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Abstract and Figures

Most studies on animal personality evaluate individual mean behaviour to describe individual behavioural strategy, while often neglecting behavioural variability on the within-individual level. However, within-individual behavioural plasticity (variation induced by environment) and within-individual residual variation (regulatory behavioural precision) are recognized as biologically valid components of individual behaviour, but the evolutionary ecology of these components is still less understood. Here, we tested whether behaviour of common pill bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) differs on the among- and within-individual level and whether it is affected by various individual specific state-related traits (sex, size and Wolbachia infection). To this aim, we assayed risk-taking in familiar vs. unfamiliar environments 30 times along 38 days and applied double modelling statistical technique to handle the complex hierarchical structure for both individual-specific trait means and variances. We found that there are significant among-individual differences not only in mean risk-taking behaviour but also in environment- and time-induced behavioural plasticity and residual variation. Wolbachia-infected individuals took less risk than healthy conspecifics; in addition, individuals became more risk-averse with time. Residual variation decreased with time, and individuals expressed higher residual variation in the unfamiliar environment. Further, sensitization was stronger in females and in larger individuals in general. Our results suggest that among-individual variation, behavioural plasticity and residual variation are all (i) biologically relevant components of an individual’s behavioural strategy and (ii) responsive to changes in environment or labile state variables. We propose pill bugs as promising models for personality research due to the relative ease of getting repeated behavioural measurements.
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Roll with the fear: environment and state dependence
of pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare) personalities
Gergely Horváth
&László Zsolt Garamszegi
&Judit Bereczki
&Tamás János Urszán
&Gergely Balázs
Gábor Herczeg
Received: 8 November 2018 /Revised: 23 January 2019 /Accepted: 24 January 2019 /Published online: 7 February 2019
#The Author(s) 2019
Most studies on animal personality evaluate individual mean behaviour to describe individual behavioural strategy, while often
neglecting behavioural variability on the within-individual level. However, within-individual behavioural plasticity (variation
induced by environment) and within-individual residual variation (regulatory behavioural precision) are recognized as biologi-
cally valid components of individual behaviour, but the evolutionary ecology of these components is still less understood. Here,
we tested whether behaviour of common pill bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) differs on the among- and within-individual level and
whether it is affected by various individual specific state-related traits (sex, size and Wolbachia infection). To this aim, we assayed
risk-taking in familiar vs. unfamiliar environments 30 times along 38 days and applied double modelling statistical technique to
handle the complex hierarchical structure for both individual-specific trait means and variances. We found that there are signif-
icant among-individual differences not only in mean risk-taking behaviour but also in environment- and time-induced behavioural
plasticity and residual variation. Wol ba chi a-infected individuals took less risk than healthy conspecifics; in addition, individuals
became more risk-averse withtime. Residual variation decreased with time, and individuals expressed higher residual variation in
the unfamiliar environment. Further, sensitization was stronger in females and in larger individuals in general. Our results suggest
that among-individual variation, behavioural plasticity and residual variation are all (i) biologically relevant components of an
individuals behavioural strategy and (ii) responsive to changes in environment or labile state variables. We propose pill bugs as
promising models for personality research due to the relative ease of getting repeated behavioural measurements.
Keywords Animal personality .Behavioural plasticity .Residual variation .Individual state .Environmental differences .
Wolb ac hia
Behaviour is one of the most flexible traits of animals (West-
Eberhard 2003), yet some level of repeatability in behaviour
across time and ecological situations (i.e. animal personality)
exists (Bell et al. 2009; Garamszegi et al. 2012). Intuitively,
the presence of non-random among-individual behavioural
variation should constrain behavioural plasticity (Niemelä
et al. 2013). This is true to a certain extent, but individuals
still preserve the ability to alter their behaviour in response to
changing environment, while their behaviour relative to each
other remains different (Biro et al. 2010;Dingemanseetal.
2010;Briffaetal.2013; Mathot and Dingemanse 2014).
Further, it seems that in addition to non-random variation in
mean behaviour, individuals can also show variation in their
reaction to environmental change (within-individual
behavioural plasticity) (Dingemanse et al. 2010; Westneat
et al. 2011;DingemanseandWolf2013; Mitchell and Biro
2017). Finally, biological validity and importance of within-
individual behavioural variation not induced by environmen-
tal change, or in other words, the rigidityof an individuals
behaviour type in a certain environment (within-individual
residual variation), were recognized recently (Stamps et al.
Communicated by: Rumyana Jeleva
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Gergely Horváth
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
The Science of Nature (2019) 106: 7
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2012; Biro and Adriaenssens 2013;Briffa2013;Briffaetal.
2013). Hence, within-individual behavioural plasticity (here-
after: behavioural plasticity) and within-individual residual
variation (hereafter: residual variation) should be considered
as potentially independent components of individual behav-
ioural strategy (Dingemanse et al. 2010; Kralj-Fišer and
Schneider 2012; Briffa 2013; Dingemanse and Wolf 2013;
Westneat et al. 2013,2015; Mitchell et al. 2016). However,
background mechanisms affecting emergence of individual
variation in behavioural plasticity and residual variation are
less understood. In addition, it is still not entirely clear whether
these components can evolve independently or individual dif-
ferences in within-individual behavioural variation are related
to personality (Niemelä et al. 2013; Mathot and Dingemanse
Recently, a growing body of studies suggests that even
short-term variation in ecological conditions and inherently
labile state-linked traits could create stable differences in be-
havioural strategies (DiRienzo et al. 2016; Lichtenstein et al.
2016; Horváth et al. 2017). Parasites are among the most
important environmental factors known to create stable be-
havioural differences (Barber and Dingemanse 2010; Kortet
et al. 2010; Poulin 2013). Direct or indirect negative effects of
infections (e.g. low body condition) may result in differences
in individual state, which may eventuate the emergence of
individual behavioural strategies in order to cope with these
disadvantages (DiRienzo et al. 2015,2016; Horváth et al.
2016). In arthropods, Wol bac hi a are important parasitic bac-
teria (Hilgenboecker et al. 2008; Werren et al. 2008) with
remarkable effects on hostsphysiology, including partheno-
genesis, reproductive incompatibility, feminization and male
killing (see Werren and Windsor 2000; Werren et al. 2008;Le
Clech et al. 2012,2013). Although behavioural impact of
Wolb ac hia is less documented, it seems that infection gener-
ally affects mating behaviour of males (see Ming et al. 2015;
Moreau et al. 2001;Valaetal.2004;Zhaoetal.2013). Also, in
a parasitic wasp (Leptipolinia heterotoma), it was found that
Wolb ac hia reduces locomotor activity of both sexes (Fleury
et al. 2000). Generally speaking, Wolb ac hia is expected either
to decrease behavioural activity by impairing physiological
performance of the hosts or to increase it by host manipulation
or inducing some sort of terminal investment (Sicard et al.
2010; Chevalier et al. 2011).
Conglobation is a special type of tonic immobility and is a
common defensive behaviour for various arthropod taxa (Tuf
et al. 2015). Conglobation can be used as a proxy of risk-
taking behaviour (Carter et al. 2012; Beckmann and Biro
2013). Species of pill bugs (family: Armadillidiidae, order:
Isopoda, subphylum: Crustacea) are capable to roll their body
into an uninterrupted sphere, hiding their vulnerable posterior
appendages (uropods), legs and antennae. Conglobation pro-
tects common pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare) from most
invertebrate and small-sized vertebrate predators, while
larger vertebrate predators easily overlook small, immo-
bile prey (Matsuno and Moriyama 2012;Tufetal.2015).
