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Akshay Patil1, Sanduni Disanayaka Mudiyanselage1, Jeremy D. Bricker 2,3, Wim Uijttewaal1, Geert Keetels4
Sliding force and punching pressure were contributing factors to widespread breakwater damage caused during the
2011 Great East Japan Tsunami (Takagi and Bricker, 2015), and were dominant factors causing displacement of
caissons from the world’s deepest breakwater: the Kamaishi bay-mouth composite tsunami breakwater (Arikawa et
al., 2012; Bricker et al., 2013). The current study focuses on understanding the physics necessary to correctly model
the problem of breakwater over-topping by tsunami. To effectively model the physical behavior of the system, scaled
model studies were carried out by Mudiyanselage (2017). The earlier numerical investigations carried out by Bricker
et al. (2013) and Mudiyanselage (2017), did not prove conclusive to numerically model tsunami breakwater overflow
using OpenFOAM employing a 2-D modeling approach. This was shown to be a major hurdle in prediction of the
sliding force on the caisson due to the inability of modeling the non-aerated overflow jet over the caisson. Validation
of the numerical model would allow parametric study of the flow physics for varying overflow conditions. As a result,
a threefold approach of experimental model, analytical model, and numerical model studies was proposed. To achieve
sufficient reliability and have complete flexibility, OpenFOAM was chosen for the numerical setup. This numerical
model was used to validate the experiments carried out by Mudiyanselage (2017). The numerical model validates and
reproduces the flow physics very well. Overall, the numerical results indicate that non-aeration could provide about
8-19% additional force. It was observed that the force on the caisson has a periodic fluctuating behavior. Additionally,
the aeration mechanism and overflow jet breakup during the flow was also investigated. It was observed that the highly
3-dimensional behavior of the overflow jet results in the aeration of the cavity underneath the jet. This also explains
why the previous studies Bricker et al. (2013) and Mudiyanselage (2017) failed to correctly model the overflow jet
using a 2-D modeling approach.
Keywords: Tsunami; Breakwater Over-topping; Computational Fluid Dynamics; OpenFOAM; Caisson Sliding Failure
During a tsunami event, the stability of a caisson breakwater can be compromised due to the overflow
jet. If the foundation of the caisson does not have sufficient strength, a strong horizontal force can desta-
bilize the caisson and result in sliding failure (Takahashi et al., 2014). The dynamics of the overflow jet
lead to a pressure reduction on the landward side of the caisson due to non-aeration of the cavity below
the nappe. This results in generation of an additional horizontal force, which increases the net horizontal
force acting on the caisson. The estimation of this horizontal force and the physical mechanism leading to
this condition are imperative in understanding the overall stability of the caisson breakwater during such
an overflow tsunami event. Though countermeasures such as the use of friction mats between the caisson
and the rubble mound (Suppasri et al., 2018), elevation of the rubble mound itself on the landward side
of the caisson, and porous armor units (Mitsui et al., 2014) are being implemented to prevent composite
breakwater failure in future tsunamis, determination of the pertinent failure mode (i.e., scour vs. sliding
failure vs. foundation bearing capacity failure) is necessary to ensure correct application of these counter-
measures. This research investigates the link between cavity sub-pressure under a non-aerated nappe, nappe
kinematics, and dynamics.
During the 2011 Great Eastern Japan tsunami, the world’s deepest offshore breakwaters, built in the
Kamaishi bay (Iwate Prefecture, Japan) partially failed. The breakwater comprised of a pair of breakwaters
of lengths 990 m and 670 m linked with a submerged 300 m wide opening (see Figure 1). The tsunami event
lead to the displacement of the caisson blocks towards the landward direction. Even the caissons which did
not undergo sliding, were not correctly positioned anymore (Arikawa et al., 2012). This confirmed the
partial failure of the breakwater due to the tsunami event (Mudiyanselage, 2017).
1Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo-
sciences, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
2Corresponding Author:
3Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk Section, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo-
sciences, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
4Offshore and Dredging Engineering Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, Delft University
of Technology, Netherlands
Figure 1: Kamaishi bay along with its breakwaters. The two breakwaters are separated by a submerged
connecting section.
