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UDC 631.147
Original research paper
doi: 10.5937/AASer1846125G
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46 (2018); 125-1401
Global organic food market
Jelena Golijan1*, Bojan Dimitrijević
1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia
Corresponding author:
Abstract: Organic agricultural production enables the production of controlled, certified,
safe, and high-quality food, and at the same time it provides high economic and
ecological profit and preserves a healthy environment. Consumer interests in products of
organic origin have been steadily growing for twenty years. The aim of this paper is to
give an overview of the situation in the global organic food market, as well as to point out
the most important motives for consumers to decide on the consumption of organically
produced foods. All countries around the world record a trend of continual organic food
and beverage market growth. In some countries this growth is expressed with double-
digit numbers. The United States is the largest organic food market, with a total of 35.8
trillion euros. Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, drinks, milk and meat have the biggest
share in the organic food market in all countries of the world. Fresh fruits take the first
position in international trade. Although the production and sale of organic food is
concentrated in highly developed countries, less developed countries are becoming
important producers and exporters of organic products.
Keywords: products, motives, producers, market.
The methods of conventional agriculture that have been used for decades
have led to pollution of soil and water. The misuse or overuse of pesticides and
various synthetic chemical substances damages not only the environment and
biodiversity (Popović et al., 2016), but also human health. This fact indicates that
the production methods applied so far must be modified to achieve the
sustainability of agricultural systems and enable the production of sufficient
Received 7 May 2018 Accepted 31 August 2018
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
quantities of food in the future (Subić et al., 2010). “Organic agriculture is a
holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-
ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological
activity. It emphasizes the use of management practices in preference to the use
of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally
adapted systems” (FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999). Organic
agriculture is a sustainable integral ecological system for the production of safe,
quality, certified foods, and at the same time it is strictly controlled in order to
meet the wishes and needs of consumers, while achieving economic and
ecological profits and preserving the environment (Babović, 2008). Organic
products are high quality products and are safer for people's health and their
environment. They have many advantages over conventional products: high
nutritional value (higher contents of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids,
proteins, etc.); high biological quality; high technological quality (when stored
they maintain their quality for a longer period of time, they are more suitable for
processing and distribution, they require less energy to be processed); a high
content of dry matter (on average, fresh products have a 25% higher content of
dry matter); high quality organoleptic properties (more intense color, taste and
fragrance characteristic of the product); a low nitrate content; do not contain
residues of pesticides, heavy metals, hormones, veterinary preparations, etc.
(Babović et al., 2012; Tasić, 2015; Golijan and Veličković, 2015).
Thanks to the knowledge about human health risks and the need for
environmental protection, organic production shows an increasing trend of
growth. Organic agriculture protects the natural environment and is a prospective
activity in the economy, as it contributes to the optimal use of resources, the
development of rural areas and villages, sustainable exports, economic growth,
and the increase in living standards (Lazić, 2010). The market and the demand
for organic products are constantly increasing, and the areas under this
production are increasing from day to day (Golijan and Popović, 2016). As the
result of the effects of different market and legal factors in different countries,
there are differences in organic food consumption both among countries and
among regions. Institutional interventions in the form of creating a legal basis for
the production and marketing of organic food, various forms of direct and
indirect subsidies, independent control, certification and labeling, played a key
role in the creation and development of the organic food market (Vehapi, 2014).
Organic food
Each producer and processor of organic products must be familiar with
supply, demand, assortment of production and processing, distribution and
methods of promotion of products. Since the organic form of food production is
fully legally regulated, such products in the Serbian market are certified and
labeled as an "organic product". The unified logo is an identity mark to
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
distinguish organic products from non-organic ones, and it implies the continuity
of the quality of products originating from organic production. Processed
products, originating from organic production, account for a third of total
production (Tasić, 2015). Organic products are available for customers in
hypermarkets, health food stores, direct sales, online stores, and catering
facilities. The prices of organic products in Serbia are higher than conventional
ones by 30% (Vehapi, 2015). They can be sold wholesale and to processing
companies. Only 20% of farmers sell their organic products through direct sales
in green markets and in retail stores (Tasić, 2015). Earlier research results in
Serbia indicated that the highest percentage of consumers (36%) was willing to
pay up to 20% higher prices for the purchase of organic products than the same
products of conventional origin, while only 2% were willing to pay 50% more
(Vlahović et al., 2010). The main reasons for the high consumer's “sensitivity“ to
price of organic products are the low standard of living and the fact that
customers are not sufficiently informed about the correctness, significance, safety
and quality of organic products (Golijan, 2016). Vehapi (2015) states that 89.1%
of consumers are willing to pay a higher price for organic food products
compared to identical products of conventional origin (despite significantly lower
personal incomes compared to the same in the EU). Also, 63% of customers are
willing to pay up to 20% higher price, 30.9% of customers would pay 25–50%
higher price, while only 3.6% of those who would pay 80–100% higher prices for
the purchase of organic foods than the same products of conventional origin,
which confirms the fact that demand for organic food in Serbia is price-elastic
(Vlahović et al., 2010; Vehapi 2014; Golijan, 2016). However, according to
Thompson (1998), there are also significant differences in behavior across stores:
“Organic and conventional price differences were statistically significant in
explaining the choice of organic produce at a natural foods supermarket but not
at a cooperative.”
