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Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health
Niti Pathak, Asani Bhaduri, and Ashwani K Rai
1 Introduction ................................................................................... 2
2 Bioactive Compounds in Sesame . .. .. .. .. ................................................... 3
2.1 Phenolics ................................................................................ 4
2.2 Minor Phenolics . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 9
2.3 Phytosterols ............................................................................. 9
2.4 Phytates .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................... 10
2.5 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids ............................................................ 10
2.6 Short-Chain Peptides, Protein Hydrolysates, and Their Functional Properties .. . . . . . 11
3 Quantitative Insight in Lignan and Tocopherol Content: Interspecific and Intraspecific
Variation . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11
4 Biotechnological Approaches for Sesame ................................................... 12
4.1 Genome Sequencing of Sesame Crop: Unraveling the Oil Biosynthetic Pathway . . . 12
4.2 Functional Gene Expression: “Lignan Biosynthetic Genes”.......................... 13
5 Conclusions ................................................................................... 14
References .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . 14
Sesame is a valuable oilseed crop that contains various nutritionally rich bioactive
compounds including lignans, tocopherol homologues, phytosterols, etc. Lignans
are the product of oxidative coupling of β-hydroxyphenylpropane. Sesame has a
N. Pathak
Department of Botany, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
A. Bhaduri
Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
A.K. Rai (*)
Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
#Springer International Publishing AG 2018
J.-M. Mérillon, K.G. Ramawat (eds.), Bioactive Molecules in Food, Reference Series in
combination of glycosylated lignans and oil-dispersed lignans. Based on their
medicinal and pharmacological properties, the most important lignans are
sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin, and sesaminol. Tocopherols (vitamin E compounds)
are the lipid-soluble free radicals and constitute a major part of human diet. In
sesame seeds, α-, γ-, and δ-tocopherols are found as tocopherol homologues. In
addition to lignans and tocopherols, sesame is an important source of phytosterols,
phytates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive peptides. However, utilization
potential of many of these compounds has not yet been fully understood. This
chapter delves into the presence of multifarious bioactive components in sesame
seeds, their biosynthetic pathway, and functional importance.
Bioactive compounds Sesame Sesamin Sesamolin Sesamol Pinoresinol
Tocopherol Phytosterols
CYP81Q1 Sesamin synthase
DIR1 Dirigent protein
DMPQ 2,3-Dimethyl-5-phytyl-1,4-hydroquinol
VTE1 Tocopherol cyclase
γ-TMT γ-Tocopherol methyltransferase
1 Introduction
Sesame (Sesamum indicum, family Pedaliaceae) is considered as one of the earliest
domesticated crops and oilseed plants known to mankind with its multifarious uses.
It is found in the tropics and subtropics but is most common in the narrower belt
closer to the equator, mostly north of it [1]. Basically, sesame is a crop of the
developing countries in more southern latitudes. For a long time, it is being used
in religious rituals in India, Egypt, and Persian region [2,3]. Sesame is regarded as
“queen of oilseeds”because of its oil quality [4,5], sterols, and antioxidative agents,
i.e., methylenedioxyphenyl compounds, sesamin, sesamolin, and tocopherols that
act as nutraceuticals and impart resistance to oil against oxidative deterioration.
Further, the composition of dry decorticated sesame seed per 100 g includes edible
portion, i.e., water (3.75 g), energy (2640 kJ; 631 kcal), protein (20.45 g), fat
(61.21 g), carbohydrate (11.73 g), dietary fiber (11.6 g), high amounts of Ca
(60 mg), Mg (345 mg), P (667 mg), K (370 mg), Fe (6.36 mg), Zn (6.73 mg),
vitamin A (66 IU), thiamin (0.70 mg), riboflavin (0.09 mg), niacin (5.80 mg), folate
(115 μg), alpha-tocopherol (1.68 mg), and no ascorbic acid [6]. The presence of
oxalic acid in sesame seeds makes it little bitter in taste.
