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Equitable provision of health care has been a longstanding goal in many European countries. Provision of such universal coverage comes with the problem of growing health expenditures that is recognized globally. This article argues that patient-centered care (PCC), which has become a new promising paradigm for cost-effective provision of health care, should also become the new paradigm in the public health decision-making. PCC relates to the notion that patients' preferences, objectives and values should be considered in the process of decision-making and delivery of health care. If we apply the PCC paradigm to the public health issue, it can be argued that any public health program or health policy should be created and evaluated considering patients' preferences.
Nikolina Dukić Samaržija, PhD
Assistant professor
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics and Business
Andrea Arbula Blecich, PhD
Assistant professor
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics and Business
Luka Samaržija, PhD
Assistant professor
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics and Business
UDC / UDK: 614
JEL classification / JEL klasifikacija: D01, I12, I18
Review / Pregledni rad
Received / Primljeno: June 29, 2018 / 29. lipnja 2018.
Accepted for publishing / Prihvaćeno za tisak: December 10, 2018 / 10. prosinca 2018.
Equitable provision of health care has been a longstanding goal in many
European countries. Provision of such universal coverage comes with the
problem of growing health expenditures that is recognized globally. This article
argues that patient-centered care (PCC), which has become a new promising
paradigm for cost-effective provision of health care, should also become the new
paradigm in the public health decision-making. PCC relates to the notion that
patients’ preferences, objectives and values should be considered in the process
of decision-making and delivery of health care. If we apply the PCC paradigm to
the public health issue, it can be argued that any public health program or health
policy should be created and evaluated considering patients’ preferences.
* This study was founded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project 6558 Business and
Personal Insolvency – the Ways to Overcome Excessive Indebtedness, and by the University of Rijeka
under the project: Approaches and Methods of Cost and Management Accounting in Croatian Public
Sector (No.
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to elaborate the importance of preference
elicitation in health care decision-making as a part of PCC.
Keywords: health care; health decision-making; patient-centered care; stated
In Europe health care systems are struggling with ever-growing health
care costs that are largely accelerated by unfavorable trends. Most important are
aging population and increase in chronic diseases. Currently, Europe has the
highest proportion of elderly population and by 2050 it is expected that more than
37% of the European population will be older than 60. On the other hand, it is
estimated that only 10% of African population will be older than 60 (Deloitte,
2014). Due to the growing need to meet all desired goals with limited resources,
the health care decision-making has become increasingly complex. Additionally,
due to a gap in knowledge and information, especially between physicians and
patients, the agency problem is pronounced in health care systems. Consequently,
integrated care has become the new promising model for redesigning health care
(Busse, Blümel, Scheller-Kreinsen & Zentner, 2010; McKee & Nolte, 2004). The
goal of integrated care is to enhance consumer satisfaction and system efficiency
by cutting across multiple services, providers and settings (World Health
Organization [WHO], 2016). Therefore, a high degree of collaboration and
communication among health professionals is needed. Hence, the importance of
evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care (PCC) is rightly emphasized
(Barratt, 2008; Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012).
When evidence-based medicine, which is based on conducted empirical
research and the efficiency of medical interventions, was at its beginnings
(Barratt, 2008), the involvement of patients in the decision-making was neglected
(Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group, 1992). However, the importance of
shared decision-making in health-care, as well as the integration of medical
evidence with patients’ preferences (Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes &
Richardson, 1996) has soon been recognized. In fact, the study of preferences is
in the focus of PCC that is no longer aimed on diseases, but rather on patients and
their families (Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012).
Hence, the aim of this paper is to elaborate the importance of preference
elicitation in health-care decision-making as a part of PCC. This paper consists of
five parts. After the Introduction, in Section 2 we discuss the role of preference
elicitation in patient-centered care, followed by Section 3 in which preference
elicitation in creating the optimal health-care programs is elaborated. Section 4
explains the role of preferences in economic evaluations in health. Finally,
Section 5 is the paper conclusion.
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
The concept of PCC was accepted as a fundamental approach in
improving the quality of health-care in the United States (National Research
Council, 2001), emphasizing the importance of collaboration between physicians
and patients. Respectively, evidence-based medicine and shared decision-making
should lead to better health outcomes and result in cost-effective utilization of
health resources. This approach is in accordance with medical ethics indicating
that patients’ autonomy should be respected (Sheridan, Harris & Woolf, 2004).