In countries around the world, where the organic food market is well
developed, consumers show different motives for purchasing these products.
However, what connects them all is the motive of preserving one's own health,
which occupies the primary place (Hutchins and Greenhalgh, 1997; Schifferstein
and Oude Ophuis, 1998; Squires et al., 2001; Chinnici et al., 2002; Makatouni,
2002; Conner, 2004; Padel and Foster, 2005; Zander et al., 2011; Marques Vieira
et al., 2013), as consumers consider organic products healthier and more
nutritious compared to conventional foodstuffs (Golijan and Veličković, 2015,
Golijan et al., 2017a, 2017b, 2017c), and are therefore safer for consumption
(Codron et al., 2006; Padel and Midmore, 2005; De Magistris and Gracia, 2008;
Brčić-Stipčević and Petljak, 2011). In Serbia, according to Vehapi (2015), the
most frequently used motives in second and third place are quality (25.9%) and
safety (23%), respectively. Miller and Spoolman (2008) state that organic food
protects the health of the manufacturer as well, while Aertsens et al. (2011)
indicate that one of the main motives for the consumption of organic food is the
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
absence of chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants, which is related to the
motive of protecting one's own health (Ekelund, 1990; Soil Association 2012).
The most frequently cited motive for the purchase of organic food in numerous
studies is the contribution to environmental conservation (Von Alvensleben,
1998; Torjusen et al., 1999, Aguirre 2001, Aertsens et al., 2011; Marques Vieira
et al., 2013; Pearson et al., 2013).
There are numerous barriers in the purchase of organic products in the region
of European countries. According to the research conducted by Padel and
Midmore (2005), respondents consider local produce not to be near-organic, or
only important in a rural rather than in an urban context, barriers stemming from
a food culture restricted to urban areas, and more frequent access for rural
consumers to home grown vegetables (Table 1).
Table 1. Barriers to the purchase of organic foods in rural areas (n=128, percent
of respondents)
Importanta Not
importantb Don’t know
“Local” is more important than
“organic” 80 18 2
Grow vegetables in their own gardens 71 28 1
Lifestyle food culture is restricted to
urban 66 25 9
Reduced availability of organic
products 64 35 1
Solidarity with conventional farmers 59 39 2
Lower disposable incomes in rural
areas 58 41 2
Less concerned about the animal
welfare 35 60 5
Less concerned about the environment 35 60 5
Consumers in rural area less health
conscious 30 60 9
Notes: a “Very important” and “important”; b
Source: Padel and Midmore (2005) “Not important” and “not at all important”
Rural consumers are less concerned about the environment, animal welfare
and their own health. In emerging market countries, such as Finland, France,
Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Sweden, respondents state that
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
restriction of food culture to urban areas is a more important barrier, while in
countries such as Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia andSpain
respondents considered home grown vegetables and lower disposable income to
be more important barriers, but local food as less important.
Organic Food Market in the World
In the last 15 years, the market for organic products has increased fourfold.
Organic food sales in 2015 at global level had a value of 81.6 billion US $ (an
increase of 10%) (Table 2), with the largest growth in the North American
market, which accounts for more than half the value of international sales of
these foods. In 2012, organic food sales in the entire Europe had a value of 22.8
billion euros and in North America 24.1 billion euros (Scaack et al., 2014).
Organic food production is performed by 2.4 million producers in 179 countries
around the world. However, most of the sales take place in Europe and North
America (around 90%). In terms of regional distribution, North America is the
largest market, with a value of 39.5 billion euros, followed by Europe (29.8
billion euros) and, Asia, ranking third with a value of 6.2 billion euros. Countries
with the largest organic food market are the United States, with a total of 35.8
billion euros, followed by Germany with 8.6 billion euros, France (5.5 billion
euros) and China (4.7 billion euros) (FiBL, 2017).
