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Technical mitigation to reduce marine mammal bycatch and entanglement in commercial fishing gear: lessons learnt and future directions



Fisheries bycatch is one of the biggest threats to marine mammal populations. A literature review was undertaken to provide a comprehensive assessment and synopsis of gear modifications and technical devices to reduce marine mammal bycatch in commercial trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet and pot/trap fisheries. Successfully implemented mitigation measures include acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) which reduced the bycatch of some small cetacean species in gillnets, appropriately designed exclusion devices which reduced pinniped bycatch in some trawl fisheries, and various pot/trap guard designs that reduced marine mammal entrapment. However, substantial development and research of mitigation options is required to address the bycatch of a range of species in many fisheries. No reliably effective technical solutions to reduce small cetacean bycatch in trawl nets are available, although loud pingers have shown potential. There are currently no technical options that effectively reduce marine mammal interactions in longline fisheries, although development of catch and hook protection devices is promising. Solutions are also needed for species, particularly pinnipeds and small cetaceans, that are not deterred by pingers and continue to be caught in static gillnets. Large whale entanglements in static gear, particularly buoy lines for pots/traps, needs urgent attention although there is encouraging research on rope-less pot/trap systems and identification of rope colours that are more detectable to whale species. Future mitigation development and deployment requires rigorous scientific testing to determine if significant bycatch reduction has been achieved, as well as consideration of potentially conflicting mitigation outcomes if multiple species are impacted by a fishery.
Technical mitigation to reduce marine mammal bycatch
and entanglement in commercial fishing gear: lessons learnt
and future directions
Sheryl Hamilton .G. Barry Baker
Received: 17 September 2018 / Accepted: 12 January 2019
ÓSpringer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Abstract Fisheries bycatch is one of the biggest threats
to marine mammal populations. A literature review was
undertaken to provide a comprehensive assessment and
synopsis of gear modifications and technical devices to
reduce marine mammal bycatch in commercial trawl,
purse seine, longline, gillnet and pot/trap fisheries.
Successfully implemented mitigation measures include
acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) which reduced the
bycatch of some small cetacean species in gillnets,
appropriately designed exclusion devices which reduced
pinniped bycatch in some trawl fisheries, and various
pot/trap guard designs that reduced marine mammal
entrapment. However, substantial development and
research of mitigation options is required to address the
bycatch of a range of species in many fisheries. No
reliably effective technical solutions to reduce small
cetacean bycatch in trawl nets are available, although
loud pingers have shown potential. There are currently no
technical options that effectively reduce marine mammal
interactions in longline fisheries, although development
of catch and hook protection devices is promising.
Solutions are also needed for species, particularly
pinnipeds and small cetaceans, that are not deterred by
pingers and continue to be caught in static gillnets. Large
whale entanglements in static gear, particularly buoy
lines for pots/traps, needs urgent attention although there
is encouraging research on rope-less pot/trap systems and
identification of rope colours that are more detectable to
whale species. Future mitigation development and
deployment requires rigorous scientific testing to deter-
mine if significant bycatch reduction has been achieved,
as well as consideration of potentially conflicting miti-
gation outcomes if multiple species are impacted by a
Keywords By-catch Cetacean Gillnet Longline
Pinniped Trawl
Marine mammals are incidentally killed in a range of
fisheries throughout the world (Lewison et al. 2014;
Read et al. 2006). This bycatch in active fishing gear is
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article ( con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to authorized
S. Hamilton (&)G. B. Baker
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of
Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
S. Hamilton
Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania,
Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
S. Hamilton G. B. Baker
Latitude 42 Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd., 114
Watsons Rd, Kettering, TAS 7155, Australia
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
one of the biggest threats to marine mammal popula-
tions, particularly cetaceans (whales, dolphins and
porpoises) and pinnipeds (e.g. seals and sea lions)
(Jaiteh et al. 2013;Read2008; Reeves et al. 2013). As
these species are long-lived with high adult survival
and low breeding productivity, populations are often
slow to recover from declines, even under conducive
environmental conditions. Therefore, anthropogenic
activities that increase mortality levels, such as
fisheries bycatch, can have significant, long-term
population impacts (Gilman 2011; Lewison et al.
2004; Reeves et al. 2003).
Cetaceans and pinnipeds interact with fisheries as
they may: (1) feed on the same target species or
associated non-target species of a fishery, (2) be
attracted to fishing operation discards, and/or (3)
passively encounter fishing gear in the water column
(Fertl and Leatherwood 1997; Hamer et al. 2012).
These interactions may result in the bycatch of
individuals caught in active fishing components (e.g.
nets, hooks, traps), or entangled in supporting gear and
lines. Bycatch in trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet
and pot/trap fisheries has been identified as a major
threat to many species (Hall 1998; Hamer et al. 2012;
Hamer and Goldsworthy 2006; Hamer et al. 2008;
Knowlton et al. 2012; Reeves et al. 2013; Werner et al.
2015). Other gear types, such as those used in troll and
squid jigging fisheries, are considered to be more
selective in targeting species and, therefore, have less
bycatch risk (Wakefield et al. 2017).
Over the past decade, there has been heightened
awareness and attention on the development of
solutions to reduce fisheries bycatch. For example,
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), as part of an ongoing commitment to
bycatch management work, convened a workshop to
consider means to reduce marine mammal mortality in
fisheries and aquaculture operations (FAO 2018).
Also, a number of bycatch mitigation reviews have
focussed on particular aspects of mitigation or gear
type, or on certain species or species groups (Dawson
et al. 2013; Geijer and Read 2013; Hamer et al. 2012;
How et al. 2015; Laverick et al. 2017; Leaper and
Calderan 2018; Werner et al. 2006,2015). However,
there is no readily accessible synthesis of best practice
mitigation methods for marine mammals and, further-
more, the high level of bycatch that continues to occur
in fisheries around the world (Gray and Kennelly
2018; Reeves et al. 2013) necessitates an update and
expansion from previously published assessments.
This paper presents the first comprehensive global
review of technical mitigation measures designed to
reduce marine mammal bycatch in commercial fishing
gear, including assessments of mitigation testing,
effectiveness and, where relevant, operational deploy-
ment, and a synthesis of best practice mitigation and
areas requiring greater attention.
Methods and scope
Although there has been considerable progress in
some fisheries regarding the development, testing and
implementation of mitigation measures to reduce
marine mammal bycatch in commercial fishing gear,
much of this information is not easily accessible. A
literature review was undertaken using a range of
sources including peer-reviewed journals, unpub-
lished reports, magazine articles, conference papers,
websites, and information from government and non-
government organisations. An electronic literature
search was conducted up to and including August
2018 using Web of Science and Google Scholar.
Search terms were bycatch,by-catch and/or mitigat*
combined with: fisher*, trawl,purse seine,longline,
porpoise,pinniped,seal,sea lion in any field. Refer-
ences from other published papers and the authors’
personal bibliographic resources were used to identify
relevant papers. Key researchers were contacted via
email or ResearchGate (
to access relevant non-published reports.
Studies on the development and implementation of
technical mitigation measures (i.e. gear modifications
and mitigation devices) for marine mammal bycatch in
commercial trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet and
pot/trap fishing gear were reviewed. Fisheries not
considered to be high risk to marine mammal species,
such as trolling and jigging (Arnould et al. 2003), and
mitigation of mortalities from lost, discarded or
abandoned gear (i.e. ghost fishing) were not included.
Reviewed studies predominantly addressed cetacean
and/or pinniped bycatch as most mitigation research
has focussed on these taxa.
Technical measures are presented on a fishing gear
basis (trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet and pot/trap)
with the exception of pingers and a range of weakened
gear, which are applicable to different fishing gears
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
and are therefore more effectively dealt with in a
collated section. For each measure, the scientific
evidence for mitigation effectiveness, caveats or
uncertainties in the methods or results, research
requirements and, where possible, recommendations
for effective operational implementation were
Although outside the scope of this review, it was
apparent that effective bycatch mitigation strategies
often comprise a suite of management measures in
conjunction with technical mitigation. These include
traditional input and output controls, operational
adjustments through ‘codes of practice’ protocols
(e.g. ‘move-on’ provisions, handling and release
protocols) and implementation of appropriately des-
ignated spatial and/or temporal closures (Hamer and
Goldsworthy 2006; Hamer et al. 2008,2011; Read
2013; Reyes et al. 2012; Rojas-Bracho and Reeves
2013; Slooten 2013; Tixier et al. 2014; Werner et al.
2015). Instigation of multi-jurisdictional agreements,
regulations and/or legislation to facilitate mitigation
implementation are also likely to be important (Geijer
and Read 2013; Leaper and Calderan 2018).
Results of reviewed technical mitigation measures
A synopsis of the technical mitigation assessment is
provided below, with details on mitigation and fishery-
specific studies provided in Supplementary Material,
Tables S1–S5. A summary of the assessment and
effectiveness of each technical measure identified is
provided in Table 1. Where appropriate, a subjective
evaluation of the economic viability, practicality,
impact on target catch and the ease of compliance
monitoring for each technical measure is provided in
Table 2. However, although this provides a general
overview, due to fishery-specific characteristics (e.g.
size of target species, operational elements), the
evaluation responses are not definitive, and results
may differ across fisheries. For example, a range of
fishery-specific factors would affect the economic
feasibility of mitigation implementation such as
operational specifications, target species value and
how much the mitigation reduces target species
damage or depredation by bycatch species.
Mitigation relevant to multiple types of fishing
Pingers (Acoustic deterrent devices)
Pingers, small electronic devices with relatively low
acoustic outputs (\160 dB), were developed to
reduce high levels of small cetacean bycatch in
gillnets (Dawson et al. 2013; Kraus et al. 1997;
Reeves et al. 2013). Pingers also include louder
devices ([132 dB) to deter marine mammals from
trawl nets or to reduce pinniped or odontocete
interactions and depredation around aquaculture,
longline or pot/trap operations (Dawson et al. 2013;
Hamer et al. 2012; Mackay and Knuckey 2013). The
effectiveness of pingers in reducing bycatch differs
between trawl, longline, gillnet and pot/trap gear
(Table 1), and between species and fisheries. Further-
more, the economic viability of deploying pingers
varies between gear types. It is likely to be more
economically viable to deploy pingers on gear
contained within a relatively small range (e.g. gillnets,
trawls, pot/trap lines) than using pingers to deter
marine mammals from longlines, which can extend
over tens of kilometres (Table 2).