Considering how easy it is to measure conglobation time,
pill bugs might be excellent models for animal personality
research, where the current statistical approaches are data
hungry and the necessary number of within-individual re-
peated measures is challenging to reach with most species
(Garamszegi and Herczeg 2012).
In the present paper, we studied risk-taking of adult
A. vulgare by performing 30 repeated behavioural assays
in two different environments (familiar vs. unfamiliar).
We studied the effects of environment and various state
variables (Wolbachia infection, body size, sex) on individ-
ual behaviour on different levels. First, we were interested
whether individuals differed in mean risk-taking (i.e.
among-individual variation), in their reaction norms (i.e.
behavioural plasticity) and residual variation. Second, we
tested whether these components are affected by environ-
ment and individual state. We expected lower risk-taking
in the unfamiliar environment. We had no prediction re-
garding the effects of sex or size. Regarding residual var-
iation, theory predicts increased within-individual vari-
ability under predation risk (Hugie 2003)aspreyanimals
may reduce the probability of capture by predators by
displaying unpredictable behaviour (Humphries and
Driver 1970; Jones et al. 2011). However, empirical data
are somewhat contradictory (see Briffa 2013; Velasque
and Briffa 2016; Urszán et al. 2018). Displaying the
highest residual variation may not be the best antipredator
strategy; also, level of behavioural rigidity may depend on
prevailing environmental conditions (Richardson et al.
2018), but more importantly, on development (see
Bierbach et al. 2017). Thus, although we did not form a
directional hypotheses regarding how different environ-
ments would affect residual variation of risk-taking in pill
bugs, we expect that the level of residual variation indeed
differs between familiar vs. unfamiliar environments.
Further, we expected both environmentally induced plas-
ticity in the form of lower risk-taking in the unfamiliar,
potentially dangerous environment and plasticity along
time in the form of habituation to the laboratory condi-
tions. The latter was expected to be stronger in the unfa-
miliar environment.
Study animals
We collected 60 A. vulgare individuals (26 males, 33 females,
1 N/A [damaged specimen]) on 9 May 2014 in the
Kamaraerdő,Budapest(47°2619.90N, 18° 5852.57E).
During May, this oakwood forest is characterized by a
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relatively dense vegetation and high cover of leaf litter. We
searched for animals under leaves and decaying wood at dif-
ferent sites. Only one individual was collected at a certain
spot, and at least 50 m was left between spots in order to
reduce the chance of sampling individuals from the same fam-
ily. Individuals were transported to the facilities of Eötvös
Loránd University, where they were housed individually in
white opaque plastic boxes (15.5 cm × 11 cm × 12 cm, length,
width, height, respectively) with a 1-cm-deep substrate
consisting of mixture of coconut fibre and soil. Humidity
was maintained by spraying the substrate with distilled water
twice a day, and fresh carrot was provided as food weekly. The
experimental animals have always eaten from the food, but
never fully consumed it; hence, the experimental animals were
fed ad libitum. We provided 12-h light period per day during
the experiment. Dim light was provided by Repti Glo 2.0 Full
Spectrum Terrarium Lamps (Exo Terra, Rolf V. Hagen Inc.,
Holm, Germany), which do not emit considerable heat but
mimics the full spectrum natural light. At the end of the ex-
periment, we sexed the individuals and measured the body
size (diameter of conglobated individuals; to the nearest
0.01 mm) and specimens were conserved in 96% ethanol for
Wolbachia screening (see below). All individuals were
screened for Wolbac hi a (see Supplementary Material for
Behavioural assays
Individual behaviour was evaluated 30 times during 38 days
between 12 May and 19 June. Days without measurements
were distributed randomly. Each individuals behaviour was
evaluated in two different environments (familiar vs. unfamil-
iar) daily, resulting in 60 repeats per individual. Behavioural
assays were carried out between 9.00 and 12.00 a.m. (UTC +
02.00), and 1-h break was provided between the two assays.
The order of individuals within and between environments
was randomized daily.
Risk-taking was estimated by latency to restart activity
(time spent immobile in conglobation) after a simulated pred-
ator attack. Animals were removed from their home boxes,
after which the experimenter gently squeezed the animal to
trigger conglobation, then dropped it to the surface depending
on treatment from a standard (10 cm) height. This treatment is
similar to manipulation by larger vertebrate predators (e.g.
birds and lizards) (see Tuf et al. 2015). In the familiar envi-
ronment treatment, individuals were elevated from and
dropped back to their home boxes, while in the unfamiliar
environment treatment, individuals were dropped to a white
plastic sheet illuminated directly (with 40 × G4 Halogen Light
Bulb, 10 W, 12 V). Animals were considered to restart activity
when they fully stretched their body and started to move their
legs in an attempt to escape. If an individual did not restart
activity in 15 min, the assay was stopped and the individual
was assigned maximum score (900 s). This happened only in
seven cases, including four individuals; hence, we used the
maximum score in the subsequent analyses. For unknown
reasons, more than half of the collected individuals died soon
after being transported to the laboratory and one individual
had to be removed from the analyses because of its extremely
outlying size. Thus, we used data (60 risk-taking measure-
ments) from 25 individuals, 11 males and 14 females.
Statistical analysis
Latency data were log-transformed to achieve normal distri-
bution of model residuals. To be able to fit reaction norms,
environment was treated as a continuous measure by
assigning 1tothefamiliarsituation and 1 to the unfamil-
iar.Continuous variables were centred for the analyses by
bringing them to scale with a zero mean and unit variance.
Dummy variables were created for the categorical variables to
use them in the Bayesian modelling (see below). To describe
the hierarchically structured behavioural data, we relied on a
framework based on linear mixed modelling (LMMs) accord-
ing to the following equation:
log Yijk
ðÞx2ijk þβ3x3iþβ4x4iþβ5x5i
þβ6x6kþεijk ð1Þ
where Y
is the latency for individual imeasured in day jand
at the kth observation within a day, β
is the population mean
latency, β
are the mean level parameters that describe the
effect of covariates x
(environment, day, sex, size, infec-
tion status and order within a day, respectively), ind
is the
random effect term capturing the deviation of individual i
from the population mean, while day
is the random ef-
fect term depicting the deviation caused by day-specific
effects. The model also considers random slopes ind
to deal with among-individual differences in plastic-
ity with respect to novel environment and with respect to
day (habituation), respectively. The model requires the
following assumptions:
 ð2Þ
 ð3Þ
 ð4Þ
 ð5Þ
εijk N0;σ2
 ð6Þ
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Accordingly, the random terms are assumed to be nor-
mally distributed with a mean of zero and a respective
variance, i.e. σ2
ind0(among-individual variance in mean
latency), σ2
day0(among-day variance in mean latency),
ind1(among-individual variance in plasticity) and σ2
(among-individual variance in habituation). The error
term is assumed to rely on a common residual variance
res (within-individual variance).
