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Estimation of liquid deposition on corn plants sprayed from a drone

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Abstract and Figures

Laboratory results of spraying maize plants using a multi-rotor drone are presented. The XR11001 flat fan sprayer from TeeJet was used for the tests. The liquid pressure in installation was 0.2 MPa. The height of corn plants was 1.6 m and 0.9 m above the soil surface. The drone was equipped with electric motors DJI 4114, kV-400 and propellers with dimensions 15 x 2.2". The influence of the air stream produced by the drone rotors and the plant height on the plants sprayed from the drone spray stream was investigated. The research showed the dependence of the distribution of the deposited liquid on individual parts of plants from plant height and air flow.
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1RYHPEHU 201, Brno, Czech Republic
Estimation of liquid deposition on corn plants sprayed from
a drone
Boguslawa Berner, Aleksandra Pachuta, Jerzy Chojnacki
Department of Authomatic, Mechanics & Construction
Koszalin University of Technology
Racławicka 1517, 75620 Koszalin
Abstract: Laboratory results of spraying maize plants using a multi-rotor drone are presented. The
XR11001 flat fan sprayer from TeeJet was used for the tests. The liquid pressure in installation was
0.2 MPa. The height of corn plants was 1.6 m and 0.9 m above the soil surface. The drone was equipped
with electric motors DJI 4114, kV 400 and propellers with dimensions 15 x 2.2". The influence of the
air stream produced by the drone rotors and the plant height on the plants sprayed from the drone spray
stream was investigated. The research showed the dependence of the distribution of the deposited liquid
on individual parts of plants from plant height and air flow.
Key Words: UAV, spraying plants, corn, liquid deposition, drone
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are used in agriculture primarily as instruments to acquire
information about the rural environment (Pascuzzi et al. 2018), about the fertilization demand of plants
(Mazur and Chojnacki 2017), the level of weed infestation and even about existing plant parasites (Tetila
et al. 2017). Drones are currently able to perform some agrotechnical operations on crops. They can be
used to spray plants with plant protection products, both chemical and biological (Berner and Chojnacki
2017a), spread fertilizers, sow seeds and plant plants. The advantage of using drones in field works is
the lack of kneading soil and plants, the ability to work on hard-to-reach areas, especially due to the
diversification of the terrain or the wetness of the ground. The drones enable quick movement over field
crops, and enable treatments at different heights, directly above the plants (Faal et al. 2017).
Spraying drones can either perform autonomously, according to a previously planned flight route,
or the route of their flight and treatment site can be controlled by the drone operator by means of
a transmitter, in real time (Yallappa et al. 2017, Huang et al. 2009, Xue et al. 2016). The interest in using
drones in plant protection is also growing due to the innovativeness of this solution, which in the future
may contribute to full robotisation of field works (Mogili and Deepak 2018).
Drones airplanes resembling airplanes can be used for spraying plants, but the most common
application for field works has been drones with rotor construction, with rotating blades of propellers
keeping them in the air (Berner and Chojnacki 2017b, Wei-Cai et al. 2016, Zhou and He 2016, Giles
and Billing 2015). Research on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in plant protection focuses mainly
on the assessment of the quality of treatments performed with their help. To assess the treatments with
drones can be used probes fixed on plants, spread over several levels of plants. They allow the
assessment of the degree of liquid penetration in the plant canopy. On the basis of traces of droplets on
the probes one can estimate their size and uniformity of distribution, and even the capacity of the
deposited liquid (Wei-Cai et al. 2016, Berner and Chojnacki 2017b, Zhou and He 2016). The quality of
the distribution of liquid plants can depend on the amount of spraying and the shape of plants as well as
the accuracy of the drone moving over the plants (Tang et al. 2018, Berner and Chojnacki 2017b). In
addition to the use of probes attached to the plants, a biological assessment is also carried out (Qin et al.
Spraying plants with drones can become common in the future, provided that the effectiveness of
treatments performed with them will not be worse, and even better than treatments carried out with the
use of ground equipment.
1RYHPEHU 201, Brno, Czech Republic
The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the air stream produced by drone rotors and plant
heights, on the distribution of sprayed plants from a drone.
The tests were carried out in the laboratory hall. On the high mounted treadmill was a trolley,
moved by a pull rod pulled by an electric motor. The drone has been mounted to the trolley from below.
