ArticleLiterature Review

Applying Theory for Human Betterment

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... Results: 327 students from ten medical schools were included. The GSS score was 2.96 ± 0.58 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and the UWES-S17 score was 3.94 ± 0.85 (range 2.4-7.0). In the fixed model, the effect of the determination on the students' commitment to work was not significant (b = 0.04; 95% CI: -0.11; 0.19, neither in the random model that explored the interaction by medical school (b = 0.02; 95% CI: 0.0044; -0.15). ...
... La determinación (grit) pertenece al conjunto de características individuales no cognitivas asociadas con el éxito, dentro de las cuales se incluyen también el autocontrol y la autoeficacia (1)(2)(3). Desde el campo de la psicología positiva, la determinación engloba la perseverancia en el esfuerzo por lograr metas importantes a largo plazo; un camino que requiere autodeterminación y resiliencia ante la adversidad (1). El esfuerzo, a su vez, requiere un interés o pasión continuos por lo que se hace. ...
... El 65,1% de los participantes eran mujeres. La puntuación global del UWES-S17 fue 3,9 ± 0,8 (2,4 -7,0) y el GSS fue 2,9 ± 0,5 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). La Tabla 1 muestra los puntajes del UWES-17S y GSS por programa y de forma global. ...
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Introducción: la determinación (grit) es un rasgo de personalidad deseable en los estudiantes de medicina, en pro de un rendimiento académico favorable. El compromiso con el trabajo es una competencia deseada en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el pregrado. Se evalúa el efecto de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes, durante su rotación por la asignatura de cirugía general. Métodos: los estudiantes calificaron su determinación en la Escala Corta de Determinación (GSS) y su compromiso con el trabajo mediante la escala de compromiso con el trabajo de Utrecht (UWES17-S). Mediante un análisis de regresión lineal de efectos mixtos, las relaciones de las anteriores variables fueron establecidas. Resultados: se incluyeron 327 estudiantes, de diez facultades de medicina. La puntuación de GSS fue 2,96 ± 0,58 (1-5) y de UWES-S17 fue 3,94 ± 0,85 (rango de 2,4-7,0). En el modelo fijo, el efecto de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes no fue significativo (b = 0,04; IC del 95 %: -0,11; 0,19), así como tampoco en el análisis aleatorio que exploró la interacción por facultad de medicina (b = 0,02; IC del 95 %: 0,0044; 0,15). La determinación, no influyó en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: no se encontró un efecto significativo de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes durante la rotación en cirugía general. Otros aspectos como el contexto y la interacción social deben ser explorados.
... Social cognitive theory focuses on the construct of perceived self-efficacy [29][30][31]. Perceived self-efficacy is concerned with people's beliefs in their capability to produce a given level of attainment [29,30]. People with high self-efficacy set stimulating goals for themselves and monitor how to reach them and overcome obstacles [30,31]. ...
... Perceived self-efficacy is concerned with people's beliefs in their capability to produce a given level of attainment [29,30]. People with high self-efficacy set stimulating goals for themselves and monitor how to reach them and overcome obstacles [30,31]. Different research findings show that efficacy beliefs exert an impact on human development and adaptation [31][32][33]. ...
... People with high self-efficacy set stimulating goals for themselves and monitor how to reach them and overcome obstacles [30,31]. Different research findings show that efficacy beliefs exert an impact on human development and adaptation [31][32][33]. The sources of self-efficacy vary according to contextual factors such as culture, ethnicity, gender, and ability domains [30,31], which includes the active mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion or encouragement from others, and the physiological and affective states [32][33][34]. ...
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This study explores psychological well-being in adolescence through a multidimensional perspective using the Adolescent Students’ Basic Psychological Needs at School Scale, derived from the Self-Determination Theory. The ASBPNSS focuses on three basic psychological needs (Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness) in adolescence and has not yet been used within the school context in Italy. This study’s main objectives are: (1) to validate a preliminary Italian version of the ASBPNSS; (2) to analyze the association between well-being at school and self-efficacy for self-regulated learning; and (3) to verify whether there are differences by gender. A sample of 395 students (mean age = 17.5; SD = 0.75) completed the ASBPNSS and the Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning Scale. The factorial structure, composite reliability, and gender invariance of the ASBPNSS were examined. Associations between well-being at school and self-efficacy were tested with structural equation models (CFI = 0.935, TLI = 0.925; RMSEA = 0.054). Measures of well-being were associated with school self-efficacy for self-regulated learning, which predicted Competence (beta = 0.639), Relatedness (beta = 0.350), and Autonomy (beta = 0.309). These relationships were invariant over gender, although girls reported lower latent means in the Relatedness factor. This study highlights the importance of promoting school self-efficacy and well-being in adolescence.
... Extant literature posits that learning that take place in an online environment is influenced by relationship between constructs such as academic self-efficacy, internet selfefficacy, work experience in years, and self-regulation (Bandura, 1986(Bandura, , 2019Zhang & Galletta, 2014;Bradley et al., 2017). Thereby, the theoretical framework presented in this research paper examines in detail the relationships between above-mentioned constructs in the context of elearning. ...
... In this research paper we invoke social cognition theory (Bandura, 1977;1986;2019) to study individual learning behaviors in the context of e-learning. The extant literature from social cognition theory encapsulates several studies on the delineated constructs in the context of traditional classroom learning (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020;Kimiagari & Baei, 2022;Shkëmbi & Treska, 2023). ...
... The extant literature from social cognition theory encapsulates several studies on the delineated constructs in the context of traditional classroom learning (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020;Kimiagari & Baei, 2022;Shkëmbi & Treska, 2023). Further, the literature also examines social cognition theory in the context of impact of technology on learning, (Barnard et al., 2009;Bandura, 2019;Al-Fraihat & Sinclair, 2020). We call on social cognition theory to examine the delineated constructs; that is, academic self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, experience in years, and self-regulation in the context of elearning. ...
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Self-regulation has been found to be integral to academic learning in traditional classroom environments. Social cognition theory highlights the significant relationships between academic self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, and work experience in years on self-regulation in the context of traditional classroom learning. However, there is a lacuna in the literature on the significance of these relationships in the context of e-learning. The exponential growth of e-learning and changes in business environment necessitate a study to examine the effect on self-regulation in the context of e-learning. This research is based on a sample of 525 management students from a business school in South Asia. The findings highlight that academic and internet self-efficacy have a positive effect on self-regulation even in an e-learning environment. e-learning here refers to interactive online learning, in a university setting. The findings have significant implications for both theory and practice as they build on the existing literature. We suggest use of training-based interventions for promoting self-regulation which subsequently would facilitate higher e-learning efficacy.
... Paying attention to both teacher resilience and prejudice is a key step in building an intercultural education that can provide adequate tools for teacher training. According to Bandura (1991Bandura ( , 2019, a prejudice can be considered a distorted belief that would affect the emotional aspects of the person, generating an attitude and consequently a social action. In this sense, if teachers have negative cognitive models towards immigrant children, the positive emotional aspect of resilience could increase positive attitudes towards them. ...
... Starting from findings underlying the interplay between distorted cognitive schemes and prejudicial beliefs, emotional pattern, and attitude and social actions (Bandura 1991(Bandura , 2019 and from a previous study, which examined the relationships between ethnic prejudice, dimensions of resilience, and teacher attitudes towards immigrant children (Pace, Zappulla, and Di Maggio 2016), we wanted to investigate the mediating role that teacher resilience could have played in the relationship between ethnic prejudice and the perception of inclusion of immigrant children. The study tested a model of mediation, exploring the total, direct and indirect effects of ethnic prejudice on perception of inclusion of immigrant children. ...
... In line with Hypothesis 1 and with literature (Bandura 2019;Vervaet et al. 2016), the results of the mediation model showed that teachers ethnic prejudice was negatively associated with the perception of inclusion of immigrant children, suggesting the role that bias plays in not fostering a positive attitude towards immigrant children. Furthermore, consistent with Hypothesis 2, teachers ethnic prejudice was negatively associated with teachers resilience, although only with the reintegration dimension of resilience. ...
... In individual cultures, students are taught how to learn by attaining higher-order thinking skills like applying, analyzing, and evaluating (Bandura, 2019). In western classrooms, higher-order thinking begins early and develops each year. ...
... This shift moved education out of punitive policies and into an era of educational learning opportunities. Some of the most notable ideas were that Saudi Arabian students learn from modeling the behavior of others and that learning has a direct relationship to motivation (Bandura, 2019). In 1993, McCabe and Trevino published their seminal work on academic dishonesty uncovering the ineffective punitive style and offered several areas for further research, such as contextual and social influences. ...
