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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: Functional Threshold Power (FTP), determined as 95% of the average power during a 20-minute time-trial test, is suggested as a practical test for the determination of the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in cycling. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the validity of FTP in predicting MLSS. Method: Fifteen cyclists, 7 classified as trained and 8 as well-trained (mean ± standard deviation; maximal oxygen uptake = 62.3 ± 6.4 mL/kg/min, maximal aerobic power = 329 ± 30 Watts), performed an incremental test to exhaustion, an FTP test, and several constant load tests to determine the MLSS. The bias ± 95% limits of agreement (LoA), typical error of the estimate (TEE), and Pearson´s coefficient of correlation (r) were calculated to assess validity. Results: For the power output measures, FTP presented a bias ± 95% LoA of 1.4 ± 9.2%, a moderate TEE (4.7%), and nearly perfect correlation (r = 0.91) with MLSS in all cyclists together. When divided by the training level, the bias ± 95% LoA and TEE were higher in the trained group (1.4 ± 11.8% and 6.4%, respectively) than in the well-trained group (1.3 ± 7.4% and 3.0%, respectively). For the heart rate measurement, FTP presented a bias ± 95% LoA of −1.4 ± 8.2%, TEE of 4.0%, and very -large correlation (r = 0.80) with MLSS. Conclusion: Therefore, trained and well-trained cyclists can use FTP as a noninvasive and practical alternative to estimate MLSS
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Note. This article will be published in a forthcoming issue of the
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. The
article appears here in its accepted, peer-reviewed form, as it was
provided by the submitting author. It has not been copyedited,
proofread, or formatted by the publisher.
Section: Original Investigation
Article Title: Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate
Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
Authors: Fernando Klitzke Borszcz, Artur Ferreira Tramontin, and Vitor Pereira Costa
Affiliations: Human Performance Research Group, Center for Health and Sport Sciences,
Santa Catarina State University, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Journal: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Acceptance Date: December 24, 2018
©2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Section: Original Investigation
Title: Is the functional threshold power interchangeable with the maximal lactate steady state
in trained cyclists?
Fernando Klitzke Borszcz,1 Artur Ferreira Tramontin,1 Vitor Pereira Costa1
1. Human Performance Research Group, Center for Health and Sport Sciences, Santa Catarina
State University, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Corresponding author:
Vitor Pereira Costa
Human Performance Research Group, Center for Health and Sport Sciences, Santa Catarina
State University.
Rua Pascoal Simone, 358, Coqueiros, Florianópolis, Brazil.
CEP: 88080-350
Tel: 55 (048) 3664-8600
Running head: Validity of FTP
Abstract word count: 242 words
Text-only word count: 3245 words
Figures and tables count: 2 figures and 3 tables
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Purpose: Functional Threshold Power (FTP), determined as 95% of the average power during
a 20-minute time-trial test, is suggested as a practical test for the determination of the maximal
lactate steady state (MLSS) in cycling. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to
determine the validity of FTP in predicting MLSS. Method: Fifteen cyclists, 7 classified as
trained and 8 as well-trained (mean ± standard deviation; maximal oxygen uptake = 62.3 ± 6.4
mL/kg/min, maximal aerobic power = 329 ± 30 Watts), performed an incremental test to
exhaustion, an FTP test, and several constant load tests to determine the MLSS. The bias ±
95% limits of agreement (LoA), typical error of the estimate (TEE), and Pearson´s coefficient
of correlation (r) were calculated to assess validity. Results: For the power output measures,
FTP presented a bias ± 95% LoA of 1.4 ± 9.2%, a moderate TEE (4.7%), and nearly perfect
correlation (r = 0.91) with MLSS in all cyclists together. When divided by the training level,
the bias ± 95% LoA and TEE were higher in the trained group (1.4 ± 11.8% and 6.4%,
respectively) than in the well-trained group (1.3 ± 7.4% and 3.0%, respectively). For the heart
rate measurement, FTP presented a bias ± 95% LoA of 1.4 ± 8.2%, TEE of 4.0%, and very -
large correlation (r = 0.80) with MLSS. Conclusion: Therefore, trained and well-trained
cyclists can use FTP as a noninvasive and practical alternative to estimate MLSS.
