
Toward a 7-P framework for international marketing

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Strategic Marketing
  • University of PR, USA; University of Reading-England; Former Faculty member, Uni of Washington,
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The purpose of this paper is to develop a generalized 7 P-theoretical framework for strategic planning as part of international marketing (Potential, Path, Process, Pace, Pattern, Problems and Performance) with theoretical propositions. Although the 7 P-framework is based on the literature on internationalization of Latin American firms, we present it as a benchmark typology for firms wanting to succeed in international marketing from any similar geographical regions, cultures, or industries, particularly, firms from emerging countries. It was found that firms from developing countries such as Latin America face many challenges such as Cognitive Bias, Liability of foreignness and Resource constraints, while internationalizing their operations. Finally, we provide several recommendations for future research.

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... To answer the research questions, the present study delves into the literature through an in-depth thematic analysis to identify, justify, and exemplify the dimensions that play a role in enabling AI-driven branding. Inspired by the 7-P Framework (Paul and Mas 2020) and theoretical development guidelines (Tsiotsou et al. 2022), the present study elucidates the thematic dimensions through the 8-T framework, and the emergent research propositions paved the way for future research directions. ...
... There are various approaches to conducting systematic reviews (Paul and Criado 2020). These include theory-based reviews (Hassan, Rahman, and Paul 2022), theme-based reviews (Paul, Parthasarathy, and Gupta 2017;Rana and Paul 2017;Paul et al. 2021), framework-based reviews (Södergren 2021;Paul and Rosado-Serrano 2019), theory development reviews Paul and Mas 2020), hybrid reviews (Dabić et al. 2020), and meta-analyses (Barari et al. 2021). The current study utilizes a theory development review format, as it effectively organizes, identifies, and evaluates crucial thematic aspects within a structured conceptual framework to support future research endeavours (Paul and Mas 2020;Tsiotsou et al. 2022). ...
... These include theory-based reviews (Hassan, Rahman, and Paul 2022), theme-based reviews (Paul, Parthasarathy, and Gupta 2017;Rana and Paul 2017;Paul et al. 2021), framework-based reviews (Södergren 2021;Paul and Rosado-Serrano 2019), theory development reviews Paul and Mas 2020), hybrid reviews (Dabić et al. 2020), and meta-analyses (Barari et al. 2021). The current study utilizes a theory development review format, as it effectively organizes, identifies, and evaluates crucial thematic aspects within a structured conceptual framework to support future research endeavours (Paul and Mas 2020;Tsiotsou et al. 2022). In contrast to the other approaches of review design, the theory development review approach focuses on the scientific and systematic identification of driving forces in the specific domain to create and advance a theoretical understanding of the domain (Paul and Mas 2020;Madathil, Paul, and Murugan 2024). ...
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The marketing ecosystem is experiencing a paradigmatic shift with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). The present study aims to widen the foundations of brand strategy by integrating AI dimensions within the branding dominion. The literature lacks a cohesive perspective on AI dimensions boosting and driving brands for sustained competitive advantage in the dynamic marketplace. Marketing practitioners are gradually getting acquainted with the nuances of AI implementation, but latent AI capabilities remain potent to unfurl enduring consumer relationships. The present study develops a novel 8‐T Strategic Framework for facilitating the strategic integration and effective implementation of AI in brand decisions and initiatives. The theorization of the 8‐T framework of AI‐driven branding (Technology, Training, Teaming, Targeting, Technique, Timing, Tailoring, Trust) offers macro and micro perspectives that serve as a formidable typology. The framework enunciates a holistic set of strategic mechanisms to help practitioners build futuristic strategies with a contemporary purpose.
... Bu makale, gelişmekte olan ülkelerden olan firmaların uluslararasılaşma süreçlerini araştırmak için vaka çalışması yaklaşımını kullanmakta ve kavramsal çerçeve olarak Paul & Mas (2019) tarafından önerilen yedi teorik önermeyi ele almaktadır. Bu teorik çerçeve uluslararası pazarlama stratejilerini analiz etmek için uygulanarak bu alandaki mevcut literatürü zenginleştirmektedir. ...
... Sonuçlara göre, bu vaka çalışmasında potansiyel ve desen kavramlarına dair yeterli kanıt bulunmamaktadır. Süreç ve hız kavramlarına ilişkin önermeler ise Paul & Mas (2019)'un iddia ettiğinden farklı bir şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. This paper investigates the internationalization processes of firms emerging from developing countries, utilizing a case study approach to address the seven theoretical propositions suggested by Paul & Mas (2019). ...
... Süreç ve hız kavramlarına ilişkin önermeler ise Paul & Mas (2019)'un iddia ettiğinden farklı bir şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. This paper investigates the internationalization processes of firms emerging from developing countries, utilizing a case study approach to address the seven theoretical propositions suggested by Paul & Mas (2019). By applying this theoretical framework to analyse the international marketing strategies, the study enriches the existing literature in this domain. ...
This paper investigates the internationalization processes of firms emerging from developing countries, utilizing a case study approach to address the seven theoretical propositions suggested by Paul & Mas (2019). By applying this theoretical framework to analyse the international marketing strategies, the study enriches the existing literature in this domain. Furthermore, there is a lack of literature focusing on a case study of a Turkish firm in this context. The research is designed as a case study, and the international marketing position of Getir, a company, is analysed based on qualitative data collected from archives and news sources according to the seven propositions. According to the results, there is not enough evidence available for the concepts of potential and pattern in this case study. However, propositions regarding the concepts of process and pace appear differently in this case study than what the authors claim.
... For a classic framework-based review, authors can choose different organizing frameworks such as theory-context-characteristicsmethodology (TCCM) (Basu et al., 2022;Hassan et al., 2022;Jebarajakirty et al., 2021;Paul & Rosado-Serrano, 2019), antecedents, decisions and outcomes (ADO) (Paul & Benito, 2018;Södergren, 2021), and 7-P (Paul & Mas, 2020). Several authors in this special issue have used TCCM as the organizing framework (see Dos and Don'ts). ...
... Some journals reject narrow topics because getting readers for narrow topics is difficult. 5. Theoretical and testable propositions: Derive theoretical propositions if you are developing a conceptual review for a theory proposal and eventual theory development (Paul & Mas, 2020). However, such propositions are not required if you are developing a framework-based review using an organizing framework. ...
... Systematic literature reviews (SLRs) can be classified in several forms (Paul & Criado, 2020)-structured (e.g., Paul & Feliciano-Cestero, 2021), framework-based (e.g., Basu et al., 2022;Paul & Mas, 2020), bibliometric (e.g., Rialp et al., 2019;Sagkaya Güngör & Ozansoy Çadırcı, 2022), hybrid (e.g., Bahoo et al., 2020), review for theory development (e.g., Paul & Mas, 2020), theory-based (e.g., Gilal et al., 2019;Paul & Rosado-Serrano, 2019), method-based (e.g., Fletcher et al., 2018;Paul & Dhiman, 2021), and meta-analysis (e.g., Stahl & Maznevski, 2021). Among these, framework-based SLRs have gained a reputation for being the most impactful and robust because they rely on established frameworks to guide the review process . ...
... Systematic literature reviews (SLRs) can be classified in several forms (Paul & Criado, 2020)-structured (e.g., Paul & Feliciano-Cestero, 2021), framework-based (e.g., Basu et al., 2022;Paul & Mas, 2020), bibliometric (e.g., Rialp et al., 2019;Sagkaya Güngör & Ozansoy Çadırcı, 2022), hybrid (e.g., Bahoo et al., 2020), review for theory development (e.g., Paul & Mas, 2020), theory-based (e.g., Gilal et al., 2019;Paul & Rosado-Serrano, 2019), method-based (e.g., Fletcher et al., 2018;Paul & Dhiman, 2021), and meta-analysis (e.g., Stahl & Maznevski, 2021). Among these, framework-based SLRs have gained a reputation for being the most impactful and robust because they rely on established frameworks to guide the review process . ...
Despite the significance of context in international business studies, existing reviews on foreign divestment have combined findings from developed and emerging markets, obscuring context-specific antecedents, decisions, and outcomes. In this review, we systematically identify and synthesize theoretical and empirical research on foreign divestment from emerging markets based on 60 articles in reputed academic journals. We develop a conceptual framework that integrates the antecedents, decisions, moderating mechanisms, and outcomes of foreign divestment in emerging markets. While firm-level antecedents of foreign divestment are well-researched, external antecedents, decisions, moderating mechanisms, and outcomes are understudied. Additionally, we highlight that foreign divestment from emerging markets has positive and negative consequences for the firm and the host country. Drawing insights from our review, we delve into prospective research agendas, forging connections between contemporary research themes, divestment, and emerging markets. We propose that a multi-level approach to studying the antecedents and outcomes of foreign divestment will enhance our understanding of international business dynamics within an increasingly volatile global environment.
... The industrial revolution undoubtedly resulted in far reaching shifts not only for societies but also for firms. It is indisputable that today's globalized markets present a hypercompetitive and dynamic nature, which is the ultimate indication of the extent that firms are exposed to adapt to the constant technological advancements (Paul and Mas, 2019). Relatedly, in order to meet the consumers' ever-changing demands, to survive, and outperform in highly volatile markets, firms have to be alert in catching up with the developments in cutting-edge technologies (Liñán et al. 2019). ...
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This study provides a systematic review of the literature on the operationalization of artificial intelligence (AI) within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), aiming to develop an integrated conceptual framework for understanding AI adoption. The findings indicate that Technological readiness plays a pivotal role, with SMEs requiring knowledge of AI applications, methods, and capabilities to adopt AI effectively. AI adoption yields diverse outcomes, including enhanced operational efficiency, improved customer engagement, and greater innovation, but these vary based on industry, firm size, and resource capacity. The study emphasizes that AI is not a unitary concept but a multi-dimensional construct, with operationalization requiring alignment with organizational dynamic capabilities. This review offers a framework for understanding AI adoption, helping to bridge fragmented findings in the literature.
... Zhang and Dong (2020) suggest that the complexity of consumer green purchasing behavior limits the use of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB), necessitating future research to incorporate multiple theories. The use of single theory in a study like Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB) or Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and other models is inadequate due to the complexity of elements and pathways influencing green purchasing (Paul and Mas, 2020). Hence, multiple theories should be used while investigating green consumer behavior. ...
