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Shifting Paradigms: Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution


Abstract and Figures

Everyone wants to know the future. Exploring the future is not to make predictions, but to anticipate which futures might happen, so we may make better decisions today. The foresight process is a tool which enables researchers to become more attuned to the future; the foresight process is designed to help anticipate emerging trends, rather than be surprised by dramatic change. This paper identifies possible futures in two ways: extrapolating from the present into the future, and starting from future states to reconstruct how they might be arrived at from the current state. The result is 12 fresh scenarios and 13 new paradigms. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Economics of security and privacy; Social aspects of security and privacy; Usability in security and privacy; • Social and professional topics → Governmental regulations; • Computing methodologies → Modeling method-ologies;
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Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution
Heather Vescent
Bob Blakley
Everyone wants to know the future. Exploring the future is not to
make predictions, but to anticipate which futures might happen, so
we may make better decisions today. The foresight process is a tool
which enables researchers to become more attuned to the future;
the foresight process is designed to help anticipate emerging trends,
rather than be surprised by dramatic change. This paper identies
possible futures in two ways: extrapolating from the present into
the future, and starting from future states to reconstruct how they
might be arrived at from the current state. The result is 12 fresh
scenarios and 13 new paradigms.
Security and privacy Economics of security and privacy
Social aspects of security and privacy
Usability in security
and privacy
Social and professional topics
Computing methodologies
Modeling method-
Information Security, Strategic Foresight, Paradigms, Future, Sce-
ACM Reference Format:
Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley. 2018. Shifting Paradigms:, Using Strategic
Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution. In New Security Paradigms Work-
shop (NSPW ’18), August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 13 pages.
Computer security was described as a “dumpster re” by some
security professionals we interviewed. Others opined that it’s in
an “abysmal” state that is “often put together with the technology
equivalent of duct tape”.
The attack surface of computer security is increasing rapidly as
we introduce new technologies and further integrate technology
into all aspects of our lives, from cars to pacemakers. To date,
security has frequently been bolted on rather than designed in
from the beginning. As a result, each year we have more hacks and
more data breaches than ever.
ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee,
contractor, or aliate of the United States government. As such, the United States
government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this
article, or to allow others to do so, for government purposes only.
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
©2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6597-0/18/08. . . $15.00
This research is an initial look at what security could be in
2038—20 years from the date this paper was written. The following
questions formed the kernel of our research:
What is changing in the security world to improve or cause
unintended consequences today?
What has changed about what needs to be secured?
New technology gives us new power and solves problems of
the present, but it opens new problems in the future. What
are the security problems of the next 20 years?
How do we change the thinking of security professionals to
better consider problems of the future?
The paper is structured in three parts. Part one sets out our
methodology, including the foresight methods we used as well as
other futurist research methods that could be used in the security
industry. Part one also enumerates our baseline assumptions, in-
cluding a description of the state of security today and the results
of our Future of Computer Security Survey. It sets the stage for part
two, which dives into a set of future scenarios and a discussion of
the forces that might lead us down the path to each of the scenarios.
Each scenario is based on changes to the current state via a com-
mon set of variables. We start by identifying the variables, and we
explain how adjusting the variables gives rise to each scenario. Part
three presents a dozen alternative paradigms, each of which would
contrast with today’s existing paradigm in specic, identied ways.
For this research, we used methods from the discipline of strategic
foresight to understand and analyze trends and identify possible
futures in the information security space.
This foresight methodology is exible in that it can be applied to
many industry areas alongside traditional research to gain insight.
Foresight research supplements traditional research activities and
extends the data to explore possible futures. The reason one should
spend resources exploring possible futures is not to make predic-
tions, but to identify among a set of possible futures the future
which is most desirable, anticipate which futures might happen
under the inuence of various forces, and gain insight into the
action of forces on the futures in order to make better decisions in
the present. Insights gained from foresight research can help prac-
titioners more clearly see the operation of forces and more clearly
identify trends; this in turn helps practitioners make eective and
timely decisions to inuence the future, rather than being surprised
and forced into change belatedly.
There are a variety of foresight methods in use, including:
Delphi expert panel [24]
Casual Layer Analysis (CLA) [13], [12]
Futures Wheel [21]
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
Backcasting [9]
Character based narratives [22], [8]
Appreciative Inquiry [CW08] [6]
Foresight interview protocol [4]
For this research, we used the Foresight Interview Protocol, Ap-
preciative Inquiry, Backcasting, a light version of Casual Layer
Analysis, and Scenario Development. We took existing research
methods of surveying and interviewing and applied a foresight lens
to understand the past, current conditions, and possible futures.
While it is easy to identify problems and go into problem solving
mode, it is harder to identify the things that already work well.
We pay attention to the squeaky wheel that needs the oil, not the
well oiled machine. Appreciative Inquiry is a powerful method
used to identifying existing positive characteristics. Once these are
identied, we can support activities and decisions that increases the
power and inuence of these positive characteristics. Rather than
identify and solve problems, we identify what is already working
and increase what makes it work so well.
Initial Expert Interviews:
Five interviews were conducted
with security experts using foresight questioning. These questions
focused on the current conditions, the impact of certain trends
on the future, other changes impacting the space, and speculative
questions about security problems and solutions in the future. The
results of these interviews were used to create a survey, as well as
to guide scenario development.
We formulated a 20-question survey and solicited partic-
ipation using Twitter and via direct solicitation. 89 security practi-
tioners completed the survey. The questions included a combination
of queries about demographics, current security activities, tools
used, attack surfaces, and “keep you up at night” concerns, as well
as speculative questions about future security problems, new tech-
nologies, and possible solutions. Open ended survey questions gave
us insights to be used when creating the scenarios. The results were
analyzed and used to guide the development of our scenarios.
Limited Historical Analysis:
Since this topic is focused 20
years in the future from 2018, we wondered what the view from
20 years in the past might have been. To get an idea of this, we did
a brief historical analysis of the papers from NSPW 1998 and we
asked ourselves, what problems from 1998 have we solved? Which
ones have changed? Which ones have stayed the same? We used
the result of this analysis in our scenario development.
Appreciative Inquiry Interviews:
We conducted one-on-one
interviews with 11 individuals using a standard set of appreciative
inquiry questions customized to the computer security domain.
This data was analyzed, with similarities grouped and outliers iden-
tied. Appreciative Inquiry focuses the query on what is positive,
energetic and already working. Our questions focused on the posi-
tive energy of the space, the professionals, existing breakthroughs,
the problems already solved, and the dreams for the future of the
security industry. An analysis of this data was used to develop the
scenarios and identify existing paradigms, key properties of which
we “ipped” to identify desirable new paradigms.
Scenario Development:
The ndings from all of the research
activities drove the development of the 12 scenarios. We started with
a baseline scenario, which assumes that nothing important changes
in information security in the next 20 years, and which serves as the
starting point from which changes to infosec-relevant variables are
applied to create alternative future scenarios. We identied some
scenarios organically from the research and “reverse engineered”
the changes to our variables which would lead us into the scenario;
we created other scenarios by analyzing what would happen in the
future if specic adjustments were made to identied collections of
New Paradigms:
When analyzing the Appreciative Inquiry
data, several current paradigms were clearly identied. Despite
the positive outlook of appreciative inquiry, many interview sub-
jects identied negative aspects of the current paradigm. We took
this as an opportunity to identify better paradigms, by ipping the
negative properties of the existing paradigm to create new positive
We then employed “backcasting” [
] which takes the desired
paradigm as the end point in a strategic plan and looks at what
actions need to be taken to make that future occur.