In order to understand the overflow jet dynamics, a rigorous procedure involving experimental model,
analytical model and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model studies were proposed. The studies
carried out by Bricker et al. (2013) and Mudiyanselage (2017) could not provide information about sliding
force in the numerical model due to the inability to model non-aerated overflow using a 2-D model. To
correctly model the flow behavior, the experimental studies carried out by Mudiyanselage (2017) were used
to validate the numerical model. This validation routine allowed parametric study of the overflow jet.
An introduction to the experimental and analytical formulations by Mudiyanselage (2017) is first pro-
vided as a background to the assessment of the numerical model studies. This is followed by a brief
introduction to the numerical model investigations presented in this study. The results and conclusions are
presented next along with some details about the numerical results. An explanation for the aeration process
of the cavity is also included in this section. Finally, some conclusions for further numerical investigations
have been recommended along with the implications of using the current model.
This section presents the different approaches used in order to investigate the overflow jet behavior due
to non-aeration.
Ballistic model
A simplified tsunami was modeled in the laboratory as a steady breakwater overflow discharge
(Mudiyanselage, 2017). A situation sketch for the caisson stability and the hydrostatic pressure distri-
bution acting on the caisson can be seen in Figure 2. There are mainly two conditions of the overflow jet
that exist: the aerated and non-aerated cases. The various stages of the nappe under the overflow jet have
been classified based on the ventilation of the space (cavity) under the overflow jet (Abdalla and Shamaa,
2016). The current experimental studies only focus on the free nappe (aerated) and the depressed nappe
(non-aerated). The sub-atmospheric pressure in the non-aerated case results in the additional force on the
In order to have an analytical model of the problem, a ballistic model was used by Mudiyanselage
(2017) to study the overflow jet trajectory for the aerated and the non-aerated scenarios (see Figure 3),
building on the theory of Chanson (1996). In this model, the flow condition is considered to be aerated
when the upper and the lower nappe (see Figure 2) are subjected to atmospheric pressure (Mudiyanselage,
2017). The model assumptions are as listed below.
•The only external force on the nappe is gravitational.
•At the brink of the caisson, only the horizontal component of the velocity vector exists.
•The horizontal velocity component of flow is constant until the jet impinges the water level under the
Figure 2: Situation sketch of the caisson during a steady overflow event.
(a) Non-aerated nappe (b) Aerated nappe
Figure 3: Behavior of the overflow jet trajectory in the two cases. Overflow discharge, Q=0.00405 [m3/s].
The white lines indicate the water level in the cavity (Mudiyanselage, 2017).
The water particle is considered to be in the lower surface of the nappe (lower part of the overflow
jet). The co-ordinate system is so chosen that x is positive in the flow direction while y is positive in the
downward direction. As the horizontal component is constant, the vertical thickness of the nappe (dvertical)
can be assumed to be constant (Chow, 2009). As the obtained equations are quadratic, theoretically a
parabolic profile of the upper and the lower nappe are to be expected. The model for aerated flow (with the
above mentioned assumptions) is as presented below (Mudiyanselage, 2017),
where His the total energy head, yis the y co-ordinate (position), and A=gH
In order to derive the non-aerated nappe trajectory using a ballistics model, an additional mechanism
which accommodates for the lowering of pressure under the overflow jet was incorporated by Mudiyanse-
lage (2017). This mechanism includes additional acceleration (ai) due to the pressure drop inside the cavity
with respect to the atmospheric pressure. This acceleration acts perpendicular to the lower nappe envelope.
The water particle under consideration exists in the lower surface of the nappe (see Figure 2). The nappe
parameters for the non-aerated case can be seen in Figure 4. The additional acceleration due to the pressure
drop can be formulated as described in Equation 2 where ∆P[Pa] is the pressure drop across the overflow
jet, di[m] is the thickness of the jet, and ρ[kg/m3] is the fluid density (see Figure 4). Additionally, the
nappe thickness gradually reduces along the projectile path from the top of the caisson to the impingement
point to maintain continuity. This is due to the increasing vertical velocity along the trajectory and as a
result, the thickness of the nappe is reduced to maintain a constant flow rate (Mudiyanselage, 2017). Based
on the above discussion, the final analytical model is as expressed in Equations 2-8. The length scales are
defined in Figure 4, with the x axis positive in flow direction and y axis positive upwards, while u and v
correspond to the velocity in x and y directions respectively.
Figure 4: Nappe trajectory with additional acceleration due to cavity sub-pressure.