Purpose This research aims to examine how health consciousness, social identity, self-identity, trust and willingness to pay premium impact individuals’ intention to make green purchases, which in turn influences organic purchasing behavior. Additionally, the study tried to examine the moderating effect of willingness to pay premium. Design/methodology/approach Utilizing a purposive sampling approach, a questionnaire survey was used to gather information from 452 customers in India. The conceptual model was assessed, and the research hypotheses were examined using partial least squares structural equation modeling. Findings The results of this study showed that the intention to make green purchases is strongly influenced by consumers health consciousness, social identity and trust. However, self-identity did not influence consumers green purchase intention. Furthermore, the moderating effect of willingness to pay premium was significant, except for self-identity, in the relationship of health consciousness, willingness to pay premium social identity and trust with green purchase intention. Practical implications The research will help producers and marketers refine food and marketing tactics to promote a favorable perception of organic food products. Originality/value This study is pioneering in (1) investigating the moderating impact of willingness to pay premium (WLPP) in the relationship of health consciousness, social identity, self-identity and trust with green purchase intention and (2) investigating the influence of consumer identities on green purchase intention in the Indian context.
... Finally, the article concludes with a summary of the study in Section 7. Paul and Bhukya (2021) emphasised the importance of conducting a diverse range of literature reviews to enhance the current understanding of the research. These include reviews based on theory (Gilal et al. 2019) and its development (Paul and Mas 2020), bibliometric reviews (Donthu et al. 2021), framework-based reviews (Bhardwaj and Kalro 2023;Hemsley-Brown 2023;Paul and Benito 2018), meta-analysis (Rana and Paul 2017), and themebased reviews (Paul, Parthasarathy, and Gupta 2017;Rana and Paul 2017). This study adopted a hybrid review approach (e.g., Dabić et al. 2020;Khalek and Chakraborty 2023). ...
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This paper explores the evolution of academic consumer research on Facebook by consolidating the existing body of literature. The study consists of 336 papers on the topic of Facebook and consumers, published in top journals between 2008 and 2023, sourced via Scopus. The data collection followed the PRISMA framework, and bibliometric analysis was conducted using descriptive and performance analyses with the aid of data tabulation software. Additionally, natural language processing (NLP) and thematic analysis of the data were conducted via text mining, topic modelling and data visualisation with Leximancer—an artificial intelligence (AI)‐based programme. The results revealed that, over the 15‐year time period, and most prominently in the last 5 years, there has been a noticeable shift in consumer research on Facebook in line with the evolution of the social media platform itself. The paper identifies evident gaps in the literature via thematic analysis of future research suggestions and managerial implications emergent from the data. It proposes specific future research directions for academic researchers to explore. Practitioners are provided insights corresponding to consumer‐centric and effective social media marketing strategies.
... Logran un posicionamiento competitivo mayor utilizando inteligencia artificial para análisis de mercado [24]. ...
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Antecedentes: Las alianzas entre productores colombianos y retailers extranjeros presentan oportunidades significativas para la internacionalización, aprovechando la importancia y diversidad del sector retail. El propósito central del artículo es el de analizar la alianza directa entre productores colombianos y retailers extranjeras. Materiales y Métodos: La investigación adoptó un enfoque mixto, combinando técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas de investigación y apoyo de material bibliográfico para abordar de manera integral el análisis del sector retail en Colombia y su relación con la internacionalización de productos a través de alianzas estratégicas. Resultados: Las alianzas estratégicas entre productores y la retail extranjera posibilita la expansión de los productos nacionales en el mercado mundial y, además, incrementa sus márgenes y ganancias para esos proveedores. Ambas partes se benefician de estos logros, ya que tienen como objetivo globalizar un producto de alta calidad que esté bien aceptado en el mercado extranjero y respaldo logístico eficiente para su entrega al consumidor final. Conclusión: Estas alianzas entre productores colombianos y los retail, no solo han facilitado la expansión en mercados extranjeros, sino que también han mejorado la rentabilidad y el posicionamiento de las marcas involucradas. No obstante, el éxito de estas colaboraciones depende de una planificación cuidadosa, una logística eficiente, y un compromiso con la calidad y la sostenibilidad. Estas alianzas representan una oportunidad clave para potenciar la competitividad global de productos nacionales, siempre que se adopten las estrategias adecuadas para enfrentar los desafíos y maximizar los beneficios de la internacionalización.
... (2) framework-based reviews that utilize a framework adopted from others or developed independently, as demonstrated by Paul and Benito (2018); (3) bibliometric reviews that emphasize statistics and trends, as evidenced by Donthu, Kumar, and Pattnaik (2020) and Vallaster et al. (2019); (4) hybrid reviews that combine principles of two or more review types, as shown by Dabić et al. (2020) and Kumar, Paul, and Unnithan (2019); and (5) theory development-based reviews introducing new theories, hypotheses, and propositions, as illustrated by Paul and Mas (2020). ...
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Social media influencers (SMIs) have a significant impact on consumer decisions, and research in this area comprises a substantial portion of the literature. Despite marketing firms' attention to SMIs, a comprehensive evaluation of their impact on the consumer decision literature is lacking. Therefore, this study offers a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the impact of social media influencers on consumer decisions. Using a framework‐based approach, the TCM framework provides a structured exploration of the theories, contexts, and methods found in 106 relevant articles. Concurrently, the ADO framework examines the determinants of consumers' decisions. This review identifies 62 distinct antecedents categorized into seven broad groups and explores why specific factors positively or negatively affect purchase decisions and outcomes. This study highlights key gaps in the current influencer marketing literature and provides insights for future research and practical implications in the fields of psychology, marketing, and consumer behavior.
... Finally, 135 articles were considered for this systematic literature review. the screening of the articles was done following the methods used by previous literature reviews (Billore & anisimova, 2021;chakma et al., 2024;Paul et al., 2019;Paul & Benito, 2017;Sharma et al., 2022). a PriSMa diagram has been produced to depict the flow of information included in this review (Figure 1). ...
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The advancement of digital technology and the growth of e-commerce have significantly changed the shopping channel choice behaviour (SCCB) of customers. This article presents a systematic literature review on the SCCB of customers using a hybrid review approach that includes bibliometric analysis and review using ‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses’ (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was conducted across the Web of Science and Scopus databases, covering 20 years. The bibliometric analysis was conducted to understand the spatio-temporal trends and frequency analysis in this domain. It also helped us to identify the key themes, such as retail channel dynamics, the impact of customer’s attitudes and motives, socio-economic factors, in-store retail accessibility, and product attributes on SCCB. The bibliometric analysis revealed the emergence of key themes, such as retail channel dynamics, the impact of customer’s attitudes and motives, socio-economic factors, in-store retail accessibility, and product attributes on SCCB. The systematic literature review highlighted significant variations in shopping behaviour across product types. It also elucidated the necessity for targeted research frameworks, particularly in the developing countries. The identified indicators offer actionable insights for practitioners, aiding in the formulation of marketing strategies, targeted market identification, and retail outlet location choices for retailers. This facilitates informed decision-making, enhancing retail performance and consumer engagement in both in-store and online channels.
... Aware of the need to demonstrate the impact of marketing strategies on shareholder value, several scholars have called for further research into the relationship between marketing Methodology Systematic reviews can be conducted in myriad ways (Paul & Criado, 2020) and examples of each type are listed below. There are theory-based reviews (Gilal et al., 2019;Hassan et al., 2022), themebased reviews (Paul, Parthasarathy, & Gupta, 2017;Rana &Paul, 2017Paul, Lim & et al., 2021, framework-based reviews (Chen et al., 2021;Sodergen, 2021;Paul & Rosado-Serrano, 2019), theory development reviews (Paul, Lim & et al., 2021;Paul & Mas, 2020), hybrid reviews (Dabić, 2020), and meta-analysis (Barari, 2020;Rana & Paul, Lim & et al., 2021). For this study, it was decided to carry out a framework-based review, using TCCM typology as it helps to combine and synthesis research in an organized framework (Paul & Barari, 2018). ...
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One of the most fundamental management questions is how market-based assets affect shareholder value. To provide an answer, we review the extensive literature on marketing outcomes and shareholder value using the Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology (TCCM) framework. The analysis reveals that researchers mainly rely on the efficient market hypothesis, signaling theory, and market-based arguments to theorize the relationship between customer-based market assets and shareholder value. Researchers predominantly collect secondary data and employ event study, persistence methods, and instrumental variables approach to show that marketing actions (such as advertising and brand building) and customer-based market assets (such as customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and brand equity) positively influence shareholder value. After outlining the findings, future research directions on the relationship between market assets and shareholder value are explored.
... The study has restricted its inclusion of material published in the English language and used the terms like "organisation", "organisational", "culture" and "anthropomorphism" for searching the relevant research papers. The review agenda was to employ a literature review method that aims to develop a model/framework (Paul and Mas, 2020) and to come out with a number of propositions. ...
Purpose This study aims to understand the phenomenon of organisational anthropomorphism, a psychological process in which employees attribute personality characteristics to organisations. Anthropomorphism, a psychological concept, after making its mark in consumer behavioural studies, is emerging into the domain of organisational behaviour. This less deliberated concept is explored through the lens of psychological cues and motives leading to the identification of its managerial antecedents of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and their confluence into organisational culture. Further, the relationship between organisational culture and organisational anthropomorphism is established through literature review with a number of propositions and a framework. Design/methodology/approach This paper explores the available literature on organisational anthropomorphism and the constructs of organisational culture by employing literature review methodology. On the basis of selected research studies sourced from high ranked journals from Web of Science, Scopus and journal homepages, domain-based and theory-based reviews were performed to comprehend the concept of organisational anthropomorphism. Findings This study identifies OCB and CSR as the antecedents of organisational anthropomorphism through the psychological cues and motives, comes out with a number of propositions and recommends a framework based on the same. Practical implications This paper helps managers study employee behaviours and observe the organisation’s connections with society. Moreover, this study benefits organisations to brand themselves better amongst employees and external stakeholders. Originality/value This paper helps managers study employees’ citizenship behaviours through anthropomorphic cues exhibited by employees and improve organisation-employee association. It also suggests organisations to brand themselves using anthropomorphic social traits to stage itself as a socially responsible entity among external stakeholders. The empirical validation of proposed framework through quantitative and qualitative methods is proposed to be the future scope of the study.
... B. M. Huang Y., 2017). Applications with a brand's identity help build consumer relationships (Paul & Mas, 2020). ...
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The main purpose of this study is to provide a comparison that describes the effect of web and app advertisements on the purchase intention of a consumer. As the web and app advertising sector grows, it's crucial to understand their effectiveness. This research investigates and equates web and app advertisements with reference to consumer behavior with variables of self-congruence, brand image, and brand identification and their impact on intention to purchase. The study also explains how web or app advertisements influence buyer intentions through the mediating role of brand identification. Literature based on the web and apps used in marketing, branding, and social identification are used to construct conceptual models. The research methodology is based on an online self-administered survey questionnaire. The sample used for analysis is 300 customers of personal care products consumers. Both Smart_PLS and SPSS are used for data analysis. The findings reveal significant and positive effects of both web and app advertisements on consumer behavior. Web advertisements have a stronger impact than app advertisements. Furthermore, the mediation of self-congruence brand image and brand identification is also found to be significant. These findings highlight the critical importance of digital advertising strategies in transforming consumer brand perceptions and buying intentions. This research provides valuable insights into the field of marketing, underlining the significance of web and app advertisements in transmuting consumer branding perceptions and purchase intentions.