We defined the above starting model based on a list of
considerations. First, all of the fixed predictors are biolog-
ically relevant and can be hypothesized to affect the focal
behavioural trait either at the among-individual or at the
within-individual level. Second, the random effects were
chosen to describe the hierarchical structure of the data
arising from the design of the study, as well as to accom-
modate our main predictions concerning individual differ-
ences in plasticity and habituation. Accordingly, with this
model, we could test whether (i) risk-taking behaviour
was linked to individual characteristics like sex, size or
health status and whether (ii) environment- or time-
induced (i.e. habituation) behavioural plasticity was pres-
ent. For simplicity and to avoid too many parameters to
be estimated, we did not define interaction terms among
the fixed predictors. Similarly, we have not considered
covariance between random slopes and intercepts. To ver-
ify that the random part of the above model is appropriate
for further evaluation, we defined alternative models in
the lme4 R package (Bates et al. 2015) and examined their
goodness of fit relative to the model described in Eq. (1)
by using likelihood ratio test. These investigations re-
vealed that both random intercept terms are significant
(P<0.001 for both ind
and day
), that random intercept
and slope models offer better fit to the data than the ran-
dom intercept only models (P= 0.018 for ind
and P
<0.001 for ind
) and that allowing correlation between
random intercepts and slopes does not imply further im-
provement statistically (P= 0.052 for the correlation be-
tween ind
and ind
,P= 0.373 for the correlation be-
tween ind
and ind
Given Eq. (6), the above model assumes that residuals have
a homogeneous variance, which is a strict assumption and
does not accommodate a possibility for testing among-
individual differences in predictability, which corresponds to
one of the main hypotheses of this study. To account for het-
erogeneous residual structure, we adopted an approach based
on double hierarchical general linear models, which allows
fitting the main and the dispersion parts of an LMM within
the same statistical framework (Lee and Nelder 1996,2006),
with the latter capturing the essence of residual variation
(Westneat et al. 2013; Cleasby et al. 2015; Mitchell and Biro
2017). Accordingly, we kept the above model and added an-
other model for the standard deviation (SD) of risk taking, as
follows. First, we assumed heterogeneous residual variance by
replacing Eq. (6) with
εijk N0;σ2
 ð7Þ
which permits distinct residuals for each observation that can
be further described as
log σyijk
þγ1x1ijk þγ2x2ijk
In this equation, γ
is the mean log residual SD, γ
parameters describing the effect of covariates (environment,
day, sex, size, infection status and order within a day, respec-
tively) on predictability. The random terms ind
and day
reflect individual- and day-specific deviations, respectively,
from the population-specific mean log SD. For these random
terms, we assumed that
 ð9Þ
 ð10Þ
yielding that different individuals and days can be character-
ized by different residual variation, and the among-individual
and among-day variance ofresidual variation can be estimated
as σ2
σind and σ2
We were also interested in whether individual-specific be-
havioural plasticity and habituation can be linked to individual
characteristics. To this end, we further extended the modelling
framework by adding linear regressions that describe
individual-specific plasticity and habituation. Therefore, we
replaced Eqs. (4)and(5)with
 ð11Þ
 ð12Þ
in which each individual can be described by a specific mean
plasticity and habituation value depending on their individual
characteristics as specified by
Here, δ
and φ
stand for parameters that link the
main individual-specific attributes (x
, sex, size and infec-
tion status) to plasticity and habituation, respectively. Note
that the regressions are forced through the origin (intercept is
zero); thus, the individual-specific mean is fixed to be 0.
The parameters of the above models are estimated iterative-
ly and depend on one another allowing the test of our main
predictions in a single statistical framework (see graphical
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representation of the whole model structure in electronic
supplementary material). Such inferences typically require
Bayesian approaches based on Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) processes (Gelman et al. 2004). For this purpose,
we applied procedures available in program JAGS (Plummer
2003) which we controlled from within the R statistical envi-
ronment (R Developmental Core Team 2018)usingthepack-
age rjags (Plummer 2014). For each model, we defined three
MCMC chains from different starting values and with 10,000
iterations of burn in period before sampling the posterior dis-
tribution. The posterior sample relied on the subsequent
100,000 iterations that were combined across chains.
Before interpreting the results, we applied the convention-
al model diagnostic procedures for each chain to verify
convergence and the lack of autocorrelation (Gelman
et al. 2004). Bayesian methods require priors to be de-
fined for each parameter estimated. We set these values
to have a minimal influence on the posterior distribution,
as we had no previous knowledge about them (uninfor-
mative, flat priors). The means of the posterior distribu-
tions were used for further interpretation by also consid-
ering the associated 95% credible intervals (95% CrI). If
the generated 95% CrI of the posterior distribution for a
parameter did not include zero, the parameter was consid-
ered to have a significant effect. Model codes are avail-
able in the electronic supplementary material.
Our models suggest the directional effect of time across the
experiment (β
=0.165, 95% CrI = [0.034, 0.297]): individ-
uals became slightly risk-averse as time progresses (Fig. 1). In
addition, Wolbachia-infected individuals were more fearful
than parasite-free conspecifics (β
=0.647 [0.144, 1.156]).
Risk-taking had an individual- (random intercept: σ2
0.454 [0.328, 0.636]) and day-specific (random intercept:
day0= 0.121 [0.09, 0.216]) expression. Pill bugs substantial-
ly differed in environmentally induced behavioural plasticity
(random slope: σ2
ind1= 0.176 [0.065, 0.191]; Fig. 2a) and
time-induced habituation (random slope: σ2
ind2= 0.146
[0.114, 0.262]; Fig. 2b). For remaining non-significant effects,
see Table 1.
We found that individuals displayed decreased residual var-
iation across time (γ
=0.089 [0.165, 0.012]; Fig. 3).
Also, the level of residual variation was affected by the envi-
ronment: pill bugsbehaviour was less predictable (i.e. high
residual variation) in the unfamiliar, than in the familiar envi-
ronment (γ
= 0.074 [0.034, 0.115]). There was a substantial
among-individual (random intercept: σ2
σind = 0.267 [0.185,
0.383]) and across day (random intercept: σ2
σday =0.176
[0.116, 0.254]) variation in residual within-individual varia-
tion. For remaining non-significant effects, see Table 1.
None of the fixed effects affected individual-specific
behavioural plasticity (Table 1); on the other hand, habit-
uation was stronger in females (φ
=0.230 [0.428,
0.030]) and in larger individuals (φ
= 0.110 [0.015,
0.206]; Fig. 4;Table1).
Here, we demonstrated substantial differences in risk-taking
of A. vulgare at several hierarchical level of behavioural var-
iation. Pill bugs showed significant between-individual differ-
ences not just in mean risk-taking (i.e. among-individual var-
iation), but in the degree to which they adjust their behaviour
to previous environmental conditions (i.e. behavioural plastic-
ity), and how consistently express their behaviour in any given
environment (i.e. residual variation). These patterns add to
prior studies indicating that both behavioural plasticity and
residual variation can be seen as potentially independent com-
ponents of animal behavioural variation (Dingemanse et al.
2010;Stampsetal.2012; Biro and Adriaenssens 2013;
Briffa 2013;Briffaetal.2013;DingemanseandWolf2013;
Stamps 2016; Chang et al. 2017; Guayasamin et al. 2017;
Lichtenstein et al. 2017). Further, in line with several prior
studies, we found that individual variation in residual variation
was influenced by individual state or environmental differ-
ences (Briffa 2013; Bridger et al. 2015;Westneatetal.