It was a S900 hexacopter, manufactured by DJI. The drone was equipped with electric motors DJI 4114,
kV 400 and propellers with dimensions 15 x 2.2". Under the rotor of the drone, on the jib attached to
the frame of the drone, at a distance of 0.4 m from the lower surface of the propellers, a flat stream
sprayFer XR11001 from TeeJet was installed. The liquid to the sprayer was supplied from an external
power source. The pressure of the liquid in the atomizer was constant and amounted to 0.2 MPa. The
nozzle has been positioned so that the fan of the spray jet was directed transversely to the direction of
travel of the cart with the drone. The travel speed of the trolley on the frame race was set to 1.2 m/s and
did not change during the tests. The rotational speed of all drone rotors was constant and amounted to
580 rad/s, which corresponded to the power of the drone, equal to 90 N. The rotation of the drone rotor
was controlled by means of an optical tachometer mounted on a drone and connected via a USB
connection to a computer.
Corn plants in phase 77 according to BBCH, bred in outdoor boxes were selected for research.
All plants were shortened to an equal level 1.6 m above the ground level in containers, which resulted
in a height of 1.8 m above the floor surface in the laboratory. In the second phase of research, the plants
were shortened, cutting the lower part of the plant's momentum, to 0.9 m above ground level. The boxes
were set up in the laboratory under the frame with the trolley. The spacing of plants in a row transverse
to the direction of travel of the trolley was 0.40 m and in a row parallel to the direction of movement of
the trolley it was equal 0.70 m. The plant setting is shown in the figure 1.
Figure 1 Stand setting
Legend: 1 tachometer, 2 nozzle, 3 samplers
On three levels of plants there are placed probes with dimensions 0.02 x 0.04 m made of
aluminium foil, 5 pieces on each level. Samplers were always glued on the same plant, in the same
places for the same height of the plant. Samplers were placed on the top layer of the plant, on the middle
layer and the lower layer 20 cm above the soil surface. In the case of tall plants, the central level was
0.9 m in the case of shortened plants 0.55 m above the soil level.
1RYHPEHU 201, Brno, Czech Republic
The experiments were performed with rotating rotors and without rotating the drone's rotors,
repeating each measurement three times. The probes were located on the central plant positioned exactly
under the axis of the sprayer's symmetry. As the spray liquid, water stained with washable water
nigrozine was used at a concentration of 0.5%. After the plants dried, the sensors were peeled off the
plants and stored in sealed containers.
After completing the tests, nigrozine was washed from the probes using distilled water of
indicated capacity. The concentration of the dye, which was proportional to the mass of the deposited
spray liquid, was determined by means of a spectrophotometer.
The average results of the research of the deposited liquid on the probes are presented on figure
2 for tall plants and for low plants are on figure 3. They actually represent the concentrations of the
washed dye from the surface of the probes, which are proportional to the amount of liquid deposited on
Figure 2 Liquid distribution on tall plants
Legend: level of samplers on plant:
A top, B middle, C lower, LSD
Least Significant Difference
Using the analysis of variance, the significance of the influence of plant height and air blowing
on the liquid deposition on selected plant levels was determined. Analysis of variance in which the
factors were:
level of samplers placement,
plant height,
rotors work.
Figure 3 Liquid distribution on low plants
Legend: level of samplers on plant:
A top, B middle, C lower,
LSD Least Significant Difference
It showed the significance of the impact of plant height and rotors work for liquid deposition on
corn plants with a significance level of less than 0.05. The value of the Least Significant Difference
without rotors r otation with rotors rotation
0.00019 0.00015
without rotors r otation with rotor s rotation
1RYHPEHU 201, Brno, Czech Republic
(LSD) was also calculated. This value is shown on plots (see Figures 2 and 3). By comparing its value
to the results, it can be noticed that no significant influence of the air stream on changes in the capacity
of the deposited liquid on the samplers placed at the level C of low plants was found.
Based on the data obtained from the measurements, a plots of the percentage of distribution of
the liquid on individual plant levels were made according to the formula described in the formula 1 (see
Figures 4 and 5). =100
[%] (1)
Pi share of the liquid capacity deposited on the sampler on i this level in relation to the
liquid capacity deposited at all levels, %
vi liquid capacity deposited on the sampler at i this level.
Figure 4 Percentage of distribution of the liquid on individual samplers levels (tall plants)
Legend: level of samplers on plant:
A top, B middle, C lower
Plots of the percentage distribution of liquid at individual plant levels show the relative relations between
the plant height and the uniformity of liquid deposition on them.
