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Effects of the Computer Desk Level on the Musculoskeletal Discomfort of Neck and Upper Extremities and EMG Activities in Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries

Occupational Therapy International

Abstract and Figures

Background Computers are used as a means of social communication, for work and other purposes. However, patients with spinal cord injuries may have a higher risk than normal individuals with musculoskeletal problems when using computers owing to their inability to control respective postures due to problems in motor and sensory functioning. Objectives This study is aimed at identifying the effect of computer desk heights on musculoskeletal discomforts of the neck and upper extremities and EMG activities in patients with spinal cord (C6) and upper thoracic spinal cord injuries. Methods Participants of the present study were the patients diagnosed with ASIA A or B. The patients were divided into two groups according to their spinal cord injuries: C6 group and T2-T6 group. The level of the desk was set at 5 cm below the elbow, at the elbow level, and 5 cm above the elbow level. Electromyography was used to measure the duration of typing task EMG(%RVC) of the cervical erector spinae, upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, and wrist extensor. Subjective musculoskeletal discomfort (Borg-RPE) was measured at the end of the experiment. Results The two groups showed differences in terms of RPE corresponding to each level of the computer desk (p < .05). Postanalysis revealed the C6 group had decreased RPE as the level of computer desk increased, whereas the subjects in the T2-T6 group had decreased RPE values in accordance with the decreasing level of computer desk (p < .05). In EMG, both groups had no significant differences (p > .05). However, in terms of the interaction between the muscles and the level of computer desk in both groups, the differences in the interactions of the upper trapezius and wrist extensor with each level of the desk were found (p < .05). Conclusion This study is meaningful in that it confirms computer work posture and preference of spinal cord-injured individuals.
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Research Article
Effects of the Computer Desk Level on the Musculoskeletal
Discomfort of Neck and Upper Extremities and EMG Activities in
Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries
Bo-Ra Kang ,
Jin-Gang Her ,
Ju-Sang Lee ,
Tae-Sung Ko,
and Young-Youl You
Department of Occupational Therapy, Yonseimadu Hospital, Goyang, Republic of Korea
Department of Rehabilitation Therapy, Graduate School of Hallym University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
Department of Physical Therapy, Hallym Polytechnic University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
Department of Physical Therapy, Daewon University College, Jecheon, Republic of Korea
Department of Physical Therapy, Bronco Memorial Hospital, Hwaseong, Republic of Korea
Correspondence should be addressed to Jin-Gang Her;
Received 5 September 2018; Accepted 24 December 2018; Published 3 February 2019
Guest Editor: H. S. Chhabra
Copyright © 2019 Bo-Ra Kang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Computers are used as a means of social communication, for work and other purposes. However, patients with spinal
cord injuries may have a higher risk than normal individuals with musculoskeletal problems when using computers owing to their
inability to control respective postures due to problems in motor and sensory functioning. Objectives. This study is aimed at
identifying the eect of computer desk heights on musculoskeletal discomforts of the neck and upper extremities and EMG
activities in patients with spinal cord (C6) and upper thoracic spinal cord injuries. Methods. Participants of the present study
were the patients diagnosed with ASIA A or B. The patients were divided into two groups according to their spinal cord
injuries: C6 group and T2-T6 group. The level of the desk was set at 5 cm below the elbow, at the elbow level, and 5 cm above
the elbow level. Electromyography was used to measure the duration of typing task EMG(%RVC) of the cervical erector spinae,
upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, and wrist extensor. Subjective musculoskeletal discomfort (Borg-RPE) was measured at the
end of the experiment. Results. The two groups showed dierences in terms of RPE corresponding to each level of the computer
desk (p<05). Postanalysis revealed the C6 group had decreased RPE as the level of computer desk increased, whereas the
subjects in the T2-T6 group had decreased RPE values in accordance with the decreasing level of computer desk (p<05). In
EMG, both groups had no signicant dierences (p>05). However, in terms of the interaction between the muscles and the
level of computer desk in both groups, the dierences in the interactions of the upper trapezius and wrist extensor with each
level of the desk were found (p<05). Conclusion. This study is meaningful in that it conrms computer work posture and
preference of spinal cord-injured individuals.
1. Introduction
The global incidence of spinal cord injury shows an increas-
ing trend every year. Approximately one-third of patients
with spinal cord injuries also have tetraplegia, wherein
approximately 50% of the patients have complete injuries
[1, 2]. The injuries are mainly due to various accidents,
including the increasing incidence of industrial accidents;
the increase in the number of patients is also ascribable to
advancements in medical science which have resulted in
increased cases of the survival of patients with disabilities
[3]. Spinal cord injury is typically accompanied by neurople-
gia of the motor and sensory nerves as well as various phys-
ical disorders [4]. Spinal cord injury is an injury in the
central nervous system, which is dicult to completely treat.
Rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries necessi-
tates biomedical and complementary approaches simulta-
neously with sociocultural approaches [5].
The number of working environments involving inter-
faces with computers has been increasing recently, wherein
Occupational erapy International
Volume 2019, Article ID 3026150, 10 pages
the majority of employees spend an average of 7 hours a day
working at the interfaces to complete their work [6]. Individ-
uals with disabilities are able to work and socialize using
computers [7, 8]. Along with the increase in the number of
computer users, the number of patients with neck and shoul-
der pains and problems in the musculoskeletal system, such
as carpal tunnel syndrome, has also been increasing [9, 10].
