
Approche de gestion orientée service pour l'Internet des objets (IoT) considérant la Qualité de Service (QoS)

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L’Internet des Objets (IoT) est déjà omniprésent aujourd’hui : domotique, bâtiments connectés ou ville intelligente, beaucoup d’initiatives et d’innovations sont en cours et à venir. Le nombre d’objets connectés ne cesse de croître à tel point que des milliards d’objets sont attendus dans un futur proche.L’approche de cette thèse met en place un système de gestion autonomique pour des systèmes à base d’objets connectés, en les combinant avec d’autres services comme par exemple des services météo accessibles sur internet. Les modèles proposés permettent une prise de décision autonome basée sur l’analyse d’évènements et la planification d’actions exécutées automatiquement. Des paramètres comme le temps d’exécution ou l’énergie consommée sont aussi considérés afin d’optimiser les choix d’actions à effectuer et de services utilisés. Un prototype concret a été réalisé dans un scénario de ville intelligente et de bus connectés dans le projet investissement d'avenir S2C2.

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... Nowadays, the application domains in IoT are vast, and the challenges are still numerous: both syntactic and semantic interoperability problems, the complexity of managing these complex systems and integrating them with other systems as well as already existing services (Guillaume, 2018). Distant object identification is still a relevant issue. ...
... In the context of energy, it answers major issues: depletion of natural resources, increasing global energy needs and lack of human labor. The European Union officially adopted a 20-20-20 renewable energy directive setting climate change reduction targets for the next decade (Guillaume, 2018). Including the objective of having a good gas reduction, better energy efficiency and a 20% increase in the use of renewable energies by 2020. ...
... A necessary first step is syntactic interoperability: being able to use different technologies in a transparent and homogeneous way by integrating heterogeneous and incompatible technologies. An additional step lies in semantic interoperability: being able to use different technologies in a harmonised way is one thing; However, allowing systems to automatically understand the different data produced by these heterogeneous sensors with disparate data formalism remains a challenge (Guillaume, 2018). ...
... Every day, uncounted connected objects are integrated into our environment. Their number is growing to such an extent that billions of objects are expected in the near future [1]. Indeed, all these connected physical objects will make it possible to provide new services through sensors (temperature, motion, pollution, etc.), actuators (remotely controllable devices acting on the environment), and other entities. ...
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In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) environment dynamics has increased, leading to an increase in the complexity of modern software systems. Therefore, the need to manage these complex systems comes with several challenges, and service-oriented systems (SoS) are a good option to realize this. Several research initiatives have addressed this vision. However, there is a clear need for flexibility and self-adaptation for service-based IoT applications to promote higher customization and adaptation to manage unpredictable changes and uncertain situations. In our research, we advocate the use of the SoS paradigm for building next-generation services using the IoT, and the main objective of our work is to ensure the self-adaptation of these complex systems. In this paper, we provide a particular perspective on the evolution of the field of self-adaptation with a new conception. By proposing a BPMN extension named BPMN4SAS (BPMN for the self-adaptive system), we stress the idea of adaptation in the design phase, starting from the first step in the BPM (Business Process Management) life cycle. The proposed extension is illustrated through an example dealing with accident management in a smart city system. The second contribution of this paper concerns the optimization phase, where we propose a global architecture to ensure the self-adaptation of the IoT services at run time. The proposed architecture aims to let the system collect data about the uncertainties during execution. The system uses this data to resolve uncertainties, be aware of itself, and adjust and satisfy the changing conditions, especially the quality-of-service (QoS) constraints.
... For real-time monitoring, immediate management of any outbreak of fire and even the assistance of specialized personnel, a network of sensors coupled with Cloud Computing constitutes an appropriate and efficient set of tools. The Internet of Objects (IoT), through its successful integration into several application areas of everyday life, imposes its technology as being the most promising for the management of problems of this type [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]. Despite the difficulties of re-adapting the mainly security solutions of classical IT for the IoT, current work increasingly defines standards to facilitate the integration of security solutions that are a little more encompassing [14] [15] [16]. ...
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Cloud computing has made it easier to access various forms of data and services through the Internet. coupling it to sensor networks makes it possible to significantly overcome the storage and computing performance limits of heterogeneous objects in the Internet of Things (IoT). In Cameroon, IoT is not yet very widespread. We use it here to monitor and prevent urban fires in real time, using a set of temperature, humidity, gas, flame and electrical power sensors that are integrated on NodeMCU, in view to detect fire starts and generate an alert. The data collected is stored and processed on Thing Speak; a second analysis is carried out locally. After calibrating the sensors, we analyzed the data and carried out a correlation test to identify the most sensitive data for the alert system. The correlation coefficient of-0.721015 between temperature and humidity allowed us to maintain the system based on data quality.