3.1 Initial Expert Interview Results
We started our research by asking a selected group experts to de-
scribe the current state of computer security. The experts’ answers
were not too positive; the following descriptions are representative:
It is a dumpster re.
Solved with duct tape and bailing wire.
Some companies are starting to take information security
Sometimes has negative eects, for example, chasing shiny
bug bounties.
But the experts hadn’t given up hope; they suggested a number
of innovations they thought might be productive:
“All source code is public”: One subject proposed that all
source code should be readable and public, even if it’s not
open source for the purposes of reuse.
“Security lawsuits”: Another subject suggested that compa-
nies be required to take legal responsibility for the result of
their insecure code.
“Regulation”: Another subject proposed that software be
regulated and companies be allowed to push only “security
veried” code into production.
“Augmented humanity”: Another subject proposed removing
the “human” from human computer interaction by adding a
layer of human-augmentation AI between software’s HCI
layer and the human to improve the human’s performance
in using the technology safely and securely.
A consistent theme in our research interviews was the inuence
of economic factors on information security. Interview subjects
The cost of doing security.
What is a business’s ROI when
it is trying to get a product to market ASAP? Security is not
emphasized in the economic trade os of many companies;
rather than doing the right thing security wise, companies
risk the bad PR a data breach brings and litigate against
security researchers who nd vulnerabilities. Corporate in-
centives for security are often muted because of internal
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
Figure 1: Foresight Research Methodology. Adapted from Dr. Peter C. Bishop, Studies of the Future [4].
reporting structure. But security is a commons from which
everyone benets when done well. Unfortunately, when it
is done well, you don’t hear about it. Only when it is done
poorly does a company get PR.
Time rich, money poor.
There is an increasing number of
highly educated, but underemployed or unemployed people
with security skills. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; peo-
ple with skills and time, but without money, have incentives
to become black hat hackers. This is prevalent in countries
that have good education systems but poor job markets, in-
cluding especially Brazil and the former Eastern Bloc. We
wonder if some security problems might be solved by merely
having full employment for all educated security experts.
Finite vs Innite Rules.
Building upon the previous point,
the security theatre is uneven, with defense bounded by -
nite rules due to limited resources and attackers utilizing re-
sources (time, money, tenacity) to nd vulnerabilities. This is
an uneven playing eld that economic solutions may change.
The economics of computing.
People expect their water
heater to last 30 years, but most technology companies don’t
last 10 years. What is going to happen to the many IoT
products that will be built with this throw-away attitude?
These products will have security vulnerabilities but will
have long lifetimes in the world with minimal, if any user
interfaces to upgrade their security. Economic incentives can
put pressure on the need to ensure technology lasts and is
secure in this constantly changing space.
3.2 Survey Results Summary
After analyzing the expert interviews, we designed a 20-question
survey and distributed it to security professionals via Twitter and
via direct solicitation. The survey generated 89 responses; this
section summarizes the survey results.
Responses represented a broad cross-section of demographic
categories, from brand new practitioners and students to profes-
sionals near retirement age. About 25 percent of respondents were
female, but this is partly selection bias as we deliberately reached
out to female practitioners toward the end of the survey period as
the initial sample was disproportionately male. We got at least two
non-binary respondents. We did not ask about ethnicity or national
origin. The distribution of respondents across years of tenure in
the industry is very even, with a slight bias toward younger practi-
tioners. We had only two respondents who claimed to be educators
or trainers, and only one who claimed to be a researcher.
We included a question about the current state of security; re-
sponses to this question were overwhelmingly negative. Only two
respondents out of more than 80 gave responses which could be
characterized as net positive, and many were strikingly negative.
We asked about top-of mind worries. Unsurprisingly, respon-
dents are worried about a broad range of risks, but the standout
nding here was that nation-state attacks were more worrying to
respondents than any risk other than data breach.
We asked about what respondents thought the key infosec issues
were. In response, our survey participants said that humans are
overwhelmingly seen as the key vulnerability.
We asked what the most important new infosec risks are; IoT is
the consensus winner for worst new threat vector. AI is starting to
be a concern to respondents.
We asked for areas in which respondents are hopeful about the
future of infosec. Participants replied that they have signicant
hope that authentication, and identity, and access management will
be solved in the next 20 years.
We asked what problems denitely will not be solved in 20
years. No respondent thinks that vulnerabilities will be substantially
reduced or that problems arising from humans will get better in
the next 20 years.
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
We asked what problems respondents would x if they had a
magic wand. They replied that they would x security education
and issues arising from human users.
We asked what new technologies or developments might have
positive eects in the next two decades. Respondents replied that
AI/ML, new development methods and tools, and increasing diver-
sity in the eld are promising trends.
We asked what’s likely to get worse. Respondents worry that
humans, education, complexity and scale, and incentives are issues
that will continue to get worse.
We asked what’s changed in the eld since the beginning of
respondents’ careers. They answered the eld has gotten more
complex, but that it’s also now got more publicity and more man-
agement focus.
We asked what’s changed in individual respondents’ roles. They
answered that the role now requires broader scope and expertise
(though many also said roles are increasingly specialized); respon-
dents also felt that prestige, pay, and visibility to executive man-
agement have improved.
We asked what keeps respondents up at night? They answered
“IoT and nation-state attacks”. And kids. And spiders.
3.3 Appreciative Inquiry Results
After analyzing early survey responses, we began conducting ap-
preciative inquiry interviews to focus on some themes which had
emerged from our expert interviews and from the survey, with
a view to identify characteristics of the baseline (“nothing much
changes”) future, and possible characteristics of desirable futures
to guide us in scenario development. Findings from Appreciative
Inquiry included:
Baseline Future: Things that will stay the same
The dynamic nature of the industry, there will always be new
attacks and new xes. This industry clearly attracts people
who are energized by this dynamic and changing landscape,
and the need to learn new things constantly.
New tools will be developed.
Users will be users (and they’re human).
Alternate Futures: Trends today that could impact the future
Gamication of tools and SIEM management/response.
Diversity in gender, race, and cultural methods (consider
Asian & Russian attack and defense methods).
Breakthroughs have not been in technology, they have been
in other areas (social, cultural, political).
Increasing disclosure of vulnerabilities and how they are
disclosed (e.g. directly to vendor vs public).
Desired Futures: Things that need to change
More women and diversity.
More education. There aren’t enough practitioners, so edu-
cation to prepare new entrants for work in the eld is clearly
required. This is true for practitioners in all disciplines, from
system administrators to SOC analysts and incident respon-
ders to software developers. Indeed, as integrated develop-
ment methodologies like devops become more prevalent,
security may become a quality attribute of other jobs rather
than a standalone discipline, and education will need to keep
up with this evolution. Ongoing continuing education is
needed to enable established practitioners to share new in-
formation as well as to stay up to date with adversaries’
innovation, and network system changes.
Less litigation targeted at researchers who are sharing vul-
nerabilities publicly (disclosure). “Hey, we’re just trying to
help, don’t sue us.