The most important characteristic of PCC is patients’ active involvement
in the decision-making process (Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012). Gerteis,
Edgman-Levitan, Daley & Delbanco (1993) argue that consideration of patients’
values, preferences and needs is significant indicator of health-care quality.
Consequently, implications of preference valuation are comprehensive as they
give important insights into factors influencing health-care utilization (Merino-
Castelló, 2003). This has important role in health-care rationalization. For the
purpose of studying patients’ preferences, different stated preferences methods
are used and improvements of health-care services are made accordingly.
Economist Intelligence Unit (2011) proposed a scenario for the
development of health-care systems by the year 2030 that is based on the primacy
of preventive medicine and healthy life promotion over curative health-care.
Namely, according to the WHO (2005), at least 80% of all forms of heart diseases
and diabetes are preventable. However, their prevention requires a change in
lifestyle, which is attainable through combination of various policies of
education, prices and taxation, as well as by encouraging healthy habits of
population. Such changes require at least alignments at the state level, since they
involve various government sectors (from education to tax policies).
Since in the future the main health activity will be changing unhealthy
habits and early detection of disease, successful implementation of promotion and
prevention health programs will be of great importance. Aimed at providing
useful services to end users, preventive health programs should be oriented
towards their preferences. While the study of consumer preferences is very
important in the real sector, its importance is not recognized in the public sector.
This has negative influence on public health-care spending. This is evident in low
response rate to preventive programs in Croatia.
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
Considering the results of many international studies (such as Brown,
Lipscomb & Snyder, 2001; Mandelblatt, Lawrence, Mizell Womack, Jacobson,
Yi, Hwang, Gold, Barter & Shah, 2002; Eichler, Kong, Gerth, Mavros & Jonsson,
2004), the importance of cost-effective preventive programs was recognized in
Croatia and three screening programs had been introduced at the national level:
National Breast Cancer Screening Program, National Colon Cancer Screening
Program and National Cervical Cancer Screening Program. However, Croatia did
not benefit from positive economic and other effects of these programs due to low
response rate. Reason for this can be found in poor compatibility with population
preferences. Under these circumstances cost-efficiency cannot be achieved, since
its achievement depends on the high response of the target population (target
response rate for breast cancer screening is 70%, for colon cancer screening is
45% and for cervical cancer screening is 85% (Croatian Health Insurance Fund
[HZZO], n.d.). Screening response rates differ between different counties but
overall response to breast cancer screening program is around 60% (Šiško &
Šiško, 2017), for colon cancer screening is around 18% (Bergman Marković,
2015) and for the cervical cancer screening data are inconclusive.
According to the Australian Population Based Screening Framework
(Community Care and Population Health Principal Committee of Australian
Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, 2016), the implementation of screening
programs primarily depends on the need for organizing screening. The program
success depends on appropriate implementation and program management since
it is an integrated process where all activities should be carefully planned,
coordinated, monitored and evaluated in order to assure quality. In order to obtain
maximum benefits from the program all activities must be adequately supported
and financed. The screening process consists of four basic activities outlined in
the following scheme.
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
Scheme 1 Population based screening process
Source: Community Care and Population Health Principal Committee of Australian
Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (2016). Population Based Screening Framework.
From the Scheme 1, it is evident that the most comprehensive process of
screening is target population recruitment. If the initial screening phase is not
conducted successfully, there will be no positive outcomes from early disease
prevention. Even though there are many screening guidelines, they are not
sufficiently emphasizing the importance of the target population preferences
evaluation. It is because countries involved in the development of the guidelines
do not have target population response problem. Additionally, these countries
have sufficient resources to change unfavorable behavior and promote preventive
Among EU countries that have introduced cervical cancer screening,
Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and Sweden
have a screening response rate of 100% (Anttila, 2004), whereas Croatia is at a
very low level of 10%, which led to a termination of the program. Therefore,
Croatia must improve the activities related to the initial screening phase –
recruitment of the target population. Also, the remaining national preventive
programs in Croatia failed to achieve a satisfactory level of response.
