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Drosophila Melanogaster as a Model to Study Human Neurodegenerative Diseases



The central nervous system (CNS) is the most complex part of the human body, which controls a variety of cellular and molecular activities. Neurobehavioral functions of CNS play a vital role in making appropriate responses to the environmental stimuli. Some kind of such responses can be maintained in neural networks due to neuronal plasticity. When brain ages, or being damaged by means of genetic or environmental factors, memories will disappear gradually. Molecular mechanism of memory formation and disruption are studied during normal and disease conditions, respectively. However, it is far to understand the complete scenario and we need a model organism to undertake specific studies and unravel the mystery of neuronal function. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster possesses many characteristics which enable neuroscientist to model vide range of complex behaviors and find their neural circuit. Even though, many human neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) can be modeled in this insect and provide unique opportunities for effective therapeutic interventions. Here I summarize few points on the contribution of Drosophila melanogaster in neurobiology of learning and memory as well as human NDDs.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s,
psychologists began to formalize the process
of learning and memory in laboratory
experiments. In this context, learning
is defined as a durable modification in
behavior due to a prior experience.1,2
The perseverance of these behavioral
responses over the time is known as
memory. Memories can last for various
lengths of time, which can be categorized
into two main types short-lived and long-
lived. Behavioral plasticity, which results
in memory formation, is of one of the
essential biological processes involved in
fitness and survival of an organism. Study
of behavioral plasticity is largely faced with
the complexity of the neural circuits and
behavioral responses.
Pavlov3 formally distinguished two types
of learning in the laboratory. One form
was called non-associative learning, that
could be either sensitization (an elevation
in behavioral response due to encountering
a single stimulus), or habituation (a decline
in a behavioral response following exposure
to a single stimulus). Another form of
learning was called associative learning.
That referred to a change in the behavioral
responses due to a temporal association
of two stimuli in time.4 There are two
basic types of associative learning. One is
operant conditioning, which means that an
animal is rewarded or reinforced for doing
something in response to the stimulus. If
the animal does not do the right response
to the stimulus, it is not rewarded or it is
punished. Another type of associative
learning is classical conditioning or
Pavlovian conditioning that includes a
temporal association of 2 stimuli in time
regardless of what the animal does in
response to the stimuli.5
Several mammalian model systems have
been employed to study the behavioral
plasticity and age-related senescence in
doi 10.15171/ijbsm.2018.02
Drosophila melanogaster as a Model to Study
Human Neurodegenerative Diseases
Mohammad Haddadi*
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran
The central nervous system (CNS) is the most complex part of the human body, which controls
a variety of cellular and molecular activities. Neurobehavioral functions of CNS play a vital role
in making appropriate responses to the environmental stimuli. Some kind of such responses
can be maintained in neural networks due to neuronal plasticity. When brain ages, or being
damaged by means of genetic or environmental factors, memories will disappear gradually.
Molecular mechanism of memory formation and disruption are studied during normal and
diseased conditions, respectively. However, it is far to understand the complete scenario and
we need a model organism to undertake specific studies and unravel the mystery of neuronal
function. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster possesses many characteristics, which enable
neuroscientists to model wide range of complex behaviors and find their neural circuit. Even
though, many human neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) can be modeled in this insect and
provide unique opportunities for effective therapeutic interventions. Here I summarized few
points on the contribution of D. melanogaster in the neurobiology of learning and memory as
well as human NDDs.
Keywords: Drosophila melanogaster, Learning, Memory, Neurodegenerative Diseases
*Correspondence to
Mohammad Haddadi,
Received December 17, 2017
Accepted January 5, 2018
Published online March 31, 2018
Int J Basic Sci Med. 2018;3(1):9-12 Mini-Review
© 2018 The Author(s); Published by Zabol University of Medical Sciences. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Please cite this article
as follows: Haddadi
M. Drosophila
melanogaster as a
model to study human
diseases. Int J Basic
Sci Med. 2018;3(1):9-
12. doi:10.15171/
International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018
neural function. In addition to a longer lifespan, their
complex behavior machinery is not easy to measure, as it
comprises engagement of highly entwined brain circuits.