Studies determining the proper ergonomic postures t for
individuals with sedentary work, such as those work involv-
ing computers, have been increasing lately [11]. However,
most studies that explored proper ergonomic postures
required for working with computer interfaces have been car-
ried out in the European and North American environment,
thereby the results of such studies may not comply with
physical conditions of Asian people. In particular, the results
may not be suitable for Asian people relying on wheelchairs
[12]. For patients with spinal cord injuries, the risk of muscu-
loskeletal problems resulting from the use of VDTs would be
higher than normal people owing to the diculty in dimin-
ishing static load or controlling respective postures wherein
respective patients would have dierent postures with which
they feel comfortable [1214]. Currently, the majority of
studies have involved healthy individuals, and the number
of studies investigating the proper postures required when
using computers or preferences of patients with spinal cord
injuries is insucient.
Therefore, the present study is aimed at identifying the
eects of computer desk heights on musculoskeletal discom-
fort of the neck and upper extremities and EMG (electromy-
ography) activities of patients with spinal cord (C6) and
upper thoracic spinal cord injuries (T2-T6).
2. Methods
2.1. Participants. A total of 12 patients admitted to the
Y-rehabilitation Hospital located in Gyeonggi-do province
from January 17 to January 26, 2018, were included in the
present study. They were divided into the following two
groups according to the level of spinal cord injury: C6 group
(six patients) and T2-T6 groups (six patients).
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) patients diag-
nosed as having complete injuries of motor function of the
types of either ASIA A or B dened by the American Spinal
Injury Association (ASIA) without cerebral injuries and
complications such as bone fracture or bedsores [1517];
(2) male sex to eliminate dierences in physical measure-
ments attributable to dierent sexes [18]; (3) right-handed;
(4) over 0.8 corrected vision; (5) normal range of articular
motion of the upper extremities; and (6) understood the pur-
poses of the present study and provided informed consent to
participate in the present study [17].
2.2. Experimental Method. The study protocol was approved
by the IRB of Hallym University (no. HIRB-2017-064) and
adhered to the ethical principles of the Declaration of Hel-
sinki. The computer used for the study had a 21-inch moni-
tor with adjustable levels, wherein the top of the monitor was
set at the patients eye level. The distance from the monitor to
the eyes of the patients was set at 70 cm, rather than the
recommended range of 63 to 93 cm, in consideration of the
patientsphysical characteristics as subjects and their posi-
tions were each monitored into account [19]. Keyboards used
for the experiment were the standard ones. The keyboards
were placed on each desk with Gand Hkeys placed at
the center of each patient and with a keyboard slope angle
of 3
, which was set as the default angle [20]. Based on the
study on subjective preference and fatigability of spinal
cord-injured patients who use wheelchairs, the height of the
keyboard was set to 5 cm below the elbow, the height of the
elbow, and 5 cm above the elbow [12], and the height adjust-
able desk were used for the matter of the heights [21]. The
participants were allowed to use their wheelchairs for the
experiment. Participants were asked to sit at 90
joint angle and over 90
knee joint angle [17]. For the C6
group, the bend-type typing devicewas used [7]. The par-
ticipants were asked to type for two minutes; a metronome
was used to eliminate the eects resulting from the partici-
pantsdierent typing speeds. A simple typing task was
introduced to minimize the factors aecting EMG activities
of the participants, which could lead to psychological reac-
tions of each subject who might be unfamiliar to the working
environment and input data [22, 23]. The subjects were asked
to use their right hand to enter J,”“K,and Lkeys, while
their left hand were supposed to type the A,”“S,”“D,and
Fkeys, simultaneously. The participants were asked to per-
form the typing task three times with one-minute rest time
between the typing tasks at identical keyboard level. The
sequence set to complete the typing tasks of each subject
was determined randomly. Five minutes of time for resting
upon completion of each typing task with the given posture
was allowed for each subject. The participants freely placed
their arms on their legs during the rest time [17]. Moreover,
the participants were instructed not to put their wrists and
forearms on the computer desk to eliminate the eects
resulted from the support of the lower arms during the given
typing task [17] (Figure 1). The subjective musculoskeletal
discomforts in the cervical erector spinae, upper trapezius,
anterior deltoid, and wrist extensor were measured using
the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale,and EMG activities
of the neck and upper extremities of the subjects corre-
sponded to the varied positions of the keyboard. The cervical
erector spinae and upper trapezius frequently exhibit muscu-
lar pains and diseases resulting from an accumulation of
myalgia. The muscles used in long durations would cause
musculoskeletal problems due to the muscles being activated
continuously to maintain the static postures required [24]. In
individuals doing repetitive typing tasks using the hands and
arms, the musculoskeletal diseases would arise from the arm,
shoulder girdle, and wrist [25, 26]. In particular, the anterior
deltoid would be aected by the level of the keyboard. More-
over, the continuous repetitive tasks would result in muscu-
loskeletal problems in the wrist extensor [17] Thus, the four
muscles, which are likely to have frequent problems in indi-
viduals working on computers, were evaluated in this study.
Furthermore, the Borg-RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion)
scale was employed for the measurement of musculoskeletal
discomforts of the neck and upper extremities. The RPE scale
spanned the range from no pain at allto maximal pain
2 Occupational Therapy International
[27]. The scores ranged from 6 points (the minimum) to 20
points (the maximum), with the lower scores indicating less
discomfort [28]. The scores were obtained from self-report
checklists distributed to each subject upon completion of
the experiment.
2.3. Data Collection. During the task, EMG measurement was
performed using a wireless EMG system (Wave EMG Innity
Waterproof, Cometa System Inc., Italy) (Figure 2). Adhesive
dual electrodes of Ag-AgCl type, which were xed 2 cm apart,
were used as surface electrodes. The visual-3Dwas used for
its analysis. The sampling rate was set at 2,000 Hz for electro-
myogram signals. The frequency range was set at the interval
of 30-250 Hz for the band-pass ltering. The measured sig-
nals of electromyogram were rectied and then smoothed
by employing the Root Mean Square (RMS)method [29].