Key-words: validity; cycling; time-trial; performance; threshold.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is defined as the highest constant intensity of
exercise that can be maintained for a longer period without the continuous increase in blood
lactate concentration ([La]), and it is the gold-standard parameter for aerobic evaluation.13
MLSS determination is based on several (25) 30-min tests performed on different days,2 thus
requiring several visits to the laboratory, which is not practical and accessible for many
athletes. In cycling one of the most well-known and controversial concepts is the Functional
Threshold Power (FTP), which is defined as the highest power that a cyclist can maintain in a
quasi-steady state without fatigue for approximately 1 hour.4 When power exceeds the FTP,
fatigue will occur much sooner, whereas power just below the FTP can be maintained
considerably longer.4 Measurement of the FTP is suggested as a practical and noninvasive test
(e.g., 60-min time-trial [TT]; FTP60) for predicting MLSS.4
The time that a trained or well-trained cyclist sustains until exhaustion at MLSS
intensity is approximately 60 min; however, there is great individual variability (range, 3070
min).58 In addition, as demonstrated by Harnish et al.9 and Campbell et al.,10 the velocity at
40-km TT (approximately 60 min) has trivial differences and nearly perfect correlations (r =
0.92 and 0.99, respectively) with the velocity at the MLSS.9,10 However, a TT duration of
approximately 60 min is extremely stressful and difficult to perform in outdoor conditions.
Thus, in an attempt to make its determination more practical, a protocol composed of a specific
warm-up of 45 min and a TT of 20 min was proposed, where FTP corresponds to 95% of the
average power (FTP20).4 Recently, the FTP20 demonstrated a trivial difference and very large
correlation with FTP60 (effect size [d] = 0.14, r = 0.88), and the time to exhaustion at FTP20 (51
± 16 min)11 was close to that found at MLSS (48.255.2 min).58 In addition, FTP20
demonstrated trivial differences (d < 0.2) and moderate to nearly perfect correlations (r = 0.61
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
0.90) with the anaerobic threshold (AnT).11,12 The AnT demarcates the highest intensity in
which the production and elimination of [La] are in equilibrium during an incremental test.1
The validity of various versions of the FTP test, such as 8-, 20- and 60-min TT, in
relation to the AnT has already been well studied.1114 However, although AnT measurement
is the most common test to predict MLSS,1,15 the relationship between AnT and MLSS is
conflicting.1,15,16 In addition, FTP has been used to determine heart rate (HR) and power output
training zones, calculate metrics of training load and intensity (i.e., Training Stress Score [TSS]
and Intensity Factor [IF]), and prescribe the training intensity, with the assumption of
interchangeability with the MLSS. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has tested
the validity of FTP20 against MLSS. Moreover, FTP is based on a TT test; therefore, the training
level and experience of the cyclist is a key factor in FTP determination. As demonstrated by
Valenzuela et al.,12 FTP20 underestimated the AnT by 6.5% and 1.6% in cyclists classified as
recreationally trained (RT) and trained (T),17 respectively. The study showed a very large
correlation (r = 0.77) between the differences (bias) in FTP20 and AnT and the maximal aerobic
power (MAP).12
Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the validity of FTP20 for
the prediction of MLSS and in the cyclists divided by training levels classified as trained and
The criteria for participation in the study were cyclists who had trained for at least 3
years, been competing regularly, and performed the FTP20 protocol at least once previously.