... The scarcity in the financial resources of the global marketing system can be the cause of the misbalanced and can arise question in the form of the single budgeting system. Better arrangement of the budgeting and the other financial abilities can be effective and essential for the growth and development of the improvement of the global market in the present era (Paul, & Mas, 2020). Thus, the maintenance of the financial condition is main and important factor for the growth of the international business sector in the present era. ...
Introduction:The experimental analysis has focused on analyzing “Global marketing management” and understanding the contests and opportunities related with the international market. Literature Review: National and economic assortment can occur in the worldwide marketing system which has both confident and negative impacts on the GMM. Failing to address the factor of cultural diversity can cause noteworthy damage to global marketing management. Methodology: The primary quantitative data collection method has been used in the study with the help of the SPSS analysis. 100 respondents have participated in the survey for the improvement of the outcomes of the study. Findings and Analysis: The undesirable value of the standard Coefficient or std indicates the less effectiveness of the marketing strategy for the improvement of the global marketing management system. Discussion: The main worldwide marketing process includes some challenges as well as benefits for the national and international brand which embraces the issue of localization and cultural discernment. Conclusion: Most of the members who are selected for the survey process with a dependency on the enhancement of quality and investigation capacity for the business in order to increase the marketing profit. The fluctuation of currency impacts the growth and development of the national and international business sectors.
... in the trend of globalization and international economic integration, exports have become an essential activity in the development strategy of enterprises, which is of interest to many domestic and foreign scholars (estrin et al., 2008). export is a crucial element of international business as it involves marketing and sales activities implemented by enterprises on a global scale (Paul & Mas, 2020), and refers to the movement of goods and services across national borders (Young et al., 1989). in research on export performance, most empirical studies examine two key aspects: export propensity and intensity (Martineau & Pastoriza, 2016). this approach has also been used by lópez Rodríguez and serrano Orellana (2020) when investigating the effects of general firms and human capital on exports. ...
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This study investigates the impact of innovation dimensions on the export activities of Vietnamese manufacturing and processing enterprises, considering the moderating role of environmental uncertainty. By applying the Probit Effect Random Regulatory Model (RE Probit) and xtTobit, the study utilizes three different sources of secondary data in the period 2016–2019: the General Statistics Office (GSO)’s annual enterprise census, the Survey on the use of technology in the production of manufacturing and processing companies by GSO, and the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to determine the correlation between the research variables. The research findings demonstrate that innovation positively affects both the propensity and intensity of exports. Specifically, when compared to non-innovative firms, those that prioritize innovation observe a notable 12.4% increase in export propensity and a 1.4% enhancement in export intensity. Moreover, the study highlights the moderating role of environmental uncertainty, encompassing challenges related to basic infrastructure, transport infrastructure, communication infrastructure, and institutional environment, in mitigating the impact of innovation on export outcomes. These results provide a comprehensive understanding of how process and product innovation affect export propensity and intensity while considering the complexities introduced by environmental uncertainty. Consequently, the study offers several implications that can aid policymakers in enhancing export performance, particularly in dynamic and changing environments.
... 28 A market penetration strategy can be combined with a market development strategy involving introducing a new product or service to a new geographic area. 29 The market share of parents of students from subdistricts around Ngoro, such as Bareng, Mojowarno, and Gudo, who chose TPQ Al-Ichsany, showed that the market development strategy was effective. This strategy is also followed by promoting recitation activities through social media. ...
This study aims to describe how SWOT analysis based on the marketing mix is used in Qur'anic instruction at MI Islamiyah Jombang. This research answers: 1) How does SWOT analysis based on marketing mix place the quadrant of Al-Qur'an learning? 2) How can the SWOT analysis results based on the marketing mix optimize the marketing strategy of Al-Qur'an Learning? The results showed that TPQ Al-Ichsany became part of the business unit strategy managed by MI Islamiyah Jombang to serve Qur'anic learning. The analysis of the total IFAS score for strengths is 3.025, and for weaknesses is 1.122. The EFAS score for opportunities is 2,392; for threats, it is 1,012. The position of Al-Qur'an learning at MI Islamiyah Jombang is in Quadrant I (+,+). Al-Qur'an learning is in excellent and steady condition. A marketing services strategy was used to support the aggressive growth policy. Intensive strategies through market penetration and market development are strategies to expand, enlarge growth, and seize maximum opportunities for the continuous progress of Qur'anic education.
... Consequently, the present study employs SLR to scrutinize and converge pertinent studies to detect deficiencies and highlight synergies within the FSE domain Kennedy, 2007). There are various types of SLR, including structured reviews that focus on commonly used methods, theories, and constructs (Dhaliwal et al., 2020;Kahiya, 2018;Paul & Singh, 2017), framework-based reviews, providing a base for future research (Billore & Anisimova, 2021;Jebarajakirthy et al., 2021;Paul & Benito, 2018;Södergren, 2021), hybrid-narrative reviews (Kumar et al., 2020;, theory-based reviews (Gilal et al., 2019;Pansari & Kumar, 2017;Paul & Rosado-Serrano, 2019), meta-analyses (Barari et al., 2021), bibliometric reviews (Randhawa et al., 2016), and reviews that aim to develop or propose models or frameworks (Paul, 2019;Paul & Mas, 2020). ...
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As an essential psychological construct, financial self‐efficacy (FSE) has garnered considerable attention in the field of consumer finance and demonstrated its influence on financial outcomes. FSE has been regarded as a learned belief rather than an innate quality that can be nurtured over time. Notwithstanding the increasing significance of understanding consumers' FSE, this particular line of literature has not been examined as an independent research domain. Accordingly, this framework‐based review comprehensively represents the current state of literature on FSE by covering 64 articles published between 1999 and 2023, compiled based on the Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews protocol and the theory–context–characteristics–methodology framework. Based on the review findings, an integrated model of FSE is proposed, summarizing the study frameworks and constructs employed as antecedents, modifiers, and outcomes in investigating consumer's FSE. Further, the review has identified certain areas that were previously overlooked. As a result, a research agenda has been developed, consisting of 22 research questions and four research objectives, which will articulate the direction for future research. Finally, the paper concludes, signifying the contribution and practical implications for researchers, families, practitioners, and society in selecting the most effective measures for improving consumers' FSE.
... Furthermore, a framework is a powerful tool for structuring and synthesizing data across sustainable marketing-related issues. Some of the recent frameworks include the Antecedents, Decisions, and Outcomes (ADO) framework by Paul and Benito (2018), the Theory, Constructs, Characteristics, and Methodology (TCCM) framework by Paul and Rosado-Serrano (2019), and the 7 P framework (Potential, Path, Process, Pace, Pattern, Problems, and Performance) framework by Paul and Mas (2020). The application of such frameworks holds the potential to structure future research agendas and to generate new insights. ...
... Innovation and technological evolution in the broadest sense generate considerable impacts on companies and in the diverse ways they have to integrate and act in different markets (Sapienza et al., 2006). Currently, markets are experiencing constant evolution, and companies have to adapt to these changes through modifying their characteristics (Paul and Mas, 2020). Through the process of globalisation, the growth of global markets and commercial dynamics, businesses encounter new opportunities that have driven rises in the levels of international transactions (Chatterjee et al., 2021;Martineau and Pastoriza, 2016;Witt, 2019), motivating companies to rethink their strategies (Hänle et al., 2021) and broaden their capacities given that the organisational capabilities of times past no longer guarantee strategic success or business sustainability in the present or the future (Hörisch et al., 2015;Nave and Ferreira, 2023;Palalic et al., 2022). ...
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While research on born-global firms has been subject to broad review, little is known about their dynamic capabilities and the connection of these firms with ambidexterity. To fill this void, we critically examine the extant dynamic capabilities and ambidexterity in born-global firms research from 1996 to 2022. We systematically review 74 articles interconnected with the accumulated but fragmented knowledge on this theme and chart important shortcomings in the existing research. To focus future academic debate and discussion, we therefore propose an integrated conceptual framework that merges this dispersed body of literature, which comprises four core and interconnected themes – knowledge and internationalisation, entrepreneurial orientation, strategy and performance, web resources, and innovation, capabilities and ambidexterity. In doing so, we uncover the role played by dynamic capabilities and the importance of ambidexterity in the adoption, modification or reconfiguration of born-global firm resources. Our review also reveals future research paths hereby identified to support and guide academics and researchers seeking new fields of study and correspondingly demonstrates the need to deepen studies approaching the dynamic capabilities and ambidexterity in these companies.
... Apart from that, research also shows that cooperation between related parties is very important in increasing the number of visitors to the square. This collaboration involves local governments, tourism actors, local communities and the general public (Paul 2020) . The local government has an important role in creating regulations that support the development of Kediri square SMEs, providing adequate budgets, and facilitating cooperation between various parties. ...
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This research discusses strategies to increase the number of visitors to the SME square in Kediri through benchmarking and collaboration between related parties. Kediri Square has undergone significant revitalization and facial changes to increase its appeal. Apart from being a tourist spot, Kediri Square is also used as an educational place. This research also highlights the importance of internal marketing strategies effective promotion, integration of local culture, and cooperation with related parties. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach to alun-alun SMEs Kediri city with observation and interviews. The research results show that developing attractive facilities, effective promotions, increasing security and comfort, and collaborating with related parties can increase the number of visitors. In addition, combining educational activities and promotion of local culture can also be an effective strategy. In its conclusion, this research emphasizes the importance of cooperation between local government, tourism actors and local communities in increasing the number of visitors to Kediri Square.
... Domain-based reviews, however, also include a variety of sub-forms, which according to Paul and Criado (2000), include: structured reviews (e.g., Canabal & White III, 2008), framework-based reviews (e.g., Lim et al., 2021), bibliometric reviews (e.g., Hall et al., 2004), hybrid or integrated reviews (e.g., Chakma et al., 2021), and reviews aiming for theory development (Paul & Mas, 2019). Amongst those, the present study can be classified as a hybrid bibliometric study, as it integrates a bibliometric review and a systematic variable-orientated review. ...
