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Shift the focus from the super-poor to the super-rich


Abstract and Figures

Carbon mitigation efforts often focus on the world’s poorest people, dealing with topics such as food and energy security, and increased emissions potential from projected population, income and consumption growth. However, more policies are needed that target people at the opposite end of the social ladder — the super-rich.
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Shift the focus from the super-poor to the super-rich1
Ilona M. Otto1*, Kyoung Mi Kim2,3, Nika Dubrovksy4, Wolfgang Lucht1,5
1Earth System Analysis, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Member of the Leibniz Association,
Telegrafenberg A31, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
2Environmental and Resource Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Senftenberg, Postbox
101344, 03013 Cottbus, Germany
3 Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, 602 Seollungno, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06097, South
4An independent artist and curator working together with Neue Auftraggeber, Tempelhofer Damm 2, 12101 Berlin,
5Department of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
* Correspoding author, e-mail:
Please cite as: Otto, I.M., Kim, K.M, Dubrovsky, N., Lucht, W. (2019). Shift the focus from the super-poor to the super-rich.
Nature Climate Change, 9: 82-94 doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0402-3
Carbon mitigation efforts often focus on the world’s poorest people, dealing with topics such as
food and energy security, and the increased emissions potential from projected population,
income, and consumption growth. However, more policies are needed that target people at the
opposite end of the social ladder the super-rich.
In 2017 there were 36.05 million adults classified as High Net Worth Individuals (net assets above
USD 1 million), and 148,000 classified as Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (net assets above USD 50
million)1. The super-rich are, on the one hand, the most visible social group in terms of their presence
in mass culture, social media, politics, and business, and on the other hand, the most hidden social
group in terms of the availability of data on their income, lifestyles, resource use, consumption
patterns, mobility, and social networks. It seems as though we know a lot about them from watching
TV, soap operas, and reading glossy magazines.
However, once we try to obtain more concrete data about this social group, there is practically
nothing available and in practice very few people personally know someone belonging to the super-
rich. For example, the supposedly representative survey of the German population on per capita
consumptions of natural resources largely omits the most wealthy respondents; it includes only 3.5%
of respondents that reported income above 5,000 per month2. According to the German Statistical
Office, however, 15.1% of households in Germany have a monthly income in the range of 5,000-
Affluent people can more easily disconnect themselves from the realities of climate change and
climate extremes4, and are in general the least affected by natural disasters, against which they can
1 Pleased cite as: Otto, I.M., Kim, K.M, Dubrovsky, N., Lucht, W. (2019). Shift the focus from the super-poor to
the super-rich. Nature Climate Change, 9: 82-94
shield themselves more effectively; their extreme mobility gives them options to avoid dangerous
environmental situations and they have greater economic capacity and better accessibility to
recovery systems. This perhaps explains why the most wealthy have been largely ignored in climate
change research, which instead frequently focuses on the poor, who are the group most affected by,
and most vulnerable to, climate change impacts.
However, given their notable affluence in lifestyle and consumption when compared to the poor, a
better understanding of the super-rich could be an important contribution to climate mitigation
options. The lifestyles and consumption patterns of the super-rich strongly influence the globally
growing middle classes who emulate upper-class consumption styles to distinguish themselves from
lower classes5. In addition, the super-rich have a great impact on technological innovation and could
actively support zero carbon and renewable energy technologies. The world’s billionaires have driven
almost 80% of the 40 main breakthrough innovations over the last 40 years6. Moreover, consumption
choices of the wealthiest could support market penetration of new technologies that are still not
affordable for the middle classes.
Here we estimate the greenhouse gas emissions of the super-rich to suggest the carbon savings that
could be obtained by targeting this group, and we reflect on how this could be achieved.
GHG emissions of the super-rich
There are just a few scientific publications analyzing lifestyles and associated greenhouse gas
emissions of the super-rich, i.e. their personal emissions rather than those of the investment assets
they may additionally hold or control as a part of their wealth, and none based on representative
surveys. According to some estimates, the average lifestyle consumption carbon footprint of
someone in the richest 1% could be 175 times that of someone in the poorest 10% 7.
