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International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
Sylwia Gwoździewicz 1)
Dariusz Prokopowicz 2)
Jan Grzegorek 3)
Martin Dahl 4)
1) PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Management
and Marketing, Lazarski University
(Warsaw, Poland)
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
2) PhD Department of Journalism, Information and Bibliography,
University of Warsaw
(Warsaw, Poland)
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
3) PhD, Department of Journalism, Information and Bibliography
University of Warsaw
(Warsaw, Poland)
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
4) PhD, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and
Management, Lazarski University
(Warsaw, Poland)
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
Currently, business analytics uses computerized platforms containing ready-made re-
porting formulas in the field of Business Intelligence. In recent years, software companies
supporting enterprise management offer advanced applications of information-analytical
Business Intelligence class systems consisting of modular development of these systems
and combining business intelligence software with platforms that use data warehouse
technology, multi-dimensional analytical processing software and data mining and pro-
cessing applications. This article describes an example of this type of computerized ana-
lytical platform for business entities, which is included in analytical applications that
allow quick access to necessary, aggregated and multi-criteria processed information.
The software allows entrepreneurs and corporate managers as well as entities from the
SME sector on the one hand to use embedded patterns of reports or analyzes, and on the
other hand to self-develop and configure analyzes carried out, tailored to the specifics of
a specific entity. Such analytical applications make it possible to build integrated risk
management systems in the organization.
Keywords: risk management, digitization of business processes, computerization of eco-
nomic analyzes, corporate finance, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Internet, integrated
risk management system
Obecnie w analityce biznesowej wykorzystywane są zinformatyzowane platformy zawie-
rające gotowe formuły raportowania w zakresie Business Intelligence. W ostatnich latach
producenci oprogramowania wspomagającego zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem oferują
zawansowane zastosowania informacyjno-analitycznych systemów klasy Business Intel-
ligence polegające na modułowej rozbudowie tych systemów i łączeniu oprogramowania
analityki biznesowej z platformami wykorzystującymi technologię hurtowni danych,
oprogramowaniem wielowymiarowego przetwarzania analitycznego oraz aplikacjami
eksploracji i przetwarzania danych. W niniejszym artykule opisano przykład tego typu
zinformatyzowanej platformy analitycznej dla podmiotów gospodarczych, która zalicza
się do aplikacji analitycznych umożliwiających szybki dostęp do niezbędnych, zagrego-
wanych i wielokryterialnie przetwarzanych informacji. Oprogramowanie to pozwala
przedsiębiorcom i menadżerom korporacji jak również podmiotów z sektora MSP z jednej
strony na korzystanie z wbudowanych wzorców raportów czy analiz, a z drugiej na sa-
modzielne opracowywanie i konfigurowanie przeprowadzanych analiz, dostosowanych
do specyfiki konkretnego podmiotu. Tego typu aplikacje analityczne umożliwiają zbudo-
wanie w organizacji systemów zintegrowanego zarządzania ryzykiem
Słowa kluczowe: zarządzanie ryzykiem, cyfryzacja procesów biznesowych, informatyza-
cja analiz ekonomicznych, finanse przedsiębiorstw, Big Data, Business Intelligence, In-
ternet, zintegrowany system zarządzania ryzykiem
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
В настоящее время в бизнес-аналитике используются компьютеризированные
платформы, содержащие готовые формулы отчетности. В последние годы
компании-разработчики программного обеспечения, поддерживающие управление
предприятием, предлагают передовые приложения информационно-
аналитических систем класса Business Intelligence, состоящие из модульной
разработки этих систем и объединения программного обеспечения для бизнес-
аналитики с платформами, использующими технологию хранилища данных,
многомерным программным обеспечением для аналитической обработки и
приложениями для анализа и обработки данных. В этой статье описан пример
компьютеризированной аналитической платформы этого типа для бизнес-
субъектов, которая включена в аналитические приложения, которые
обеспечивают быстрый доступ к необходимой, агрегированной и
многокритериальной обработанной информации. Программное обеспечение
позволяет предпринимателям и корпоративным менеджерам, а также
организациям из сектора МСП, с одной стороны, использовать встроенные
шаблоны отчетов или анализов, а с другой стороны, самостоятельно
разрабатывать и конфигурировать выполняемые анализы с учетом специфики
конкретной организации. Аналитические приложения такого типа позволяют
строить интегрированные системы управления рисками в организации.