... Moreover, educators are recommended to continuously include metacognitive instruction (Sethares & Asselin, 2022) to foster individual learning skills (Bandura, 2019). Educators must have training in culturally inclusive and metacognitive to develop effective teaching strategies. ...
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As more countries import western curriculums, there is a concern that western curriculum offers an individual cultural approach that fails to reach Saudi Arabian students from collective cultures. With expectations for performing academic work unfamiliar to Saudi Arabian students, many students may resort to academic dishonesty to avoid failure. This Action Research study identified several factors contributing to Saudi Arabian students' cultural influences affecting perceptions of academic integrity in higher education: Saudi Arabian students experience a curricular disconnect when navigating western-style expectations of academic honesty in a collective culture, and the expectations of a western curriculum do not align with the preparation they received in their K-12 experience, which was primarily influenced by their collective culture, creating a cultural conflict. The study sought to determine whether a metacognitive intervention that aims to create independent learners would increase awareness of academic integrity and mitigate these barriers. Preliminary implementation revealed that metacognitive skills positively addressed factors Saudi Arabian students identified as barriers to academic success. Furthermore, this study recommends creating and implementing a long-term campus-wide metacognitive program for the institution. Keywords: collective culture, academic dishonesty, western curriculum, Saudi Arabia
... Moreover, Souza (2017) Additionally, the instructional designer applied the social learning theory to create this project (Bandura, 2019). The social learning theory states that people can learn much better through observation, imitation, and modeling other than merely hearing encompassing attention, memory, and motivation (Aliakbari et al., 2015;Bandura, 2019). ...
... Moreover, Souza (2017) Additionally, the instructional designer applied the social learning theory to create this project (Bandura, 2019). The social learning theory states that people can learn much better through observation, imitation, and modeling other than merely hearing encompassing attention, memory, and motivation (Aliakbari et al., 2015;Bandura, 2019). ...
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The problem is the gap in the health professionals' level of skill in helping patients address and manage their physical health conditions. The capstone project involved the development of an introductory motivational interviewing training curriculum. The ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model was used to determine the need for this product, designing the content and processes, and developing the finished curriculum. This curriculum's components consist of a motivational interviewing (MI) facilitator's guide and a corresponding participant's guide.
... El constructo de autoeficacia fue introducido por la Teoría Cognitiva Social (TCS), según la cual el término se refiere a la creencia del individuo sobre sus habilidades para realizar actividades específicas o enfrentar situaciones críticas para generar un resultado, determinando cómo piensa, siente, se motiva y se comporta. (4) En el contexto de la DM, en particular de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), las conductas de autocuidado incluyen el control de la dieta, la actividad física regular, el seguimiento y control de la glucemia y el peso, el cuidado de los pies y la adherencia a la medicación (5) . ...
... Los puntajes altos de autoeficacia se asocian con niveles más bajos de hemoglobina glicosilada, ya que mejora la comprensión de las personas sobre su condición y aumenta su motivación para manejar la enfermedad (21) . Cuanto mayor es la autoeficacia, más vigorosos y persistentes son los esfuerzos y mayor es la visualización de escenarios de éxito y la expectativa de resultados favorables por parte de los individuos en el control de la enfermedad (4) . ...
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Objetivo: Analisar o conhecimento e a autoeficácia de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Metodologia: Estudo transversal e quantitativo, realizado em um hospital público da cidade do Recife – PE, com 86 indivíduos com diabetes. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e laboratoriais, além do conhecimento e a autoeficácia em diabetes pelo Diabetes Knowledge Scale e a Diabetes Management Self-efficacy Scale, respectivamente. Para a análise, utilizou-se estatística descritiva e teste T Student para amostras independentes na verificação da homogeneidade e comparação de média. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino, com idade inferior a 60 anos, baixa escolaridade, baixa renda e com controle inadequado do diabetes. Prevaleceu o conhecimento insuficiente e a baixa autoeficácia. O conhecimento suficiente interferiu positivamente na autoeficácia quanto à prática de exercício físico e o conhecimento insuficiente interferiu na autoficácia para a correção da glicose sanguínea. Indivíduos foram autoeficazes independente da idade. Conclusão: Os indivíduos com diabetes têm conhecimento insuficiente e baixa autoeficácia, sendo necessário que os enfermeiros considerem tais aspectos no planejamento das intervenções de enfermagem voltadas a este público com vistas à promoção do autocuidado.
... Self-efficacy is domain-specific and being highly self-efficacious in completing certain tasks does not ensure individuals will feel capable in all other tasks (Bandura, 2019). Such a particularity also applies to different dimensions of completing one task. ...
... The self-efficacy for online instruction of these university teachers failed to increase significantly, in contrast with that before Covid-19, whereas self-efficacy for technology application increased significantly after the Covid-19-related online teaching period. This finding is aligned with the theoretical assumption on the domain specificity of selfefficacy (Bandura, 2019) and extends it by adding evidence on varying trajectories in different domains of online teaching. It also indicates the necessity to include and examine the correspondent self-efficacy for extra domains associated with online teaching, as indicated in prior studies, for example, course restructuralization in Casacchia et al. (2021), conducting student assessments in Watermeyer et al. (2021), and responding to 'students' psychological conditions in Cardullo et al. (2021). ...
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Teacher self-efficacy is among the most valued teacher motivational constructs. However, little is known about university teachers’ self-efficacy and even less about changes to it throughout the Covid-19-related online teaching. This study applied a retrospective pre- and post-design to investigate changes in online teaching self-efficacy (OTSE) during Covid-19. Participants included 160 Chinese university teachers, who reported their OTSE before and after the COVID-19 lockdowns, adaptability and administration quality together with demographic information. The self-efficacy for online instruction failed to increase significantly over this period (β=.21, p = .083), whereas that for online technology applications increased significantly (β=.329, p < .01). Individual adaptability and administration quality significantly moderated the changes in OTSE. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
... (Bandura, 1997) proposed self-efficacy depends on environmental, cognitive, and behavioural factors affecting personal experience. This, according to (Bandura, 2001(Bandura, , 2019 is derived from four principal sources, such as performance accomplishments, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, and physiological-affective states (Kundu, 2020). When teaching chemistry in an online environment, the self-efficacy of online instruction, the extent to which the use of technology to engage and manage students is mastered. ...
... The relationship between attitudes towards and self-efficacy in respect of computers, the Internet, and Internet-based learning has been examined extensively in the literature and established that attitudes of learners towards computers are positively correlated with their computer self-efficacy (Birgin, Çoker, & Çatlıoğlu, 2010;Pamuk & Peker, 2009). In the assertion of (Bandura, 2006(Bandura, , 2019, the choice of activities, effort expended on an activity, behavioural settings, and the level of persistence in the face of obstacles are all affected by the perceived self-efficacy of people. Research also shows that a teacher's attitude towards the use of technology is crucial and those with a positive attitude towards the use of technology create positive online communities for an improved learning process (González-Sanmamed, Sangrà, & Muñoz-Carril, 2017;Mauraji, Senam, & Wiyarsi, 2020). ...
... (Bandura, 1997) proposed self-efficacy depends on environmental, cognitive, and behavioural factors affecting personal experience. This, according to (Bandura, 2001(Bandura, , 2019 is derived from four principal sources, such as performance accomplishments, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, and physiological-affective states (Kundu, 2020). When teaching chemistry in an online environment, the self-efficacy of online instruction, the extent to which the use of technology to engage and manage students is mastered. ...
... The relationship between attitudes towards and self-efficacy in respect of computers, the Internet, and Internet-based learning has been examined extensively in the literature and established that attitudes of learners towards computers are positively correlated with their computer self-efficacy (Birgin, Çoker, & Çatlıoğlu, 2010;Pamuk & Peker, 2009). In the assertion of (Bandura, 2006(Bandura, , 2019, the choice of activities, effort expended on an activity, behavioural settings, and the level of persistence in the face of obstacles are all affected by the perceived self-efficacy of people. Research also shows that a teacher's attitude towards the use of technology is crucial and those with a positive attitude towards the use of technology create positive online communities for an improved learning process (González-Sanmamed, Sangrà, & Muñoz-Carril, 2017;Mauraji, Senam, & Wiyarsi, 2020). ...