Thus, 15 male cyclists (mean ± standard deviation [SD]: age: 35.3 ± 5.0 years, weight: 75.0 ±
7.4 kg, and height: 176.0 ± 7.4 cm) fulfilled the criteria for participation. The cyclists were
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
classified according to training level by using the maximal oxygen uptake (V
̇O2max) value
relative to body weight (mL/kg/min) as a criterion according to the guideline of de-Pauw et
al.17 Thus, 7 cyclists were classified as trained (T; V
̇O2max 55 64.9 mL/kg/min); and 8, as
well trained (WT; V
̇O2max 65 71 mL/kg/min). After verbal and written explanations of the
procedures, all the subjects signed an informed consent approved by the institutional ethics
To investigate the concurrent validity between FTP20 and MLSS, the cyclists performed
in this order: an incremental test, the FTP20 protocol, and several tests to determine the MLSS.
The riders were asked to refrain from strenuous exercise in the 48 h preceding each test.
Participants were given at least 2 and a maximum of 4 days between visits and all tests were
completed within 3 weeks. All the tests were conducted under standardized laboratory
conditions of 20°C and 4050% relative humidity, and the tests were performed in the same
time of day 1 h). The tests were performed on the electrically braked bicycle ergometer
Velotron (Dynafit Pro, Racer Mate Inc, WA, USA), which was modified with a racing saddle,
adjustable stem, and the subjects pedal system in the first visit and replicated in further tests.
The accuracy of Velotron is described elsewhere.18
Incremental test
The incremental test was started at 100 W, with increments every 3 min of 30 W until
maximum voluntary exhaustion. During the test, HR and oxygen uptake (O2) were
continuously measured (Quark PFT Ergo, Cosmed, Rome, Italy). The V
̇O2 data were plotted
as a function of the power in an average of 30 sec, and the highest value was considered the
̇O2max. Maximal HR (HRmax) was defined as the highest individual value. Maximum
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
aerobic power (MAP) was determined as the load (W) corresponding to the last stage
completed by the subject during the incremental test. If the last stage was not completed, MAP
was determined in accordance with the method of Kuipers et al.19
Functional threshold power
The FTP20 protocol was performed using the RacerMate Interactive 3D software
(RacerMate Inc, WA, USA). During the test, the participants could view their progress over
the course on a computer monitor and be provided with information on the time completed and
gear selected; all other information was blinded, no verbal encouragement was provided, and
water was allowed ad libitum.20 FTP20 was performed in accordance with the procedure
described by Allen and Coggan.4 The warm-up duration was 50 min as follows: a) 20 min at a
self-selected easy intensity; b) 3- 1-min fast pedaling accelerations (100105 rpm) with a 1-
min recovery between the efforts; c) 5 min at a self-selected easy intensity; d) 5-min time-trial;
e) 10 min at a self-selected easy intensity; and 5 min of resting. The main part of the test
consisted of a 20-min TT, where the participants were asked to produce the highest mean power
output possible for 20 min and adopt their personal pacing strategies. During the test, HR was
continuously monitored using the standard HR telemetry (RS800CX, Polar Electro Oy,
Finland). FTP20 and FTP20 HR (FTP20 HR) were determined as 95% of the mean power output
and HR of the 20-min TT, respectively.
Maximal lactate steady state
For determination of the MLSS, several constant load submaximal tests with a duration
of 30 min were performed on different days at an interval of at least 48 h. Prior to each test, a
warm-up of 5 min was performed at 100 W. MLSS was considered the highest exercise
intensity in which [La] did not show an increase of >1 mmol/L during the final 20 min of the
test.2 The intensity of the first test corresponded to the FTP20 (95% of the mean power of the
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
20-min TT). If during this test, a steady state or decrease in [La] was observed, the intensities
of the subsequent tests were increased by 5% until the steady state of [La] could not be
observed. If the [La] during the first test did not show a steady state and/or the exhaustion of
the cyclist occurred before the end of the 30-min period, the subsequent intensities were
decreased by 5%. Blood samples of 25 μL from the ear lobe were collected before each exercise
and every 10 min during the MLSS testing for further determination of [La] (YSI 2700 Stat
Plus, Yellow Springs, OH, USA). MLSS HR (MLSSHR) was determined as the average value
of the last 20 min of the constant load trial. MLSS was determined with a precision of 5%.