While the participants were performing the typing task, the
electrodes were attached to the right cervical erector spinae,
upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, and wrist extensor, based
on the SENIAM (Surface ElectroMyography for the Nonin-
vasive Assessment of Muscles) instructions [30] (Figure 3).
The measurements of the electromyogram signals, collected
during the typing task, were standardized according to the
muscular contraction of specied muscles, also termed Ref-
erence Voluntary Contraction (RVC). These values were
then standardized as %RVC [31, 32]. RVC of the neck muscle
was measured by asking the participants to wear a 0.3kg hel-
met and to maintain their posture with the head erected for
10 seconds. RVC of the shoulder muscle was measured by
asking participants to wear a 0.3 kg sandbag on their right
wrist. RVC of the upper trapezius was measured with the
patients arm abducted at 90
for 10 seconds, whereas the
RVC of the anterior deltoid was measured with the arm bent
at 90
. RVC of the wrist extensor was measured by asking the
patient to carry a 0.3 kg dumbbell with the wrist maximally
extended for 10 seconds [25]. The pads were attached by a
single person through the experiment to reduce errors in
the measurement of electromyogram. Electromyograms,
obtained from varied measurement durations of 100 seconds
to 300 seconds, are used for various purposes and tasks
reported in previous studies [17, 33]. In the present study, a
simple task was used in consideration of patients with spinal
cord injuries. The duration was set at 140 seconds, wherein
the electromyogram obtained from the duration of 120 sec-
onds which resulted from an exclusion of 10 seconds at both
ends of the interval was used for the analyses conducted in
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Desk height.
3Occupational Therapy International
the present study [23, 34]. In addition, musculoskeletal dis-
comforts were measured upon completion of all experiments
using the self-report checklist and the RPE Scale [28].
2.4. Data Analysis. The PASW 22.0 (IBM/SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL) for Windows was used for the statistical
analyses. The patientsgeneral characteristics, such as the
age, height, weight, sitting eye level, and sitting elbow height,
were expressed in mean values and standard deviations,
whereas the date of onset of spinal cord injury, ASIA scale,
and level of injuries were expressed in percentage. An
ANOVA was carried out to analyze the musculoskeletal
(a) (b)
Figure 2: EMG measuring tools.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: EMG attachment part (posterior, lateral, and anterior view).
4 Occupational Therapy International
discomfort corresponding to the dierent levels of the com-
puter desk to determine the correct level of computer desk
corresponding to each level of injury. Values of %RVC for
the four muscles of subjects which corresponded to each level
of the computer desk were analyzed by conducting a two-way
ANOVA for repetitive measurements. The signicance level
was set at α=005. The postanalytic Dunn-Bonferroni proce-
dure was used to perform multiple comparisons of the vari-
ables found to be statistically and signicantly dierent.
3. Results
3.1. General Characteristics of the Patients. The details of the
general characteristics of the subjects are summarized in
Table 1.
3.2. Correlation of the RPE Values and Computer Desk
Height. A signicant dierence in terms of an indicator of
physical discomfort, which varied by dierent levels of the
keyboard of the subjects in the two groups, was found
(p<05) (Table 2). The RPE value of the patients in the C6
group decreased when the computer desk height was
increased (p<05), whereas, in the T2-T6 group, the RPE
value decreased when the computer desk height was
decreased (p<05). In particular, the RPE values of the
T2-T6 group were signicantly dierent in the following
computer desk levels: (1) between the 5 cm below the elbow
level and elbow level and (2) between the 5 cm above the
elbow level and 5 cm below the elbow level (p<05). How-
ever, the RPE values in the computer desk level between the
level of the elbow and 5 cm above the elbow level had no sig-
nicant dierence (p>05) (Table 3).
3.2.1. Correlation between the EMG of Patients and the
Varied Keyboard Positions. The correlations between the
EMG activities of the four muscles and the three dierent
keyboard positions were analyzed. No signicant dierences
in EMG activities of the four muscles were found between the
dierent levels of the computer desk (p>05) (Table 4).
3.2.2. Correlation between the Interactions of the Four
Muscles and the Various Computer Desk Levels. The correla-
tions between the interactions of the four muscles and the
three dierent computer desk levels were analyzed. Signi-
cant dierences were found in the interactions of the upper
trapezius and wrist extensor (p<05) (Table 5).
4. Discussion
In the present study, we investigated the eects of the varied
keyboard positions and computer desk heights on musculo-
skeletal discomforts and EMG activities of patients with spi-
nal injuries who were asked to perform a typing task on a
computer, with the goal of identifying the proper keyboard
position and computer desk level for these patients to prevent
the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems.
Factors that aect the neck and shoulder muscle tension
when handling the tasks involving the use of the keyboard
include: rst, the incline of the thoracic spine and lumbar
spine; second, the posture of the cervical vertebrae; third,
the posture of the upper arm; fourth, the position of the key-
board and design; and fth, computer-working skills and
break between the work [35]. In particular, for desk height,
most biotechnologists recommend that the position of the
homebutton should be placed 3 cm above the elbow during
elbow joint exion, but another study suggests 8 cm [36]. In
addition, there is a study showing that the damage to the neck
and shoulder areas is from higher positions of the keyboard
and monitor and that the keyboard should be positioned
below the elbow [37]. However, the criteria for these table
heights are for the normal person. In a study of patients
who use the wheelchair, the study examined the subjective
preference and fatigability of users over 5 cm and below
5 cm based on the elbow height and found that spinal
cord-injured patients prefer the keyboards that were located
at the height of the elbow or below 5 cm [12]. In the case of
a normal person, muscle activity was doubled when working
on the table that is 5 cm higher than an elbow-high table.
