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Technology and equipment of food production
1. Introduction
Vegetables are the basic vitamin food product for peo-
ple. Vegetables account for up to 3 % of the structure of
crop land in the world, and their value cannot be overesti-
mated. China is the leader in global vegetable production;
the average person there consumes 170 kg of vegetables and
100 kg of watermelons annually. Cauliflower has a delicate
L. Pusik
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Department of technologies of processing of
food production named after T. P. Yevsiukova**
Е-mail: Ludmilap@gmail.com
V. Pusik
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor*
Е-mail: kysmish @ gmail.com
N. Lyubymova
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor*
Е-mail: nina.lioubimova@gmail.com
V. Bondarenko
PhD, Senior Researcher
Laboratory of genetics, biotechnology and quality
The Plant Production Institute
named after V. Y. Yuryev of National Agrarian Academy of Sciences
Moskovsky ave., 142, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61060
E-mail: zim-hot@rambler.ru
L. Gaevaya
Е-mail: Gaevaaludmila9@gmail.com
O. Sergienko
PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory
Laboratory for the selection of solanaceous and cucurbitaceous cultures
Institute of vegetables and melon growing
National Аcademy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
township Selektsiyne, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Ukraine, 62478
O. Romanov
PhD, Associate professor***
Е-mail: romanovaleksey@mail.ru
L. Gryn
Associate Professor*
Е-mail: sporthntusg1968@gmail.com
L. Kononenko
PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Crop Production
Uman National niversity of Horticulture
Institutska str., 1, Uman, Ukraine, 20305
E-mail: lidiyakononenko@ukr.net
*Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology**
**Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
Alchevskykh str., 44, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
***Department of fruit and vegetable and storage
Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev
township Dokuchaevsky, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Ukraine, 62483
Дослiджено вплив суми активних
температур вище 10 °С, кiлькостi опадiв
та гiдротермiчного коефiцiєнта (ГТК)
на формування сухих, сухих розчинних
речовин, цукрiв та аскорбiнової кислоти
капусти цвiтної, залежно вiд особливос-
тей гiбрида. Встановлено, що у середньо-
му за три роки дослiджень сухих розчин-
них речовин у головках ранньостиглих
гiбридiв капусти цвiтної накопичувало-
ся вiд 7,2 % (у гiбрида Кул F1) до 8,3 % (у
гiбрида Опал F1). Дисперсiйним аналi-
зом установлено, що особливiсть гiбри-
да впливала на вмiст сухих розчинних
речовин у головках капусти цвiтної на
10 %, тодi як умови вегетацiйного перiо-
ду – на 77 %.
У середньому за роки дослiджень бiль-
шим загальним вмiстом цукрiв характе-
ризувався Лiвiнгстон F1. Дисперсiйним
аналiзом встановлено, що 55 % впли-
ву на загальний вмiст цукрiв у голов-
ках капусти цвiтної чинила особливiсть
гiбрида. Вплив умов вегетацiйного перiо-
ду становив 4 %.
Гiбриди iстотно рiзнились за вмiстом
редукувальних цукрiв.
Виявлено залежнiсть впливу погод-
них умов на вмiст компонентiв хiмiч-
ного складу в головках гiбридiв капусти
цвiтної. У перiод формування головки:
вмiст сухих речовин має сильний обер-
нений зв’язок iз вологiстю повiтря у
r=–0,89…–0,93, прямий середнiй зв’я-
зок iз середньодобовою температурою
повiтря i сумою активних температур,
а також сильнi прямi зв’язки iз сумою
опадiв та ГТК вегетацiйного перiоду.
Вмiст сухих розчинних речовин у
головках капусти цвiтної має сильний
обернений зв’язок iз вологiстю повiтря:
r=–0,78…–0,97. Вмiст аскорбiнової кис-
лоти – сильну пряму залежнiсть вiд
вологостi повiтря в перiод формування
головки (r=0,67–0,75). З iншими погод-
ними показниками зв’язок був слабкий.