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The academic discourse surrounding tourism's interdisciplinary approach has long piqued the interest of the scholarly community. More recently, attention has pivoted towards the intersection of neuroscience and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism, giving rise to the concept of "neurotourism". This emergence requires a comprehensive elucidation of the relevance of neuromarketing and neuroscience to the field of tourism, thereby addressing the imperative to bridge existing knowledge gaps. In light of this, the present paper endeavours to fulfil this objective by synthesizing global research in this domain. The study adopts an interdisciplinary approach, employing a hybrid systematic review methodology that encompasses a literature review encompassing nine key indicators and a bibliometric analysis through co-word analysis of author keywords. In total, our investigation unearthed 45 papers from Scopus, each exploring the application of neuroscience and neuromarketing theories and methods within the context of tourism. Among these, three papers delve into the concept of neurotourism. In this paper, we underscore the deep connection between neuroscience, neuroscientific methodologies, and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism research. The outcomes of this research significantly enhance our comprehension of the current state of neurotourism research, revealing both existing voids and emerging areas of interest. Furthermore, this study introduces a pioneering methodological approach, fusing Scival topic prominence and hybrid systematic review techniques into bibliometric analysis. Ultimately, our findings illuminate a notable research lacuna, presenting a fertile terrain for prospective investigations. Additionally, we deliberate on current trends and propose directions for future research within the neurotourism landscape.
... Based on the perceived need for a new and novel framework for MSMEs and multinationals to conduct feasibility analysis before going international, developed a 7P framework that suggests that companies can accept performance in foreign markets only if they understand the different dimensions of 6P construction, such as Potential, Path, Process, Pace, Pattern, and Problems. Paul calls for using this framework in research that deals with enterprise-level data or using 3 or more case studies as part of the company's growth process (Paul & Mas, 2020). ...
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The development of the number of MSMEs that continue to increase every year is not directly proportional to the contribution of the country's export value. One of the low contributions of export value is influenced by MSMEs which are still having difficulty starting market expansion abroad. The purpose of this study is to find out the strategy of MSMEs to be able to internationalize and be able to compete abroad. This study uses qualitative methods using a phenomenological approach. Qualitative data was obtained through in-depth interviews with 3 MSMEs in Central Java that have successfully exported. The results showed that various things can affect the three MSMEs, namely by overcoming export barriers, receiving leverage from the government, and having competitive advantages to be able to successfully export and survive in the international market.
... The domainbased reviews scientifically investigate, synthesize, and extend the body of literature in a specific domain. The domain-based reviews can further be classified based on the process involved (Paul & Criado, 2020), such as structured review (Kahiya, 2018;Paul & Feliciano-Cestero, 2021;Paul & Singh, 2017;Rosado-Serrano et al., 2018), framework-based review (Paul, 2019;Paul & Benito, 2018;Paul & Mas, 2020), bibliometric review (Albort-Morant & Ribeiro-Soriano, 2016;Chatterjee & Sahasranamam, 2018;Goyal & Kumar, 2021;Ruggeri et al., 2019) and hybrid review (Bahoo et al., 2020;Bölen et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2020;. ...
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The paradoxical findings in consumer choice research have captivated the interest of many scholars from diverse fields and transformed the understanding of consumer decision‐making. This paper is the first attempt to systematically review, synthesize, and integrate the paradoxical findings in consumer choice research. One of the first paradoxical findings was the violations of value maximation models of rational choice. The second important paradox in consumer choice research is the puzzling role of variety in consumer choices. We focus on these two critical paradoxes discovered in consumer choice literature over the last five decades and refer to them as the “paradox of rational choice” and the “paradox of variety.” We conducted a co‐citation cluster analysis to help identify the most significant studies in the domain. The cluster analysis helped eliminate the subjective bias in article selection. We also used inferential analysis to widen the scope of clusters to other relevant and especially recent studies. A review of 233 papers published between 1972 and 2023 reveals the four themes covering the two paradoxes of consumer choice. The first theme covers the first paradox: the paradox of rational choice. It presents research on preference reversals and other violations of value maximization rational choice models due to contextual factors and choice environment. The following three themes cover the second paradox of consumer choice: the paradox of variety. The second theme focuses on the benefits of variety and the natural desire of consumers to seek more variety. Paradoxically, the third theme highlights when and why variety will likely cause harmful psychological consequences for consumers. Finally, the last theme reconciles the opposing ideas of themes two and three by identifying the boundary conditions and suggesting ways to resolve this paradox. We also provide research directions that scholars can consider for future research related to each of these themes.
... cash flow planning, tax planning, risk management, investment planning, estate planning, and retirement planning) (Fig. 2). Appendix 1 summarises the articles in Appendix 2 based on the approaches of Paul and Mas (2019) and Harmeling et al. (2016). The articles are classified based on author citations, years, number of citations, methods, sample, related financial planning components and variables, and lastly findings. ...
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Financial resilience is founded on good financial planning behaviour. Contributing to theorisation efforts in this space, this study aims to develop a new theory that explains financial planning behaviour. Following an appraisal of theories, a systematic literature review of financial planning behaviour through the lens of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is conducted using the SPAR-4-SLR protocol. Thirty relevant articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science were identified and retrieved from Google Scholar. The content of these articles was analysed using the antecedents, decisions, and outcomes (ADO) and theories, contexts, and methods (TCM) frameworks to obtain a fundamental grasp of financial planning behaviour. The results provide insights into how the financial planning behaviour of an individual can be understood and shaped by substituting the original components of the TPB with relevant concepts from behavioural finance, and thus, leading to the establishment of the theory of financial planning behaviour, which posits that (a) financial satisfaction (attitude), (b) financial socialisation (subjective norms), and (c) financial literacy, mental accounting, and financial cognition (perceived behavioural controls) directly affect (d) the intention to adopt and indirectly shape, (e) the actual adoption of financial planning behaviour, which could manifest in six forms (i.e. adoption of cash flow, tax, investment, risk, estate, and retirement planning). The study contributes to establishing the theory of financial planning behaviour, which is an original theory that explains how different concepts in behavioural finance could be synthesised to parsimoniously explain financial planning behaviour.
... Also, Aldrighetti et al. (2021) and Hamdan et al. (2022) show that F&B-GSCM practices will aid F&B business firms in responding to disastrous events and enduring the adverse effects of such events by achieving social and environmental resilience for the SCs members. Paul and Mas (2019) and Saraiva et al. (2021) pointed out that numerous customers, mainly in Western industrialized countries, applied pressure on their wholesalers for enhanced ecological conduct, motivating businesses to work together with customers to apply GSCM practices successfully. One such example is the point raised by Rew and Cha (2020) and Hamdan et al. (2022) that environmentally friendly methods based on F&B-GSCM practices could improve environmental resilience. ...
Purpose This study aims to explore the pandemic's opportunities for enhancing the environmental practices of the food and beverages green supply chains and its effect on the supply chains' viability by exploring the relationship between fear and uncertainty of COVID-19, food and beverages green supply chain management (F&B-GSCM) and supply chains’ viability based on the two dimensions (robustness and resilience) and examine the moderating effect of innovative technology adoption like big data analysis (BDA) capabilities and blockchain technologies (BCT) on this relationship. Design/methodology/approach This study adopted partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) on a sample of 362 F&B small and medium enterprises (SMEs)’ managers in the Egyptian market for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Findings The empirical results show that the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic have a significant positive effect on green supply chain management (GSCM). Also, BDA moderates the relationship between fear and uncertainty of COVID-19 and GSCM. However, BCT do not moderate that relationship. Similarly, GSCM positively affects supply chain viability dimensions (robustness and resilience). In addition, F&B-GSCM significantly mediates the relationship between fear and uncertainty of COVID-19 and supply chain viability dimensions (robustness and resilience). Practical implications Food and beverages (F&B) managers could develop a consistent strategy for applying BCT and BDA to provide clear information and focus on their procedures to meet their stakeholders' needs during COVID-19. Governments and managers should develop a consistent strategy to apply food and beverages supply chains (F&B SCs)' green practices to achieve F&B SCs' resilience and robustness, especially during the pandemic. Originality/value The Egyptian F&B SCs have been linked directly with many European countries as a main source of many basic food and agriculture products, which have been affected lately by the pandemic. Based on the “social-cognitive,” “stakeholder” and “resource-based view” theories, this study sheds light on the optimistic side of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it also brings the concepts of F&B-GSCM, SC resilience, SC robustness and innovative technologies back into the light, which helps in solving F&B SC issues and helps to achieve their viability.
... Our sampling frame was the listed non-oil exporters published by the Ministerio de Comercio Exterior (Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Trade). Recent criticisms that export-import studies have been conducted mainly in North America, Europe, and Asia influenced our choice of Ecuador as our country context, along with calls for more research involving firms from developing nations (Aykol & Leonidou, 2018;Samiee & Chirapanda, 2019) and Latin American firms in particular (Bianchi & Saleh, 2020;Fastoso & Whitelock, 2011;Paul & Mas, 2020). Our data collection procedures followed the World Bank's data collection protocol for its 2017 Enterprise Survey (World Bank Enterprise Survey, 2017). ...
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Drawing on the transaction cost analysis perspective, this study examines how three types of exchange risks influence performance in exporter-importer exchange relationships. These risks include cultural distance, which gives rise to behavioral uncertainty and its associated measurement problem; market turbulence, a dimension of environmental uncertainty that gives rise to an adaptation problem; and transaction-specific assets, representing a safeguarding problem. The conceptual model assesses how an informal governance mechanism, inter-organizational trust, responds to these three exchange risks and, in doing so, fosters relational and export performance. Based on a structural equation model conducted in PLS, our findings indicate that cultural distance relates positively to inter-organizational trust, and market turbulence positively relates to exporter-specific assets. Exporter-specific assets and inter-organizational trust were found to have a reciprocal relationship. This research also confirms the mediating role of relational performance concerning the effects of exporter-specific assets and inter-organizational trust on financial export performance.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of creating marketing communication is transforming the way businesses view and approach their marketing endeavours. AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics are influencing many fields today, and fields like content creation, team segmentation and campaign optimization are no exception. By optimizing the whole process and providing data-driven deeper insights into consumer behaviour, AI enables marketers to craft more targeted and relevant messaging. This article explores the diverse applications of AI tools in creating more efficient and datadriven marketing teams and campaigns. Theoretical information on the topic of AI in marketing, marketing communication, team building in marketing are discussed. The following parts are dedicated to the research of certain existing solutions and their possibilities as of October of 2024. The paper also addresses potential challenges and the need for human oversight, highlighting how AI should be seen as an enhancer in marketing, rather than replacement of existing workforce. The article shows the current state of AI in the field of marketing communication and underlines the importance of continuous research and innovation in the field.
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The sharing economy has emerged as a transformative model in the digital age. However, existing reviews often focus on isolated aspects and provide limited insights into its complexity. This paper comprehensively reviews 92 studies through a dual‐framework approach, employing both the Antecedents–Decisions–Outcomes (ADO) and the Theories–Contexts–Methods (TCM) frameworks. The ADO framework reveals key factors influencing user decisions—including adoption, usage, booking, continued use, engagement, participation, purchase, and switching—that are shaped by economic, social, technological, trust‐related, environmental, and political antecedents. Meanwhile, the TCM framework structures an in‐depth examination of dominant theories (e.g., Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory), diverse contexts (e.g., studies in China, the US), and methods (e.g., quantitative and qualitative) prevalent in the literature. Key findings emphasize the importance of regulatory dynamics and market shifts on user engagement and platform sustainability. Practical implications offer actionable guidance for platform managers to enhance user retention and to align strategies with evolving regulatory and market environments. The review also identifies future research directions to expand our understanding of global trends and challenges within the sharing economy.