2015). Our results provide empirical support to the notion that
inter-individual differences in within-individual behavioural
variation may be the outcome of adaptive processes rather
than reflecting non-functional variation (Biro and
Adriaenssens 2013). Here, we discuss how these effects on
Fig. 1 Differences in risk-taking over time (habituation) in common pill
bug (Armadillidium vulgare). Note that risk-taking is a latency variable,
i.e. lower values represent higher risk-taking
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among-individual variation, residual variation and behaviour-
al plasticity fit to the existing theories.
Among-individual variation
A. vulgare individuals infected with Wolba chia took less risk
than their uninfected conspecifics. It has been suggested that
infection with mild effects on the hostsfitness is coupled with
higher rates of behavioural activity, as infection often in-
creases energetic needs (Lafferty and Morris 1996; García-
Longoria et al. 2014;Gyurisetal.2016). On the other hand,
parasites with severe negative effects on their hostsfitness are
more likely to reduce behavioural activity, due to heavily re-
duced state (e.g. low body condition; Ferguson et al. 2011;
Hammond-Tooke et al. 2012;Poulin2013), which may even-
tuate the emergence of individual behavioural strategies in
order to cope with these disadvantages (Barber and
Dingemanse 2010;Kortetetal.2010; Horváth et al. 2016).
Pathological effects of Wolba ch ia infection are rarely stud-
ied; however, it is known that the parasite is able to avoid or
even manipulate the hosts immune system and affect senes-
cence processes directly (Braquart-Varnier et al. 2008;Le
Clechetal.2012). In A. vulgare, different strains have differ-
ently severe effects on the host. For instance, wVulC is a wide-
spread and invasive feminizing strain, inducing low
haemocyte level and intense septicemia, reducing the host
lifespan considerably (Braquart-Varnier et al. 2008; Sicard
et al. 2010; Chevalier et al. 2011;LeClechetal.2012,
2013). On the other hand, wDil has no proven direct effects
on A. vulgare fitness, but does induce cytoplasmic incompat-
ibility which may generate indirect costs (Sicard et al. 2010;
Valette et al. 2013). Here, lowered risk-taking in infected pill
bugs could be a result of compensation for lowered body
condition and physiological performance. However, consider-
ing the low prevalence of Wolba chia infection in or sample,
this finding should be interpreted with caution (Bell et al.
2010). Thus, our conclusions regarding strength and true
mechanisms behind this pattern here are rather tentative.
Nevertheless, we believe that this finding at least warrants
more targeted research on the potential effect of Wolbac hi a
infection on hostsbehaviour.
Residual variation
Residual variation in behaviour was found to decrease across
days, in correspondence with human psychology literature as
well as observations on various vertebrate and invertebrate
taxa showing residual variation decreasing with increasing
experience (Stamps et al. 2012; Stamps and Krishnan 2014).
On the contrary, in a recent study performed on guppies
(Poecilia reticulata), Mitchell et al. (2016)reportnochange
in residual variation across a timespan similar to ours. It is
known that adult individuals may acclimate by their novel
environment quicker and express lower residual variability
within shorter periods (Biro 2012); nevertheless, ontogenetic
effects are rather implausible in our case. A more likely pos-
sibility isthat residual variation in risk-taking decreased due to
continued acclimation to our experimental procedure (Biro
and Adriaenssens 2013;Mitchelletal.2016).
Pill bugs express significantly higher residual variation in
the unfamiliar than in the familiar environment. This finding is
consistent with recent reports from both vertebrate and inver-
tebrate taxa (Dingemanse et al. 2010; Stamps et al. 2012;
Briffa 2013;Nakayamaetal.2016), suggesting that potential-
ly risky environments decrease predictability of behaviour
(but see Urszán et al. 2018). Thus, high residual variation
Fig. 2 Individual behavioural reaction norms across atime (sensitization) and benvironments in common pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare). Note that
risk-taking is a latency variable, i.e. lower values represent higher risk-taking
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could be seen as an antipredator response (Biro and
Adriaenssens 2013; Briffa et al. 2013). Predation pressure
substantially affects behavioural actions of individuals in
order to avoid potentially risky encounters (Bell and Sih
2007; Kortet et al. 2010; Luttbeg and Sih 2010; Engqvist
et al. 2015; Sih et al. 2015). However, taking that substantial
differences in residual variation were present irrespective of
environmental factors, other most likely internal factors
should also affect residual variation (Sih et al. 2004,2015;
Briffa 2013;Bierbachetal.2017). Again, we cannot be sure
regarding exact background mechanisms of this pattern. It is
known that in A. vulgare, mating is linked to moulting cycle,
during which individuals are more vulnerable to predators
(Beauché and Richard 2013). It is likely that high residual
variation in emergence from conglobation during the repro-
ductive season helps secure survival and thus future reproduc-
tive success of the individuals.
Table 1 Sources of variation in risk-taking of common pill bug
(Armadillidium vulgare). Estimates were derived from a double
hierarchical general linear model
Model Posterior mean (95% CrI)
Mean β
Intercept 0.001 (0.272, 0.271)
Environment 0.075 (0.015, 0.165)
Day 0.165 (0.034, 0.297)
Sex 0.319 (0.770, 0.125)
Size 0.105 (0.110, 0.321)
Wolbachia 0.647 (0.144, 1.156)
Order 0.019 (0.056, 0.018)
Individual (random intercept) 0.454 (0.328, 0.636)
Day (random intercept) 0.121 (0.09, 0.216)
Individual × environment (random slope) 0.176 (0.065, 0.191)
Individual × day (random slope) 0.146 (0.114, 0.262)
Residual variation γ
Intercept 0.319 (0.494, 0.145)
Environment 0.074 (0.034, 0.115)
Day 0.089 (0.165, 0.012)
Sex 0.039 (0.320, 0.242)
Size 0.065 (0.069, 0.197)
Wol ba ch ia 0 .2 70 ( 0.040, 0.581)
Order 0.024 (0.065, 0.017)
Individual (random intercept) 0.267 (0.185, 0.383)
Day (random intercept) 0.176 (0.116, 0.254)
Behavioural plasticity δ
Sex 0.023 (0.173, 0.128)
Size 0.013 (0.085, 0.06)
Wol ba ch ia 0.008 (0.188, 0.171)
Sensitization φ
Sex 0.230 (0.428, 0.030)
Size 0.110 (0.015, 0.206)
Wol ba ch ia 0 .1 20 ( 0.112, 0.350)
Day (day of behavioural trial), order (order of familiar vs. unfamiliar
environments during behavioural testing), sex (factor with two levels:
male vs. female), body size and Wolbachia infection (factor with two
levels: infected vs. uninfected) were fitted as fixed effects without inter-
actions. Posterior means and 95% credible intervals (CrI) are shown.
Effects strongly supported by the model (95% CI not overlapping) are
in italic font. Effects on (a) means, (b)the residual variation (c) variance in
individual plasticity and (d) variance in individual sensitization
Fig. 4 Association between behavioural plasticity of risk-taking over
time (sensitization) and size in common pill bug (Armadillidium
vulgare). Individual sensitization is represented by the slope of the
individual behavioural reaction norm in response to time
Fig. 3 Differences in risk-taking residual variation over time in common
pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare). Estimates were obtained from the
statistical model (see Table 1)
Sci Nat (2019) 106: 7 Page 7 of 11 7
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Behavioural plasticity
We found significant decrease of risk-taking with time. As
habituation is assumed to reduce unnecessary antipredator re-
sponses (i.e. length of conglobation) (Rodríguez-Prieto et al.