Also, [23] when the location of the keyboard is below the
elbow, it reduces the risk of getting damage on the neck
and shoulder areas [38]. However, an objective study on
whether these results appear the same for spinal
cord-injured patients using wheelchairs was needed, so the
5 cm above and below presented in the preceding studies
were set to the keyboard height based on the elbow height.
The results of the study showed that the signicant dier-
ences are found between the RPE values and the varied com-
puter desk levels in both patient groups. Our results were
similar to the ndings of a previous study involving patients
with upper thoracic spinal cord injury who were using wheel-
chairs which sought to identify subjective preference and
degree of fatigue when working on computers with various
desk heights similar to ours. Their patients preferred the desk
height level of 5 cm below the elbow level [12, 28]. The
decrease in the RPE values was considered to be attributed
to the muscular tension of the neck and shoulder, which
increased when the desk level increased, thereby resulting
in tensional neck syndrome and discomfort [20, 34]. How-
ever, in the patients with complete injuries of C6, whose n-
ger functions and wrist exion, as well as the trunk and lower
extremity functions are lost, reduced balancing capability
occurs [7, 39]. In particular, the injury of the spinal cord
would decrease the capability of the trunk adjustment signif-
icantly compared to the injury of the thoracic spinal cord [16,
40]. Thus, the reduced musculoskeletal discomfort of the
patients with spinal cord injuries might be due to the stability
of their trunk, which is increased when the computer desk
height is increased.
In the International Standards for Neurological Classi-
cation of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI), the seriousness of
the injury is described by using ASIA Impairment Scale.
The most severe grade AISA A is considered AISA A because
the sensory or motor function is not maintained in the spinal
cord S4-5 because the sensor is completely lost [41]. In par-
ticular, in the case of a motor function, they only existed
within the neck muscle and major muscles from the upper
extremity deltoid, elbow exor, and wrist extensor when the
cervical spinal nerve 6 is completely damaged. If hydrothorax
2-6 is completely damaged, the muscles in the neck and the
5Occupational Therapy International
abdomen will remain the same, but the tension in the abdom-
inal muscles will decrease [16]. In the case of the spinal
cord-injured patients, especially the upper level, they show
a noticeable back bend in the sitting posture and, in reaction
to this, a straighten neck position [42]. Therefore, this study
selected the cervical erector spinae and upper trapezius as
an experimental muscle because their muscle activity inu-
enced a lot due to reducing in the trunks tension that is for
maintaining posture during handling task [43, 44]. In addi-
tion, 90% of cumulative trauma disorders that comes from
the use of VDT are related with upper extremities [45]. In
particular, disease from the hand and wrist showed the great-
est frequency, followed by the neck, arms and shoulders [46].
The form of standardized keyboard requires hyperextension
of the wrist joint, and the work stations location requires lift-
ing the upper arm which leads to tiredness of deltoid [45].
Therefore, the wrist extensor and deltoid that inuence a
lot by the form of keyboard and the height of desk when han-
dling the task were selected as experimental muscles.
Moreover, the eects of the dierent keyboard positions
on EMG activities of patients with spinal cord injuries during
the typing task were explored. No signicant dierences were
found between the varied keyboard positions and EMG activ-
ities. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) of the United States of America recommends that
the appropriate keyboard position should be from 70
of elbow exion. However, these recommended levels
are only applicable in healthy individuals; hence, studies
investigating the eects of computer desk level of work table
on the upper extremities, necks, and shoulders of patients
with spinal cord injuries using wheelchairs are warranted
[47]. Furthermore, the correlation between the four muscles
and the dierent computer desk levels was analyzed. The sig-
nicant dierences were found in interactions of the two
muscles of upper trapezius and wrist extensor of the subjects
in both groups with the varied level of the computer desk,
which might be attributable to the eects of the level of com-
puter desk over the upper trapezius of which major function
was originally supposed to raise the scapula [48]. In addition,
the wrist extensor of the patients in the C6 group was found
to be aected more by the varied levels of the computer desk
than those in the T2-T6 group, which might be due to their
diculty in controlling their forearm because of the complete
loss of nger functions, partial loss of wrist joint functions,
and weak pronator and supinator [49, 50]. Moreover, as the
wrist extensor and anterior deltoid were found to be aected
signicantly by the varied positions of the keyboard as
Table 1: General characteristics of the subjects (n=12).
Classication C6 group (n=6)M±SD pT2-T6 group (n=6)M±SD p
Age (years) 33 8±150.041 53 3±130.097
Height (cm) 174 7±70.918 172 0±5 9.497
Weight (kg) 75 1±93.708 70 8±113.567
Eye height in sitting position (cm) 127 8±476 .305 122 9±4 5.166
Elbow height in sitting position (cm) 74 8±38.196 73 3±2 9.111
Classication C6 group (n=6) T2-T6 group (n=6)
Number (n) Percent (%) Number (n) Percent (%)
Onset (year)
Less than 1 1 16.7 4 66.7
1 to 2 4 66.7 2 33.3
2 or over 1 16.7 0 0
A 5 83.3 3 50
B 1 16.7 3 50
Level of injury C6 (n=6) C6 (100) T2 (n=3), T6 (n=3) T2 (50), 6 (50)
p< 05 and values are n(%) or mean ± standard deviation.
Table 2: Correlation between RPE and computer desk height
Desk height Body part discomfort
rating (RPE) pF
5 cm below 15 33 ± 1 50
.000 17.245Same as 13 00 ± 1 26
5 cm above 10 33 ± 1 63
5 cm below 10 33 ± 1 03
.001 12.297Same as 12 33 ± 1 03
5 cm above 14 00 ± 1 67
6 Occupational Therapy International
reported previously, the signicant dierence in the interac-
tion between the function of wrist extensor and varied level
of computer desk could be ascribable thereto [17, 34, 50].