... L'IoT est un réseau formé de capteur et d'actionneur, qui permet de développer des applications innovantes pour le partage des informations sur des plateformes, via un cadre unique. Sur IEEEXplore on a plus de 10000 (dix milles) journaux d'articles pour la période 2010-2020 ce qui certifie la volonté de cette technologie de rendre intelligent tout ce qui était non envisageable [1]. Malgré son large déploiement et son fonctionnement autonome (communication, traitement des données), trois problèmes majeurs perdurent dans cet environnement: performance de calcul, limitation en espace de stockage, limitation d'énergie [2]. ...
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Cloud computing has made it easier to access various forms of data and services through the Internet. coupling it to sensor networks makes it possible to significantly overcome the storage and computing performance limits of heterogeneous objects in the Internet of Things (IoT). In Cameroon, IoT is not yet very widespread. We use it here to monitor and prevent urban fires in real time, using a set of temperature, humidity, gas, flame and electrical power sensors that are integrated on NodeMCU, in view to detect fire starts and generate an alert. The data collected is stored and processed on ThingSpeak; a second analysis is carried out locally. After calibrating the sensors, we analyzed the data and carried out a correlation test to identify the most sensitive data for the alert system. The correlation coefficient of -0.721015 between temperature and humidity allowed us to maintain the system based on data quality.
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Web service composition is one of the core technologies of realizing service-oriented computing. Web service composition satisfies the requirements of users to form new value-added services by composing existing services. As Cloud Computing develops, the emergence of Web services with different quality yet similar functionality has brought new challenges to service composition optimization problem. How to solve large-scale service composition in the Cloud Computing environment has become an urgent problem. To tackle this issue, this paper proposes a parallel optimization approach based on Spark distributed environment. Firstly, the parallel covering algorithm is used to cluster the Web services. Next, the multiple clustering centers obtained are used as the starting point of the particles to improve the diversity of the initial population. Then, according to the parallel data coding rules of resilient distributed dataset (RDD), the large-scale combination service is generated with the proposed algorithm named Spark Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (SPSO). Finally, the usage of particle elite selection strategy removes the inert particles to optimize the performance of the combination of service selection. This paper adopts real data set WS-Dream to prove the validity of the proposed method with a large number of experimental results.
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Over the past few years, the semantics community has developed several ontologies to describe concepts and relationships for internet of things (IoT) applications. A key problem is that most of the IoT-related semantic descriptions are not as widely adopted as expected. One of the main concerns of users and developers is that semantic techniques increase the complexity and processing time, and therefore, they are unsuitable for dynamic and responsive environments such as the IoT. To address this concern, we propose IoT-Lite, an instantiation of the semantic sensor network ontology to describe key IoT concepts allowing interoperability and discovery of sensory data in heterogeneous IoT platforms by a lightweight semantics. We propose 10 rules for good and scalable semantic model design and follow them to create IoT-Lite. We also demonstrate the scalability of IoT-Lite by providing some experimental analysis and assess IoT-Lite against another solution in terms of round trip time performance for query-response times. We have linked IoT-Lite with stream annotation ontology, to allow queries over stream data annotations, and we have also added dynamic semantics in the form of MathML annotations to IoT-Lite. Dynamic semantics allows the annotation of spatio-temporal values, reducing storage requirements and therefore the response time for queries. Dynamic semantics stores mathematical formulas to recover estimated values when actual values are missing.
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Introducing adaptiveness into service compositions allows for a next generation of services, which adapt to their context of use and posses self-* properties like self-healing and self-configuring. However, the development of adaptive and flexible services is challenging and lacks tool support. For this next step in service development there are a multitude of requirements to be met: a service discovery needs to keep the available services up-to-date, a semantic layer needs special development resources to introduce interoperability, ontologies need to be managed and merged, a service selection mechanism has to find the fitting service for a context out of a vast amount of service advertisements, and runtime components need to surveil the execution of such a service composition. In this paper, we review multiple projects, in which those components have been subject to research, and we present our own approach of a semi-automatic development methodology for adaptive service compositions and finally discuss future challenges.
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The use of Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Stream Processing (SP) systems to process high-volume, high-velocity Big Data has renewed interest in procedures for managing these systems. In particular, self-management and adaptation of runtime platforms have been common research themes, as most of these systems run under dynamic conditions. Nevertheless, the research landscape in this area is still young and fragmented. Most research is performed in the context of specific systems, and it is difficult to generalize the results obtained to other contexts. To enable generic and reusable CEP/SP system management procedures and self-management policies, this research introduces the Attributed Graph Rewriting for Complex Event Processing Management (AGeCEP) formalism. AGeCEP represents queries in a language- and technology-agnostic fashion using attributed graphs. Query reconfiguration capabilities are expressed through standardized attributes, which are defined based on a novel classification of CEP query operators. By leveraging this representation, AGeCEP also proposes graph rewriting rules to define consistent reconfigurations of queries. To demonstrate AGeCEP feasibility, this research has used it to design an autonomic manager and to define a selected set of self-management policies. Finally, experiments demonstrate that AGeCEP can indeed be used to develop algorithms that can be integrated into diverse CEP systems.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is now shaping our cities to make them more connected, convenient, and intelligent. However, this change will highly rely on extracted values and insights from the big data generated by our cities via sensors, devices, and human activities. Many existing studies and projects have been done to make our cities smart, focusing more on how to deploy various sensors and devices and then collect data from them. However, this is just the first step towards smart cities and next step will be to make good use of the collected data and enable context-awareness and intelligence into all kinds of applications and services via a flexible big data platform. In this paper, we introduce the system architecture and the major design issues of a live City Data and Analytics Platform, namely CiDAP. More importantly, we share our experience and lessons learned from building this practical system for a large scale running smart city testbed, SmartSantander. Our work provides a valuable example to future Smart City platform designers so that they can foresee some practice issues and refer to our solution when building their own smart city data platforms.