Дисперсiйним аналiзом установлено, що
вмiст аскорбiнової кислоти у головках
капусти цвiтної на 56 % залежав вiд
особливостей гiбрида, на 15 % – вiд умов
вегетацiйного перiоду
Ключовi слова: капуста цвiтна, сухi
речовини, сухi розчиннi речовини, цукри,
аскорбiнова кислота
UDC [635.35:631.526.325]:581.192
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.147748
L. Pusik, V. Pusik, N. Lyubymova, V. Bondarenko, L. Gaevaya, O. Sergienko, O. Romanov, L. Gryn, L. Kononenko, 2018
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 6/11 ( 96 ) 2018
taste; it outperforms white-head cabbage by the versatility
of cooking. The fruits of cauliflower are the shoots with
embryo inflorescences containing a large amount of useful
substances [1, 2].
In Europe, cauliflower first appeared in the XVI-th cen-
tury. The largest areas with cauliflower are in Italy, France,
Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands. In Germany,
cauliflower accounts for 10 % of the area used for vegetable
plants. Cauliflower is widespread in America, Asia; in India,
it is grown on 32 % of world land [3, 4].
Among all types of cabbage, cauliflower ranks first in
terms of nutrients content, digestibility, and taste properties.
Cauliflower has a gentle consistency and is highly digested
by the human body. The content of protein in caulif lower is
1.5 ‒2.0 times higher than that in white-head cabbage, it is
2‒3 times richer in ascorbic acid and mineral salts of alkaline
character. The valuable feature of this plant is that fresh pro-
duce can be obtained over 6‒8 months a year [2].
Cauliflower is used as a raw material in the processing
industry. It is marinated, fermented, frozen, added to assorted
vegetables. Fermented cauliflower is used mainly for the prepa-
ration of assorted marinates. One can also use it for the first
and second meals.
The industry of frozen and canned vegetables depends
on the regular supply of raw materials. Quality and yield
of vegetables depend on factors in the environment during
their growth and development. As stated by the European
Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers (PROFEL),
the extreme drought that had recently occurred in Europe
led to the most serious problems in the EU vegetable sector
in the past 40 years. Due to the hot and dry weather that
lasted throughout July and August in most parts of the con-
tinent, vegetables continued to suffer and the yield dropped
sharply. Under such conditions, produce rotted in the fields,
which led to a decrease and irregular supply of fresh veg-
etables to processing enterprises, with the result being an
increase in production costs and a decrease in the volumes
of processed produce. At present, the situation for vegetable
producers, as well as for processing in general, has become
the most serious over the past 40 years. Particularly affected
by drought are France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany,
Great Britain, Hungary, and Poland [5]. Thus, studying
the impact of agricultural and biological factors on formation
of the nutritional value of cauliflower heads is a relevant task.
2. Literature review and problem statement
Modern science study vegetables as essential food products,
while some of them are used for therapeutic purposes. Certain
vegetables are rich in antioxidants, others are quite successful
in preventing the development of diseases. Some varieties of
cabbage contain useful substances for long-term preservation
of health and active human life [6]. Cauliflower reduces the risk
of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary
insufficiency, hypertension), as well as reduces the probability
of occurrence of congenital malformations [7].
The growth, development and yield of vegetable crops are
significantly affected by surrounding factors. Quality and
harvest level are the result of complex interaction between
the plant and the combination of these factors. It is impos-
sible to develop a rational system of agrotechnical measures
to obtain a sufficiently high yield of vegetables and retain
their quality without a knowledge of the state and changes in
the ratio of needs of plants. Varieties or hybrids that are
strongly dependent on the environmental factors will not be
able to implement their potential under stressful conditions.
The most successful in terms of industrial conditions would
be to cultivate specimens with a high reaction norm [8].
Since at farms, during all years of agricultural research, a
vegetable growing technique has remained practically un-
changed, the main influence on the variation in quality of
vegetable produce was exerted by meteorological factors.
Essential influence on the formation of the chemical com-
position of vegetables is produced by weather conditions of
the vegetation period. They are characterized by the sum of
active temperatures above 10 ˚С, the amount of precipita-
tion, as well as the hydrothermal coefficient of Selyaninov.