3.4 A Retrospective Look at NSPW 1998
As background to help us look forward, we took a look back, specif-
ically in the context of NSPW. Since our target future is 20 years in
the future (as of 2018), we looked back 20 years, to 1998, and tried
to use the content of NSPW 1998’s papers to get an idea of what
we did back then that worked, and what didn’t work. The point
of the retrospective review was to gain insight into whether the
“dumpster re” observed by our experts was a result of a failure
of the research community to generate new ideas, or a failure of
the practice community to implement new research ideas, or just a
consequence of the insurmountable diculty of the information
security problem. We therefore undertook the retrospective with
three questions in mind: (1) Is infosec research coming up with
workable ideas? (2) Are infosec practitioners coming up with work-
able ideas which are not being implemented? or (3) Are infosec
practitioners implementing workable research ideas, but they aren’t
solving the problem?
Twelve of NSPW 1998’s thirteen papers proposed new models,
new metrics, or new mechanisms for securing systems. Six of the
twelve proposals - or proposals like them from other sources - saw at
least some adoption (a pretty good success rate!). But in spite of this,
during the period between 1998 and 2018, vulnerabilities, malware
variants, security expenditures, data breaches, and many other
measures of attacker opportunity and accomplishment steadily
worsened. NSPW 1998 is of course just a small sample of even the
academic work on information security - let alone the commercial
work - in a single year of the last two decades. But even based on
this small sample it’s clear that the information security research
community isn’t running out of ideas, and the information security
practitioner community is successfully putting many of those ideas
into practice. Nevertheless, the attacker community has grown
more successful since 1998. Based on the NSPW 1998 results alone,
we lean toward believing that Infosec’s status is best described by
option (3): the eld is coming up with workable ideas, and many of
them are being implemented, but they’re not solving the problem
(perhaps because of the speed at which the problem is getting
Looking back at the NSPW 1998 proceedings [
] in a little more
detail, we see the following:
In "Toward A Secure System Engineering Methodology", Salter
et. al. [
] propose a methodology for identifying security vul-
nerabilities, assessing how each vulnerability might be exploited
by attackers with known characteristics (based on an adversary
model), and judging which vulnerabilities are worth remediating
given likelihood of exploitation by identied attackers and cost
and complexity of the remediation. Since 1998, several similar ap-
proaches have been implemented. OWASP recommends Threat
Risk Modeling and identies several methodologies which can be
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
used to implement it, including Microsoft STRIDE and DREAD [
and AS/NZS 4360:2004 (Risk Management) [
]. Mature organiza-
tions today use these methodologies to achieve most of the goals
Salter et. al. set out in this paper.
In "Security Engineering in an Evolutionary Acquisition En-
vironment", Abrams [
] proposes the integration of the Systems
Security Engineering process into software development lifecycles
of government agencies via an integration of the Spiral Software
Development Lifecycle with Evolutionary Acquisition. Since 1998,
software development methodologies have evolved from Spiral to
Agile, and Agile methodologies are frequently used in conjunction
with API-based environments which enable consumption of secu-
rity and other services from cloud-hosted service providers. Today’s
software development lifecycle and security component integration
methodologies meet many of the criteria Abrams describes in this
In "An Integrated Framework for Security and Dependability",
Jonsson [
] lays out a framework for simultaneously achieving
information security and dependability goals, where dependability
goals are focused on the system remaining available and working
reliably and safely, and security goals are focused on the system
resisting attacks. Jonsson observes that security goals and depend-
ability goals sometimes conict, and describes a unied framework
for thinking about how to simultaneously achieve both kinds of
goals. Jonsson’s methodology hasn’t been widely adopted, and
dependability and security remain separate disciplines in most com-
mercial enterprises.
In "Meta Objects for Access Control: A Formal Model for Role-
Based Principals", Riechmann and Hauck [
] propose the use of a
role-based mechanism to solve some problems arising from trying
to control access in an object-oriented system with encapsulation.
The paper introduces a method of associating roles with object
references to prevent unwanted escalation of privilege when ob-
jects are passed across encapsulation boundaries between objects
operating at dierent privilege levels. This mechanism hasn’t been
widely adopted, and managing and enforcing access control in
environments with strong encapsulation remains a problem.
In “Evaluating System Integrity”, Foley [
] proposes a formal
denition of integrity which is intended to capture aspects of segre-
gation of duty, fault-tolerance, and other application dependability
properties by considering transactions at the level of an entire en-
terprise. This formalism hasn’t been widely adopted; indeed, formal
methods in general are still rarely applied to the development of
commercial software.
In his Position Paper, “Prolepsis on The Problem of Trojan-Horse-
Based Integrity Attacks”, McDermott [
] observes that integrity
mechanisms deployed in 1998 were not eective, but argues that
other known mechanisms, including replication, session replay,
and pre- and post-condition checks could work. Some of these
approaches have subsequently been tried in earnest (sandbox so-
lutions for example, implement session replay), but Trojan Horse
attacks remain an unsolved problem.
In “Death, Taxes, and Imperfect Software: Surviving the In-
evitable”, Cowan and Pu [
] propose a notion of security bug tol-
erance as an alternative to the high-integrity Trusted Computing
Base model advocated by the Orange Book, and demonstrates a
method for categorizing how security-bug-tolerant a system is. The
security bug tolerance metric has not been widely adopted, and
bugs and vulnerabilities continue to increase.
In “A Graph-Based System for Network-Vulnerability Analysis”,
Philips and Swiler [
] propose a method for analyzing networks to
identify attack paths along which attackers have a high probability
of success in compromising the target network. Since the publica-
tion of this paper, MITRE has developed a method of breaking down
attacks into phases (the “Kill Chain”), and several commercial ven-
dors have developed products which use network topology, system
vulnerability scan information, and asset inventory information to
identify attack paths in a way similar to that proposed in the paper.
Nevertheless, successful system penetrations continue to occur.
In “Parsimonious Downgrading and Decision Trees Applied to
the Inference Problem”, Chang and Moskowitz [
] propose a new
paradigm for analyzing sensitive data to decide how much of it can
be released, and how released data should be sanitized, to avoid
giving away specied secrets. Since the publication of this paper
specic mechanisms for parsimonious downgrading have been
developed and have been shown to be eective to various degrees
for the right kinds of datasets and the right use cases.
In “Server-Assisted Cryptography”, Beaver [
] proposes a mech-
anism to share the workload of resource-intensive cryptographic
computations across a number of machines operating at relatively
low levels of trust. Ideas discussed in this paper, such as Secure
Multiparty Computation, have found their way into commercial
Greenwald’s “Discussion Topic: What is the Old Security Par-
adigm?” [
] is a retrospective and does not propose new mecha-
In “Tolerating Penetrations and Insider Attacks by Requiring
Independent Corroboration”, Kahn [
] proposes a redundancy
mechanism in which agents within a system seek independent
corroboration of inputs they receive, and treat the degree of inde-
pendent corroboration of an input as a metric of its trustworthiness.
Simpler versions of independence-based security, including Byzan-
tine agreement, segregation of duty, and maker-checker systems
are in commercial use, but Kahn’s more complex system has not
been adopted.
In “A New Model for Availability in the Face of Self-Propagating
Attacks”, Lin, Ricciardi, and Marzullo [
] provide a model for mea-
suring how severely a system degrades under attack by propagating
malicious code (for example, worms, viruses, or ransomware). This
metric wasn’t widely adopted, and propagating malware has contin-
ued to be an eective vector for compromise of real-world systems.
We’d like to emphasize again that in strategic foresight, visions
of the future are not predictions. A prediction requires the ability
to control or accurately estimate values of all or most variables to
ensure high condence that a prediction comes true - in reality
no one controls enough variables to successfully predict what will
happen in complex situations.