Phillips (2002) has shown that patients’ preferences may influence their
willingness to utilize health services as well as their health outcomes. Also,
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
understanding preferences is important due to a growing interest in patient
involvement in the health-care decision-making (Coulter & Collins, 2011;
Epstein & Street, 2011; Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012). There are surveys
specifically designed for this purpose (utility-based preference surveys), which
give insight into the way how individuals “weigh” harms and benefits of health
interventions (Phillips, 2006). Thus, when designing and improving preventive
programs and health-care policies, target population preferences should be
evaluated. Although the terms “attitudes” and “preferences” are sometimes used
as synonyms, here the meaning of “preferences” is taken from the economic
theory: patients have preferences concerning health-care and seek to maximize
them within their budget.
As public health cannot rely on revealed preference (price and quantity
signals), the methods of stated preferences are a reliable way for determining
benefits of public health-care programs. Consequently, it can be concluded that
there is a need for the implementation of stated preference methods in the design
of preventive public health-care programs to ensure their greater efficiency.
Dukić (2014) proved the correlation between the level of respondents’
preferences with the screening program and the decision concerning the
participation in the screening. Therefore, planning and implementation of national
preventive programs in accordance with the preferences and needs of the target
population is a way to go against a trend of poor response to preventive programs
in Croatia.
If limited resources are used to meet a specific need, the opportunity to
meet another need is lost. Therefore, the economic evaluation of different
resource allocation with the purpose of informed decision-making is required.
Economic evaluation includes cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness
analysis (CEA), cost-utility analysis (CUA) and cost-minimization analysis that is
based on the concept of opportunity costs (Drummond, Sculpher, Torrance,
O'Brien & Stoddart, 2005). Any economic analysis has to be done differently,
depending on the subject who makes the decision (government, health insurance,
hospital, etc.). Namely, every decision is made for a specific purpose and within a
specific social and political context (Tsuchiya & Williams, 2010).
CBA explicitly expresses all benefits and costs in health-care program
evaluation in monetary units. For this purpose, the human capital (Grossman,
1999) and willingness to pay (WTP) approach are the most commonly used.
Within CBA it is possible to compare different health goals with each other and
with other society goals. Furthermore, the possibility of expressing costs and
benefits in the same unit (monetary) for different health-care users can address
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
the question of distribution (fairness) in the health-care system (Detels, McEwen,
Beaglehole & Tanaka, 2002).
Since WTP for public health services cannot be determined on the basis
of revealed preferences (market prices), the use of contingent valuation method
(CV) is most commonly used. However, Ryan (2004) argues that discrete choice
methods (DC) is more appropriate for determining WTP because they have
multiple advantages over CV methods. They are more flexible in estimating
marginal values of health services and policies. Furthermore, the use of WTP
could lead to a potential problem in the health resource distribution in favor of the
rich. Potentially successful approach in addressing the distribution problem is the
use of DC methods (Scotland, 2011). By analyzing individual choices between
different health-care scenarios which differ in terms of costs, benefits and
beneficiaries, the efficiency-equity tradeoff can be determined. This possibility of
DC method represents the future course of research, since the question of equity
in health-care is of global importance. Due to the constant pressure on the
sustainability of national health-care systems and ongoing reforms, which are
mostly based on the rationalization of health spending, the question of fairness, as
one of the explicit allocation criteria, requires health-care decision-makers
attention. Although, evaluation of the stated preferences allows the quantification
of WTP, it proved to be extremely demanding in practice, which is why CBA are
less frequently used than CEA. Despite that, CUA method is more appropriate
because it uses a generic health outcome measure comparable at the level of
different programs, procedures and policies. The most commonly used outcome
measure within CUA analysis is quality adjusted life years (QALY), which is a
combination of years of life and health-related quality of life. QALY indicator
allows preferences evaluation of the general public regarding health outcomes of
the alternative health-care (Ali & Ronaldson, 2012).
