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The impact of soil and vegetation management on the rehabilitation of ecosystem services in almond orchards



This study examines the use of green manure, no-tillage and compost to improve nutrient cycling and plant species richness. Therefore we conducted a full factorial design with four treatments in five almond plantations. The treatments include the business as usual management, conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), compost (CM) and green manure (GM). Soil enzymatic activity was used as a proxy for nutrient cycling and plant richness and cover for habitat provisioning. Phosphatase activity increased with 50% in the alternative treatments, and the activity of glucosidase was twice as high in CM compared to CT. Plant species richness was highest in NT, but the vegetation cover was found to be equal in GM and NT. To conclude, implementing green manure, no-tillage and compost application on a monoculture almond farm appear to be effective strategies to improve ecosystem services provided on the farm, such as nutrient cycling and plant species conservation.
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Year: 2018
The impact of soil and vegetation management on the rehabilitation of
ecosystem services in almond orchards
Leijster, V; Santos, Maria J; Diaz, M; Wassen, M J; Belen, A B; Ramos, M E; Verweij, P A
Abstract: This study examines the use of green manure, no-tillage and compost to improve nutrient
cycling and plant species richness. Therefore we conducted a full factorial design with four treatments in
ve almond plantations. The treatments include the business as usual management, conventional tillage
(CT) and no-tillage (NT), compost (CM) and green manure (GM). Soil enzymatic activity was used as
a proxy for nutrient cycling and plant richness and cover for habitat provisioning. Phosphatase activity
increased with 50% in the alternative treatments, and the activity of glucosidase was twice as high in
CM compared to CT. Plant species richness was highest in NT, but the vegetation cover was found to
be equal in GM and NT. To conclude, implementing green manure, no-tillage and compost application
on a monoculture almond farm appear to be eective strategies to improve ecosystem services provided
on the farm, such as nutrient cycling and plant species conservation.
Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich
Conference or Workshop Item
Published Version
Originally published at:
Leijster, V; Santos, Maria J; Diaz, M; Wassen, M J; Belen, A B; Ramos, M E; Verweij, P A (2018). The
impact of soil and vegetation management on the rehabilitation of ecosystem services in almond orchards.
In: 4th European Agroforestry Conference - Agroforestry as a sustainable land use, Nijmegen (NL), 28
May 2018 - 30 May 2018, 227-231.
Environmental benefits of agroforestry
4th European Agroforestry Conference Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use
Leijster V1*, Santos MJ1, 2, Diaz M1, Wassen MJ1,Belen AB3, Ramos ME3, Verweij PA1
(1) Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht,
Netherlands (2) URPP GCB Global Change and Biodiversity, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057
Zurich, Switzerland (3) Estación experimental del Zaidín (CSIC), C/Profesor Albareda, 1, 18008 Granada, Spain
*Corresponding author:
This study examines the use of green manure, no-tillage and compost to improve nutrient
cycling and plant species richness. Therefore we conducted a full factorial design with four
treatments in five almond plantations. The treatments include the business as usual
management, conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), compost (CM) and green manure
(GM). Soil enzymatic activity was used as a proxy for nutrient cycling and plant richness and
cover for habitat provisioning. Phosphatase activity increased with 50% in the alternative
treatments, and the activity of glucosidase was twice as high in CM compared to CT. Plant
species richness was highest in NT, but the vegetation cover was found to be equal in GM and
NT. To conclude, implementing green manure, no-tillage and compost application on a
monoculture almond farm appear to be effective strategies to improve ecosystem services
provided on the farm, such as nutrient cycling and plant species conservation.
Keywords: ecosystem services; agroecology; conservation agriculture; tree-crop; nutrient
cycling; habitat provisioning
Over 30% of Mediterranean Europe is experiencing degradation of biophysical processes on
land (Zdruli 2014). Within Europe, Spain has the largest issues related to land degradation as
an estimated 12.5 % of the total territory is degraded (Bai et al. 2008), moreover other authors
are even estimating that the extent of the problem is reaching 28 54 % of the territory (Dregne
2002). Tree-crop systems play an important role in the reduction of ecosystem services due to
the widespread conventional management. In this conventional management, clean sweeping is
a common practice whereby soils are frequently tilled to assure that understory vegetation is
permanently removed (Meerkerk et al. 2008). This management results in a loss of soil of 5.70-
10.5 Mg ha-1 yr-1 and runoff of 10.9-58.1 mm ha-1 (Durán Zuazo and Rodríguez Pleguezuelo
2008). Additionally, the removal of understory vegetation in almond orchards is estimated to
reduce the abundance of pollinators by 64.3-86.8 % (Norfolk et al. 2016; Saunders et al. 2013).