For trawl fisheries (Table S1), while there are likely
to be inter- and intra-specific differences in responses
to pingers with different signals, the effectiveness of
pingers in reducing cetacean bycatch is unclear.
Correctly deployed, loud pingers (e.g. Dolphin Dis-
suasive Devices
,‘DDD’) may reduce common
dolphin (Delphinus delphis) bycatch in seabass (Di-
centrarchus labrax) pair trawl fisheries (Northridge
et al. 2011), although decreases in reported bycatch
may be partly due to reduced fishing effort (de Boer
et al. 2012) and results from other trials (with different
pinger models) were inconclusive (Morizur et al.
2008). Furthermore, controlled experiments in the
absence of the loud operational conditions of trawls
indicated pingers may not provide a consistently
effective deterrent for common dolphins (Berrow et al.
2009). Pingers may also have less effect on foraging
compared to travelling groups of cetaceans (van
Marlen 2007). Neither DDDs nor quieter pingers were
effective in reducing bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus) interactions in Australia’s Pilbara demersal
fish trawl fishery (Santana-Garcon et al. 2018;
Stephenson and Wells 2006). While one study
suggested pingers may increase rates of bottlenose
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Table 1 Summary of whether a technical measure developed to reduce pinniped and/or cetacean bycatch in commercial trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet and pot/trap
operations has been assessed (A) and if there is evidence that it is effective (E) in reducing bycatch
Technical measure Trawl Purse seine Longline
Pinniped Cetacean Pinniped Cetacean Pinniped Cetacean
Acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) No ? Yes ? No ? Yes No
Acoustic scarers; e.g. alarm or predator calls, explosions ? No Yes No No ? Yes No
Acoustically reflective nets – – – – –
Auto-trawl systems No ? No ? – – – –
Back-down manoeuvre with Medina panels – – No ? Yes Yes – – – –
‘Buoyless’ nets – – – – –
Catch protection devices—demersal longline – – – – – No ? Yes ?
Catch protection devices (triggered)—pelagic longline – – – – – No ? Yes ?
‘Dolphin gate’ with additional weights – – No ? Yes ? – – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and top-opening escape Yes Yes Yes No
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and top-opening escape Yes ? Yes No – – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and bottom-opening escape Yes ? Yes ?
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and bottom-opening escape No ? Yes No – – – –
Mesh enlargement No No ? No –
Net binding No ? No ? – – – –
Net colour No ? No ? – – – –
Passive acoustic deterrents – – – – – No ? Yes ?
Pot/trap excluder devices – – – – –
Reduced strength rope – – – – –
Reduced strength nets – – – – –
Rope colour changes – – – – –
Rope or mesh barriers No ? Yes ?
Rope-less pot/trap systems – – – – –
‘Seal socks’ – – – – –
Sinking groundlines – – – – –
Stiff ropes – – – – –
Visually detectable nets – – – – –
Weak hooks – – – – – No ? Yes ?
Weak links – – – – –
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Table 1 continued
Technical measure Gillnet Pot/trap
Pinniped Cetacean Pinniped Cetacean
Acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) No ? Yes Yes No ? Yes ?
Acoustic scarers; e.g. alarm or predator calls, explosions ––––––
Acoustically reflective nets No ? Yes No
Auto-trawl systems ––––––
Back-down manoeuvre with Medina panels ––––––
‘Buoyless’’ nets No ? No ?
Catch protection devices—demersal longline ––––––
Catch protection devices (triggered)—pelagic longline ––––––
‘Dolphin gate’’ with additional weights ––––––
Exclusion device: hard grid and top-opening escape ––––––
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and top-opening escape ––––––
Exclusion device: hard grid and bottom-opening escape ––––––
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and bottom-opening escape –––––
Mesh enlargement ––––––
Net binding ––––––
Net colour ––––––
Passive acoustic deterrents ––––––
Pot/trap excluder devices Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reduced strength rope – – No ? No ?
Reduced strength nets Yes ? No ?
Rope colour changes ––––Yes?
Rope or mesh barriers ––––––
Rope-less pot/trap systems ––––Yes?
‘Seal socks’ Yes Yes No ?
Sinking groundlines ––––YesNo
Stiff ropes ––––YesNo
Visually detectable nets No ? No ?
Weak hooks ––––––
Weak links No ? No ? No ? Yes ?
‘?’’ for assessed category = unclear whether there has been any assessment of the measure
‘?’’ for effective category = lack of knowledge of the measure’s effectiveness, results have been inconclusive and/or more trials are needed
‘–’’ = measure is not applicable for relevant fishing gear
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Table 2 Subjective evaluation of the economic viability (EV), practicality (P), impact on target catch (ITC) and compliance requirement (CR) for mitigation measures shown to
be, or have the potential to be, effective in reducing pinniped and/or cetacean bycatch in trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet and pot and trap fishing gear. Note that, although this
evaluation provides a general overview, due to fishery-specific characteristics (e.g. size of target species, operational elements), responses may differ across fisheries
Technical measure Trawl Purse seine Longline
Acoustic Deterrent Devices (Pingers) Yes Maybe No OBS No No Unk OBS
Acoustic scarers; e.g. alarm or predator calls, explosions – – – – – – Maybe Maybe Unk OBS
Acoustically reflective nets – – – – – – – – –
Auto-trawl systems Yes Yes No OBS – – – –
Back-down manoeuvre with Medina panels – – – – Yes Yes No OBS – – –
‘Buoyless’ nets – – – – – – – – –
Catch protection devices—demersal longline – – – – – – Yes Maybe No OBS
Catch protection devices (triggered)—pelagic longline – – – – – – Yes Maybe No OBS
‘Dolphin gate’ with additional weights – – – – Yes Maybe No OBS – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and top-opening escape Yes Maybe Maybe OBS
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and top-opening escape Yes Maybe Maybe OBS – – – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and bottom-opening escape Yes Maybe Maybe OBS
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and bottom-opening escape Yes Maybe Maybe OBS – – – –
Net binding Yes Yes No OBS – – – –
Net colour Maybe Yes No DCK
– –– – – ––
Passive acoustic deterrents – – – – – – Yes Maybe No OBS
Pot/trap excluder devices – – – – – – – – –
Reduced strength rope – – – – – – – – –
Reduced strength nets – – – – – – – – –
Rope colour changes – – – – – – –
Rope or mesh barriers Yes Maybe Maybe OBS – – – –
Rope-less pot/trap systems – – – – – – – – –
‘Seal socks’ – – – – – – – – –
Visually detectable nets – – – – – – – – –
Weak hooks – – – – – – Maybe Maybe No DCK
Weak links – – – – – – – – –
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Table 2 continued
Technical measure Gillnet Pot/trap
Acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) Yes Yes No OBS Yes Yes No OBS
Acoustic scarers; e.g. alarm or predator calls, explosions – – – – – – –
Acoustically reflective nets Maybe Yes No DCK*
Auto-trawl systems – – – – –
Back-down manoeuvre with Medina panels – – – – – – –
‘Buoyless’’ nets Yes Maybe Maybe OBS
Catch protection devices—demersal longline – – – – – – –
Catch protection devices (triggered)—pelagic longline – – – – – – –
‘Dolphin gate’ with additional weights – – – – – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and top-opening escape – – – – – – –
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and top-opening escape – – – – – – –
Exclusion device: hard grid and bottom-opening escape – – – – – – –
Exclusion device: soft/flexible grid and bottom-opening escape – – – – – – –
Net binding – – – – – – –
Net colour – – – – – – –
Passive acoustic deterrents – – – – – – –
Pot/trap excluder devices – – – – Yes Yes Maybe OBS
Reduced strength rope – – – – Yes Yes No DCK
Reduced strength nets Yes Yes Unk DCK
Rope colour changes – – – – Yes Yes No DCK
Rope or mesh barriers – – – – – – –
Rope-less pot/trap systems – – – – Yes Maybe No DCK
‘Seal socks’ – – – – Yes Yes Unk OBS
Visually detectable nets Yes Yes Maybe DCK
Weak hooks – – – – – – –
Weak links Yes Yes Unk OBS Yes Yes No OBS
Economically viable (EV): based on the cost for initial outlay plus any ongoing maintenance = yes,no,maybe
Practicality (P): i.e. has no great impact on fishing operation and operational efficiency = yes,no,maybe
Impact target catch (ITC): i.e. could cause a reduction in the amount or quality of catch = yes,no,maybe,unk (= unknown)
Compliance requirement (CR): either requiring at-sea observations (OBS) or whether dockside inspections would be adequate (DCK)
‘—’’ = measure is not applicable for relevant fishing gear or assessed to be ineffective for pinnipeds and cetaceans in that type of gear (see Table 1)
*Only if all nets on board were of appropriate material. A mix of netting material would require ‘OBS’
Only if all trawl nets on board were of appropriate colour
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
and Risso’s (Grampus griseus) dolphin bycatch in
mid-Atlantic bottom trawl fisheries, there is low
confidence in this finding due to small sample sizes
and limited information on the type and quantity of
deployed pingers (Lyssikatos 2015).
In longline fisheries (Table S3), while there has
been a high degree of variability in device design and
deployment, there is no clear evidence that pingers
effectively deter marine mammals (Hamer et al. 2012;
Tixier et al. 2015; Werner et al. 2015). This may be
largely due to the difficulty in protecting longlines
which are set over large distances (Rabearisoa et al.