The influence of air temperature on the growth and devel-
opment of vegetable plants depends on biological charac-
teristics [9]. It is impossible to control abiotic factors under
conditions of open soil. Therefore, there is a need to study
the influence of abiotic factors on the process of formation
of biologically active compounds in tissues of cauliflower,
which would make it possible to predict its value and its
suitability for storage in order to be consumed fresh.
Cauliflower belongs to a group of cold-resistant vegetable
plants. Frost resistance of cauliflower is less than that of oth-
er types of cabbage. The plant is damaged at a temperature of
minus 2...3 ˚С. In hot weather, at insu fficient amount of mois-
ture, small leaves and small heads are formed on the plants.
Cauliflower can withstand high temperatures only at high
soil and air humidity; it has extremely high demands to
them. A well-seasoned seedling can withstand a short-term
drop in temperature to minus 5...7 ˚С while the unseasoned
seedling is damaged at minus 1 ˚C. Its early varieties are
damaged during the formation of inflorescences by a frost
of 2...3 ˚C, while its late varieties withstand a decrease in
temperature to minus 5 ˚C. The formation of cauliflower
heads is delayed when a low temperature period lasts for at
least two weeks [10].
For the normal growth and development of cauliflower
throughout the entire vegetation period, it is important to
provide moisture for plants. The plants grow and develop
well when relative air humidity is between 80 and 90 %, and
the moi st ure co nte nt of soi l is i n the ra nge of 75 ‒80 % HB [11].
The lack of moisture in soil slows the growth of plants and
leads to a premature formation of inflorescences (heads).
Excessive humidity causes damage to the plants by vascular
bacteriosis. Compared with white head cabbage, cauliflower
is more sensitive to the conditions of the environment [12].
However, the abiotic factors that have a dominant in-
fluence on the growth and development of plants, remain
uncertain for caulif lower depending on the special features
of a hybrid. The given data are generalizing in character.
Up to 70 % of all dry soluble substances in the heads of
cauliflower are represented by sugars. The content of sugars
in cauliflower significantly depends on the special features
of a variety and conditions of the vegetation period, it varies
from 2.5 to 6.0 %, including sucrose 1.1‒2.0 %. An important
indicator of nutritional value is ascorbic acid, which charac-
terizes the antioxidant activity of vegetables. It is known that
ascorbic acid (L ‒ ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin,
which is required for human life but is not synthesized by
the body. Its biological role is to protect the plant organism
from oxidative str ess. The content of ascorbic aci d in the hea ds
of caulif lower ranges from 40 to 180 mg/100 g. The raw pro-
tein content is from 1.6 to 2.5 %, in which pure protein is 83 %.
Technology and equipment of food production
The energy value of 100 g of products is 29 kcal or 121 kJ.
Very rich in nitrogenous substances are the upper parts of
the shoots, which form a bumpy surface of the head [3]. How-
ever, the author did not investigate formation of the nutri-
tional value of cauliflower under various weather conditions
during a vegetation period of the plant.
Cauliflower is a valuable dietary food product. A given kind
of cabbage contains riboflavin ‒ a vitamin that has the capa-
bility to accumulate in the liver, kidneys, heart, brain; it par-
ticipates in oxidative-recovering processes in all tissues of
the body. Its deficit leads to a metabolic disorder. Cauliflow-
er is one of the main sources of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP),
which provides oxidative-recovering processes in the body
and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. The heads of
cauliflower contain vitamin H1 (biotin). Biotin is involved
in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, it is produced
by the useful intestinal microflora and comes in large quan-
tities with food. In addition, cauliflower is characterized by
the optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus, which is needed
for better assimilation. In addition to enzymes and vitamins,
this kind of cabbage contains salts of cobalt, magnesium,
iodine [13]. However, the work describes caulif lower as a
valuable dietary food product. It should be noted that bio-
logical value is formed in the field and depends on the abiotic
environmental factors that were not investigated.
The influence of ai r temperatu re on the grow th and devel-
opment of vegetable crops depends on biological character-
istics. For example, sweet pepper forms a high-quality yield
when the sum of temperatures above 15 °C is over 1,900 °C,
eggplant ‒ 2,000 °C, and melon crops ‒ 2,200‒2,700 °C.