Ключевые слова: управление рисками, оцифровка бизнес-процессов,
компьютеризация экономических анализов, корпоративные финансы, Интернет,
интегрированная система управления рисками
Article history: Received: 18.09.2018 / Accepted: 15.12.2018 / Published: 30.12.2018
JEL Classification: O 3, O 30, O 32
Statement of the problem in general outlook and its connection with important
scientific and practical tasks.
Rapid progress has been made in the field
of the use of computerized analytical Busi-
ness Intelligence platforms supporting
business management processes in recent
years. To the area of the fastest growing
fields of ICT, which support business man-
agement processes, belongs dissemination
of standards for the transfer of information
and carrying out financial operations in the
cloud as well as using the large data sets
located in the Big Data platforms. Current
Big Data technology solutions are not only
large databases, but data warehouses al-
lowing for multi-aspect analysis of huge
sets of quantitative data made for the pur-
poses of reports submitted periodically to
the managerial staff (Gwoździewicz S.,
Prokopowicz D., 2016a, p. 229-230).
Enterprises striving for market and busi-
ness success try to build their competitive
advantage by implementing new IT solu-
tions for their operations. One of the areas
of activity of companies and institutions
significantly affecting the efficiency of
their functioning is the issue of efficient
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
risk management in the context of the or-
ganization's management process. The is-
sue of improving the risk management pro-
cess has gained a new meaning in the con-
text of the global financial crisis that ap-
peared in autumn 2008. The specificity of
this crisis was its systemic char-acter and
the huge potential scale of bankruptcy of
many entities, including banks, insurance
companies and enter-prises (Domańska-
Szaruga B., Prokopowicz D., 2015, p. 37-
48). In the context of the discussed issue,
the issue of risk management is particularly
important, including the improvement of
integrated risk management systems using
currently available IT solutions.
Many studies show that the efficient use of
information technology and information
resources of an organization affects the
quality of decision making in the business
management process. Risk management
should be based on a prior analysis of reli-
able and up-to-date information about
counterparties, market data and business
activities (Prokopowicz D., 2014, p. 148 -
149). More and more companies and finan-
cial institutions use for this purpose busi-
ness analyzes conducted on IT platforms
offering Business Intelligence solutions
(Gendron M. S., 2014, p. 157).
It is assumed that the analyzes carried out
with the use of computerized Business In-
telligence applications make it easier for
managers to conduct real-time analyzes of
large data sets related to the company's op-
erations. Therefore, the dominant opinion
is that Business Intelligence solutions (An-
alizy BI, 2017) are becoming more and
more use-ful in organizational manage-
ment processes. Considering the analytical
and technological abilities of these appli-
cations, they are also well suited for build-
ing integrated risk management systems in
the organization. Integrated risk manage-
ment systems are also built in business or-
ganizations operating in Poland, mainly in
corporations and financial institutions
(Dmowski A., Prokopowicz D., 2010, p.
335). The process of building and gradu-
ally improv-ing these systems in Poland
began in the second half of the 90s.
The downside of the analytical processes in
enterprises is their time-consumption. In
addition, the scope of this time-consuming,
e.g. calculated by the number of analysts
and managers' work hours, may addition-
ally increase along with the increasing in-
formation resources collected on the Inter-
net. Experts in the global network issue es-
timate that the Internet information re-
source doubles in approximately every two
years. On the other hand, global-ly operat-
ing Internet companies such as Google or
Facebook in their Big Data bases (Mayer-
Schonberger V., 2015, p. 34) collect data
about Internet users in such a wide range
that they are not able to precisely predict to
what this collected information will be
used in 5 years. The Internet is not a static
medium, because online libraries and other
knowledge bases are rapidly changing and
increasing. Therefore, enterprises actively
using the opportunities offered by the In-
ternet in their activities should effectively
use the information resources contained in
the global network, taking into account the
dynamic nature of the variability of data
collected on the Internet (Surma J., 2016,
p. 57). The scope of the use of information
and technological possibilities of the Inter-
net by economic entities is constantly
growing and currently it is impossible to
determine the limits of this development.