We conducted lifestyle consumption surveys with four interviewees including three super-rich
people and a pilot operating a private jet that is hired by private wealthy customers. From this data
we have averaged the results from four online carbon-footprint calculators to estimate the carbon
emissions corresponding to the lifestyles reported by our interviewees (see Table 1).
The households that we interviewed are each believed to hold over USD 1 million in investment
assets excluding their primary residence and personal items; two families were living in South Korea
and one in the U.S. The pilot had customers primarily from Central Europe. He provided us with the
average annual distance and number of flights of his customers. Our survey focused on emissions
from private motor vehicles, air travel, household energy use, and spending on food and education.
These activities arguably cover about 70-80% of carbon emissions from individual consumption8.
Our results suggest that a typical super-rich household of two people produces a carbon footprint of
129.3 tCO2e/year. Motor vehicle use generates approximately 9.6 tCO2e/year, with household energy
emitting 18.9 tCO2e/year, secondary consumption 34.3 tCO2e/year, and 66.5 tCO2e/year generated
by the leading emission contributor: air travel (Fig. 1). Our carbon emissions estimates are
substantially lower than those provided by Chancel and Piketty 9 in an analysis based on national GDP
and emission data for the years 1998-2013, but amount to around ten times that of the global per
person average. Calculating the emissions from 0.54% of the wealthiest of the global population,
according to our estimates, results in cumulative emissions equal to 3.9 billion tCO2e/year. This is
equivalent to 13.6% of total lifestyle related carbon emissions. In comparison, the world’s poorest
50% are responsible for about 10% of lifestyle consumption emissions 7.
Room for reduction
There is a largely untapped potential to reduce carbon emissions by altering the way of life of the
super-rich. For example, reducing the carbon footprint of this group by about 20% could be achieved
by turning their residences into zero carbon homes with decentralized renewable energy production
and using electric vehicles for both energy storage and land transport. Some secondary consumption
emissions could be avoided by choosing more durable goods and reducing consumption. Frequent air
travel is a primary contributor to hugely above-average emissions of the super-rich that could be
substantially reduced by avoiding using private jets and just flying less. Changes in behavior of the
super-rich to reduce their emissions may also have important down-stream benefits as their lifestyles
are the sources of inspiration for the consumption behavior of the rest of the human population.
Some of the wealthiest are known to already actively engage in climate protection. For example, Bill
Gates supports and invests in combatting climate change-related problems, through the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. Otto Group as well as the Bosch Company are associated with
foundations that actively support environmental and sustainability oriented research and education.
Stordalen Foundation has invested in a wide range of cutting-edge research and public engagement
for sustainability. Other super-rich have been planting trees in an effort to offset their carbon
footprints10. Nevertheless, these examples are far from typical and it is the unengaged majority of
the super-rich that requires attention if actual emissions reductions are to be achieved.
Policies must target the super-rich
The wealthiest are not much affected by the mitigation policies in which nation states are the main
actors as well as the main sources of funding. The current climate mitigation efforts focusing on
afforestation, energy supply and demand, transportation and buildings11 correlate only weakly
overall with the sectors driving the world’s biggest fortunes (finance and investment, fashion and
retail, and real estate12). Heavy environmental taxation, as commonly discussed, is unlikely to effect
the consumption behavior of the super-rich, who can simply afford to continue polluting4.
Policies that more aggressively force carbon footprint reduction of the super-rich may be pursued as
a part of a comprehensive portfolio of mitigation. Examples of policies that are currently being
discussed include compulsory restrictions on household and individual emissions, and building code
regulations13. Those specifically targeting the wealthiest could include obligatory installation of
renewable energy facilities on houses and apartments above a certain size. Importantly, in contrast
to the poorest in the community, the richest have the agency and power that are needed to change
their lifestyles to meet policy requirements without compromising quality of life. The leadership of
the super-rich in adopting renewable energy technologies could generate positive knowledge and
technology diffusion spill-over effects making such technologies more attractive and more affordable
for other social groups.