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ABSTRACT Today, with the social, cultural, and technological changes brought about by globalization, loneliness merges as an important problem not only in social life but also in business life. This study aims to examine the effect of workplace loneliness on organizational cynicism. As a result of the literature review, it was decided to conduct a field study with the assumption that examining the effect of workplace loneliness on organizational cynicism in the sample of public employees would contribute to the literature. In this context, while workplace loneliness is handled with emotional deprivation and social friendship dimensions, organizational cynicism is examined with cognitive, affective and behavioral cynicism dimensions. The sample of the study consisted of 387 public employees working in the TRC1 region (Gaziantep, Kilis, and Adıyaman provinces of Turkey). The data obtained from these participants by the online survey technique were evaluated by performing explanatory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was found that there was a positive relationship between the emotional deprivation dimension of workplace loneliness and the cognitive, affective and behavioral cynicism dimensions of organizational cynicism, while it was concluded that there is no relationship between the social friendship dimension of workplace loneliness and the cognitive, affective and behavioral cynicism dimensions of organizational cynicism. At the same time, it was concluded that a moderate and positive relationship exists between general workplace loneliness and general organizational cynicism. As a result of the regression analysis, it was also found that the social friendship dimension of workplace loneliness did not have a significant effect on the cognitive, affective and behavioral cynicism dimensions of organizational cynicism, but the effect of the emotional loneliness dimension of workplace loneliness on the cognitive, affective and behavioral cynicism dimensions of organizational cynicism was positive and significant. Specifically, the results of the regression analysis also indicate that workplace loneliness has a positive effect on organizational cynicism. Keywords: Cynicism, Organizational Cynicism, Workplace Loneliness.
... (Bandura, 1997) proposed self-efficacy depends on environmental, cognitive, and behavioural factors affecting personal experience. This, according to (Bandura, 2001(Bandura, , 2019 is derived from four principal sources, such as performance accomplishments, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, and physiological-affective states (Kundu, 2020). When teaching chemistry in an online environment, the self-efficacy of online instruction, the extent to which the use of technology to engage and manage students is mastered. ...
... The relationship between attitudes towards and self-efficacy in respect of computers, the Internet, and Internet-based learning has been examined extensively in the literature and established that attitudes of learners towards computers are positively correlated with their computer self-efficacy (Birgin, Çoker, & Çatlıoğlu, 2010;Pamuk & Peker, 2009). In the assertion of (Bandura, 2006(Bandura, , 2019, the choice of activities, effort expended on an activity, behavioural settings, and the level of persistence in the face of obstacles are all affected by the perceived self-efficacy of people. Research also shows that a teacher's attitude towards the use of technology is crucial and those with a positive attitude towards the use of technology create positive online communities for an improved learning process (González-Sanmamed, Sangrà, & Muñoz-Carril, 2017;Mauraji, Senam, & Wiyarsi, 2020). ...
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This study was carried out to determine the level of technological pedagogical knowledge, the attitude of chemistry teachers (ACT) towards teaching chemistry in an online environment and online teaching self-efficacy and further examine the influence of technological pedagogical knowledge and attitude of chemistry teachers (ACT) towards teaching chemistry in an online environment on online teaching self-efficacy of chemistry teachers in selected colleges of education in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted. Responses from 24 randomly selected chemistry teachers' questionnaires were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that teachers have a high level of technological pedagogical knowledge (M =3.745, SD =.378), online teaching self-efficacy (M =3.613, SD =.572) and a positive attitude (M =3.289, SD =.380) towards teaching chemistry in an online environment. It further revealed a significant positive relationship between technological pedagogical knowledge and online teaching self-efficacy of chemistry teachers (r=.618, p =.001). A multiple regression analysis revealed variations in online teaching self-efficacy and was significantly predicted by the combined effects of teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge and attitude towards teaching chemistry in an online environment. F (2,21) =6.492, p=.006. Additionally, coefficient assessment revealed technological pedagogical knowledge as a significant predictor of online teaching self-efficacy (β=.615, t=3.458, p=.002) contributing 38.2% of the variations in the online teaching self-efficacy of chemistry teachers. The study provided the need for educational institutions and science teachers of colleges of education to develop strategies to sustain the use of technology to support online teaching and learning.
... (Bandura, 1997) proposed self-efficacy depends on environmental, cognitive, and behavioural factors affecting personal experience. This, according to (Bandura, 2001(Bandura, , 2019 is derived from four principal sources, such as performance accomplishments, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, and physiological-affective states (Kundu, 2020). When teaching chemistry in an online environment, the self-efficacy of online instruction, the extent to which the use of technology to engage and manage students is mastered. ...
... The relationship between attitudes towards and self-efficacy in respect of computers, the Internet, and Internet-based learning has been examined extensively in the literature and established that attitudes of learners towards computers are positively correlated with their computer self-efficacy (Birgin, Çoker, & Çatlıoğlu, 2010;Pamuk & Peker, 2009). In the assertion of (Bandura, 2006(Bandura, , 2019, the choice of activities, effort expended on an activity, behavioural settings, and the level of persistence in the face of obstacles are all affected by the perceived self-efficacy of people. Research also shows that a teacher's attitude towards the use of technology is crucial and those with a positive attitude towards the use of technology create positive online communities for an improved learning process (González-Sanmamed, Sangrà, & Muñoz-Carril, 2017;Mauraji, Senam, & Wiyarsi, 2020). ...
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The study determined institutional and technological factors that influence the adoption of tenera oil palm production practices with a gender dimension among smallholder farmers in Edo State, Nigeria. Primary data were generated with the use of a questionnaire administered to 155 male and 137 female respondents. Results show that the level of adoption of tenera oil palm production practices was low for both male and female. Tobit regression result shows that land ownership structure and affordability at 1% significance influenced male adoption of tenera oil palm production practices while age and level of income at 1% significance influenced females in the adoption of tenera oil palm. The major roles of males as reported in adopting process were the purchase of seedlings, clearing of bush for planting and selling of cut bunches while the major roles of female were periodic weeding, gathering of cut bunches and mulching of palm field. The major constraint faced by male in adoption process were high cost of labour while for females is drudgery nature of the work. The study recommended that the Land Use Act of 1978 should be enforced to help women and non-indigenes to have sizeable farm lands, Government should empower Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) by employing more extension personnel to increase their contacts with the farmers. Key Words: Gender, Adoption, Variety, Oil, Tenera, Edo
... Design thinking, self-efficacy in STEM teaching and creative problem solving Bandura (2019), who reported that he conducted multifaceted research programs to shed light on the nature of the self-belief system, reported that people cannot be influential in all conditions and all areas-accordingly, different areas of functioning need to be activated together for self-efficacy. In this context, design-based learning definitions support a learning-by-doing methodology (e.g., in STEM education) that enables candidates to integrate knowledge from different fields through creative problem-solving (Bravo et al., 2021). ...
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Increasing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) self-efficacy is necessary for closing the gap in STEM fields. There is a lot expected of students studying in STEM fields. However, studies have frequently mentioned the importance of design thinking in developing self-efficacy in STEM teaching. It has been highlighted as an important predictor of creative problem-solving. Based on this, in a Turkish sample, this study investigated the relationships between self-efficacy in STEM teaching, design thinking, and creative problem-solving of STEM teacher candidates. A total of 522 candidates participated in the study. The results showed that creative problem-solving mediated the relationship between design thinking and self-efficacy in STEM teaching. This information is vital for helping better assess the variables affecting the self-efficacy in STEM teaching of candidates entering the STEM pipeline. The discussion then revolves around integratingdesign thinking, the necessity of a human-centered approach, and creative problem solving, associated with 21st-century competencies into STEM education.
... Self-efficacy has a general meaning and is therefore applied to different specific areas of human development. General self-efficacy is relatively stable over time and is conceived as a trait variable applicable to a wide variety of situations (Miyoshi, 2011;Yeo & Neal, 2006), whereas specific self-efficacy involves differentiated beliefs in various behavioural domains (Bandura, 2019). ...
... creates novel operational models by transforming theoretical ideas. It details the nature of the transformation, its tactics, and how they are put into practice (Bandura, 2019). ...
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In this study, a scale was created to measure the gamification ability levels of teachers. The rating system is a 5-point Likert scale. The scale has 36 items and 4 variables. The research's study group is made up of 526 instructors who are employed during the academic year 2022–2023 in kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools, and high schools connected to the Ministry of National Education. By looking at the levels of exploratory and confirmatory component analysis, item discrimination levels, and meeting the goal, the validity of the scale was examined. Stability analyses and internal consistency coefficients were used to examine the scale's reliability. The investigation concluded that the scale is a viable and trustworthy measurement tool that may be used to assess teachers' degrees of self-efficacy with regard to gamification.