More and more enterprises, financial and
public institutions define the Internet (in
the context of their business) as a medium
that can not be ignored. More and more or-
ganizations are observing the need to up-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
date and process information on the Inter-
net and want to improve the Internet mar-
keting techniques (Wehbe B., Decker J.,
Alexander M., 2015, p. 62-63). Organiza-
tions use the information and technological
abilities of the global network in the con-
text of analyti-cal processes carried out in
the Business Intelligence formula, manag-
ers are making decisions on a base of these
processes (Radziszewski P., 2016, p. 43).
IT systems containing embedded analytical
applications that integrate most or all of the
business entity's activities have been built
since the 1990s in financial institutions, in-
cluding large commercial banks operating
in Poland. These systems, usually referred
to as integrated IT systems, combine many
activities of institutions, thus replacing
several independent applications operating
in different departments. As a result, insti-
tutions of the market financial system from
the end of the last century usually set key
trends in the development of ICT and the
construction of integrated IT systems.
However, in recent years, the issue of elec-
tronic transfer and processing of large data
sets is also increasingly applicable to other
types of entities, including non-financial
enterprises and public institutions, due to
the ongoing digitization of enterprises and
public institutions (Gwoździewicz S.,
2014, p. 74). The most dynamically devel-
oping fields of ICT technology (which de-
termine the successive stages of progress in
the field of internet data transmission) in-
clude the dissemination of data pro-cessing
standards in the cloud computing as well as
using the large data sets located in the Big
Data platforms (Libuda Ł., 2016, p. 17). In
connection with the above, a technological
revolution is currently underway, which
will allow for computerized integration of
many areas of analytical activity conducted
in organizations, including enterprises, fi-
nancial and public institutions. In recent
years, computerized analytical Business
Intelligence plat-forms and Big Data data-
base systems are used to improve processes
of business analysis and risk quantification
Analysis of latest research where the solution of the problem was initiated.
The issues of the use of computerized Busi-
ness Intelligence analytics platforms and
data processing in Big Data database sys-
tems in integrated risk management pro-
cesses in economic entities described in the
present study were discussed in numerous
scientific publications by scientists operat-
ing in various scientific environments and
originating from various countries; these
issues have global character. The increase
in the interest of scientists in these issues
results from its timeliness and high level of
significance and from the growing im-
portance of Business Intelligence analytics
and data processing in Big Data database
systems. Through verification of opinions,
considerations, conclusions and research
theses contained in the cited publications
the main research aspects and the outline of
of supporting business entities manage-
ment processes with the use of information
processing in Big Data database systems
and computerized Business Intelligence
analytics platforms were formulated. Main
research aspects and the outline of the ana-
lyzed topic were used as the basis for de-
termining the objectives and research
methods used in this study. The aims of pa-
per and research methods are presented in
the next section of this article. The basis for
these main components of the research pro-
cess that was carried out in this study was
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
to define a synthetic image of the problem
of management support in business entities
by using information processing in Big
Data database systems and computerized
Business Intelligence analytics platforms
after collecting analytical data and verify-
ing the conclusions contained in the quoted
publications. Prior to the research, collect-
ing and developing research results on var-
ious aspects of the issues of supporting
business entity management processes
through the use of computerized Business
Intelligence analytics platforms and infor-
mation processing in Big Data database
systems, the authors of this study have re-
viewed the literature on the above-men-
tioned issues. Determining and specifying
the research problem, which was then char-
acterized and analyzed in this article, was
preceded by a review of the publications in
which key issues were Business Intelli-
gence and Big Data. The review of the lit-
erature shows that the topic of Business In-
telligence and Big Data applications in the
company management process described
in various publications were examined
only on selected issues, while no attempt
was made to synthetically capture the prob-
lem, and to consider all key aspects of the
Business Intelligence analytics and big
data technologies; considerations does not
have an interdisciplinary attribute and the
conclusions from the research was not a de-
rivative of a fully synthetic approach. Syn-
thetic research approach has been used in
this study. One of the key methodological
premises of the present study of the use of
computerized Business Intelligence analyt-
ics platforms and data processing in Big
Data database systems in integrated risk
management processes in business entities
was the application of a synthetic research
approach to achieve interdisciplinary com-
bination of various aspects of the described
and researched issues of Business Analyt-
ics applications Intelligence and Big Data
technology in the business management
process. The key conclusions that were for-
mulated in the summary part are a deriva-
tive of the synthetic research approach
used. Based on the content of the studied
source materials and expert publications, it
has been demonstrated that in recent years
the problem of supporting risk manage-
ment processes in business entities through
the use of information processing in Big
Data technology and Business Intelligence
platforms is among the most developmen-
tal areas in the field of practical applica-
tions of the process organization manage-
ment as well as scientific research of this
issue. This article describes the issues of
the applications of Business Intelligence
analytics and Big Data technology in the
enterprise management process with the
use of a synthetic approach to research and
considerations undertaken by authors in
earlier publications: A. Dmowski
(Dmowski A., Prokopowicz D., 2010); D.