In gillnet fisheries (Table S4), although pingers
have effectively reduced the bycatch of some small
cetacean species, the results are not universal and
mitigation effectiveness is likely to be species- and
fishery-specific. A number of studies have shown that
pingers reduced harbour porpoise (Phocoena pho-
coena) bycatch (Dawson et al. 2013; Kraus et al. 1997;
Larsen and Eigaard 2014; Larsen et al. 2013; Palka
et al. 2008; Reeves et al. 2013). However, results for
bottlenose dolphins have been less clear with some
research reporting significantly reduced interactions
(Crosby et al. 2013; Gazo et al. 2008; Leeney et al.
2007; Mangel et al. 2013), while others showed no
deterrent effect (Cox et al. 2003; Erbe et al. 2016).
Pingers have been ineffective, or the results have been
inconclusive, in deterring Hector’s dolphin (Cepha-
lorhynchus hectori), tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis), and
other small coastal species such as the Australian
snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and humpback dolphin
(Sousa chinensis) (Berg Soto et al. 2013; Dawson and
Lusseau 2005; Dawson and Slooten 2005). Pingers
may also attract some species, particularly pinnipeds,
to depredate captured fish (Bordino et al. 2002;
Mackay and Knuckey 2013). Although initial testing
showed California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
bycatch reduced with pinger use (Barlow and
Cameron 2003), monitoring of pinger deployment
over 14 years subsequently showed sets with pingers
had almost twice the amount of California sea lion
bycatch although this increase was most likely due to
increased sea lion abundance and was not considered
to be caused by pinger use (Carretta and Barlow 2011).
There is no indication pingers would reduce bycatch
risk for other species of seal, sea lion or dugong
(Dugong dugon) in gillnets (Bordino et al. 2002;
Gearin et al. 2000; Hodgson et al. 2007; Northridge
et al. 2011). As pingers might deter some cetaceans
while attracting some pinnipeds, addressing a bycatch
issue is likely to be challenging if more than one
species is at risk and they have conflicting responses to
pingers (Mackay and Knuckey 2013).
For pot/trap fisheries (Table S5), pinger effective-
ness in deterring large whales from high-risk entan-
glement areas, particularly pot or trap fishery
operations, appears to be variable depending on
species, migration direction and social category. In
Canadian inshore trap fisheries, acoustic devices
appeared to reduce the collision frequency between
humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and cod
traps (Lien et al. 1992). However, in Australia, while
southward migrating humpback whales exhibited
aversion behaviour to acoustic stimuli (Dunlop et al.
2013), northward migrating whales showed no
detectable response to pingers (Harcourt et al. 2014;
Pirotta et al. 2016). There were indications that pingers
could potentially deter grey whales (Eschrichtius
robustus) from high risk coastal areas, although results
were inconclusive due to low statistical power
(Lagerquist et al. 2012).
Ensuring pingers are functioning correctly and with
the required number in the correct net location is
important for maintaining effectiveness in gillnet
fisheries (Orphanides and Palka 2013). However, the
financial cost of implementing pingers may limit their
applicability in many developing countries and/or
smaller fisheries (Dawson et al. 1998,2013; Read
2008), and more cost-effective, durable pingers are
needed (Crosby et al. 2013). Pingers are also unlikely
to be effective in deterring dolphins if they are not
fully functional (e.g. fully charged batteries) or in
suboptimal locations on trawl gear (Deepwater Group
2018; Northridge et al. 2011), and they should be
positioned to ensure they do not impact operational
equipment, such as net monitoring systems (Morizur
et al. 2007).
Evidence of harbour porpoise habituation to
pingers, which would reduce their effectiveness in
mitigating gillnet bycatch, was provided by some
experimental studies (Carlstrom et al. 2009; Cox et al.
2001; Dawson et al. 2013; Gearin et al. 2000; Read
2013), but not others (Hardy et al. 2012). However,
long-term studies monitoring operational gillnets
showed no sign of harbour porpoise, common dolphin
or beaked whale habituation to pingers (Carretta and
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Barlow 2011; Dawson et al. 2013; Palka et al. 2008).
Inshore, resident porpoise populations may be more
likely to develop habituation to pingers than more
migratory species (Dawson et al. 1998,2013). The
effectiveness of pingers in deterring coastal, inshore or
river finless porpoises (Neophocaena spp.) from
gillnets decreased after a few months, and developing
regimes which include periods with no pinger use
(Amano et al. 2017), as well as randomising pinger
frequency, time interval and strength, may help to
maintain effectiveness. Developing ‘responsive pin-
gers’ for gillnets, which only emit sounds in response
to cetacean echolocations, may reduce the likelihood
of pinger habituation for some species (Leeney et al.
2007; Waples et al. 2013). Bottlenose dolphins may
become more sensitised to pingers, which could
increase the mitigation effect on this species over
time (Cox et al. 2003). With respect to trawl gear,
some captive pinniped species became habituated to
pingers on a simulated net and continued to depredate
netted fish, while some dolphin species charged the
netting despite pinger presence (Bowles and Anderson
2012). An interactive pinger for pelagic trawls,
designed to emit signals in response to the presence
of dolphin echolocations, may delay habituation and
reduce noise pollution in the marine environment, with
initial tests showing evasive behavioural responses
from bottlenose dolphins, although not from common
dolphins (van Marlen 2007). In longline operations,
there is evidence that false killer whales (Pseudorca
crassidens) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) became
habituated to acoustic devices (Mooney et al. 2009;
Tixier et al. 2015).
The increasing level of anthropogenic sound in the
marine environment may negatively impact the
behaviour, physiology and auditory systems of some
marine species (Kastelein et al. 2015), with indications
that some gillnet pingers may affect target and non-
target fish (Goetz et al. 2015; Kastelein et al. 2007).
Pinger deployment could impact small cetacean
species that are neophobic and with small, restricted
ranges by excluding them from crucial habitat, with
the displacement effect potentially more pronounced
in coastal locations where topographical features limit
access to key bodies of water (Dawson et al. 2013). In
longline operations, there is concern that frequent
exposure to higher amplitude devices may affect the
echolocation ability of killer whales (Tixier et al.
Weakened gear
Different types of weakened gear, designed to release
caught animals, have been proposed and/or trialled in
different fisheries (Table 1) including:
a. ‘Weak’’ hooks in longline fisheries (Table S3):
These may reduce the bycatch risk for some
species (e.g. false killer whales) without loss of
target catch (Bayse and Kerstetter 2010; Bigelow
et al. 2012; McLellan et al. 2015; Werner et al.
2015), although there is currently insufficient
evidence to support this. Low rates of cetacean
interactions during experimental trials has ham-
pered the ability to assess bycatch reduction
(Bigelow et al. 2012). Weak hooks would not
reduce interactions or prevent depredation (Hamer
et al. 2015; Werner et al. 2015).
b. Reduced-strength nets or ropes: Thin twine gill-
nets may significantly reduce seal and harbour
porpoise bycatch compared to thick twine nets
(Northridge et al. 2003) (Table S4). Similarly, as
strong polypropylene ropes used in modern pot/-
trap fisheries have increased the mortality risk of
entangled cetaceans, use of ropes with reduced
breaking strengths could substantially decrease
mortalities of whales entangled in fixed gear
(Knowlton et al. 2016) (Table S5).
c. Weak links between the vertical line from a
pot/trap to a buoy: These do not appear to have
reduced the incidence or severity of whale entan-
glements in USA lobster fisheries (Knowlton et al.
2012,2016; Pace et al. 2014; Salvador et al. 2008;
Van der Hoop et al. 2013) (Table S5). Also, when
buoys separate from vertical pot or trap lines,
released whales may retain sections of gear
(Laverick et al. 2017; Moore 2009). Some USA
fisheries require weak links in gillnets to allow
entangled whales to break free (NOAA 2018),
although no research was identified that tested the
efficacy of this measure (Table S4).
Marine mammals are frequently caught in pelagic or
midwater trawls as these often target the same pelagic
species eaten by marine mammals, have relatively
high tow speeds with large nets, and usually operate
within marine mammal diving ranges for extended
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
periods (Fertl and Leatherwood 1997; Hall et al. 2000)
(Table S1). However, in US fisheries, marine mam-
mals are caught more often in demersal rather than
midwater trawls (Carretta et al. 2017; Jannot et al.
2011; Waring et al. 2016). The technical mitigation
measures identified and assessed for trawls, in addition
to pingers (see ‘Pingers (Acoustic Deterrent
Devices)’ section), are net colour, net binding,
exclusion devices,rope or mesh barriers and auto-
trawl systems (Table 1, Table S1).
Net colour
In an Australian fishery, more bottlenose dolphins
were caught in a grey trawl net compared to a standard
green net, although management variations between
the two trial vessels, resulting in different net speeds
through the water during winching, could also have
contributed to bycatch differences (Stephenson and
Wells 2006). Changing net colour has not been tested
as a means of reducing marine mammal bycatch risk.
However, this may not be a feasible mitigation option
as, particularly for some small cetacean and fur seal
species that are known to deliberately enter nets to
depredate the captured fish (Fertl and Leatherwood
1997; Hamer and Goldsworthy 2006; Lyle et al. 2016;
Wakefield et al. 2017), bycatch risk may not be linked
to their lack of awareness of a trawl net’s presence.
Visual detection of nets may also be limited if
visibility is poor or variable at fishing depths.
Furthermore, as well as vision, many cetacean species
may primarily rely on echolocation to forage and
pinnipeds may use tactile senses (Martin and Crawford
Net binding
An organic material, such as sisal string, is used to
bind the net until it has sunk below the water surface.
Once the trawl doors are paid away, the water force
separating the doors breaks the bindings so the net can
form its standard operational position. Net binding,
used to mitigate seabird bycatch during net shots
(Sullivan et al. 2004), has also been used in some
Australian fisheries to reduce fur seal (Arctocephalus
spp.) interactions during setting (Australian Fisheries
Management Authority, personal communication),
although there is a lack of operational information or
testing to determine whether this effectively reduces
seal bycatch. As marine mammal interactions often
occur during the haul (Hamer and Goldsworthy 2006),
net binding, if it is shown to be effective, may need to
be used in combination with other mitigation.