We begin with a baseline future, which is the current scenario
extrapolated if nothing changes in our current conditions of the
world. This gives us the baseline from which to explore alternate
scenarios. Some of our scenarios are mutually exclusive, while
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
others can be combined. Some of the scenarios are desirable and
positive, while others are downright dystopian and terrifying.
In order to derive and understand our scenarios, we used our
background research to identify a set of variables which determine
how the scenarios dier from one another, and how the future
might change if one or more variables change. The broad categories
of factors we heard from our interview subjects were: (i) the number
of devices, (ii) the number of vulnerabilities, (iii) the number and
sophistication of adversaries, (iv) the number and resourcing of
defenders, (v) the severity of consequences of successful attacks,
(vi) the likelihood of detection and punishment of attackers, (vii)
the eectiveness of security controls, (viii) the economic balance
of attacker and defender costs, (ix) who pays the costs of defense
and of security failures, and (x) how the law treats security attacks
and breaches. As we examined how these factors might evolve in
the future, we rened the factors into more granular variables. The
variables we chose in the end are:
Vulnerabilities - how many vulnerabilities exist in the world-
wide security-relevant attack surface? This includes both
hardware and software vulnerabilities.
Connected Devices - how many potentially vulnerable de-
vices are connected to the global internet?
Non-State Adversary Population - how many technically
capable malicious attackers exist as potential threat actors?
Nation-State Adversary Population - how many highly-skilled
malicious attackers are employed by national governments
to serve as threat actors?
Defender Population - how many technically capable in-
formation security professionals are employed by security
vendors, commercial entities, research institutions, and na-
tional governments?
Attack Impact - how much damage can be done by an at-
tacker, given the nature and functionality of connected de-
Application Criticality - how critical are the connected de-
vices? Can they cause property damage? Financial loss?
Harm to life, health, or safety?
Attribution Eectiveness - how easy or hard is it to tell what
actor caused a specic action (including attacks) in a system?
Control Eectiveness - how eective are information secu-
rity products and processes at identifying and remediating
vulnerabilities and attacks before they can be used to cause
Attacker Cost - how much does it cost for a malicious actor
to attack a system? Is there risk to a malicious actor’s life,
safety, or liberty as a result of attempting an attack?
Vendor Cost - how much does it cost for an infosec vendor
to create and sell a security control?
System Operator Cost - how much does it cost a company or
government entity to buy, test, install, and operate a security
End User Cost - how much (in money and time) does it cost
an end user to install and use a security control?
Individual Criminal Sanctions - how severe are criminal
penalties for attacking systems?
Institutional Criminal Sanctions - how severe are criminal
sanctions against institutions for failing to prevent attacks,
or for hosting or perpetrating attacks?
Institutional Civil Sanctions - how severe are civil sanctions
against institutions for failing to prevent attacks, or for host-
ing or perpetrating attacks? Is it easy for individuals to initi-
ate civil actions for attacks?
User Sophistication - how eective are individual end-users
at detecting and responding to attacks?
Data Risk Aggregation - how much sensitive data can be
stolen or damaged by attacking a single system or a single
System Risk Aggregation - how damaging (to economics, life,
safety, or other critical properties) is an attack on a single
system or a single entity?
5.1 Scenario 0: The Baseline Future
In the baseline scenario, cat and mouse games in security con-
tinue. There are increasing numbers of skilled security experts and
hackers, but few jobs, especially in highly educated developing
nations (e.g. Brazil, Romania). Companies continue to add security
to systems after development or even deployment, so their systems
continue to be xed bailing wire and duct tape style. Many security
researchers (including amateurs with free time) nd and report vul-
nerabilities. Some companies oer bug bounties, but many others
don’t respond and take legal action against security researchers.
Congresses and states pass anti-hacking laws, that can be used
to prosecute researchers. Some researchers become black hat re-
searchers to continue their research, sharing discovered vulnerabil-
ities – much to the delight of the attackers and sensationalist media
– while companies try to hide the vulnerabilities and corporate
legal teams spend time tracking down black hat researchers who
share vulnerabilities.
Users continue to be relatively unsophisticated and vulnerable.
High-prole data breaches and ransomware attacks remain com-
mon; nation-state attacks, including on civilian systems, slowly
become more common. Diversity among information security pro-
fessionals increases slowly, but underrepresented populations, in-
cluding socioeconomically disadvantaged, minority, and geograph-
ical populations remain underrepresented - and hence serve as a
productive source of black-hat personnel. The attack surface grows
larger as older systems pass out of support and as the number of new
systems explodes with the growth of IoT. This adds to the complex-
ity not only of the infrastructure but also of the required knowledge
base of white-hat practitioners. Criminal and civil penalties for in-
secure software remain lax, and attribution remains dicult. Cloud
failures become increasingly high-impact events as more and more
services move into the public cloud. More money is allocated to
information security defense, both by venture capitalists and by the
commercial market, but this is a mixed blessing, as it drives up the
cost disparity between defense and attack (because attack continues
to be cheap). New cascade failure modes emerge as infrastructure
becomes more complex and interconnected. Privacy and fraud risks
to individuals increase steadily.
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
Table 1: Baseline Future
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices **
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost *
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
The matrix above represents the change from the current state
which leads to this scenario; a similar matrix will be used to describe
each of our scenarios. Each row in the matrix represents one of
our variables. The entries in the row indicate how the variable
changes in the scenario in question; a star in the appropriate column
indicates that the variable’s value increases, decreases, or stays the
same. Double and triple stars indicate larger changes. In the baseline
scenario, the number of devices grows at the rate we expect today,
and vulnerabilities and attack impact increase proportionally. More
critical applications are gradually moved onto vulnerable systems,
more and more data is aggregated into large repositories, and more
processing is concentrated into a few large processors (including
cloud providers); these trends have all been steady for many years.
5.2 Scenario 1: Brazil
In this scenario, whose title is derived from the Terry Gilliam movie,
the bad guys have basically won. Ordinary consumer systems (both
computers and IoT “things”) still exist, but they frequently malfunc-
tion and cause damage in a variety of ways because of malware
and human attacks. Privacy intrusions are frequent, and nancial
fraud is a signicantly worse problem than it was in 2018, with
Cryptocurrency a particular focus of instability, theft, fraud, and
other losses. This scenario arises because of a set of driving changes
from the baseline scenario; note that in the matrix below, the driv-
ing changes are represented by the shaded cells in the table; other
changes are consequences of the driving changes.
Changes from Baseline:
In this scenario, vulnerabilities in-
crease dramatically because of the economics of IoT devices, which
don’t have a prot margin sucient to sustain large investments in
security. The number of connected IoT devices amplies the new
vulnerabilities, and new failure modes arise as a result of emergent
properties of the vast number of new, insecure devices interacting
with one another. Sensing the weakness, both private-sector and
nation state attackers pounce, with the result that most devices
Table 2: Scenario 1: Brazil
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities ***
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost *
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost **
End User Cost **
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
are penetrated and operate in a nearly continuous state of compro-
mise, resulting in frequent system failures, frauds, data breaches,
and increasingly serious real-world instances of physical harm.
People muddle along through the chaos and try to live in a very
dysfunctional electronic world.