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QoS-based service selection is one of the important requirements in Service Oriented Computing (SOC). A challenging task towards this purpose is the selection of the best combination of services that fulfils user’s requirements while meeting quality of service (QoS) constraints. This challenge becomes more complex when dealing with time-dependent QoS values and temporal properties. Indeed, during the selection, mutual dependencies between the different temporal constraints may arise so that the selection of each service may influence or be influenced by the selection of other services. On other side, to find the best solution, all potential combinations must be compared. However, the number of these combinations may be very high, which can present a barrier for enabling effective service selection. In this paper, we present a heuristic based timeaware service selection approach to efficiently select a close-tooptimal combination of services. First, pruning techniques are adopted to reduce the search space. Second, a novel heuristic approach is proposed based on service clustering, constraints decomposition and local selection while considering both QoS and temporal constraints. Finally, experiments which confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of its timeliness and optimality, are conducted.
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Service-oriented computing has brought special attention to service description, especially in connection with semantic technologies. The expected proliferation of publicly accessible services can benefit greatly from tool support and automation, both of which are the focus of Semantic Web Service (SWS) frameworks that especially address service discovery, composition and execution. As the first SWS standard, in 2007 the World Wide Web Consortium produced a lightweight bottom-up specification called SAWSDL for adding semantic annotations to WSDL service descriptions. Building on SAWSDL, this article presents WSMO-Lite, a lightweight ontology of Web service semantics that distinguishes four semantic aspects of services: function, behavior, information model, and nonfunctional properties, which together form a basis for semantic automation. With the WSMO-Lite ontology, SAWSDL descriptions enable semantic automation beyond simple input/output matchmaking that is supported by SAWSDL itself. Further, to broaden the reach of WSMO-Lite and SAWSDL tools to the increasingly common RESTful services, the article adds hRESTS and MicroWSMO, two HTML microformats that mirror WSDL and SAWSDL in the documentation of RESTful services, enabling combining RESTful services with WSDL-based ones in a single semantic framework. To demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of this approach, the article presents common algorithms for Web service discovery and composition adapted to WSMO-Lite.
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A national survey of Part C early intervention program providers (practitioners and program directors) and participants (parents of young children with disabilities) was used to discern the desired outcomes of service coordination, early intervention, and natural environment practices. Survey participants judged from among 69 outcome indicators those that they considered to be the most valued benefits of each IDEA Part C service. Results indicated that certain categories of outcomes were more likely to be judged as the desired benefits of a specific Part C service, and that only two outcome categories (family satisfaction and improved family quality of life) were considered to be valued outcomes for all three services. Implications for practice and research are described.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In this paper, we focus specifically to an urban IoT system that, while still being quite a broad category, are characterized by their specific application domain. Urban IoTs, in fact, are designed to support the Smart City vision, which aims at exploiting the most advanced communication technologies to support added-value services for the administration of the city and for the citizens. This paper hence provides a comprehensive survey of the enabling technologies, protocols, and architecture for an urban IoT. Furthermore, the paper will present and discuss the technical solutions and best-practice guidelines adopted in the Padova Smart City project, a proof-of-concept deployment of an IoT island in the city of Padova, Italy, performed in collaboration with the city municipality.
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Web service technologies become popular in software development in all sectors. Variety services related standards are defined but they still have limitations to represent the services such as the service registry does not support the Quality of Service (QoS) properties, web service description language (WSDL) does not allow specifying the QoS properties and there is no common ontology’s structure to store services. Our research aims to enhance the repre-sentation of services to assist the service selection and composition process in order to reduce the development costs. The existing resources are analyzed to define a Web Service Ontology (WSOnto). Furthermore, a service selection al-gorithm is proposed to validate the proposed WSOnto. It considers the multiple criteria of inputs such as: context, functional and non functional properties of services. The WSOnto and a service selection algorithm are studied to assist the re-engineering of business processes from users’ designed business processes
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Web services are created and updated on-the-fly. Manual composition cannot foreseen the change and adapt to the dynamic environment. Different AI planning techniques have been proposed to facilitate automatic composition of Web services. Planners have been developed to help with the composition based on these techniques. The adequacy of these planners is vital for correctness of Web service composition. In this paper we investigate the recent research efforts of automatic Web services composition from the AI planning research community. Two sets of criteria – properties and control structure are compared. The result of this comparison shows HTN planning at this stage has various advantages over the other AI planning techniques. .