Moreover, the frequent tillage practices are driving the breakage of soil aggregates and the loss
of 20 30 % soil organic carbon pool (West and Post 2002). This physical degradation of the
soil negatively affects the abundance and activity of soil biota that play a crucial role in
belowground ecosystem processes (Barrios 2007). Nonetheless, recent evidence is mounting to
show that alternative land management practices, such as cover crops or natural vegetation
covers, reduced or no-tillage and organic soil amendments, can contribute to the rehabilitation
of biophysical and ecological processes in almond orchards (Ramos et al. 2010; Almagro et al.
2013; Saunders et al. 2013; Ramos et al. 2011; Duran Zuazo et al. 2008; Martínez Raya et al.
2006; Macci et al. 2010). However, all these studies have been conducted on just a single, or in
some cases two experimental sites making it difficult to draw conclusions related to best
management practices. Therefore, this study experimentally tested the use of green manure,
no-tillage and compost applications in five farms, to assess their impact on nutrient cycling and
on habitat provisioning for plant species.
Environmental benefits of agroforestry
4th European Agroforestry Conference Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use
Enzymatic activity was assessed as a proxy for nutrient cycling service in the soil. Soil
enzymatic activities have been proven to be a powerful tool to assess soil quality as they
respond rapidly to changes in soil management (Burns et al. 2002). For this study, the enzymes
β-Glucosidase, Phosphatase, Urease and Dehydrogenase were chosen because they catalyse
the hydrolysis of organic compounds. They give an indication for the decomposition processes
in the soil, as they are indicators for the breakdown of cellulose (β-Glucosidase) and the P-cycle
(Phosphatase), N-cycle (Urease) and C-cycle (Dehydrogenase) (Das and Varma 2011).
Materials and methods
The research was conducted in the high planes of the provinces Granada and Almeria in the
East of Andalusia, SE Spain.
Experimental design
We conducted a full factorial design with four treatments in five existing almond plantations. On
each farm a homogeneous site was chosen where the four treatments were randomly
implemented, a treatment within a farm is hereafter referred to as a „plot‟. Each plot
corresponded to a rectangular area of at least four by eight trees, but only the inner two rows
with almond trees were included in the research, to optimize the effect of the treatment and
exclude the influence of adjacent management. The dimensions of the research plots were then
14 m x 56 m = 784 m2 (7m average distance between trees), and included a minimum of 15
trees (Figure 1).
In each farm, the four plots were implemented as follows:
CT Conventional tillage: the plot is tilled 2-3 times a year to remove the understorey
vegetation using a cultivator.
NT No-tillage: the plot is not tilled and has spontaneous understory vegetation.
GM Green Manure: Common vetch (Vicia sativa; 50 kg ha-1), Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia; 50 kg
ha-1) and Barley (Hordeum vulgare; 20 kg ha-1) were sown in the plots. Seeds were mixed in a
ratio of 5:5:2 and were sown by hand in December 2016 in a quantity of 120 kg ha-1. After
sowing, a cultivator passed to incorporate the seeds into the soil. In addition, after the ground
cover sampling, between the end of May and the beginning of June, the ground cover was
plowed into the soil with a cultivator.
CMP Compost, type Bokashi: the plot is fertilized with compost, which was purchased from a
local vendor (Moreno Basura - Maria, Alméria). The compost was applied in December with a
quantity of approximately 6 m3 ha-1 and incorporated in the soil with a cultivator. During the rest
of the year, the plot was tilled 1-2 times to remove weeds.
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the four treatment plots. a) tillage (CT), b) green manure
(RTGM), c) no-tillage (NT), d) compost (CM). White soil color indicates bare soil, grey indicates
permanent vegetation, white/grey stripes indicate inpermanent vegetation (green manure seed
mixture), dots indicate that compost is applied.