The required sum of active temperatures above 10 °C for
cauliflower fluctuates in a wide range of 650 ‒1,000 °C.
The degree of negative influence of suboptimal temperatures
on the quality of fruit and vegetable produce is determined
by the duration of exposure to an unfavorable factor [14].
A short-term effect of the stress temperature can stimulate
the plant’s protective forces, which leads to an increase in
the synthesis of antioxidant compounds [15]. Prolonged
exposure to critical temperatures leads to the disruption of
normal metabolic processes and the occurrence of physiolog-
ical disorders [14].
Thus, the above studies do not answer the questions re-
lated to the nutritional value of cauliflower. The formation
of components of the chemical composition of cauliflower
depending on the special features of a hybrid and conditions
of a vegetation period has been studied insufficiently. Under
existing conditions, when climate becomes warmer, extend-
ed and more detailed research into the formation of quality
of cold-resistant vegetable plants is a relevant task.
3. The aim and objectives of the study
The aim of this study was to investigate the formation of
the nutritional value of cauliflower, depending on weather
conditions of the vegetation period and the special features
of a hybrid.
To accomplish the aim, the following tasks have been set:
‒ to determine the content of certain components of
chemical composition in the heads of caulif lower, depending
on the special features of a hybrid and conditions of the veg-
etation period;
‒ to find the hybrids of cauliflower with the best nutri-
tional value.
4. Materials and methods to study the formation of the
nutritional value of cauliflower, chemical, organoleptic
Field experiments were conducted in accordance with
generally accepted procedures. The research was carried out
using the hybrids of early-ripening cauliflower: Livingstone F1,
Kul F1, Opal F1 (c ontro l ‒ Livingstone F1). The term of plant-
ing seedlings of early-ripening hybrids is the 1st decade of May.
The cultivation technique is by seedlings (we planted seedlings
with four or five actual leaves). The technique of plant arrange-
ment is ribbon-like with a layout of (40+100)×50 cm. Plant
density is 28.6 thousand pcs/ha. We repeated experiments four
times. It was a two-factor experiment: we studied the influence
of factor A ‒ special features of the hybrid, factor B ‒ conditions
of a vegetation period. The area of each sowing area is 21 m2.
The arrangement of variants is systematic.
5. Results of research into the formation of nutritional
value of cauliflower
5.1. The content of certa in components of chemical com-
position in the heads of caulif lower, depending on special
features of the hybrid and conditions of a vegetation period
The content of components of the chemical composition
in the heads of cauliflower defines its nutritional and dietary
value. The content of a component in produce depends on
special features of the hybrid and the weather conditions un-
der which it was formed. The optimal temperature for form-
ing the heads of cauliflower is 15...18 ºС; small heads form
and quickly break at a temperature above 20 ºС. Prolonged
growing of cauliflower at a temperature below 8 ºС leads to
the slower head formation [11].
Over the period when the heads of early hybrid cauli-
flower ripened in 2015, air temperature was 2.7 ºC lower
compared to a long-term indicator; precipitation rate was
81 % of the normal level; air humidity was 52 %. Under
such conditions, dry substances accumulated in the heads
of cauliflower in the amount of 8.4‒10 % (Fig. 1). More dry
substances, depending on the hybrid, accumulated over
the arid and hot year of 2017: 10.0 ‒12.3 %. The drought
during head ripening in 2016 contributed to the accumula-
tion of dry substances at the level of 9.8 ‒16.0 %. At the same
time, the difference between the hybrids, as regards this
indicator, was significant (HIP05=0.3 %).
It was found by using a dispersion analysis that the accu-
mulation of dry substances in the heads of caulif lower depends
by 18 % on special features of a hybrid (factor A), by 50 % ‒ on
conditions of a vegetation period (factor B); the combined
effect of factors AB accounts for 29 %, other factors (elements
of a cultivation technology, etc.) ‒ 3 %.