... The individual and the environment are mutually influencing factors in the reciprocal process. This concept changes the perception that humans are not merely seen as objects that can be controlled by the environment or mindset that controls themselves (Bandura, 2019). The following is put forward the definition of efficacy by psychologists. ...
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of an academic self-efficacy instrument for junior secondary school students in Indonesia. This research is important to understand the extent to which students at the junior high school level feel confident in facing academic demands. The type of research in this study used a quantitative approach. The population obtained amounted to 564 eighth-grade students from several provinces in Indonesia. The sampling technique used was convenience sampling, and a sample size of 300 students was determined. Primary data in this study were obtained from the results of students' instrument answers with the filling method circling the most appropriate answer. At the same time, secondary data is obtained from searching journals related to the research. The data collection technique was a fill-in sheet given to 300 grade 8 students in several provinces in Indonesia. Then, the data analysis used was quantitative data analysis carried out by descriptive analysis and verification analysis (hypothesis testing with t-test). Furthermore, based on the data obtained from junior high school students, the instrument was tested for validity and reliability using SPSS version 25. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the instrument used to measure the academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in Indonesia has good validity and reliability. The instrument consists of 49 valid items and has a reliability coefficient of 0.861. Then, to determine the effectiveness of the instrument made, a t-test was conducted, and obtained the result that H0 was rejected, which means that the instrument is effective in measuring academic self-efficacy for junior high school students in Indonesia. Thus, it can be concluded that the instrument is effective in measuring the academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in Indonesia.
... In addition, social cognitive theory stresses the importance of self-efficacy, or the learner's belief in their own capacity to reproduce observed behaviors (Bandura, 2019). The entertainment-education literature has long recognized the potential impact of films and television on one's perceptions (Hawkins & Pingree, 1982). ...
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While video clips have undoubtedly advanced the practice of management education, social cognitive theory suggests that new sources of video clips may augment ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) efforts in management classrooms and organizations. In this article, we begin by reviewing social cognitive theory research that points to links between video clips and DE&I outcomes that are part of many management classes and training curricula. Based on this social cognitive theory perspective, we discuss how management educators might foster learning and inclusion in management classrooms and organizations by incorporating video clips with a greater variety of demographic populations in managerial and organizationally impactful roles. To this end, we also provide a list of video resources that can be used to refresh or supplement the resources currently being used in undergraduate, graduate, online (synchronous and asynchronous), executive education, and corporate training courses that may present more homogeneous casts.
... Self-efficacy didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan individu tentang kemampuan mereka untuk menyelesaikan tugas tertentu (Dwyer, 2019;Millam, Cohen, Mueller & Salles, 2019;Fang, Boelens, Windhorst, Raat & va Grieken, 2021). Parental self-efficacy (PSE) merupakan turunan dari konsep selfefficacy yang dikemukakan oleh Albert Bandura (Bandura, 2019;Rumjaun & Narod, 2020). PSE didefinisikan sebagai kepercayaan orang tua pada kemampuan mereka untuk mempengaruhi anak-anak mereka dan lingkungan untuk mempromosikan perkembangan dan kesuksesan anak (Ardelt & Eccles, 2001). ...
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Banyak orangtua yang merasa tidak mampu mengasuh anak-anaknya. Mereka merasa kehilangan kemampuan pengasuhan. Hal inilah yang dirasakan oleh anggota ‘Aisyiyah Sleman. Tujuan program Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan Parenting Self-Efficacy kepada anggota Pimpinan Daerah ‘Aisyiyah Sleman. Metode pelatihan adalah ceramah dengan media zoom meeting. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 35 orang. Mereka adalah seluruh pimpinan ‘Aisyiyah se- Kabupaten Sleman. Efektifitas pelatihan diukur menggunakan skala Tool to Measure Parenting Self-Efficacy (TOPSE). Hasil t-test dari software JASP yang membandingkan nilai Parenting Efficacy sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan adalah 0.001 (p<0,01). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pelatihan Parenting Efficacy efektif dalam membentuk sikap kemampuan diri dalam pengasuhan pada anggota ‘Aisyiyah Sleman.
... This study proposes the mediation effect of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is one's ability that motivates a person to achieve specific aspirations and goals (Bandura, 2019). Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is the strength of individual beliefs about the ability or inability to perform a role in entrepreneurial activity. ...
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The study aims to determine the mediation influence of self-efficacy towards the relationships between entrepreneurial network, social support, and Gen Z entrepreneurship intention. This study adapted the survey method using a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 400 Gen Z using a multi-stage sampling technique. The population of the study was Malaysian Gen Z, who live in the Central Region of Peninsular Malaysia. The data analysis method is divided into two parts, namely descriptive analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). The study discovered that self-efficacy mediates the relationships between entrepreneurial network, social support, and Gen Z entrepreneurship intention. This study generates knowledge, ideas, and strategies for developing future entrepreneurial activities and programs. This study was significant due to its effort to understand the phenomenon of entrepreneurship on the psychological characteristics of those who want to start a business.
... Antecedendo o advento da pandemia da COVID-19 encontramos o número especial "How Can Psychological Science Contribute to a Healthier, Happier, and More Sustainable World?" do periódico Perspectives on Psychological Science, com editoração de Gruber (2019), no qual são explicitadas várias aplicações do conhecimento psicológico, por pesquisadores de referência em suas respectivas áreas, das quais selecionamos três, pela diversidade. Bandura (2019), conhecido por suas pesquisas seminais sobre aprendizagem social, argumenta como uma teoria social cognitiva pode gerar aplica-ções em larga escala que podem contribuir para ameaças globais à preservação de um ambiente sustentável desde que se tenha um modelo teórico, um modelo translacional e de implementação e um modelo de difusão social. Cita, como um dos exemplos, o desenvolvimento de uma série dramática abordando a prática de mutilação genital na África, com vistas ao seu abandono. ...
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This article systematizes classes taught for a discipline that is part of the curricular emphasis “Psychology, Diversity, Technologies and Society”, of the undergraduate course in Psychology at the University of Brasília. Articles and chapters were searched in SciELO, Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, and Google Scholar from 2017 to February 2023. Other sources, including government and non-governmental organization websites, were searched to fi ll in gaps. The selection of materials considered topicality, diversity, impact and accessibility for teaching context. The article refl ects the initial part of the discipline, which is followed by prospecting by students on possibilities of contribution of scientifi c knowledge in psychology to the production of applications. It explores the relationship between scientifi c production in psychology and the generation of applications inside and outside psychology, with or without its direct participation. It exemplifi es actions within psychology to demonstrate how it can contribute to applications in diff erent contexts. It demonstrates how applications of psychology can result in technologies, with an emphasis on assistive technologies and enabling technologies; how psychology can and should participate in the diff erent stages of technology development, implementation and evaluation. It analyzes the evolution of the concept of translational research, the opportunities and threats that this science development paradigm off ers psychology, and its intertwining with the development of assistive technology. It concludes with refl ections on the university’s role in preparing professionals to work on multidisciplinary projects in search of innovative solutions to complex and challenging problems of social relevance.Keywords: Knowledge construction, applied psychology, transdisciplinarity, assistive technology, translational research
... The core concept in Bandura's social learning theory is as follows (Bandura, 2018(Bandura, , 2019(Bandura, , 2021. Firstly, learning through observation. ...
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This study aims to analyze the role of Islamic boarding school residents in preventing bullying behaviour among students in integrated boarding schools in the city of Lhokseumawe. This research adopts a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The research informants consist of the Islamic boarding school leaders and caregiving staff. Data validity is ensured through source verification techniques. Data analysis is conducted through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Bullying behaviour in Dayah Terpadu Ulumuddin and Pesantren Misbahul Ulum Integrated Boarding Schools is prevented by the boarding schools’ authorities through measures such as reprimanding, advising, punishment, and involving parents. However, the psychological approach has not been fully implemented due to the lack of counselling teachers in the boarding school. The boarding schools’ authorities provide guidance and advice to bullying victims. Some bullying behaviours are considered normal among the students, such as teasing and using nicknames. This behaviour will receive less attention from the boarding school authorities. However, if the bullying involves physical violence, the victim will receive special attention.