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The Web 2.0 wave brings, among other aspects, the programmable Web: increasing numbers of Web sites provide machine-oriented APIs and Web services. However, most APIs are only described with text in HTML documents. The lack of machine-readable API descriptions affects the feasibility of tool support for developers who use these services. We propose a microformat called hRESTS (HTML for RESTful Services) for machine-readable descriptions of Web APIs, backed by a simple service model. The hRESTS microformat describes main aspects of services, such as operations, inputs and outputs. We also present two extensions of hRESTS: SA-REST, which captures the facets of public APIs important for mashup developers, and MicroWSMO, which provides support for semantic automation.
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The increasing usage of smart embedded devices in business blurs the line between the virtual and real worlds. This creates new opportunities to build applications that better integrate real-time state of the physical world, and hence, provides enterprise services that are highly dynamic, more diverse, and efficient. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approaches traditionally used to couple functionality of heavyweight corporate IT systems, are becoming applicable to embedded real-world devices, i.e., objects of the physical world that feature embedded processing and communication. In such infrastructures, composed of large numbers of networked, resource-limited devices, the discovery of services and on-demand provisioning of missing functionality is a significant challenge. We propose a process and a suitable system architecture that enables developers and business process designers to dynamically query, select, and use running instances of real-world services (i.e., services running on physical devices) or even deploy new ones on-demand, all in the context of composite, real-world business applications.
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In this article, we describe an efficient beam search algorithm for statistical machine translation based on dynamic programming (DP). The search algorithm uses the translation model presented in Brown et al. (1993). Starting from a DP-based solution to the traveling-salesman problem, we present a novel technique to restrict the possible word reorderings between source and target language in order to achieve an efficient search algorithm. Word reordering restrictions especially useful for the translation direction German to English are presented. The restrictions are generalized, and a set of four parameters to control the word reordering is introduced, which then can easily be adopted to new translation directions. The beam search procedure has been successfully tested on the Verbmobil task (German to English, 8,000-word vocabulary) and on the Canadian Hansards task (French to English, 100,000-word vocabulary). For the medium-sized Verbmobil task, a sentence can be translated in a few seconds, only a small number of search errors occur, and there is no performance degradation as measured by the word error criterion used in this article.
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STEPSTONE is a joint industry-university project to create open source technology that would enable the scalable, "friction-free" integration of device-based healthcare solutions into enterprise systems using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Specifically, STEPSTONE defines a first proposal to a Service Oriented Device Architecture (SODA) framework, and provides for initial reference implementations. STEPSTONE also intends to encourage a broad community effort to further develop the framework and its implementations. In this paper, we present SODA, along with two implementation proposals of SODA's device integration. We demonstrate the ease by which SODA was used to develop an end-to-end personal healthcare monitoring system. We also demonstrate the ease by which the STEPSTONE system was extended by other participants - Washington State University - to include additional devices and end user interfaces. We show clearly how SODA and therefore SODA devices make integration almost automatic, replicable, and scalable. This allows telehealth system developers to focus their energy and attention on the system functionality and other important issues, such as usability, privacy, persuasion and outcome assessment studies.
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This document contains a proposal for a Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) based on a combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of the OWL Web Ontology Language with the Unary/Binary Datalog RuleML sublanguages of the Rule Markup Language. SWRL includes a high-level abstract syntax for Horn-like rules in both the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of OWL. A model-theoretic semantics is given to provide the formal meaning for OWL ontologies including rules written in this abstract syntax. An XML syntax based on RuleML and the OWL XML Presentation Syntax as well as an RDF concrete syntax based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax are also given, along with several examples.
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The evolution of networks and Internet has introduced highly scalable and available services making operational environments more complex. The increasing complexity, cost and heterogeneity of distributed computing systems have motivated researchers to investigate new ideas to cope with the management of this complexity. One such idea is autonomic computing. This paper provides a thorough survey of autonomic computing systems, presenting their characteristics, effects on quality factors, their building block architecture and challenges.
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A 2001 IBM manifesto observed that a looming software complexity crisis -caused by applications and environments that number into the tens of millions of lines of code - threatened to halt progress in computing. The manifesto noted the almost impossible difficulty of managing current and planned computing systems, which require integrating several heterogeneous environments into corporate-wide computing systems that extend into the Internet. Autonomic computing, perhaps the most attractive approach to solving this problem, creates systems that can manage themselves when given high-level objectives from administrators. Systems manage themselves according to an administrator's goals. New components integrate as effortlessly as a new cell establishes itself in the human body. These ideas are not science fiction, but elements of the grand challenge to create self-managing computing systems.
