB) has been examined. Yet, the role of the interest in specific leisure activities for SWB has been neglected. Thus, we examined whether the pure leisure engagement or the opportunity to realize the longing to pursue a leisure activity is linked to well-being. A sample of 402 participants completed an online survey about interests and the frequency of engagement in diverse leisure activities as well as physical, cognitive, and affective well-being. The study revealed that leisure engagement showed stronger associations with all aspects of well-being than leisure interest per se. More specifically, interest and engagement in social activities and sports showed robust associations with different facets of well-being. Furthermore, a high individual fit between leisure interest and engagement across diverse activities incrementally predicted SWB beyond leisure engagement per se. Analyses of nonlinear associations indicated that too much leisure engagement was associated with lower levels of SWB, but high interest in leisure activities buffered this effect. Thus, the intrinsic motivation to leisure activities may play an important role for well-being in addition to the sheer leisure engagement.
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The purpose of this study threefold: to determine whether a shared cultural model of the importance of a set of leisure activities to a good leisure life existed in urban Taiwan, the degree to which cultural consonance in leisure mediates the relationship between leisure constraints and leisure satisfaction, and the degree to which leisure satisfaction affects life satisfaction and self-rated health. Results indicate that a cultural model of the importance of leisure activities to a good leisure life existed among sample members. Second, higher levels of self-reported participation in leisure activities that are culturally agreed upon as more important for a good leisure life are more strongly associated with leisure satisfaction than are activities culturally agreed upon as less important. Finally, leisure satisfaction strongly predicts both life satisfaction and self-rated health.
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The present study explored the constituents of lay conceptions of happiness and its determinants among young adults of the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria. Participants were asked to define happiness and outline the things they think make people happy. Analyses of the responses revealed that participants defined happiness with words reflecting both affect and cognitive evaluation of life. Positive affect words dominated the definitions followed by words reflecting cognitive evaluation of life. Interestingly, participants were more likely to define happiness with focus on the self than with focus on the other, which is contrary to seeming suggestions in literature that non-Western societies view happiness from communalistic perspectives. Significant gender differences occurred in line with findings that females are more likely to express interdependent views of happiness while males usually take individualistic route. Participation, affection, and leisure needs topped participants’ descriptions of the things that make people happy. Interesting relationships emerged among the variables with some contradicting and others confirming previous findings. Implications and limitations of findings were discussed. Suggestions for further studies were also made.
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There are three different routes to happiness: the pleasant life, the good or engaged life, and the meaningful life. These three orientations are positively related with life satisfaction, but the relation with job satisfaction is still not clear. This study examines the relationship between the three orientations to happiness (OTH) and job satisfaction in a 1-year longitudinal study with a representative sample (N = 752, 387 men) of working adults living in Switzerland. This study is part of a larger survey that includes several self-report measures. Regression analyses showed that engagement was positively related with job satisfaction 1 year later. Moreover, when controlling for sociodemographic variables (i.e., age and gender), work-related variables (i.e., household income, managerial responsibility, and financial responsibility), and the five factors of personality (i.e., neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) the interaction of the three OTH (i.e., pleasure × engagement × meaning), still predicted job satisfaction significantly. Individuals who endorse the three OTH presented the highest job satisfaction 1 year later. Therefore, although engagement is more important for job satisfaction than pleasure or meaning, the best predictor of job satisfaction is the interaction of the three OTH. Thus, people who are high in the three OTH simultaneously enjoy the highest job satisfaction. Future studies should examine whether this relationship is causal.
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I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
Leisure is the fountainhead of all happiness. At the same time happiness is the ultimate goal of all human beings. The search for human happiness not only begins but also ends in leisure (Modi, Leisure: A pathway to human happiness and social harmony. In Ishwar Modi, Ma Huidi & Ning Zequn (Eds.), Leisure and civilization: Interdisciplinary and international perspectives, 2010). It is equally true that both leisure and happiness are intrinsically located in the domain of good health since good health alone can lead both to wholesome leisure and wellbeing. The wish to have happiness and a life free from all diseases, which means good health, has been part of the prayers both of the common man and the sages in India for thousands of years. The following prayer brings out the essence of a happy and healthy life for the wellbeing of all human beings:
Tinsley and Tinsley (1986) postulated that perceived freedom, intrinsic motivation, facilitative arousal, and commitment are necessary but insufficient for a person to experience leisure. They additionally proposed that experiencing leisure would result in absorption in the task at hand, lack of focus on self, feelings of freedom or lack of control, enriched perception of objects and events, increased sensitivity to feelings, increased intensity of emotion, and decreased awareness of the passage of time. We administered a questionnaire designed to operationalize these four prerequisites and seven attibutes of leisure experience to 99 college students. The results generally supported Tinsley and Tinsley's hypotheses that subjects would rate leisure activities higher on these dimensions than they would either work or maintenance activities. We discuss the implications of these findings for counseling psychologists.
Given the nature of leisure as largely uncoerced and not necessary for survival it seems obvious at a first glance that leisure activities should contribute to happiness. Indeed, recent research has found positive effects of leisure activities on subjective well-being. In this article, we analyze the association between leisure activities and life satisfaction based on longitudinal data from Germany. By applying fixed-effects regression models we are able to rule out potential bias due to unobserved heterogeneity in time-constant variables. We use data from three waves of the German Family Panel (pairfam), a large, randomly sampled longitudinal study of adolescents and adults (aged 15–41 across the observation period), to test the effects of five leisure activities (sports; vacation; meeting with friends; internet use; and TV viewing) on respondents’ life satisfaction. Our results indicate that meeting with friends, doing sports, and going on vacation contributes positively to life satisfaction whereas internet use for personal purposes and TV consumption are negatively related to life satisfaction.