Statistical analyses
The descriptive statistics are presented as means ± SD or 90% confidence interval (90%
CI). A spreadsheet was used for the analysis of concurrent validity.21 Before the analysis, data
were transformed using the natural logarithm to reduce nonuniformity.22 Thus, we calculate
the following between MLSS and FTP20: a) Cohen’s23 (d) effect sizes; b) the Pearson’s
correlation coefficient (r); c) the typical error of the estimate (TEE; also called standard error
of estimate); d) the standardized TEE (TEEs), calculated as TEE in raw units divided by the
SD of the values of the MLSS predicted by the FTP20;21 and e) the bias ±95% of limits of
agreement (1.96 SD of the differences [LoA]) of the Bland and Altman analysis.24 Cohen’s23
d effect sizes and unpaired Student’s t tests were used to compare the magnitude of the
differences between the groups. The d values were interpreted using the following scale: <0.20
(trivial), 0.20.6 (small), 0.61.2 (moderate), 1.22.0 (large), 2.04.0 (very large), and >4.0
(extremely large).22 Correlation coefficients were interpreted as follows: <0.09 (trivial), 0.1
0.29 (small), 0.300.49 (moderate), 0.500.69 (large), 0.700.89 (very large), 0.900.99
(nearly perfect), and 1 (perfect).22 To interpret the magnitude of the TEEs, half of Cohens d
thresholds should be calculated and interpreted as follows: <0.1 (trivial), 0.10.3 (small), 0.3
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
0.6 (moderate), 0.61.0 (large), 1.02.0 (very large), and >2.0 (extremely large).25 For the
Student’s t tests, the statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
The cyclists’ overall characteristics and classification by training level are presented in
Table 1. The differences between the WT and T cyclists were trivial to moderate and not
statistically significant (P > 0.05) in any of the parameters measured in absolute units.
However, when normalized by body weight, the parameters were statistically significant (P <
0.05) and large to very large greater (d = 1.73 to 2.76) in the WT group in relation to the T
For all the cyclists, the difference was trivial (d < 0.2), the bias ±95% LoA was 1.4 ±
9.2%, TEE was moderate (4.7%), and the correlation was nearly perfect (r = 0.91) between
FTP20 and MLSS for power output measure. The FTP20 power output occurred at the same
intensity of the MLSS in 6 cyclists (bias = 0%), underestimated by 5% in 3 cyclists,
overestimated by 5% in 5 cyclists, and overestimated by 10% in 1 cyclist (Figure 1; Table 2).
Considering the division of the training level, the bias between FTP20 and MLSS was
similar in T and WT groups (1.4% and 1.3%, respectively). However, the ±95% LoA and TEE
were 1.6 (90% CI, 0.93.1) and 2.1 (90% CI, 1.14.1) times higher in the T group than in the
WT group, respectively. The WT group showed a higher association with the power output
measures (r = 0.94) than the T group (r = 0.91; Table 2).
The bias ±95% LoA between FTP20HR and MLSSHR was 1.4 ± 8.2%, with a TTE of
4.0% and r of 0.80 (n = 15). The validity of the HR measures is presented in Table 3 and Figure
1C, D.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
It is interesting that we found a large correlation (r = 0.67; 90% CI, 0.320.86) between
FTP20 MLSS bias (%) and the 5-min TT performance (% of MLSS) performed during the
warm-up (Figure 2).
This study demonstrates a trivial difference, nearly perfect correlation and acceptable
prediction errors between FTP20 determined in accordance with the protocol of Allen and
Coggan4 and the MLSS.
MLSS is not a practical method because it involves performing several tests on different
days. Thus, for at least 40 years, more practical prediction tests have been studied.15 To our
knowledge, this is the first study to confront the validity of FTP in predicting MLSS in cyclists.