The sesame oil is comprised of 83–90% unsaturated fatty acids that contain
glycerides of oleic acid (36–54%) and linoleic acid (38–49%). Other components
2 N. Pathak et al.
are saturated fatty acids (myristic acid, 0.1% or less; palmitic acid, 8–12%; stearic
acid, 3.5–7%; arachidonic acid, 0.5–1%). The unsaponifiable matter (1.2%) includes
tocopherols and the lignans sesamin (0.1–0.6%), sesamolin (0.25–0.3%), sesamol,
and sesaminol, which give the oil its resistance to rancidity. Extracted sesame cake
varies in color from light yellow to grayish black, depending on the dominant seed
coat color. Its chemical composition also varies according to cultivar, method of oil
extraction, and the presence of testa. The sesame cake has ample amount of calcium
and phosphate; protein content ranges from 35% to 47% but is deficient in lysine.
Sesame seed color show variation in different species which could partly be
attributed to changes in composition of bioactive phenolics i.e., lignans and tocoph-
erols (Fig. 1). The present chapter provides detailed and updated information on the
bioactive components present in sesame seeds, their importance, and health benefits.
In particular, sesame lignans and tocopherols have been focused at length: the
biosynthetic pathway, the gene regulation, and the biotechnological approaches to
enhance the concentration of lignans and tocopherols in sesame crop.
2 Bioactive Compounds in Sesame
Bioactive compounds are beneficial components in food and are accountable for
disease-preventing properties. They include a range of chemical compounds includ-
ing phenolics, carotenoids, phytosterols, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These
compounds are often utilized as antioxidants and other purposes such as inhibiting
cholesterol absorption, blocking the activity of bacterial toxins, etc. Our recent
review on value addition in sesame crop has elaborated the production of value-
added products such as sesame oil and meal, thereby enhancing its economic
importance [7]. The target candidates for this study are bioactive compounds
such as lignans, tocopherols, phytates, phytosterols, and polyunsaturated fatty
acids (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 Seed color variation in two sesame species cultivated in India
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 3
2.1 Phenolics
Natural phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites, which are widely distrib-
uted in the plant kingdom. Plant phenols are noted for their role in prevention of
various ailments associated with oxidative stress such as cardiovascular and neuro-
degenerative diseases and cancer [8]. Phenolics are characterized by the presence of
aromatic ring (at least one) coupled with a few hydroxyl groups. The antioxidative
potential of phenolics is very high as these compounds can produce stable radical
intermediates utilizing electrons. Due to their antioxidative potential, they play an
important role in the stabilization of edible oils and protection from off-flavor
formation [8]. Recent findings suggest that phenolics could play an important role
in conditions associated with oxidative stress [9,10]. The antioxidant property of
sesame seed and its oil along with various health properties is attributed to the
presence of lignans such as sesamin, sesamolin, sesaminol, sesangolin, 2-episalatin,
and tocopherol isomers [11]. Sesame oil is extremely resistant to oxidative rancidity
due to the presence of chemically related compounds sesamol and sesamol dimer.
2.1.1 Lignans: Chemistry and Biosynthesis
The common feature of many natural products is recognized as a C
unit, i.e., a
propylbenzene or phenylpropanoid skeleton [12]. In a review of natural resins,
Fig. 2 Distribution of bioactive components in sesame seeds
4 N. Pathak et al.
Haworth was first to suggest (1936) [13] that the class of compounds derived from
two C
units having β,β0linkage (8–80bond) should be called as lignans. Lignan is
actually a constituent of lignin, a generic name for the compound resulting from two
p-hydroxyphenylpropane molecules. Sesame seed contains two major groups of
lignans: (1) oil-soluble lignans (sesamin, sesamolin, sesaminol, sesamolinol, and
pinoresinol) and (2) glycosylated water-soluble lignans (sesaminol triglucoside,
pinoresinol triglucoside, sesaminol monoglucoside, pinoresinol monoglucoside,
and two isomers of pinoresinol diglucoside and sesaminol diglucoside) [14–16].