Prokopowicz (Prokopowicz D., 2003, Pro-
kopowicz D., 2013, Prokopowicz D., 2014,
Prokopowicz D., 2015), S. Gwoździewicz
(Gwoździewicz S., 2014; Gwoździewicz
S., Prokopowicz D., 2016a, b ), J. Grze-
gorek (Grzegorek J., Prokopowicz D.,
2017), B. Domańska-Szaruga (Domańska-
Szaruga B., Prokopowicz D., 2015) and
other authors of the cited publications.
Aims of paper. Methods.
Before writing this article, a literature re-
view of the issues of supporting risk man-
agement processes in business entities
through the use of information processing
in Big Data technology and in Business In-
telligence platforms has been made. The
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
literature review was also preceded by
specifying the key issues, which were ana-
lyzed, the objectives of the research under-
taken and the formulation of key questions
and research thesis. The subject of this
work initially defined conceptually and ax-
iomatically was also clarified after the re-
view of publications of other researchers
regarding the application of Big Data data-
base systems and business analytics appli-
cations in the pro-cesses of integrated risk
management in the organization. In view of
the above, the article presents an analysis
of the application of Business Intelligence
analytics and Big Data technology in the
business management process in a syn-
thetic approach.
The analysis of source materials shows that
the studied issues of the topic of the use of
computerized Business Intelligence analyt-
ics platforms and data processing in Big
Data database systems in integrated risk
man-agement processes in enterprises have
been described and considered in the cur-
rent scientific literature only in selected as-
pects. No attempts have been made to carry
out research that would consist in develop-
ing a synthetic approach to this problem. A
full synthetic approach would integrate
various key aspects of supporting risk man-
agement processes in business entities
through the use of information processing
in Big Data database systems and comput-
erized Business Intelligence platforms, the
considerations would have an interdiscipli-
nary attribute and the conclusions from the
research would also have a synthetic ap-
proach. This type of research approach has
been used in this study. One of the key
methodological premises of the analysis of
Business Intelligence and Big Data in the
business management process was the use
of a fully objective description of all prem-
ises, conditions, components of the ana-
lyzed topic and factors affecting particular
aspects of Business Intelligence analytics
and Big Data tech-nology. While analyzing
the problem of the use of computerized
Business Intelligence analytics platforms
and data processing in Big Data database
systems in integrated risk management
processes in business entities, the authors
of this study have verified the theses and
conclusions formulated by the authors of
the cited publications. Verified theses and
conclusions that repeatedly represented a
diverse view, heterogeneous evaluation of
key as-pects of the topic in terms of their
level of significance and identified correla-
tions were used to formulate key questions
and research theses for this study. Based on
the verification, conclusions were formu-
lated, which were included in the summary
part. While formulating these conclusions,
the research carried out was guided by the
principle of scientific objectivity, impar-
tiality and synthetic of the research ap-
During the research, various research
methods were used, which were listed be-
low: descriptive and com-parative meth-
ods, inductive reasoning, deductive reason-
ing, descriptive-vector method, media ob-
servation meth-od. The choice of methods
was determined by the type of research ma-
terials in which various aspects of the prob-
lem of supporting risk management pro-
cesses in business entities through the use
of information processing in Big Data da-
tabase systems and computerized Business
Intelligence analytics platforms were de-
scribed. The purpose of presenting key is-
sues of the subject, explaining particularly
important relationships, correlations be-
tween the components of the application of
computerized Business Intelligence plat-
forms and data processing in Big Data da-
tabase systems in integrated risk manage-
ment processes in business entities mainly
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
uses a descriptive method. The compara-
tive method was used primarily in the com-
parisons of selected aspects of the studied
issues of appli-cations of Business Intelli-
gence analytics and Big Data technology in
the process of managing various business
entities. Inductive reasoning was used to
select unambiguous facts and aspects of the
problem of supporting busi-ness entity
management processes through the use of
Business Intelligence analytics and infor-
mation processing in Big Data technology
meeting the requirement of indisputability
in their experimental verification.