The population of disabled people in Korea was esti-
mated to be approximately 2,510,000 in 2014, wherein the
individuals with spinal cord injuries account for 4.9% of the
population with limb and body disabilities [51]. Hence, their
quality of life has received much attention, which is reected
by several previously conducted studies. Factors aecting the
quality of life of these patients include level of economic sta-
tus, sex life, social support, the feeling of helplessness, depres-
sion, the degree of performance in daily living, occupational
activities, and mobility, among others [52]. In particular,
the availability of the Internet was found signicantly associ-
ated with the quality of life; the emotional states, physical
states, a functional domain, economic life, and self-esteem
were also found signicantly associated with their quality of
life [53]. In terms of the disability resulting from the spinal
cord injury, tetraplegia due to injuries in the cervical spinal
cord would be more serious than paraplegia due to the tho-
racic spinal cord injury [54], thereby the tetraplegic patients
need auxiliary tools when working on computers and envi-
ronmental provisions [17]. However, only a few studies
investigated on the working conditions, relating to computer
use, of patients with spinal cord injuries. Considering the
current situations, wherein engineering approaches employ-
ing computers to assist patients with cervical spinal cord
injuries are increasing, the present study would be signicant
because it provides objective experiments employing EMG
activities and indicators of subjective musculoskeletal dis-
comfort on the varied desk levels.
The study had several limitations. First, the study has a
small sample size. Second, the representativeness of the
included patients was dicult to secure despite the
Table 3: Posthoc analysis of the musculoskeletal discomfort and desk height (n=12).
Group Desk height MD SE p
Body part discomfort rating (RPE)
5 cm below Same as 2.333 .852 .046
5 cm below 5 cm above 5.000 .852 .000
Same as 5 cm above 2.666 .852 .021
5 cm below Same as 2.000 .740 .049
5 cm below 5 cm above 3.666 .740 .001
Same as 5 cm above 1.666 .740 .119
p<005; MD: mean dierence; SE: standard error.
Table 4: Comparison of the EMG of the 2 groups of subjects corresponded to varied positions of keyboard (n=12).
C6 group
Keyboard position (n=6)
T2-T6 group
Keyboard position (n=6)
Elbow exion pX2/FElbow exion pX2/F
5 cm elbow Same as 5 cm above 5 cm below Same as 5cm above
CES 277 27 ± 125 27 301 79 ± 146 10 303 67 ± 152 70 .810 .422 187 05 ± 68 29 420 94 ± 555 51 231 23 ± 84 19 .440 .868
UT 11 38 ± 10 78 16 32 ± 16 55 17 31 ± 21 99 .458 .796 22 71 ± 10 03 32 36 ± 18 16 41 23 ± 21 11 .135 4.012
AD 19 43 ± 9 11 19 42 ± 7 62 19 42 ± 7 78 .910 .188 21 20 ± 9 05 21 39 ± 7 86 24 19 ± 11 57 .692 .737
WE 53 32 ± 19 83 54 75 ± 22 15 59 43 ± 20 81 .611 .986 33 08 ± 15 08 31 80 ± 13 99 34 56 ± 12 27 .849 .327
p< 05; CES: cervical erector spinae; UT: upper trapezius; AD: anterior deltoid; WE: wrist extensor.
Table 5: Comparison of interactions of the four muscles of subjects in the two groups with the varied levels of the computer desk (n=12).
CES interaction
(group × desk)
UT interaction
(group × desk)
AD interaction
(group × desk)
WE interaction
(group × desk)
5 cm below 277 28 ± 125 27
.629 .585
11 38 ± 10 78
.013 4.196
19 43 ± 9 11
.758 .394
53 32 ± 19 83
.006 4.989
Same as 301 79 ± 146 10 16 33 ± 16 55 19 42 ± 7 62 54 76 ± 22 15
5 cm above 303 67 ± 152 70 17 31 ± 21 99 19 42 ± 7 78 59 44 ± 23 75
5 cm below 187 05 ± 68 29 22 71 ± 10 03 21 20 ± 9 05 33 08 ± 15 08
Same as 420 94 ± 555 51 32 37 ± 18 16 21 39 ± 7 86 31 81 ± 13 99
5 cm above 231 24 ± 84 19 41 23 ± 21 11 24 19 ± 11 57 34 57 ± 12 27
p< 05,mean ± standard deviation.
7Occupational Therapy International
homogeneity of the patients general characteristics to avoid
selection bias in the study participants. Third, the typing task
was a simplied short-run task, which was remarkably dier-
ent from the actual work performed in computers. Thus,
future studies with a large sample size and varied computer
task to examine EMG activities are warranted.
5. Conclusions
The RPE values, which represent the subjective measurement
of musculoskeletal problems of the upper extremities of the
patients in the C6 group, decreased at the computer desk
level of 5 cm above the elbow level, whereas the patients in
the T2-T6 group had decreased RPE values at the computer
desk level of 5 cm below the elbow. Moreover, the subjects
in both groups commonly exhibited no signicant dier-
ences in EMG activities corresponding to the dierent levels
of the keyboard. However, the upper trapezius and wrist
extensor, among the four muscles, were found to be associ-
ated with the varied computer desk levels in both groups.
The appropriate computer working conditions should
be customized according to the need of the individual with
a disability.