2·(ai−1·sin(θi−1)) ·∆t2(3)
i−1−2·(ai−1·sin(θi−1)) ·∆xi(4)
2·(g+ai−1·cos(θi−1)) ·∆t2(5)
i−1+2·(g+ai−1·cos(θi−1)) ·∆yi(6)
) (8)
NOTE: For complete details of the equations 2-8 see (Mudiyanselage, 2017).
Using this model, the overflow jet trajectory can be predicted. This allows for a simple analytical com-
parison. This analytical model will be tested against the experimental model.
Additional force on the caisson
The pressure distribution on the caisson during the overflow event can be seen in Figure 5. There
is a distinct difference in the pressure distribution between the aerated and non-aerated cases. It is also
important to note the difference between the water levels under the cavity in the two cases. As the water
level under the cavity acts as a stabilizing force, the dynamics of the overflow jet, the pressure inside the
cavity, and the water level under the cavity is critical in contributing to the stability of the caisson. The stark
difference in the pressure distribution changes the force acting on the caisson. Using hydrostatic pressure
distribution assumptions, the force on the caisson in the two cases can be given as described in Equation 9
(Mudiyanselage, 2017),
{[ρe f f ·g·(z−dt)] −∆P} · Bc·dz +
where F [N] is the force on the caisson, dt[m] is the water level under the cavity, ρe f f [kg/m3] is the
effective density in the water level under the cavity, g [m/s2] is the acceleration due to gravity, z [m] is the z
coordinate, ∆P[Pa] is the pressure difference across the overflow jet in the non-aerated case, Bc[m] is the
width of the caisson (width of the flume in this case), and Hc[m] is the height of the caisson. In the aerated
case, Equation 9 can be simplified as ∆P=0 [Pa] and ρe f f =ρwater =1000 [kg/m3]. Using this formulation
of the force on the caisson, the additional force generated due to the non-aeration can be simply assessed
using Equation 10.
(a) Aerated case (b) Non-Aerated case
Figure 5: Forces acting on the caisson for the same overflow discharge quantities. The pressure distribution
in the two cases are also depicted.
Fad =Fnon−aerated −Faerated ,(10)
where Fad is the additional force due to non-aeration, Fnon−aerated is the force on the caisson in the non-
aerated case, and Faerated is the force on the caisson in the aerated case.
The above discussion motivates further investigation about over-topping of caisson. As a result, the
following two approaches were considered to understand the dynamics of the flow:
•Experimental investigation
•Numerical investigation (using OpenFOAM)
Comparison of the two approaches along with the analytical formulation will provide sufficient insight
about the overflow jet dynamics. This procedure also helps validate the numerical model for future use and
detailed investigation for various parametric studies.
Experimental investigation
The experimental studies by Mudiyanselage (2017) were carried out at the Water Lab of the Civil En-
gineering and Geosciences faculty of the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. The selection
of the geometric scale for carrying out the experimental investigation limits the overflow discharge con-
ditions that can be ‘replicated’ in the flume. As a result, the selection of experimental geometric scale is
crucial. The prototype model dimensions can be seen in Figure 6. For all the overflow discharge values the
condition as described in Equation 11 has to be met,
Figure 6: Dimensions of the caisson along with the rubble mound at the prototype scale.
Hf lume >Hc+dm,(11)
where Hf lume is the height/depth of the flume, Hcis the height of the caisson, and dmis the maximum
overflow depth over the caisson. Considering the prototype dimensions and available flume at the TU
Delft Water Lab, a geometric scale of 1:150 was chosen (Mudiyanselage, 2017). The dimensions of the
experimental flume available can be seen in Figure 7. As a scaled model is under investigation, not all
physical processes correspond one-to-one in the scaled model. Hence, it is critical to assess which scaling
law can be applied. In this case, three scaling parameters were considered (refer Table 1).
Figure 7: Experimental setup of the caisson overflow scaled model in the experimental flume at the Water
Lab (side view). The width of the flume is 20 cm.
Table 1: Scaling parameters considered in the experimental studies. A comparison of the prototype and
the scaled physical model are presented.