The antioxidative property of sesame seed is associated with lignan components
present in the oil and are unique to sesame. The lignans, sesamin, and sesamolin and
their derivatives prevent oxidation of the oil and give it a long shelf life and stability
[17]. Lignans and tocopherols are also reported to act in coordination resulting in
enhanced vitamin E activity [18]. Namiki [19] suggested that the bioactive com-
pounds present in sesame seed cannot individually describe the high oxidative
stability of roasted sesame oil, but the cumulative effect of all the components of
sesame oil protects the roasted sesame oil from oxidative deterioration.
The oil fraction of most oilseeds comprises mainly of triacylglycerols (95–99%)
acting as a dispersing media for a wide range of lipophilic and amphiphilic second-
ary metabolites, together known as the unsaponifiable fraction of the seed. These
unsaponifiable portions can be extracted with lipophilic solvents after saponification
of acyl lipids [20] and are of importance as the presence of the lignans may be taken
as marker for genuineness of the oil. Other constituents, tocopherols and
tocotrienols, are strong antioxidants and provide stability to the oil. Also, lignans,
especially sesamin, have currently been recognized for possessing interesting phys-
iological bioactivities against chronic diseases.
Sesaminol, a water-soluble glycoside along with fat-soluble sesamin and
sesamolin, constitutes the major lignans of sesame seeds. The isomer of sesamin
called episesamin is generated in the process of refining sesame oil. The functional
methylenedioxyphenyl group of most of these lignans especially sesamin,
sesamolin, and sesangolin initiates the activities [21,22], and these molecules in
turn utilize their effect via inhibition of liver microsome oxidases [23].
Sesamin Biosynthesis
Phenylalanine and tyrosine are precursors for various plant substances such as
tannins, polymeric lignin, and lignans. Phenylalanine is converted to cinnamic
acid by the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL). This is followed by a
series of hydroxylation, methylation, and reduction leading to production of
coumaric acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and eventually E-coniferyl alcohol [24].
However, it has also been claimed that [
C]-labeled tyrosine is incorporated into
sesamin when administered to the cell suspension cultures of Sesamum indicum [25].
E-coniferyl alcohol has also been shown to undergo stereoselective coupling
to synthesize (þ)-pinoresinol in Sesamum indicum seeds (Fig. 3). (þ)-Pinoresinol
is then metabolized further, and methylenedioxyphenyl group is added in matur-
ing sesame seeds which result in production of (þ)-piperitol and (þ)-sesamin and
(þ)-sesamolin [26]. A 78 kDa dirigent protein is known to assist in a stereoselective
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 5
bimolecular coupling to produce (þ)-pinoresinol [27]. Lignan synthesis is develop-
mentally regulated and depends upon the stage of seed maturity. The most mature
seeds of 8 weeks efficiently convert (þ)-pinoresinol into (þ)-piperitol and (þ)-
sesamin, while younger seeds have higher conversion to (þ)-sesamolin [28].
Recently, it is shown that the synthesis of sesamin from pinoresinol is catalyzed
by CYP81Q1 in two steps [29].
2.1.2 Tocopherol Chemistry and Biosynthesis
Tocochromanols have both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic elements –these bio-
molecules generally have a lipophilic isoprenoid side chain linked to the membrane
lipids and a polar chromanol ring toward the membrane surface. Tocochromanols
inhibit membrane lipid peroxidation and scavenge reactive oxygen species. It is a
well-known fact that antioxidants neutralize free radicals, thereby preventing DNA
damage. Being scavenger of reactive oxygen species, tocopherols minimize free
radical attack and interrupt lipid peroxidation. In this way, these molecules protect
cell membranes, enable lipid repair and replacement, and are useful in preventing
cancer and heart diseases [30]. Tocopherols are known to play a role in plant
metabolism, for instance, sugar transport from leaves to phloem [31].
