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Spices played an important role in the history of exploration and
development, are no longer luxury items of great cost. With the advent
of refrigeration, there is less demand in the west to preserve and
avour foods at home, but they are widely used by the meat, sauce,
canning, frozen food industries, and food manufacturing industry
generally. They are also used in the cosmetic and perfumery industries,
including its use in soap and toothpaste. Spices, or their essential oil,
are of some importance in the preparation of liqueurs and cordials.
They are also used in various ayurvedic and allopathic medicine.
Bakers use it liberally in cookies and in hot drinks. Cinnamomum are
said to be among the oldest spices Cinnamomum has fragrant, sweet
and warm taste. Commercial essential oil production industry used
several aromatic plant species for extracting high quality essential oil.
Cinnamon is a highly valued spice whose bark is widely used as a
spice. It is mainly used in cookery as a spice and by various industries
for foodstuff, avouring agent for fragrance and essence perfumes,
and medicinal products.1 Cinnamomum stands out of all spices in
its “warmth” and ranks as second to pepper. As spices, cinnamon is
considered one of the nest sweet spices.
It is indigenous in Sri Lanka, which still produces the largest
quantity and best quality, mainly in the form of quills. This genus
contains evergreen trees or shrubs belongs to Lauracaceae family
contain around 250 species in tropical and subtropical regions, mostly
in Asia and some in South and Central America, and Australia2
however, in Himalayan region only eight species i.e. Cinnamomum
bejolghota (Buch.-Ham.) Sweet, Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.
Presl, Cinnamomum glanduliferum (Wall.) Meisn, Cinnamomum
glaucescens (Nees) Hand.-Mazz., Cinnamomum impressinervium
Meisn., Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn., Cinnamomum
tamala (Buch.-Ham.) Nees and Eberm., and Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Breyn is found Imani et al.,3 reported noticeable improvement in
digestion, as well as appetite stimulating properties in recent research.
In another report, Vangalapati et al.4 reported that in ancient Egypt
cinnamon was used for beverage avouring, as well as to treat
illnesses. Moreover, it has been frequently used in savoury cuisines,
Persian sweets soups and pickles. In conventional Chinese medicine,
cinnamon has been used as a potential neuroprotective agent,5 as
well as a potent medicine for the control and treatment of type 2
diabetes mellitus.6 Cinnamomum species are commercially valuable
source of camphor, cinnamaldehyde and safrol oil in the world. This
review presents a summary of Cinnamomum species from the Indian
Himalaya, Nepal, and Bhutan, focusing on their ethnobotanical uses
with the volatile compounds.
The current review was conducted using a complete and organized
search of the available literature on the medicinal plant cinnamon by
using the keywords: essential oil, Himalaya, India, Nepal, Assam,
Karnataka, and Indian Himalaya. The searches were performed using
various databases, including PubMed (
pubmed), Science Direct (, Scopus
(, Scirus (, and
Google Scholar (
Sri Lanka is the major Cinnamon growing country along with
Seychelles, Madagascar and India.7 Best quality of cinnamon bark,
mainly as quills is produced by Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka and Seychelles
have approx 24,000 ha and 3400 ha area under cultivation producing
around 12,000 t and 600 t cinnamon respectively.8 Cinnamon leaf oil
is mostly produced in these countries, though the bark oil is distilled
mostly in the importing countries. Sri Lankan export is to the tune of
around 120 t of leaf oil and 4–5 t of bark oil.9
Cultivation of cinnamon
Around 27,000-35,000 annual tons cinnamon is globally
produced.10 It is mostly raised in China, Seychelles, Madagascar and
Sri Lanka; additionally, it’s cultivated on a little scale in Vietnam and
India. It’s a hardy plant in terms of its suitableness for its cultivation
in various weather conditions. The optimal temperature for the
cultivation of cinnamon ranges between 20 to 30°C, with a yearly
rainfall ranging between 1250 to 2500 mm. Cinnamon is usually
propagated by dried seed and vegetative propagation (Table 1).11
Open Access J Sci. 2019;3(1):13‒16. 13
© 2019 Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
Cinnamomum: review article of essential oil
compounds, ethnobotany, antifungal and antibacterial
Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2019
Sanjay Kumar,1 Reshma Kumari2
1Department of Botany, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaun University, India
2Department of Botany &Microbiology, Gurukul Kangri
University, India
Correspondence: Reshma Kumari, Department of Botany
&Microbiology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar 249404, Tel
+91-8755388132India, Email
Received: January 18, 2019 | Published: January 29, 2019
Aromatic as well as medicinal plant species have played important roles in the lives of tribal
people living in the Himalaya by providing products for both food and medicine. This review
presents a summary of ethonobotanical, antibacterial, antifungal and volatile compounds of
essential oils of some Cinnamomum species from the Nepal, Assam, Karnataka, and Indian
Himalaya. This review illustrates the various prospective of cinnamon and its use in daily
Keywords: Cinnamomum, ethonobotany, antifungal, antibacterial, essential oil, India,
food and medicine
Open Access Journal of Science
Review Article Open Access
Cinnamomum: review article of essential oil compounds, ethnobotany, antifungal and antibacterial effects 14
©2019 Kumar et al.