Data Availability
The demographics and clinical data collected to support the
ndings of this study are restricted by the Ethics Committee
of the Province of Hallym University (Republic of Korea)
in order to protect patient privacy. Data are available
from Bo-Ra Kang, Yonseimadu Hospital 123, Gangseok-ro,
Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
(, for researchers who meet the criteria
for access to condential data.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
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... Data were analyzed using a software, EMG Analyzer v2.9.37.0 (BTS Bioengineering, Milano, Italy) and band passed at 20-450 Hz [13]. The final muscle activity value was calculated by applying the RVC (reference voluntary contraction) concept as data 'muscle activity wearing Bot Fit/ muscle activity without wearing Bot Fit' (%) [14]. ...
... As a learner stares at a screen for long periods of time, his or her eyesight deteriorates [6]. Furthermore, sitting in front of a computer can have an impact on the spinal cords [7]. Most of the time the students are using Wi-Fi connection to participate in their online classes [8]. ...
... Some of the variables that contribute to posture-related bad situations include sedentary work habits, lack of exercise, and poor or uneven sitting positions [1]. For example, Kang et al. [2] examined electromyogram data from 12 patients to assess how the neck and upper extremities were affected by the height of the computer 1. ...
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Posture detection targets toward providing assessments for the monitoring of the health and welfare of humans have been of great interest to researchers from different disciplines. The use of computer vision systems for posture recognition might result in useful improvements in healthy aging and support for elderly people in their daily activities in the field of health care. Computer vision and pattern recognition communities are particularly interested in fall automated recognition. Human sensing and artificial intelligence have both paid great attention to human posture detection (HPD). The health status of elderly people can be remotely monitored using human posture detection, which can distinguish between positions such as standing, sitting, and walking. The most recent research identified posture using both deep learning (DL) and conventional machine learning (ML) classifiers. However, these techniques do not effectively identify the postures and overfits of the model overfits. Therefore, this study suggested a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) framework to examine and classify human posture in health monitoring systems. This study proposes a feature selection technique, DCNN, and a machine learning technique to assess the previously mentioned problems. The InceptionV3 DCNN model is hybridized with SVM ML and its performance is compared. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed system is validated with other transfer learning (TL) techniques such as InceptionV3, DenseNet121, and ResNet50. This study uses the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)-based feature selection to enhance the feature vector. The study also used various techniques, such as data augmentation, dropout, and early stop, to overcome the problem of model overfitting. The performance of this DCNN framework is tested using benchmark Silhouettes of human posture and classification accuracy, loss, and AUC value of 95.42%, 0.01, and 99.35% are attained, respectively. Furthermore, the results of the proposed technology offer the most promising solution for indoor monitoring systems.
... Work posture, psychological condition, and demographical characteristics have a significant correlation with the occurrence of MSD among computer users (Namwongsa et al., 2018;Sasikumar, 2018). Keyboard design, typing speed, and work posture in digital tools influence the muscle activation of the neck, hand, and shoulder (Kang et al., 2019;Lin et al., 2020). Muscle activation on the neck and shoulder increases while using a larger size keyboards compared to a smaller size keyboards (Besharati et al., 2020;Van Beek et al., 2019). ...
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Academicians across the globe due to Covid 19 shifted to online teaching as a mainstream method by replacing the chalk and talk method. The main objective of this study is to find the impact of different sizes of digital boards used for online teaching on muscle activity and muscle fatigue, and then results are compared with conventional writing. Initially, a questionnaire survey is conducted among 100 college professors about the issue they faced while using online teaching methods. Experimental analysis are then conducted using electromyography sensor (sEMG) among ten college professors and their muscle activity on the dominant hand and neck while writing on two commercially available digital boards namely Type 1 (small writing area) and Type 2 (large writing area). Four muscles namely Flexor carpi radialis, Extensor carpi radialis, Biceps brachii, and Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) are chosen for the study. The results are then compared with muscle activity while writing on conventional A4 sheets. Normalized root mean square (RMS) is used to assess the muscle activity and the trend line of MPF value is utilized to assess the muscle fatigue. The results show that SCM muscle has more muscle activation compared to other selected muscles followed by flexor carpi radialis. Subjective analysis is carried out using the Borg scale, which has reported that Type 2 digital board having larger working area was preferred by the participants as it reduces muscle fatigue.
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There was a strong link between workplace ergonomics and occupational diseases. Work-related illnesses contribute significantly to the total burden of occupational diseases. Information Technology (IT) professionals were more likely to experience physical activity limitations and nonspecific neck pain. Objective: To determine the association of craniovertebral angle (CVA) with nonspecific neck pain and functional limitations among IT professionals. Methods: Total 377 IT professionals participated in an observational cross-sectional survey. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used. CVA was evaluated using a manual goniometer, non-specific neck pain was measured using NPRS, and functional limitation was assessed by using the Neck Disability Index (NDI) questionnaire. The association of CVA with non-specific neck as well as functional restrictions was then found. Results: The mean age of this study was 29.43 ± 5.081. About 71.4% were males and 28.6% were females. The results showed that there was significant association of CVA with functional limitation (p value=0.01) and gender (p value =0.05). Also, a significant association was noted between functional limitations and non-specific neck pain (p value =<0.001). Contrastingly, no significant association of CVA observed with non-specific neck pain (p value =0.859) and with BMI (p value =0.721). Conclusions: The study concluded that there was no significant association of CVA with non- specific neck pain but recorded a significant association between CVA and functional limitation among IT professionals. Males were having a higher prevalence of forward head posture as compared to females.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify changes in the experience rate and level of symptoms of visual display terminal syndrome in college students attending online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data were collected from February 22 to June 8, 2021 at three measurement points. A total of 117 college students were administered a visual display terminal syndrome survey just before online classes (T1), one month after the start of online classes (T2), and three months after the start of online classes (T3). The collected data were analyzed by frequency and percentage, paired t-test, McNemar test, and repeated measures analysis of variance using the IBM SPSS 25.0 program. Results: The intensity of college students’ visual display terminal syndrome during online classes increased at T2 and T3 compared to T1. The rate of experiencing back discomfort or pain increased abruptly at T2 compared to T1. The intensity of college students’ eye related symptoms and skin related symptoms increased at T2 and T3 compared to T1, while the intensity of college students’ psychological symptoms, general body discomfort, and musculoskeletal symptoms increased at T3 compared to T1. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that self-care programs are needed to prevent visual display terminal syndrome in college students who are in long-term online classes.