Therefore, a simple model organism is advantageous to
study the mechanisms underlying memory formation and
behavioral plasticity and neurodegeneration processes.
Drosophila melanogaster as a Model for Neurodegenerative
For more than ten decades since William Castle at Harvard
University introduced Drosophila melanogaster as a model
system, it has been used in laboratories for a wide variety of
studies including genetics, cell biology, electrophysiology,
and behavioral genetics. D. melanogaster is a harmless
insect with small size, relatively short life cycle of 10-12
days at 25°C, which makes it possible to investigate a large
number of animals sharing a similar genetic background.
Therefore, behavioral phenotypes can be correlated with
manipulations under test.
Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model system
for investigating the biology of neurodegeneration.
D. melanogaster shares many functions with humans
rendering this as a suitable model for studying human
diseases. D. melanogaster is an extremely obedient
genetic model for divulging the molecular basis of
human diseases. In fact, there are numerous biological
functions preserved between this fly and mammals.
Something like 75% of human disease-causing genes
have a functional homolog in D. melanogaster.6 Fruit fly
shows a variety of well-known behavioral responses like
positive phototaxis, negative geotaxis, and courtship and
mating. They are able to associate between certain cues
of their habitat environment and establish a memory. On
the other hand, rich repertoires of experimental methods
have strengthened the experimental benefits of using
Drosophila in order to dissect out the molecular players
and cellular pathways involved in associative memory.
One of the very well established kinds of memory in
Drosophila is olfactory conditioning associative memory.
There is a number of reasons illustrating that olfactory
memory is a subject for studying the neurological features
of learning and formation of memories in general. There
is a remarkable similarity between the structure and
function of the olfactory neural system among different
types of animals, especially insects and mammals. Thereby,
the principles and findings established in studying a
model organism can easily be extended to the others. On
the other hand, some sensory neural systems (for example
visual or somatosensory systems) show less similarity
index between different species. Olfactory memory
function could also be the subject of neurological studies,
as many of model organisms own a keen olfactory system.
Amazingly, Drosophila is enabled to comprehend a precise
3D picture of its environment through its compound eyes
and skillful olfactory and learning functions. Moreover,
olfactory memories are believed to be special in their own
right. Odors can mediate immediate alteration in affective
states and arousal level; produce a tremendously precise
memory of associated emotional experiences, which can
persist for decades. Classical olfactory conditioning is a
well-established conditioning paradigm in Drosophila,
which studies the capacity of flies to associate between
olfactory stimulus and an aversive mechanosensory input.
Quinn and Benzer7 in 1974 were the first to demonstrate
that flies can learn to avoid the odor, which was presented
earlier in association with electric shocks. Later on, this
model was improved by Tully and Quinn8 by setting up
critical training and testing parameters that have been
extensively adopted by many researchers to date.
The GAL4/UAS System
A GAL4/UAS system is a genetic tool in flies that makes it
possible to express transgenes in tissue-specific patterns.
GAL4 is a transcription factor in yeast that can bind
to upstream activating sequence (UAS) and activate
the transcription process. The GAL4/UAS system in
Drosophila works in the same manner as in the yeast. Two
individual transgenic lines, one for control of expression
and the other one for transcription of the selected gene,
can be constructed, separately. This binary system offers
a generation of two separate stock libraries, one library
for GAL4 stocks and a separate library for UAS stocks.