In addition, new and more sophisticated policy instruments are needed. Some authors propose
introducing an inheritance tax14,15 that could be an additional source of funds for climate mitigation.
Just in 2017 alone, 44 heirs inherited more than a billion dollars each, totaling USD 189 billion6. For
comparison, the largest multilateral climate funds, including the Green Climate Fund, Adaptation
Fund, Climate Investment Funds and Global Environment Facility, approved USD 2.78 billion of
project support in 201616.
Next Steps
Any form of policy targeted at the super-rich is bound to meet with strong resistance. The rich are
overrepresented in national governments and there are strong ties between the wealthy and the
political elites. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness about these issues and to build social
pressure on the super-rich and political elites all over the world.
More research is also needed to understand the motives that might drive the wealthy to become
environmentally engaged in their private life as well as in their business operations. For example
major investors could be encouraged to exert influence on the fossil-fuel sector by divesting their
assets and reinvesting their money in renewables, however, one would have to understand first
which arguments and communication channels should be used to successfully reach this group.
Finally, more efforts are needed to educate the rich. The impacts of unmitigated climate change on
ecosystems, agricultural production, and water availability in the 21st Century will lead to large-scale
population displacements, disruption of international trade networks, food shortages, and an
increasing number of conflicts over basic resources17. The manifold consequences for human security
and health suggest that no amount of money would guarantee the safety, or even survival, of our
generation’s offspring, including those from super-rich families. Such a message should reach the
world’s most wealthy and most powerful.
The authors acknowledge comments on the research received from Frank Wätzold, Kira Vinke, Jan
Sendzimir, Vatan Hüzeir, Thiago Garcia, Antonia Schuster as well as the funding from the Earth
League alliance. This work has been carried out within the Copan: Co-evolutionary Pathways
Research Group at PIK.
1. Credit Suisse. Global Wealth Report 2017. (Credit Suisse AG, 2017).
2. Kleinhückelkotten, S., Neitzke, H.-P. & Moser, S. Repräsentative Erhebung von Pro-Kopf-
Verbräuchen natürlicher Ressourcen in Deutschland (nach Bevölkerungsgruppen). 143 (2016).
3. Statistisches Bundesamt. Sample survey of income and expenditure. (2016).
4. Kenner, D. Inequality of overconsumption: The ecological footpring of the richest. (Anglia Ruskin
University, 2015).
5. Kravets, O. & Sandikci, O. Competently Ordinary: New Middle Class Consumers in the Emerging
Markets. J. Mark. 78, 125140 (2014).
6. USB/PwC. New visionaries and the Chinese Century. Billionaires insights 2018. (USB/PwC, 2018).
7. Oxfam. Extreme carbon inequality. (Oxfam, 2015).
8. Peattie, K. & Peattie, S. Social marketing: A pathway to consumption reduction? J. Bus. Res. 62,
260268 (2009).
9. Chancel, L. & Piketty, T. Carbon and inequality: from Kyoto to Paris. (2015).
10. Rapier, R. Leonardo DiCaprio’s Carbon Footprint Is Much Higher Than He Thinks. Forbes (2016).
Available at:
footprint-is-much-higher-than-he-thinks/. (Accessed: 28th January 2018)
11. IPCC. Climate Change 2014 (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
12. Forbes. How The World’s Billionaires Got So Rich. March 10, (2018).
13. Keskitalo, E. C. H., Juhola, S., Baron, N., Fyhn, H. & Klein, J. Implementing Local Climate Change
Adaptation and Mitigation Actions: The Role of Various Policy Instruments in a Multi-Level
Governance Context. Climate 4, 7 (2016).
14. Puaschunder, J. M. Mapping Climate Justice. (Social Science Research Network, 2016).
15. WBGU. Just & In-Time Climate Policy Four Initiatives for a Fair Transformation. (German Advisory
Council on Global Change, 2018).
16. Carbon Brief. Mapped: Where multilateral climate funds spend their money. Carbon Brief (2017).
Available at:
their-money. (Accessed: 22nd November 2018)
17. Schellnhuber, H. J. et al. The Challenge of a 4 °C World by 2100. in Handbook on Sustainability
Transition and Sustainable Peace (Springer Interantional Publishing, 2016).