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This study aims to explore the application of electroencephalography (EEG) tools in examining latent consumer behavior, emphasizing emotions, attention, preferences, memory, and decision‐making in response to various marketing stimuli (e.g., products, pricing, branding, and advertising). This study adopts a thematic review approach, employing a systematic literature review methodology (e.g., Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses [PRISMA] protocol). Our investigation unearthed 155 articles from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, spanning 2010–2023. The findings reveal a marked increase in EEG‐related research, underscoring its effectiveness in examining consumers' reactions to marketing stimuli. This rise reflects a growing recognition among researchers of EEG's ability to address marketing research challenges, particularly in advertising, product development, branding, and pricing. EEG research predominantly targets advertising, followed by products, branding, and pricing, and delves deeply into consumer behavior aspects such as emotional, cognitive, and decision‐making processes. The study further highlights EEG's cutting‐edge potential to predict ad success, optimize product features, and refine pricing strategies with unprecedented accuracy. Specifically, emotion‐based ads profoundly influence decision‐making, offering novel insights into consumers' emotional engagement. This study emphasizes EEG's groundbreaking role in minimizing verbal biases and revealing consumer behavior, which is increasingly recognized as critical for developing more effective marketing strategies. This review underscores EEG's theoretical and practical contributions and offers pioneering insights into marketing effectiveness and consumer engagement. Future research should expand on these findings, exploring product neurodesign and social neuroscience to push the frontiers of consumer behavior analysis.
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This paper aims to conduct a scientometric and systematic literature analysis on smart tourism, destination, and hospitality, focusing on the utilization of ICT to enhance tourism experiences, improve the quality of life for residents and tourists, and promote sustainable tourism development. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, relevant articles from the Scopus database (2013-November 2023) were selected and analyzed. A total of 321 articles and review articles were included, highlighting the collaborative efforts in enhancing tourism experiences, well-being, and sustainable practices. The analysis revealed China as the most productive country with 88 documents, while the USA emerged as the most influential with 1970 citations. Kyung Hee University in South Korea was identified as the most productive and influential institution, contributing 15 documents and 1328 citations. Frequent authors' keywords included "smart tourism," "smart cities," "smart tourism destination(s)," "tourism," and "smart destination(s)." The integration of smart tourism, IoT, and social media was found to significantly influence consumer behavior, shaping travel experiences and decision-making processes. The study provides valuable insights for future research, emphasizing the need for further exploration in areas such as ecosystem hospitality and smart traveling. Enhanced collaboration among researchers is expected to deepen the understanding and expand the scope of smart tourism research, ultimately leading to more publications and advancements in this field.
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The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on consumer curiosity and its impact on consumer behavior. The “Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews” (SPAR‐4‐SLR) methodology and the “Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology” (TCCM) framework were employed to analyze 122 papers published between 1992 and 2024. Articles were selected from the Web of Science database using key terms related to consumer curiosity. Consumer curiosity is a complex phenomenon that influences various aspects of consumer behavior, including purchase decisions, consumer engagement, and adaptation to new technologies. Curiosity serves as a significant moderator and mediator in consumer interactions with the market, especially in the context of new technologies such as AI and VR. The findings of this review indicate a growing interest in studying consumer curiosity in recent years, as reflected by the increasing number of publications. The practical implications of the analysis are significant for various stakeholders. Businesses can leverage these findings to develop more effective marketing strategies that engage consumers by stimulating their curiosity. Understanding how curiosity influences decision‐making can also aid in the development of innovative products and services that better meet consumers' unmet needs. Additionally, academic researchers can build on the theoretical frameworks related to consumer curiosity and design future research based on identified gaps. Finally, managers and marketing professionals can apply these insights to personalize shopping experiences and enhance consumer engagement, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and competitive advantage. This review emphasizes the need for further research on the role of curiosity in consumer behavior and its impact on product innovation and marketing strategies and provides recommendations for future research directions that could contribute to a deeper understanding of how curiosity shapes consumer interactions with brands and products.
تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى معرفة العلاقة والتأثير بين التسويق الدولي بمحدداته والتي هي (الموقع الجغرافي، اللغوي، الثقافي، الفني والتكنولوجي، المحدد الاستعماري في الحقبة الماضية) في تعزيز رضا الزبون المتمثل (جودة المنتج او الخدمة، السعر، خدمة الزبائن، وقت التوصيل، تجربة المنتج أو الخدمة) عن طريق دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من زبائن المتاجر الكبيرة في مدينة أربيل. ولأجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم صياغة. اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي بصورة رئيسية في عرض معلومات الدراسة وتحليلها وتفسيرها، أما مجتمع وعينة الدراسة فقد اعتمد على العديد من المتاجر الكبرى التي توصف على انها متاجر تسويق دولي مثل: (1-Usa Bazaar, 2-New City Supermarket, 3-Mijidi Mall, 4-Supermarke Lehat, 5-Sherko Nuts, 6-New Home Erbil, 7-Family Mall, 8-Mass Moda, 9-Royal MALL, 10-Aram Classi). وعلى المجتمع العشوائي وتم توزيع (130) استمارة على الزبائن المبحوثين، تم استرداد (124) استمارة منها صالحة للتحليل التي اعتمد بشكل رسمي كعينة للدراسة. فضلا عن أنه تم استخدام مجموعة من الاساليب الاحصائية باستخدام برنامج (SPSS,27) وقد خرجت الدراسة بعدد من الاستنتاجات والتوصيات كان أهمها وجود علاقة ارتباط وتأثير بين التسويق الدولي ورضا الزبون. وقد ختمت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات وهو يجب على الميدان المبحوث أن يعتني بالتسويق الدولي من أجل الوصول إلى رضا زبائنه وتقديم ما هو أفضل من أجل الحصول على ولاء تلك الزبائن
Purpose Despite a growing interest in investigating green skepticism, there has been a paucity of effort in synthesizing green skepticism research. This study aims to synthesize extant green skepticism research. This study is useful in providing a comprehensive synthesis of research on green skepticism and identifying key gaps in the existing literature, thereby paving the way for future research directions. This research demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the dominant theories, contexts (i.e. countries), characteristics (i.e. key variables and their associations) and methods (i.e. research design) employed in green skepticism research. Design/methodology/approach A hybrid review method that combined an Systematic Literature Review (SLR) with lexicometric analysis was employed to present a comprehensive synthesis of the green skepticism literature. Findings The findings showed that many theories have been applied to green skepticism research with the theory of planned behavior and attribution theory being prominently used. The review also proposes a conceptual framework that illustrates the relationships between antecedents and consequences reported in the green skepticism literature. Lexicometric analysis identified six major themes in green skepticism research, including trust in green products, product-related attributes, environmental attributes, social responsibility, organic consumption and promotional campaigns. Research limitations/implications This review included only papers authored in English. Consequently, studies conducted in other languages were not taken into account. Future research could broaden the understanding of green skepticism by incorporating studies conducted in different languages. Practical implications This study provides practical implications for retailers, marketers and policymakers to combat green skepticism and encourage the purchase of green items. This study suggests integrating endorsements from authorized third-party organizations or celebrities into green marketing campaigns to reduce skepticism. Further, aligning corporate social responsibility efforts with genuine social welfare goals can build consumer trust. Finally, securing third-party endorsements for ecological claims will emphasize product credibility and drive green purchase intention. Originality/value To the authors’ knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to review the extant literature in green skepticism by integrating a systematic review approach, lexicometric analysis and the Theory-Context-Characteristics-Methodology framework. Through this approach, (1) SLR provides a detailed synthesis of green skepticism research to date, (2) Lexicometric analysis aids in the identification of key themes investigated in green skepticism research to date, and (3) the TCCM framework assists in identifying crucial avenues for future research endeavors in the realm of green skepticism.
Purpose This paper aims to examine the most commonly used categories of sustainability literature review regarding their purpose, nature, strengths, weaknesses and potential for impact. This paper also discusses the motivation, incremental contribution and framing that occurs by considering the research papers included in this Special Issue. Design/methodology/approach Given the paucity of clear guidelines for undertaking, writing and publishing literature review studies in sustainability research, this paper describes the main types and processes in conducting a literature review and emerging tools that can help advance the field. Findings This paper finds a variety of approaches in application with strengths and weaknesses, including the emerging role of software support, artificial intelligence and machine learning. This paper reviews the ethical implications of using emerging tools in the sustainability literature review methodology and their impacts on originality, authenticity and accountability. This paper discusses the seven carefully selected and meticulously reviewed articles in this Special Issue through the lens of these findings by specifically highlighting their purpose, strengths, weaknesses and practical and policy implications. Practical Implications Through the systemization of ways to conduct meaningful literature reviews, this paper explores the significant relevance of the method in creating a basis of academic understanding and advancing future research that can have significant impacts on the industry. Through the discussion of the articles in this Special Issue, this paper highlights the practical and policy implications and limitations of literature reviews in sustainability research. Social Implications This paper highlights the purpose of literature reviews in identifying areas for further research and how the papers included in this Special Issue achieve this goal, i.e. how their findings possess specific positive externalities in summarizing and systematizing sustainability research. Originality/Value This paper systematizes methods and processes for writing impactful literature reviews in sustainability research, particularly focusing on the use of emerging technology and the opportunities and challenges this may offer in this process.
Innovative digital technologies have likewise conveyed prospects and pressures to global businesses headed to develop competitive advantages through enriching customer experiences through market offerings. Digitalization has supported companies in improving service quality and service delivery by accepting and adopting information and communication technology (ICT) to survive and sustain in this digital era. This chapter highlights the application of digital technologies and digital transformation strategies in businesses by adopting the integrated literature review (ILR) approach to reviewing documents downloaded from electronic databases, leading to thematic analysis. The results of this study were categorized into six distinct themes: digitalization, digital technologies, digital supply chain, digital transformation, digital transformation strategies, and implementation of digital transformation strategies in businesses. This chapter assists academics and practitioners in enhancing their understanding of DT by providing a roadmap for further investigation.
When a manuscript is submitted to a journal, the Editor will make the initial evaluation, usually based on factors such as the paper’s suitability for the journal, its length, and other factors that are often stated in the Journal’s “guidelines for authors.” In recent decades, journal editors are increasingly using the manuscript’s potential impact factor in deciding whether to put the manuscript through the review process or reject it. This factor is based on the editor’s perceived likelihood that the article will be cited widely by future researchers, which would affect his or her journal’s impact factor (score). Although editors are likely to consider the number of publications cited from their own journal, it is important to understand that the number of citations of articles that have been published in the editor’s journal is not the sole determinant of whether a manuscript will be accepted or rejected.