Direct cloning of the GAL4 gene under promoters and
enhancers of specific tissues is another powerful approach
called as enhancer detection used in the generation
of Drosophila library with distinct GAL4 expression
patterns9. Every GAL4 stock is referred to a driver
and several drivers have been constructed by random
insertion of the GAL4 containing transposable P-element
in the Drosophila genome. Following insertion, the
flanking regulatory elements, enhancers, and promoters
induce the tissue-specific expression of GAL4 in each
individual driver, which subsequently can bind to UAS
and activate expression of the gene of choice in a spatially
restricted manner. Therefore, by making a genetic cross
between any of tissue-specific, GAL4 stocks and a UAS
stock containing the selected gene; its tissue-specific
expression will occur. Since GAL4 and UAS components
are exogenous, there is no endogenous element for
binding of GAL4. Therefore, the GAL4/UAS system
will not induce non-specific expression of endogenous
genes or the target gene in Drosophila. In addition, GAL4
over-expression seems to have no significant phenotypic
effect in Drosophila. The main advantage of the GAL4/
UAS system is the independence of expression control
and activation of transcription.9 By making use of GAL4/
UAS, a number of Drosophila transgenic lines have been
generated resembling human disorders.10-12
Neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) are main
conditions that lead to a remarkable mortality among
elderly populations throughout the world. Although the
majority of NDDs are sporadic, a ratio of 5%–10% have
International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018 11
been estimated to be hereditary.13 In this connection, there
are very well-known mutations in synuclein alpha (SNCA)
gene to cause autosomal dominant Parkinsonism.14
Likewise, mutations in microtubule associated protein
tau (MAPT) gene can develop frontotemporal dementia
with pakinsonism (FTDP) via formation of neuronal Tau
tangles.15 To combat the pathogenic events occurring in
neurons, we need to unravel the mechanism of action of
genetic factors that play key roles in these diseases.
Many human NDD can be studied using the fruit
fly, D. melanogaster. This is because large numbers of
disease-causing genes share a homolog in D. melanogaster
genome.16 However, there are some disorders that
their counterpart genes have not been identified in any
incest. By the help of Gal4/UAS genetic tool, we have
demonstrated that overexpression of human genes of
interest in Drosophila neurons exerted neurotoxicity
providing an opportunity to scrutinize genes involved
in these pathways and to address few therapeutic
Overexpression of mutated human alpha-synuclein
in Drosophila exhibits symptoms that are found in PD
patients including locomotion defects.14,17 The transgenic
Drosophila models expressing MAPT have shown
premature death accompanied by cognitive dysfunction.18
We also created the first transgenic fly model of a NDD by
expressing ε3 and ε4 isoforms of human apolipoprotein
E (ApoE).19 ApoE4 is the strongest known genetic
risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease development so far.
The constructed genetic model exhibited progressive
neurodegeneration, shortened lifespan, and memory
dysfunction. Considering the mystery underlies APOE-
mediated neurodegeneration, Drosophila model may
facilitate analysis of the molecular and cellular events
implicated in human ApoE4 neurotoxicity.
Drosophila Model to Environmental Toxin-Induced
Besides genetic factors, many environmental stimuli are
able to develop neurodegenerative conditions in human
beings. Most of these factors include toxic and chemical
agents such as insecticides, herbicides, and ethanol
and so on. Almost all these agents promote an excess
generation of free radicals, imbalance oxidative status of
cells imposing sensitive tissues an oxidative stress (OS)
condition. OS is involved in a wide range of disorders
including NDDs.13 Although there are well-characterized
mechanisms explain OS-mediated cell damages, the
complete scenario remains to be elucidated.20 The fruit fly
can be a suitable in vivo model organism for this type of
researches. We could model parkinsonism in flies through
chemical neurotoxins like paraquat and ethanol and
show in part, how they can induce neurodegeneration21.
Moreover, both the genetic and environmental factors can
be possibly combined in Drosophila to investigate possible
gene-environment interactions that might be involved in
neuronal disease condition.22,23
Current Facilities and Future Perspectives
Advanced fly research laboratories are set up in Iran in
very recent years. Department of Biology, University
of Zabol and Genetic Research Center of University of
Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences have initiated
research activities focused on familial intellectual
disability (ID). ID is considered as a multi-factorial
disorder with a high prevalence that imposes remarkable
social and cost burdens on society. During an extensive
case-control study in Iran, a number of novel genetic
mutations have been identified which are associated
with the disorder. Although these genetic factors can be
undertaken as diagnostic markers, their functional role
needs to be vetted to propose better-aimed therapeutic
In this connection, a small fly lab has been established in
the center. The specific aims of this action are to evaluate
functional role of novel genetic variations associated with
human intellectual disability in an in vivo model system,
to introduce the mechanism of actions through which
these mutations deregulate human brain function and
result in intellectual disability, and propose a novel genetic
interaction network involved in human ID. The final goal
is assisting in the establishment of more efficient medical
considerations for ID treatment.
