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Abstract and Figures

Phytochemical screening is a chief phase, which results in the isolation of novel and new compounds. In the current study, Lepidium didymum roots, stems and leaves extracts in N-hexane, ethanol and water were examined for phytochemicals in order to investigate various groups of phytochemicals. Secondary metabolites like cardiac glycosides, phlobatannins, tannins, steroids, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids, proteins and carbohydrates in Lepidium didymum were investigated. N-hexane, ethanolic and Aqueous extracts of stems revealed the presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, anthra-glycosides and saponins. Likewise, the N-hexane ethanolic, and aqueous extracts of roots revealed the existance of carbohydrates, terpenoids, anthra-glycosides, cardiac glycosides and saponins. Phlobatannins and Hager were not present from the given extracts in the plant. Hence, it was concluded that Lepidium didymum may be employed in medicinal purposes as it is rich in secondary metabolites.
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Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res., 23(2): 155-164, 2017
, Naveed Akhtar*, 1, Syed Shaukat Ali 2, Sajjad Ahmed1,
Samin Jan1, Barkatullah1, Muhammad Azim Khan3 and Muhammad
Saleem Khan1
Phytochemical screening is a chief phase, which results in the
isolation of novel and new compounds. In the current study, Lepidium
didymum roots, stems and leaves extracts in N-hexane, ethanol and
water were examined for phytochemicals in order to investigate
various groups of phytochemicals. Secondary metabolites like cardiac
glycosides, phlobatannins, tannins, steroids, flavonoids, saponins,
terpenoids, proteins and carbohydrates in Lepidium didymum were
investigated. N-hexane, ethanolic and Aqueous extracts of stems
revealed the presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, anthra-glycosides
and saponins. Likewise, the N-hexane ethanolic, and aqueous extracts
of roots revealed the existance of carbohydrates, terpenoids, anthra-
glycosides, cardiac glycosides and saponins. Phlobatannins and Hager
were not present from the given extracts in the plant. Hence, it was
concluded that Lepidium didymum may be employed in medicinal
purposes as it is rich in secondary metabolites.
Key words: Carbohydrates, cardiac glycosides, Lepidium, saponins,
Citation: Wajidullah, N. Akhtar, S.S. Ali, S. Ahmed, S. Jan,
Barkatullah, M.A. Khan and M.S. Khan. 2017. Phytochemical analysis
of Lepidium didymum. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 22(2): 155-164.
Medicinal plants have a great role in improvement of health of
community and individuals. Since ancient times, the world has relied
upon the use of herbal drugs for the treatment of different type of
diseases across (Prajapati and Prajapati, 2002; Shinwari et al., 2006).
Over 80% of the population in the developing world depends upon the
traditional medicinal plants extracts for the provision of health
coverage (Fransworth and Soejarto, 1998; Latif et al., 2003). Study of
Dept. of Botany, Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan
2Dept. of Chemistry, Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan
3Dept. of Weed Science, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar,
*Corresponding author’s email:
Wajidullah et al., Phytochemical analysis of Lepidium ...
medicinal plants and the invention of synthetic drugs is much needed,
considering the indication of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency
syndrome) like fatal diseases and the threats of newly arising diseases
like bird flu and SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) etc.
Fractional plants and plant extracts have been a good source of natural
phytochemicals and herbal medicines over the years (Robert and
Lewis, 1998; Brodie, 2010). Data obtained from various studies
showed that an estimated thirty five thousand to seventy thousand
species of plants are used in folk medicines worldwide (Lewington,
1990). Lepidium L. is a large genus of about 250 species, cosmopolitan
in distribution on all continents excepting Antarctica. Lepidium belongs
to Brassicaceae, the Mustard family. One of the representative of the
genus is L. didymum (common name lesser swine-cress), which is a
herbaceous annual to biennial plant. The continent of South America is
the site from where the origination and geographic distribution of L.
didymum occurred. Lepidium plant is known very well for the
production of a variety of natural products that are biologically active.
These products include flavonoid, coumarins, phlobatannins and
terpenoids etc (Kashani et al., 2012)
Species of genus Lepidium are well reputed medicinally and
work as folk medicinal remedies for healing of various diseases
(Abebe, 2013). In India, traditional medicine has valued the plant as a
source for the treatment of wounds and allergies. The use of its seeds
improves lung function in asthmatics thereby alleviating the asthma
symptoms. In Mauritius, the application of Lepidium sativum leaf
poultice externally on the head and the consumption of the decoction
of the whole plant orally has been used for the treatment of headache.