5.3 Scenario 2: Rollerball
In this scenario, whose name is derived from the title of the Norman
Jewison lm, all computing is hosted in the cloud by one of a small
number of very large providers (Google, Facebook, Apple, Ama-
zon, Weibo, etc.. .). Security is good, but not perfect, and content
is not shared across platforms except when content providers pay
large fees to the platform hosts for compatibility. User behavior
and content is heavily surveilled, and the fruits of this surveillance
are shared with government as part of the price of doing business
as a multinational content host. Everyday reliability of computing
systems is good, but highly-evolved organized crime syndicates
still pull o spectacular heists from time to time. Nation-state ac-
tivity is kept covert and subtle, as the major players each have
their own aliated large platform providers, and their surveillance
partnerships with these providers are sources of national stability.
Changes from Baseline:
The expense of security controls, to-
gether with the shortage of trained security sta and the increasing
frequency and severity of security breaches has led most organiza-
tions to give up on in-house security in favor of hosted solutions
from large providers with big security budgets and big security
stas. In response to the demand for secure hosted solutions, these
providers charge more for security solutions, and devote signi-
cant resources to hiring security professionals and building and
operating security controls.
5.4 Scenario 3: Minority Report
In this scenario, whose name is inspired by the Philip K. Dick novel
and the subsequent lm, national governments have followed the
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
Table 3: Scenario 2: Rollerball
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost **
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost ***
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation ***
System Risk Aggregation ***
lead of China and established panoptic surveillance and rigid con-
tent control over the Internet within their borders. Strong (but not
perfect) attribution has been implemented, and even minor social
and legal infractions are reliably detected and severely punished.
The Dark Web ourishes, both as a venue for organized crime and
as a haven for dissidents and investigative journalists - but it is very
dangerous, and a tiny tradecraft error can lead to a life in prison,
or worse.
Changes from Baseline:
Nation-states, tiring of risks to civilian-
owned critical infrastructure and economic harm from cyber fraud,
and under pressure from citizens unhappy about frequent breaches
and service outages, have stepped in to increase budgets for online
crime ghting. They have dramatically increased both surveillance
of online activity and criminal penalties for hacking. The dark web
has truly become “the FBI’s computer”.
5.5 Scenario 4: A Canticle for Leibowitz
In this scenario, whose name is inspired by the Walter M. Miller
novel, business and government have reverted to manual and paper-
based processes, in some cases assisted by special-purpose devices
like printers, which are not tied to global or even regional networks.
The computer age is over, at least for nancially- or safety-critical
Changes from Baseline:
After frequent and escalating catas-
trophes, individuals and businesses have concluded that the elec-
tronic world cannot be trusted with anything related to money,
safety, security, or privacy. Computers are originally banned by
law in some critical infrastructure and health-device applications
after large-scale failures causing signicant loss of life, and com-
puterization is gradually abandoned in other economically- and
safety-sensitive applications.
Table 4: Scenario 3: Minority Report
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness ***
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions ***
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
Table 5: Scenario 4: A Canticle for Leibowitz
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact ***
Application Criticality ***
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation ***
System Risk Aggregation ***
5.6 Scenario 5: Cold War 2
In this scenario, the leading tech nations have developed signi-
cant oensive cyber capabilities, and, realizing the potential for
catastrophic damage resulting from Cyber attacks, have established
new laws of electronic warfare. These nations have settled into
a kind of electronic Cold War, with small players unable to dam-
age larger nations without catastropic consequences, and with the
larger players locked into a mutual-destruction stando.
Changes from Baseline:
After years of escalating attacks by
criminal gangs, and infrastructure disruptions by nation-states
attacking each other in cyberspace, national governments establish
vigorous programs to recruit the best hackers into government
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
Table 6: Scenario 5: Cold War 2
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population ***
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population **
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness **
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions ***
Institutional Criminal Sanctions ***
Institutional Civil Sanctions ***
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
service at early ages. Comprehensive online surveillance tools are
built which radically shrink the “dark web”, and hacking becomes
the exclusive domain of nation-states, who hire essentially everyone
with relevant technical skills as red-team or blue-team sta, except
for occasional lone-wolves, who are often caught and imprisoned.
5.7 Scenario 6: Colossus: The Forbin Project
In this scenario, whose name is based on the Stanley Chase lm,
information security has been recognized as being too dicult for
humans, particularly given the speed at which malicious software
such as ransomware can propagate and act. Articial Intelligence
and machine learning have advanced to ll the gap, and the large
majority of system defense has been turned over to the machines,
which eectively prevent the vast majority of attacks, and quickly
ascertain the sources of attacks they can’t prevent via machine-
learning augmented attribution systems operating on the vast pool
of personal and behavioral data available because of the prolifera-
tion of sensors in every device in every location. The global internet
hosts an equally global AI, which enforces strict security policies,
kicks oending devices and users o the network, alerts national
authorities to hacking activity, and issues warnings about vendors
and programs who produce insecure or malicious software. Human
system defenders use augmented AR/VR environments to monitor
and investigate incidents more quickly and to nd defects in their
End users also benet from machine augmentation; when a user
buys a new device it is automatically examined by AI in the network
to ensure that it is secure and properly congured, and before a
user can install a new application on a device, the application is
automatically scanned for malicious code. The results of these scans
are logged and reported; applications and companies are ranked
based on their vulnerability scores, data breach losses, and other
security performance metrics. All this information is presented to
device users before they purchase and activate new devices.
Table 7: Scenario 6: Colossus
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness **
Control Eectiveness ***
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost **
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
Changes from Baseline:
Rapid progress in articial intelli-
gence combined with the availability of more and more identity
analytics and network diagnostic data enables the construction of
automated security monitoring and enforcement systems, which
become good enough at attribution to quickly identify hackers and
locate them physically, and which also become able to recongure
computers and deploy active countermeasures to stop almost all
attacks within milliseconds. Errors and failures continue to plague
electronic systems, but widespread and high-impact malicious at-
tacks become very rare, and usually lead to prosecution and impris-
onment of the perpetrators. Vendors devote signicant resources
to securing their systems, because the global AI will quickly detect
security weaknesses and issue warnings which will make them
5.8 Scenario 7: In Code We Trust
This scenario, like scenario 6, assumes that AI has become much
more sophisticated in the security space. But whereas in scenario
6, the security AI is essentially a global policeman residing in the
cloud, in this scenario AI is a quality-assurance tool in the vendor’s
production line, where it eliminates vulnerabilities before they can
nd their way into deployed products.
Changes from Baseline:
Articial intelligence has been com-
bined with natural language processing and formal methods to
produce a programming environment that creates highly reliable
programs based on specications negotiated with humans in dialog
with secure software design chatbots; the resulting programs have
very few vulnerabilities. The AI tools take over most code review
functions, and software development teams abandon the use of
tools and libraries which don’t support strong, AI-based security
assurance. Security becomes truly integrated into the development
process in a seamless sec/dev/ops discipline. Hacking becomes so
dicult that it’s no longer protable for any organizations other
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
Table 8: Scenario 7: In Code We Trust
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities **
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness ***
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost ***
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
than nation-state intelligence services. Criminals abandon elec-
tronic crime and revert to older methods, and the electronic world
becomes reliable, safe, and easy to use. All of this requires major
investments by software vendors; the cost of this additional tool-
ing is passed along to software customers - especially enterprise
5.9 Scenario 8: Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money
In this scenario, whose name is inspired by the Warren Zevon
song, the software market, under pressure from newly-imposed
regulatory burdens and a rising ood of customer lawsuits, has
shrunken to a few dozen large vendors worldwide, with slow release
cycles, strict engineering processes like those seen in the Aerospace
sector, and high prices. Software is very reliable and relatively
secure, but for many applications it’s prohibitively expensive. Some
business functions have reverted to paper, and entertainment and
personal productivity systems are rigidly separated from critical
infrastructure, nancial systems, and mechanical control systems.