The leading market segments of organic products on the world market are:
fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, beverages, milk and meat (Figure 1). At
global level, organic grain production has a continuous growth trend, reaching an
area of 3.3 million hectares. The largest organic grain production takes place on
the European continent, where the dominant types of grain are: wheat, corn, rice,
barley, oats, rye, sorghum, millet, triticale and buckwheat. World leaders in the
production of organic grain are China and the United States (Popović et al.,
2017). In 2014, wheat had the biggest share in the markets of Lithuania and
Romania (61.8% and 55.7% respectively) ( Of 11.6 million
hectares under organic crops throughout Europe, grains are the most important
crops with a share of 1.9 million ha (Lernoud and Willer, 2016).
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Table 2. Organic Agriculture: Key Indicators and Top Countries
Top countries
Countries with
organic acitivies 2015: 179 countries
New countries: Brunei Darussalam,
Cape Verde, Hong Kong, Kuwait,
Monaco, Sierra Leone and Somalia
agricultural land 2015: 50.9 million ha
(1999: 11 million ha)
Australia (22.7 million ha)
Argentina (3.1 million ha)
United States (2 million ha)
Organic share of
agricultural land
2015: 1.1%
Liechtenstein (30.2%)
Austria (21.3%)
Sweden (16.9%)
Wild collection
and further non-
2015: 39.7 million ha
(1999: 4.1 million ha)
Finland (12.2 million ha)
Zambia (6.6 million ha)
India (3.7 million ha)
Producers 2015: 2.4 million producers
(1999: 200 000 producers)
India (585 200)
Ethiopia (203 602)
Mexico (200 039)
Organic market 2015: 81.6 billion US $
(approx. 75 billion €)
(2000: 17.9 billion US $)
(39.7 billion US $; 35.8 billion €)
(9.5 billion US $; 8.6 billion €)
(6.1 billion US $; 5.5 billion €)
Per capita
consumption 2015: 11.1 US $
(10.3 €)
Switzerland (291 US $; 262 €)
Denmark (212 US $; 191 €)
Sweden (196 US $; 177 €)
Number of
countries with
2016: 87 countries
Number of
affiliates of
2016: 833 affiliates from
121 countries
Germany - 91 affiliates
India – 73 affiliates
China – 55 affiliates
United States – 49 affiliates
Source: Willer and Lernoud, 2017
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Figure 1. Global Organic Food Market Revenue Share, by Product
The demand for organic fruit is growing, both on the European and the world
market. Fresh fruits rank first in the international trade (Batelja-Lodeta et al.,
2012). The largest producers of organic fruits globally are Italy, Turkey, the
USA, France, Spain, Poland and Germany. The US organic food market is
characterized by a high proportion of organic fruits and vegetables (Figure 2),
accounting for 40% of the entire organic food market (Willer et al., 2013).
Worldwide, in 2006, there were close to 250,000 ha of continental species of
organic fruit trees (pomes, drupes and berries). The price depends on fruit type
and geographical location. Granatstein et al. (2008) state that leading
manufacturers, such as Italy, Turkey, the United States, France, Spain, Poland
and Germany, together make up three-quarters of the area under continental
species of organic fruit trees on a global scale.
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Figure 2.
U.S. organic food market revenue by product, 2014–2025 (USD
In 2015, globally, all countries recorded market growth for organic products,
while in some countries the growth was double-digit. Thus, in 2015, the organic
food market in Spain increased by 25% (making the largest growth), Ireland 23%
and Sweden 20% (Willer and Lernoud, 2017).
In 2015, in Europe, the organic food and beverage market has increased by
10%, and the value was 31.1 billion $. The German market doubled between
2004 and 2012 (Figure 3), and in 2015 it represents the largest organic food
market in the amount of 9.5 billion US Dollars, followed by France, UK, Italy,
Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Spain and the Netherland (organic-
The highest market share is in Denmark (organic foods comprise 8.4% of the
total food sales). Also, in 2012, the highest market shares were reached in
Denmark (7.6 %), followed by Austria (6.5 %) and Switzerland (6.3 %) (Figure
4). In Germany, which represents the largest country market, drugstores,
supermarkets, discounters and organic food shops have developed private label
ranges, and also, most chained outlets are in Germany, France and Italy (Willer
and Lernoud, 2017). Germany was also the country with the largest organic food
market in Europe in 2012, worth 7.04 billion euros, followed by France with
EUR 4 billion (whose market has been very dynamic for the last few years),
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Great Britain (1.95 billion euros ), Italy (EUR 1.89 billion) (Figure 5) (Schaack et
al., 2014).