2010,2011; Vincze et al. 2016), our pattern rather suggests a
reverse response that is known as sensitization; an internal
mechanism intensifies behavioural response to constant stim-
ulation (Bee 2001; Martin and Réale 2008; Stamps et al. 2012;
Osborn and Briffa 2017). Theory predicts that sensitization
eventually will fade and habituation becomes the main pattern
of behavioural change over time, but empirical studies provide
limited support for this (Bee 2001;OsbornandBriffa2017).
Our data indicate no sign of habituation (i.e. lowered risk-
taking) during 30 days of experiment in either the familiar or
in the unfamiliar environment. High level of sensitization is
assumed to be linked to high stimulus rate and intensity (Bee
2001), and since our assays were conducted mostly on a daily
basis, the result is somewhat in line with this prediction.
Individual-specific behavioural plasticity was not affected
by individual state. On the other hand, among-individual var-
iance in slope was influenced by sex and size, i.e. females and
larger specimens (irrespective of sex) became shier with time.
Empirical data suggest that individual-specific differences in
behavioural plasticity are the outcome of variability of inher-
ently stable or labile state variables (Luttbeg and Sih 2010;
Wolf and Weissing 2010; Mathot and Dingemanse 2014;
Araya-Ajoy and Dingemanse 2017; Mitchell and Biro 2017).
However, based on current correlative data, we cannot recon-
struct the exact biological mechanism in the background of this
pattern, especially if we take into account that differences in
state are affected by both genetic and environmental variation
(Mathot and Dingemanse 2014). The most plausible explana-
tion is that high behavioural plasticity likely secures future
reproductive success of females and large pill bugs. In general,
the patterns reported in this subsection have also added to the
growing number of data indicating that despite behaving in a
consistent way, individuals still maintain the capability to ad-
just their behaviour to changing environmental conditions (i.e.
being behaviourally plastic) (DeWitt et al. 1998;Dingemanse
and Wolf 2013; Mathot and Dingemanse 2014).
Taken together, we found components of behavioural varia-
tion (intercept, slope and residuals) to exhibit among-
individual variation and to be sensitive to different variables
related to individual state. These results suggest that all three
components are integral parts of an individualsbehavioural
strategy and that individuals are indeed plastic upon environ-
mental challenge and within-population behavioural variation
can be at least partly explained by variation in fixed and labile
state variables. We recommend studying behaviouralvariation
in an integrative approach and along longer observational pe-
riods, as animal personality sensu lato, or in other words,
individual behavioural strategy seems to be indeed more than
just variation in mean behaviour.
Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by Eötvös Loránd
University (ELTE). Our sincere thanks go to David Westneat for his
valuable comments and advices on statistical methods which helped us
highly improve our manuscript. We are also grateful for two anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments. We thank Joel Almeida, Natalia
Peixoto Henriques, Antonio Scaruda and Tamara Vieira for their help
during the collection and the experiments. Help provided by Erzsébet
Hornung in species identification and sexing is much respected. In addi-
tion, we thank technical assistance of Valéria Mester in the molecular
work. This work was supported by the Hungarian State PhD
Scholarship (for GeH, TJU and GB), the Hungarian Scientific Research
Fund (OTKA-K 105517 for GH and OTKA-K 109223 for JB) and the
János Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (for GH
and JB). GeH, GH and BG were also supported by the National Research,
Development and Innovation Fund for international cooperation (SNN
125627). LZG was supported by funds from the Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness in Spain (CGL2015-70639-P) and the National
Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary (K 115970;
K 129215).
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Ethical approval Experiments were performed according to the guide-
lines of the Hungarian Act of Animal Care and Experimentation (1998,
XXVIII, section 243/1998), which conforms to the regulation of animal
experiments by the European Union.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Publishersnote Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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Gergely Horváth
&László Zsolt Garamszegi
&Judit Bereczki
&Tamás János Urszán
&Gergely Balázs
Gábor Herczeg
Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Systematic Zoology and
Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter Sétány 1/c,
Budapest H-1117, Hungary
Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Estación Biológica de
Donaña-CSIC, c/ Americo Vespucio, 26, 41092 Seville, Spain
MTA-ELTE, Theoretical Biology and Evolutionary Ecology
Research Group, Department of Plant Systematics, Ecology and
Theoretical Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter
Sétány 1/c, Budapest H-1117, Hungary
Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, Institute
of Biology and Ecology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1,
Debrecen H-4032, Hungary
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... Intraindividual variability varies on a predictability-unpredictability axis, which we here refer to as 'unpredictability' as suggested by Maskrey et al. (2021). Unpredictability levels can be affected by various factors, including individual state (Horvath, Garamszegi, et al., 2019), metabolic capabilities (Biro et al., 2018), brain structure (MacDonald et al., 2006) and perception (Westneat et al., 2015). There is also evidence that unpredictability has a genetic basis (Henriksen et al., 2020;Martin et al., 2017;Prentice et al., 2020). ...
... Despite being a recurrent topic in human psychology of ageing (MacDonald et al., 2006;Roberts & DelVecchio, 2000), only a limited number of studies have explored the ontogeny of unpredictability in nonhuman animals. When animals of different taxa had their behaviour phenotyped several times across several days, their behaviour became more predictable with time (Goold & Newberry, 2017;Horvath, Garamszegi, et al., 2019;Mitchell et al., 2016). This decrease in variability, however, could be due to the habituation of individuals to frequently repeated experiences, because when individuals of different ages in two of those taxa were compared, unpredictability was higher in the older individuals (Goold & Newberry, 2017;Horvath, Garamszegi, et al., 2019). ...
... When animals of different taxa had their behaviour phenotyped several times across several days, their behaviour became more predictable with time (Goold & Newberry, 2017;Horvath, Garamszegi, et al., 2019;Mitchell et al., 2016). This decrease in variability, however, could be due to the habituation of individuals to frequently repeated experiences, because when individuals of different ages in two of those taxa were compared, unpredictability was higher in the older individuals (Goold & Newberry, 2017;Horvath, Garamszegi, et al., 2019). On the other hand, the song variability in songbirds is often less in older males de Kort et al., 2009;Rivera-Gutierrez et al., 2010). ...
... However, current evidence does not suggest systematic differences in (un)predictability between field and lab studies (Mitchell et al. 2021). This suggests that (un)predictability could vary according to state variables of individuals (MacDonald et al. 2006;Horvath et al. 2019a; but see Cornwell et al. 2023). Furthermore, individuals can differ in how sensitive they are in perceiving environmental cues (Briffa 2013), and in the accuracy with which they assess the environment ("organismal error," Westneat et al. 2015). ...
... If unpredictability represents a neurobiological challenge, then a predator-prey interaction might partly become a competition in the ability to change behavior and unpredictability can be under open-ended selection. Indeed, crustaceans, for example, behave more unpredictably in risk-taking behavior when exposed to predator cues (Briffa 2013) or when in an unfamiliar (potentially riskier) environment (Horvath et al. 2019a). Among insects, erratic (unpredictable) escape paths are common and have been predicted to confuse predators (Humphries and Driver 1970). ...