Tocopherols are an important group of plant phenolics that have antioxidative
activity and nutritional values [32]. They belong to a family of molecules that have a
chromanol ring (chroman ring with an alcoholic hydroxyl group) and a 12-carbon
Fig. 3 Diagrammatic representation of sesamin biosynthetic pathway depicting conversion of
coniferyl alcohol to pinoresinol with unstable intermediate piperitol followed by conversion to
sesamin. Sesamin is further converted to sesamolin. Boxes indicate action of enzymes
6 N. Pathak et al.
aliphatic side chain containing two methyl groups in the middle and two more
methyl groups at the end. Plants synthesize eight different vitamin E forms, includ-
ing α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherols and α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocotrienols [33]. All tocoph-
erols and tocotrienols consist of a chromanol ring and varying number of methyl
groups on the chromanol ring. Metabolic fate and biological activities of tocols
depend upon their structural features. The entire isoforms act as lipid antioxidants,
and α-tocopherol has the highest vitamin E activity [34,35]. The difference between
tocopherols and tocotrienols is that tocopherols have a saturated tail, while
tocotrienols have an unsaturated tail.
Higher plants like dicots have tocopherols in almost all parts including roots,
stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds [36,37]. However, the total tocopherol
content and different forms of tocopherols in these tissues differ considerably.
Among the tocopherols, α-tocopherol is the predominant form in photosynthetic
tissues such as stems and leaves. In most seed crops, α-tocopherol is present only in a
minor form, and γ- and δ-tocopherols tend to predominate [38].
Tocopherol Biosynthesis
The hydroquinone ring of tocopherol is derived from the shikimate pathway
of aromatic amino acid synthesis (Fig. 4). Biosynthesis of homogentisate, the
precursor for tocopherol, tocotrienol, and plastoquinone, is catalyzed by p-
hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)[39]. After attachment of the hydro-
phobic side chain by homogentisate phytyl transferase (HPT1/VTE2)[40,41] and on
methylation (VTE3)[42,43], 2,3-dimethyl-5-phytyl-1,4-hydroquinol (DMPQ) is
formed, which is converted to γ-tocopherol by tocopherol cyclase (VTE1)[44,45].
Tocopherol cyclase is considered as a key enzyme in tocopherol biosynthesis. Final
methylation by γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT, VTE4) results in the pro-
duction of α-tocopherol.
2.1.3 Sesame Seed: Lignan and Tocopherol Bioactivities
Sesamin and sesamolin were initially considered as the major lignans in sesame
seeds [46]. Sesaminol, another major lignan, was identified later from sesame seeds
[47]. These seed components possess unique properties, and regular human con-
sumption helps in lowering blood lipids [48] and arachidonic acid levels [49]. The
sesame seed lignans are also known to reduce cholesterol level by inhibiting its
absorption and synthesis simultaneously [50]. These lignans are anticarcinogenic
[51] and anti-inflammatory [52] and are known to increase hepatic fatty acid
oxidation [53]. They have immunomodulatory activities [54] and possess antihyper-
tensive [55,56] and neuroprotective effects against hypoxia or brain damage [57].
In addition to lignans, multiple tocopherol homologues [α-tocopherol (αT), δ-
tocopherol (δT), and γ-tocopherol (γT), tocotrienols] are also present in sesame
seeds, which possess antioxidative and health-promoting properties. Sesame lignans
are found to exhibit synergistic effect with tocopherols on vitamin E activity and act
as specific inhibitor of fatty acid metabolism in humans [58]. These nutritional
properties of the sesame seeds contributed by the principal factors lignans and
tocopherols have promoted their use in the daily diet worldwide.
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 7
Sesame lignans have antioxidant and tocopherol-sparing activities [59–62]. They are
reported to reduce cholesterol level [48,50,63] and exhibit antihypertensive [64]and
anti-inflammatory activities [65] as well as affect lipid metabolism by enhancing gene
expression and hepatic enzyme (acyl CoA oxidase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase,
bifunctional enzyme, and 3-ketoacyl-CoA-thiolase) activities involved in fatty acid
oxidation [66,67]. On the other hand, lignans reduce the activities of enzymes involved
in lipogenesis (acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, ATP citrate lyase, glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase) by altering the gene expression [66].