Exclusion devices with separation grids
It is widely accepted that appropriately designed
exclusion devices successfully prevent mortalities of a
range of non-target marine species in nets without
significantly impacting target catch (Dotson et al.
2010; Griffiths et al. 2006; Hamilton and Baker 2015a;
Wakefield et al. 2017; Zeeberg et al. 2006), although
there are differing outcomes for pinnipeds and
cetaceans. The grid design and escape hole configu-
ration of exclusion devices need to ensure target
species flow smoothly into the codend without com-
promising catch quality and quantity (Table 2), while
ensuring all size classes of the non-target marine
mammal species are prevented from passing into the
codend and can escape (Hamilton and Baker 2015a).
In fisheries with large target species, designing grids
that have no impact on target catch is likely to be more
Top-opening, hard-grid exclusion devices (Fig-
ure S1) have effectively reduced pinniped bycatch in a
number of trawl fisheries (CCAMLR 2017; Hamilton
and Baker 2015a;Lyleetal.2016; Tilzey et al. 2006).
Operational constraints may influence exclusion
device design, which could limit bycatch reduction.
For example, on-board net drum storage may neces-
sitate top-opening devices to have flexible grids, as an
upwardly angled grid is counter to net drum rotation.
However, soft-grids deformed under a seal’s weight
causing partial entanglements, provided no passive
assistance in directing seals out an opening, and
flexible grid distortion may also restrict the flow of
target species into the codend resulting in reduced
catches (Bord Iascaigh Mhara and University of St
Andrews 2010; Lyle et al. 2016) (Table 2).
There has been limited success in demonstrating
exclusion devices effectively reduce cetacean bycatch.
Dolphins may deliberately enter trawl nets to depre-
date captured fish but do not appear to manoeuvre as
easily as pinnipeds within the confines of a net (Jaiteh
et al. 2013; Lyle et al. 2016). They appear to become
distressed when far into nets and unable to find, or
negotiate escapes, particularly those with bottom-
opening exits (Jaiteh et al. 2014; Wakefield et al. 2017;
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Zeeberg et al. 2006). While there are reports of
bottlenose dolphins seeming to favour an exit out the
bottom of a net (Zollett and Rosenberg 2005), they
have also been reported to preferentially attempt
escape via the net mouth rather than exclusion devices
and, therefore, may be more likely to die if progressing
too far into a net (Wakefield et al. 2017). Exclusion
devices showed potential in reducing common dolphin
bycatch in UK midwater pair trawls (Northridge et al.
2011), although only a small number successfully
exited via the escape hole with most appearing to
detect the grid some distance beforehand and attempt-
ing to, unsuccessfully, escape in that area (Bord
Iascaigh Mhara and University of St Andrews 2010).
While ensuring no impact on target catch, net drag or
operational functioning, it was thought that position-
ing exclusion devices as far forward as practical, with
multiple, obvious escape routes, may be critical for
small cetacean survival (van Marlen 2007).
Unobservable and unreported cryptic mortality
may occur with exclusion devices due to injuries
incurred during interactions with devices or because
dead animals may fall out escape openings, although
scientific evidence has shown that cryptic mortalities
from direct interactions with top-opening, hard-grid
exclusion devices are unlikely (Hamilton and Baker
2015a,b). A forward-facing hood, held in place with a
‘kite’ (i.e. material strip) and floats over a top-opening
escape (Figure S1), directs water flow into the net
across the grid and is likely to minimise potential loss
of dead or incapacitated animals and target catch,
while keeping the escape hole open and assisting live
animals to escape (Hamilton and Baker 2015a). Target
species, dead seals and dead dolphins have been
observed falling out of devices with bottom-opening
escapes, or top-opening escapes without a cover or
hood (Hamilton and Baker 2015a; Jaiteh et al. 2014;
Lyle et al. 2016; Stephenson and Wells 2006),
although unaccounted mortality was considered neg-
ligible even with bottom-opening devices (Wakefield
et al. 2014,2017). While Lyle et al. (2016) stated that
passive ejection of dead animals had been reported for
top-opening devices citing Robertson (2015) and
Wakefield et al. (2014), there is no evidence to support
this. Robertson (2015) stated there were no data to
show dead sea lions were either retained or passively
ejected from openings, but made no differentiation
between top-opening and bottom-opening devices and
did not acknowledge that a hood or cover helps
prevent passive loss of animals (see Hamilton and
Baker 2015b). Wakefield et al. (2014) reported one
incident where a dead dolphin fell out a device with a
top-opening escape hole, although this occurred when
the net rotated 180°during the haul so the hole (with
no cover) was orientated downward.
Rope or mesh barriers
Restricting dolphin access into trawl nets may be the
key to preventing mortality, although there has been
limited success in deterring them from entering nets
(Wakefield et al. 2017). A small number of dolphins
escaped through a top-opening hole, covered with
parallel ‘bungee’ cords, located ahead of a mesh
barrier, though most barriers trialled in pair trawls
(e.g. various designs in van Marlen 2007) had reduced
target catch rates (Bord Iascaigh Mhara and University
of St Andrews 2010; van Marlen 2007) (Table 2).
Auto-trawl systems
Intuitively, ensuring the net entrance does not collapse
during any trawl phase should reduce entrapment risk
and maintain the effective operation of installed
exclusion devices, though the efficacy of auto-trawl
systems as a bycatch mitigation measure requires
verification. Use of otter-board sensors and eliminat-
ing sharp turns while trawling are thought to have
reduced dolphin mortalities in trawl nets (Wakefield
et al. 2017). Recent research assessing bottlenose
dolphin interactions with trawls gives further support
to improving and monitoring trawl gear stability as
potentially the most effective mitigation strategy for
reducing dolphin bycatch, while the use of acoustic
deterrent devices was ineffective (Santana-Garcon
et al. 2018).
Purse seine
In purse seine operations, bycatch mitigation has
concentrated on reducing dolphin mortality, mainly
related to eliminating the practice of setting around
dolphin pods associated with target tuna species in the
eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) (Gilman 2011)
(Table S2). Less commonly, sets on tuna schools
associated with live whales have also occurred.
Reducing cetacean bycatch has been mainly through
the cessation of sets on dolphin-associated or whale-
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
associated tuna schools (Hall and Roman 2013). There
was a general lack of information on mitigation
development for other purse seine fisheries although a
dolphin gate’ (detachable cork-line section) and
weights to help sink the cork-line were trialled in an
Australian small pelagic fishery but require further
development and testing to determine if effective
(Hamer et al. 2008). In the EPO tuna fisheries, a shift
to sets around ‘Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)’ (i.e.
artificial floating elements with relocation aids) raised
new environmental concerns regarding overfishing
and marine species’ entanglement in FAD components
(Hall and Roman 2013). Mitigation development
currently focuses on improving FAD design to reduce
shark and turtle entanglement (Restrepo and Dagorn
2011; Restrepo et al. 2014,2016), while this appears
less of an issue for marine mammals. In terms of
technical mitigation, to reduce bycatch and increase
the likelihood of dolphin escape, the use of enlarged
mesh sizes was unsuccessful as target species and
dolphins are often similar size, and acoustic methods
to frighten dolphins out of nets (e.g. playback of
alarms calls or killer whale sounds) were also
ineffective (Gabriel et al. 2005). The primary mitiga-
tion that has substantially reduced dolphin mortality in
tuna purse seine fisheries, without causing loss of
entrapped tuna (Restrepo et al. 2016), has been the
‘back-down’ manoeuvre with the addition of ‘Medina’
panels as described by Hall and Roman (2013)
(Table 1). Speedboats equipped with towing bridles
can also help keep the net open and assist dolphin
escape as well as the use of a raft inside the net to
facilitate manual rescue (National Research Council
1992). While ‘cryptic’ impacts, including the post-
escape mortality of injured dolphins and potential
effects of chasing and encirclement on reproductive
success, are a potential issue (Anderson 2014; Archer
et al. 2004; Cramer et al. 2008; Gerrodette and Forcada
2005; Wade et al. 2007), no studies were identified that
monitored the post-release survival of marine
While mitigation has primarily focussed on reducing
the economic impact of marine mammal depredation
of target catch in longline operations, depredation
behaviour also puts them at risk of becoming hooked
or entangled (Bigelow et al. 2012) (Table S3).
Mitigation measures that have been unsuccessful in
reducing interactions include the use of explosives,
chemical deterrents, flare guns or predator sounds
(Werner et al. 2006). An assessment of mitigation
measures including spatial fisheries management,
altered fishing strategies, and acoustic and physical
techniques, concluded that terminal gear modifica-
tions had the greatest mitigation potential (Werner
et al. 2015). In this updated review, along with pingers
and weak hooks (see ‘Pingers (Acoustic Deterrent
Devices)’ and ‘Weakened gear’ sections), mitigation
with potential to reduce interactions with longlines are
passive acoustic deterrents and catch protection
devices (Table 1, Table S3).
Passive acoustic deterrents
Echolocation Disruption Devices and passive acoustic
measures may affect a cetacean’s ability to echolocate
hooked fish (Hamer et al. 2012; O’Connell et al. 2015).
While there were indications that spherical beads
attached near longline hooks could reduce interactions
between sperm whales (Physeter microcephalus) and
longlines, it was inconclusive whether they were
effective (O’Connell et al. 2015).
Catch protection devices: demersal longline
In demersal longline fisheries, odontocetes are more
likely to access hooked fish during the haul compared
to line soaking that may be at depths beyond their
normal foraging range (Gilman et al. 2006; Guinet
et al. 2015; Hamer et al. 2012; Soffker et al. 2015;
Tixier et al. 2014). However, there may be exceptions
to this such as recent evidence of interactions between
southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) and a sub-
Antarctic demersal longline fishery during the line
soak period at depths [1 km (van den Hoff et al.