Environmental benefits of agroforestry
4th European Agroforestry Conference Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use
Soil sampling
In each plot three soil samples of 1-2 kg were taken in April 2017, each consisted of ten sub-
samples that were randomly taken from the 0-20 cm soil layer from the plot. Soil samples were
sieved at field moisture through a 2 mm sieve. The samples were stored at 4°C until lab
Enzymatic activity
Dehydrogenase activity was measured according to the methodology described by García et al.
(1997). To assess the Phosphatase activity and β-glucosidase we used the methodology of
Ramos et al. (2011). Urease activity was determined according to Nannipieri et al. (1982).
Vegetation sampling
The ground cover vegetation composition was assessed in May 2017 using the point-intercept
method, modified as proposed by Ruiz-Mirazo and Belén (2012). In each treatment plot, six 10
m long transects were randomly laid out, and each consisted of one hundred points measured
at a distance of 10 cm. At each point of the transect, a needle of 30 cm was put in the ground
and all plants that touched the needle were identified to the species level. When there was no
plant touching the needle, we recorded bare soil. From these data, we calculated vegetation
cover (%) and plant species richness (number of species per unit area).
Statistical analysis
Data was analysed with a generalized linear mixed model to test the effect of the treatments on
enzymatic activity, vegetation cover and plant species richness by using the lme4 package in R.
In this analysis the treatments were taken as a fixed factor and the farms were taken as a
random factor.
We found a significant effect of treatment on soil enzymatic activities (Table 1), especially for
the enzyme phosphatase, where CT (conventional tillage) was related to a lower enzymatic
activity than the three other treatments, NT (no tillage), GM (green manure) and CM (compost).
We found that urease in NT was twice as high than CT, however this was not significant, also
the activity of this enzyme in CM and GM was higher than CT. Glucosidase enzymatic activity
was higher in CM than CT, however, GM and NT did not statistically differ from the other
treatments, but had on average higher activity than CT. Dehydrogenase activity was not
influenced by the treatments.
Both vegetation parameters turned out to be significantly affected by the implemented
management regimes (Table 1). The plant species richness was significantly higher for NT
treatment, followed by GM treatment. CM and CT had on average lower plant species richness.
Vegetation cover was significantly lower in CT than in all other treatments, except for CM. This
was mainly due to the large variation in cover in the compost treatment.
Environmental benefits of agroforestry
4th European Agroforestry Conference Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use
Table 1: Mean values ± standard error of the activity of dehydrogenase (mgr INTF h-1),
glucosidase (mgr PNP h-1), phosphatase (mgr PHO h-1), Urease (mgr NH4 h-1), and vegetation
cover (%) and plant species richness (# species transect-1), for the treatments conventional
tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), green manure (GM) and compost (CM).
ES indicator
Nutrient cycling
2.1 ± 1.4
2.7 ± 1.9
2.5 ± 1.9
2.7 ± 1.5
140 ± 78
365 ± 215
270 ± 97
330 ± 140
102 ± 72
157 ± 59
150 ± 59
159 ± 67
33 ± 32
65 ± 50
51 ± 30
55 ± 35
Habitat provisioning
Vegetation cover
25 ± 25
72 ± 27
72 ± 18
34 ± 43
Plant species richness
6.3 ± 5.1
11.2 ± 2.9
7.4 ± 3.0
5.3 ± 4.6
In this study we found that improved management practices, such as green manure, no-tillage
and compost application, played a significant role in the rehabilitation of soil services
provisioning and plant species conservation. The enhancement of phosphatase activity in all
treatments compared to conventional tillage shows that the capacity to release organically-
bound phosphorus may be increased with improved management practices leading to a boost
in the P-cycle for the benefit of all plants present including the almond trees. Additionally, we
found that dehydrogenase, an enzyme that plays a role in the decomposition process within the
C-cycle, is not sensitive to changes in these soil and vegetation management practices. The
other enzymatic activities, that play roles in the N-cycle and P-cycle and in the breakdown of
cellulose, have shown to be enhanced after implementation of these management practices. To
improve plant species richness, no-tillage management is most effective. However, for
increasing vegetation green manure is just as effective.