Hence, sesame plays a crucial role in minimizing the vulnerability and increasing the
safety against atherosclerosis, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases [48,64,68].
Thus, sesame has both preventive and therapeutic values in a variety of chronic
diseases, owing to its rich lignan content and its antioxidative, anticholesterolemic,
and antihypertensive properties. Sesame lignans, especially sesamin, are absorbed in
human body, undergo enterohepatic circulation, and are converted into strong
antioxidative metabolites. Intestinal bacteria metabolize them into other bioactive
compounds such as mammalian lignans enterolactone and enterodiol compounds,
which the role in breast, prostate, and colon cancers, bone health, and cardiovascular
diseases is understudy [69–71].
In traditional Chinese and Indian systems of medicine like Ayurveda, sesame
occupies an important position with diverse pharmaceutical application. In China,
Fig. 4 Diagrammatic representation of tocopherol biosynthetic pathway depicting conversion of p-
hydroxyphenylpyruvate to homogentisate, which gets converted to methylated hydroquinol and
finally to tocopherol homologues
8 N. Pathak et al.
sesame oil is used in treatment of toothaches and gum diseases [72]. In India, it is
being used as an antibacterial mouthwash to relieve anxiety and insomnia and in the
treatment of blurred vision, dizziness, and headache [72]. Sesame oil is also noted
for burn-healing effect [73]. Moist-exposed burn ointment (MEBO) a purely herbal
formulation from China contains sesame oil as an active ingredient along with β-
sitosterol, berberine, and other plant extracts in trace amount [74] and is usually used
in managing the burns of the face, neck, and hand [73].
The main antioxidant activity of α-tocopherol is to break the radical chain in
membranes and lipoproteins [75]. Its antioxidant potential along with various func-
tions at the molecular level mitigates the possibility of cardiovascular diseases and
cancers [76,77]. Other tocols that are present in lesser amount can also perform the
antioxidative and biological activities. Gamma-tocopherol (γ-T), for instance, is
more potent in decreasing platelet aggregation and LDL oxidation and delaying
intra-arterial thrombus formation than that of α-tocopherol [78,79]. Tocotrienols
inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis [80] and are found effective in reducing the tendency
of breast cancer [81]. Thus, tocopherols have high antioxidant, antitumor, and
hypocholesterolemic potential. γ-Tocopherol is the major tocopherol in sesame,
whereas α- and δ-tocopherols are present in very small amounts. It has been reported
that γ-tocopherol is a more effective antioxidant compared to other tocopherols [82]
but has poor vitamin E activity in biological systems [76].
Tocopherols terminate the recyclable chain reaction of polyunsaturated fatty acid
(PUFA) radicals produced by oxidation of lipid [83]. The lipid peroxy radicals that
are scavenged by tocopherols are converted into tocopheroxyl radicals, which with
the help of ascorbate and other antioxidants are recycled back as the corresponding
tocopherol [84]. In this manner, a tocopherol molecule can undergo in multiple lipid
peroxidation chain-breaking events before it is finally degraded.
2.2 Minor Phenolics
In addition to tocopherols and lignans, sesame contains other phenolics like
naphthoquinone and phenolic acids in trace amounts [85–88]. Sesamol, which is
known as a strong free radical scavenger [89], is also present in sesame oil. It is a free
phenol with methylenediphenoxy group.
2.3 Phytosterols
Phytosterols (sterols and stanols) are plant triterpenes with preventive functions
in many diseases especially cancer. They have been shown to possess antioxidant
[90], anti-inflammatory [91], and antibacterial properties [92]. Similar in structure
to cholesterol (phytosterols have extra methyl group at C-24 position), these plant
sterols, when digested, compete with cholesterol for small intestine absorption leading
to lowering of the cholesterol level in blood [93]. The recommended functional foods
usually contain phytosterols extracted from plant sources, or at times processed foods
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 9
have phytosterols assupplement and are sold as cholesterol-lowering foods. Although
corn and legumes are used to extract phytosterols, it is the sesame seeds that have the
highest (400–413 mg 100 g
) amount of phytosterols [94].