2017). ‘‘Net sleeves’’, which cover hooked fish with
the downward pressure of hauling, protect fish from
depredation and reduce bycatch risk (Hamer et al.
2012; Moreno et al. 2008). The ‘‘cachalotera’’, a type
of net sleeve, substantially reduced depredation by
killer and sperm whales in the Chilean industrial
Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) long-
line fleet (Moreno et al. 2008) (Figure S2), although
some killer whales have learnt how to depredate
around cachaloteras (Arangio 2012). A similar system
to reduce sperm whale depredation and seabird
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
bycatch on Spanish vessels consists of ‘‘umbrella’
devices fixed on branchlines, which open to extend
over hooked fish, combined with stones for faster line
sinking (Figure S3). While ‘‘umbrella and stones’’ net
sleeve trials were promising, evidence for their
efficacy in reducing interactions was inconclusive
(Goetz et al. 2011). While there was no reduction in
target catch rates with ‘‘cachaloteras’’ (Moreno et al.
2008), ‘‘umbrella and stones’’ net sleeves significantly
reduced toothfish catch, which may be due to different
attachment designs as ‘‘cachaloteras’’ slide up and
down the branchline whereas the ‘‘umbrellas’’ are
fixed (Goetz et al. 2011). In some operations, gear and
vessel configurations (e.g. if hooks are close together
and gear is coiled for storage) may make net sleeves
impractical to use (O’Connell et al. 2015).
Triggered catch protection devices: pelagic longline
Compared to demersal longlines, pelagic longlines
may be at risk of depredation during setting, soak time
and hauling as marine mammals often occur across the
same depths as target fish and, therefore, net sleeves
that slide over the hook only during the haul have
limited use (Hamer et al. 2015; Rabearisoa et al.
2015). Therefore, devices developed for pelagic
longlines have mechanical triggers to release the net
sleeve structure with the pressure when a fish is
hooked. These include:
a. ‘Chain’’ devices and cone-like ‘‘cage’’ devices
(Figure S4): Trials on Australian pelagic longlines
showed all odontocete interactions occurred on
branchlines without devices and there was negli-
gible impact on target catch, although results were
inconclusive due to small sample sizes (Hamer
et al. 2015);
b. Eight strand ‘‘spider’’ devices and conical ‘‘sock’
devices [see photographs in Rabearisoa et al.
(2012)]: Trials on commercial tuna longliners off
the Seychelles showed limited success in reducing
odontocete depredation, although interaction rates
were low during trials (Rabearisoa et al. 2012);
c. ‘DEPRED’’ device (Figure S5): Initial results
were encouraging although, as trials used small
delphinid interactions with a small pelagic fish
fishery as a proxy for odontocete interactions with
tuna and billfish fisheries, further development
and testing is required (Rabearisoa et al. 2015).
During trials, some devices falsely triggered when a
fish was not present, did not deploy when a fish was
hooked, or became entangled in the longline gear
(Hamer et al. 2015; Rabearisoa et al. 2012). While
most devices provide a simple physical barrier to
protect hooked fish, there has been preliminary testing
of devices with metal wire incorporated in streamers to
affect an odontocete’s ability to echolocate hooked
fish (McPherson et al. 2008).
There have been a number of reviews, with a range of
focuses and objectives, relating to marine mammal
bycatch and mitigation measures for gillnets (Dawson
et al. 2013; Leaper and Calderan 2018; Mackay and
Knuckey 2013; Northridge et al. 2017; Read
2008,2013; Reeves et al. 2013; Uhlmann and
Broadhurst 2015; Waugh et al. 2011). As it may be
difficult for many marine mammal species to avoid
gillnets, well-designed spatial and/or temporal fishery
closures are likely to be important and effective
mitigation options (Dawson and Slooten 2005; Hall
and Mainprize 2005; Hamer et al. 2011,2013; Read
2013; Rojas-Bracho and Reeves 2013; Slooten 2013).
In this updated review, in addition to pingers, reduced
strength nets and weak links (see ‘‘Pingers (Acoustic
Deterrent Devices)’ and ‘Weakened gear’ sections),
the potential mitigation options identified are acous-
tically reflective nets,visually detectable nets and
‘buoyless’’ nets (Table 1, Table S4).
Acoustically reflective nets
As nylon may be difficult for echolocating marine
mammals to detect, nets that utilise different materials,
or incorporate reflective components (e.g. metal
compounds) into the net filament, have been trialled
(Bordino et al. 2013; Larsen et al. 2007; Mooney et al.
2004; Trippel et al. 2003). Some studies showed a
reduction in harbour porpoise bycatch with metal
oxide nets (Larsen et al. 2007; Trippel et al.
2003,2008) while others reported no reduction in
harbour porpoise, franciscana or seal bycatch (Bor-
dino et al. 2013; Mooney et al. 2004; Northridge et al.
2003). It was suggested that observed bycatch reduc-
tion may be due to net stiffness rather than acoustic
reflectivity (Cox and Read 2004; Larsen et al. 2007).
However, while increasing net stiffness could be a
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
low-cost mitigation option (Northridge et al. 2017),
there was no significant difference in franciscana
bycatch between barium sulphate nets, nets with
increased nylon twine stiffness and standard nets
(Bordino et al. 2013). Furthermore, increased net
stiffness decreased target catch rates in some studies
(Larsen et al. 2007). Increasing a net’s acoustic
reflectivity would also be ineffective if a small
cetacean encountered the net when it was not echolo-
cating (Dawson 1991). There was also no evidence
that passive acoustic additions (e.g. metal beaded
chains) reduced cetacean bycatch (Hembree and
Harwood 1987).
Visually detectable nets
Increasing the visual detectability of nets using
illumination or visible panel inserts have not yet been
tested as a mitigation option for marine mammals.
Light-emitting diodes significantly reduced bycatch of
other taxa and could potentially reduce the bycatch of
small cetaceans (Mangel et al. 2018). Conversely,
installing contrasting patterned panels to increase net
detectability could possibly alert pinnipeds to gillnet
presence which may increase catch depredation
(Martin and Crawford 2015). To date, changing gillnet
colour has not been tested as a measure to reduce
marine mammal bycatch, although orange-coloured
gillnets may be more apparent to some penguin
species (Hanamseth et al. 2018).
‘Buoyless’’ nets
Nets with reduced numbers of buoys per metre
significantly reduced sea turtle bycatch probably due
to a decreased vertical profile of the nets. While this
gear modification could potentially reduce marine
mammal bycatch (Peckham et al. 2016), this is yet to
be verified.
Management of large whale entanglement has pre-
dominantly focussed on strategies to respond and
release entangled whales or establish seasonal closures
(Robbins et al. 2015; Van der Hoop et al. 2013), with
less research on technical solutions to prevent inter-
actions or entanglements (Table S5). Developing
better species-specific knowledge of the interaction
and mechanism of entanglement, particularly the parts
of gear that whales mainly encounter, will aid in
implementing effective mitigation (Johnson et al.
2005; Northridge et al. 2010). A number of potential
techniques have been proposed but have not been
considered a priority for development including ropes
that glow underwater and lipid soluble ropes which
dissolve if embedded in whale blubber (Werner et al.
2006). This review provides an updated assessment of
entanglement mitigation based on previous reviews
(Laverick et al. 2017; Leaper and Calderan 2018), as
well as mitigation to reduce pinniped and small
cetacean entrapment in pots and traps. In addition to
pingers, reduced strength rope, weak links and line
cutters (see ‘Pingers (Acoustic Deterrent Devices)’’
and ‘Weakened gear’ sections), the mitigation iden-
tified are pot/trap excluder devices,‘seal socks’,
sinking groundlines,rope-less pot/trap systems,rope
colour changes and stiff ropes (Table 1, Table S5).
Pot/trap excluder devices
Technical alterations or additions reduce the entrance
size and/or shape of pots and traps to prevent marine
mammals entering thereby reducing bycatch risk as
well as catch depredation. The shape as well as the size
of pot entrances is likely to be important to ensure
target catch quantity and size range are not affected
(Konigson et al. 2015). ‘Bungee’ cord guards reduced
bottlenose dolphin interactions with crab pots (Noke
and Odell 2002; Werner et al. 2006); wire guards and
stronger netting reduced seal damage and bycatch risk
in salmon trap-nets (Hemmingsson et al. 2008;
Suuronen et al. 2006); and smaller crab fyke trap
openings reduced sea otter (Enhydra lutris) bycatch
without reducing target catch (Hatfield et al. 2011).
‘Spike’ excluder devices are mandatory in bycatch
risk areas to prevent Australian sea lion pups and
juveniles entering lobster pots, although testing of
alternative industry-designed 150 mm diameter cir-
cular openings (which are more practical and safe to
use) has shown they may also effectively exclude most
pups (Campbell et al. 2008; Mackay and Goldsworthy
‘Seal socks’
A cylindrical net attached to shallow water (\2m
deep) fyke nets allowed trapped seals access to the
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
surface to breathe and reduced ringed seal (Phoca
hispida botnica) bycatch, although was less effective
for Baltic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus baltica)
(Oksanen et al. 2015).
Sinking groundlines
The implementation of measures in USA fixed-gear
fisheries, including negatively buoyant or sinking
groundlines which aim to lie closer to the ocean
bottom, has not reduced serious injuries and mortality
of northern right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)to
sustainable levels (Brillant and Trippel 2010; Knowl-
ton et al. 2012).
Rope-less pot/trap systems
To reduce cetacean entanglement risk, rope-less
systems remotely release buoys linked to pots or
traps, thereby reducing surface markers with vertical
lines in the water column. There are no published
studies that show rope-less systems mitigate bycatch
or are practical and cost-effective for implementation
in operational fisheries (Laverick et al. 2017),
although trials have been undertaken on rope-less
system prototypes using timed-release (Partan and
Ball 2016) or acoustic-release mechanisms (How et al.
2015; Salvador et al. 2006; Turner et al. 1999).