... It has been hardly explored if being predictable or unpredictable in risky or competitive situations is actually challenging. To our knowledge, only one study looked at the condition dependence of unpredictability (Horvath et al. 2019a). We here use a predator escape context to study if (un)predictability is affected by experimental manipulation of individual condition. ...
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(Un)predictability has only recently been recognized as an important dimension of animal behavior. Currently, we neither know if (un)predictability encompasses one or multiple traits nor how (un)predictability is dependent on individual conditions. Knowledge about condition dependence, in particular, could inform us about whether predictability or unpredictability is costly in a specific context. Here, we study the condition dependence of (un)predictability in the escape behavior of the steppe grasshopper Chorthippus dorsatus. Predator–prey interactions represent a behavioral context in which we expect unpredictability to be particularly beneficial. By exposing grasshoppers to an immune challenge, we explore if individuals in poor condition become more or less predictable. We quantified three aspects of escape behavior (flight initiation distance, jump distance, and jump angle) in a standardized setup and analyzed the data using a multivariate double-hierarchical generalized linear model. The immune challenge did not affect (un)predictability in flight initiation distance and jump angle, but decreased unpredictability in jump distances, suggesting that unpredictability can be costly. Variance decomposition shows that 3–7% of the total phenotypic variance was explained by individual differences in (un)predictability. Covariation between traits was found both among averages and among unpredictabilities for one of the three trait pairs. The latter might suggest an (un)predictability syndrome, but the lack of (un)predictability correlation in the third trait suggests modularity. Our results indicated condition dependence of (un)predictability in grasshopper escape behavior in one of the traits, and illustrate the value of mean and residual variance decomposition for analyzing animal behavior.
... Decreased behavioural predictability (i.e. larger rIIV) is also possible if individual variation is a product of individual state or environmental differences [7][8][9][10]. ...
... Although there is a paucity of studies examining sex differences in movement behaviour (see [29]), a handful of studies have examined sex differences in the predictability of other fitness-related behaviours [9,[30][31][32]. These studies suggest, however, that one sex is not more consistently predictable than the other. ...
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Behavioural predictability describes the behavioural variability of an individual. Unpredictability can arise from many sources including non-adaptive passive plasticity in which an environmental factor acts directly on the individual to create non-adaptive phenotypic variation. In this study, I use radiotelemetry to field test the hypothesis that Cook Strait giant weta Deinacrida rugosa (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) exhibit a sex difference in the predictability of their nightly travel distance due to passive behavioural plasticity. As predicted, I found that male mobility (i.e. nightly travel distance) was less predictable than female mobility. Females travel short and predictable distances each night for food and refuges that are close by and readily available. In contrast, male travel is less predictable because they search for female mates that are stochastically dispersed across the landscape. Therefore, their travel distance can vary considerably across nights.
... Other research has indicated that behaving unpredictably is an adaptive response to predation threat (Briffa, 2013), and that some animals vary their behaviour in risky situations/environments (Brand et al., 2023;Horv ath et al., 2019). It could be the case here that some baboons show greater unpredictability in movement expression as a response to changing environmental risks and rewards that they encounter. ...
... Armadillidium vulgare individuals, have a behavioural ability that the P. scaber species does not, in that they can roll themselves up into a ball that internalises the ventral surfaces that transpire more water vapour than dorsal surfaces (Horváth, et al., 2019). This action (termed conglobation or volvation), as well as possessing cuticle and pleopodal lungs more adapted to terrestrial life compared to P. scaber, helps A. vulgare resist desiccation (Hornung, 2011, Warburg, 1987. ...
... While locomotor activity was not measured during the evening in the current study, this trade-off between activity and metabolism may partly explain why increased metabolic rates at higher temperatures in females resulted in lower within-individual behavioural variance. While the ecological implications of these sexdifferences in within-individual behavioural variability are unclear, we note that previous studies have identified putative associations between within-individual variance and predation in invertebrates [24,57,58]. This suggests that sexspecific effects of temperature on within-individual variation in activity rates found in the current study could lead to temperature-dependent differences between males and females in their vulnerability to predation. ...
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Temperature is a key factor mediating organismal fitness and has important consequences for species' ecology. While the mean effects of temperature on behaviour have been well-documented in ectotherms, how temperature alters behavioural variation among and within individuals, and whether this differs between the sexes, remains unclear. Such effects likely have ecological and evolutionary consequences, given that selection acts at the individual level. We investigated the effect of temperature on individual-level behavioural variation and metabolism in adult male and female Drosophila melanogaster (n = 129), by taking repeated measures of locomotor activity and metabolic rate at both a standard temperature (25°C) and a high temperature (28°C). Males were moderately more responsive in their mean activity levels to temperature change when compared to females. However, this was not true for either standard or active metabolic rate, where no sex differences in thermal metabolic plasticity were found. Furthermore , higher temperatures increased both among-and within-individual variation in male, but not female, locomotor activity. Given that behavioural variation can be critical to population persistence, we suggest that future studies test whether sex differences in the amount of behavioural variation expressed in response to temperature change may result in sex-specific vulnerabilities to a warming climate.
Urban green spaces offer opportunity to detect the response of species to environmental variations by exploring population density and body size variations. In May 2022, we collected pillbugs from five urban green spaces in Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R. China. One-way ANOVA, principal component analysis, Cramer’s V. Mantel test and regression analysis were employed in this study. We found that the body size varied significantly among different urban spaces, while density did not. Most of the environmental properties were significantly different, except electrical conductivity and total nitrogen. The number of plant species and pH were distinguished as the main factors shaping the habitats. Body size related to the food resources, and density related to pH and vegetation coverage. Then body length and weight presented a significant positive correlation. A clumped distribution pattern of pillbugs was detected by Taylor’s and Iwao’s regressions. The environmental variations presented inconsistent effects on density and body size.
Background Antipredator behaviors are theoretically subjected to a balance by which their display should be minimized when their benefits do not outweigh their costs. Such costs may be not only energetic, but also entail a reduction in the time available for other fitness-enhancing behaviors. However, these behaviors are only beneficial under predation risk. Therefore, antipredator behaviors are predicted to be maximized under strong predation risk. Moreover, predation pressure can differ among individuals according to traits such as sex or body size, if these traits increase vulnerability. Antipredator behaviors are expected to be maximized in individuals whose traits make them more conspicuous to predators. However, how sex, body size and antipredator behaviors interact is not always understood. Methods In this work, I tested the interaction between sex, body size and antipredator behavior in the common pill woodlouse ( Armadillidium vulgare ), which conglobate ( i.e., they roll up their bodies almost conforming a sphere that conceals their appendages) in response to predator attacks. Specifically, I tested whether latency to unroll after a standardized mechanical induction was greater in animals exposed to predator chemical cues (toad feces) than in conspecifics exposed to cues of non-predatory animals (rabbits) or no chemical cues whatsoever (distilled water), incorporating sex and body mass in the analyses. Results In agreement with my prediction, latency to unroll was greater in individuals exposed to predator chemical cues. In other words, these animals engage in conglobation for longer under perceived predator vicinity. However, this result was only true for males. This sexual dimorphism in antipredator behavior could result from males being under greater predation risk than females, thus having evolved more refined antipredator strategies. Indeed, males of this species are known to actively search for females, which makes them more prone to superficial ground mobility, and likely to being detected by predators. Body size was unrelated to latency to unroll. As a whole, these results support the hypothesis that antipredator behavior is tuned to predator cues in a way consistent with a balance between costs and benefits, which might differ between the sexes.