The co ntent of dr y
substance s, %
Fig.1. Content of dry substances in the heads of early-
ripening hybrids of cauliflower, %: – Livingstone F1,
– Kul F1, – Opal F1
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 6/11 ( 96 ) 2018
Dry soluble substances are carbohydrates, nitrogenous
substances, acids, tannins, enzymes, mineral salts, water-sol-
uble vitamins, etc. A larger part of this group of compounds
is represented by carbohydrates, mainly sugars [3]. It was
established that the content of dry soluble substances in
the heads of the early-ripening hybrids of cauliflower during
2015‒2017 was in the range of 6.1‒10.9 % (Fig. 2), depending
on the hybrid. They accumulated in larger amounts in 2016
and 2017. In this case, 2017 was characterized by hot and dry
conditions of the vegetation period, and 2016 ‒ by hot weather
and uneven precipitation. The difference between hybrids was
significant (HIP05=0.2 %). A similar effect of weather con-
ditions during vegetation period on the accumulation of dry
soluble substances and sugars was demonstrated in the fruits
of eggplant and sweet pepper [16] and berry cultures [17‒19].
We analyzed a ratio of the content of dry soluble sub-
stances to the content of dry substances in the heads of cau-
liflower. The ratio factor was 1.48. The content of dry soluble
substances is determined by an express analysis at a refrac-
tometer. Thus, taking into consideration the coefficient, it is
possible to rapidly determine the content of dry substances
in the heads of cauliflower, which is of practical importance.
The regression equation was constructed, by using which
one can predict the content of dry substances in the heads of
cauliflower, depending on the content of dr y soluble substances.
where у is the content of dry substances, %; х is the content
of dry soluble substances, %.
Correlation coefficient is R2=0.892; error in the correla-
tion coefficient is 0.173, criterion of significance of the correla-
tion coefficient (t05) is 5.16, at γ= n–2=7, t05=1.65.
Thus, there is a close correlation between the content of
dry substances and dry soluble substances in cauliflower,
which is essential at a 5 % level of significance of t05f˃t05t..
A mathematical dependence could form a basis for deci-
Sugars underlie energy metabolism in a plant cell.
During 2015 ‒2017, a difference between the cauliflower
hybrids (Fig. 3) in terms of the total content of sugars in the
heads was significant (HIP05=0.2 %).
On average, over the years of our research, Livingstone F1
was characterized by the larger total sugar content ‒ 4.6 %,
Kul F1 had a smaller content ‒ 3.1 %.
A dispersion analysis revealed that 55 % of the effect on
the total content of sugars in the heads of cauliflower was ex-
erted by a hybrid special feature (factor A). Influence of con-
ditions of the vegetation period (factor B) accounted for 4 %;
the combined effect of factors AB ‒ 31 %; other factors ‒ 11 %.
During 2015‒2017, the content of reducing sugars in
the cauliflower heads of the hybrid Livingstone F1 f luctuat-
ed within a range of 2. 3 ‒3.1 %; Kul F1 ‒ 2.0 ‒2.3 %; Opal F1 ‒
1.8‒2.8 % (Fig. 4). At the same time, the hybrids differed
significantly for this indicator (HIP05=0.1 %). The highest
content of reducing sugars was found in Livingstone F1, it
was 2.6 % on average over the years of our research. Opal F1
and Kul F1 had a lower content of reducing sugars ‒ 2.4 and
2.1 %, respectively.
It was established using a dispersion analysis that the con-
tent of reducing sugars in the heads of caulif lower (factor A)
was affected by 23 % by a special feature of the hybrid; a
proportion of effect from the conditions of a vegetation period
(factor B) was 1 %; the combined effect of factors AB account-
ed for 60 %, others ‒ 17 %.
The sucrose content in the heads of cauliflower over
the years fluctuated in a range of 1.4‒2.4 % for Livingstone
F1, 0.8‒1.0 % ‒ for Kul F1, 0.7‒1.7 % for Opal F1 (Fig. 5); in
this case, the difference between the hybrids was significant
(HIP05=0.1 %).
A dispersion analysis revealed that a special feature of
the hybrid (factor A) influenced the content of sucrose in
the heads of cauliflower by 47 %; conditions of the vegeta-
tion period accounted for 10 % (factor B); the combined ac-
tion of factors AB accounted for 28 %, other factors ‒ 14 %.