Automatic web service composition has received a significant research attention in service-oriented computing over decades of research. With increasing number of web services, providing an end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee in responding to user queries is becoming an important concern. Multiple QoS parameters (e.g., response time, latency, throughput, reliability, availability, success rate) are associated with a service, thereby, service composition with a large number of candidate services is a challenging multi-objective optimization problem. In this article, we study the multi-constrained multi-objective QoS-aware web service composition problem and propose three different approaches to solve the same, one optimal, based on Pareto front construction, and two others based on heuristically traversing the solution space. We compare the performance of the heuristics against the optimal and show the effectiveness of our proposals over other classical approaches for the same problem setting, with experiments on WSC-2009 and ICEBE-2005 datasets.
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Pervasive computing offers environments in which user needs or tasks are fulfilled without demanding their attention. Context-aware service composition is a central aspect to achieving this, in which services are discovered and composed in response to context to meet user needs. Since pervasive computing environments are inherently dynamic and heterogeneous, context-aware service composition is a complex and challenging task. There are many research challenges in the field of service composition and some of them have already been met. However, from the literature we have identified some other important research challenges in service composition domain and proposed a service composition comparison framework. In this paper, we provide the review on the state-of-the-art in the field of service composition of heterogeneous services and compare them against proposed comparison framework.
Web service based applications often invoke services provided by third-parties in their workflow. The Quality of Service (QoS) provided by the invoked supplier can be expressed in terms of the Service Level Agreement specifying the values contracted for particular aspects like cost or throughput, among others. In this scenario, intelligent systems can support the engineer to scrutinise the service market in order to select those candidates that best fit with the expected composition focusing on different QoS aspects. This search problem, a.k.a. QoS-aware web service composition, is characterised by the presence of many diverse QoS properties to be simultaneously optimised from a multi-objective perspective. Nevertheless, as the number of QoS properties considered during the design phase increases and a larger number of decision factors come into play, it becomes more difficult to find the most suitable candidate solutions, so more sophisticated techniques are required to explore and return diverse, competitive alternatives. With this aim, this paper explores the suitability of many-objective evolutionary algorithms for addressing the binding problem of web services on the basis of a real-world benchmark with 9 QoS properties. A complete comparative study demonstrates that these techniques, never before applied to this problem, can achieve a better trade-off between all the QoS properties, or even promote specific QoS properties while keeping high values for the rest. In addition, this search process can be performed within a reasonable computational cost, enabling its adoption by intelligent and decision-support systems in the field of service oriented computation.
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Web service composition has quickly become a key area of research in the services oriented architecture community. One of the challenges in composition is the existence of heterogeneities across independently created and autonomously managed Web service requesters and Web service providers. Previous work in this area either involved significant human effort or in cases of the efforts seeking to provide largely automated approaches, overlooked the problem of data heterogeneities, resulting in partial solutions that would not support executable workflow for real-world problems. In this paper, we present a planning-based approach to solve both the process heterogeneity and data heterogeneity problems. Our system successfully outputs an executable BPEL file which correctly solves non-trivial real-world process specifications outlind in the 2006 SWS Challenge.
An increasingly important goal of industrial automation systems is to continuously optimize physical resource utilization such as materials. Distributed automation is seen as one enabling technology for achieving this goal, in which networking controller nodes collaborate in a peer-to-peer way to form a new paradigm, namely industrial cyber-physical systems (iCPS). In order to achieve rapid response to changes from both high-level control systems and plant environment, the proposed self-manageable agent relies on the use of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) that improves flexibility and interoperability. It is enhanced by the autonomic service management (ASM) to implement software modifications in a fully automatic manner, thus achieving self-manageable and adaptive iCPS. The architecture design of the ASM is provided and integration with SOA-based execution environment is illustrated. Preliminary tests on self-management are completed using a case study of an airport baggage handling system.
Web service composition is a key technology for creating value-added services by integrating available services. With the rapid development of Service Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things, mass services with the same functionalities and different quality of service (QoS) values are available on the Internet; Moreover, due to the uncertainties of services’ application environment, a service’s QoS is highly dynamic; these two factors causes reliable dynamic Web service composition to be a challenge. To address this issue, this paper proposes a two-stage approach for reliable dynamic Web service composition. In the first stage, the top K Web service composition schemes based on each service’s historical QoS values are selected with the proposed algorithm named culture genetic algorithm (CGA). Then, component services in the top K schemes are filtered out and employed as the candidate services for dynamic service composition. This operation can greatly reduce the number of available services and filter out better candidate services for dynamic service composition. Next, the global QoS constraints are decomposed into local QoS constraints with the CGA algorithm, and the global optimal problem of service composition is transformed into a local optimal service selection problem; this conversion increases the flexibility of dynamic service composition and provides a chance to predict QoS values of services before service selection. In the second stage, before selecting the best service for each task during the running of the service composition workflow, QoS values of each candidate service are predicted based on the improved case-based reasoning, and the best service is selected according to the predicted QoS values. Through QoS prediction, the reliability of the composite Web service can be greatly enhanced. Finally, experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective.