Citation: Kumar S, Kumari R. Cinnamomum: review article of essential oil compounds, ethnobotany, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Open Access J Sci.
2019;3(1):13‒16. DOI: 10.15406/oajs.2019.03.00121
Table 1 Ethnopharmacological uses, essential oil compositions, and any biological activities of the essential oils of Cinnamomum species
Plant Name Ethnopharmacology Antifungal and Antimicrobial Essential oil
C. camphora
(L.) J. Presl
Bronchitis, cold,
congestion, diarrhea,
dysentery, edema,
inuenza, atulence,
metabolic and heart
problems, gynecological
leaf oils: antifungal activity against Choanephora cucurbitarum16
and antibacterial activity against Pasturella multocida17 and
Aspergillus niger;18 leaf oil sample from Nepal had shown
notable allelopathic activity, cytotoxic activity against MCF-7
human breast tumor cells, and insecticidal activity (Chaoborus
plumicornis, Pieris rapae, Drosophila melanogaster, Solenopsis
invicta x richteri);18 camphor has shown antibacterial activity
against the respiratory pathogen Haemophilus inuenza19
Essential oil chemotypes: (1) camphor,
(2) linalool, (3) 1,8-cineole, (4) nerolidol,
and (5) borneol;20 Leaf oil from Pantnagar,
Uttarakhand: camphor (82.4%) (Agarwal et
al., 2012) from Nukuchiatal, Uttarakhand:
camphor (81.5%),21 from Hetauda,
Makwanpur, Nepal: camphor (36.5%),
camphene (11.7%), limonene (9.0%), sabinene
(6.3%), β -pinene (6.3%).18
C .
(Wall.) Meisn.
Root: wounds and
toothache;22Leaves: used
as stimulant, carminative,
and to treat coughs
and colds,23 analgesic,
antiseptic, astringent, and
carminative properties;24
Seed: cold, cough,
toothache and taenias,
muscular swellings, seed
oil in treating muscular
spasm, joint pain and
body aches;9 Bark: kidney
Leaf oil sample of northern India, rich in 1,8-cineole
(41.4%), α-pinene (20.3%), and α-terpineol (9.4%), was
found to have antibacterial activity against Gram-positive
bacteria (Micrococcus luteus) and Gram-negative bacteria
(Escherichiacoli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Aeromonas
salmonicida). The high concentration of 1,8-cineole likely
contributes to its efcacy against coughs and colds.
1,8-Cineole has shown clinical efcacy as a mucolytic and
spasmolytic as well as benecial effects in inammatory
airway diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).26,27
Leaf oil from northern India: 1,8-cineole
(41.4%), α-pinene (20.3%), α-terpineol (9.4%),
germacrene D-4-ol (6.1%) and α-thujene
C. tamala
Nees and
Leaves: gastic problems;29
spice and avoring
Root essential oil from Nepal, insecticidal (Culex pipiens,
Solenopsis invicta richteri).18 Leaf oil from Munsyari,
Uttarakhand, antibacterial (Salmonella enterica, Escherichia
coli, Pasturella multocida); leaf oil from Logaghat, antibacterial
(Pasturella multocida).17
Root essential oil from Hetauda, Makwanpur,
Nepal: camphor (35.0%), linalool (10.6%),
p-cymene (8.5%), o-cymene (6.8%), and
1,8-cineole (6.1%).18 Leaf oil from Jeolikote,
Uttarakhand: (E)-cinnamaldehyde (79.4%),
(E)-cinnamyl acetate (3.7%), linalool (5.4%).21
Leaf oil from Munsyari, Uttarakhand: linalool
(52.5%), (E)-innamaldehyde 26.4%), 1,8-cineol
(4.2%).17 Leaf oil from Lohaghat, Uttarakhand:
linalool (29.8%), camphor (44.0%), (E)-
cinnamaldehyde (14.3%).17 Leaf oil from
Champawat, Uttarakhand: linalool (24.7%),
camphor (25.5%), (E)-cinnamaldehyde (30.4%)
.17 Leaf oil from Pannagar, Uttarakhand:
eugenol (65.0%).17 Leaf essential oil from
Uttarakhand: (E)-cinnamaldehyde (35.8%–
62.3%), (E)-cinnamyl acetate (4.7%–22.7%),
linalool (5.7%–16.2%).31
C. glaucescens
In Manipur, India, the
powdered bark is used to
treat kidney trouble.25
Fruit oil from Hetauda, Makwanpur, Nepal, nematicidal
(Caenorhabditis elegans, LC50 = 151 g/mL), insecticidal
(Culex pipiens, Reticulitermes virginicus).18 Fruit oil from
Lucknow, India, insecticidal (Callosobruchus chinensis),