The largest amount of ascorbic acid in the heads of cauli-
flower was found in Kul F1; over the years, its content ranged
from 147.1 to 232.3 mg/100 g (Fig. 6).
2015р. 2 016р. 2 017р.
The content of dry
soluble substances, %
Fig. 2. Content of dry soluble substances in the heads of
early-ripening hybrids of cauliflower, %: – Livingstone F1,
– Kul F1, – Opal F1
2015р. 2016р. 2017р.
The total
content of
sugars, %
Fig. 3. Total sugar content in the heads of early-ripening
hybrids of cauliflower, %: ‒ Livingstone F1, – Kul F1,
– Opal F1
2015р. 2016р. 2017р.
The co ntent o f
reducing sugars, %
Fig. 4. Content of reducing sugars in the heads of
early-ripening hybrids of cauliflower, %: ‒ Livingstone F1,
– Kul F1, – Opal F1
2015р. 2016р. 2017р.
The cont ent of
sucrose, %
Fig. 5. Sucrose content in the heads of early-ripening hybrids
of cauliflower, %: ‒ Livingstone F1, – Kul F1, – Opal F1
Technology and equipment of food production
It should be noted that for the early-ripening hybrids a
given indicator was the highest in 2015, when weather con-
ditions at the time of head ripening were less arid compared
to others. On average, over the years of research, the highest
content of ascorbic acid was found in the Kul F1 hybrid ‒
184.6 mg/100 g, for Livingstone F1 and Opal F
1 ‒ by 30.0
and 76.7 mg/100 g less, respectively. A dispersion analysis
revealed that the content of ascorbic acid in the heads of cau-
liflower depended by 56 % on special features of the hybrid
(factor A), by 15 % ‒ on the conditions of a vegetation period
(factor B), the combined effect of factors AB accounted for
11 %, other factors ‒ 19 %.
5. 2. Comparative evaluation of caulif lower heads in
terms of nutrition value.
On average, over the years of research, dry substances ac-
cumulated in the heads of caulif lower hybrids in the amount of
9.9‒12.5 %. The largest content of dry substances was found
in the hybrids Livingstone F1 and Opal F1: 12.5 and 11.9 %,
respectively; a smaller amount, in Kul F1 ‒ 9.9 %.
The dry soluble substances accumulated in the heads
of the early-ripening cauliflower hybrids in the amount of
7.2 ‒8.3 %, depending on the hybrid: the highest content ‒ in
Opal F1 – 8.3 %, the lowest ‒ in Kul F1, 7.2 %.
It was established that the content of dry substances in
the heads of cauliflower depends, by 10 %, on special features
of the hybrid; by 77 % ‒ on weather conditions of the vege-
tation period.
The total content of sugars in the hybrids fluctuated
in the following manner: for Livingstone F1 – in a range of
3.8‒5.6 %, for Opal F1 – 3.3‒4.2 %, for Kul F1 – 3.0–3.1 %.
On average, over 2015-2017, the heads of Livingstone F1
contained sucrose in the amount of 1.8 %, which is 0.5 and
0.9 % higher that that for Opal F1 and Kul F1, respectively.
The hybrid Livingstone F1 accumulated significantly less
ascorbic acid (НІР05=12.8 mg/100 g): 145.2–168.4 mg/100 g
and Opal F1: 104.5‒112.3 mg/100 g.
Thus, among the examined hybrids of cauliflower, the hy-
brid Livingstone F1 ranked first by the content of dry substanc-
es, sugar, sucrose, while Opal F1 differed a little.
6. Discussion of results of studying the formation of
nutritional value of cauliflower
Formation of the components of chemical composition
of cauliflower over 2015‒1017 occurred within the range of
the following indicators for thermal resources of the vege-
tation period: average daily temperature was 20.5…21.1 ºС,
the sum of temperatures was 2,490.5–2, 560.5 ºC, the sum of
precipitation was 97.5–279.5 mm, HTC=0.4‒1.1, relative air
humidity was 26‒52 %.