Background: Holding incorrect postures over a long period could lead to chronic nonspecific neck pain (CNNP) in office employees. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of different typing positions on the activity of the neck extensor and upper trapezius (UT) muscles of office employees diagnosed with CNNP. Methods: This assessor-blinded cross-sectional study was performed on 22 female subjects with the mean age of 39.95±5.30 years. The neck extensors and UT muscle activities of the participants were assessed in the upright, forward, and slouching postures by electromyography (EMG). In addition, neck proprioception and the performance of the cervical stabilizer muscles were evaluated using an inclinometer and biofeedback pressure unit, respectively. Results: A significant difference was observed between the cervical erector spine (CES) and UT muscle activities in the upright, forward, and slouching typing positions (P < 0.05). In addition, a difference was observed between the upright and slouching postures in these muscles. A positive correlation was denoted between CES muscle activity in the slouching and forward postures and the activation index of neck muscles (P < 0.05). Furthermore, a significant, negative correlation was observed between the UT muscle activity in the slouching posture and neck proprioception (P < 0.05). A positive correlation was also noted between the pain index and repositioning error rates (P < 0.05). Conclusion: CES muscle activity increased in a forward head posture, which could damage neck proprioception through causing early fatigue and stimulating a cumulative damage cycle.
Neck-shoulder and upper back musculoskeletal symptoms in smartphone users have gained increasing attention. We evaluated trapezius muscle activity and fatigue using an objective method (surface electromyography, sEMG), and discomfort using a subjective method (questionnaire), in smartphone users during the performance of different text-entry tasks. Fifteen participants were recruited to perform six text-entry tasks under different forearm conditions (floating and supported) and body postures (sitting, standing, lying, and walking). We collected upper trapezius (UT) and lower trapezius (LT) sEMG data, and recorded muscle discomfort scores after each task. We found that static postures (especially sitting) during smartphone use predisposed to lower muscle activity with higher fatigue level and discomfort scores than dynamic posture; there was a significant main effect of body posture on average sEMG amplitude (aEMG) and discomfort scores of both muscles (all p < 0.05). Moreover, using a smartphone with the forearm supported can reduce muscle activity, fatigue level, and discomfort scores; there was a significant main effect of the forearm condition on aEMG and discomfort scores of both muscles (all p < 0.05). Our study indicates that smartphone use with the forearm floating for a long time in a static posture should be avoided (especially while sitting).
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a virtual reality program combined with conventional therapy in upper limb function in people with tetraplegia and to provide data about patients’ satisfaction with the virtual reality system. Thirty-one people with subacute complete cervical tetraplegia participated in the study. Experimental group received 15 sessions with Toyra® virtual reality system for 5 weeks, 30 minutes/day, 3 days/week in addition to conventional therapy, while control group only received conventional therapy. All patients were assessed at baseline, after intervention, and at three-month follow-up with a battery of clinical, functional, and satisfaction scales. Control group showed significant improvements in the manual muscle test ( p = 0,043, partial η 2 = 0,22) in the follow-up evaluation. Both groups demonstrated clinical, but nonsignificant, changes to their arm function in 4 of the 5 scales used. All patients showed a high level of satisfaction with the virtual reality system. This study showed that virtual reality added to conventional therapy produces similar results in upper limb function compared to only conventional therapy. Moreover, the gaming aspects incorporated in conventional rehabilitation appear to produce high motivation during execution of the assigned tasks. This trial is registered with EudraCT number 2015-002157-35.
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Objective: To apply tailored rehabilitation education to video display terminal (VDT) workers with musculoskeletal pain and to assess changes in musculoskeletal pain after rehabilitation education. Methods: A total of 8,828 VDT workers were screened for musculoskeletal disorders using a self-report questionnaire. Six hundred twenty-six VDT workers selected based on their questionnaires were enrolled in musculoskeletal rehabilitation education, which consisted of education on VDT syndrome and confirmed diseases, exercise therapy including self-stretching and strengthening, and posture correction. One year later, a follow-up screening survey was performed on 316 VDT workers, and the results were compared with the previous data. Results: Compared with the initial survey, pain intensity was significantly decreased in the neck area; pain duration and frequency were significantly decreased in the low back area; and pain duration, intensity, and frequency were significantly decreased in the shoulder and wrist after tailored rehabilitation education. In addition, pain duration, intensity, and frequency showed a greater significant decrease after tailored rehabilitation education in the mild pain group than in the severe pain group. Conclusions: This study found that work-related musculoskeletal pain was reduced after tailored rehabilitation education, especially in the shoulder, wrist, and low back.
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[Purpose] This study investigated the effects of postural angle on back muscle activity during a computer task in aging women. [Subjects] Seventeen women ≥50 years old participated. [Methods] The participants were instructed to perform computer-related tasks for 20 minutes on a workstation that simulated typical office working conditions. Back posture was measured from the measured trunk and pelvic angles. Electromyography activities were recorded simultaneously from the cervical erector spinae, longissimus, and multifidus muscles. [Results] The lowest mean percentages of maximum voluntary contraction for the cervical erector spinae and longissimus muscles were obtained when the upper trunk and pelvic angles were between 0° to -5° from the sagittal plane. The back muscle activities increased as the upper trunk and pelvic angles exceeded 0°. Statistical analysis showed significant correlations between upper trunk angle and cervical erector spinae and longissimus muscle activities. Similarly, pelvic angle was significantly correlated with cervical erector spinae and multifidus muscle activities. [Conclusion] A neutral back posture minimizes muscle activities in aging women performing computer tasks.
