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A Theory on Chronic Alveolar Interstitial Space Inflammation and Disease Outcomes

  • Robert L Buckingham, MD, Inc.


With persistent tobacco, particulate or toxic gas exposures into alveolar interstitial spaces, the inundation eventually pushes capillary cell endothelia towards energy combustion overheating and the release of substantial amounts of toxic ROS. The ROS depletes antioxidant reserves and crosslinks DNA to damage its coding capacity while also limiting nitric oxide combustion. which is related to cellular rejuvenation of its infrastructure. Instead, capillary cell outer membrane receptors switches, pores, glycocalyx, infrastructure and mitochondrial volumes become depleted. This directly correlates with the loss of capillary cell pivot and swing dance and the subsequent diminution of its anti-inflammatory pace and stem-ricochet signaling effects into the interstitial space and its allies. As capillary cell immune choreography evaporates, their outer membranes instead funnel into the alveolar space white blood cells and other immune contingents that have no vested interest in eliminating inflammatory breach. Their access and subsequent vulnerability to rogue signaling influences in aggregate increase interstitial space proinflamamt9rsignalgin momentum. Cytokine signaling chain reactions begin to organize, expand chronic inflammation, initiate intent and begin the hijacking process of the disabled capillary cell outer membranes. As their rogue signaling preeminence escalates, these rogue immune elements will utilize capillary cell pseudocapillarized outer membranes to funnel what it needs to preserve and protect proinflammatory intent. As chronic inflammation organizes within the interstitial space, the capillary cell pivot and swing, pace and stem and ricochet effects are replaced by the signaling preeminence of chronic inflammation. With their rogue sets of signaling blueprints they choreography the alveolar interstitial space into different sets of disease venues, which depending on the type or diversity of vascular inflammatory free radical involvement could be different combinations of scar tissue (fibrosis), asthma, pulmonary hypertension, cancer or bacterial/viral infections.
A Theory on Chronic Alveolar Interstitial Space Inammation and Disease
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