Purpose Activity sampling is a technique to monitor onsite labourers' time utilisation, which can provide helpful information for the management level to implement suitable labour productivity improvement strategies continuously. However, there needs to be a review paper that compiles research on activity sampling studies to give readers a thorough grasp of the research trend. Hence, this paper aims to investigate the activity sampling techniques applied in earlier research from the angles of activity categories formation, data collection methods and data analysis. Design/methodology/approach The method used in this paper is a systematic review guided by the PRISMA framework. The search was conducted in Scopus and Web of Science. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, selecting 70 articles published between 2011 and 2022 for data extraction and analysis. The analysis method involved a qualitative synthesis of the findings from the selected articles. Findings Activity sampling is broadly divided into four stages: targeting trade, determining activity categories, data collection and data analysis. This paper divides the activity categories into three levels and classifies the data collection methods into manual observation, sensor-based activity sampling and computer vision-based activity sampling. The previous studies applied activity sampling for two construction management purposes: labour productivity monitoring and ergonomic safety monitoring. This paper also further discusses the scientific research gaps and future research directions. Originality/value This review paper contributes to the body of knowledge in construction management by thoroughly understanding current state-of-the-art activity sampling techniques and research gaps.
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The evolving landscape of the academic world has ushered in a plethora of challenges and opportunities for researchers. While there are undoubtedly monetary incentives and fringe benefits for those who actively engage in publishing, the journey toward acceptance by a premier journal is often arduous and time‐consuming. Considering this context, this paper endeavors to dissect prevailing trends, elucidate the reasons behind manuscript rejections, and furnish a compendium of strategies and insights aimed at augmenting the likelihood of acceptance while mitigating the probability of rejection.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze to what extent and in what ways signaling theory has been explored within the field of international marketing. This paper systematically reviews the use of signaling theory in the field of international marketing. Communication is a core aspect of the international marketing process. Research in this field has explored effective and unique ways of improving the communication flow to reduce the asymmetry of information between international consumers and the firm. This notion is adopted, enhanced and strengthened by signaling theory. Signaling theory has recently received the attention of international marketing scholars. Design/methodology/approach The systematic review methodology was applied for the purpose of identifying the relevant studies. We extracted academic articles over the last 23 years from the domain of international marketing that directly contribute to signaling theory based on 57 journal articles extracted through the systematic review process. Findings Based on systematic research the results reveal that the topic has grown and continues to expand within the broader international marketing field. We offer a theoretical conceptual framework to better understand signaling theory in the context of international marketing. Originality/value The authors map and critically evaluate the use of signaling theory in international marketing. Relevance of signaling theory in international marketing is growing and authors present an integrative framework that organizes the existing literature, and provides scholars to further expand on emerging themes of the domain. The paper offers some useful future research directions.
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Chatbots are a rapidly growing technology in the field of digital marketing. They are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users. Chatbots can be integrated into websites, mobile apps, and messaging platforms to provide instant customer service and support, as well as personalized recommendations and promotions. By using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, chatbots can understand and respond to user input in a human-like manner. They can also be programmed to respond to specific keywords, trigger events, and customer behavior. Chatbot implementation in digital marketing can help companies to improve customer engagement, increase sales and reduce costs. However, the key to successful chatbot implementation is to ensure that the chatbot is designed to meet the specific needs of the target audience and that it is integrated into the overall marketing strategy. This thesis explains the beneficial role of chatbots and shows how chatbots can be integrated into digital marketing strategies.
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The 7P marketing mix encompasses various business facets, notably the Process element governing internal operations from production to customer service. With the surge in online customer feedback, assessing machine learning efficacy, especially ensemble learning, in classifying 7P-related customer review data has gained prominence. This research aims to fill a gap in existing literature by evaluating ensemble learning’s performance on 7P classification, an area not extensively explored despite prior sentiment analysis studies. Employing a methodology merging Natural Language Processing (NLP) with ensemble learning, the study processes restaurant reviews using NLP techniques and employs ensemble learning for precision and accuracy. Findings demonstrate that DESMI yielded the highest performance metrics with accuracy at 0.697, precision at 0.699, recall at 0.697, and an F1-score of 0.684. These outcomes underscore ensemble learning's potential in handling complex datasets, signifying its relevance for marketers and researchers seeking comprehensive insights from customer reviews within the 7P marketing mix domain. This study sheds light on how ensemble learning outperforms its foundational methods, indicating its prowess in extracting meaningful insights from diverse and intricate customer feedback.
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Cause-related marketing (CaRM) has gained popularity as a method of boosting company value through profit-driven giving. Although the concept of CaRM has been widely researched, only a few authors have conducted systematic literature reviews on CaRM. Therefore, we examine the body of literature already in existence to find the factors that have been proven to influence people’s decisions to involve in cause-related marketing campaigns. Using a Theory-Context-Characteristics-Methodology (TCCM) review framework, this research gives an in-depth understanding of the prevalent theories, contexts (i.e., industries and countries), characteristics (i.e., consumer-related factors, campaign-related factors, firm/brand-related factors, product-related factors, moderating variables, and mediating variables), and methods (i.e., research approaches and data analysis techniques) applied in CaRM research between the year 2010 and 2022. This study identifies factors impacting consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention towards CaRM and offers strategic insights to marketers to develop more effective CaRM campaigns. The results of this study will be significant not only for managers but also for scholars and policymakers who seek to deepen their understanding of CaRM.
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Systematic literature review (SLR) papers have gained significant importance during the last years as many reputed journals have asked for literature review submissions from the authors. However, at the same time, authors are experiencing a high number of desk rejections because of a lack of quality and its contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to offer guidance to researchers who intend to communicate SLR papers in top-rated journals. We attempt to offer a guide to buddy researchers who plan to write SLR papers. This purpose is achieved by clearly stating how the traditional review method is different from SLR, when and how can each type of literature review method be used, writing effective motivation of a review paper and finally how to synthesize the available literature. We have also presented a few suggestions for writing an impactful SLR in the last. Overall, this chapter serves as a guide to various aspirants of SLR paper to understand the prerequisites of an SLR paper and offers deep insights to bring in more clarity before writing an SLR paper, thereby reducing the chances of desk rejection.
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Consumer well‐being (CWB) refers to the cognitive and emotional reactions of consumers in response to their consumption experiences. It encompasses three elements: consumer satisfaction, positive emotions and perceived quality of life. In the past few years, there has been significant research growth in the field of CWB. However, a lack of effort is observed in reviewing this emerging and evolving field of research. This review utilises the Theory–Context–Construct–Methods (TCCM) framework given by Paul and Rosado‐Serrano (2019) (International Marketing Review, 36(6), 830–858), to delve into the prominent theories, contexts (i.e., countries and industries), characteristics (major factors and variables) and methods (i.e., research designs and analysis) used in CWB research spanning over the past 24 years (1998–2022). Through a systematic analysis and synthesis of 142 articles, an overview of this research field is provided, establishing a path for future agenda within the TCCM framework. This review reveals a prevalence of single‐theory approaches, with studies primarily focusing on theories such as the self‐determination theory and the attribution theory. Furthermore, CWB research demonstrates a stronger inclination towards examining the services industry context compared to other industries covered in the literature. Additionally, the review emphasises the need for further research on countries with emerging economies. Detailed future research directions are presented.
The present study seeks to identify the current research trends and streamline future research opportunities in masstige marketing by conducting a bibliometric analysis of available literature from Scopus and the Web of science databases between 2001 and 2022. The study analyses 111 articles from the database of Scopus and the Web of Science published between 2001 and 2022, using bibliometric analysis, performance and science mapping analysis. The study used biblioshiny as a tool to conduct the bibliometric analysis of the extracted data. The research findings revealed that the publication of articles has increased between 2001 and 2022. A total of 93.3% of authors contributed one article, 5.5% of authors contributed two articles, 0.8 % of authors contributed three articles, and only 0.4 % of authors contributed seven articles. Countries like the USA, UK, India, Portugal, France and China have found to be the maximum contributors towards masstige. Further, the Bradford’s law applied in the study has revealed the basic sources of studies on masstige.
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This article gives a retrospective look at the main determinants of foreign market entry modes and examines the variables and conditions used in empirical studies in this stream of research. We found that there is an “analytical context hazard” in past studies. The findings suggest: first, future research should focus on developing and extending theories with reference to strategy dimension and market/industry environment; second, the interrelationship between the main entry mode determinants should be figured out; third, attention has to be paid to the entry modes of firms from non-developed economies in research.
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This wholly conceptual paper examines the breadth of literature on Market Entry Modes, a fundamentally important and strategic issue for managers in growing organisations of all sizes in all sectors. Key concepts and terms are defined and then a set of key Internationalisation Theories are systematically and critically reviewed, these being: the Transaction Cost Approach, Institutional Theory, the Eclectic Paradigm, the Uppsala Internationalisation Model and the Resource Based View. The final portion of the paper is integrative and highlights three key literature gaps as signposts for future work.
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This is the success story of an electric company that was founded in the 1940s as a public enterprise but that has been run since its founding as though it were a private company. Throughout the years, it has operated efficiently and with a high level of technology. The company was privatized in 1987, and its performance improves still further, making it a success model for Latin America. As frequently happens with successful, high-growth companies in the region, ENDESA began to face some limits to expansion in its domestic market and began generating a surplus beyond its investment requirements. In fact, the company projected that its cash flow would exceed projected investments by 500 million dollars. Most Latin American companies, when confronted with this kind of situation, would invest within its home country, in nonrelated businesses, creating a diversified business group. In contrast, ENDESA decided explicitly not to diversify in nonrelated businesses but rather to pursue its core business in other countries, beginning with neighboring Argentina. This first project outside Chile required a large financial investment, an enormous organizational effort, and the need to forge strategic alliances with multinational enterprises. The case describes this initial experience in detail, emphasizing the importance of human resources in any internationalization effort. It is clear from the case that ENDESA's most valuable assets for success in this effort were managerial. The dilemma now facing ENDESA management is whether to continue investing in Argentina. A new opportunity for the expansion of electric power has arisen, but an investment of $100 million is required. ENDESA must make this investment decision in an environment of economic decline in Argentina. Other options include seeking investments in other South American countries, or perhaps investing in other sectors in Chile.
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What barriers constrain internationalization of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) in emerging markets? This study addresses the question by analyzing perceptions of barriers to internationalization expressed by top executives of Brazilian NTBFs. The NTBFs belong to high technology, medium–high technology, or technology-intensive service sectors. Analysis of data collected through questionnaire survey reveals three important barriers: external institutional barrier, and internal organizational capability barrier and human resource barrier. These barriers are consistent with the institutional theory, resource-based view of the firm, and human capital theory. Additionally, the study indicates that Brazilian NTBFs can be partitioned into three clusters with varying extents of perceptions of the above-mentioned barriers. The conclusion section discusses various contributions and limitations of the study and provides directions of future research.