Changes from Baseline:
Governments have regulated the de-
velopment of software, requiring insurance for failures of software-
based systems and imposing strict liability on software vendors
for failures leading to nancial losses, property damage, injuries,
or deaths. Even researchers are not immune from liability; strict
regulations govern responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities, which
must be reported to centralized authorities and remediated before
any publication is allowed.
5.10 Scenario 9: Money, Cash, Hoes
In this scenario, whose name is inspired by the Jay Z song, security
defensive work has become so attractive and well-paid that black-
hat work is no longer attractive, and people with security-relevant
technical skills are almost universally employed in defensive jobs.
Governments can still hire oensive hackers, but criminal syndi-
cates have a very hard time competing with white-hat employers.
Table 9: Scenario 8: Send Lawyers Guns and Money
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities **
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness ***
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost ***
System Operator Cost **
End User Cost **
Individual Criminal Sanctions ***
Institutional Criminal Sanctions ***
Institutional Civil Sanctions ***
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
Changes from Baseline:
Employers pay great salaries, oer
signicant exibility and benets, and recruit extremely aggres-
sively, especially in poor countries with good technical talent and
in ungoverned spaces.
During the workshop discussion, several questioners noted that
in section 3.1 we noted the adverse eects arising from an under-
developed security job market in specic geographic regions, but
did not discuss the adverse eects arising from an underdeveloped
security job market for female professionals even in areas with a
strong security job market. This is an important point; it would
be very unwise to assume that malicious actors will overlook un-
deremployed candidates with security expertise just because they
are female. As we observed in section 3.3, our interviews identied
more women and diversity as one of the most important desired
future states for the security community.
5.11 Scenario 10: I’m From the Government,
and I’m Here to Help
In this scenario, the government has created an entity like an FDA or
FAA for code; this entity creates and reviews standards and enforces
strict adherence to those standards among information technology
developers. The result is a mixed bag, with some standards honestly
improving the security landscape, but others stiing innovation
and others weakened or rendered ineective through regulatory
capture. Coding also loses some of its cutting-edge attractiveness
as the Silicon Valley “cowboy culture” fades under the restraints
of regulation; there’s less innovation and diversity in development
tools, and more mandatory code reuse. There’s no more MVP bolt-
on security: security is a core system capability and embedded in
all releases. There’s also more professional education, licensure,
liability insurance, and other trappings of professionalism. Some
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
Table 10: Scenario 9: Money, Cash, Hoes
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities **
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population ***
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population ***
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost ***
Vendor Cost **
System Operator Cost **
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
practitioners abandon development of enterprise software for less-
regulated elds like entertainment software; others turn to dark-
side hacking, though this is more dicult because of improved
software quality and reduced vulnerability density.
Changes from Baseline:
Governments have heavily regulated
information technology to improve security; civil and criminal
penalties have been imposed for selling vulnerable software, or
software which fails and causes damage. Commercial software
development is a licensed profession. Only regulated technology is
allowed in production software. Regulation enforces which tools
and methodologies can be used to write released software. If a
manufacturer releases defective or unauthorized code, there are
nancial and legal repercussions – not to mention they have to x
it. Even sunset code must be safely disposed of.
5.12 Scenario 11: Everyman is Iron Man
In this scenario, whose title is inspired by the Stan Lee Marvel
Comics series, the information security community has devoted
massive resources to designing user experiences which support safe
and secure use of computer systems - and this eort has succeeded.
Systems eectively alert users to dangers, and elicit appropriate
behaviors from users when dangers are detected. As a result of user
interfaces designed by usable-security experts, and as a result of
AI which detects and warns users before they can make critical
security mistakes, the human attack surface is dramatically reduced,
and attackers are forced to rely more and more on complex exploits
targeting relatively rare hardware and software vulnerabilities.
Changes from Baseline:
Scenario 6 applied AI augmentation
to the network, to make it self-policing. Scenario 7 applied AI to
the system development process, to make devices more secure by
default. In scenario 11, AI augmentation has been applied to the
user, in conjunction with carefully tested usable-security interfaces
designed to present the user in real time with comprehensible threat
information and actionable response choices to create a kind of
Table 11: Scenario 10: I’m from the Government
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities **
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population *
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness **
Attacker Cost **
Vendor Cost ***
System Operator Cost **
End User Cost **
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions ***
User Sophistication *
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
Iron-Man suit for cybersecurity awareness and capability - but
in a form-factor that makes it aordable and accessible to every
technology user. Like a turbocharged version of the browser lock
icon, the AI makes every invisible threat visible, and shows the
user how to step around the threats and navigate the online world
A workshop participant noted that this scenario is the only one
which contemplates an improvement in end-user performance on
security tasks. That’s deliberate. In our view, human responses to
situations of risk change on an evolutionary timescale (because,
by denition, bad risk choices get you weeded out of the popu-
lation). Given this, it seems likelier that improvements in human
risk-management behavior will result from augmentation via fast-
adapting articial systems than by improvements in human educa-
tion and awareness.
During the analysis of our Appreciative Inquiry interview data,
many characteristics of current paradigms were identied (note
that we selected the old security paradigm characteristics from
our raw interview data, which is only summarized, and not every
characteristic in the table below appears in our summary). Since
this paper is written for the New Security Paradigms Workshop,
we added this section, which explores possible alternatives to the
current security paradigm (we note that Greenwald’s NSPW 1998
paper [
] highlighted the diculty of dening the current para-
digm; this section is in some sense an answer to that complaint).
To create the new paradigms, we took the properties of the
paradigm identied by our interview subjects and reversed them
to understand possible characteristics of new paradigms. Many
of the new paradigms thus envisioned are positive, but not all -
for example, a world of war-ying microdrones might be good for
auditors and regulators, but it’s probably good for attackers too.
We applied the “backcasting” method to walk back to the present
NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Heather Vescent and Bob Blakley
Table 12: Scenario 11: Everyman is Iron Man
Increase Same Decrease
Vulnerabilities *
Connected Devices ***
Non-State Adversary Population *
Nation-State Adversary Population *
Defender Population **
Attack Impact *
Application Criticality *
Attribution Eectiveness *
Control Eectiveness *
Attacker Cost *
Vendor Cost *
System Operator Cost *
End User Cost *
Individual Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Criminal Sanctions *
Institutional Civil Sanctions *
User Sophistication ***
Data Risk Aggregation *
System Risk Aggregation *
from the new paradigm of the future to understand how some of
the characteristics in the table below might manifest into scenarios;
where appropriate, we’ve indicated in the table the scenarios we’ve
developed with the aid of this “backcasting” technique.
Not all the new security paradigm characteristics we list here
have been incorporated into our scenarios; in many cases this is be-
cause it’s not clear (to us) what steps would be required to get from
today’s state to a new paradigm with the “opposite” characteristic
listed in the table below. “Shoot the wounded” is a good example;
nature does this, but at great cost. Could a business model in which
large numbers of computing devices simply die and are thrown
away as a result be economically sustainable? We’re not sure, but
we think the question is worth asking. In other cases, the new char-
acteristic may be a bad thing (e.g. Non-Human adversaries), and
we didn’t want to spend time exploring unremittingly dystopian
Applying foresight methods to traditional security research resulted
in a rich and substantial set of scenarios and new paradigms.