To conclude, implementing green manure, no-tillage and compost application on a monoculture
almond farm appear to be effective strategies to improve and rehabilitate ecosystem services
provided on the farm, such as nutrient cycling and plant species conservation.
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Environmental benefits of agroforestry
4th European Agroforestry Conference Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use
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Full-text available
Pollination studies tend to focus on the conventional agriculture associated with Europe and the USA , leaving a gap in our understanding of how pollination services are maintained in smallholder agricultural systems that dominate much of the developing world. In South Sinai, Egypt, almond is cultivated as part of an arid agroforestry system in traditional orchard gardens that contain a mixture of fruit trees inter‐planted with vegetables and herbs. This study investigated the relative contribution of honeybees and wild insects for pollination of almond trees and assessed how flowering ground vegetation influenced pollinator densities and fruit set. Results showed that almond was highly dependent on insect pollination, with bagged flowers producing less than 8% of the fruit set of insect‐ and hand‐pollinated flowers. Fruit set was correlated with wild pollinator visitation, but not with honeybee visitation. Furthermore, the presence of honeybee hives had no effect upon fruit set. The abundance and species richness of flowering ground vegetation was positively related to pollinator abundance within the gardens and associated with enhanced fruit set. Over half of the flowering ground flora were minority crops grown alongside almond, suggesting that facilitation can occur between simultaneously flowering crops. In these diverse orchard gardens, flowering minority crops benefited wild pollinators and increased fruit set in the primary orchard crop. If mutual facilitation occurs between other crop species, then the diverse cropping systems associated with smallholder farms are likely to enhance pollination services within traditional agricultural landscapes.
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Little is known about the multiple impacts of sustainable land management practices on soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration, mitigation of global change and crop yield productivity in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. We hypothesized that a shift from intensive tillage to more conservative tillage management practices (reduced tillage optionally combined with green manure) leads to an improvement in soil structure and quality and will reduce soil erosion and enhance carbon sequestration in semiarid Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems. To test the hypothesis, we assessed the effects of different tillage treatments (conventional (CT), reduced (RT), reduced tillage combined with green manure (RTG), and no tillage (NT)) on soil structure and soil water content, runoff and erosion control, soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, crop yield and carbon sequestration in two semiarid agroecosystems with organic rainfed almond (Prunus dulcis Mill) in the Murcia Region (southeast Spain). It was found that reduction and suppression of tillage under almonds led to an increase in soil water content in both agroecosystems. Crop yields ranged from 775 to 1,766 kg ha−1 between tillage treatments, but we did not find a clear relation between soil water content and crop yield. RT and RTG treatments showed lower soil erosion rates and higher crop yields of almonds than under CT treatment. Overall, higher soil organic carbon contents and aggregate stability were observed under RTG treatment than under RT or CT treatment. It is concluded that conversion from CT to RTG is suitable to increase carbon inputs without enhancing soil CO2 emissions in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems.
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The Mediterranean region covers about 854 million ha, but only 118 million (or 14 per cent) are suitable for agricultural production. In North Africa and the Middle East (MENA), agricultural land covers about 5 per cent; in Egypt and Algeria, it occupies less than 4 per cent and, in Libya, less than 2 per cent of the total national land area. Across the Mediterranean region land use divides between natural pastures/rangelands (ca. 15 per cent), forests and woodlands (ca. 8 per cent), with the ca. 63 per cent remaining desert sands, shallow, rocky, saline, sodic soils and areas effectively sealed by urbanisation. Land degradation is a severe problem in most Mediterranean countries. Estimates for the period 1961 to 2020 show that although the Mediterranean population is likely to more than double, ca. 8.3 million ha of agricultural land (7 per cent) may be lost as a result of continued urbanisation and land degradation. If these estimates are correct, agricultural land per capita would more than halve from ca. 0.48 ha (1961) to ca. 0.21 ha in 2020. Food security is likely to become increasingly problematic, especially in the MENA countries, which require a major reassessment of their agricultural development policy.