Figure 5 Percentage of distribution of the liquid on individual samplers levels (low plants)
Legend: level of samplers on plant: A
top, B middle, C lower
The test results indicated that there is a significant effect of plant height and air flow on the
distribution of liquid on corn plants. The influence of plant height is predictable and it is natural that
with a free falling stream of liquid less and less it reaches the lower parts of plants. In the case of the air
Pi, pe rcentag e of dist ribution, %
without rotors r otation with r otors rotation
Pi, pe rcentag e of dist ribution, %
without rotors rotation with r otors rotation
1RYHPEHU 201, Brno, Czech Republic
stream operation, part of the liquid contained in the stream of drops was transferred to the lower parts
of plants. This can be seen from the plots, both in the amount of liquid deposited and the percentage of
the total deposited liquid. The air stream originating from drone rotors has positively influenced the
improvement of the uniformity of settling of the liquid on the plants. It was also noticed that the air
stream was part of the droplet stream outside the testing area in the laboratory.
The research was financially supported by the statutory resources of the Mechanical Faculty of the
Koszalin University of Technology.
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In the present era, there are too many developments in precision agriculture for increasing the crop productivity. Especially, in the developing countries like India, over 70% of the rural people depends upon the agriculture fields. The agriculture fields faces dramatic losses due to the diseases. These diseases came from the pests and insets, which reduces the productivity of the crops. Pesticides and fertilizers are used to kill the insects and pests in order to enhance the crop quality. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimated as one million cases of ill effected, when spraying the pesticides in the crop filed manually. The Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) – aircrafts are used to spray the pesticides to avoid the health problems of humans when they spray manually. UAVs can be used easily, where the equipment and labors difficulty to operate. This paper reviews briefly the implementation of UAVs for crop monitoring and pesticide spraying.
Conference Paper
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Remote sensing applications within precision agriculture are mainly based on spectroscopy techniques, with the employment of optical sensors for the measurement of electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths. Experimental evaluations of the physiological status of maize crops witha land area of about 4 ha on a farm located near the city of Lucera (Foggia province, Southern Italy) were carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with sensors able to acquire thermal, multispectral and RGB images. The UAV was programmed to follow a path specified by several waypoints and the images were acquired from a constant altitude of 70 m with a 70 % overlap at a speed of 10 m·s-1. PixelWrench2 software was used to reconstruct the acquired images and to assess the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). The analysis of the reflectance and emissivity did not highlight anomalies linked to likely incipient diseases, parasitic attacks or stress from nutritional deficiencies. The study of the images, however, pointed out a non-homogenous development of the plants in some zones most probably produced by a malfunction of the irrigation system. The thermal analysis confirmed this hypothesis. Further investigations carried out using UAV flights would be very useful to obtain a more detailed analysis of the state of the vegetation with a study of the temporal variability.
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The results of research are related to the influence of the air stream produced by the drone on the distribution of the jet deposited under the drone that is sprayed with the aid of the XR 11002 slot sprayer, with water pressure of 0.4 MPa and Steinernema feltiae entomopathogenic nematodes contained in it. An influence was found of air on a change in distribution of the liquid that is deposited on the groove patternator and the concentration of the nematodes in the depositing liquid.
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Precise (depending on the planting demands, varied season-season, field to field, and even site to site) nitrogen fertilization is the way to minimize the costs of application and the lower nitrogen balance in soil and the groundwater protection process and maximize the yield. Comparison of two remote sensing method of plants' nitrogen needs during vegetation season has been conducted. Measurement with Yara N-Sensor facilities installed on tractor's roof and multispectral camera (Parrot Sequoia, R, G, RED and NIR bands) installed on UAV has been taken. PORÓWNANIE DWÓCH ZDALNYCH METOD POMIARU POBRANIA AZOTU PRZEZ ROŚLINY W CELU WYZNACZENIA POTRZEB NAWOŻENIA AZOTOWEGO Streszczenie Precyzyjne (zależne od zapotrzebowania roślin, zmienne względem sezonu, pól czy nawet stref pól) aplikowanie nawozów organicznych jest sposobem do zminimalizowania kosztów aplikacji i zrównowa-żenia bilansu azotowego w glebie i zapobiegania wymywaniu azotu do wód gruntowych oraz do mak-symalizacji plonów. Przeprowadzono porównanie dwóch metod zdalnego pomiaru zapotrzebowania roślin na azot w czasie wegetacji. Wykonano pomiar pobrania azotu przez uprawę rzepaku ozimego za pomocą urządzeń Yara N-Sensor (czujnik optyczny zamontowany na dachu ciągnika rolniczego) oraz kamery multispektralnej (Parrot Sequoia, pasma R, G, RED, NIR) podwieszonej do pojazdu bezzało-gowego (BSL). Pomiar przeprowadzono w listopadzie i grudniu 2016 roku. Słowa kluczowe: czujniki pobrania azotu, kamery multispektralne, wskaźniki zdrowotności roślin, normalizowany różnicowy wskaźnik wegetacji, NDVI, bezzałogowe statki latające (BLS), dron
The effects of operation height and tree shape on droplet deposition in citrus trees using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) were investigated in this study. When the operation height was 1.2 m and the flight speed was 3.5 m s⁻¹, the droplet density and droplet coverage rate were maximized in all the canopies. The droplets exhibited the most uniform distribution (CV = 32.44%) in the lower layer of inverted triangle-shaped trees. The droplet density in the lower layer of inverted triangle-shaped trees was 48.04% higher than that in triangle-shaped trees. There was no statistically significant difference between the middle and lower layers of inverted triangle-shaped trees. The uniformity of the droplet deposition distribution was studied in six parts of the citrus trees at an operation height of 1.2 m. The results indicated that the front, middle, rear, left and centre parts displayed uniform distributions, but the right part of the inverted triangle-shaped trees did not. This difference might have been caused by a deviated flight route due to manual control error or by droplet drift from the wind originating from the right.