Even though QALY has its advantages, primarily due to its generic
nature, it is not applicable in all evaluation studies. Namely, QALY-based
approach only evaluates outcomes that directly affect the health-related quality of
life and/or years of life. At the same time, this is also a disadvantage of the
QALY approach because process characteristics and non-health outcomes may be
crucial information for decision-makers when evaluating different health-care
programs. Accordingly, when making resource allocation decisions, process
attributes, such as, patients’ autonomy in the decision-making process, should be
considered (Moony, 1994). It is difficult to capture this within the QALY
concept. Another criticism against the QALY concept (Nord, 1995) relates to
neglecting of social preferences towards a fair distribution of health. Namely, an
increasing number of studies emphasize that the society differently values the
improvement of health status between different social groups. For example,
higher weights are assigned for the improvement of health status of children,
chronically ill and the poorest in society (Petrou, 2010; Baltussen, Stolk,
Chisholm & Aikins, 2006; Jelsma, Shumba, Hansen, De Weerdt & De Cock,
2002; Cookson, Drummond & Weatherly, 2009). Most studies are focused on the
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
potential use of DC methods in determining weights for health outcomes of
different social groups (Baltussen et al., 2006; Norman & Gallego, 2008; Lancsar,
Wildman, Donaldson, Ryane & Bakerc, 2011). Hence, it is possible to
incorporate the component of fairness into the CUA analysis (Scotland, 2011).
Many developed countries have accepted the concept of PCC as a
fundamental approach for improving the quality of health-care. A key feature of
the PCC–based health system is the active involvement of patients in the
decision-making process. Its benefit are reflected at the macro level by creating
the public health policies that are focused and specially tailored for sensitive
groups in the society, like elderly people. Whereas, at the micro level the benefits
are reflected in creating the optimal health programs and policies (e.g. preventive
programs, health and health literacy promotion) that would generate savings in
the overall health-care system and contribute to resolving the health issues of
aging population.
Although it is not possible to fully incorporate market principals into the
public sector, in order to change unhealthy behavior, it is imperative to
acknowledge the preferences of the population. This does not mean that decisions
will be made solely on the basis of the population preference analysis, but will
primarily depend on population epidemiology, scientific progress of medical
diagnosis and cost-efficiency of the programs themselves. The evaluation of
patients’ preferences aims at better adaptation and implementation of public
health policies, which leads to savings due to reduced public health expenditures
(the cost of hospitalization, medicines, sick leaves, and disability pensions or
similar). Additionally, the elicitation of stated preferences is applicable in
economic evaluations in health-care, especially for determining willingness to
pay in cost-benefit analysis.
Although there are numerous methods of stated preferences evaluation,
DC methods, eliciting preferences of respondents based on their choice, are
theoretically and methodologically most acceptable. Namely, most judgments in
everyday life consist of the choice between comparable alternatives. The
compromises that consumers make by choosing smaller quantities of one good
for larger quantities of other good reveal the essence of the marginal value they
assign to that good. This allows for a wide application of DC methods in planning
health-care policies.
Preference elicitation by DC methods has a growing importance in the
field of economic evaluation. It has the possibility of improving QALY concept
by accounting for the equity issues, which is of great importance regarding health
policy concerns. Although economic evaluations are very useful and have
multiple advantages, health-care decision-making process (especially when it
comes to public health policies and health reforms) cannot solely be based on
EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
their results. Namely, there are factors that require equal attention from decision-
makers. These often include (Sorenson, Drummond & Kanavos, 2008): need for
health intervention, health policy implications, availability of alternative
interventions, fairness, impact on the budget, expected use of the product or
service, product innovations and cost-effectiveness. Finally, the success of any
health policy or reform will largely depend on stakeholders’ acceptance, which
will largely be affected by their preferences.
The main contribution of this paper is emphasizing the role of PCC in
public health decision-making. This is especially important for national health
preventive programs in Croatia as target population did not recognize their
benefits, which is reflected in low response rate. We argue that in order to
improve cost-effectiveness of national screening programs (or any other) it is
inevitable to turn to PCC. Also, the principles of integrated health-care are of
grate use in the process of creating, adopting and enforcing health programs of
public interest as they imply coordinated actions by numerous stakeholders and
focus on life-long care.
In Croatia the first step towards integrated health-care was the
introduction of integrated information system (Government of the Republic of
Croatia, 2007) that connects different health-care services. Most recently the
Ministry of Health (2018) introduced a National plan for the development of
clinical hospital centers, clinical hospitals and general hospitals for the period
2018 – 2020, which is based on the principle of functional integration between
different hospitals. It also proposes the establishment of the National University
Hospital as the umbrella institution for the hospital sector.