Acoustic releases have been used for some years in an
Australian lobster fishery (Liggins 2016), although
research on acoustic release technology in this fishery
(Hodge 2015) is yet to be published. Acoustic-release
systems may be preferable to pre-specified time-
release mechanisms which may release ropes before
fishers are in the vicinity to haul gear (How et al. 2015;
Laverick et al. 2017).
Rope colour changes
Preliminary studies showed northern right whales
visually detected red and orange ‘simulated’ ropes at
greater distances than black and green ropes (Kraus
et al. 2014; Kraus and Hagbloom 2016), which
suggested that changing to red and/or orange com-
mercial fishing ropes may improve their ability to
avoid entanglements. However, an over-representa-
tion of yellow and orange ropes in humpback whale
entanglements in Australia may indicate this species
actively target these ropes or, in contrast to right
whales, yellow and orange are less visually
detectable to humpback whales (How et al. 2015).
Minke whales appeared to detect black and white
ropes more easily than other colours (Kot et al. 2012).
Stiff ropes
Although increasing rope stiffness could reduce
entanglement risk as whales may be able to glide off
stiff ropes more easily, there are no published studies
on whether ropes with greater stiffness or tension
reduce entanglements (Consortium for Wildlife
Bycatch Reduction 2014). However, experimental
testing using a model of a right whale flipper indicated
that stiff ropes may increase injuries at the point of
contact (Baldwin et al. 2012).
Conclusions and recommendations
Trawl: conclusions and research needs
Fishery-specific variables and issues need to be
considered when designing exclusion devices includ-
ing the size, biology and behaviour of non-target and
target species; size, operation and storage of gear;
towing speed; and trawl hydrodynamics in relation to
net size/grid and escape hole ratios. Exclusion device
grid construction (material, grid angle, bar spacing and
size); escape hole size, shape and location (e.g. top or
bottom); and the addition of a cover or hood, are all
important components that will impact bycatch reduc-
tion efficacy (Baker et al. 2014). Appropriately
designed exclusion devices have effectively reduced
pinniped bycatch in trawl nets. In particular, devices
with hard separation grids angled to top-opening
escape holes, with a cover or hood held open by a kite
and floats, effectively allow pinnipeds to escape and
post-escape mortality is likely to be low (Hamilton and
Baker 2015a). Loss of dead animals out top-opening
holes with covers is considered unlikely, although this
requires further verification, ideally by direct assess-
ment of pinniped interactions with exclusion devices
in operational fisheries. While there has been limited
success with bottom-opening devices, air-breathing
marine mammals are probably less likely to escape
downwards (Allen et al. 2014) and, furthermore,
bottom-opening devices, particularly without covers,
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
may be more likely to have unreported bycatch from
dead animals dropping out.
Exclusion devices are not fully effective in miti-
gating cetacean bycatch in trawl fisheries. Research is
required on options for reducing cetacean bycatch
including further information on the escape behaviour
of dolphin species that interact with nets to inform the
optimal location for exclusion devices (probably
further forward in nets) and ensure escape options
are clear, while retaining target catch (van Marlen
2007). It is inconclusive whether rope or mesh barriers
prevent entry of small cetaceans past the fore section
of trawls, thereby, reducing bycatch. Furthermore,
barriers may reduce target catch to unacceptable levels
(Bord Iascaigh Mhara and University of St Andrews
Net binding may be effective in reducing bycatch
risk during the shot, although would only be feasible in
operations where the net is removed from the water
and brought onto the trawl deck after each trawl. The
efficacy of net binding in reducing marine mammal
bycatch requires testing, including research to estab-
lish the optimal technical specifications to ensure the
net remains bound until it reaches depths beyond the
diving range of bycatch species. Net binding would
only potentially reduce interactions during net shoot-
ing and is likely to be ineffective for mitigating
bycatch of deep-diving species.
Loud pingers show promise in reducing small
cetacean interactions with trawl gear, particularly for
common dolphins (Northridge et al. 2011), although
may not be effective for bottlenose dolphins (Santana-
Garcon et al. 2018). However, development of more
robust and operationally manageable devices is
required as well as more fishery-specific testing to
determine the optimal configuration and spacing of
pingers in trawl operations and verification that
pingers significantly deter dolphins (Bord Iascaigh
Mhara and University of St Andrews 2010; Northridge
et al. 2011; van Marlen 2007). Investigating the
likelihood of cetacean habituation to pingers as well as
the impact of the widespread use of loud pingers on the
behaviour, distribution and ecology of cetaceans and
other marine species is also needed (Northridge et al.
Maintaining the shape and structure of trawl nets
may be an integral bycatch mitigation strategy,
particularly for cetaceans (Santana-Garcon et al.
2018). Auto-trawl systems potentially mitigate
bycatch by ensuring the net entrance is always open
thereby reducing entrapment risk, although this needs
investigation and validation. However, as these sys-
tems are routinely used by some trawlers to improve
fishing efficiency, evaluation of their mitigation
potential in an experimental framework may be
Purse seine: conclusions and research needs
Management measures, particularly the ‘back-down’
manoeuvre coupled with ‘Medina’ safety panels and
additional guidance from small boats, increase the safe
escape and have significantly reduced the observed
bycatch of small cetaceans in tuna purse seine
fisheries. However, information is needed on the
post-encirclement and post-release survival and health
of bycatch species through remote monitoring pro-
grams to inform best practice techniques for releasing
encircled animals (Restrepo et al. 2014). Although
potentially less relevant to marine mammal species,
continued research on the development and efficacy of
non-entangling FADs is also important.
Longline: conclusions and research needs
There is a lack of technical mitigation shown to be
fully effective in reducing marine mammal bycatch in
longline fisheries. However, there are indications that
catch protection devices, with specific designs for both
pelagic and demersal operations, reduce hooking risk
for odontocetes. Results have been variable on the
impact of different net sleeve devices on target catch
rates, and more research is required, particularly to
reduce interactions with killer whales that have learnt
to get around standard designs in demersal longline
operations (Arangio 2012; Goetz et al. 2011; Moreno
et al. 2008). In pelagic longline operations, further
research is required to refine triggered catch protection
device designs, particularly increasing device relia-
bility, and verifying mitigation efficacy in operational
fisheries in the longer term (Hamer et al. 2015;
Rabearisoa et al. 2012,2015).
While the use of weak hooks may reduce bycatch in
pelagic longlines, this requires further operational
testing, including operational feasibility. There is also
a lack of information on the post-release health and
survival of marine mammals that are injured, retain or
ingest hooks, or remain entangled in gear (Bayse and
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
Kerstetter 2010; Hamer et al. 2012,2015; Hucke-
Gaete et al. 2004; Kock et al. 2006; Werner et al.
Gillnet: conclusions and research needs
Pingers effectively reduce the gillnet bycatch of some
(e.g. harbour porpoises), although not all, small
cetacean species, and may be most effective in
reducing bycatch of neophobic species with large
home ranges (Dawson et al. 2013). Pinger research
should include evidence that target species size and
catch are not impacted (Barlow and Cameron 2003;
Carlstrom et al. 2002; Gearin et al. 2000; Kraus et al.
1997; Larsen and Eigaard 2014; Waples et al. 2013).
While the evidence is that harbour porpoises do not
become habituated to pingers (Dawson et al. 2013;
Palka et al. 2008), further investigations regarding
habituation for other cetacean species are needed.
More research to understand small cetacean behaviour
in response to ‘reactive pingers’ is also required,
particularly if they may reduce the likelihood of
habituation and potential impacts from marine noise
pollution (Leeney et al. 2007). As pingers rely on
changing animal behaviour to avoid nets, they should
only be implemented after rigorous fishery-specific
research on the impacts on all likely bycatch species
(Hodgson et al. 2007) and other vulnerable species
within the ecosystem. The long-term effects of pinger
exposure on small cetaceans, particularly exclusion
from key habitat areas, is not well known. Care should
be taken when deploying pingers to mitigate bycatch
in areas with ecologically important small cetacean
habitat, and intensive pinger use in coastal areas
should be carefully monitored (Carlstrom et al.
2002,2009; Kyhn et al. 2015). Operational testing
should include research on the optimal positioning and
spacing of pingers and, following implementation,
ongoing monitoring is required to maintain pinger
effectiveness. As commercially available pingers may
be prohibitively expensive in some fisheries, more
cost-effective solutions are required. The development
of more durable pingers with battery change capabil-
ities may help to reduce implementation costs (Crosby
et al. 2013).
There have been conflicting results on the effec-
tiveness of acoustically reflective metal oxide nets in
reducing small cetacean bycatch, and further research
is needed to better understand the mechanism of why
some metal oxide nets showed bycatch reduction
(Northridge et al. 2017).
Increased research focus is needed on post-release
impacts following direct interactions with gillnets. For
example, pinnipeds and cetaceans released following
entrapments in deep-set gillnets (and trawls) may
incur gas embolism that could lead to post-release
mortality (Fahlman et al. 2017; Moore et al. 2009).
Pot/trap: conclusions and research needs
Fishery-specific trap guards or ‘excluder devices’ have
been effective in reducing the entrapment risk of
marine mammals while maintaining target catch rates
(Campbell et al. 2008; Konigson et al. 2015; Noke and
Odell 2002). The use of ‘‘seal socks’’ may be a
potential mitigation option in shallow-water fyke net
fisheries, although may not be effective for all
pinniped species (Oksanen et al. 2015).
Results on the effectiveness of pingers in deterring
large baleen whales from potentially high-risk areas
have been variable (Dunlop et al. 2013; Lien et al.
1992; Pirotta et al. 2016) and species-specific inves-
tigations of different pingers are required to determine
if some designs may be more consistently effective.
However, identifying a lack spatial deterrent beha-
viour relative to a pinger in experimental trials may
not necessarily mean that pingers would be ineffective
in alerting marine mammals and reducing operational
interactions (McPherson 2017).