The Internet of Things is the natural continuity of the Ambient Intelligence where smart and ambient environments are built mainly by integrating a large number of interconnected smart objects (sensors, actuators, Smartphone, appliances, etc.) with heterogeneous capabilities abstracted as software services. These services can be composed on the fly and provided, all the time and everywhere, to assist users in their daily activities. A key issue in user-centered services composition is to intelligently and effectively discover and select the most relevant services that best match the users’ requirements and closely meet the specified quality-of-service level. Monitoring seamlessly the provided services and enhancing their quality, is still a challenging issue due mainly to the dynamicity and uncertainty characterizing ambient environments. In this paper, we propose a new service-oriented, user-centered and event-aware Framework capable of performing services monitoring to handle automatically events that may occur in ambient environments. This monitoring is based on a dynamic services discovery and selection process to enhance self-adaptation to unpredicted changes, and ensure services continuity with best quality. The overall proposed Framework has been implemented and validated through a scenario dedicated to daily activity recognition in an Ambient-Assisted Living environment. In addition, the obtained performances from extensive tests show clearly the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed approach in the case of a large-scale environment.
To provide public logistics services, Supply Hub in Industrial Park (SHIP) is facing challenges on getting real-time interactions with its member enterprises, and real-time tracing and tracking of its assets. The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) offers a possible solution to achieve real-time visibility and information sharing, as well as appropriate level of intelligence. This paper proposes an IoT-enabled SHIP for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of sharing physical assets and services. First, an overview of IoT-enabled SHIP is presented by highlighting three key components: Physical Asset Service System (PASS), information infrastructure, and decision support system. PASS is introduced as a new business model for supporting the sharing approach. Second, the relevant state-of-the-art literature is reviewed by examining several representative pilot projects worldwide. Third, future research opportunities are discussed along five dimensions including IoT infrastructure, business models, decision models, synchronization mechanisms, and impact analysis. Research gaps are highlighted and key research questions worthy of further exploration are presented. It is hoped that this work is valuable and beneficial to researchers who wish to extend their research into this new and exciting area, and to identify new research opportunities.
Methodologies for correct by construction reconfigurations can efficiently solve consistency issues in dynamic software architecture. Graph-based models are appropriate for designing such architectures and methods. At the same time, they may be unfit to characterize a system from a non-functional perspective. This stems from efficiency and applicability limitations in handling time-varying characteristics and their related dependencies. In order to lift these restrictions, an extension to graph rewriting systems is proposed herein. The suitability of this approach, as well as the restraints of currently available ones, is illustrated, analyzed, and experimentally evaluated with reference to a concrete example. This investigation demonstrates that the conceived solution can (i) express any kind of algebraic dependencies between evolving requirements and properties; (ii) significantly ameliorate the efficiency and scalability of system modifications with respect to classic methodologies; (iii) provide an efficient access to attribute values; (iv) be fruitfully exploited in software management systems; and (v) guarantee theoretical properties of a grammar, like its termination.
Internet of Things (IoT) software is required not only to dispose of huge volumes of real-time and heterogeneous data, but also to support different complex applications for business purposes. Using an ontology approach, a Configurable Information Service Platform is proposed for the development of IoT-based application. Based on an abstract information model, information encapsulating, composing, discomposing, transferring, tracing, and interacting in Product Lifecycle Management could be carried out. Combining ontology and representational state transfer (REST)-ful service, the platform provides an information support base both for data integration and intelligent interaction. A case study is given to verify the platform. It is shown that the platform provides a promising way to realize IoT application in semantic level.
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The large diversity and heterogeneity of collaborating objects and services in modern networked environments such as personal, vehicular or home networks makes difficult the efficient configuration, deployment and management of composite dynamic systems without a major participation of human actors. This paper proposes an autonomic architecture based on decision models built on ontologies and aimed at self-configuring and self-adapting service-oriented and event-driven distributed systems. Our solution follows a top-down approach based on well-known and accepted standards and implemented as an ecosystem-wide ontology aimed at characterizing the properties of services and events related to consumers and producers entities participating in the autonomic collaborative environment.
Web service selection is an indispensable process for web service composition as to select best web service to a client's requirement. As many web services are increased in the internet for similar functionality, which service will be the best for the client requirement is an elusive task for web service operators. In this paper, we have proposed a web service selection model used to select best web service based on QoS Constraints. The QoS manager actuates as an agent for service providers and clients to perform publish and find web service operations. QoSDB caters the needs to store the details of QoS of a web service. The QoS attributes of a web service such as response time, throughput, reliability, availability and cost are optimized and ranked by our algorithm, the rank value will be stored in the QoSDB. To find a web service, the user has to specify the functional details of a web service and its QoS values which are required to identify the list of services which are matched with the given criteria. Moreover, the user has to set the threshold value for response time and throughput which are used to filter the related services from the list. For each web service request, the QoS manager asses the request and list of pertinent candidate services which are matched with the requirement will be filtered and provided to the client for setting the preferences over the QoS attributes. The highest ranked service will be provided to the client for further processing.