These kind of studies can be expanded and target
more features of molecular defects underlying ID. This
objective can be achieved by including more genes and
other elaborated neurobehavioral analyses. Once relevant
genes that lead to the disorder are identified and fly
models are generated, drug screens can be performed in
the future to identify drugs that will ultimately help the
Taken all together, it is to be concluded that fruit fly, a
tiny model organism, can be used to explore molecular
mechanisms behind many genetic variations leading
to human genetic disorders. This is not restricted to
NDDs, rather could cover a wide spectrum of diseases
such as retinal degeneration, muscular dystrophies,
cardiovascular malfunctions, metabolic disorders and
so on. There is a huge number of published studies on
fly models of human diseases in the past 30 years, which
serves a major contribution to the medical society for
developing diagnostic and therapeutic inventions. Now, it
is crucial to establish more fly labs in our medical research
Ethical Approval
Not applicable.
Competing Interests
The author declares no conflict of interest.
International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018
I would like to thank Chairperson of Biology Department,
the University of Zabol for all help and supports.
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Ocimum basilicum is an important medicinal plant and culinary he (sB). these plants are effective radical scavengers, that have been e system disorders, and thus, could be beneficial for the manageme (NDs). current clinical treatments for NDs present several side ef develop new treatments that can mitigate these deadly diseases. h neuroprotective activities of sB leaf and seed in aluminum ch Drosophila melanogaster. hPlc characterization of the leaves and was used to induce neurodegeneration and treated flies extracts-supplemented diet. survival and locomotor performan biomarkers [reactive oxygen species (ROs), thiobarbituric acid rea catalase, superoxide dismutase (sOD) and glutathione-s-transfer neurodegeneration (acetylcholinesterase (ache) and monoamine o sB leaf had significantly (p < 0.05) higher polyphenol contents; gall the most abundant polyphenol in the leaf and seed respectively. P rates, level/activities of total thiol, catalase, sOD and Gst were sig ROs, tBaRs, ache and MaO activities were significantly (p < 0.05 treatment with sB leaf and seed diet lessened these observed im better neuroprotective activities that could be related to the obser hence, sB leaf diet may offer improved therapeutic effect in NDs.
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Introduction: Repeated heat shock (HS) stresses reduce the reproduction rate of Drosophila flies. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) protect cells against irreversible damages inducing heatinduced.Oxidative stress declines protective function of HSPs. Diploschistes ocellatus lichen aqueous extract possesses a strong antioxidant potential in vitro. Antioxidants can preserve HSPs function. Therefore, the present study for the first time investigated the cytoprotective effects of D. ocellatus aqueous extract against HS-mediated deleterious effects on reproductive function in Drosophila melanogaster. Methods: Three different types of culture media including control, 30% lichen extract, and 60%lichen extract were prepared. Adult D. melanogaster flies were placed on Delcour medium and allowed to lay eggs for 2 hours. Then the eggs were equally distributed between the culture media. After flies completed their life cycle, the adult enclosed flies were exposed to HS. To assess reproductive function, the newly emerged adult flies were transferred to the freshly prepared regular culture medium every three days for 3 times and finally adult offspring born to these flies were enumerated.Results: HS negatively affected the reproduction rate in flies in control group. Quantification of adult enclosed flies born to the D. ocellatus extract treated flies showed that lichen extract could negate the deleterious effects of HS on reproduction function of D. melanogaster in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion: Diploschistes ocellatus aqueous extract attenuated the harmful effects of HS stress on reproductive function of D. melanogaster. The secondary metabolites present in D. ocellatus can be considered as a bona fide candidate in novel drug development to target reproductive diseases in which oxidative stress is involved. Moreover, it can be concluded that D. melanogaster is an ideal model organism to induce cellular stress in vitro and study therapeutic potential of lichen extracts.