We conducted a correlation analysis of the dependence
of weather conditions of a vegetation period on the content
of components of chemical composition in the heads of cau-
liflower. It was found that the content of dry substances
for the hybrids Livingstone F1 and Opal F
1 had a strong
inverse relationship to air humidity during head formation:
r=–0.89…–0.93; a direct average relation to the average
daily air temperature and the sum of active temperatures; as
well as strong direct relations to the amount of precipitation
and HTC of the vegetation period.
The content of dry substances in the heads of Kul F1
hybrid had a strong direct correlation with air humidity
during their formation (r=0.99) and a strong inverse depen-
dence on the remaining indicators for a vegetation period:
The content of dry soluble substances in the heads of
cauliflower had a strong inverse relationship to air humidity:
r=‒0.78...‒0.97. In the hybrids Livingstone F1 and Opal F1
we observed a strong direct correlation between a given in-
dicator and the sum of precipitation and HTC of the vegeta-
tion period. The content of dry soluble substances in Living-
stone F1 had a relation of average power to the average daily
temperature of air and the sum of active temperatures during
vegetation period: r=0.63 and 0.58, respectively (Table 1).
Table 1
Correlation coefficients (r) between the content of
components of chemical composition of cauliflower heads
and conditions of vegetation period
Indicator Hybrid
es, %
Dry soluble
es, %
content of
sugars, %
mg/100 g
stone F10.62 0.78 −0.35 −0.30
Kul F1−0.90 −0.48 −0.80 −0.99
Opal F10.69 0.58 0.71 −0.36
Σact t>10 ºС
stone F10.45 0.63 −0.15 −0.17
Kul F1−0.80 0.23 0.92 −0.20
Opal F10.53 0.41 0.56 −0.17
Sum of pre-
stone F10.62 0.78 −0.35 −0.30
Kul F1−0.91 0.42 0.82 −0.39
Opal F10.69 0.58 0.72 −0.37
Air humidi-
ty, %
stone F1−0.89 −0.97 0.71 0.67
Kul F10.99 −0.78 −0.50 0.75
Opal F1−0.93 −0.87 −0.94 0.73
daily t, ºС
stone F10.38 0.58 −0.80 −0.20
Kul F1−0.76 0.16 0.94 −0.13
Opal F10.47 0.34 0.50 −0.1
The total content of sugars in the heads of Kul F1 hybrid
had a strong direct dependence on the average da ily tempera-
ture and the sum of active temperatures during vegetation
period (r=0.92‒0.94). The hybrid Livingstone F1 showed a
strong direct correlation between the total sugar content
and air humidity during head formation (r=0.71). Other
hybrids had an inverse dependence on a given indicator:
Opal F1 ‒ strong, Kul F1 ‒ medium. The content of ascorbic
acid had a strong direct dependence on air humidity during
head formation (r=0.67...0.75). As regards other weather
2015р. 2016р. 2017р.
168.4 145.2 150.3
147.1 174.5
112.3 104.5 106.8
The content o f
ascorbic acid,
mg/100 g
Fig. 6. Content of ascorbic acid in the heads of early-ripening
hybrids of cauliflower, mg/100 g:
‒ Livingstone F1, – Kul F1, – Opal F1
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 6/11 ( 96 ) 2018
indicators, the correlation was weak (Tabl 1). Similar obser-
vations over other vegetable crops were performed by some
scientists. Temperatures above 30 ºC suppress the normal
ripening of vegetables. Thus, fruits of tomato demonstrate
the insufficient development of color, softening, an increase
in the intensity of breathing and production of ethylene. It is
known that the maximum temperatures of vegetation, close
to 40 ºC, cause metabolic disorders in tomato fruits and con-
tribute to the development of fungal and bacterial diseases
during storage. The clear symptoms of thermal burns of
tomatoes are yellowish-white spots at the fruit surface [20].
High vegetation temperatures also lead to sunburns and
wilting of pepper fruits [14]. Elevated temperatures during
vegetation also affect the determinants of vegetable quality.