Therefore, we can conclude that the importance of integrated health-care
has already been recognized in Croatia but in order to fully apply integrated
health-care model, on any level, the PCC will have to be emphasized and applied
by health decision makers. One part of the solution could be in eliciting patients’
preferences by using DC methods in order to better understand health related
behavior and alter the undesirable one. The other part of the solution must be
faced towards the elevation of population’s health literacy as shared-decision
making holds responsibility for both health-care providers and patients. Having
that said, the future research should address these issues and provide empirical
research on benefits of patient-centered care and integrated health-care on
different levels of health-care in Croatia.
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EKON. MISAO I PRAKSA DBK. GOD XXVII. (2018.) BR. 2. (503-516) N . Du kić Samar žija et al: T HE P ARAD IGM. ..
Dr. sc. Nikolina Dukić Samaržija
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Ekonomski fakultet
Dr. sc. Andrea Arbula Blecich
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Ekonomski fakultet
Dr. sc. Luka Samaržija
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Ekonomski fakultet
Jedan je od dugoročnih ciljeva europskih zemalja kvalitetna i pravedna
raspodjela zdravstvene zaštite. Pružanje takve zdravstvene usluge dovodi do
problema rastuće potrošnje u zdravstvu. Ovaj rad ističe da pristup usmjeren na
pacijente (PCC), koji je postao nova paradigma za troškovno-efikasno pružanje
zdravstvenih usluga, treba postati i nova paradigma u stvaranju zdravstvenih
politika i programa. PCC ističe da preferencije, ciljeve i vrijednosti pacijenata
treba uvažavati prilikom donošenja odluka u vezi sa zdravljem. Ako se PPC
primjeni na problematiku javnog zdravstva, može se reći kako se bilo koji
zdravstveni program ili politika trebaju stvarati i evaluirati na temelju
preferencija pacijenata. Sukladno s time, cilj je ovog rada elaborirati važnost
vrednovanja izrečenih preferencija, kao djela PCC, u procesu donošenja odluka
u javnom zdravstvu.
Ključne riječi: donošenje odluka u zdravstvu, izrečene preferencije, usluge
usmjerene na pacijenta, zdravstvena zaštita.
JEL klasifikacija: D01, I12, I18
* Ovaj rad nastao je uz potporu Hrvatske zaklade za znanost u okviru projekta „6558 Business and
Personal Insolvency – the Ways to Overcome Excessive Indebtedness“ i uz potporu Sveučilišta u
Rijeci u okviru projekta „Koncepti i metode troškovnog i upravljačkog računovodstva u javnom
sektoru Republike Hrvatske“ (br.
... Patient-centered care (PCC) is a fundamental approach for improving the quality of health care and a promising paradigm where the patients' values, goals, needs, and preferences are taken into consideration in the process of decision-making and delivery of health care [12]. A pure biomedical approach to chronic disease management does not adequately assess the health status of patients, and biomedical characteristics and biomarkers are often inadequate for predicting the patient's actual wellbeing. ...
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This review aims to identify attributes of patient-centered self-management (PCSM) in the current literature and explore its implementation in resolving patient obstacles in chronic kidney disease (CKD) treatment and management. A search of relevant articles and literature on PCSM, integrated care, and challenges of CKD management was conducted. Vital attributes of PCSM and current self-management interventions employed to resolve patient obstacles in CKD management were identified from inclusion studies. Findings affirm that PCSM strategies have positive effects on CKD management, but a lack of quality primary study, and long-term evidence presents the need for further development. Future research should focus on the development of a standardized and universal integrated PCSM model and a uniform system of data collection in the clinical setting. The difficulty of CKD management lies in how it is a comorbid and progressive disease. A pure biomedical approach is inadequate. Our review recommends that an integrated PCSM approach with health literacy and information technology intervention, which unifies and integrates patient education, can address the difficulties that are contributing to unsuccessful treatment outcomes. An integrated PCSM model should be implemented systematically and methodologically into future CKD management and health policies.