Most security solutions have been focused on technology,
leaving the human/user as the main fault.
In the future, it’s clear humans and technology will work
together. Whether human weaknesses are reduced through
augmentation with machine learning, through working in
a gamied environment, or through automated mitigation
of human vulnerabilities, humans are not going away, so
we need to be creative about accepting and reducing their
attack surfaces.
The attack landscape may need to change from the adver-
sarial way it is structured today. Today the defense plays by
a dierent set of rules (nite rules and resources) from the
attacker (innite rules, potentially unlimited resources); this
asymmetry ensures that the security landscape is chaotic.
Table 13: Old and New Paradigms
Old Security Paradigm New Security Paradigm
Security plays catch-up. Security is pro-active.
Cat and mouse games.
No more adversaries. (Sce-
nario 9)
User is the weakest link.
User behavior is part of se-
curity. User no longer the
weakest link. (Scenario 11)
Hard to get funding for se-
Infosec is the cost of doing
business. (Scenario 7)
Human is the (primary) ad-
Non-human adversary. (Bot,
AI, Machine Intelligence,
Quantum cracking)
Security is doesn’t give busi-
ness benet.
Security is a (business) ad-
Centralized data, an irre-
sistible attack surface.
Decentralized Data.
War driving. (pentesting
War ying. (drone pineap-
No more passwords. (e.g.
via zero knowledge proofs,
biometrics, etc...)
Defend Everything.
Shoot the wounded - let
weak systems die.
Expanding attack surface.
Shrinking attack surface.
(Scenario 7)
Technology attack surface.
Human attack surface. (Sce-
narios 6, 7, 11)
Security is a Commercial
Security is a Government
Enterprise. (Scenarios 5, 8,
Solving security isn’t just about using technology to solve
threat and vulnerability problems. There are economic incen-
tives, education issues, and job market issues. These areas
will change regardless of any eort the security industry
puts on them - however the security industry can proac-
tively inuence trends in these areas toward its own ends.
To fully address security issues today and in the future, a
broad look at the economics of security could be helpful.
The future of security isn’t limited to what we think is likely
- what we came up with in our baseline future. There are
many alternate futures and we can already put resources
behind the ones we want to create.
We successfully applied foresight methods to the security
industry and came up with interesting, relevant, and useful
scenarios. More collaboration between security researchers
and futurists may be helpful in identifying strategies and
points of leverage in the security market.
Discussion Prompts for NSPW Session
During the workshop
presentation session, we sought feedback on the following ques-
Shiing Paradigms:
Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW ’18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom
Do you think the foresight methodologies are useful applied
to security? Would security research benet from more struc-
tured futurist analysis?
Have we chosen the right set of variables in the scenarios?
Based on these scenarios, what is the single highest impact
variable? For example, if you could can only adjust one vari-
able, which variable would you adjust?
Are the scenarios believable? Why? Why not?
Do these scenarios help you deal with security issues today?
Could you use them to prioritize your work?
Do the scenarios, in aggregate, suggest that information
security is on the right path or the wrong path?
During our research interviews, a number of subjects noted that
education, both of users and of IT practitioners, would signicantly
aect the future of security. Interview subjects suggested a number
of possible future developments that would make a dierence, rang-
ing from from more in-depth security training for IT practitioners,
to better information resources about new and emerging threats
and vulnerabilities, to more eective end-user security training, to
the establishment of an "education commons" which would con-
tain a wide variety of open-source information resources freely
available to the entire world population. We found it dicult to
formulate hypotheses about how these proposals would aect the
future of security, in part because some past education eorts have
not evidently made big dierences, and in part because it seems
dicult to predict the eects of education on populations including
malicious actors. This is an area that could be investigated further.
During the workshop discussion, a participant asked if we in-
tended movement between the scenarios, rather than simply from
the current state to a single future scenario, to be possible. Our an-
swer was (and is) that the scenarios aren’t presented as alternative
roads to a single future, with all the choices made at the beginning.
Instead, the scenarios should be thought of as tools for thinking
about how variables and combinations of variables inuence the
state of security as the future evolves. In this context, the scenar-
ios we’ve presented here are really just a few vertices in a much
larger graph depicting how the state of security changes as soci-
ety changes the underlying variables - and movement "sideways"
in the graph should absolutely be analyzed more thoroughly in
future work. It might (for example) turn out that getting to a desir-
able end state requires passing through one or more less desirable
intermediate states.
During the workshop, a participant raised the question: If you
were to hire a futurist to do a full study, what are the additional
things you should do. Foresight research uses specic methods to
help see around corners into the future, so a futurist would use a
combination of methods similar to the ones we used in this research,
and then create scenarios based on the results of that research.
The futurist may work with a team and conduct workshops to
co-develop and apply scenarios to a specic company, product or
future timeframe. The scenarios may be communicated in a variety
of mediums - from traditional reports to immersive design futures,
like lms, artifacts, and other graphically designed elements, to give
an experience of the future. The results of the research and scenarios
can be used in strategic planning and product development to
"future-proof" decisions. A futurist working with other researchers
would bring fresh perspectives.
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... In addition to these reports, the main scientific venues such as the New Security Paradigm Workshop (NSPW) and the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), or other workshops held by leading research centers including U.S. Naval War College's Center for Cyber Conflict Studies the question of the soundness of the cybersecurity economics models have been raised under the concepts like paradigm shift, science of security, or the need for new security paradigm indicating a growing dissatisfaction on how cybersecurity economics is treated in the research and practice. For example, these studies [9,10,11,12,13] presented at NSPW challenge current security paradigms adopted by researchers and practitioners. They suggest different approaches to drive the field of cybersecurity economic forward. ...
... Moreover, in terms of the research context (see Figure 2), it is interesting to note how research methods affect the relationship between the research situation and researchers in such multi-paradigmatic studies. However, our evaluation also reveals limitations of these particular research studies 11 . ...
... Moreover, multi-paradigmism is unavoidable if realistic insights and relevance for practical affairs are to be achieved. This is why we aim to sensitize future researchers to develop their work with an explicit 11 These limitations are not outlined in the studies and they are the result of our critical evaluation acknowledgment of different ontological, epistemological, and methodological perspectives. However, researchers are not the only actors in a research field. ...
Conference Paper
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In cybersecurity economics, the selection of a particular methodology is a matter of interest and importance for the researchers. Methodologically sophisticated research forms an essential basis for understanding the challenges and opportunities for the richer descriptions of the behavior of cybersecurity practitioners (i.e., what they are doing and why they are doing it). This requires a broad and self-reflective approach to understand the use of a technique in socio-technical research within cybersecurity economics. Such understanding recognizes that research in this field involves more than just applying a method to create knowledge and diffuse it throughout society, organizations, and governments. This paper argues in favor of a multi-paradigmatic approach to cy-bersecurity economics research. Rather than adopting a single paradigm, this study suggests that results will be more prosperous and reliable if different methods from different existing paradigms are combined. Hence, it puts forward the desirability and feasibility of the multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics research. It also outlines several practical guidelines that help design multi-paradigmatic research studies. These are illustrated with a critical evaluation of three examples of studies.