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The biological significance of behavioural predictability (environment-independent within-individual behavioural variation) became accepted recently as an important part of an individual's behavioural strategy besides behavioural type (individual mean behaviour). However, we do not know how behavioural type and predictability evolve. Here, we tested different evolutionary scenarios: (i) the two traits evolve independently (lack of correlations) and (ii) the two traits' evolution is constrained (abundant correlations) due to either (ii/a) proximate constraints (direction of correlations is similar) or (ii/b) local adaptations (direction of correlations is variable). We applied a set of phylogenetic meta-analyses based on 93 effect sizes across 44 vertebrate and invertebrate species, focusing on activity and risk-taking. The general correlation between behavioural type and predictability did not differ from zero. Effect sizes for correlations showed considerable heterogeneity, with both negative and positive correlations occurring. The overall absolute (unsigned) effect size was high (Zr = 0.58), and significantly exceeded the null expectation based on randomized data. Our results support the adaptive scenario: correlations between behavioural type and predictability are abundant in nature, but their direction is variable. We suggest that the evolution of these behavioural components might be constrained in a system-specific way.
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Simple Summary: Urban green areas are critically important for maintaining biodiversity in urban ecosystems. The pill bug is an ecological bio-indicator of soil health that is widely distributed around the world. In this study, we studied the relationship between the characteristics of the pill bugs population and soil properties of urban green spaces. The characteristics of the population vary significantly among selected habitats. The pH and soil organic matter may be the main factors for explaining the variation in body size of pill bugs among the habitats in spring. Significant positive regressions were detected between body length and body weight. Abstract: Rapid urban development poses a threat to global biodiversity. At the same time, urban green spaces offer opportunities for holding biodiversity in cities. Among biological communities, the soil fauna plays a crucial role in ecological processes but is often ignored. Understanding the effects of environmental factors on soil fauna is critical for ecological conservation in urban areas. In this study, five typical green space habitats were selected including bamboo grove, forest, garden, grassland, and wasteland in spring, for detecting the relationship between habitats and Armadillidium vulgare population characteristics in Yancheng, China. Results indicate that soil water content, pH, soil organic matter, and soil total carbon varied significantly among habitats, as well as the body length and body weight of pill bugs. The higher proportion of larger pill bugs was found in the wasteland and the lower proportion in the grassland and the bamboo grove. The body length of pill bugs was positively related to pH. Soil total carbon, soil organic matter, and the number of plant species were correlated with the body weight of pill bugs.
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Prey animals have evolved a wide variety of behaviours to combat the threat of predation, and these have been generally well studied. However, one of the most common and taxonomically widespread antipredator behaviours of all has, remarkably, received almost no experimental attention: so-called 'protean' behaviour. This is behaviour that is sufficiently unpredictable to prevent a predator anticipating in detail the future position or actions of its prey. In this study, we used human 'predators' participating in 3D virtual reality simulations to test how protean (i.e. unpredictable) variation in prey movement affects participants' ability to visually target them as they move (a key determinant of successful predation). We found that targeting accuracy was significantly predicted by prey movement path complexity, although, surprisingly, there was little evidence that high levels of unpredictability in the underlying movement rules equated directly to decreased predator performance. Instead, the specific movement rules differed in how they impacted on targeting accuracy, with the efficacy of protean variation in one element depending on the values of the remaining elements. These findings provide important insights into the understudied phenomenon of protean antipredator behaviour, which are directly applicable to predator-prey dynamics within a broad range of taxa.
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Animal personality, defined as consistent differences between individuals in behavior, has been the subject of hundreds if not thousands of papers. However, little work explores the fitness consequences of variation in behavior within individuals, or intraindividual variability (IIV). We probe the effects of behavioral IIV on predator-prey interaction outcomes in beach-dwelling jumping spiders (Terralonus californicus). Prior studies have found that spiders with higher body condition (body mass relative to size) behave more variably. Thus, we hypothesized that jumping spider activity level IIV would relate positively to foraging performance. To address this, we tested for associations between activity IIV, average activity level, and two measures of foraging success in laboratory mesocosms: change in spider mass and the number of prey killed. Activity IIV positively correlated with the mass that spiders gained from prey, but not with the number of prey killed. This suggests that spiders with high IIV consumed a greater proportion of their prey or used less energy. Interestingly, average activity level (personality) predicted neither metric of foraging success, indicating that behavioral IIV can predict metrics of success that personality does not. Therefore, our findings suggest that IIV should be considered alongside personality in studies of predator-prey interactions.
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Despite accumulating evidence for individual variation in behavioural plasticity, there is currently little understanding of the causes and consequences of this variation. An outstanding question is whether individual reaction norm (RN) slopes are consistent across different environmental variables—that is, whether an individual that is highly responsive to one environmental variable will be equally responsive to a second variable. Another important and related question is whether RNs are themselves consistently expressed through time or whether they are simply state dependent. Here, we quantified individual activity rates of zebrafish in response to independent manipulations of temperature and food availability that were repeated in discrete ‘bursts’ of sampling through time. Individuals that were thermally responsive were not more responsive to food deprivation, but they did exhibit greater unexplained variation. Individual RN slopes were consistent (repeatable) over time for both temperature (Rslope = 0.92) and food deprivation responses (Rslope = 0.4), as were mean activity rates in the standard environment (Rintercept = 0.83). Despite the high potential lability of behaviour, we have demonstrated consistency of behavioural RN components and identified potential energetic constraints leading to high consistency of thermal RNs and low consistency of food deprivation RNs. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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Behavioural individuality is thought to be caused by differences in genes and/or environmental conditions. Therefore, if these sources of variation are removed, individuals are predicted to develop similar phenotypes lacking repeatable individual variation. Moreover, even among genetically identical individuals, direct social interactions are predicted to be a powerful factor shaping the development of individuality. We use tightly controlled ontogenetic experiments with clonal fish, the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa), to test whether near-identical rearing conditions and lack of social contact dampen individuality. In sharp contrast to our predictions, we find that (i) substantial individual variation in behaviour emerges among genetically identical individuals isolated directly after birth into highly standardized environments and (ii) increasing levels of social experience during ontogeny do not affect levels of individual behavioural variation. In contrast to the current research paradigm, which focuses on genes and/or environmental drivers, our findings suggest that individuality might be an inevitable and potentially unpredictable outcome of development.
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Predator-prey interactions play important roles in ecological communities. Personality, consistent inter-individual differences in behaviour, of predators, prey or both are known to influence inter-specific interactions. An individual may also behave differently under the same situation and the level of such variability may differ between individuals. Such intra-individual variability (IIV) or predictability may be a trait on which selection can also act. A few studies have revealed the joint effect of personality types of both predators and prey on predator foraging performance. However, how personality type and IIV of both predators and prey jointly influence predator foraging performance remains untested empirically. Here, we addressed this using a specialized spider-eating jumping spider, Portia labiata (Salticidae), as the predator, and a jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, as the prey. We examined personality types and IIVs of both P. labiata and C. umbratica and used their inter- and intra-individual behavioural variation as predictors of foraging performance (i.e., number of attempts to capture prey). Personality type and predictability had a joint effect on predator foraging performance. Aggressive predators performed better in capturing unpredictable (high IIV) prey than predictable (low IIV) prey, while docile predators demonstrated better performance when encountering predictable prey. This study highlights the importance of the joint effect of both predator and prey personality types and IIVs on predator-prey interactions.