Table 1: Summary of survey data collected on the monthly consumption habits reported by four
interviewees. The averaged results from four different carbon footprint calculators were used to
estimate the emissions of a typical super-rich household.
Interviewee A Interviewee B Interviewee C Interviewee D
Business sector
Real estate Trade Aviation
Household size 1 1 - 5 (and 2 babysitters)
Motor vehicles
Discovery Sport
Mercedes E Coupe
Mercedes C63
Hyundai Genesis (excluded
from data)
Large sedans
Driving miles
1st car: 800 miles
2nd car: 400 miles
1st car: 1,000 miles
2nd car: 600 miles -
1st car: 1,564 miles
2nd car: 1,279 miles
Air travel
Short: 5
Medium: 2
Long: 1
Short: 0
Medium: 10
Long: 0
Total distance:
4,143 miles
Short: 0
Medium: 0
Long: 2
2 (Republic of Korea)
1st: 280
2nd: 185
2 (Republic of Korea &
1st: 185
2nd: 560
2 (United States)
1st: 500
2nd: 500
Secondary - - -
Cultural activities:
USD 2,000
Food: USD 2,500
Education (per year):
USD 25,000 to 60,000
Carbon footprint
(tCO2e/year)** 73.3 84.7 177.4 105.6
*Driving mileage ex pressed in miles (mi) for two most frequently used cars. For air travel, a one-way fl ight is counted as 1.
** The average result of c alculating the carbon fo otprint with four diffe rent carbon footprint calculators: CoolClimate Network; Carbon Footprint Lt; myclimate;
Korean Carbo n Footprint
Figure 1: The estimated carbon footprint of a typical super-rich household of two people. Data
were derived from four consumption habit surveys, and show the average of four carbon footprint
calculators. Total emissions are approximately 129.3 tCO2e/year
... One such novel and untested approach is that leaders could lead by example by visibly adopting high-impact low-carbon behaviours with a view to shifting social norms (Tankard and Paluck 2016;Otto et al. 2019;Nielsen et al. 2021). Nations or blocs of nations often assert the importance of leading by example as they set climate targets and reduce territorial emissions (Oberthür and Roche Kelly 2008;Skjaerseth 2016;UK Govt. ...
... We focus on the behaviour of leaders for three reasons: their status gives them heightened power to shift societal discourse and social norms (Tankard and Paluck 2016;Otto et al. 2019;Nielsen et al. 2021); they are likely to have considerably greater lifestyle emissions than most citizens, raising issues of equity and fairness Gore 2020;Akenji et al. 2021;Khalfan et al. 2023;Kukowski and Garnett 2023;Sultana 2023); and arguably they have more responsibility and power to guide society's response to climate change (Bateman and Mann 2016;Haslam et al. 2020). Importantly for this study, the signals sent by a leader's personal actions, in addition to their words, can convey meaning and contribute to the leader's influence (Henrich 2009(Henrich , 2015Holzmer 2013). ...
... Celebrities such as musicians, sports stars or TV personalities are cultural figures that can influence people's attitudes and behaviour in relation to environmental issues and have used their "intimate stranger" relationship with followers to highlight the moral dimensions of climate change (Boykoff and Goodman 2009;Alexander 2013;Doyle et al. 2017;Olmedo et al. 2020). Importantly, many celebrities and politicians have very large carbon footprints and correspondingly large potential to reduce their environmental impact through their behavioural choices (Gössling 2019a(Gössling , 2019bOtto et al. 2019;Nielsen et al. 2021). ...
Full-text available
Behaviour change has great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly, helping to prevent dangerous global warming. Some of the most impactful changes are: flying less, eating less meat, driving electric cars, improving home energy efficiency, increased use of public transport and active travel. However, these choices have proved elusive at scale and are rarely encouraged or modelled by high-status individuals (“leaders”), despite established knowledge about the influence of leaders as role models. Applying theories of embodied leadership and credibility enhancing displays, our novel pre-registered survey experiment (n = 1267) reveals that visible leading by example from politicians and celebrities significantly increases the willingness of members of the UK public to make these high-impact low-carbon choices. In addition, leading by example greatly increases perceptions of leader credibility, trustworthiness, competence, and favourability. We find no significant effects of leading by example on people’s wider perceptions of climate change, but a strong “appetite for leadership” among the public is revealed. In light of these findings, we discuss how embodied leadership by way of visible low-carbon behaviour from leaders may provide a crucial “missing link” for climate change mitigation.