Scaling Parameter Prototype Scaled Physical Model
Reynolds Number =UL
Froude Number =U
√gL 0.2 - 1.5 0.2 - 1.5
Weber Number =ρU2L2
where, U =velocity [m/s], L =length scale (water depth) [m], ν=kinematic viscosity of the fluid =10−6
[m2/s], g =gravitational acceleration =9.81 [m/s2], ρ=density of the fluid =1000 [kg/m3] and σ=
Surface tension =0.007286 [N/m].
As seen in the Table 1, the only scaling parameter consistent in both the cases is the Froude (Flow
regime) scaling parameter. There is a large disparity between the Reynolds (Turbulence) and Weber (Sur-
face Tension) scaling. As the limit for turbulent flow is not sharply defined for open channel flows, a value
for Re >2000 is considered to be turbulent (Spurk and Aksel, 2008). As a result, the experimental in-
vestigations complies with the right turbulent flow regime. However, the Weber scaling can certainly have
an effect in the modeling of the problem. The limit for which surface tension can be neglected is ∼120
(Peakall and Warburton, 1996). Due to the lack of data about the effects of surface tension on overflow
jets, the assessment of the influence of Weber scaling is not considered in this case. This possible influence
of surface tension can be simulated in the numerical model (Mudiyanselage, 2017). The Froude scaling
was used to scale the flow physics. Artificial aeration in the cavity is introduced once the flow enters the
steady state condition. This is done in order to assess the difference in the overflow jet trajectory for the
aerated and non-aerated cases. The discharge is measured using a downstream sharp-crested weir. In total
10 overflow discharge values were studied (see Mudiyanselage (2017) for details).
The pressure sensors used in the experiment are of ‘differential’ type. For the experiments, one end of
the pressure sensor is always connected to the atmosphere. As a result, the pressure readings are relative
to the atmospheric pressure. As the top pressure sensor is always in contact with air (inside the cavity),
the accuracy of the sensor is not reliable. A similar situation exists for the sensor in the middle (see Figure
7). Hence, only the lowest pressure sensor readings have been considered. The pressure distribution in the
non-aerated case can be seen in Figure 5b. Assuming the hydrostatic pressure in the water level under the
cavity, the pressure difference (∆P) can be estimated using the water level difference. This formulation is
as described in Equation 12 (see Mudiyanselage (2017) for a complete derivation),
∆P=(P3a−P3na)+dna ·ρe f f ·g,(12)
where P3aand P3na are the pressure sensor readings for the lowest sensor in the aerated and the non-aerated
cases respectively, dna is as defined in Figure 5b and the other parameters are as defined earlier.
Effective density inside the cavity
Using the analytical and experimental formulation as discussed above, the overflow jet trajectories
were compared. It was observed that the two trajectories as predicted by the analytical method and the one
observed in the experiments did not agree with each other (see Mudiyanselage (2017) for details). It was
hypothesized that the effective density in the cavity is not constant which leads to the deviation between
the two trajectories (analytical and experimental). This hypothesis is consistent due to the fact that there
is vigorous bubbling under the overflow jet in the non-aerated case. In order to investigate this behavior
of water level in the cavity, an integral momentum conservation analysis was conducted with the control
volume as seen in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Control volume used for momentum conservation analysis based on the dimensions of Figure 7.
Formulating and solving the momentum equation over this control volume for the cavity sub-pressure
yields Equation 13,
2ρe f f gBd2
na −ρQ2
where all the length scales are as defined in Figure 8, and B is the width of the the flume. This conservation
of momentum analysis also shows that an effective water density of 800 kg/m3under the nappe brings
theory into agreement with measurements, as shown in Figure 9. Together with the nappe deflection of
Figure 10, this adds some confidence to the hypothesis that air entrainment and bubbling in the water
under the nappe might contribute significantly to the dynamics of non-aerated nappe overflow. Assuming
hydrostatic forces on both sides of the caisson during overflow using measured values of ∆Pfrom Equation
12, nappe non-aeration resulted in an average of 9% and a maximum of 14% greater sliding force than the
aerated cases experienced in the tests conducted.
Figure 9: Measured (Equation 12) vs. theoretical (Equation 13) cavity sub-pressures for all experimental
tests of Mudiyanselage (2017).
(a) Test 3 overflow jet trajectory comparison (b) Test 10 overflow jet trajectory comparison
Figure 10: Measured and modeled nappe trajectories at two different flow rates. The value for rho effis
ρe f f ∼800 [kg/m3].