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A cross-sectional study. To translate and assess the reliability and discriminative ability of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM III), Thai version (Th-SCIM III). A tertiary rehabilitation center in Thailand. The SCIM III was translated into the Thai version with a forward-backward translation. The tool was then used by three physical therapists to assess 31 subjects with various degrees of spinal cord injury (SCI) during the first week after admission. The Th-SCIM III had excellent inter-rater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient >0.90) and good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha ⩾0.88), and could significantly discriminate between the performance of subjects with varying degrees of lesion severity. Scores of 50 and over could moderately discriminate between subjects with motor complete SCI and incomplete SCI (sensitivity 68.75%, specificity 66.67%, 95% confidence interval=0.62-0.95). The findings support the reliability and discriminative ability of the Th-SCIM III. The tool may benefit clinical assessments for overall aspects relating to SCI, particularly for Thai physical therapists. However, a further exploration of other psychometric properties may enhance the clinical utility of the tool.Spinal Cord advance online publication, 14 July 2015; doi:10.1038/sc.2015.114.
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Background/objective: To describe the nature and distribution of activities during physical therapy (PT) delivered in inpatient spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation and discuss predictors (patient and injury characteristics) of the amount of time spent in PT for specific treatment activities. Methods: Six hundred patients from six inpatient SCI centers were enrolled in the SCIRehab study. Physical therapists documented details, including time spent, of treatment provided during 37 306 PT sessions that occurred during inpatient SCI rehabilitation. Ordinary least squares regression models associated patient and injury characteristics with time spent in specific PT activities. Results: SCIRehab patients received a mean total of 55.3 hours of PT over the course of their rehabilitation stay. Significant differences among four neurologic groups were seen in the amount of time spent on most activities, including the most common PT activities of strengthening exercises, stretching, transfer training, wheelchair mobility training, and gait training. Most PT work (77%) was provided in individual therapy sessions; the remaining 23% was done in group settings. Patient and injury characteristics explained only some of the variations seen in time spent on wheelchair mobility, transfer and bed mobility training, and range of motion/ stretching. Conclusion: Analysis yielded both expected and unexpected trends in SCI rehabilitation. Significant variation was seen in time spent on PT activities within and among injury groups. Providing therapeutic strengthening treatments consumed the greatest proportion of PT time. About one-quarter of all PT services were provided in group settings. Details about services provided, including time spent, will serve as a starting point in detailing the optimal treatment delivery for maximal outcomes.
Objectives: This research was conducted as a cross-sectional descriptive study aimed at determining the existence of pain in the musculoskeletal system among office workers and the reasons for it. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 528 office workers. Collection of data was achieved using a questionnaire prepared by the researchers in line with information from the literature. Results: The male and female office workers most frequently complained of pain in the lower back (55.1%), neck (52.5%) and back (53%). It was seen that out of the variables relating to the work environment, those which had the most significant effect on muscular-skeletal system pain were sitting at the desk for a long time without a break, working sitting on a chair that supported only the lumbar area and the arms, having the computer mouse at a distance from the keyboard, having the head inclined at 45° when working, working holding both forearms above the level of the desk, not taking exercise in daily life, and having a moderate or extremely stressful workplace (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The conclusion has been reached in this study that in order for office workers not to suffer musculoskeletal system pain, it is very important that the working environment should be ergonomically arranged and that various measures should be taken to ensure healthy life behavior. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(1).
The aim of this study was to provide a description of gender differences of the activation patterns of the four subdivisions of the trapezius (clavicular, upper, middle, lower) following a 60 min computer work task. Surface EMG was collected from these subdivisions from 21 healthy subjects during bilateral arm elevation pre-/post- task. Subjects completed a standardized 60 min computer work task at a standard, ergonomic workstation. Normalized activation and activation ratios of each trapezius subdivision were compared between genders and condition with repeated measures ANOVAs. The interaction effect of Gender × Condition for upper trapezius% activation approached significance at p = 0.051with males demonstrating greater activation post-task. The main effect of Condition was statistically significant for% activation of middle and lower trapezius (p < 0.05), with both muscles demonstrating increase activation post-task. There was a statistically significant interaction effect of Gender × Condition for the Middle Trapezius/Upper Trapezius ratio and main effect of Condition for the Clavicular Trapezius/Upper Trapezius ratio, with a decreased ratio post-typing. Gender differences exist following 60 min of a low force computer typing task. Imbalances in muscle activation and activation ratios following computer work may affect total shoulder kinematics and should be further explored.
Objective: This study evaluated the effect of different types of activities during rest-break interventions on neck and shoulder muscle activity, muscle discomfort and productivity among symptomatic video display unit (VDU) operators performing prolonged computer terminal work. Study design and setting: Randomized controlled trial was used. Thirty symptomatic VDU operators were randomly assigned to 2 active break groups (stretching and dynamic movement) and a reference group. The subjects performed the same typing task for 60 min and received 3-min breaks after each 20 min of work. Root mean square and median frequency were calculated for neck and shoulder muscle activity. Muscle discomfort was measured with Borg's CR-10 scale. Productivity was measured by counting words. Results: There were no significant differences between the types of activities during breaks on neck and shoulder muscle activity, muscle discomfort or productivity. However, there was a significant difference in the level of muscle discomfort over time. Conclusions: Three types of activity during breaks showed a favourable effect on neck and shoulder muscle activity and productivity, and a positive effect on muscle discomfort in symptomatic VDU operators.