... This is crucial as skewed levels of emissions within and across countries mean that targeting "average" citizens may not be enough to achieve deep and rapid emission cuts, nor would it suffice to support the pursuit of need satisfaction for all within planetary boundaries [16,17], and hence, climate justice [18,19,20]. Indeed, the top 5% of the wealthiest individuals globally have a carbon footprint equivalent to the bottom half of the population, due to their engagement in high carbon behaviours [21], such as air travel, motor vehicle usage and owning larger properties [22,23,24]. To illustrate, the average carbon footprint of someone in the richest 1% ...
... can be 175 times greater than that of the bottom 10% [23]. Given the divide between the highest and lowest emitters [25,7,21,26], we therefore examined individuals with high SES to explore how they understand their roles and opportunities in climate change mitigation. ...
... As discussed above, our sample more likely represents the role of the "middle" actors in society, albeit with above average levels of income and typically high levels of education. Where our analysis has provided insight into the role of this demographic, research in the future may address how those in the very "top" may share or differ in their climate change perceptions [23], focusing on the highest levels of wealth, emissions, and influence potential. Furthermore, sampling was primarily determined via subjective SES ratings, rather than specifically pre-screening for carbon-intense lifestyles. ...
... 470 Relative and absolute income and wealth inequality are increasing, 471,472 and environmental degradation is mostly caused by a small but affluent proportion of people, who mostly live in high-income countries. 18,473,474 Hickel, for example, argues that emission-reduction scenarios do not address the need for high-income countries to cut emissions steeply because of their historical responsibility, greater capacity, and higher incomes, and documents the inequities in other resource consumption reflecting colonial legacies. 400,[475][476][477] Disproportionate responsibility is also apparent among business actors, with 100 corporations emitting 71% of global carbon dioxide emissions. ...
... 501 Limitarian justice principles suggest limits to wealth 489 and consumption of resources. 502,503 The disproportionate environmental impact of luxury and wasteful consumption 17,473,504 is addressed in post-growth and degrowth scholarship, which emphasises the need for a drastic shift to basic, necessary, sustainable, or satisfying consumption. [505][506][507][508] Consumption and travel that emphasises the quality of individual and collective lives is preferred to that which satisfies social norms or artificially created needs and desires that are continuously reinvented by advertising firms to push growth. ...
... Climate impacts have been shown to be disproportionately driven by wealthy consumers (predominantly located in high and middle-income countries) who source highly processed goods from long supply chains often based in distant and less-wealthy regions (Nielsen et al., 2021;Otto et al., 2019;Wiedmann and Lenzen, 2018). These source regions suffer from both the natural destruction associated with resource extraction and additionally often lack the income to ameliorate impacts such as through insurance, temperature control systems, water processing and waste management facilities Romanello et al., 2022;Thomas et al., 2019). ...
... However, such country averages can hide inequalities in personal carbon footprints within countries [6][7][8][9][10][11] , usually as a function of income and wealth 5,7,12 . Studies show that the footprints of wealthier individuals can be orders of magnitude higher than the country average 5,9,[13][14][15] . ...
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Extensive research highlights global and within-country inequality in personal carbon footprints. However, the extent to which people are aware of these inequalities remains unclear. Here we use an online survey distributed across four diverse countries: Denmark, India, Nigeria and the USA, to show widespread underestimation of carbon footprint inequality, irrespective of participants’ country and income segment. Of the 4,003 participants, within each country, 50% of participants were sampled from the top 10% income group. Our results show links between carbon footprint inequality perceptions and climate policy support, but with significant variations observed across the four countries and with participants’ income segments. Furthermore, there are links to the perceived fairness of actual carbon footprint inequality, highlighting the need to raise awareness about carbon footprint inequality and further unpack its implications for climate justice and policy.