This density change inside the water level under the cavity will also be considered in the numerical
model. For consistent comparison, the trajectory results from this momentum analysis and the experimental
results will be compared with the numerical model. From this section onwards the term ‘analytical result’
will refer to the trajectory results using the effective density analysis as discussed in the above section.
Numerical investigation
In order to have complete flexibility and reliability of the numerical model, OpenFOAM was selected.
Specifically, the interFoam solver was used to simulate the flow over the caisson. The interFoam solver has
numerous validations for free surface flows. Some of them are as cited here in the studies by (Higuera et al.,
2013), (Deshpande et al., 2012) and (Lopes, 2013). With motivation from these studies, an in depth model-
ing of the flow over caisson was considered. The numerical model was used to replicate the experimental
studies carried out by Mudiyanselage (2017). The model geometry is the same as the experimental model
investigation as seen in Figure 7. For the detailed numerical setup, see Patil (2018).
The system of equations solved in the numerical model are presented in Equations 14 - 17. Additional
equations for the transport of k(Turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s2]) have to be solved as well. The turbulence
closure used in this model was the standard k−turbulence model, where is the rate of dissipation of
turbulence energy [m2/s3]. Further details about the standard k−turbulence closure can be found in the
seminal paper by Launder and Spalding (1974).
∇ · (u)=0 (14)
∂xj−¯pδi j +µ∂¯ui
Dt (ρk)=∇ · (ρDk∇k)+Gk−2
3ρ(∇ · u)k−ρ +Sk(16)
Dt (ρ)=∇ · (ρD∇)+C1Gk
3C1−C3,RDT )ρ(∇ · u)−C2ρ2
NOTE: Please refer the official OpenFOAM documentation for the details OpenCFD (2018). The tur-
bulence model equations presented above are for compressible flows.
where ∇· is the divergence operator, uis the mean velocity vector field, ρis the density of the fluid, uiis
the ith mean velocity component, xjis the jth space coordinate, pis the mean scalar pressure field, δi j is the
Kronecker delta, and µis the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
The interFoam solver employs a simple approach to differentiate between the two fluids (air and water
in this case). The alpha (α) fraction can take any value between 0 and 1. As a result, if the computational
cell has an alpha value of 1 means it is completely filled with water and if it has an alpha value of 0 it
implies that the cell is completely filled with air. Using this simple methodology, the multiphase simulation
can be setup. The governing equations and other details can be seen in Deshpande et al. (2012).
Convergence of the numerical model
In order to have reliability of the numerical model results, the very first step in the validation process
involves confirmation of convergence. This convergence history can be obtained for all the computed
quantities. In this case the computed quantities are pressure ( pr gh), turbulent kinetic energy (k), and the rate
of turbulent energy dissipation (). The convergence history was obtained using the OpenFOAM runtime
utility. From Figure 11, it is evident that the normalized residuals are below the accuracy limit (10−3). This
confirms the convergence of the numerical model for the given physical model. All the numerical models
were observed to have a similar convergence history.
Figure 11: Residuals time series for test 10 for about 35 s of the simulation.
Grid sensitivity
Three grids were checked for appropriate capture of the air-water interface. The grids which were
compared to assess the grid sensitivity have been presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Grid sizes compared in order to assess the sensitivity of the numerical model to capture the air-
water interface.
Grid Name Grid Resolution
Grid 1 1 cm
Grid 2 0.4 cm
Grid 3 0.2 cm
Visual inspection of the results (see Figure 12) shows that a grid resolution of 1 cm cannot appropriately
resolve the overflow jet. Consequently, this grid cannot be considered for further investigations. In order to
check the behavior of the grids with a resolution of 0.4 cm and 0.2 cm, a direct comparison was made. The
validation process includes the ability of the grid size to capture the size and the trajectory of the overflow
jet appropriately. These trajectories have been compared with the experimental results. The validation of
the numerical model has been presented in the next section.
(a) Grid with 1 cm resolution (b) Grid with 0.4 cm resolution
(c) Grid with 0.2 cm resolution
Figure 12: Overflow jet behavior with different mesh sizes (Q=0.0025 [m3/s]). The overflow jet has been
resolved using a water fraction higher than 0.7.