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are two incurable neurodegenerative disorders that exist on a symptomological spectrum and share both genetic underpinnings and pathophysiological hallmarks. Functional abnormality of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), an aggregation-prone RNA and DNA binding protein, is observed in the vast majority of both familial and sporadic ALS cases and in ~40% of FTLD cases, but the cascade of events leading to cell death are not understood. We have expressed human TDP-43 (hTDP-43) in Drosophila neurons and glia, a model that recapitulates many of the characteristics of TDP-43-linked human disease including protein aggregation pathology, locomotor impairment, and premature death. We report that such expression of hTDP-43 impairs small interfering RNA (siRNA) silencing, which is the major post-transcriptional mechanism of retrotransposable element (RTE) control in somatic tissue. This is accompanied by de-repression of a panel of both LINE and LTR families of RTEs, with somewhat different elements being active in response to hTDP-43 expression in glia versus neurons. hTDP-43 expression in glia causes an early and severe loss of control of a specific RTE, the endogenous retrovirus (ERV) gypsy. We demonstrate that gypsy causes the degenerative phenotypes in these flies because we are able to rescue the toxicity of glial hTDP-43 either by genetically blocking expression of this RTE or by pharmacologically inhibiting RTE reverse transcriptase activity. Moreover, we provide evidence that activation of DNA damage-mediated programmed cell death underlies both neuronal and glial hTDP-43 toxicity, consistent with RTE-mediated effects in both cell types. Our findings suggest a novel mechanism in which RTE activity contributes to neurodegeneration in TDP-43-mediated diseases such as ALS and FTLD.
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Polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat expansion in the deubiquitinase ataxin-3 causes neurodegeneration in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3), one of nine inherited, incurable diseases caused by similar mutations. Ataxin-3's degradation is inhibited by its binding to the proteasome shuttle Rad23 through ubiquitin-binding site 2 (UbS2). Disrupting this interaction decreases levels of ataxin-3. Since reducing levels of polyQ proteins can decrease their toxicity, we tested whether genetically modulating the ataxin-3-Rad23 interaction regulates its toxicity in Drosophila. We found that exogenous Rad23 increases the toxicity of pathogenic ataxin-3, coincident with increased levels of the disease protein. Conversely, reducing Rad23 levels alleviates toxicity in this SCA3 model. Unexpectedly, pathogenic ataxin-3 with a mutated Rad23-binding site at UbS2, despite being present at markedly lower levels, proved to be more pathogenic than a disease-causing counterpart with intact UbS2. Additional studies established that the increased toxicity upon mutating UbS2 stems from disrupting the autoprotective role that pathogenic ataxin-3 has against itself, which depends on the co-chaperone, DnaJ-1. Our data reveal a previously unrecognized balance between pathogenic and potentially therapeutic properties of the ataxin-3-Rad23 interaction; they highlight this interaction as critical for the toxicity of the SCA3 protein, and emphasize the importance of considering protein context when pursuing suppressive avenues. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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Mutations in the human microtubule-associated protein tau (hMAPT) gene including R406W and V337M result in autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder. These mutations lead to hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of Tau protein which is a known genetic factor underlying development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present study, transgenic Drosophila models of AD expressing wild-type and mutant forms of hMAPT exhibit a progressive neurodegeneration which was manifested in the form of early death and impairment of cognitive ability. Moreover, they were also found to have significantly decreased activity of neurotransmitter enzymes accompanied by decreased cellular endogenous antioxidant profile. The extent of neurodegeneration, memory impairment, and biochemical profiles was different in the tau transgenic strains which indicate multiple molecular and cellular responses underlie each particular form of hMAPT.