... Our approach departs from Bandura's (1977) self-efficacy theory. Developed in a time in which B. F. Skinner's (1971Skinner's ( , 1974 behaviorist approach was prominent in core assumptions about motivation, self-efficacy theory arose as a critique of deterministic conceptualizations of human nature (Bandura, 2019). Bandura argued that individual action and environmental influences cause each other in a reciprocal manner. ...
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Social and ecological crises require people to act together, for instance, against climate change or social injustice. Psychological scholarship suggests that human agency, in terms of individuals’ self-efficacy and collective efficacy, plays a crucial role in motivating people to act for a better world. However, progress in this field and hence the utilization of its accumulated knowledge is hindered by manifold conceptualizations and operationalizations. We therefore identify key problems in how the concept of self-efficacy has evolved and been used in the domain of environmental protection and then present a conceptual solution: the triple-A framework. This framework organizes and integrates theoretical insights by differentiating which agents, actions, and aims are involved in assessments of efficacy. We then illustrate the framework’s broader application and highlight recommendations for improved measurement of self-efficacy beliefs. We further offer a research agenda on how human agency can be utilized to promote social and ecological aims. Public Abstract Many people do not act together against climate change or social inequalities because they feel they or their group cannot make a difference. Understanding how people come to feel that they can achieve something (a perception of self-efficacy) is therefore crucial for motivating people to act together for a better world. However, it is difficult to summarize already existing self-efficacy research because previous studies have used many different ways of naming and measuring it. In this article, we uncover the problems that this raises and propose the triple-A framework as a solution. This new framework shows which agents, actions, and aims are important for understanding self-efficacy. By offering specific recommendations for measuring self-efficacy, the triple-A framework creates a basis for mobilizing human agency in the context of climate change and social injustice.
... Setting personal goals will make it easier for someone to regulate, guide, direct, and maintain their behavior. Although environmental events and personal history undoubtedly help shape behavior, behavior is not entirely determined by changes in nonspecific reinforcement history, by genes, or by other non-volitional factors; it is also motivated, in part, by people's self-directed goals and by other social-cognitive factors with which they are interrelated [26,30]. Suggestions for other researchers are to describe the data about why there is a relationship between related variables and the factors that influence it. ...
... O processo de autogerenciamento é compreendido como um dispositivo interno consciente e voluntário de controle, que atua na administração do comportamento, dos pensamentos e dos sentimentos individuais, possuindo como modelo metas e padrões específicos de atuação (ROSA; ROSA, 2020). Esse mecanismo de autorregulação opera por meio de três subprocessos cognitivos, a auto-observação, os processos de julgamento e a autorreação, que precisam ser desenvolvidos e impulsionados para transformações direcionadas aos objetivos que se pretendem alcançar (BANDURA, 2008(BANDURA, , 2019 , 2005). Esse instrumento dispõe de perguntas com padrão de resposta dicotômica entre "sim" e "não", com escore total máximo de 15 pontos, sendo que de "0 a 5 pontos" representa inexistência de depressão, "6 a 10 pontos", estado de depressão leve ou moderado, "11 a 15 pontos", estado de depressão grave (PINHO et al., 2010). ...
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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a autoeficácia, a cognição e os estados de humor no envelhecimento cognitivo a partir de diferentes intervenções combinadas. De metodologia quase experimental e de desenvolvimento longitudinal, foi composto por 28 participantes e aplicou quatro instrumentos para coleta de dados: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Exame Cognitivo de Addenbrooke - Versão revisada, Escala de Autoeficácia Geral e Escala de Depressão em Geriatria. Foram realizadas intervenções combinadas (estimulação cognitiva, treino cognitivo, exercício físico e psicopedagógica) em diferentes momentos, com duração de 18 meses e com um encontro semanal. A análise dos dados aconteceu pelos testes de normalidade (teste de Shapiro-Wilk), testes paramétricos (Teste t) e não- paramétricos (Teste Wilcoxon e Teste de Friedman), com nível de significância adotado de p < 0,05. Como resultado, nota-se que a amostra teve alterações consideráveis em relação à autoeficácia, à cognição e aos estados de humor. Conclui-se que a autoeficácia, a autorregulação e a diminuição de episódios depressivos podem promover para os sujeitos transformações consideráveis em relação à cognição, com suporte de diferentes intervenções combinadas.
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Introduction The coach-athlete relationship is not merely a by-product of the coaching process but serves as its foundation. Coaches today must align their approaches with the characteristics (character, strengths, and growth areas) of a new generation of athletes, commonly referred to as Generation Z (Gen Z). Born between 1995 and 2012, Gen Z's grew up in a digital age, which shaped their character and behaviour. The purpose of the study was to explore coach-athlete relationships, the characteristics of Gen Z athletes that influence this relationship, and the process of building healthy coach-athlete relationships, from the perspectives of coaches. Methods The study used a qualitative methodology to elicit the perspectives of 11 male rugby union coaches (M ± SD age: 42.09 ± 7.56 years; with 12.83 ± 3.48 years of coaching experience), through semi-structured individual online interviews. We developed the interview script from Jowett's Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q). The interviews were analysed using Merriam and Tisdell's six-step process. Findings The analysis yielded six super themes (and 17 themes). 1. Coach perspectives on coaching Gen Z players (developmental facilitators and debilitators, Covid-19's effect on development). 2. Closeness between coaches and athletes [loving and caring, getting closer, trusting, (not) respecting some players]. 3. Commitment (personally and towards the team, sacrifices). 4. Complementarity (goal setting, collectively working towards common goals). 5. Co-orientation (communicating, reciprocal relationship views). 6. Developing the coach-athlete relationship (approaches thereto, practical steps). Discussion Various facets of the coach-athlete relationship are interlinked and shaped by the characteristics and behaviours of this generation of athletes. Practical recommendations are offered on how to cultivate the coach-athlete relationship on emotional, cognitive, and behavioural levels.
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A maioria dos indivíduos experimenta pelo menos um evento adverso, como um desastre natural, em sua vida. No entanto, apesar da alta frequência de exposição a eventos traumáticos, a prevalência de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático é baixa. Essa baixa taxa sugere que existem vários padrões de respostas psicológicas a eventos adversos, sendo o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático apenas uma das formas de resposta possível. Esta revisão teve como objetivo descrever as diferentes trajetórias das reações do organismo ao trauma psicológico. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado na base de dados do PubMed e Scielo nos últimos dez anos. Os estudos nas diversas faixas etárias e contextos mostram que a grande maioria das pessoas quando confrontadas com traumas em suas vidas são capazes de manter o bem-estar psicológico diante da adversidade sem evoluir para um transtorno psicológico. Há pessoas que referem um crescimento psicológico após o trauma e outras inclusive relatam um florescimento em suas vidas com maior integração no meio social em que vivem. Estas três categorias têm sido reconhecidas na literatura como resiliência, crescimento psicológico pós-traumático e florescimento pós-traumático. Embora se possa agrupar o espectro possível de respostas ao trauma em categorias para fins didáticos e de pesquisa, a reposta ao trauma é melhor descrita como um espectro contínuo de respostas possíveis que vai do transtorno de stress pós-traumático ou outros transtornos psiquiatricos até o florescimento pós traumático.
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Medical and health personnel have the potential to play an important role in triage START in the event of a disaster. However, it is important to have an instrument in evaluating the level of knowledge and attitudes of medical and health dragons regarding the START triage. This instrument is essential for the development of a comprehensive and efficient START triage education program for medical and health personnel. Therefore, this study aims to assess the accuracy and consistency of knowledge and attitude instruments in conducting START triage for medical and health personnel. A cross-sectional study involving 100 respondents. This instrument is created through a literature review. The instrument totaled 10 items of statements on knowledge and 10 items of statements on attitudes categorized into 6 groups: 1) disasters; 2) START triage; 3) START triage principle; 4) START triage indicator; 5) START triage implementation procedure. The results of this study showed 100 participants, the majority of whom were female with an average age of 36 years. All participants are medical and health personnel. The instruments used in the study were validated through content validity (Pearson Product Moment) and biserial correlation. Utilizing internal consistency reliability, the study found satisfactory inter-item reliability for all knowledge items (0.70 – 0.73) and attitude items (0.86 – 0.90). Conclusion: these findings suggest that knowledge and attitudes in performing the START triage are important for medical and health personnel
One factor that predicts academic success is Academic Self-Efficacy, the perceived competency to accomplish a school-related task. Big Five Personality traits are innate one’s tendencies to think, feel, and behave. Evidence indicates that specific Big Five Personality traits predict academic success. Hence, the Big Five Personality traits might influence Academic Self-Efficacy as a belief formation resulting in academic success. This study investigated the link between Big Five Personality traits and Academic Self-Efficacy. It employed purposive sampling and involved 201 undergraduate students (18-30 years old) from Manila, Philippines, who responded to the online psychological questionnaire. Results indicated a significant positive association between Academic Self-Efficacy and traits: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness. In contrast, Neuroticism traits indicated a negative relationship. These findings could be used as a basis for utilizing personality profiling in developing perceived academic competency among college students, potentially revolutionizing academic practices.