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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present a model for the efficiency assessment of smart cities based on 38 indicators (ISO standard 37120, ISO standard 37122 and additional indicators) in six dimensions of a smart city in order to produce a ranking of 127 cities in Croatia. Methodology: In this study, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was used, which was preceded by the translator invariance method due to the standardization of 38 absolute values. The analysis was performed using the input-oriented BCC model. The input values are previously formed indices for six dimensions of smart cities; the index of the development of smart cities was selected as the output. Results: According to the results of the ranking, 33 (26%) cities are efficient, while 94 (74%) cities are inefficient. The most efficient cities are Korčula, Split, Pazin, Rijeka and Dubrovnik, while the most inefficient cities are Skradin, Petrinja, Bakar, Komiža, Glina and Kutina. Conclusion : By identifying the dimensions that have the greatest impact on the efficiency of smart cities, DMUs gain valuable information about the position of an individual city compared to other cities. Providing an overview of existing efficiency levels and suggesting improvement measures enables targeted changes towards efficiency.
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The delivery of health care is not without problems, including problems in accessibility, quality of care, patient outcomes, and equity. That is a problem we see in healthcare organizations all over the world. Even if much has been invested into medical technology and policy change, it remains hard for health systems to address the heterogeneous requirements of communities. Thus, this paper outlines a critical evaluation of healthcare delivery, policy adaptation, and patient-centered innovation in order to understand how the systems have changed over time to meet the patient’s needs. Some of the areas of focus include the part played by policy in determining the provision of services, an analysis of patient-centered care, and the part played by technology in the delivery of services. It is also important to emphasize the problems of health care systems of developed and, especially, developing countries concerning disparities and inequality, underfunding, and inefficiency. The paper, based on the consideration of global health reports, different cases, and interviews with experts, aims to disclose how healthcare can meet new patient requirements and simultaneously enhance the result.
The passive voice is generally overused in English, hence the need to investigate how it translates to other languages, B/C/S in particular. It is also widely used in academic and business English in order to make the text diplomatic and objective, as it is preferable for business. The aim of this paper is to determine whether passive in business English texts remains intact after translation to B/C/S, and whether it plays a more central role in English or in B/C/S. After gathering data from 30 different academic articles related to economics, 63 passive structures were selected and analyzed. Subsequently, a comparison was made between them and their B/C/S counterparts in order to determine how many were translated literally to B/C/S, how many preserved the voice but changed the form, and how many samples changed both voice and form. It was discovered that 17 samples were translated literally to B/C/S, 25 retained their voice but changed the form, and 21 samples retained neither voice nor form. Based on the results obtained we have come to an expected conclusion that passive is not as present in B/C/S as it is in academic and business English, thereby it plays a more central role in English than it does in B/C/S. Interestingly, there were two examples where voice transformation was reversed, the B/C/S passives became English actives. We find such occurrences unusual, as the passive voice is typically more common in English than in B/C/S.
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The predominant method of economic evaluation is cost-utility analysis, which uses cardinal preference elicitation methods, including the standard gamble and time trade-off. However, such approach is not suitable for understanding trade-offs between process attributes, non-health outcomes and health outcomes to evaluate current practices, develop new programmes and predict demand for services and products. Ordinal preference elicitation methods including discrete choice experiments and ranking methods are therefore commonly used in health economics and health service research. Cardinal methods have been criticized on the grounds of cognitive complexity, difficulty of administration, contamination by risk and preference attitudes, and potential violation of underlying assumptions. Ordinal methods have gained popularity because of reduced cognitive burden, lower degree of abstract reasoning, reduced measurement error, ease of administration and ability to use both health and non-health outcomes. The underlying assumptions of ordinal methods may be violated when respondents use cognitive shortcuts, or cannot comprehend the ordinal task or interpret attributes and levels, or use 'irrational' choice behaviour or refuse to trade-off certain attributes. CURRENT USE AND GROWING AREAS: Ordinal methods are commonly used to evaluate preference for attributes of health services, products, practices, interventions, policies and, more recently, to estimate utility weights. AREAS FOR ON-GOING RESEARCH: There is growing research on developing optimal designs, evaluating the rationalization process, using qualitative tools for developing ordinal methods, evaluating consistency with utility theory, appropriate statistical methods for analysis, generalizability of results and comparing ordinal methods against each other and with cardinal measures.