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Several wildfire prevention programs in southern Europe are currently using livestock grazing for the maintenance of fuelbreaks. This silvopastoral management is valued for being sustainable and effective in reducing fuel loads, but few studies have analyzed other impacts linked to fuelbreak grazing. This paper reports on an experiment performed within the wildfire prevention program in Andalusia (southern Spain) with the aim of clarifying and quantifying the effect of fuelbreak grazing on herbage biomass, ground cover, herbage species composition, and growth of holm oak saplings. The study site, located in a semiarid Mediterranean environment, was grazed by a shepherded sheep flock from February to June in three consecutive years at a similar stocking rate. Livestock consumed between 33 and 68 % of herbage production in the different years, and the greatest fuel reduction (remaining dry matter of 200 kg ha−1) was registered in Year 2, when rainfall and herbage production was lowest. Ground cover was significantly affected by grazing: on average, the percentage of bare soil increased three-fold, while herbage cover was reduced by a quarter. The botanical composition of herbage varied remarkably between years, but very little between Grazed and Non-Grazed areas within each year. Non-browsed holm oak saplings became progressively larger than browsed ones, differences only reaching clear statistical significance at the end of the three experimental years. At this time, the volume of browsed saplings was 47–56 % smaller than that of non-browsed holm oaks, even though the former had also grown significantly in the course of the experiment.
Wild pollinators are becoming more valuable to global agriculture as the commercial honeybee industry is increasingly affected by disease and other stressors. Perennial tree crops are particularly reliant on insect pollination, and are often pollen limited. Research on how different tree crop production systems influence the richness and abundance of wild pollinators is, however, limited. We investigated, for the first time, the richness and abundance of potential wild pollinators in commercial temperate almond orchards in Australia, and compared them to potential pollinator communities in proximate native vegetation. We quantified ground cover variables at each site and assessed the value of ground cover on the richness and abundance of potential wild pollinators in commercial almond systems focussing on three common taxa: bees, wasps and flies. More insects were caught in orchards with living ground cover than in native vegetation or orchards without ground cover, although overall species richness was highest in native vegetation. Percent ground cover was positively associated with wasp richness and abundance, and native bee richness, but flies showed no association with ground cover. The strongest positive relationship was between native bee abundance and the richness of ground cover plants. Our results suggest that maintaining living ground cover within commercial almond orchards could provide habitat and resources for potential wild pollinators, particularly native bees. These insects have the potential to provide a valuable ecosystem service to pollinator dependent crops such as almond.
Soils from many portions of the Mediterranean region are subjected to progressive degradation as a result of erosion by wind and water. As a consequence, the fertility level of these degraded soils is declining. This report studied the dehydrogenase activity of 18 soils, all of which were subjected to processes of erosion, in order to ascertain whether such activity could serve as a marker of the microbial activity of a degraded soil. The dehydrogenase activity of the soils studied was not correlated with their organic matter content, indicating that total organic matter was not representative of the microbial activity of degraded soil. An analysis of principal components showed a similar behavior between other indices of microbial activity (basal respiration and biomass carbon) and the dehydrogenase activity values. This data confirmed that dehydrogenase activity can be used as a sensitive marker of soil degradation and soil microbial activity.
Land degradation in the drylands, also called desertification, has affected the world for centuries, even millennia, in Africa, Asia, and Mediterranean Europe, for one or two centuries in the Americas, and 100 years or less in Australia. Among the principal degradation processes are vegetation degradation in rangelands, water and wind erosion, salinization of irrigated and certain semiarid lands, and soil compaction. Farmers, ranchers, and researchers, in general, are aware, from their personal experiences, of the environmental changes land degradation has brought. Unfortunately, there are little good research data on just how much damage has been done. Much of the evidence is from what can be seen, such as gullies, mobile sand dunes, and buried cities, as well as undocumented anecdotes of ancient and modern travelers. Given the uncertain data base, it is no wonder that there are radically different beliefs of the severity and the damage cost of land degradation in the drylands. This review attempts to analyze global information sources and draw tentative conclusions on the significance of on-site and off-site impacts of land degradation. The pressing need is for more reliable data that will help determine the priority the problem should have in national and international planning.