Titrated acidity increases by 20 %, while the content of dry
soluble substances is reduced by 10 % in the tomatoes that
were exposed to direct sunlight [20]. Solar radiation and
temperature exert a great influence on the accumulation
of sugars. Under normal growing conditions, it is difficult
to separate the effect of these factors. Higher temperatures
(from 26 to 30 ºC) lead to an increase in the amount of
sugars in the process of fruit formation. Increasing the tem-
perature several days before harvesting sometimes lowers
the sugar content, presumably due to the increased breath-
ing at higher temperatures [21, 22].
The accumulation of sugars in Brussels sprouts is also sup-
pressed by high air temperatures. More to the point, vegetable
crops grown at high temperatures during a ripening period are
more susceptible to physiological disorders during storage [23].
Under conditions of a stressful elevated temperature,
tomatoes form fruits with a higher content of phenolic
compounds, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and sug-
ars. Under such conditions, they have a higher antioxidant
activity, but are characterized by a lower level of lycopene,
responsible for the red color of tomatoes [24].
However, lower temperatures of cultivation favorably
affect the coloration of cucumber peel. The fruits grown
at an average temperature of 23 ºC (winter season) had a
darker skin color than the fruits grown at 28 ºC (spring sea-
son) [25]. Such results are explained by authors by that the
critical temperature for degradation of chlorophyll is 28 ºC,
which contributes to the loss of green coloration. The cu-
cumbers grown during winter season had a 0.2‒0.4 % larger
content of dry soluble substances. Many studies indicate
that the beneficial effect on increasing the concentration of
ascorbic acid is due to low temperatures.
Low stressful temperatures enhance the synthesis of
ascorbic acid in pepper [26]. Low temperatures can also
directly affect the organoleptic properties of vegetables.
The pepper, grown at temperatures below 17 ºC, is charac-
terized by smaller fruits and by the increased level of risk
for the development of gray rot. Low temperatures lead to
the emergence of curvaceous cucumbers and distorted shape
of pepper [27]. It was found that cucumbers grown at low
temperatures often have bitter taste. This is due to the ac-
celeration of synthesis of proteins and the high activity of
HMGCoA reductase, which provokes the synthesis of cu-
curbitacin, responsible for the emergence of bitter taste [28].
Thus, it is needed for each plant to determine the dura-
tion of a vegetation period, and at certain stages of develop-
ment ‒ determining the number of days with a temperature
higher than the minimum.
However, the study was conducted within a limited
range of daily average temperature ‒ 20.5...21.1 ºC, the sum
of active temperatures above 10 ºC ‒ 2,490.5‒2,560.5 ºC,
the sum of precipitation over a vegetation period ‒ 97. 5‒
279.5 mm, HTC=0.4‒1.1.
Further promising directions of our research are the sci-
entific approach to programming the crop of caulif lower with
the predefined indicators of quality. A prerequisite is the com-
prehensive consideration of all factors and living conditions of
plants for each specific territory, taking into account the ratio
of environmental factors.
7. Conclusions
1. The result of research is the established fact that
growth and development of the early-ripening hybrids of
caulif lower occurs with in the ran ge of aver age daily tempera-
ture of 20.5...21.1 ºC, the sum of active temperatures above
10 ºC ‒ 2,490.5 ‒2, 560.5 ºC, the amount of precipitation over
a vegetation period – 97.5‒ 279.5 mm, HTC=0.4 ‒1.1.
The content of dry substa nces in the heads of the early-rip-
ening hybrids has a strong inverse relationship to air humid-
ity during head formation: r=−0.89...−0.93, as well as strong
direct relations to the sum of precipitation and HTC of the
vegetation period. The content of dry soluble substances had
a strong inverse relationship to air humidity: r=−0.78...−0.9 7.
2. On average, over the years of our research, the larg-
est content of dry substances was noted in the hybrids
Livingstone F1 and Opal F
1: 12.5 and 11.9 %, respectively.
The content of dry soluble substances was the highest in Opal
F1 ‒ 8.3 %. Livingstone F1 was characterized by the highest
overall content of sugars ‒ 4.6 %. The highest content of ascor-
bic acid was observed in the hybrid Kul F1 ‒ 184.6 mg/100 g.
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