antifungal (Aspergillus avus).25
Fruit essential oil from Hetauda, Makwanpur,
Nepal: methyl (E)-cinnamate (40.5%)
1,8-cineole (24.8%), -terpineol (7.4%).17
Commercial fruit essential oil from Nepal:
methyl (E)-cinnamate (14%) 1,8-cineole (13%),
-terpineol (7%).32 Leaf oil from northeast
India: elemicin (92.9%).33
C. bejolghota
Bark and its infusions used to treat cough, cold, toothache, liver complaints, diabetes, gall
stones and as mouth fresher;34 bone fracture and wonds35
Panicle oil from Jorhat area of Assam: Linalool
(65.00%), α-phellandrene (8.90%), 1-8-cineole
(3.96%), α-pinene (3.40%), β-phellandrene
(3.00%), β-pinene (2.55%), β -caryophyllene
(2.55%), (Z)-methyl isoeugenol (2.05%) and
α-farnesene (1.93%). Stem bark oil from
Jorhat area of Assam: α-terpineol (23.30%),
linalool (14.40%), p-cymene (13.90%),
α-pinene (5.30%), l,8-cineole (6.85%) and (E)-
methyl cinnamate (3.06%), β-pinene (1.40%),
α-phellandrene (1.46%), terpinen-4-ol (1.70%),
(E)-cinnamaldehyde (1.50%), eugenol (1.50%),
β –caryophyllene (2.85%) and (Z)-methyl
isoeugenol (1.05%).36
Cinnamomum: review article of essential oil compounds, ethnobotany, antifungal and antibacterial effects 15
©2019 Kumar et al.
Citation: Kumar S, Kumari R. Cinnamomum: review article of essential oil compounds, ethnobotany, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Open Access J Sci.
2019;3(1):13‒16. DOI: 10.15406/oajs.2019.03.00121
Plant Name Ethnopharmacology Antifungal and Antimicrobial Essential oil
C. zeylanicum
Ground cinnamon is
used in diarrhoea and
dysentery; for cramps
of the stomach, gastric
irritation; for checking
nausea and vomiting;
used externally in
toothache, neuralgia
and rheumatism. The
bark is included in
medicinal preparations
for indigestion, atulence,
u, mothwashes, gargles,
herbal teas.37
Bark from Lucknow, antibacterial S. aureus (Gram positive)
and E. coli (Gram-negative), anticancer and apoptotic
activityagainst human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231.38
Buds volatile oil: α-bergamotene (27.38 %),
α-copaene (23.05%), α- humulene (6.19%),
δ-cadinene (5.97%), tetradecanol (4.27%)
and viridiorene (3.29%).39 Leaf oil: Linalool
(85.7%), eugenol (3.1%), β –caryophyllene
(2.4%), (E)-cinnamaldehyde (1.7%), α-terpineol
(1.1%), (E)-cinnamyl acetate (0.9%).40 Fruit
stalks oil: (E)-cinnamyl acetate (36.59%), (E)-
caryophyllene (22.36%), α-humulene (5.49),
τ –cadinol (4.90%), δ-cadinene (4.70%), and
α-copaene (3.02%).41 Flower oil: (E)-cinnamyl
acetate (41.98%), trans- α -bergamotene
(7.97%); caryophyllene oxide (7.29%); α
-cadinol (6.35%), tetradecanal (5.05%) and
globulol (3.80%) .42
Table Continued...
Discussion and Conclusion
IUCN red listed twenty-four Cinnamomum species.12 Cinnamomum
are facing great pressure and threat because of economic activities,
especially manual picking of bark and fruits as spice and for their
medicinal value. Due to the unregulated use and overexploitation, its
number is steadily decreasing. If the necessary conservation measures
are not adopted, the species could become extinct. Genetic diversity
data are important for conservation and management of rare and
endangered species. Maintenance of genetic diversity is essential to
the long term survival of the tree species without which there may be
a risk of its extinction because of lack of adaptive ability.13 Cinnamon
possess immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antiviral, lowering
blood cholesterol, antimicrobial, lipid-lowering, antihypertension,
anti-inammatory, antitumor, gastroprotective, antidiabetic,
neuroprotective and blood purifying properties.14 Therefore, future
conservation and sustainable management programmes for the
Cinnamomum species are an urgent priority.
Conicts of interest
The author declares that there is no conict of interests concerning
this paper.
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