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It has been proposed recently that labile state variables (e.g. energy reserves) can have a key role in the development and maintenance of consistent between-individual behavioural variation (i.e. animal personality) within population. In male Carpetan rock lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni), the provitamin D3 component of femoral gland secretion acts as an honest signal in sexual communication. Further, vitamin D3 has many important metabolic functions in reptiles. Therefore, by employing a factorial experiment with food (high vs. low) and vitamin D3 (supplemented vs. control) treatments in wild-caught reproductive male I. cyreni, we tested whether changing labile components of individual state affected (i) behavioural consistency (the degree of between-individual difference) and (ii) behavioural type (mean behaviour). Animal personality in activity was present in all treatments; however, personality was present only in the high food × vitamin D3 supplementation treatment in shelter use and it was present in all but the low food × placebo treatment in risk taking. Lizards (i) decreased activity in the high food treatment, (ii) increased shelter use in the vitamin D3 supplementation treatment and (iii) increased risk taking in the low food × vitamin D3 supplementation treatment. We conclude that short-term changes in individual state affect both behavioural consistency and behavioural type of reproductive male I. cyreni. Unfavourable conditions resulted in decreased behavioural consistency, while high-state individuals became less active in general. Individuals with high specific (vitamin D3) but low general (energy reserves) state took higher risk. We discuss several evolutionary explanations for the reported patterns. Significance statement The evolutionary and developmental mechanisms resulting in consistent between-individual behavioural differences across time and situations (i.e. animal personality) are of high scientific interest. It has been recently proposed that links between individual state (e.g. how well-fed the individual is) and behaviour can maintain such between-individual differences even on an evolutionarily timescale. However, whether short-term state changes are able to affect animal personality in adults is an open question. In a manipulative experiment, we found that the amount of food and vitamin D3 (known to increase physiological quality and attractiveness of male Carpetan rock lizards, I. cyreni) affected the expression of animal personality and the actual behavioural types of reproductive male Carpetan rock lizards. Therefore, we provide evidence that short-term environmental variation does induce or suppress animal personality, and it also affects individual behaviour.
The first comprehensive synthesis on development and evolution: it applies to all aspects of development, at all levels of organization and in all organisms, taking advantage of modern findings on behavior, genetics, endocrinology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory and phylogenetics to show the connections between developmental mechanisms and evolutionary change. This book solves key problems that have impeded a definitive synthesis in the past. It uses new concepts and specific examples to show how to relate environmentally sensitive development to the genetic theory of adaptive evolution and to explain major patterns of change. In this book development includes not only embryology and the ontogeny of morphology, sometimes portrayed inadequately as governed by "regulatory genes," but also behavioral development and physiological adaptation, where plasticity is mediated by genetically complex mechanisms like hormones and learning. The book shows how the universal qualities of phenotypes--modular organization and plasticity--facilitate both integration and change. Here you will learn why it is wrong to describe organisms as genetically programmed; why environmental induction is likely to be more important in evolution than random mutation; and why it is crucial to consider both selection and developmental mechanism in explanations of adaptive evolution. This book satisfies the need for a truly general book on development, plasticity and evolution that applies to living organisms in all of their life stages and environments. Using an immense compendium of examples on many kinds of organisms, from viruses and bacteria to higher plants and animals, it shows how the phenotype is reorganized during evolution to produce novelties, and how alternative phenotypes occupy a pivotal role as a phase of evolution that fosters diversification and speeds change. The arguments of this book call for a new view of the major themes of evolutionary biology, as shown in chapters on gradualism, homology, environmental induction, speciation, radiation, macroevolution, punctuation, and the maintenance of sex. No other treatment of development and evolution since Darwin's offers such a comprehensive and critical discussion of the relevant issues. Developmental Plasticity and Evolution is designed for biologists interested in the development and evolution of behavior, life-history patterns, ecology, physiology, morphology and speciation. It will also appeal to evolutionary paleontologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and teachers of general biology.
We consider hierarchical generalized linear models which allow extra error components in the linear predictors of generalized linear models. The distribution of these components is not restricted to be normal; this allows a broader class of models, which includes generalized linear mixed models. We use a generalization of Henderson's joint likelihood, called a hierarchical or h‐likelihood, for inferences from hierarchical generalized linear models. This avoids the integration that is necessary when marginal likelihood is used. Under appropriate conditions maximizing the h‐likelihood gives fixed effect estimators that are asymptotically equivalent to those obtained from the use of marginal likelihood; at the same time we obtain the random effect estimates that are asymptotically best unbiased predictors. An adjusted profile h‐likelihood is shown to give the required generalization of restricted maximum likelihood for the estimation of dispersion components. A scaled deviance test for the goodness of fit, a model selection criterion for choosing between various dispersion models and a graphical method for checking the distributional assumption of random effects are proposed. The ideas of quasi‐likelihood and extended quasi‐likelihood are generalized to the new class. We give examples of the Poisson–gamma, binomial–beta and gamma–inverse gamma hierarchical generalized linear models. A resolution is proposed for the apparent difference between population‐averaged and subject‐specific models. A unified framework is provided for viewing and extending many existing methods.
Behavioural consistency within and across behaviours (animal personality and behavioural syndrome, respectively) has been vigorously studied in the last decade, leading to the emergence of “animal personality” research. It has been proposed recently that not only mean behaviour (behavioural type), but the environmentally induced behavioural change (behavioural plasticity) might also differ between individuals within populations. While case studies presenting between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity have started to accumulate, the mechanisms behind its emergence are virtually unknown. We have recently demonstrated that ecologically relevant environmental stimuli during ontogeny are necessary for the development of animal personality and behavioural syndromes. However, it is unknown whether between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity is hard‐wired or induced. Here, we tested whether experience with predation during development affected predator‐induced behavioural plasticity in Rana dalmatina tadpoles. We ran a common garden experiment with two ontogenetic predation treatments: tadpoles developed from hatching in either the presence or absence of olfactory predator stimuli. Then, we assayed all tadpoles repeatedly for activity and risk‐taking both in the absence and presence of olfactory predator stimuli. We found that (a) between‐individual variation in predator‐induced behavioural plasticity was present only in the group that developed in the presence of olfactory stimuli from predators and (b) previous experience with predatory stimuli resulted in lower plastic response at the group level. The latter pattern resulted from increased between‐individual variation and not from universally lower individual responses. We also found that experience with predation during development increased the predictability (i.e. decreased the within‐individual variation unrelated to environmental change) of activity, but not risk‐taking. In line with this, tadpoles developing under perceived predatory risk expressed their activity with higher repeatability. We suggest that ecologically relevant environmental stimuli are not only fundamental for the development of animal personality and behavioural syndromes, but also for individual variation in behavioural plasticity. Thus, experience is of central importance for the emergence of individual behavioural variation at many levels.