... In a context of increasing inequalities, elite research, just as sufficiency research, has enjoyed a recent upsurge (Cousin et al. 2018;Savage & Hjelbrekke 2021;Denord et al. 2020;Korsnes et al. 2017;Engelstad et al. 2019;Vogel et al. 2019). New concepts such as 'plutocrats' (Freeland 2012), 'the super-rich' or 'rich oligarchs' (Schimpfössl 2018) attempt to cover patterns of wealth accumulation and have started to point to the detrimental effects corresponding elite lifestyles have for the planet (Otto et al. 2019;Kenner 2019;Wiedmann et al. 2020). Scholarly understandings of how elites uphold their status as practices of differentiation include 'boundary-work' (Lamont 1992) and 'distinction' (Bourdieu 1984). ...
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‘Sufficiency’ has become a key term within sustainability science. The satisfaction of basic human needs for all and for multiple generations is only possible if coupled to the implementation of ecological ceilings that prevent wealthy groups from disproportionate production and consumption patterns and energy use. While much sufficiency research has focused on the poor and how to provide corresponding social floors (i.e. an adequate level of sufficiency), this conceptual paper theorises structural barriers to implementing ecological ceilings for production and consumption by considering research on elites. The argument is illustrated with examples from urban spaces that are increasingly structured to accommodate the preferences of economic elites. A better scholarly understanding of the structural barriers to sufficiency dissemination can be facilitated through a systematic account of the political, social and symbolic strategies deployed by elites to accumulate and legitimise power. Conversely, a consideration of sufficiency principles would also be beneficial for research on elites, which has so far focused on social inequality and sidelined the ecological crisis. The discussion highlights how research on sufficiency and elite consumption may interact to be mutually beneficial. A research agenda is proposed to understand economic elites as barriers to the dissemination of sufficiency principles.
The credence in karmic law determines the characteristic of hierarchical consumerism of a nation. Over-consumerism is indirectly proportional to achieving sustainability. The research focuses on the ethics of Yoga that accelerate awareness concerning self and the universe thus aligning itself to the karma as enshrined in the Bhagwad Gita. The Yogic philosophy reinforces the behavioral aptitude of an individual. The article focuses on the interrelatedness of how the belief system in karmic law determines consumption and that individuals tend to overconsume when they suffer from weak in comparison to a strong karmic belief system. The findings indicate that imbibing yoga practice will prove to be an efficacious supplement to endorse the required consumption of an individual rather than over-consumption thus leading to sustainability from the lens of economic, ecological, and environmental perspectives. With greater practice in Yoga comes greater achievement of sustainability. This has been analyzed from the interpretation of karmic laws and ecological balance that was prevalent in the older times with special reference to India. The article also evaluates how the ethics of Yoga would lead to adherence to the principles imbibed in the context of sustainability principles existent in the International Forum.
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Technical Report
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A large share of the use of natural resources, and the corresponding environmental burdens are directly or indirectly related to private consumption. To identify the factors affecting individual consumption of selected resources, especially energy, a study was carried out based on a representative survey of 1000 people throughout Germany. The sampled data and information cover various areas related to resource use, including household heating, use of hot water, laundry washing and drying, cooling and freezing, cooking, lighting, use of information and communication devices, everyday mobility, holiday travel, nutrition, clothing, sauna use, and pet keeping. Additional survey topics included the ownership of facilities for the utilisation of renewable energies and investments in such facilities, as well as the individual willingness to make compensatory payments for CO2 emissions. The usual socio-demographic data were collected and subjects were grouped into six different social milieus based on these data and the responses to questions regarding their attitudes. Finally, the survey included questions designed to capture people’s attitudes towards the environment and the consumption of resources. The findings for individual per capita energy consumption and CO2-emissions in this representative survey are largely in line with the results of similar studies. In the cases of discrepancies these can be explained by differences in study design or survey population. The bi- and multivariate analyses revealed a strong correlation between individual energy consumption and personal income and education level. The per capita energy consumption increases with age, is higher among men than women, and decreases by trend with the number of persons per household. It declines when moving from south to north in Germany, and is higher in the country’s western federal states compared with eastern. Remarkably, the per capita energy consumption is above average among those social milieus demonstrating higher levels of environmental awareness. Detailed analyses of the different areas of energy consumption reveal complex correlations with socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes.