Oral consumption of the decoction also helps in relieving of fever
(Archana and Anita, 2006). Research data have revealed the efficacy
of L. didymum leaves for the treatment of other skin disease and
diabetes. The present study was undertaken to screen different parts
of L. didymum for qualitative chemical analysis so that these
phytochemicals can be further quantified.
N-hexane, Distilled water, chloroform, ethyl acetate, olive oil,
ferric chloride, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, lead,
benzene, ethanol, acetate, Hager reagent, glacial acetic acid, nephtol
solution, ferric chloride, million reagent and iodine solution.
Funnel, bottle, graduated cylinder, beakers, tripod stand, test
tubes, beakers, pipette, spirit lamp, test tubes tray, stirrer and
aluminum foil.
Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res., 23(2): 155-164, 2017
Plant collection
Leaves, stems and roots of Lepidium didymum were collected
during October, 2015, from Pakha-ghullam area (ring road) in district
Peshawar. Dr. Naveed Akhtar, Plant taxonomist, (Department of
Botany, Islamia Collage, Peshawar, Pakistan) identified and
characterized the plant to be Lepidium didymum L.
The plant material was dried for one month in shade at room
temperature. The dried plant material (roots, stems and leaves) of
Lepidium didymum were crushed into a fine powder. The powdered
material was soaked for 3 days in n-hexane, water and ethanol and
subjected to extraction till plant material exhaustion.
Phytochemical investigation
Different tests were performed on the water, n- hexane and
ethanol extracts of roots, stems and leaves of Lepidium didymum
following the methods of Ali et al. (2014).
1. Reducing sugar (Benedict test)
Benedict reagents (2.5ml) and test solution (5ml) were heated
for 5 minutes in water bath. Depending on amount of reducing sugar
in the solution, the colour of the test solution changed to red, yellow or
green (Ali et al., 2014).
2. Flavonoid test
In this test, 3 ml of test solutions was taken and 5ml of NH3
solution was added to it, followed by the addition of conc. HCl. The
appearance of a yellowish color showed the flavonoids to be present.
3. Tannins test (lead acetate test)
3ml of lead acetate were mixed in a test tube with 3ml extract,
formation of the precipitate marked the presence of tannins.
4. Terpenoids test
The appearance of reddish brown color, after the mixing of
about 5 ml of the test solution, 2 ml of chloroform and 3 ml of
concentrated H2SO4, showed the terpenoids to be present.
5. Phlobatannins test
Test solution (3ml) was mixed with 1% HCl, formation of red
colored precipitate indicated the phlobatannins presence in the test
6. Steroids test (Salkowski’s reaction)
Test solution (2ml) was mixed with 2ml conc. H2SO4 and 2ml
chloroform and shacked well. The acid layer showed yellow greenish
florescence while chloroform layer appeared red indicating the
presence of steroids.
Wajidullah et al., Phytochemical analysis of Lepidium ...
7. Saponins test
Test solution (10 ml) was added to distilled water (5ml) and
vigorously shaken. Thereafter, 3 drops of olive oil were added to it and
shaken again. Formation of emulsion showed the existence of
8. Cardiac glycoside test
Here 2ml of glacial acetic acid containing 1 drop of ferric
chloride solution was added to about 5 ml of test solution. Under layer
of 1ml of concentrated H2SO4 formed violet or brown color which
indicated a deoxy-sugar, characteristic of cardinolides sugars.
9. Anthraquinone glycoside (modified Borndragers test)
A few drops of ferric chloride and 5ml of dilute hydrochloric acid
was added to 5 ml of test solution and heated for one minute in water
bath then cooled. After cooling 2 ml of benzene were added to it and
shaken for the separation of organic layer. An equal amount of NH3
was then added to the solution. Presence of anthraquinone glycoside
was indicated by red coloration.
10. Test for alkaloid (Hager’s test)
Few drop of Hager mixture was added to 3ml of test solution
and mixed. Areddish brown coloration showed the presence of alkaloid.
11. Carbohydrate test (Molish test)
About 3ml of alpha nephtol solution were added into 3 ml of
test solution. After vigorous shaking, conc. sulphuric acid was added
from the side of test tube. Presence of carbohydrates was shown by
the appearance of violet coloration.
12. Starch test (Non-reducing sugar)
Three (3) ml of test solution were added to a few drops of
iodine solution. A blue color appeared and vanished on steaming which
showed the presence of starch.
13. Proteins test (Millions test)
About 5 ml of million reagents was added to 3ml of test solution
and mixed, a white precipitate, which turned brick red on heating, was
formed. This indicated the presence of proteins.
14. Anthocyanin test
Here test solution (2ml) was mixed to 2ml of ammonia and
hydrochloric acid. The pink red color of the mixture turned into blue
violet color which indicated the existence of anthocyanin.