In a recent study, Gharby et al. [95] noted that β-sitosterol constitutes a major
portion of phytosterols in sesame seed and oil, and campesterol and stigmasterol are
the other important sterols present. Compared to other phytosterols, β-sitosterol has
been studied more extensively for its beneficial and physiological effect on human
being. β-Sitosterol lowers cholesterol level [96], enhances immunity, and has anti-
inflammatory properties [97]. The other major component is campesterol, which
accounts for about 17.8% of the total sterols. Stigmasterol and Δ5-avenasterol
measure about 6.4% and 10.2%, respectively, in sesame oil. Minor sterols present
are Δ7-stigmasterol and Δ7-avenasterol. The total sterol content in sesame seed oil is
approximately 540 mg/100 g oil.
2.4 Phytates
Phytic acid is a bioactive compound with wide distribution in plant foods. Due to its
molecular structure, phytic acid has affinity to polyvalent cations such as minerals
and trace elements. Phytic acid is one of the most important sources of phosphorus in
plant seeds, and sesame is no exception. In fact, sesame seeds are richer in phytate
than the commonly known legumes. In oil seeds such as sunflower, soybean,
sesame, linseed, and rapeseed, the phytic acid content ranges from 1% to 5.4%
compared to 0.2–2.9% in legumes. A defatted sesame meal has much higher phytate
concentration than that of soybean meal [98]. Graf and Dintzis [99] have measured
5.36% phytic acid content in sesame seeds. Often, phytates are termed as anti-
nutrient for preventing mineral absorption from meal, but it is also seen that phytates
have anticancerous and hypocholesterolemic activities [100,101].
2.5 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Fatty acids are carboxylic acids with long-chain hydrocarbon side groups derived
from or contained as esterified molecular form in lipids (fat, oil, or wax) of microbes,
animals, and plants usually ranging from 1 to 30 carbon atoms in length attached to a
terminal carboxyl group [102]. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are long-chain
fatty acids containing two or more double bonds introduced by specific desaturase
enzymes. Over the years, vegetable oils rich in various PUFAs have emerged as
potential dietary elements for normal growth and development of human beings with
considerable biomedical significance. LC-x-3-PUFAs are important for human
health in maintaining the cellular membrane by regulating cholesterol synthesis,
transportation [103], and eicosanoid synthesis [104].
Sesame is a high-energy food containing approximately 50% oil. The fatty acid
composition of sesame oil is highly desirable with about 80–85% unsaturated acids
and only 15–20% of saturated acids. Sesame oil consists mainly of linoleic
10 N. Pathak et al.
(35–50%) and oleic (35–50%) acids, with small amount of palmitic (7–12%) and
stearic (3.5–6%) acids, but with only traces of linolenic acid [105,106]. Studies
indicate that a high intake of n-6 fatty acids shifts the physiologic state to one that is
pro-thrombotic and pro-aggregatory, characterized by increase in blood viscosity,
vasospasm, and vasoconstriction and decrease in bleeding time. The n-3 fatty acids,
however, have anti-inflammatory, antithrombic, hypolipidemic, and vasodilatory
properties [103]. Sesame in combination with soybean oil increases the vitamin E
activity along with nutritive value of the lipid [19,107].
Sesame varieties differ greatly in fatty acid contents of their seeds, and this under-
standing could lead to crop engineering with an aim to develop better quality edible oil in
future [108]. Indian sesame germplasms have lower level of saturated fatty acids
compared to other sesame varieties with palmitic acid being the prominent one. C18:1
and C18:2 are the major unsaturated fatty acids present in Indian varieties [109]. In
unsaturated fatty acids, while the content of C18:1 and C18:2 is quite high in sesame oil
(38–49% and 17–43%, respectively), the C18:3 content is below par (<1%) [110]. A
critical analysis of different cultivars is the need of hour, if we are assertive to improve the
nutritional quality of oil by engineering the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway.