In connection with the above, guided by the
principle of scientific objectivity, impar-
tiality and synthetics of the research based
on the verification of the content of the
cited publications for the purpose of this
study, the following main research thesis
was formulated: In recent years, the im-
portance of supporting management pro-
cesses, including risk management in busi-
ness entities information processing in Big
Data database systems and computerized
Business Intelligence analytics platforms is
increasing. The final part of this study con-
tains a reference to the verifying the re-
search thesis.
Exposition of main material of research with complete substantiation
of obtained scientific results. Discussion.
Determinants of the implementation of in-
tegrated risk management in corporations
and financial institutions
The development of computer science, the
increase in the importance of derivatives on
capital markets, new distribution channels
for products, services, factors of produc-
tion and information, deregulation of fi-
nancial markets, the development of over-
national corporations are factors that deter-
mined the processes of economic globali-
zation since the 1970s (Gwoździewicz S.,
Prokopowicz D., 2016b, p. 65-66). One of
the important factors of these processes
was the growing level of risk of financial
markets and risk related to entities operat-
ing on these markets. The problem of the
growing level of risk appeared periodically
and grew during periods of global economy
downturn and usually also large discounts
of the market valuation of assets of busi-
ness entities. The escalation of these cycli-
cally emerging processes took place in au-
tumn 2008 and led to a global financial cri-
sis (Domańska-Szaruga B., Prokopowicz
D., 2015, p. 41-42).
Many years before 2008, individual identi-
fication tools, individual quantification
methods, and econometric models have al-
ready been improved, but this has not saved
the financial systems and entire national
economies from the crisis. The source of
the crisis was the lack of a full correlation
of the process of improving financial risk
management conducted in individual fi-
nancial entities and macroeconomic risk
management of the entire system, con-
ducted monetary policy, ignoring signals
suggesting growing financial problems and
deteriorating economic conditions in the
real economy. Some entities tried to hide
these problems in the initial stage of their
occurrence, using creative accounting,
however over time when the risk of bank-
ruptcy of the entire institution was already
very high and still grew strongly the only
solution that could protect an institution
from bankruptcy were low-interest govern-
ment loans.
The approach to risk management has
changed over the last years. Currently, the
management of individual types of banking
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
risks gives way to integrated risk manage-
ment systems and risk management of the
active operations. Changes taking place on
the financial markets, which are above all:
progress in the field of information tech-
nology and in the field of electronic ser-
widespread application of statistical econ-
ometric and credit scoring models in the
credit departments of financial institutions,
banks' expansion towards new areas of in-
vestment banking, including active partici-
pation in derivatives markets (Świderska
J., 2013, p. 84),
Banks leaving the traditional area of de-
posit and credit banking,
mutual overlap between sources of partic-
ular types of banking risks,
led to the modification of the overall con-
cept of risk management with an emphasis
on increasing the importance of integration
and systemic risk management as well as
the risk of active operations (e.g. all loans
and pseudo loans granted by a given bank).