‘Rope-less’ buoy systems are a promising mitiga-
tion development, although further design refinement
and efficacy research is required. Acoustic-release
systems may be preferable to timed-release systems
but are likely to have higher establishment costs, and
research is needed on reliable deployment systems and
a device with enough rope for fisheries operating in
deep water (How et al. 2015; Partan and Ball 2016;
Salvador et al. 2006).
While ropes with reduced breaking strength could
substantially decrease whale mortality in fixed gear,
research is required on the practicalities and success of
using reduced-strength ropes in operational fisheries
(Knowlton et al. 2016), and the post-release health and
survival of animals that remain entangled in lines or
sections of gear (Werner et al. 2015). The effective-
ness of weak links in buoy lines needs investigation
due to concerns regarding a lack of reduction in whale
entanglements following weak link implementation in
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
USA lobster fisheries (Knowlton et al. 2012; Pace
et al. 2014; Van der Hoop et al. 2013). It is noteworthy
that weak links are not recommended in some
Australian fisheries as disentangling ‘anchored’
whales from gear has been more successful than
locating and disentangling free-swimming whales
(How et al. 2015).
Whale responses to different rope colours appears
to be species-specific (How et al. 2015; Kot et al. 2012;
Kraus et al. 2014; Kraus and Hagbloom 2016). Further
species- and fisheries-specific research is needed to
test and understand whale detectability of colours in a
range of conditions (Kraus et al. 2014).
Final summary and conclusions
Effective technical mitigation measures are a crucial
element of any robust, integrated bycatch management
program, which usually includes other management
directives such as temporal and spatial fishing restric-
tions and appropriate operational ‘codes of practice’.
For some gear types and taxa, there are currently
limited technical options with strong evidence they
effectively reduce bycatch, and substantial develop-
ment and research of best practice mitigation options
is needed to address marine mammal bycatch in many
fisheries. For mitigation to be considered effective, a
significant reduction in bycatch mortality needs to be
demonstrated, together with maintenance of target
catch quality and quantity. Fishing industry engage-
ment to ensure design, development and effective
implementation of practical solutions is also essential.
Therefore, knowledge of the biological and beha-
vioural characteristics of target and bycatch species,
temporal and spatial overlap of bycatch species with
fishing activities and operational factors is needed
(Baker et al. 2014). Determining mitigation efficacy
should include species- and fisheries-specific testing
with adequate scientific rigour, and a quantitative
target to enable efficacy assessment.
The reviewed studies varied greatly in the level and
rigour of scientific testing to verify mitigation effec-
tiveness in reducing bycatch. Some measures have
undergone controlled studies in a range of conditions
[e.g. pingers to reduce harbour porpoise bycatch,
Dawson et al. (2013)], while others have not been
tested, testing has been inadequate, or experimental
design has been inappropriate (e.g. Dawson and
Lusseau (2005)). However, testing can be difficult as
a technical measure may be implemented as part of a
suite of management actions, confounding attempts to
test its specific effectiveness in reducing bycatch
(Laverick et al. 2017). Ideally, if efficacy is to be
efficiently demonstrated, mitigation needs to be tested
against a control of no-deterrent, although such trials
are often difficult to implement for ethical reasons.
Additionally, the logistics of undertaking controlled
studies in operational fisheries, including low or
sporadic marine mammal interaction rates during
trials, may limit the scientific robustness of testing
(Dawson et al. 1998; Hamer and Goldsworthy 2006).
Obtaining adequate data from comparable controlled
experiments may be particularly challenging in trawl
fisheries with small numbers of vessels towing a single
net. Furthermore, due to the range of variables during
fishing (e.g. location, weather, season, ecosystem
components), controlled experiments of the same
mitigation for the same bycatch species may produce
conflicting results in different operations. Technical
measures experimentally shown to be effective also
require post-implementation monitoring in opera-
tional fisheries, and mitigation may not produce the
same bycatch decrease in an operational fishery as
shown in controlled trials (Orphanides and Palka
2013). Ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of imple-
mented mitigation requires fisheries to maintain
adequate observer coverage (either direct observa-
tions, or electronic monitoring and review), continue
correct deployment of the appropriate measure,
undergo frequent expert review of procedures, and
continue refinement of measures and strategies as
required (Cox et al. 2007; Hall 1998). It is fundamental
that fishing effort changes are factored into follow-up
assessments of mitigation efficacy. For all fishing gear,
obtaining estimates of post-release mortality from
direct fisheries interactions is an area of research that
requires urgent research attention, although monitor-
ing released individuals this is likely to require a large
Despite these challenges, it is crucial that resources
are prioritised towards continued development, scien-
tific testing and subsequent implementation and mon-
itoring of proven, effective technical mitigation
measures to ensure the ecological sustainability of
commercial fisheries. As marine mammal mortality
from fishing gear interactions is likely to increase due
to human population growth, increasing
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
industrialisation of fisheries, increasing population
sizes of some marine mammal species, and fisheries
expanding into new areas (Read et al. 2006), improv-
ing and implementing effective mitigation is essential.
From a global perspective, improving the environ-
mental sustainability of commercial fisheries requires
wider dissemination of successful technologies and
knowledge of mitigation techniques and comprehen-
sive engagement of fishers in the development of
appropriate bycatch solutions (Hall and Mainprize
2005). Developed countries have a level of obligation
to assist developing countries in addressing bycatch
issues particularly as many marine mammal species
have global distributions. At the least, this should
entail the publication of research on mitigation design,
development, scientific testing of efficacy (or lack of
efficacy) and monitoring of operational deployment. It
is hoped that this review contributes to this process by
having a ‘one-stop-shop’ on the current status of
mitigation techniques developed and assessed for
marine mammal bycatch in commercial trawl, purse
seine, longline, gillnet and pot/trap fisheries.
Acknowledgements We thank Mary-Anne Lea and two
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier
drafts of this manuscript. We thank the University of Tasmania
for support for S.H.
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Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
... These devices aim to facilitate the exclusion (or expulsion) of unwanted organisms, ideally alive and unharmed, before they enter the codend (Broadhurst 2000;Eayrs 2007). Organisms to be excluded may include non-target fish as well as sea turtles and marine mammals (Eayrs 2007;Graham 2010;Hamilton and Baker 2019). Studies have shown that some species can be expelled alive from a trawl net (Hamilton and Baker 2015;Lyle et al. 2016;Wakefield et al. 2017) without significantly reducing the catch of target organisms (Brewer et al. 1998;Broadhurst 2000;Dotson et al. 2010;Wakefield et al. 2017;Lucchetti et al. 2019). ...
... Hard or flexible grids may prevent marine mammals from entering and becoming trapped in the trawl codend, by redirecting them towards either a top-opening or bottom-opening escape hatch (Northridge et al. 2011;Hamilton and Baker 2019). Pinnipeds have been observed to negotiate exit via exclusion devices (e.g. ...
... Rope or mesh barriers positioned near the mouth of a trawl net, used in conjunction with escape holes, have been trialled to reduce the bycatch of odontocete cetaceans, but the results have been inconclusive (Hamilton and Baker 2019;Bonizzoni et al. 2022). Most barrier designs caused substantial reduction in target catch as well as increasing drag and were, therefore, considered unacceptable (van Marlen et al. 2007; Bord Iascaigh Mhara and University of St Andrews 2010; Northridge et al. 2011). ...
Full-text available
Download pdf (free): --- Trawling is a type of fishing characterized by the active towing of nets by a moving boat. Trawl nets vary greatly in size and shape, and they target a wide variety of species, including bottom-dwelling fish, crustaceans and molluscs, pelagic and semi-pelagic schooling fish, and deep-water fauna. In this report, we provide a general overview on towed gear, but we focus more specifically on bottom trawling: the towing of nets along the seabed. Bottom trawling has become a cornerstone of global food supplies, accounting for more than one quarter of global fishery landings. In 2016, this equated to over 30 million tonnes of seafood. In several European and African countries, half of fishery landings come from bottom trawling. Bottom trawling, however, has long been known to be detrimental to marine life. It was regarded as a destructive fishing method since the early 14th century, and was often vocally opposed by communities of fishers who saw it as a threat to marine resources and their own livelihoods. The introduction of steam and diesel engines (in the 1830s and 1930s, respectively) marked the modern era of trawling. Engine-powered trawling increased rapidly during the 1960s, and by the 1980s large fleets of trawlers were combing the global oceans. Today’s bottom trawlers can operate virtually anywhere, from shallow inland channels and rivers to deep offshore waters. Countless scientific studies, encompassing decades of fishery research, have documented the harmful nature of bottom trawling, with substantial cumulative evidence of damage to marine species and ecosystems. Bottom trawling reduces the biomass, diversity and complexity of benthic communities, and the action of trawl gear on the seabed causes dramatic mechanical and chemical alterations, compromising the seabed’s functionality and productivity. In addition to the target species, most types of trawl gear take unwanted species, such as threatened elasmobranchs, sea turtles, seabirds and marine mammals. Apart from these biological impacts, recent studies indicate that bottom trawling has a considerable carbon footprint, with high direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate disruption. Information on the harmful effects of bottom trawling has resulted in public and institutional awareness of environmental damage, and in restrictions that have sometimes included complete bans. Trawling is often prohibited in the most coastal and shallow waters. However, regulations and enforcement levels vary greatly across areas, and environmental protection measures are often ineffective—to the point that the intensity of bottom trawling can be higher inside than outside some Marine Protected Areas. In this report, we review the evidence of how bottom trawling affects marine life and human life. We also summarize some of the primary management approaches that could help mitigate the harmful effects of trawling—consistent with international commitments to protect the marine environment. We conclude that the amount of seafood produced by bottom trawling can no longer justify or excuse the pervasive damage caused to marine ecosystems and communities of small-scale fishers, and we advocate the use of less destructive fishing gear, combined with the creation of areas protected from harmful fishing practices, and more sustainable strategies to “feed the world”.