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This study explored teachers’ perceptions of twins’ academic abilities and achievements compared to single-born students. It aimed to understand teachers’ attitudes towards classroom dynamics and social interactions among twins and their peers, as well as how teachers differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of twins in the classroom. By employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the research gathered comprehensive data through surveys/questionnaires and in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 15 elementary school teachers with experience teaching identical and fraternal twins in primary and secondary schools in Texas and Virginia. The study identified several key themes through thematic analysis: the importance of individualized instruction, the unique social dynamics between twins, and the challenges and advantages of differentiation in the classroom. Findings indicate that teachers recognize the necessity of tailoring educational approaches to meet the diverse needs of twins, emphasizing the significance of fostering individual identities and promoting independence. This research holds significance as it contributes to scholarly discussions on student diversity and can inform theories related to peer dynamics, social integration, and differentiated instruction. The practical implications include the potential to inform teacher training programs, develop support systems for teachers, and influence school policies to foster a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for twins. By shedding light on teachers’ perceptions of twins and their educational experiences, the study aims to optimize educational practices and outcomes for twin students, offering practical guidance for educators and informing interventions aimed at supporting twins’ socio-emotional well-being and academic success.
Planning of training and development activities needs to be done in such a way so that it triggers employee interest, on the one hand, and builds organizational capabilities leading to organisational effectiveness, on the other hand. In this post-pandemic-affected business world where traditional work and work relationships have changed with emerging gig workforce leading to creation of new kinds of work environment and employment relationships, there is a need to re-orient, reskill, and upskill the workforce in a different manner than used to happen. Accordingly, the deliverables for business, leadership, and HR have changed. Planned change for ensuring training interventions to work involves understanding assumptions of adult learning and use of technology in training process and system to facilitate right training interventions leading to organisational renewal. The chapter analyses a training and development system and its role in employee motivation as well as comprehensive OD intervention tool with the help of two broad themes.
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The current study investigated the relationship between attachment styles, emotional intelligence, and perceived stress among law students. Predictors of the perceived stress were also investigated, including identifying the participant scores (low, moderate, and high) on the study variables. Purposive sampling techniques were used to approach the (N = 150) participants enrolled in the various private and government law institutes in Lahore, Pakistan. The sample size was calculated online by using the G. Power calculator. A correlational research design and survey method were used. The Person's Product-Moment correlation results indicated a significant relationship between attachment styles, emotional intelligence, and perceived stress. The magnitude of the relationship varied from .17 to .90 (moderate-high). At the same time, the findings of the step-wise regression analysis retained two model structures, accounting for 29% of the variance. They indicated that attachment styles and emotional intelligence significantly predicted the perceived stress among law students. Implications of the study were discussed in the cultural context of Pakistan.
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Various schools of thought within the field of psychology consider authentic personality to be an essential component of overall well-being. Similarly, people's behavior has changed since the advent of social media. Using Social Cognitive Theory as guidance, this conceptual paper aims to explore how authentic personality and social media postings affect individuals' self-interested charitable behavior, this research aims to delve into the person-centered concept of authentic personality. The sense of giving and charitable behavior includes giving to charity and involving in volunteer activity. This model is deemed appropriate because it further explains authentic personality and exposure to social media posting in an online environment. Throughout the entirety of this study, a search was conducted via a variety of literature on the fields of sociology, psychology, and social science. There was a discussion of the conclusions drawn from the research, and options for more research were outlined.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and has affected the educational sectors in all ramifications. This, therefore calls for the need to sustain and provide quality education despite its challenges and forced many institutions to reposition their educational practices which predominantly adopted the conventional methods of teaching and learning, as well as assessment which was on venue-based and restricted in terms of online accessibility, swiftness, assessment and materials interaction. In the new normal period, there is much emphasize to reposition our institutions for teaching and learning in terms of the mode of instruction and assessment. Many countries, Nigeria inclusive were forced to migrate to a more robust innovative online teaching and learning, and different forms of online instruction and assessment using diverse platforms such as Emergence Remote Teaching(ERT), google meet, zoom, Microsoft team and others. These online teaching platforms have implications for lecturer-student interaction, satisfaction, engagement, and success in curriculum planning and implementation issues. Seventy-five lecturers in the faculty of Education from the 11 departments partake in the study. Questionnaires and structured interviews were used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of mean, while the qualitative data was content analyzed. This study identified the challenges of teaching staff and students in teaching and learning using ERT, University of Ibadan as a case study. Challenges idented includes: internet connectivity, technological experiences, power supply,and lack of access to reliable internet connection .The perceived benefitswere a reduction in transportation costs, effective distance learning, stability in communication and lecturers' familiarisation with online emerging technology. ERT platforms should be designed with engaging and interactive content, instructors and students' learning activities to maintain students’ interest during the lesson session were recommended.
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Family harmony is the dream of every human being who builds a household ark. Unfortunately, sometimes the reality in the family presents different facts. Instead of harmony, what happens is that the dispute between the two parents is shown in front of their children. Every incident of dispute that is seen by children, must be left in their memory. In addition, this leaves scars on his heart which impact his emotional intelligence as well. This research seeks to explore the impact of parental disputes on the emotional intelligence of children in Christian families. It is hoped that the use of a narrative qualitative method that is strengthened by literature review is expected to be able to provide a strong, careful, and systematic description of the biblical narrative about parental disputes, children's emotional intelligence, and the impact of parental disputes on children's emotional intelligence in Christian families. It was concluded that parental disputes in Christian families had an impact on children's irritable behavior, lack of self-confidence, children's difficulties with empathy, and children experiencing moral degradation. Abstrak: Keharmonisan keluarga adalah dambaan setiap insan yang membangun bahtera rumah tangga. Sayangnya kadang kenyataan di keluarga memaparkan fakta yang berbeda, bukannya keharmonisan malah yang terjadi justru perselisihan kedua orang tua yang dipertontonkan di hadapan anak-anaknya. Setiap peristiwa perselisihan yang dilihat oleh anak, pasti membekas dalam ingat mereka. Selain itu, hal ini meninggalkan luka pada hatinya yang berdampak juga pada kecerdasan emosionalnya. Penelitian ini berupaya mendalami dampak perselisihan orang tua terhadap kecerdasan emosional anak di keluarga Kristiani. Penggunaan metode kualitatif naratif yang diperkokoh kajian literatur diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran yang kuat, cermat, serta sistimatik terkait narasi Alkitab tentang perselisihan orang tua, kecerdasan emosional anak, dan dampak perselisihan orang tua terhadap kecerdasan emosional anak di keluarga Kristiani. Disimpulkan bahwa perselisihan orang tua di keluarga Kristiani berdampak pada perilaku anak yang mudah marah, kurangnya kepercayaan diri anak, kesulitan anak berempati, dan anak mengalami degradasi moral.
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The prevalence of obesity is at a dangerous level. This situation is influenced by the extreme value of Tomohon city.This study aims to create Structural Equation Modeling of health literacy, self-efficacy, physical activity, dietarypattern and body image in obese young adults in Tomohon City and to analyze the influence between health literacy,self-efficacy, dietary pattern, physical activity and body image in obese young adults in Tomohon City. This researchis a non-experimental research with a quantitative approach. Sample were 161 adults, aged 20-30 years, andhad a total BMI ?25. Data analysis was carried out by testing the structural equation modeling using Smart PLS.The results showed that structural equation modally of health literacy, self-efficacy, physical activity, dietary patternand body image in this research can be used to show how strong the effect or influence of one variable was onanother variable. Based on the equation modeling, several variables have a weak and strong influence so that theeffect between variables also has different percentages.
In the past, the perspective of training programs has been used to understand employee motivation. However, there is a lack of normative and perceptive support that can guide the development of online training programs. Therefore, there is a need to understand employee motivation from the perspective of online training. This study aims to understand employee motivation and its relationship with online training in an organizational setting. The study adopted empirical research to investigate the relationship between training goals and trainee intentions to undergo online training, the role of self-efficacy in this relationship, and the expectancy of the learners from online training programs. The study tests the factors identified from the literature review for model validation. A total of 15 items were used in a survey of 812 randomly selected respondents from the organization in Belagavi, Karnataka, India. The structural equation modeling techniques were applied to explore and validate the model. The results show that factors such as learning goals, social interaction, time management and personalization have a great role to play in building training intention in the online environment, and the successful realization of the training goals.