2.6 Short-Chain Peptides, Protein Hydrolysates, and Their
Functional Properties
The bioactive polypeptides are amino acid chains joined by amide or peptide bonds,
with molecular weight not exceeding beyond 20 kDa. These are protein fragments
that have independent function in various biochemical, physiological, or cellular
processes. While some of these peptides are formed naturally, it is the artificial
protein hydrolysates that are much in use and are structurally and functionally a
diverse group of peptides. Proteins can be digested by proteases, or specific fragment
can be created in bio-fermenters utilizing microbes [111]. Sesame food preparation is
also an important source of protein [112]. Protein hydrolysates are widely in use as
nutritional supplement, functional ingredient, food flavor enhancer, pharmaceuticals,
and cosmetics [113,114]. They display hormone- or drug-like activities and based
on the mode of action can be classified as antimicrobial, antithrombotic, antihyper-
tensive, opioid, immunomodulatory, mineral binding, and antioxidative [115]. Use
of papain for producing sesame protein hydrolysates having better functional prop-
erties, high storability, and emulsifying properties than that of the original sesame
protein lysate has been studied by Bandyopadhyay and Ghosh [116].
3 Quantitative Insight in Lignan and Tocopherol Content:
Interspecific and Intraspecific Variation
Sesame crops are of high nutritional value owing to the presence of antioxidants
lignans (sesamin, sesamolin, and sesamol) and tocopherols (α-, γ-, and δ-forms).
Separation of tocopherol homologues in sesame by RPLC on triacontyl (C
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 11
stationary phase has been successfully optimized. The reproducibility of the procedure
is in the range 1.7–3.9%, and recovery ranged from 91% to 99% [117]. Lignans and
tocopherol homologue contents in a wide collection of 143 sesame lines (wild species,
landraces, introgressed lines, and cultivars) collected from diverse agroecological
zones of India have been determined by reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) [118].
Screening of sesame germplasm revealed an exploitable level of variation in major
bioactive compounds. High levels of sesamin and γ-tocopherol suggested for the
efficient introduction of these lines in the trait enhancement of other oilseed crops.
4 Biotechnological Approaches for Sesame
Sesame crop is relatively superior in oil quantity and quality compared to many
major oil crops. The oil content varies from 35% to 60%, but mostly it is about 50%
of seed weight [119]. Therefore, genetic engineering of sesame directed toward
creation of sesame oil having diverse composition of lignans and tocopherols with
high nutritional value is an important biotechnological aspect. With high genetic
diversity, sesame becomes a promising oilseed crop for performing genetic manip-
ulations to obtain high yield and quality oil [120].
4.1 Genome Sequencing of Sesame Crop: Unraveling the Oil
Biosynthetic Pathway
Higher oil content compared to other oilseed crops, combined with small genome
related to oil quality enhancement, makes sesame an invaluable model plant for
studying oil biosynthesis. Wang et al. [121] have done de novo assembling of the
genome, where a set of 12 transcriptomes and 29 resequenced accessions provided
a large resource for exploring the mechanisms underlying different oil content
between sesame and soybean, as well as among the sesame accessions. The results
reveal the presence of whole genome duplication and absence of the Toll/interleukin-
1 receptor domain in resistance genes. Genes and oil biosynthetic pathways respon-
sible for high oil content were determined employing comparative genomic and
transcriptomic analyses. That has indicated for the expansion of type 1 lipid transfer
genes by tandem duplication, the contraction of lipid degradation genes, and the
differential expression of essential genes in the triacylglycerol biosynthesis pathway
in the early stage of seed development [121].
Resequencing data study in 29 sesame accessions from 12 countries suggests that
the high genetic diversity of lipid-related genes is linked with the wide variation in
oil content. Additionally, the results shed light on the pivotal stage of seed develop-
ment, oil accumulation, and potential key genes for sesamin production, an impor-
tant lignan with numerous health benefits. Recently, two more sesame landraces and
the chloroplast genome have been sequenced [121,122] enriching the sesame
genome dataset. A recent genome-wide association study has identified SiNST1as
the candidate gene for lignin and cellulose biosynthesis, and this gene could
12 N. Pathak et al.
indirectly be associated with sesamin and sesamolin content [123]. Thankfully, a few
open access platform like Sinbase is also being maintained where all these datasets
are managed for further analysis and utilization by sesame researchers [121].