... Pinniped bycatch mitigation methods are typically related to modifications of fishing gear type and practice, and to fishery closures [4,30,31]. In Lake Saimaa, these measures have included the introduction of gear modifications, such as thinner gillnet materials, fish traps, and fyke net models with bars to keep seals out, and prohibiting the use of longlines and fishbaited fishing hooks. ...
... Globally, incidental bycatch in marine fisheries is typically related to commercial fisheries [e.g., 31,50,61]. However, the ecological impacts of small-scale fisheries can be severe for many species groups [e.g., [62][63][64]. ...
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Over the past three decades, incidental bycatch has been the single most frequent verified cause of death of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis). Spatial and temporal fishing closures have been enforced to mitigate bycatch, which is mainly caused by the gillnets of recreational fishers. In this study, we employed an array of statistical machine learning methods to recognize patterns of death and to evaluate the impacts of annual fishing closures (15th April–30th June) on the recovery of the Saimaa ringed seal population during 1991–2021. We additionally used the potential biological removal (PBR) procedure to assess bycatch sustainability. The study shows that gillnet restriction areas are reflected in the timing of juvenile bycatch mortality of the Saimaa ringed seal. In the 1990s, peak mortality occurred at the beginning of June, but as the restrictions expanded regionally in the 2000s, the peak shifted to the beginning of July. Longer temporal coverage of annual closures would have improved juvenile survival. The study also shows that estimated bycatch mortality is higher than observed: the estimated bycatch averaged approximately two unobserved bycatches per one observed bycatch. Despite the continuing bycatch mortality, a larger number of juveniles nowadays survive to the age of 15 months due to fishing closures, and the population (some 420 individuals) has increased an average 4% per year between 2017 and 2021. However, human-caused mortality limits (PBR) were exceeded by observed bycatch only, which could lead to population depletion in the long run.
... However, previous studies that synthesized the evidence on mitigation measures have either relied largely on qualitative methods or had limited scope in terms of fishing gears, SEMS groups and geographical regions. Additionally, only few studies have examined the SEMS bycatch and the target catch simultaneously 7,16,[18][19][20][27][28][29] . ...
... Meanwhile, some measures can reduce the bycatch but harm the target catch, such as the use of rare earth metal to deter elasmobranchs 36 . These findings can serve as an update or supplement to previous reviews and meta-analysis, few of which have considered the target catch 7,16,[18][19][20][27][28][29] . As such, more comprehensive knowledge is now available to managers when it comes to choosing useful technical measures for bycatch management. ...
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Reducing fisheries bycatches of vulnerable species is critical to marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries development. Although various preventive technical measures have been implemented, their overall effects are poorly understood. Here, we used a meta-analysis approach to quantify the effects of 42 technical measures on the target catch and the bycatch of seabirds, elasmobranchs, marine mammals and sea turtles. We showed that these measures generally reduced the bycatch while having no statistically significant effect on the target catch. Sensory-based measures generally outperformed physical-based ones in reducing the bycatch. Mitigation measures that worked well for several fishing gears or taxa, although useful, were very rare. Most of the adoptions by regional fisheries management organizations (59%) were supported by our findings, although many others are yet to be robustly evaluated. Our study encourages the innovation and adoption of technical measures and provides crucial insights for policy-making and further research in sustainable bycatch management.
... For gillnets and pot gears, which have high marine mammal bycatch rates, the use of acoustic pingers has proven effective in reducing bycatch [5][6][7]. Additionally, ropeless pot gear, which does not use buoy lines, has been proposed to reduce marine mammal bycatch [8,9]. As exemplified by these studies, there are continuous efforts to reduce marine mammal bycatch. ...
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The National Institute of Fisheries Science in Korea is developing marine mammal bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) for high-risk fishing gear, such as trawls. We experimented with two BRD types (guiding nets) attached in front of codend at 30° and 45° angles, and catch losses and mesh size selectivity were investigated. Experimental fishing operations were conducted along the East Coast of South Korea where whales and dolphins are commonly sighted. The catch was classified according to fishing location, BRD type, codend, and covernet, with measurements recorded for body length, maximum girth, and weight. The average selectivity for each haul was analyzed using the ‘selfisher’ package. The catch loss rates with the BRD attached at tilt angles of 30° and 45° were 11% and 29% for common flying squid, 6% and 28% for sailfin sandfish, and 5% and 8% for pearlside. While the mesh selectivity rates for common flying squid and pearlside remained at 0.2–0.5 across all lengths and tilt angles, the mesh selectivity curve for sailfin sandfish was estimated. There were significant differences in catch loss between 30° and 45° angles, with the 30° angle being more effective in catch loss. We observed a masking effect in the codend.
... Safe discharge technique should be approached with caution, as most entangled elasmobranch species die before the Lakkha net is hauled [7]. Hence, low-cost strategic adjustments to the deployment technique of the gear and limiting its operation for a certain period of time could be the most effective methods to lessen the impact of overfishing on the vulnerable bycatch [75,76]. However, the socioeconomic consequences of limiting the operation of Lakkha net should be accessed. ...
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The elasmobranch population is declining in the Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh due to large-mesh gill net fishing, locally known as the Lakkha net, which primarily targets Indian threadfin (Leptomelanosoma indicum). This study was the first attempt to identify megafaunal bycatch in Lakkha fishing and assess its vulnerability using Productivity Susceptibility Analysis. A total of 40 elas-mobranch bycatch species were identified, with sharks comprising 13 species from three families, while 27 rays belonged to six families, with the majority belonging to the Myliobatiformes order (60 %). Productivity and susceptibility scores were assigned to all identified species, with values ranging from 1.27 to 2.73 and 1.50 to 2.63, respectively. The target Lakkha fish exhibited the highest susceptibility score, followed by several pelagic sharks and eagle rays. Vulnerability assessment revealed that 31.7 % (n = 13) of species were highly vulnerable, while 43.9 % (n = 18) were classified as moderate, and 24.4 % (n = 10) were considered to have low vulnerability. All the high-risk megafauna species (n = 13) are classified as threatened by the global IUCN Red List. Sensitivity analysis highlighted susceptibility as a major contributor to species' vulnerability. Alterations in susceptibility scores led to significant changes in the vulnerability status of many species. The overall data quality assessment indicated moderate data quality across species, with variability observed between productivity (76 % of species received a poor data quality score) and susceptibility attributes. However, vulnerability of these species can be reduced through adequate gear modification, shorter net deployment periods, adoption of safe discharge techniques , identification of critical habitats, and establishment of marine protected areas within this region. This study provides valuable insights into the species composition and vulnerability of elasmobranchs in the Lakkha gill net fishery, emphasizing the need for conservation measures to mitigate bycatch impacts on threatened species.
... Globally, a wide range of mitigation measures has been applied to reduce the bycatch of small cetaceans, including acoustic deterrents, gear modifications such as net height, buoy rope modification, weak links and increased rope visibility/reflectivity, acoustic reflectors, time-area closures, visually detectable devices and exclusion devices (e.g. Hamilton & Baker 2019, Kindt-Larsen et al. 2019, Omeyer et al. 2020, Sacchi 2021. ...
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The Iberian harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) reaches a larger body size than most other harbour porpoise populations and is genetically distinct, albeit closely related to the population in Northwest Africa. Currently comprising an estimated 3000–4000 individuals, genetic evidence and strandings data suggest that the population has declined in recent times, and it is considered to be at risk of extinction. It is distributed all around the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, with the highest densities off Galicia in Northwest Spain and Northern and Central Portugal, a highly productive upwelling area characterised by cold-water upwelling. There are occasional reports from the Mediterranean and Macaronesia and some evidence of emigration into the Celtic Sea. It feeds mostly on fish, with pelagic fish being more important than in the diet of porpoises from northern Europe, perhaps due to excursions beyond the narrow continental shelf. The population faces a number of anthropogenic threats. Historically, porpoises were used for human consumption while current threats include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), with some individuals having concentrations in their blubber above the threshold for impairment of reproduction, and nematode infections, probably also prey depletion, underwater noise and fatal attacks by bottlenose dolphins. The most serious current threat is fishery bycatch mortality. Stranding data suggest that the bycatch mortality increased in the last decade. Although based on information from a small number of documented mortalities (reflecting limited observer coverage especially for small-scale fishing as well as a low number of reported strandings), annual bycatch mortality estimates are in the order of a few hundred animals, which is clearly unsustainable. There is, however, an apparent incompatibility between the high bycatch estimates and the rather similar abundance estimates obtained from large-scale abundance surveys in 2005, 2016 and 2022. Consistent with population status assessments by Spain and Portugal, OMMEG (Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic) concluded that bycatch mortality in Iberian porpoise “is critically exceeding the agreed threshold” of zero. There are several national initiatives in Spain and Portugal including the development of species conservation plans. Continuous reduction of bycatch mortality, preferably until such mortality is eliminated, is a priority to ensure that this population does not disappear in the near future.
... Safe discharge technique should be approached with caution, as most entangled elasmobranch species die before the Lakkha net is hauled [7]. Hence, low-cost strategic adjustments to the deployment technique of the gear and limiting its operation for a certain period of time could be the most effective methods to lessen the impact of overfishing on the vulnerable bycatch [75,76]. However, the socioeconomic consequences of limiting the operation of Lakkha net should be accessed. ...
... High-pro le examples of marine-related HWC feature tensions between shing activity and recovering marine mammal populations -such as the entanglement of large whales in shing gear 9,10 . Incidental sheries bycatch of large marine mammals is an issue of global concern -from the North Atlantic 11 to the East Sea of South Korea 12 -that has been described as "the single greatest threat to cetaceans from human activities" 13 . ...
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Climate change-related shifts in marine resource availability and species behavior are increasing rates of human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Although this trend poses significant risks to both human livelihoods and conservation efforts, strategies to resolve HWC focus largely on ecological outcomes, overlooking key impacts and contributions of human resource users. Here, we draw on the case study of whale entanglement in the Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) fishery in California, U.S.A. to demonstrate the promise of integrating – and the consequences of neglecting – the voice and expertise of fishing communities. Semi-structured interviews with 27 commercial fishermen across nin