Integrated risk management is a process in
which activities of individual departments
of institutions should be aimed at achieving
the same goals. The integration of various
activities requires the existence of a cen-
tralized information system that would
cover all aspects of the organization's func-
tioning. Such a system should also (Pro-
kopowicz D., 2015, p. 86-87):
provide all units and departments author-
ized to make decisions with relevant infor-
enable making decisions at operational lev-
els consistent with the organization's stra-
tegic objectives,
support decision-making at all levels of the
organizational structure by providing up-
to-date information reflecting the operation
of the entire entity as well as its individual
Constant development of IT makes possi-
ble construction of a centralized infor-
mation system that meets the above crite-
ria. Integrated risk management organized
on the basis of such system is currently the
most frequently discussed issue in the con-
text of maintaining or increasing the com-
petitiveness of an organization in the sector
(Żabińska J., ed. 2011, p. 147).
Integrated risk management in corpora-
tions and financial institutions is based on
(Butler C., 2002, p. 44):
identification and quantification of all
types of risk resulting from the conducted
assessing the significance of particular
risks, both individually and in comprehen-
sive terms,
development and implementation of a risk
management strategy covering areas with
which all of the examined risks are related.
Integrated risk management enables:
focusing of the management on those types
of risk that are most important for the busi-
application of various methods of compre-
hensive risk reduction and securing assets
The process of improving systems and
models of risk management in financial in-
stitutions can also be implemented actively
through the exchange of experiences of in-
dividual financial institutions or passively,
in a situation where the bank focuses only
on the experience of its own operations. In
the event of the detection of unforeseen ef-
fects of market, operational or credit risk in
one of the financial institutions, the source
of the event is identified and is fully ana-
lyzed also in the supervisory and advisory
institutions. The conclusions from the ana-
lyzes are the basis for the amendment of le-
gal regulations developed by supervisory
bodies and for the improvement of risk
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
management systems implemented in indi-
vidual entities (Prokopowicz D., 2015, p.
85). Increasing importance of integrated
risk management in corporations and fi-
nancial institutions
Improvement of integrated risk manage-
ment in corporations should combine the
methodology of modeling of individual
risk categories using advanced mathemati-
cal and statistical methods and active shap-
ing of revenues from sales through specific
financial instruments with traditional
methods based on, the limits of exposures
and concentration (Koleśnik J., 2012, p.
67). In connection with the above, taking
into account mainly the quantitative nature
of both the risk measurement models and
the data subject to the study, Business In-
telligence applications are perfectly suited
to building integrated risk management
systems in the organization. The process of
building and successive improvement of
these systems in Poland began in the sec-
ond half of the 90s and was determined
mainly by the technological progress of
quantitative methods of individual catego-
ries of risks embedded in computerized an-
alytical platforms as well as adaptation of
applied research methods to standards of
European Union. An example of this deter-
minant of adaptation processes to the re-
quirements of the European Union is the
banking sector in Poland. For a dozen
years, new risk management standards
have been implemented in commercial
banks operating in Poland as part of the
process of adjusting the applied procedures
and models for estimating individual finan-
cial and operational risk categories to the
Basel Committee's guidelines on financial
supervision (Prokopowicz D ., 2003, p. 97-
98). Commercial banks operating in Po-
land that use advanced methods in the
credit risk management process, based on
the Value at Risk method (Prokopowicz D.,
2013, p. 18-19), have the opportunity to
significantly reduce their credit activity
costs. The Value at Risk method is the ba-
sis of advanced mathematical and statisti-
cal risk measurement methods. The most
well-known system of internal models for
measuring and aggregating risk is the sys-
tem RiskMetricsTM (RiskMetricsTM –
Technical Document, Fourth Edition, De-
cember 1996), developed by the American
investment bank J. P. Morgan (Świderska
J., 2013, p. 96). The Value at Risk method
allows (for the assumed probability) to de-
fine a situation of exceeding the level of a
potential loss value. In general, the value of
this probability is taken to be 0.05 or 0.01.
The Value at Risk value is a summary and
statistical measure of potential losses
shown in the balance sheet under condi-
tions of an effective, i.e. "normal" func-
tioning of the
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
Chart 1. Normal distribution model of VaR value estimation of active products at
the 99% confidence level.
Source: A. Kulik, Dlaczego Value at Risk jest standardem w zarządzaniu ryzykiem? Zastosowania metody
Cash Flow at Risk, Konferencja Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Ryzyka Finansowego PRMIA, 10.01.2003, p. 19.