4.2 Functional Gene Expression: “Lignan Biosynthetic Genes”
High-throughput sequencing technology has provided ample data on DNA
sequences for the genomes of many plant species. Expressed sequence tags (EST)
of many crop species have been generated, and thousands of sequences have been
annotated as putative functional genes using powerful bioinformatics tools. Impact
on breeding programs could be reached with this approach, because quality of crop
plants is a direct function of their metabolite content [124] and quality of plant
tissues determines their commercial value with respect to flavor, fragrance, shelf life,
physical attributes, etc. [125].
Comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags from Sesamum indicum and
Arabidopsis thaliana developing seeds has been done by Suh et al. [126]. The group
could identify the genes involved in accumulation of seed storage products and in the
biosynthesis of lignans, sesamin, and sesamolin. Their study could also identify the
identical and different gene expression profiles during sesame and Arabidopsis seed
development and the genes specific to sesame seeds [126]. Sirato-Yasumoto et al.
[67] reported that sesamin content in sesame seeds was controlled by polygenes,
because F2 populations originating from reciprocal crosses between high sesamin
and normal sesamin varieties showed a continuous distribution in sesamin content,
and correlation coefficients between F2 and F3 generations were positive and highly
significant for sesamin content.
Ono et al. [29] reported that CYP81Q1 is a single gene encoding (þ)-piperitol/
(þ)-sesamin synthase in the Sesamum indicum genome, suggesting that CYP81Q1 is
a single enzyme, which catalyzes the formation of (þ)-sesamin from (þ)-
pinoresinol. The CYP81Q1 homologue (CYP81Q3) showed no activity of (þ)-
sesamin biosynthesis, due to (þ)-sesamin deficiency in this species, whereas S.
radiatum showed dual activity of the enzyme. Further, expression profile of
CYP81Q1 gene was temporally consistent with the accumulation pattern of (þ)-
sesamin during seed development. Hata et al. [127] detected sesamin (using ultra-
performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection) in sesame leaves of two
Japanese sesame varieties “Gomazou”and “Kin-goma,”which differed in sesamin
content of the seed, and probed genotypic differences. The higher sesamin content of
“Gomazou”leaves correlated well with that of seeds and the expression of the
sesamin biosynthetic gene CYP81Q1, indicating that genotypic difference of
CYP81Q1 gene expression affected leaf sesamin contents.
To comprehend sesame domestication, we examined the expression of sesamin
synthase (CYP81Q1) during capsule maturation in three wild Sesamum spp. and four
sesame cultivars [128]. Among the cultivars, only S. indicum (CO-1) exhibited
transcript abundance of sesamin synthase and high sesamin content similar to S.
Sesame: Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits 13
malabaricum, whereas other cultivars had low expression, indicating that sesamin
synthase was not favored during domestication.
5 Conclusions
Sesame is no more an “orphan”crop –the widespread collection of varieties and
landraces coupled with extensive research in every aspect has made the crop as the
perfect model system amidst other oilseeds. The superior quality of sesame seed oil
containing a variety of lignans and tocochromanols merits a higher place among the
oilseed crops being consumed worldwide. The diversity of sesame cultivars and their
characterization has given sesame researchers enough impetus to create genetically
engineered sesame varieties with high yield of secondary metabolites. Sesame seeds
are microcapsules for health promotion and disease prevention in humans and an
sustained effort in this area of oilseed research would be of immense value to the
plant breeders as well as consumers.
Acknowledgments Ashwani K Rai gratefully acknowledges the National Academy of Sciences,
India, for awarding NASI-Senior Scientist Platinum Jubilee Fellowship. Niti Pathak wishes to thank
Dr. K V Bhat, NBPGR for the work carried out in his lab.
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