Figure 3. Development of the organic market in selected European countries
In European countries, there is the highest per capita consumption, while in
Switzerland there is not only the highest per capita consumption in Europe, but
also in the world (189 euros in 2012, 262 euros in 2015), followed by Denmark
with 191 euros in 2015 (which is a significant increase compared to 2012, when
consumption was 159 euros) and Sweden with 177 euros (Schaack et al., 2014;
Willer and Lernoud, 2017).
Royal Wessanen, one of the largest organic food enterprises, continues to
acquire brands and it purchased Piramide Tea, Mrs Crimble´s and IneoBio. It is
one of the few companies with a pan-European presence, with a portfolio of
brands that include Bjorg, Kallø Foods, Clipper, Allos, Isola Bio, Whole Earth,
Tartex and Alter Eco.
The most chained outlets are located in Germany, France and Italy. In
Germany and Austria, Dennree operates more than 200 Denn's Bio organic
supermarkets, while in France, Biocoop chain has nearly 390 organic food shops,
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
whilst there are over 300 Collobora B'io stores in Italy (Willer and Lernoud,
In the USA there is an increase in the share of traditional distribution
channels, and a decrease in the share of organic food sales in health food stores
and direct sales. According to Vaclavik (2009) in the European Union, the share
of traditional organic food distribution channels has a tendency of dynamic
increase, while the share of specialized and other distribution channels is
decreasing. When it comes to Latin America, the largest organic product market
is Brazil, which, due to the economic crisis, has been growing very slowly for
many years, while the markets of Argentina, Peru, Chile and Colombia are
mainly export-oriented.
Figure 4. Europe: The ten countries with the highest organic market shares 2012
(excluding catering)
Source: Scaack et al., 2014.
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Figure 5. Europe: The ten countries with the largest markets for organic food and
beverages 2012 (excluding catering)
Source: Scaack et al., 2014.
In 2015, organic food sales in Australia, Asia and other regions amounted to
about 7.2 trillion US dollars. When it comes to organic food sales, the Asian
market continues to show a trend of growth, where China has a dominant role
(extremely high production of oilseeds, herbs and related ingredients), followed
by Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (FiBL, 2017). An extremely large market,
which is growing steadily, is the Australian market, whose producers, together
with New Zealand, are mainly export-oriented, especially to the countries of the
Asian continent.
Organic farming has been growing in countries all over the world for many
years. The purchase of organic foods is price-sensitive and depends on the
personal income of consumers. Nevertheless, there is still a significant share of
consumers in Serbia who are willing to pay 80 to 100% higher prices for the
purchase of organic foods than the same products of conventional origin. Organic
food sales in 2015 at global level had a value of 81.6 billion US $, with the
largest growth in the North American market, which accounts for more than half
the value of international sales of these foods. In 2015, the growth of organic
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
products market in all countries around the world was recorded, with the highest
growth recorded in the Spanish market, which increased by 25%.
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Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIII, 46(2018); 125-140
Jelena Golijan1, Bojan Dimitrijević
Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd-Zemun, Srbija
Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja omogućava proizvodnju kontrolisane,
sertifikovane, zdravstveno bezbedne, a pritom jako kvalitetne hrane, uz
ostvarenje visokog ekonomskog i ekološkog profita i očuvanja zdrave životne
sredine. Interes potrošača za proizvode organskog porekla permanentno raste već
dvadeset godina. Cilj ovog rada je da dâ pregled stanja na globalnom tržištu
organske hrane, kao i da ukaže na najvažnije motive zbog kojih se potrošači
odlučuju za konzumaciju organski proizvedenih namirnica. Sve zemlje širom
sveta beleže trend kontinuiranog rasta tržišta organske hrane i pića, dok je u
nekim zemljama ovo povećanje dvocifreno. Sjedinjene Američke Države
predstavljaju najveće tržište organske hrane, sa ukupno 35,8 milijardi evra.
Vodeću ulogu na tržištu organske hrane u svim zemljama sveta imaju voće i
povrće, hleb, žitarice, piće, mleko i meso. U međunarodnoj trgovini, sveže voće
zauzima prvu poziciju. Iako je proizvodnja i prodaja organske hrane
koncentrisana u visoko razvijenim zemljama, i manje razvijene zemlje postaju
značajni proizvođači i izvoznici organskih proizvoda, u prilog čemu ide činjenica
da je izvozni potencijal na tržištu organske hrane neograničen.
Ključne reči: proizvodi, motivi, proizvođači, tržište.