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This study develops a framework for examining the export strategies of firms from emerging economies and their performance in foreign markets, Hypotheses derived from this framework were tested on a sample of firms from Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Findings suggest that cost-based strategies enhance export performance in developed country markets and differentiation strategies enhance performance in other developing countries. Adapting marketing mix variables to the specific needs of developed country markets also enhances export performance, The relationship between geographical diversification and export performance is nonlinear.
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This article highlights the idea that firm’s trade pattern depends on its technological capabilities, the existence of Schumpeterian, Keynesian, and endowment efficiencies at sectorial levels and the interaction between these efficiencies and firms’ capabilities. This article discusses the relationship between firms’ technological capabilities and the type of efficiency that prevails in the international trade pattern in manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Argentina. The empirical evidence shows that firms’ export performance depends on the development of technological capabilities and the interaction between these capabilities and the presence of Schumpeterian and Keynesian efficiencies.
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This paper develops a dynamic capabilities-based theory of the multinational enterprise (MNE). It first reviews scholarship on the MNE, with a focus on what has come to be known as “internalization” theory. One prong of this theory develops contractual/transaction cost-informed governance perspectives; and another develops technology transfer and capabilities perspectives. In this paper, it is suggested that the latter has been somewhat neglected. However, if fully integrated as part of a more complete approach, it can buttress transaction cost/governance issues and expand the range of phenomena that can be explained. In this more integrated framework, dynamic capabilities coupled with good strategy are seen as necessary to sustain superior enterprise performance, especially in fast-moving global environments. Entrepreneurial management and transformational leadership are incorporated into a capabilities theory of the MNE. The framework is then used to explain how strategy and dynamic capabilities together determine firm-level sustained competitive advantage in global environments. It is suggested that this framework complements contract-based perspectives on the MNE and can help integrate international management and international business perspectives.
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During the last decade emerging market firms (EMFs) have increasingly attracted scholarly attention. Yet, the conclusions concerning the nature and the theoretical foundations of EMFs’ international expansion vary greatly thus calling for a critical assessment of the existing theorizing in this field. We examine publications on the internationalization of EMFs in fourteen top international management (IM) journals in the period of 2000–2010 and use the inductive approach and the qualitative content analysis methodology. Our analysis shows that the published research can be classified into two groups: macro- and micro-level studies. The former predominantly employ macro-level institutional factors to examine the overall patterns of EMFs’ international expansion, while the latter build on a wider range of approaches, including the resource-based view, network and strategy perspectives to investigate various aspects of EMFs’ internationalization. The paper identifies a number of theoretical inconsistencies in the existing research that arguably cause ambiguity in findings and suggests future research directions to address these inconsistencies. By doing so the analysis contributes to the central debate in literature concerning whether conventional theories suffice to explain the EMFs’ internationalization or new theoretical approaches are needed. The analysis illustrates that the research on EMFs’ internationalization can be improved through refined application of a broader range of methodologies such as longitudinal and mixed-method studies. The geographic focus of studies needs to be widened as well. Currently it is clearly biased towards China, while other emerging markets remain under-researched.
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Building on economic geography and knowledge-based theory, I argue that pro-market reforms augment the profitability of firms by increasing their competitiveness and market knowledge. However, I propose that this effect is greater for firms that operate internationally, firms that operate in more advanced markets, and firms that become multinationals before reforms are implemented. This is because such firms acquire market knowledge abroad that they can use when responding to reforms at home, giving them a head-start advantage over other local firms. The analyses of a panel of the largest 500 Latin American companies from 1989 to 2008 provide support for these arguments.
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This paper reviews the rise of geographic concentrations of small food-processing units in rural areas of Latin America, in order to show that, drawing on the literature on the development of clusters, they may represent a type of local productive system, namely Local Agri-food Systems. Furthermore it assesses whether they might compete efficiently in global food commodity chains. In this regard it analyses the specific assets of these systems, drawing on some specific cases, and stresses the conditions that can enable them to compete on national or even global markets in the supply of processed products. These conditions appear to be a capacity for collective action which, in this particular case, will be enhanced by qualification processes of the products creating common assets for the actors involved. These elements could provide a rationale as regards the categorization of clusters according to their efficiency. Actually, although they won't be able to achieve competitive efficiency in every case, some might, and it remains useful to set up a research programme on their trajectories of development.
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Export performance is one of the most widely researched but least understood and most contentious areas of international marketing. To some extent, this problem can be ascribed to difficulties in conceptualizing, operationalizing, and measuring the export performance construct, often leading to inconsistent and conflicting results. This study reviews and evaluates more than 100 articles of pertinent empirical studies to assess and critique export performance measurements. Based on gaps identified in this evluation, guidelines for export performance measure development are advanced, suggesting, however, a contingency approach in their application. Several conclusions and implications for export strategy and future research are derived from this analysis.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of international commitment of entrepreneurial firms from an emerging economy to their foreign operations. Specifically, it intends to help bridge an existing gap in the literature by focusing on the international commitment of established small entrepreneurial firms, a topic that has been largely overlooked; investigating small‐firm commitment to foreign investments whereas most studies focus on exporting; combining the different research streams that studied international commitment; and using the resource‐based view (RBV) to explore the interplay between resource allocation and commitment in the foreign investments of small entrepreneurial firms. Design/methodology/approach The study adopts an abductive approach to theory development and uses the case method of investigation. Three case studies were developed from primary and secondary sources. A total of 153 pieces of documentation were used to reconstruct past events, in addition to the interviews and information from company sites, permitting triangulation. Pattern‐matching logic was employed as case development progressed, continuously comparing with the theoretical background used in the study. Findings The interplay between resource availability, goal congruence, entrepreneur's desire to internationalize and family attitude seem to have a combined impact on the arousal and initial development of international commitment. The relative importance of managerial over financial resources in the early stages and the impact of preparatory activities on the speed and scope of internationalization seem to be specific manifestations of commitment among emerging market firms. As to the outcomes of commitment, performance appears both as an outcome and an antecedent, and, knowledge acquisition and opportunity development seem to increase pari passu with international commitment of emerging market firms. Practical implications The findings can be useful to emerging market firms by pointing out the potential negative impact of low international commitment on a firm's internationalization process. Since most firms from emerging markets cannot count on previous internationalization knowledge accumulated by other firms in their (domestic) institutional environment to be used as guides to international expansion, this type of research can provide some guidelines to help their internationalization efforts. Originality/value While certain results agreed with the extant literature, new findings generated a set of theoretical propositions regarding international commitment of late‐internationalizing entrepreneurial firms from an emerging Latin American market.
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We examine the importance of country-of-origin effects and of universal contingencies such as industrial recipes in organizational practices at the international level of multinational enterprises. This is based on a study comparing European (Finnish, French, German, Dutch, Swiss, Swedish, British), American and Japanese multinational enterprises. Although multinationals are highly internationalized by definition, our study shows their organizational control practices at the international level to be more than anything else explained by their country of origin. Universal contingencies such as size and industry, on the other hand, are more related to internationalization strategy. Internationalization strategy and organizational control are associated with different sets of variables; to this extent they appear more decoupled with regard to each other than the literature suggests. Multinationals appear to follow tracks of coordination and control in which they have become embedded in their country of origin. Nationally specific institutions and culture have to be interpreted as particularistic but universally practicable facilitators of internationally competing organizational practices.
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The important phenomenon that the internationalization of Chinese firms (ICF) represents has attracted increasing interest from scholars from multiple fields over the past 20 years (1991–2010). Although this proliferation of research has the potential to significantly improve understanding of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), the necessary step of consolidating and integrating extant knowledge is absent. This paper reviews the scholarship on the ICF and offers insights into the specific areas in critical need of further development. By focusing on articles published in major scholarly journals during the period 1991–2010, the authors develop a coherent framework to organize and review conceptual and empirical findings from disciplines as far ranging as management, international business, cross-culture and area studies. Within the reviewed literature, three primary streams of enquiry are identified which focus on the antecedents, processes and outcomes of the ICF. Achievements within each of the three research streams are carefully reviewed using content analysis, whereby a number of important issues are identified which have remained consistently untouched, and recommendations are provided for future research, aimed at developing a more integrated research agenda on the ICF for management and international business scholars.
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The Uppsala internationalization process model is revisited in the light of changes in business practices and theoretical advances that have been made since 1977. Now the business environment is viewed as a web of relationships, a network, rather than as a neoclassical market with many independent suppliers and customers. Outsidership, in relation to the relevant network, more than psychic distance, is the root of uncertainty. The change mechanisms in the revised model are essentially the same as those in the original version, although we add trust-building and knowledge creation, the latter to recognize the fact that new knowledge is developed in relationships.
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This paper studies the sequence of value-added activities in the multinationalization of firms from developing countries. Analysis of twenty Latin American multinational firms, or Multilatinas, reveals three alternative sequences: start multinationalizing with marketing subsidiaries in all countries, start multinationalizing with production subsidies in all countries, or start multinationalizing with marketing subsidiaries in some countries and production subsidiaries in others. These alternative sequences are explained through the integration and extension of arguments from the incremental model of internationalization and its discussion of difficulties, and the eclectic paradigm of foreign production and its discussion of advantages. I argue that firms that benefit from a location advantage in the country of origin are more likely to start multinationalizing using marketing subsidiaries, firms that benefit from a location advantage in the host country are more likely to start multinationalizing using production subsidiaries, and firms that face difficulties in the transfer of products across countries are more likely to start multinationalizing using production subsidiaries.
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This study of Latin American banks located in the United States employs a resource-based framework to explain how subunits of emerging market firms can overcome the challenges of operating in a developed market. Our results show that an EMF subunit can draw upon ethnic identity as a valuable and costly-to-imitate resource to achieve competitive parity in the developed market. Ethnic resources can be generated not only from ethnically similar customers but also from ethnically similar competitors in the local market. In addition, the parent firm’ level local and non-local resources can help to achieve competitive parity for the EMF subunits in that country, which in turn positively influences survival. However, over expansion can lead to spreading local and non-local resources too thin, thus adversely affecting survival.