15. Coumarins test ( zohra et al. 2012)
About 3 ml of ten percent ammonium hydroxide was mixed
with 2 ml of test solution which resulted in the formation of yellow
color; this indicated the presence of coumarins.
16. Emodins test (Zohra et al. 2012)
3 ml of test solution was mixed with 2 ml of NH4OH and 3 ml of
benzene. Appearance of red color indicated that emodins are present.
Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res., 23(2): 155-164, 2017
Table-1: Qualitative phytochemical results of Lepidium didymum
roots, stem and leaves in N-hexane, ethanol and water extracts
- = absence of phytochemicals; += presence of phytochemicals;
++ = moderate concentration; +++ = high concentration
Table-1 represents the qualitative phytochemical results of
Lepidium didymum roots, stem and leaves extracts in the N-hexane,
ethanol and water. These results showed different compounds in L.
didymum that are medicinally active. Anthraquinone glycosides and
Carbohydrates were present in all parts of the plant (Table-1). Hager,
phlobatannins and starch were, however, absent at the given extracts
in the plant. In N-hexane extract Benedict test was negative for the
whole plant while positive in ethanolic and aqueous extracts of roots
and leaves.
Tests for proteins were positive in the roots, stems and leaves
only in the aqueous extracts. Tests for steroids were positive for stem
and leaves in the ethanolic extract only. Emodins and anthocyanin
were absent at all extracts in roots and stems. Except the ethanolic
Wajidullah et al., Phytochemical analysis of Lepidium ...
extract from leaves, saponins were present at all extracts in all the
plant parts. Tannins tests were positive in all leaves extracts however,
it was negative in the N-hexane extract in roots and stems as well as
water extract in roots. The table showed that except Hager,
phlobatannins and starch, various plant organs showed positive results
for many phytochemicals that are medicinally active.
Figure 1. Phytochemicals of roots extracts in ethanol, N-hexane and
water. Each bar represents the conc. of coloration for the
phytochemicals in these extracts.
Figure 2. Phytochemicals of stems extracts in ethanol, N-hexane and
water. Each bar represents the conc. of coloration for the
phytochemicals in these extracts.
Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res., 23(2): 155-164, 2017
Figure 3. Phytochemicals of leaves extracts in ethanol, N-hexane and
water. Each bar represents the conc. of coloration for the
phytochemicals in these extracts.
Phytochemicals exploration of the plant extracts has shown the
presence of medicinally as well as physiologically active compounds
(Sofowora, 1993). Qualitative phytochemical screening test of crude
extracts in methanol/chloroform has shown the presence of
phytochemicals like carbohydrates, cholesterol, terpenoids, flavonoid,
glycosides, steroids, phytosterols, tannins, phenols, proteins, saponins
and alkaloids in different plant species (Berehe and Boru, 2014).
Brassica genus is known to contain different phytochemicals like
carbohydrates, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, proteins and tannins
(Talreja and Moon, 2014).
Examination of L. didymum extracts showed the presence of
various phytochemicals like flavonoids, tannins, phenols, glycosides,
saponins, terpenoids and steroids. One of the major groups of plant
metabolites are phenolic compounds (Singh et al., 2007). According to
Han et al. (2007), phenolic compounds have biological assets such as
antiaging, anti-apoptosis, anti atherosclerosis, anti-inflammation, anti-
carcinogenic, cardiovascular protection and enhancement in
endothelial functions, as well as angiogenesis events and inhibition of
cell proliferation. Medicinal plants contain phenolic compounds which
have antioxidant properties (Krings and Berger, 2001; Brown & Rice-
Evans, 1998). Natural antioxidant major source is from medicinal
plants, which are present as phenolic compounds like flavonoids,
tocopherols and phenolic acids, etc. (Ali et al., 2008). Tannins are
known to bind to proteins that are rich in proline thereby affecting
protein synthesis. Plants in reaction to microbial infection produce
Wajidullah et al., Phytochemical analysis of Lepidium ...
hydroxylated phenolic substance called flavonoids, which when used in
vitro, show antimicrobial properties against wide array of
microorganisms. Flavonoids shows their antimicrobial properties by
forming complexes with bacterial cell wall as well as extracellular and
soluble proteins (Marjorie, 1996). They are antioxidant and display
strong anticancer activities (Okwu, 2004; Benavente-García et al.,
1997; Salah et al., 1995).