Validation of the numerical model
The numerical model results have been validated against the experimental studies and the analytical
model. Before a direct comparison is made, it is important to discuss the overflow jet behavior in the
numerical model for the non-aerated case. As seen in Figure 13, the overflow jet does not stay as a steady
stream of fluid. With time, the cavity under the overflow jet shrinks as a result of air entrainment. This
reduces the pressure inside the cavity until the point where the overflow jet cannot retain its original shape.
The reduction in pressure inside the cavity results in a progressive rise of the water level and pulling of the
overflow jet towards the caisson wall. The curvature of the jet increases until the jet breaks at the sides
and hugs the wall of the caisson completely. This provides a means of aeration back into the cavity at the
sides of the flume and the overflow jet retains its original position by virtue of the incoming horizontal
momentum. This cycle of air entrainment from and into the cavity continues throughout the simulation
period. As a result, the overflow jet trajectory cannot be directly compared to the numerical model results.
In order to provide a detailed representation of the jet behavior, three positions of the overflow jet have
been presented. The three positions correspond to furtherest, mean and closest position of the overflow jet
in comparison to he caisson wall.
(a) Nappe far end position (t =18.5 [s]). (b) Nappe mid position (t =19 [s]).
(c) Nappe hugging the caisson wall (t =22 [s]).
Figure 13: Non-aerated nappe behavior for grid resolution of 0.2 cm (Test3 Q=0.00405 [m3/s]). This
behavior is cyclic, and the nappe flutters about the mid position. The time at which the overflow jet position
is recorded depends on the write time specified in the numerical model.
The validation results have been obtained from a longitudinal slice of the 3-D numerical model along
the center of the flume. The results for test10 with a grid resolution of 0.4 cm can be seen in Figure 14.
Due to limited grid resolution, the size of the overflow jet and the trajectory are not resolved appropriately.
Hence, the results for this mesh size were considered to be not appropriate for capturing the overflow jet tra-
jectory. Considerable improvement in the trajectory and the size of the overflow jet was observed in the grid
with resolution of 0.2 cm numerical results (see Figure 15). The overall size and the trajectory have been re-
solved adequately. Moreover, the results correspond very well with the experimental and the analytical mod-
Similar results have been obtained for test 3. The grid with a resolution of 0.4 cm fails to adequately
capture the trajectory and size of the overflow jet (see Figure 16). As observed in the test 10 results, con-
siderable improvement in the trajectory and size of the overflow jet can be observed in the grid with a
resolution of 0.2 cm (see Figure 17). It is important to note the difference between the water levels in the
four figures presented in this section. The change in overflow jet trajectory and the rise of the water level
as a result of the decrease in pressure inside the cavity are clearly visible. As the numerical results with a
grid resolution of 0.2 cm show promising results, this grid was selected for all the final computations in the
numerical investigations.
Figure 14: Test 10 nappe validation results with grid resolution of 0.4 cm. The effective density in the
analytical model is 800 kg/m3.
Figure 15: Test 10 nappe validation results with grid resolution of 0.2 cm. The effective density in the
analytical model is 800 kg/m3.
Figure 16: Test 3 nappe validation results with grid resolution of 0.4 cm. The effective density in the
analytical model is 800 kg/m3.
Figure 17: Test 3 nappe validation results with grid resolution of 0.2 cm. The effective density in the
analytical model is 800 kg/m3.
Water fraction inside the cavity
The water level under the cavity provides a stabilizing force for the caisson. As a result, the behavior
of pressure distribution affects the stability of the caisson. The hydrostatic pressure equation is given as
where P is the pressure [Pa], ρis the density of the fluid [kg/m3], g is the gravitational acceleration [m/s2],
and h is the depth under the free surface [m]. Using this formulation, the pressure distribution can be scaled
by density. As a result, assessment of the effective density inside the cavity has important implications on
the pressure distribution.
In order to have a consistent reference volume for the calculation of water fraction, the block as defined
in Figure 18 was used for all cases. As the water level is highly variable (see Figure 17), a reference volume
that is consistent for all the 6 cases had to be considered.