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As evidenced by the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, our understanding of the Earth System and the climate change impacts expected in the coming decades is developing at a rapid pace. Contributing to this progress, the first ever Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison (ISI-MIP) has helped to paint a clearer picture of potential impacts at different levels of global mean warming. However, along with such advances the limitations of our understanding become more apparent. A number of processes are scarcely or not at all reflected in current assessments of the risks associated with significant levels of warming. These include critical thresholds in the Earth system which, once breached, can give rise to non-linear impacts. Recent insights from West Antarctica indicate that we have already ‘tipped’ several large glacier systems there, suggesting that the risk of crossing such thresholds might be much greater than previously thought. Also excluded from a sectoral perspective are the intricate interdependencies between systems and the potential for an initial impact to cascade into a chain of impacts, or for impacts to occur simultaneously and interact in complex ways. Finally, we need to take into account the different degrees of vulnerability not only across but also within nation states. The ramifications of non-linear impacts and their uneven distribution are likely to be deleterious to the stability and wellbeing of our societies and will, we hope, never be realized. However, if we wish to understand the challenges associated with a 4°C world2, such a world needs to be imagined.
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Recently, considerable focus, e.g., in the fifth IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Assessment Report (2014) has been trained on why adaptation and mitigation have not been developed more than at present, with relatively few local government actions taken compared with, for example, more discursive policy agreement on the importance of the issue of climate change. Going beyond a focus on general limits and barriers, this comment suggests that one important issue is that climate change has not yet been sufficiently integrated into the state regulative structure of legislation and policy-making. A comparison between three cases suggests that local developments that are not supported in particular by binding regulation are unlikely to achieve the same general level of implementation as issues for which such regulative demands (and thereby also requirements for prioritization) exist. This constitutes an important consideration for the development of adaptation and mitigation as policy areas, including on the local level.
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In this paper, we construct a global distribution of individual CO2e emissions, taking into account within country inequalities and use it to examine different strategies to increase the volume of climate adaptation finance, based on the principle of progressive carbon taxation.
Although the new middle classes in emerging markets are a matter of significant interest for marketing scholars and managers, there has been little systematic research on their values and preoccupations. This article focuses on new middle class consumers to identify the new, shared socio-ideological sensibilities informed by the recent neoliberal reforms in emerging markets and examines how these sensibilities are actualized in consumption. Through an ethnographic study of fashion consumption in Turkey, the authors explicate three salient new middle class sensibilities, which implicate the mastery of the ordinary in pursuit of connections with people, institutions, and contexts. These sensibilities crystallize into a particular mode of consumption-"formulaic creativity"-which addresses consumers' desire to align with the middle and helps them reconcile the disjuncture between the promises of neoliberalism and the realities of living in unstable societies. The article provides recommendations on product portfolio management, positioning strategies, and marketing mix adaptation decisions.
This article considers the potential of the discipline of marketing to contribute to consumption reduction from a social marketing perspective. The authors review the difficulties of applying conventional marketing theory and practice in pursuit of more sustainable consumption, and the logic of applying an adapted form of social marketing to promote more sustainable lifestyles and reductions in consumption. This study also uses a health-oriented social marketing campaign to demonstrate the potential of a social marketing approach to address ingrained forms of consumer behavior and to successfully ‘de-market’ products.
Inequality of Overconsumption: The Ecological Footprint of the Richest
  • D Kenner
Kenner, D. Inequality of Overconsumption: The Ecological Footprint of the Richest (Anglia Ruskin University, 2015).
Leonardo DiCaprio’s carbon footprint is much higher than he thinks
  • R Rapier
Rapier, R. Leonardo DiCaprio's carbon footprint is much higher than he thinks. Forbes (1 March 2016).