Ubiquitous sensing enabled by Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies cuts across many areas of modern day living. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. The proliferation of these devices in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT), wherein, sensors and actuators blend seamlessly with the environment around us, and the information is shared across platforms in order to develop a common operating picture (COP). Fuelled by the recent adaptation of a variety of enabling device technologies such as RFID tags and readers, near field communication (NFC) devices and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, the IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is the the next revolutionary technology in transforming the Internet into a fully integrated Future Internet. As we move from www (static pages web) to web2 (social networking web) to web3 (ubiquitous computing web), the need for data-on-demand using sophisticated intuitive queries increases significantly. This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed. A cloud implementation using Aneka, which is based on interaction of private and public clouds is presented. We conclude our IoT vision by expanding on the need for convergence of WSN, the Internet and distributed computing directed at technological research community.
We consider a graph with n vertices, all pairs of which are connected by an edge; each edge is of given positive length. The following two basic problems are solved. Problem 1: construct the tree of minimal total length between the n vertices. (A tree is a graph with one and only one path between any two vertices.) Problem 2: find the path of minimal total length between two given vertices.
Conference Paper
At present, the service composition has been a popular research. It is unrealistic to manually analyze and compose the existing services appearing with tremendous growth recently. So, many applications and research about composite services emphasize on semi-automatic mode. In semi-automatic service composition, developers should construct the process model according to concrete application requirement, and then the instance services are bound automatically for every abstract task and make the composite service with optimal performance. The paper presents independent global constrains-aware Web service composition method based on extended color Petri net (eCPN) and genetic algorithm (GA). Firstly, an eCPN modeling methods which can describe multi-attribute multi-constraint relations and associate relation between component services is proposed. Secondly, combining with the properties of eCPN, GA is used to search a legal firing sequence in the eCPN model, and the composite service corresponding to the legal firing sequence. Using legal firing sequences of the Petri net makes the service composition locating space based on GA shrink greatly. Theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that this method owns both lower computation cost and higher success ratio of service composition.
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) have emerged as a new paradigm to develop interoperable and highly dynamic applications.ObjectiveThis paper aims to identify the state of the art in the research on testing in Service Oriented Architectures with dynamic binding.MethodA mapping study has been performed employing both manual and automatic search in journals, conference/workshop proceedings and electronic databases.ResultsA total of 33 studies have been reviewed in order to extract relevant information regarding a previously defined set of research questions. The detection of faults and the decision making based on the information gathered from the tests have been identified as the main objectives of these studies. To achieve these goals, monitoring and test case generation are the most proposed techniques testing both functional and non-functional properties. Furthermore, different stakeholders have been identified as participants in the tests, which are performed in specific points in time during the life cycle of the services. Finally, it has been observed that a relevant group of studies have not validated their approach yet.ConclusionsAlthough we have only found 33 studies that address the testing of SOA where the discovery and binding of the services are performed at runtime, this number can be considered significant due to the specific nature of the reviewed topic. The results of this study have contributed to provide a body of knowledge that allows identifying current gaps in improving the quality of the dynamic binding in SOA using testing approaches.
In many systems a number of different processes have a similar structure and behaviour. To shorten system description and system analysis it is desirable to be able to treat such similar processes in a uniform and succinct way. In this paper it is shown how Petri nets can be generalized to allow processes to be described by a common subnet, without losing the ability to distinguish between them. Our generalization, called coloured Petri nets, is heavily influenced by predicate transition-nets introduced by H.J. Genrich and K. Lautenbach. Moreover our paper shows how the invariant-method, introduced for Petri nets by K. Lautenbach, can be generalized to coloured Petri nets.
Conference Paper
Governments from all over the world are looking for technologies to facilitate the coordination of their inter-agency processes in order to improve the service-delivery to their customers. Web Service Orchestration (WSO) technology supports the coordination of cross-departmental processes. The advantages of WSO for governments, however, are not very clear. As a result, governments hesitate to adopt orchestration technology.Advantages of WSO, as found in literature, have a narrow-focus, mainly concerning technological advantages. The advantages of Workflow Management (WFM), a related technology that has been around for years, are much broader. We found a large gap between the advantages that were found for WSO and WFM. We conducted a case study at a business counter to test whether the advantages of WSO and WFM as found in literature were also found for a practical application of WSO.
Conference Paper
This paper presents an ongoing work developing and testing a Service Composition framework based upon the REST architecture named SECREST. A minimalistic approach have been favored instead of a creating a complete infrastructure. One focus has been on the system's interaction model. Indeed, an aim is to allow users in different healthcare scenarios to experiment with service composition to support highly individual and changing needs.
Web service compositions need to adapt to changes in their constituent web services, in order to maintain functionality and performance. Therefore, service compositions must be able to detect web service failure and performance degradation resulting in the violation of service-level agreements. Automated diagnosis and repair are equally important. However, existing standards and languages for service compositions, such as BPEL, lack constructs for web service monitoring and runtime adaptability, which are pre-requisites for diagnosis and repair. We present a solution for transparent runtime monitoring, as well as automated performance degradation detection, diagnosis, and repair for service compositions expressed as BPEL processes. Our solution uses lightweight monitoring techniques, supports customizable diagnosis and repair strategies, and is compatible with any standards-compliant BPEL engine.