Figure 18: Schematic for water fraction computation volume in the domain
The effective density is simply computed using the Equation 19,
ρe f f =αwater ·ρwat er,(19)
where ρe f f is the effective density [kg/m3], αwater is the average water fraction over the reference volume
[-], and ρwater is the density of water ∼1000 [kg/m3]. The highly temporal behavior of the overflow jet was
not anticipated in the numerical model. As a result, a runtime routine in OpenFOAM was not employed to
obtain a time series of this block. This highly temporal behavior of the water level inside the cavity hinders
drawing any conclusion about the behavior of the effective density inside the cavity for both the cases. Table
3 presents the effective density for the three conditions of overflow jet with two tests. The analytical results
propose an effective αwvalue of about 0.8, which is higher than observed in a block average at one instance
for different positions of the overflow jet. However, it is interesting to note that the variation of αwand that
the magnitude of αw<1.
Table 3: Effective water fraction under the cavity. The values presented are block averages.
Position of the nappe Test 10 (αw) Test 3 (αw)
Closest to the caisson 0.6547 0.6649
Mean position 0.8398 0.6209
Furthest from the caisson 0.6433 0.6192
Force on the caisson
The basic idea for computing the force in the numerical model is applying static equilibrium to compute
the unknowns. Figure 19 shows all active forces on the caisson block for the non-aerated case. The only
difference in the aerated case would be the pressure distribution on the downstream face of the caisson.
The results for test 3 are presented below (see Figure 20). Similar time series behavior was obtained for
other test cases. It is interesting to see how the force for the aerated and the non-aerated case behave
almost identically during the first 2.5 s of simulation time (see Figure 20). As the initial water level inside
the cavity in both the cases is the same, the force on the caisson does not vary until the dynamics of the
non-aerated overflow jet start generating additional force on the caisson. After about 3 s of simulation
time, the dynamics of the non-aeration start playing a big role. Due to the entrainment cycle (as discussed
previously), the force on the caisson has a cyclic behavior. This is one of the key results that could not be
obtained in the experimental investigation. The stability of the caisson can be affected to a large extent as a
result of this oscillating force. This high frequency fluctuating force has its peak just after the overflow jet
leaves the caisson wall (last stage in figure 13). This was confirmed by correlating the pressure inside the
water level in the cavity with the overflow jet position for the same test, which exactly mirrors the behavior
in the pressure time series. The details for the pressure time series can be found in Patil (2018).
Figure 19: Simplified sketch of the forces acting on the caisson during over-topping. Only horizontal forces
have been considered in the static balance.
Figure 20: Comparison of force on the caisson for test 3 with Q=0.00405 m3/s. The force in the figure
represents the net force on the caisson in the numerical model.
For the design case, the maximum forces acting on the caisson in the aerated and non-aerated cases
govern the stability of the caisson. Thus, using the Equation 9, and applying a max function to this equation
can give a general trend for the additional force in each case. The additional force generated in this study
are as described in Table 4.
Table 4: Additional force for various tests carried out in the study using a grid resolution of 0.4 cm.
Overflow discharge [m3/s] Initial water level in the cavity [cm] Aerated Case [N] Non-aerated Case [N] Additional Force [N]
0.0025 6.4 39.77 38.95 -0.82
0.0028875 5.4 40.79 40.475 -0.315
0.003275 5.4 41.71 40.48 -1.23
0.0036625 1.5 42.72 46.105 3.385
0.00405 1.5 43.47 51.23 7.76
0.0044375 1.5 44.323 52.685 8.362
It was observed that the force on the caisson does not differ much, between grid with 0.4 cm and 0.2
cm resolution. Therefore, in order to have sufficient data, and minimize computational time, the results for
further investigations were carried out using the grid with a resolution of 0.4 cm for the force computations.
It is clear that the water level in the cavity plays an important role in this system. The need for validation
of the numerical model forced the different water levels to be simulated for different discharge levels.
However, as some of the tests were not considered in the experimental investigations, a constant water level
under the cavity was implemented. The initial water level was set to 1.5 cm as it was observed that the
overflow discharge can completely submerge the downstream region. This made it difficult to observe the
force on the caisson correctly. Accordingly, a low initial water level was initialized.