... One of the most crucial challenges is implementing a vulnerability management process that effectively detects, assesses, and remediates exploitable vulnerabilities on critical assets (Jacobs et al. 2020). The security landscape is uneven, with organizations bounded by finite rules from limited cyber risk defense resources and well-funded attackers with tenacity, capability, and time to exploit vulnerabilities (Vescent and Blakley 2018). Therefore, exploring a multi-criteria risk management approach to support decision-making criteria for holistic prioritization of vulnerabilities will improve the automotive OEMs' cybersecurity posture (Edu et al. 2021). ...
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Despite stringent regulatory scrutiny and increased cybersecurity spending, data breaches and cyberattacks have persisted, resulting in dire socioeconomic consequences. Particularly affected is the automotive industry, where original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have implemented effective strategies against cyberattacks. Limiting the vulnerability of connected and autonomous vehicles to cyberattacks requires an expanded suite of strategies over and above technological safeguards. This study, guided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity framework, aimed to answer two questions: First, how do leaders of automotive OEMs describe and interpret the use of cybersecurity frameworks to prevent cyberattacks? Second, how does the perceived impact of potential cyberattacks influence the cybersecurity framework used by automotive OEM leaders? Using purposeful sampling, 20 automotive OEM leaders in the cybersecurity field responded to questionnaires and interviews to reveal three insights: (a) The automotive OEMs must reinforce bundled risk management frameworks because attackers will continue to exploit human vulnerabilities to gain access to secured systems, and this calls for reducing human vulnerabilities by understanding employee behaviors; (b) The leaders have to embrace open-threat intelligence through information sharing. Instructive for policy-making is the continued advocacy for threat intelligence-sharing platforms that are transparent and timely; (c) Uniquely insightful is leveraging blockchain technology to manage and securely track CAVs and their components enhances the automotive OEMs’ ability to maintain cyber-defensible CAV assets.
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Industry actors in the United States have gained extensive influence in conversations about the regulation of general-purpose artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Although industry participation is an important part of the policy process, it can also cause regulatory capture, whereby industry co-opts regulatory regimes to prioritize private over public welfare. Capture of AI policy by AI developers and deployers could hinder such regulatory goals as ensuring the safety, fairness, beneficence, transparency, or innovation of general-purpose AI systems. In this paper, we first introduce different models of regulatory capture from the social science literature. We then present results from interviews with 17 AI policy experts on what policy outcomes could compose regulatory capture in US AI policy, which AI industry actors are influencing the policy process, and whether and how AI industry actors attempt to achieve outcomes of regulatory capture. Experts were primarily concerned with capture leading to a lack of AI regulation, weak regulation, or regulation that over-emphasizes certain policy goals over others. Experts most commonly identified agenda-setting (15 of 17 interviews), advocacy (13), academic capture (10), information management (9), cultural capture through status (7), and media capture (7) as channels for industry influence. To mitigate these particular forms of industry influence, we recommend systemic changes in developing technical expertise in government and civil society, independent funding streams for the AI ecosystem, increased transparency and ethics requirements, greater civil society access to policy, and various procedural safeguards.
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This paper presents a methodology for enumerating the vulnerabilities of a system, and determining what countermeasures can best close those vulnerabilities. We first describe how to characterize possible adversaries in terms of their resources, access, and risk tolerance, then we show how to map vulnerabilities to the system throughout its life cycle, and finally we demonstrate how to correlate the attacker's characteristics with the characteristics of the vulnerability to see if an actual threat exists. Countermeasures need to be considered only for the attacks that meet the adversaries' resources and objectives. Viable countermeasures must meet user needs for cost, ease of use, compatibility, performance, and availability.
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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1. ABSTRACT The problem of integrity attacks via Trojan horse applications is so difficult that some com- puter security researchers and practitioners may object to it as an unreasonable research topic. We agree that the problem is difficult, but we argue that it is reasonable to consider it. We argue that the problem of application-based Trojan horses per se has not been solved; that previous integrity approaches do not offer sig- nificant protection in today's architectures and third, solutions that offer significant protection are available. Some of these solutions have been researched, but others have not. We invite other researchers to investigate the problem.
This report presents a critical analysis of the Delphi technique. The analysis is in four parts. First, the scope of the inquiry is defined, and issues pertinent to an evaluation of Delphi are raised. Second, conventional Delphi is evaluated against established professional standards for opinion questionnaires, and against associated scientific standards for experimentation with human subjects. Third, Delphi is evaluated with respect to its assumptions, principles, and methodology. Fourth, conclusions of the analysis are brought together and recommendations are made for the future use of Delphi.
Sustainable development is a highly complex problem area, which will probably call for major changes of industrialized societies in the long run. How could futures studies contribute to a policy forming process directed to these problems? And what kind of knowledge about the future is most needed? It is argued that a backcasting approach, due to its problem-solving character, is well suited to these kinds of long-term problems. Fundamental theoretical assumptions behind backcasting are traced. One conclusion is that the merits of backcasting should be judged in the context of discovery rather than in the context of justification. Also, if one is inclined to see teleology as a specific form of understanding, beside causality, then backcasting becomes interesting. Backcasting studies typically aim at providing policy makers and an interested general public with images of the future as a background for opinion forming and decisions.
Causal layered analysis is offered as a new futures research method. It utility is not in predicting the future but in creating transformative spaces for the creation of alternative futures. Causal layered analysis consists of four levels: the litany, social causes, discourse/worldview and myth/metaphor. The challenge is to conduct research that moves up and down these layers of analysis and thus is inclusive of different ways of knowing.
Conference Paper
This paper describes the integration of the Systems Security Engineering (SSE) process into the Evolutionary Acquisition (EA) strategy. Spurred by inadequacies of traditional acquisition strategies, large system acquisitions are using EA in the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); this paper focuses on the FAA. Following an introduction to EA, the waterfall and spiral system development models are presented as background. Security engineering is developed as a special case of the spiral model and integrated with EA.
Conference Paper
We describe an approach to building a system that meets its requirements even when some central components are successfully penetrated and/or when insiders attack the system. This goal is a key but elusive facet of information survivability. Our approach relies on independent corroboration, a form of redundancy. Corroboration is easy to pin down; independence is not. How can software judge whether two principals are independent? This paper begins to address the problem. We analyze the word "independence" and find that independence is not absolute, but relative to one's interests; that independence judgments are closely tied to trust; that independence judgments are based largely on known connections between the principals. We then take a two-pronged approach. The first prong is a formal, Bayesian probabilistic model of a system that uses independent corroboration to tolerate compromise. The second is a pragmatic investigation of how independence information may be imported from existing authentication data, and a preliminary look at how knowledge of independence may be dynamically obtained from third parties.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a graph-based approach to network vulnerability analysis. The method is flexible, allowing analysis of attacks from both outside and inside the network. It can analyze risks to a specific network asset, or examine the universe of possible consequences following a successful attack. The graph-based tool can identify the set of attack paths that have a high probability of success (or a low effort cost) for the attacker. The system could be used to test the effectiveness of making configuration changes, implementing an intrusion detection system, etc. The analysis system requires as input a database of common attacks, broken into atomic steps, specific network configuration and topology information, and an attacker profile. The attack information is matched with the network configuration information and an attacker profile to create a superset attack graph. Nodes identify a stage of attack, for example the class of machines the attacker has accessed and the user privilege level he or she has compromised. The arcs in the attack graph represent attacks or stages of attacks. By assigning probabilities of success on the arcs or costs representing level-of-effort for the attacker, various graph algorithms such as shortest-path algorithms can identify the attack paths with the highest probability of success.