Saponins, which are renowned for their inhibitory effect against
inflammation, were also reported from the plant extracts (Just et al.,
1998). Saponins are also shown to be coagulating and precipitating
red blood cells. Other characteristics shown by some saponins iclude
creation of foams in aqueous solutions, hemolytic activity, cholesterol
binding properties and bitterness (Sodipo et al., 2000). Steroids
compounds are also of significance because of the ability to complex
with sex hormones (Okwu, 2001), and antibacterial activity (Raquel,
2007). Cardiac glycosides, reported in plant extracts have been
employed for centuries as stimulants in the cases of cardiac failures
(Trease and Evans, 2001). Terpenoids were also found in L. didymum
especially in stems and roots. These are known for having
antimicrobial potential (Habtemariam, 1993). Hence presence of
terpenoids in the roots provides protection against bacterial infections.
Data obtained from the present study reveals that L. didymum
is a rich source of phytochemical compounds. The presence of such a
large array of bioactive constituents enables plant for its significant
medicinal value. Our present facts and figures are in accordance with
the literature, which confirms that those phytochemicals have strong
effects on physiology and hence used in cure of different diseases. The
practice of customary medication is strongly suggested for L.
didymum. More work is recommended for the isolation, purification
and characterization of those medicinally active constituents which are
medicinally active.
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... It is used as salad. It is indigenous to South America and grows in numerous countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and China (Akhtar et al., 2017). It is conventionally used to treat fever, pain, inflammation, diabetes, respiratory disorders (asthma), wounds, allergies, and gastrointestinal issues. ...
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Asthma is a chronic heterogeneous illness that is clinically characterized by excessive mucous production and swelling of the airways due to hyperresponsiveness. The purpose of this work was to confirm the traditional usage of the food plant Coronopus didymus (CD) against ovalbumin-induced asthmatic symptoms, as well as chemical characterization of the extract by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. After ovalbumin administration on days 1 and 14, oral therapy was carried out individually with CD aqueous ethanolic extract (CDAEE) and aqueous extract (CDAE) at 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg from day 15 to 26. In addition, the therapeutic effect of ferulic acid (FA) 100 mg/kg was investigated alone and in combination with CDAEE 800 mg/kg and CDAE 800 mg/kg. Dexamethasone served as a standard drug. Both extracts and combination groups profoundly (p < 0.0001-0.05) reduced the leukocyte count and immunoglobulin E level. Histopathology revealed that all therapies had reduced the infiltration of inflammatory cells and hyperplasia. Both extracts and combination groups exhibited a substantial (p < 0.0001-0.05) decrease in TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, IL-5, IL-13, NF-κβ, and IL-1β, while upregulation of the aquaporins 1 and 5. Both extracts and combination groups dose-dependently restored the oxidative stress markers. Both extracts demonstrated considerable anti-asthmatic activity, particularly a combination of CDAEE 800 mg/kg and FA 100 mg/kg, which might be attributed to bioactive compounds such as isoamyl lactate, benzyl nitrile, methoxy acetic acid, 2-ethoxypentane and benzoic acid detected by GC-MS analysis.
... After 3 minutes, 3 mL of 2% Na2CO3 was added, and the mixture was incubated for 2 hours at 25°C.At λmax=760 nm, the absorbance was measured. For the calibration curve, gallic acid (Sigma-Aldrich, 0.2-1 mg/mL gallic acid) was employed as the standard, and total phenolic levels were represented as mg gallic acid equivalents per mL [16]. ...
... It is an oil yielding specie containing almost 32% of the oil, so, a very good non-edible feedstock for biodiesel synthesis. This plant is well known for the production of natural products such as flavonoids, terpenoids and coumarins (Akhtar et al., 2017). They are mostly annual to perennial herbs with glabrous or hairy stems. ...
Green nano-technology together with the availability of eco-friendly and alternative sources are the promising candidates to combat environment deteriorations and energy clutches globally. The current work focuses on the synthesis and application of newly synthesized nano catalyst of Iodine doped Potassium oxide I (K2O) for producing sustainable biodiesel from novel non-edible seed oils of Coronopus didymus L. using membrane based contactor to avoid emulsification and phase separation issues. Highest biodiesel yield (97.03%) was obtained under optimum conditions of 12:1 methanol to oil ratio, reaction temperature of 65 °C for 150 min with the 1.0 wt% catalyst concentration. The lately synthesized, environment friendly and recyclable Iodine doped Potassium oxide K (IO)2 catalyst was synthesized via chemical method followed by characterization via advanced techniques including EDX, XRD, FTIR and SEM analysis. The catalyst was proved to be stable and efficient with the reusability of five times in transesterification reaction. These analysis have reported the sustainability, stability and good quality of biodiesel from seed oil of Coronopus didymus L. using efficient Iodine doped potassium oxide catalyst. Thus, non-edible, environment friendly and novel Coronopus didymus L. seeds and their extracted oil along with Iodine doped potassium oxide catalyst seems to be highly affective, sustainable and better alternative source to the future biodiesel industry. Also, by altering the reaction equilibrium and lowering the purification phases of the process, these studies show the potential of coupling transesterification and a membrane contactor.
