Conference Paper

The Causes and Solutions of Poverty Agricultural Rural Areas The Case Of Konya Province,Turkey

  • Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Agricultural Faculty
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... Furthermore, according to province development rank issued by the Ministry of Development, it is 26 th out of 81 cities. Therefore, supported by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Directorate-General for Agrarian Policy, "Analysis of Poverty in Agricultural Enterprises in Konya and Modelling of Appropriate Strategies" project has been carried out, and migration and poverty has been treated as an output of the same project (Oğuz and et al., 2010;Oğuz, Ergün, Kan & Demiröz, 2012;. Especially, it has been established that almost 2.5 times the number of population living in Region of Lakes Agricultural Basin has migrated. ...
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Geographical indication is an industrial property right protected by Decree published in 1995 in Turkey. Geographical indications (GI) can be considered as part of a decentralization movement towards globalization. Especially in rural areas, geographical indications can be used as a rural development tool and it makes one of the focal points of local and regional development efforts. On February 2011, the number of product received as a geographical indication is 139 and one of them is "Akşehir Kirazı" is registered in 2004 in Turkey. In this study we examined the possibility of geographical indications using a local development tool and interviewed with producers, firms, government and autonomous organizations, and fruit and vegetable brokers they are the most important stakeholders of the cherry. The main material of the study was formed primary data derived from survey and in-depth interviews with stakeholders. In addition that, SWOT analysis for cherry and geographical indication was made by compiling data collected from all stakeholders in the region. We examined the impact of geographical indications to local economic development in the region and how an organizational model should be established in Afyonkarahisar province Sultandağ region and Konya province Akşehir region. As a result, cherry, which are important for the region's economy, was primary source of producer’s income. 48.46% of the enterprises, 72.50% of fruit and vegetable brokers and 7.14% of firms indicated to hear geographical indication term. While the price increase is coming at the beginning of the expectations of all stakeholders interviewed, the presentation of the region and the product and the protection product right followed it. Examined the effect of geographical indication to the region, the use of the indication does not meet the expectations of stakeholders. The difficulties on the name of GI (Akşehir Kirazı), lack of information and not enough communication between agencies and reluctance of companies on usage the geographical indication in their own brands were the most effective factors in preventing the efficient use of the geographical indication.
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