Small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a timely and effective pesticide sprayer, can be used to spray pesticide in a high efficiency without harming the crop, and is especially suitable for spraying for small farms and hills in Asian countries. In recent years, it has been chosen as a key and new technique for pesticide application. This paper studied the impact of UAV (UAV N-3) spraying parameters (different working height and different spraying concentrations) on the deposition of droplets on the wheat canopy and the prevention of powdery mildew. Water sensitive paper was used as the sampler to collect the pesticide droplets and image processing software Deposit Scan was used to compute the coverage rate of droplets on the wheat top layer to acquire the proportional distribution of droplets on the wheat lower layer. The experimental results showed the impact of spraying height on the distribution of droplets on the wheat upper layer was quite significant, when the spraying height was 5.0 m and the spraying speed was 4 m/s, the coverage rate of droplets on the wheat lower layer was the largest, as it was 45.6% of that on the upper layer, the droplets distribution was the most uniform, and the coefficient of variation was 33.13%. 450 g/hm² (dosage registered) of triadimefon SC (44%) was sprayed by the UAV, the control efficiency reached 55.1% after applying which was better than 20% and 40% of dosage decreased for each hectare, and the applying effect (35.6%) of 20% dosage decreased for each hectare had no significant difference from the applying effect (34.6%) applied by a knapsack-type electric sprayer. At 10 d after applying, the prevention effect realized by UAV was lower than that realized by a knapsack-type electric sprayer, and it may be correlated to the meteorological condition and water amount in the pesticide sprayed. Thus, when UAV spraying was chosen to prevent wheat powdery mildew under a serious disease situation, an auxiliary agent for spraying could be added to prolong the retention of pesticide on the plant surface to extend the pesticide effect. This study can provide a reference for the optimized design, performance upgrade and reasonable application of small UAV sprayers. © 2018, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. All rights reserved.
Agricultural production has become a key factor for the stability of the world economy. The use of pesticides provides a more favorable environment for the crops in agricultural production. However, the uncontrolled and inappropriate use of pesticides affect the environment by polluting preserved areas and damaging ecosystems. In the precision agriculture literature, several authors have proposed solutions based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for developing spraying processes that are safer and more precise than the use of manned agricultural aircraft. However, the static configuration usually adopted in these proposals makes them inefficient in environments with changing weather conditions (e.g. sudden changes of wind speed and direction). To overcome this deficiency, this paper proposes a computer-based system that is able to autonomously adapt the UAV control rules, while keeping precise pesticide deposition on the target fields. Different versions of the proposal, with autonomously route adaptation metaheuristics based on Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing and Hill-Climbing for optimizing the intensity of route changes are evaluated in this study. Additionally, this study evaluates the use of a ground control station and an embedded hardware to run the route adaptation metaheuristics. Experimental results show that the proposed computer-based system approach with autonomous route change metaheuristics provides more precise changes in the UAV’s flight route, with more accurate deposition of the pesticide and less environmental damage.
To perform plant-protection operations, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based automatic control spraying system was designed in China. The system used a highly integrated and ultra-low power MSP430 single-chip micro-computer with an independent functional module. This allowed route planning software to direct the UAV to the desired spray area. The test results of route precision showed that in a 3–4 m/s crosswind, route deviations were around 0.2 m. The result of multiple-spraying swath uniformity tests showed a minimum coefficient of variation of 25% when flying at a height of 5 m with a spraying swath of 7 m and a wind speed of 0–2 m/s. When the spraying swath was 9 m or 5 m, the coefficients were 34% and 41%, respectively. Spray uniformity for these UAV tests were superior to the Standard Requirement for ultra-low volume spraying variation coefficient, 60%.