The major factor driving the development of contemporary information services, and in particular Web services, is the need for added value. The creation of a huge variety of complex, value-added, although rarely used services seems a bulky approach, whose efficiency is at least questionable. An excellent alternative is the composition of ready-made, more general and simple services for creation of complex value-added functionality on-demand. However, to be really effective such composition has to be real-time, automatic, reliable, and allow thorough customization of the service functionality with respect to user demands and preferences. In this paper we propose a service composition approach based on a Petri nets modeling technique. The approach facilitates automatic and goal-driven creation of composite Web services
A new ontology development paradigm has started; its emphasis lies on the reuse and possible subsequent reengineering of knowledge resources, on the collaborative and argumentative ontology development, and on the building of ontology networks; this new trend is the opposite of building new ontologies from scratch. To help ontology developers in this new paradigm, it is important to provide strong methodological support. This thesis presents some contributions to the methodological area of the Ontology Engineering field that we are sure will improve the development and building of ontologies networks, and thus, - It proposes the NeOn Glossary of Processes and Activities, which identifies and defines the processes and activities potentially involved when ontology networks are collaboratively built. - It defines a set of two ontology network life cycle models. - It identifies and describes a collection of nine scenarios for building ontology networks. - It provides some methodological guidelines for performing the ontology requirements specification activity, to obtain the requirements that the ontology should fulfil. - It offers some methodological guidelines for obtaining the ontology network life cycle for a concrete ontology network, as part of scheduling ontology projects. Additionally, the thesis provides the technological support to these guidelines: a tool called gOntt. - It also proposes some methodological guidelines for the reuse of ontological resources at two different levels of granularity: as a whole (general ontologies and domain ontologies) and using ontology statements.
Conference Paper
Web services are new forms of Internet software that can be universally deployed and invoked using standard protocol. Services from different providers can be integrated to provide composite services. In this paper, we study the end-to-end QoS issues of composite service by utilizing a QoS broker that is responsible for coordinating the individual service component to meet the quality constraint. We design the service selection algorithms used by QoS brokers to meet end-to-end QoS constraints. The objective of the algorithms is to maximize the user-defined utility while meeting the end-to-end delay constraint. We model the problem as the multiple choice knapsack problem (MCKP) and provide efficient solutions. The algorithms are tested for their performance.
Advents in network technology and distributed system design have propelled network communication service beyond best effort data delivery. With the rising complexity of network infrastructures and the need for on-demand provisioning operations, a high degree of self-sufficiency and automation is required in the network service infrastructure. Guided by the autonomic communication principle, this paper first presents an autonomic service provisioning framework for establishing quality-of-service (QoS)-assured end-to-end communication paths across administratively independent domains. Through graph abstraction, we show that the domain composition and adaptation problem could be reduced to the classic k-multiconstrained optimal path (MCOP) problem. In analyzing existing k-MCOP solutions, we show their inefficiencies when applied to the service provisioning context and establish a number of new domain composition and adaptation algorithms. These new algorithms are designed for the self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-adaptation of end-to-end network communications and can provide hard QoS guarantees over domains with relative QoS differentiations. Through in-depth experimentations, we compare the performance of our algorithms with classic k-MCOP solutions and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
A goal of runtime software-fault monitoring is to observe software behavior to determine whether it complies with its intended behavior. Monitoring allows one to analyze and recover from detected faults, providing additional defense against catastrophic failure. Although runtime monitoring has been in use for over 30 years, there is renewed interest in its application to fault detection and recovery, largely because of the increasing complexity and ubiquitous nature of software systems. We present taxonomy that developers and researchers can use to analyze and differentiate recent developments in runtime software fault-monitoring approaches. The taxonomy categorizes the various runtime monitoring research by classifying the elements that are considered essential for building a monitoring system, i.e., the specification language used to define properties; the monitoring mechanism that oversees the program's execution; and the event handler that captures and communicates monitoring results. After describing the taxonomy, the paper presents the classification of the software-fault monitoring systems described in the literature.
Energyaware services composition for Internet of Things
[Alsaryrah 2018] Osama Alsaryrah, Ibrahim Mashal et Tein Yaw Chung. Energyaware services composition for Internet of Things. IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2018 -Proceedings, vol. 2018-Janua, pages 604-608, 2018. (Cité en pages 13 et 16.)
Saied Asghari et Nima Jafari Navimipour. Nature inspired metaheuristic algorithms for solving the service composition problem in the cloud environments
[Asghari 2018] Saied Asghari et Nima Jafari Navimipour. Nature inspired metaheuristic algorithms for solving the service composition problem in the cloud environments. International Journal of Communication Systems, no. January, page e3708, 5 2018. (Cité en pages 13 et 14.)