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Oxidative stress is believed to be a major factor for the onset of Parkinson's disease (PD). In this study, we have investigated oxidative status in transgenic Drosophila model of PD. Our results revealed elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in A30P and A53T α-synuclein PD model flies compared to control. We have demonstrated for the first time the ameliorating potential of natural antioxidants characterized from the roots of Dh in A30P and A53T α-synuclein PD model flies. Feeding of transgenic flies with aqueous Dh root extract for 21 days significantly improved their climbing ability and circadian rhythm of locomotor activity which was associated with reduction in levels of ROS and LPO and enhancement in the activities of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Dh protected against paraquat (PQ) sensitivity in α-synuclein transgenic flies and delayed the onset of PD-like symptoms which appears to be mediated by suppression of oxidative stress. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Memory impairment during aging is believed to be a consequence of decline in neuronal function and increase in neurodegeneration. Accumulation of oxidative damage and reduction of antioxidant defense system play a key role in organismal aging and functional senescence. In our study, we examined the age-related memory impairment (AMI) in relation to oxidative stress using Drosophila model. We observed a decline in cognitive function in old flies with respect to both short-lived and consolidated forms of olfactory memory. Light and electron microscopy of mushroom bodies revealed a reduction in the number of synapses and discernible architectural defects in mitochondria. An increase in neuronal apoptosis in Kenyon cells was also evident in aged flies. Biochemical investigations revealed a comparable age-associated decrease in the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase and superoxide dismutase as well as the GSH level, accompanied by an increase in the level of lipid peroxidation and generation of reactive oxygen species in the brain. There was no significant difference in the activity level of AChE and BChE enzymes between different age groups while immunohistochemical studies showed a significant decrease in the level of ChAT in 50-day-old flies. RNAi-mediated silencing of cat and sod1 genes caused severe memory impairment in 15-day-old flies, whereas, over-expression of cat gene could partially rescue the memory loss in the old flies. We demonstrated that a Drosophila long-lived strain, possessing enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes and higher rate of resistance to oxidative stress, shows lower extent of AMI compared to normal lifespan strain. Present study provides evidence for involvement of oxidative stress in AMI in Drosophila.
Drosophila melanogaster is a genetic model organism that has contributed to the discovery of numerous genes whose human homologues are associated with diseases. The development of sophisticated genetic tools to manipulate its genome accelerates the discovery of the genetic basis of undiagnosed human diseases and the elucidation of molecular pathogenic events of known and novel diseases. Here, we discuss various approaches used in flies to assess the function of the fly homologues of disease-associated genes. We highlight how systematic and combinatorial approaches based on recently established methods provide us with integrated tool sets that can be applied to the study of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.
Oxidative stress is one of the major etiological factors implicated in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Since neurons are more sensitive to oxidative damage there is an increasing interest in developing novel antioxidant therapies, especially herbal preparations due to their safety profile and high efficiency. In this regard, the neuroprotective potential of a novel antioxidant compound, 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid (4-HIPA) isolated from aqueous extract of Decalepis hamiltonii roots was examined using transgenic Drosophila model of taupathy expressing wild-type and mutant forms of 2N4R isoform of human microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT). Taupathy model flies showed cognitive deficits in olfactory memory and deteriorated circadian rhythm of locomotory activities. Administration of 0.1 mg/ml 4-HIPA, markedly enhanced their olfactory memory performance and restored circadian rhythmicity of the transgenic flies locomotory behavior to the normal range. The mechanism of action that underlies 4-HIPA neuroprotection involves enhancement in efficiency of cellular antioxidant defense system by means of elevation in antioxidant enzyme activities and attenuation of oxidative stress. The molecule could positively affect the activity of neurotransmitter enzymes, which in turn enhances neuronal function and ameliorates the Tau-induced neurobehavioral defecits. Our findings showed that 4-HIPA can be considered as a suitable therapeutic candidate for drug development towards treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
Populations of Drosophila were trained by alternately exposing them to two odorants, one coupled with electric shock. On testing, the flies avoided the shock-associated odor. Pseudoconditioning, excitatory states, odor preference, sensitization, habituation, and subjective bias have been eliminated as explanations. The selective avoidance can be extinguished by retraining. All flies in the population have equal probability of expressing this behavior. Memory persists for 24 hr. Another paradigm has been developed in which flies learn to discriminate between light sources of different color.