As part of this comprehensive study, it was observed that non-aeration of the cavity under the nappe
can lead to additional force on the caisson in certain situations (See table 4). The experimental investiga-
tion suggest that non-aeration could add about 15-30% additional horizontal force on the caisson. As a
result, the non-aeration of the overflow jet can jeopardize the sliding stability of the caisson. Although, the
experimental investigations suggest the efficacy of the analytical method, scale effects can have significant
impact on the system. The effect of ∆Pwas found to be larger than that of the effect of surface tension
(Mudiyanselage, 2017), the Weber scaling could influence the air entrainment process and affect the air
distribution (thus the effective density ρef f ) inside the water level under the cavity. The analytical model
predicts the overflow jet trajectory sufficiently well. However, in order to estimate the trajectory correctly,
the inclusion of effective density should be considered. The analytical formulations agree well with the
experimental (and numerical) results. The validity of the hydrostatic assumption could not be verified due
to limitations in the physical and the numerical model setup. Further focus on this aspect is required to
ascertain the analytical model calculations as presented in this study.
The numerical model studies indicate that the interFoam solver performs adequately to resolve the
overflow jet trajectory. The model agrees well with the experimental studies and the analytical model
results. Numerical model predictions suggest that non-aeration can result in an additional force of about 8-
19% in comparison to the aerated case for the overflow discharges as presented in Table 4. It was observed
that the water level inside the cavity has a large effect on the stability of the caisson. The numerical
results have been improved drastically in comparison to the previous studies by Bricker et al. (2013) and
Mudiyanselage (2017). The modeling of overflow jet using a simple k−based model provides a reasonable
solution field without any additional change in the turbulence model, thus disproving the hypothesis stated
in Bricker et al. (2013) about the inability of k−model to resolve flow field for this application. As
discussed earlier, the physics of the aeration of the overflow jet is highly 3-dimensional. A 2-dimensional
numerical model cannot incorporate the overflow jet dynamics correctly. This also confirms why the earlier
studies by Mudiyanselage (2017) could not model the non-aerated overflow jet appropriately. Consequently,
only a 3-dimensional model (such as the one used in this study) can correctly model the physical behavior
of the non-aerated overflow jet. Additionally, the pressure drop across the jet due to non-aeration changes
the dynamics of the water level under the cavity. It was observed that due to non-aeration the water level
inside the cavity has a different effective density (on average) in comparison to the aerated counterpart for
the same overflow discharge. This suggests there is a deviation from the expected pressure distribution
using the analytical model (Patil, 2018). However, due to lack of detailed investigation, no conclusions can
be drawn about the pressure distribution and its implications on the stability of the caisson. This calls for
further research into the water level behavior and its effect on the stability of the caisson. One of the crucial
results from the numerical investigations is the nature of the force on the caisson. It was observed that the
force on the caisson is not steady but cyclic/oscillatory in nature. This has a larger impact on the dynamics
of the fluid-structure interaction. The cyclic load can dislodge the caisson blocks easily which could explain
the observations during the tsunami event in 2011.
Despite the improved performance of the 3-D simulation over the 2-D simulation, there is still a dis-
tinct difference between the numerical and the experimental behavior of the overflow jet. The overflow jet
oscillates with higher frequency and amplitude in the numerical model compared to the experimental obser-
vations. This suggests that the numerical model lacks an aeration mechanism that exists in the experimental
investigation. The plausible explanation for this is the inability of interFoam to capture small bubbles that
are entrained and supplied back into the non-aerated cavity. It was observed in the experimental studies that
the overflow jet (non-aerated) breaks only at the lower-sides (near the flume walls) of the flume and draws
in air to aerate the cavity. However, the numerical model suggests that the overflow jet itself breaks and
hugs the caisson wall completely (test 3), draws in air and returns to its original location. This stark contrast
in the dynamics needs to be addressed in terms of computational methodology employed for studying over-
flow type behavior. The inability of interFoam solver to resolve detailed air-entrainment related physics
could easily question the validity of the numerical results especially for high overflow discharges. This
inability could also be attributed to the turbulence model employed in the numerical model. As Reynolds
Averaged Navier-Stokes modeling technique was used, the resolution of small scale turbulent features can
directly lead to the inability to model air-water interactions smaller than the model dictates. Although the
numerical results suggest sufficient applicability to resolve mean flow features, the stark contrast in the
overflow jet behavior in the numerical and experimental investigations suggests that the small-scale physics
has not been resolved, which affects the overall behavior of the overflow jet (especially the aeration mech-
anism). In conclusion, a word of caution has been advised to model overflow physics using interFoam and
the standard k−model. Hence, detailed investigation is recommended to investigate the air-entrainment
physics using either a Large Eddy type simulation or inclusion of the air-entrainment physics.
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