This study set out to examine to what extent a set of psychological, health and socio-demographic factors are associated with self-efficacy (SE) in a large sample of over 12,000 participants over a two-year period. We were interested in the correlates of self-efficacy (criterion variable) with gender, age, education and occupation, the Big-Five personality factors and cognitive ability, as well as mental and physical health (predictor variables). Regression analyses showed that four of the Big-Five personality factors (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness), cognitive ability, mental and physical health, gender, education and occupation were all significant and independent predictors of self-efficacy, accounting for 23% of the variance of the outcome variable. Personality variables, particularly Neuroticism and Conscientiousness, were the most powerful predictors of SE two years later. The implications for encouraging SE in individuals are discussed.
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Traditional psychological perspectives focus on individual vulnerabilities and one-on-one therapeutic interventions, but research from the field of positive psychology offer insights to people's capacity to face less-than-optimal life circumstances. Despite economic inequities, astounding numbers of people worldwide report high levels of happiness (Helliwell, Layard, & Sachs, 2019). Albert Bandura is a leading researcher contributing to the foundations of positive psychology. Bandura’s social cognitive theory (SCT) gives framework, provides guidance for future research, and offers pathways going forward. At the heart of SCT is self-efficacy - the belief that one can take actions that will produce the desired outcomes. Indeed, hope and optimism are our everyday terms for agency. Expanding, as Bandura did in the last chapter of Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (1997), individual agency is the beginning, but it is through shared efforts and collective efficacy that greater success can and must be achieved. In this chapter, I bring Bandura's research to our international community highlighting the power of self and the collective efficacy to address looming global challenges. How you can build your own sense of purpose, efficacy, and power to enact beneficial changes, as Bandura role-models and promises, is shared here. In his last decade, Bandura focused on enlisting the power of youth to address climate change and the many related social issues. From gestation forward, we are social beings dependent upon one another. Building a child’s efficacy, caring, empathy, and emotion regulation toward social competence for success, as Bandura recommended, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory provides context for our mutual interdependence. Drawing upon the fundamental power of role models (positive, negative, and transitioning) and storytelling, Bandura’s work with Miguel Sabido (Televisia, The Population Communications International – PCI , Population Media Center (PCM), Lynne Cherry (Young Voices for the Planet), and others, shows how very successful serial drama programs – story telling for the greater global good – can be vehicles to empower change. Notably, hope, self-efficacy and collective efficacy are necessarily united and cannot be disambiguated. Hope, Bandura explains, is an individual’s as well as the shared energy needed to take action. “People can ill afford to trade efficacious endeavors for public apathy or mutual immobilization. The times call for social initiative that build people's sense of collective efficacy to influence the conditions that shape their lives and those of future generations" (Bandura, 1997, p. 525.). Bandura’s eight mechanisms of Moral Disengagement: How People Can Do Harm and Live with Themselves (2016) shared in his last book are included here. How easily we might slip into inaction and apathy must be understood to ensure our moral engagement. What do you see that needs to be done to achieve our shared humanitarian goals? Interestingly, the simple process of recognizing a need, setting goals (proximal, distal), and taking action lifts one out of hopelessness. Joining with others not only provides life sustaining social connections and meaning, it yields authentic self-esteem and collective action efficacy. Social cognitive theory and positive psychology gives the roadmap forward and Bandura’s call to action is clear. Now is the time to act, efficaciously beyond the self - together - to create our planet's equitable sustainable future.
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La autoeficacia emprendedora ha ganado importancia en los últimos años en el campo del emprendimiento, con base en ello el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de la autoeficacia emprendedora sobre el desempeño empresarial de las micro y pequeñas empresas de cuatro provincias peruanas, para ello se evaluó a un total de 382 emprendedores de diversas instituciones quienes fueron evaluados a través de una encuesta con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas. Dentro de los principales resultados se determinaron valores significativos a un nivel de confianza del 95% (p=0.00; p<0.01) en la relación entre las dimensiones de la autoeficacia emprendedora con el desempeño empresarial, donde resalta que la dimensión de propiciar relaciones con inversionistas aporta en gran medida al incremento de los resultados de las empresas, mientras que la dimensión fomentar un entorno innovador su contribución es menor; en conclusión, se evidencia que la autoeficacia emprendedora tiene un efecto positivo sobre el desempeño empresarial esto indica que en tanto un sujeto tenga mejores aptitudes para diseñar nuevos productos se obtendrán mejoras en el desempeño dentro de las micro y pequeñas empresas peruanas.
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Polite children are highly desired, hoped for, also needed by parents, extended families, communities, and God's church. Good manners are important for children to have, apart from being a superior character associated with their social intelligence, they are also a surefire recipe for building and maintaining social relationships, and are very connected to the brightness of a child's future. This article is intended to examine the strategy of fathers in building cultural support for children in Christian families. The narrative qualitative method and literature review were chosen in working on this article with the hope of being able to get a strong, systematic meaning, and have an academic foundation when discussing biblical narratives about politeness, the importance of politeness for a child, and father's strategies in building a polite culture in children. It was concluded that a father will play an optimal role in building a culture of politeness in children when he makes himself the main channel of children's education, forbids it at the child's level of understanding and uses the child's love language, and makes himself the closest model of politeness that can be seen by children.Abstrak: Anak yang santun sangat diinginkan, diharapkan, juga dibutuhkan baik oleh orang tua, keluarga besar, komunitas masyarakat, maupun gereja Tuhan. Sopan santun penting anak-anak miliki selain karena itu merupakan karaker unggul yang terafiliasi dengan kecerdasan sosialnya juga merupakan resep jitu dalam membangun dan mempertahankan hubungan sosial, serta sangat berkaitan dengan kecerahan masa depan anak. Artikel ini bermaksud mencermati strategi ayah dalam membangun budaya santun pada anak di keluarga Kristiani. Metode kualitatif naratif dan kajian literatur dipilih dalam mengarap artikel ini dengan harapan mampu mendapatkan makna yang kuat, sistimatik, dan memiliki landasan akademik ketika membahas terkait narasi Alkitab tentang kesantunan, arti penting kesantunan bagi seorang anak, dan strategi ayah dalam membangun budaya santun pada anak. Disimpulkan bahwa seorang ayah akan berperan maksimal dalam membangun budaya santun pada anak ketika menjadikan dirinya saluran utama dari pendidikan anak, mengajarkannya pada tingkat pemahaman anak dan menggunakan bahasa cinta anak, serta menjadikan dirinya role model kesantunan yang paling dekat yang bisa di lihat oleh anak.
Aim: To design a protocol based on the experiences of long-term survivors to facilitate resilience for oesophageal cancer patients in rural China. Background: According to the latest Global Cancer Statistics Report, 604,000 new cases of oesophageal cancer were reported, of which over 60% of the disease burden is distributed in China. The incidence of oesophageal cancer in rural China (15.95/100,000) is twice as high as those in urban areas (7.59/100,000). To be sure, resilience can help patients better adapt to post-cancer life. But universal interventions involving improving the resilience of oesophageal cancer patients have much less been explored, especially for rural patients. Methods: The two-arm, parallel design, non-blinded, randomised controlled trial will be implemented in 86 adults diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and will be randomly assigned to the control group or the intervention group via the blocked randomisation. The intervention group will undergo an intervention with one-on-one guidance from a nurse while viewing a CD of the experiences of long-term survivors with oesophageal cancer in rural areas. Every 2 weeks, a theme session will be introduced, and the entire intervention will continue for 12 weeks. Psychosocial variables (resilience, self-efficacy, coping mode and family support) will be surveyed at baseline, post-intervention and 3 months after the intervention. The paper complies with the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Intervention Trials 2013 and Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials guidelines for study protocols adapted for designing and reporting parallel group randomised trials. Conclusion: The intervention programme transitions from hospitalisation to discharge, which includes one-on-one interventions by medical personnel and a portable CD describing the experiences of long-term survivors with rural oesophageal cancer. Once the intervention's effectiveness is proven, this protocol will provide psychological support for massive oesophageal cancer patients. Relevance to clinical practice: The intervention programme may be used as an auxiliary therapy to promote patients' postoperative psychological rehabilitation. This programme has the advantages of being cost-effective, flexible, accessible, and convenient and can be implemented without the limitation of time, place and clinical medical staff. Trial registration: The Chinese Clinical Trial Registration number is ChiCTR2100050047. Registered on 16 August 2021.