The Oxford Textbook of Public Health is the ultimate resource on the subject of public health and epidemiology. With contributors drawn from across the world, offering perspectives from vastly different health systems, with ranging public health needs and priorities, this book offers a globally comprehensive picture of modern health.
Colorectal cancer is a global problem worldwide because of its very high prevalence and mortality. Therefore, prevention of colorectal cancer and its early diagnosis is of great importance. In Croatia, the National Program for Colorectal Cancer has been carried out since 2007; however, the rate of response was about 18 percent, depending on the region. Such a great public health and social and economic problem requires multidisciplinary approach in which family physicians have an important role. The well spread and developed network of primary health care and the availability of family physicians to each inhabitant have not been sufficiently exploited, especially for such preventive activities where family physicians could supervise program implementation.
Introduction: Stated preference studies for cancer screening programs are used to understand how the programs can be improved to maximize usage. Our objectives were to conduct a systematic review of stated preference studies for cancer screening, identify gaps in the literature, and determine which types of research should be conducted in the future. Methods We considered all studies in the PubMed database through May 2005 that measured utility-based stated preferences for cancer screening using contingent valuation or conjoint analysis. We abstracted data on 1) study characteristics and 2) study results and policy implications. Results We found eight (of 84 identified) preference studies for cancer screening. The most commonly studied cancer was breast cancer, and the most commonly used method was contingent valuation. We found no studies for prostate cancer or physician preferences. Studies demonstrated that although individuals are able to state their preferences for cancer screening, they do not weigh test benefits and harms, and a significant percentage would choose to have no screening at all. Several studies found that test accuracy and reduction in mortality risk were important for determining preferences. Conclusion: Few studies of cancer screening preferences exist. The available studies examine only a few types of cancer and do not explore practice and policy implications in depth. The results of this review will be useful in identifying the focus of future research, identifying which screening methods may be more preferred to increase use of the programs, and developing interventions and policies that could facilitate informed and shared decision making for screening.
Evidence suggesting that a unit of health gain by a child is not of equal value to a unit of health gain by an adult would suggest that age should be considered as an important criterion in health care resource allocation decisions. This chapter focuses on whether units of health gain, and specifically quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gains, should be given the same value for children as for adults. It begins by presenting empirical evidence from the revealed preference and stated preference literature on the economic value of health outcomes for children and adults. This is followed by a discussion of methodological issues that require consideration when valuing health gains by children using preference-based techniques. Finally, a future research agenda in this area is outlined.
As the conduct of health economic evaluations to inform health budget decision-making becomes more common, the special challenges of measuring costs and health consequences in children, from neonate to adolescent, have become increasingly evident. It is imperative that these challenges be considered so that high quality child health evidence may be generated and this population can be included in evidence-based allocation decisions. This book is divided into three sections: Methods, Applications, and Using evidence for decision-making, with chapters contributed by international experts. The Methods section presents detailed discussions of measuring lifetime costs and consequences, capturing productivity losses, obtaining unbiased self- and proxy reports, incorporating externalities, choosing valid outcome measures, assessing utility and quality of life, and designing studies using value of information. The Applications section reviews economic evidence in common childhood conditions and areas of investigation, including newborn screening, harm prevention, mental health services, brain injury, asthma, and immunization. The final section explores the use of economic evidence in decision-making, and includes descriptions of the WHO-CHOICE approach, the role of clinical research, how to value health gains by children, and the emerging field of pediatric health technology assessment. In addition to an emphasis on methods, a deliberate effort was made to include issues relevant to developing countries, where the burden of childhood disease is greatest, and for whom high quality economic evidence is critical.
Cancer is a major public health issue and represents a significant burden of disease. In this chapter, we analyze the main measures of burden of disease as relate to cancer. Specifically, we review incidence and mortality, years of life lost from cancer, and cancer prevalence. We also discuss the economic burden of cancer, including cost of illness, phase-specific and long-term costs, and indirect costs. We then examine the impact of cancer on health-related quality of life as measured in global terms (disability-adjusted life years and quality-adjusted life years) and using evaluation-oriented applications of health-related quality of life scales. Throughout, we note the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches to measuring the burden of cancer as well as the methodologic challenges that persist in burden-of-illness research. We conclude with a discussion of the research agenda to improve our understanding of the burden of cancer and of illness more generally.