Frequent tillage has been widely used in rainfed orchards in SE Spain in order to impede weed establishment and to increase water reposition in the soil profile. However, this practice may lead to soil degradation by decreasing structural stability, organic carbon content and microbial activity. This work examines the effect of different cover crop managements and frequent tillage on soil physical, chemical and biological properties in almond orchards in SE Spain. Two cover crops (oat –Avena sativa L. and oat-vetch –Vicia sativa L.) with two fertilization managements (mineral and organic) and three harvesting regimes (grazing in mid May, hay in early June, and grain-straw in mid July) were compared to a frequently tilled orchard system (three or four tillages per year). Most parameters were sensitive to soil management. Wet aggregate stability, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, carbon:nitrogen ratio, phosphatase, and β-glucosidase activities increased with cover crops, whereas the soil–water content declined, especially for the grain-straw treatment. The kind of fertilizer affected the available P content, which was higher for mineral fertilizer, and influenced the β-glucosidase activity, which augmented for the organic fertilizer. Livestock dejections depressed phosphatase activity, and increased WSC and available P.This study suggests that cover crops in semiarid environments improve soil quality compared to frequently tilled management, by increasing the organic matter content, improving the chemical and physical fertility of the soil, and enhancing the soil biological activity. Only higher water extraction by the plants could affect the orchard development and/or productivity; however, early cover crop removal would minimize possible yield losses.
Clean cultivation is a common practice in rainfed orchards; however, it may have detrimental effects on soil properties. This study examines the effect of different soil management systems on physical, chemical, and biochemical properties in a hypercalcic Calcisol in rainfed almond orchards (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) in SE Spain. Four types of soil management (main-plot treatments) were compared to a frequently tilled orchard system (FT: three or four tillages per year). The four types of soil management were: fencing (SF) of a flock of 130 sheep in 0.4 ha and grass cover was kept throughout the growing season; native vegetation (NV) that was allowed to grow; cover crop (CC) composed of legumes and crucifers; and reduced tillage (RT) comprising autumn and spring chisel ploughing. Each type of soil management was split into two grazing treatments (subplot treatments): with and without grazing. Our results supported the hypothesis that clean cultivation, i.e., FT, has deleterious effects on soil properties compared with managed groundcover. Compared with FT treatment, at the end of the experiment, the rest of treatments had higher wet aggregate stability (except the SF treatment), soil organic carbon (10.6 g kg−1vs. 5.4 g kg−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), total nitrogen (1.35 g kg−1vs. 0.83 g kg−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), available potassium (332 mg kg−1vs. 187 mg kg−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), and dehydrogenase (2.6 μg INTF g−1 h−1vs. 1.9 μg INTF g−1 h−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), arylsulphatase (12.8 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 6.5 μg PNP g−1 h−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), β-glucosidase (569 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 300 μg PNP g−1 h−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT), and phosphatase activity (394 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 220 μg PNP g−1 h−1, mean groundcover treatments vs. FT). Grazed plots had higher water content in soil (10 g H2O kg soil−1vs. 9.4 g H2O kg soil−1, grazed vs. not grazed plots) and greater levels of arylsulphatase (12 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 11 μg PNP g−1 h−1, grazed vs. not grazed plots), β-glucosidase (582 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 491 μg PNP g−1 h−1, grazed vs. not grazed plots), and phosphatase activity (396 μg PNP g−1 h−1vs. 345 μg PNP g−1 h−1, grazed vs. not grazed plots), in late spring, and this is attributed to the reduction of evapotranspiration and to the stimulation of root activity by means of plant defoliation. In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, managements including grass cover improved physical, chemical and biological properties of soil compared with frequent tillage, particularly when grass was early removed by grazing.Research highlights▶ Grassing-down in orchards improves soil quality in semiarid environments. ▶ Vegetation promotes soil organic carbon, structure stability and microbial activity. ▶ Moderate grazing increases water content of soil and boosts enzyme activities.
The kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) of ureases, phosphatases, casein and benzoylargininae-mide-hydrolysing proteases extracted from two different soils were determined. The Eadie-Scatchard plot, which is the most sensitive graphical technique for detecting deviations from Michaelis-Menten kinetics, was used. In the case of phosphatases extracted from two soils and of the benzoylarginineamide hydrolysing protease extracted from one soil the relationship between V/S and V produced two straight lines. The presence of at least two enzymes (or two forms of the same enzyme) catalysing the same reaction and characterized by markedly different Km and Vmax values, was indicated. A procedure to determine the true constants was reported. The conclusion was that the presence in soil of high and low-affinity enzymes permits an efficient reaction at either low or high substrate concentration.