Since the mid-1990s, the number of banks
in Poland applying new models based on
Value at Risk. This trend is in line with the
globally dominant tendencies because at
present almost all capital banks operating
in highly developed countries use ad-
vanced risk quantification methods with
the new standards resulting from the provi-
sions of the New Capital Accord (Żabińska
J., ed., 2011, p. 39) .
Banks use different econometric models in
relation to risk analysis. For the risk analy-
sis processes in unitary terms, i.e. in rela-
tion to a single credit or pseudo credit
transaction, the most commonly used
method currently applied in financial insti-
tutions is scoring method based on the for-
mula of granting a specific number of
points for each factor under investigation
(Prokopowicz D., 2014, p. 151-152). This
method is also based mainly on quantita-
tive data describing a potential counter-
party or the transaction under review be-
fore its finalization. The main premise for
using this method is to strive for maximum
objectivity, standardization and reduction
of operational costs of the analytical pro-
cess. All the research methods listed above,
are important factors subject to the perma-
nent process of improving the integrated
risk management process (Matuszyk A.,
2008, p. 57). Due to the clearly prevailing
quantitative nature of research methods,
identification and quantification of individ-
ual risk categories, the continuation of the
process of risk management improvement
can be carried out by implementing Busi-
ness Intelligence platforms that are cur-
rently under development.
Poland in this matter fits the global trends.
In connection with the above, as a conse-
quence of the adaptation of national regu-
lations to the guidelines and recommenda-
tions of the Basel Committee on Financial
Supervision, the security of the financial
system in Poland should gradually in-
crease. On the other hand, the implement-
ing of Business Intelligence platforms in
enterprises and financial institutions (Grze-
gorek J., Prokopowicz D., 2017, p. 223-
1 percent of event
Probability distribution
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
234) should contribute to the organiza-
tional and technological improvement of
already built integrated risk management
The public sector, often called the govern-
ment sector, is the section of economy
which concerns transactions performed by
the government. Using the income ob-
tained from taxes and other sources of in-
come, the government finances its ex-
penses, affecting the economy and invest-
ment decisions (Pas Ch., Lowes B., Da-
vies., 2000, p.439-440). The above defini-
tion, however, has become a little outdated.
More and more expenditure on healthcare
or education is being financed on commer-
cial terms, following the growing scope of
privatization of entities operating in these
areas (Karpiński A., Paradysz S., 2005,
An important issue which appears in dis-
cussions concerning the purposefulness
and rationality of the amounts spent is the
concept of their effective spending and ac-
The degree of development, the role of the
public sector and its efficiency can be
measured by means of various measures,
including (Karpiński A., Paradysz S.,
2005, p.62-63):
1) the share of public sector in the whole
employment in the country economy
(OECD) ,
2) the share of expenditure on the public
sector in the Gross Domestic Product
3) the share of the public sector in fixed as-
sets of the economy,
4) the level of satisfying the needs for pub-
lic services in particular categories of
service users (for example the unem-
ployed, the retired, children),
5) the share of public funds in financing
particular types of services (healthcare, ed-
ucation, cultural activity),
6) the results of the public opinion survey
evaluating the degree of satisfying the
needs for public services,
7) the efficiency of funds spent on public
8) qualitative indicators evaluating the
public sector operations.
The above indicators and their cognitive
values are, however, commonly criticized.
Therefore we should consider developing
and adopting uniform criteria for evaluat-
ing the ways of spending public funds. This
is by no means an easy task, since the pub-
lic sector is not homogenous, whereas tasks
performed by public sector units are nu-
merous and varied.
The development of uniform sector indica-
tors in the context of groups of entities (for
example healthcare units, education units,
etc.) could become a tool for rationalizing
the expended funds as well as the criterion
of evaluating not only the correctness of
their expenditure but also evaluating the
achieved effects. Uniform indicators would
also ensure comparability, needed so much
when evaluating planning resources allo-
cated for tasks performed by the public sec-
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International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(8)2018
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.9925
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© 2018 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Gwoździewicz D., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., Dahl M., (2018) Application Of Data Base Systems Big Data
And Business Intelligence Software In Integrated Risk Management In Organization
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences, 2(8)2018: 43-56
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