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Better processing techniques must be utilized widely due to the rising demand for honey. The most common honey processing techniques are applied to melissopalynomorphs to check the quality and quantity of valuable honey using microporous ultrafiltration membranes. It is essential to have the ability to selectively filter out sugars from honey using ultrafiltration. This study authenticated 24 honey samples using membrane reactors ultrafiltration protocol to describe the pollen spectrum of dominant vegetation. The purpose of this study was also to explore nutritional benefits as well as the active phytochemical constituents of honey samples. Honey samples were collected and labeled Acacia, Eucalyptus, and Ziziphus species based on plant resources provided by local beekeepers. A variety of honeybee flora was collected around the apiaries between 2020 and 2021. Honey analysis revealed that the pollen extraction of 24 bee foraging species belonging to 14 families. The honey membrane technology verified the identities of honey and nectar sources. Also, pollen identified using honey ultrafiltration membranes revealed dominant resources: Acacia spp. (69%), Eucalyptus spp. (52%) and Ziziphus spp. Honey filtration using a membrane technology classified 14 samples as unifloral, represented by six dominant pollen types. The absolute pollen count in the honey sample revealed that 58.33% (n = 14) belong to Maurizio's class I. Scanning ultrasculpturing showed diverse exine patterns: reticulate, psilate, scabrate-verrucate, scabrate-gemmate, granulate, perforate, microechinate, microreticulate, and regulate to fossulate for correct identification of honey pollen types. Honey ultrafiltration should be utilized to validate the botanical sources of honey and trace their biogeographic authenticity. Thus, it is imperative to look at the alternative useful method to identify the botanical origin of filtered honey. It is critical to separate honey from adulteration by a standardized protocol. Membrane technology has yielded significant outcomes in the purification of honey.
Plants are used as medicine since earlier times by human beings. Many important medicines are derived from plants with a long history of traditional use, and new medicinal applications for plants as medicines continue to be discovered. According to an estimate about 50,000–80,000 flowering plants are used as medicine throughout the world by continuous collection or domestication from the wild. These medicinal plants can be used as supportive medicine, synergic medicine, or preventive medicine. These plants provide raw material for synthesizing herbal drugs like biocides, laxatives etc. In last few years the demand of these plants have been increased resulting in increase in cultivation of these medicinal species, screening of new potential medicinal plants or phytochemicals, alteration of phytochemicals into registered herbal drugs and eventually rise in trade. The wetlands are considered as natural habitat of certain medicinal plants as well as threatened, endangered and rare plants of medicinal value. The climate and environmental conditions prevail in wetlands are suitable for the development of high quality drugs.
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Lepidium sativum Linn. locally known as 'fetto' is a fast growing edible herb which belongs to the family Brassicaceae is traditionally used for the treatment of various human ailments including cold, headache, colic, abdominal pain, dysentery, swellings and aphrodisiac in Ethiopia. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities were conducted on seeds of Lepidium sativium grown in Ethiopia. Qualitative phytochemical screening test of chloroform/methanol crude extract showed the presence of phytochemicals: flavonoid,
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The current piece of research was undertaken to investigate the phytochemicals constituents such as carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, anthraquinone, glycosides, Saponin, glycosides, steroid, cyanogenetic glycosides, tannins, phlobotannins, saponins, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, etc in the species of citrus genus (Citrus sinensis, Citrus reticulate Blanco, Citrus aurantium L). All these plants were collected locally. Qualitative analysis of these phytochemicals was performed. All three types of citrus are rich with phytochemicals. Quantitative screenings is in progress in our lab.
Use of herbs based drugs and chemicals for treating various diseases are as old as human civilization. Herbs have vast ability to synthesize aromatic materials mainly secondary metabolites. Herbs and herbs-based therapies are the source of various modern pharmaceuticals. In many cases, these herbal materials serve as defensive molecules against microorganisms, insects, and herbivores. Further, some of which may involve in plant aroma (terpenoids), pigmentation (tannins and quinines), and flavor (ginger). The aim of this review was to study of secondary metabolites and bioactive chemical constituents of medicinal herbs and their pharmacological activity. Regarding our purpose we searched at Pub Med, MEDLINE, CNKI, EMBASE, Wiley Inter Science, Elselvier databases without language limitation. In this sense we applied different words related to herbal therapy, pharmacology, secondary metabolites and phytochemistry.