The paper aims to improve the understanding of the determinants of the international expansion of Latin American SMEs. To do this, it adopts an institution theory perspective to study the interaction between public policies and other drivers of SMEs' expansion in four main areas: access to public financial resources; access to public procurement contracts; adverse regulatory and inconsistent legal frameworks; and public assistance on information and knowledge about markets. We collected the data from 465 SMEs in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru and analysed it using multivariate regressions; the findings have implications for theory, practice, and policy making. The results suggest that Latin American SMEs belonging to larger institutions (like business groups) seem to be in a stronger position to expand internationally. In addition, they show that SMEs perceive difficul-ties/barriers for their international expansion, mainly in dealing with domestic regulations in the domestic economic environment, and in poor information about external markets. Also, the findings indicate that having the government as a customer has proved to be a facilitator for the firms to expand internationally. All in all, the findings of the paper enrich the debate on the impact of institutions, and in particular of public policies, on the international expansion of SMEs from emerging and transition economies by analysing the role of governments' policies and strategies intended to support the international expansion of firms and questioning their mid-to long-term impact.
Using the Antecedents, Decisions and Outcomes (ADO) format as an organizing framework, this article gives an overview of the literature on different dimensions and characteristics of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by firms from emerging countries. Based on an extensive coverage of studies published over a period of nearly 25 years between 1993 and 2017, we review extant research on this phenomenon from mainly China, as well as other emerging countries. We identify advances and analytical areas of OFDI research and pinpoint the key theories, methodologies, observed characteristics and the variables that have been examined in this growing research literature. Many areas of the above research themes remain underexplored, despite recent significant advancements, and may provide directions for future research.
I examine how different State actions shape the internationalization process of large firms in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. I argue that direct actions produce a more diversified internationalization by sector and a faster internationalization pace. The expansion of large firms abroad occurs through a narrower set of activities when indirect actions prevail. Indirect State actions encourage limited geographical extension and a gradual internationalization pace, producing fewer global leaders. Through an inter-country comparison, I examine direct and indirect policies in two crucial areas for internationalization: the support of national champions and the creation of capital availability. The State-induced internationalization pace influences the global scope of firms, central for understanding the phenomena of multilatinas.
This paper focuses on the internationalization of SMEs located in geographically isolated contexts like Latin America. We argue that strategic priorities towards foreign markets, Foreign Market Focus (FMF), as well as “Outward Looking Competences” (OLC) are important factors in enhancing productivity, and ultimately achieving a sustainable competitive presence abroad. FMF and OLC lay the foundation for setting better international business relations with foreign clients and increase opportunities for learning and attaining economies of scale. Results demonstrate the significance of FMF as a means of enhancing productivity only in manufacturing firms. OLC positively moderates the relation between FMF and productivity.
In the 1990s Latin American countries abandoned their policies of import-substituting industrialization carried out through fully-owned state enterprises (SOEs). They opened their economies to international competition and privatized their SOEs. We argue that this pragmatic adaptation did not necessarily constitute a fundamental change in policies, long followed by some Latin American countries, of state intervention in the pursuit of nationalistic objectives, but is instead a continuation of these policies by other means. Specifically, to safeguard their autonomy, some Latin American states have selected and nurtured domestic firms to become multinational enterprises (MNEs). They have kept – and obtained – equity stakes in these national MNEs to influence them and to keep them out of the hands of foreigners. These policies explain the timing of the rise of Multilatinas and their, usually partial, state ownership.
Purpose Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and its relationship with exports of home country is an important aspect of internationalization having implications for both policymakers and multinational enterprises (MNEs). This paper aims to examine this relationship by using panel data for ten major emerging countries from Asia over the period 1991-2012. Design/methodology/approach The authors use panel vector auto regression, panel cointegration and causality tests in this study. Findings The authors find evidence of long-run causality from exports to OFDI. Further, exports and OFDI are found to be substitutes. There is no long-run causality from OFDI to exports, implying that MNEs are not “connecting” with home country firms through backward and forward linkages in the production process. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper to deal with the relationship of OFDI with exports of the home country, for a group of developing/emerging countries.
China and India implemented the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, removing restrictions with the intent to increase international trade and foreign investment. This article aims to examine whether this objective was achieved by analyzing trends in exports and imports, and determining Granger Causality among FDI, exports, and imports during the pre- and post-WTO periods. Our results show that India’s imports have more than dou- bled throughout the post-WTO period, indicating substantial WTO effectiveness in India, while the WTO’s effect in China is mixed and not that significant. Further, four theoretical propositions have been posited to encourage further research.
China and India implemented the World Trade Organization 5 (WTO) agreements, removing restrictions with the intent to increase international trade and foreign investment. This article aims to examine whether this objective was achieved by analyzing trends in exports and imports, and determining Granger Causality among FDI, exports, and imports during the pre- and post-WTO 10 periods. Our results show that India’s imports have more than dou- bled throughout the post-WTO period, indicating substantial WTO effectiveness in India, while the WTO’s effect in China is mixed and not that significant. Further, four theoretical propositions have been posited to encourage further research. 15
International interfirm marketing collaborations have become increasingly important in the competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, many are unsuccessful in achieving the desired objectives for one or both parties because of factors both internal and external. This work attempts to improve understanding of firms’ governance decision making and draw disparate literature streams together by introducing the concepts of collaborative intensity and collaborative alignment. Through the employment of institutional theory, this research offers a framework illustrating how institutional distance influences the nature of an international interfirm marketing collaboration when considering the constructs of collaborative intensity, collaborative alignment, and governance mechanisms.
Firms operate in a semi-globalized world wherein opportunities and constraints arise at both the country and regional levels; however, extant theories of firm internationalization focus mostly on country-level determinants. We aim to overcome this deficiency by developing a theoretical model that explicates the mechanisms driving firm internationalization in a semi-globalized world. Integrating the organizational learning literature with research on semi-globalization, we argue that firms internationalize through the interplay among three mechanisms: (1) intraregional exploitation; (2) intraregional reconfiguration; and (3) inter-regional exploration. We define and integrate these three mechanisms to derive two ideal typical internationalization trajectories that firms follow in a semi-globalized world: home regionalization and multiregionalization. We then elaborate on how macro-level contingencies moderate these two ideal types and conclude with implications for future research.
This study discusses important corporate strategy decisions made by some of the most prosperous companies in Chile within an environment of deregulation and openness to international trade. The study uses a case analysis and develops a basic framework that facilitates the understanding of some of those decisions. The findings contradict, in part, the view that liberalization might favor an entrepreneurial focus and might promote the emergence of intermediaries. The cases in this study show that, despite being in an environment of deregulation and openness, these companies have become world-class through the integration of their business activities. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The aim is to deepen our understanding about the internationalisation– survival relationship in the case of new ventures in traditional manufacturing sectors. Hypotheses were tested through Cox’s proportional hazard regressions on a sample of 3,350 firms aged 10 years or less, from the textile-clothing and footwear industry in Spain. A vast majority of new ventures that were both established and closed down over that time are purely domestic firms. That means, a firm increases its likelihood of survival when it becomes international. The highest failure risk relates to those new ventures which are territorially agglomerated and are domestically oriented. Internationalisation is an unconditional strategy for surviving in the case of new manufacturing ventures. In addition, location and efficiency in the activity both matter when operating in international markets. Statistical tests show that an interactive effect of agglomeration and internationalisation exists, while no support for the interaction between age and internationalisation is found. Future research should investigate the trade-off between growth and survival forces to determine the optimum moment to go international and to characterise the strategic choices followed by those new ventures that survive longest.
This article presents a framework for understanding and revitalizing the important role of conceptual articles in the development of knowledge in the marketing discipline. An analysis of 30 years (1978-2007) of publishing data from major marketing journals indicates that conceptual articles are declining, despite repeated calls for more emphasis on this form of scholarship. The sharpest decline has occurred in "Journal of Marketing (JM)," with much of the shift occurring over the past decade. Many substantive areas remain largely unexplored in conceptual articles. Over this 30-year period, conceptual articles published in "JM" have disproportionately more citations relative to their numbers, attesting to the importance of their role in knowledge development. Addressing the decline of conceptual articles and restoring their synergistic balance with other forms of scholarship will require concerted efforts on several interrelated fronts: the current generation of scholars; doctoral programs and students; journals, reviewers, and review process; and promotion, tenure, and incentive systems.
Drawing on regional strategy theory we complement the core effect of firm-specific advantages on the performance of multinational enterprises with an analysis of the performance consequences of home region concentration on firm performance. We also develop hypotheses regarding the effect of foreign entry timing, internationalization speed and international experience on the performance effect of home region concentration. We test our hypotheses against unique longitudinal data from a panel of 128 multinational enterprises in the retail sector whose geographical spread of international activities we traced between 1995 and 2010. Our findings support the predictions of regional strategy theory and highlight the importance of foreign entry timing and internationalization speed in strengthening the positive effect of home region concentration on the performance of multinational enterprises.
Internationalization of emerging market multinationals is a recent phenomenon gaining importance in the global economy. This foreign expansion of a new breed of companies has challenged established theories and practices in the field of international business (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2007). This article addresses the issue of whether or not there is something to learn from these emerging market companies and their foreign expansion. Focusing on the international trajectories of four Brazilian multinationals (i.e., Odebrecht, Embraer, Stefanini, and Marcopolo), this study analyzes their strategies and managerial processes during and after the recent economic crisis with regards to internationalization. Our qualitative fieldwork suggests that the trajectories of these Brazilian multinationals are quite unstructured and evolve as a reaction to the opportunities they face in international markets. It seems all four companies in our sample shared a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a high motivation to expand their international operations despite the crisis and the obstacles they faced. Our findings and suggestions in terms of lessons learned should provide valuable implications for multinational managers from other emerging markets by providing a better understanding of how Brazilian multinationals expand internationally, deal with economic crisis, and manage relationships with local and foreign institutions.
BRYAN W. HUSTED IS WITH THE INSTITUTO Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. Small businesses in many parts of the world are facing the challenges of negotiating in the global marketplace, challenges which are magnified for small businesses from emerging markets which have traditionally prospered from protectionist policies. Unfortunately, there is little information available to assist the small international business negotiator. Little material deals with negotiation from the viewpoint of a small firm in a newly opened economy bargaining with the businesses of an economically advanced nation. A prime example is Mexico which, with the approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, faces an unprecidented challenge to modernise and become competitive after years of thriving in protected markets. The paper develops a portrait of Mexican small business negotiations with United States companies and of the elements essential for their success. Although the experiences of Mexican negotiators with US firms cannot be generalised to other pairs of countries, their experiences can be instructive for other small business people emerging from the safety of protected national markets.
Asia and Latin America are significant emerging economies. While Asian management research has been comprehensively reviewed, the understanding of Latin America management research is fragmented. The authors address this gap by providing the first literature review of Latin America management research. Defining management research broadly (looking across the subfields of international business, strategy, entrepreneurship, organization behavior and human resources, and business ethics), this literature review responds to the call for management researchers to contextualize their research. The article begins by examining the contextual dimensions that make Latin America distinctive. The authors then review Latin America management research and position it within the larger body of emerging economy research. They conclude by presenting a framework and research agenda to guide future efforts at theory development in the Latin American context.