Present paper aims to extend the legitimacy of social cognition theory in the context of e‐learning by examining the relationship between metacognition and critical thinking. In addition, we test the moderating effect of internet self‐efficacy. We contextualize this study to e‐learning as digital medium has become the new normal in post‐Covid era. A sample set of 357 management professionals who have participated in e‐learning recently was obtained, and collected data were analyzed using regression analysis. Our analysis confirms that metacognition is positively associated to critical thinking. The findings establish the need to provide management professionals with tools to develop metacognition as it promotes critical thinking prowess in the context of e‐learning.
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Cerebral neurodegeneration may be associated with functional changes, being able to generate cognitive decline, a decrease in the skills that make up brain function. The main objective of this study is to evaluate how self-efficacy belief, personal development and mood states are related to neurocognitive aging. The present study is based on the quasi-experimental and longitudinal development model. The study sample consisted of 33 elderly people with a mean age of 71 years (SD = ± 6.32), spaced from 61 to 89 years of age. Six instruments were applied for data collection, namely: Sociodemographic Data Sheet, Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination, Personal Development Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale - Revised Version, Geriatrics Depression Scale and Beck Anxiety Scale. Statistical normality tests were used at a significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Regarding the results, the sample is statistically significant in relation to four variables, namely: memory (p = 0.00), verbal fluency (p = 0.00), cognition (p = 0.00) and self-efficacy (p = 0.00); moreover, from the difference between groups related to cognitive interventions (Stimullus + MEMO), based on the self-efficacy construct, for example, it is possible to notice that the self-efficacy variable (p = 0.03) manifests statistical significance. It is concluded that the sense of perceived efficacy can be used as a device to mediate neurocognitive gains, being able to improve brain function, supported by combined interventions.
While video clips have undoubtedly advanced the practice of management education, social cognitive theory suggests that new sources of video clips may augment ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) efforts in management classrooms and organizations. In this article, we begin by reviewing social cognitive theory research that points to links between video clips and DE&I outcomes that are part of many management classes and training curricula. Based on this social cognitive theory perspective, we discuss how management educators might foster learning and inclusion in management classrooms and organizations by incorporating video clips with a greater variety of demographic populations in managerial and organizationally impactful roles. To this end, we also provide a list of video resources that can be used to refresh or supplement the resources currently being used in undergraduate, graduate, online (synchronous and asynchronous), executive education, and corporate training courses that may present more homogeneous casts.
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Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from 4 principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Factors influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arise from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral changes. (21/2 p ref)
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Investigated basic change processes accompanying several social-learning procedures from the perspective of a dual-process theory of avoidance behavior. 48 snake-phobic Ss were administered either symbolic desensitization, symbolic modeling, live modeling combined with guided participation (contact desensitization), or no treatment. All 3 approaches produced generalized and enduring reductions in fear arousal and avoidance behavior and positive changes in attitudes. Modeling with guided participation proved to be the most powerful method. Moreover, Ss who attained only partial improvement through the other treatments displayed total extinction of phobic behavior after a brief period of modeling with guided participation. Favorable changes produced toward the phobic object were accompanied by fear reduction toward threatening situations beyond the specifically treated phobia, the decrements being roughly proportional to the potency of the treatments employed. Moderately high positive correlations were found between behavioral and attitudinal changes. Some evidence was obtained that modeling procedures expedite behavioral changes through vicarious extinction of fear arousal to aversive stimuli below the threshold for activating avoidance responses. (52 ref.)
This book provides a reference for sport psychology lecturers, students, coaches and other professionals with an interest in the field. Self-belief, known as 'self-efficacy' by sports psychologists is widely believed to be an essential component of sporting success. This book examines the nature of efficacy as it applies to sporting behaviour in coaches, athletes and teams. It is the first reference book entirely devoted to the concept of self-efficacy in sport. It provides readers with a basic background of research on the topic, as well as current and future trends; offers research-tested guidelines and recommendations for using efficacy techniques with individual athletes and teams; and, includes a comprehensive annotated bibliography of references on the topic.
Covering over fifteen years of research, this compilation offers the first comprehensive review of the relationships between self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment. Following a general overview of self-efficacy, renowned researchers discuss important topics such as depression, anxiety, addictive disorders, vocational and career choice, preventive behavior, rehabilitation, stress, academic achievement and instruction, and collective efficacy. Psychologists concerned with social cognition and practitioners in clinical counseling will find this an invaluable reference.
This chapter reconstrues "free will" in terms of the exercise of personal control through cognitive and self-regulative processes. In this conception, psychosocial functioning is the product of a dynamic triadic interplay of intrapersonal, behavioral, and environmental determinants. Within this triadic determination, deliberative thought not only alters the relation between environmental influences and behavioral outcomes, but fosters courses of action that change the physical and social environments. Because personal influence is part of the determining conditions, individuals have a hand in shaping the course of events. Individuals are neither aware of nor directly control neuronal mechanisms. Rather, they exercise second-order control. By intentionally engaging in activities over which they exercise direct control, they indirectly shape the functional structure and enlist the subserving neuronal events in the service of diverse purposes.
The present volume, organized in five sections, covers a broad range of studies that deal with self-efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The present set of studies tested the explanatory and predictive generality of self-efficacy theory across additional treatment modalities and behavioral domains. Microanalysis of changes accompanying symbolic modeling indicates that this mode of treatment enhances coping behavior partly through its effects on perceived efficacy. Cognizing modeled mastery of threats increased phobics' self-percepts of efficacy, which, in turn, predicted their specific performance attainments on tasks of varying threat value. Examination of efficacy probes revealed that making efficacy judgments has no effect on subsequent avoidance behavior or on fear arousal. The close congruence found between changes in self-efficacy and different forms of coping behavior in the treatment of agoraphobia provides some evidence for the generality of efficacy theory across different areas of functioning. Microanalysis of anticipatory and performance fear arousal accompanying varying strengths of self-efficacy also lends support for the social learning conception of fear arousal in terms of perceived coping inefficacy.
Brave New World
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of per- sonal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of ob- stacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from four principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. The more de- pendable the experiential sources, the greater are the changes in perceived self- efficacy. A number of factors are identified as influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arising from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and be- havioral changes. Possible directions for further research are discussed.
Behavior modifiers are currently confronted with ethical issues traditionally faced by those with the power of behavior control. Arguments both in favor of and opposed to the development of a code of ethics designed to regulate such power are discussed. It is concluded that the development of a code of ethics is desirable, and guidelines for so doing are presented. Finally, courses of action for behavior modifiers are suggested in addition to the development of a code of ethics.
This article traces the transformative paradigm shift in the theory and practice of personal change. Within a decade, new conceptual models, analytic methodologies and modes of treatment were created. Treatments were altered in the content, locus, and agents of change. This enterprising period also witnessed a sweeping shift in the public acceptance of behaviorally oriented treatments. The present article also analyzes the evolving theorizing and applications of social cognitive theory rooted in modeling, self-regulatory, and self-efficacy mechanisms of psychosocial change. This model of change is implemented from an agentic perspective to promote personal, institutional, and society-wide changes that address some of the most urgent global problems.
Modeling Modeling is not merely a process of behavioral mimicry. Highly functional patterns of behavior, which constitute the proven skills and established customs of a culture, may be adopted in essentially the same form as they are exemplified. There is little leeway for 25 improvisation on how to drive automobiles or to perform arithmetic operations. However, in many activities, subskills must be improvised to suit varying circumstances. Modeling influences can convey rules for generative and innovative behavior as well. This higher-level learning is achieved through abstract modeling. Rule-governed behavior differs in specific content and other details but it contains the same underlying rule. For example, the modeled statements, "The dog is being petted," and "the window was opened" refer to different things but the linguistic rule-- the passive form--is the same. In abstract modeling, observers extract the rule embodied in the specific behavior exhibited by others. Once they lear...
Rogers, & Sabido. Entertainment-education and social change
  • D O Poindexter
Poindexter, D. O. (2004). A history of entertainment education. In A. Singal, M.J. Cody, E.M. Rogers, & Sabido. Entertainment-education and social change. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
A history of entertainment education
  • D O Poindexter
  • A Singal
  • M J Cody
  • E M Rogers
  • Sabido