Previously the prediction of MLSS from a 40-km TT test (i.e., FTP60) was based on the
measurement of speed,9,10 which is not a reliable measure of intensity in cycling.26 Moreover,
a 60-min TT test is not practical based on the complexity and psychological and physical stress
elicited by a test of a longer duration. On the other hand, FTP20 has only 25 min of accumulated
maximum effort (the 5-min TT inserted in the warm-up and 20-min TT), so it is a more practical
When analyzing the individual results, we verified that in 14 cyclists, the differences
between the FTP20 and the MLSS were within the range of 5% overestimation or
underestimation, and only 1 rider presented a difference of 10%, generating a bias ±95% LoA
of 1.4 ± 9.2% (Figure 1B). Thus, the results of the present study seem difficult to accept as
valid because intensities approximately 5% higher than the MLSS, the physiological steady
state (i.e., [La]), did not occur and some subjects did not complete the 30-min period.2,27
However, the most common test to predict MLSS is the incremental test using AnT.1 When we
analyzed several studies that tested the validity of various AnT methods determined from [La]
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
or ventilatory responses in predicting MLSS, the ±95% LoA, which accounts for 95% of
individual differences between measures,24 ranged from 9.5% to 43%.16,2831 Continuing with
the MLSS prediction tests, critical power (CP) is commonly used and presents a ±95% LoA of
8.6% to 19.0%.27,32,33 Therefore, the results for random errors of prediction from FTP20 are near
or lower than those commonly found in the literature for methods used to predict MLSS.
Furthermore, in their book entitled, “Training and Racing with a Power Meter”, Allen
and Coggan4 suggested measurement of CP as the practical test for determining FTP. Both the
20-min TT and CP are reliably measured in the field.36,37 However, the CP value is dependent
on the duration of the tests performed and the mathematical model used. The CP determined
in tests between 115 and 120 min from the linear and hyperbolic functions of the two-
parameter models, respectively, overestimated the MLSS by approximately 9%.27,32 However,
by using tests between 124 min and the hyperbolic function of the three-parameter model, a
trivial difference between MLSS and CP was found (2 ± 12 W, mean ± SD).33 MacInnis et al.34
using only 4- and 20-min TTs and the CP linear model, found that CP overestimated FTP60 by
~5%. Therefore, using the CP determined in the short tests such as FTP, the training load
metrics (i.e., TSS, IF…), and the training zones might have important changes.
Determination of FTP20 is based on a performance test (i.e., TT); thus, the training level
and experience of the cyclist is a key factor in the test result. In the present study, for both
cyclists classified as T and WT, the systematic error of prediction was trivial (d < 0.2 and bias
= 1.31.4%). Nevertheless, random errors of prediction were higher in the T group than in the
WT group (TEE = 6.4% and 3%; ±95% LoA = 7.4% and 11.8%). Recently, Valenzuela et al.12
compared FTP20 with AnT (Dmax method) in cyclists classified on the basis of the MAP
(W/kg) as T and RT, and verified that random errors of prediction were similar for both the T
and RT cyclists (±95% LoA = 7.8% and 8.3%, respectively). However, in the RT and T cyclists,
FTP20 underestimated the AnT by 6.8% and 1.6%, respectively. An important point to
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
emphasize is that all cyclists in the present study had performed the FTP20 protocol 1 to 4 times
previously, so they were already familiar with the protocol.
In FTP20, trivial differences were found from MLSS, AnT,11,12 and FTP6011 by using the
subtraction of 5% of the mean power of the 20-min TT, based on the complete warm-up
protocol proposed by Allen and Coggan.4 However, recently, MacInnis et al.34 showed that
FTP60 corresponded to 90% of the mean power of the 20-min TT when the warm-up before the
20-min TT was performed at moderate intensity for 15 min. Thus, the subtraction of 5% of the
average power of the 20-min TT is recommended when the warm-up protocol according to
Allen and Coggan4 is performed. According to Allen and Coggan,4 the main goal of the 5-min
TT incorporated in the warm-up is to “‘open’ up the legs for the rest of the effort”. We found
a large association (r = 0.67) between the bias % between FTP20 and MLSS and the
performance in the 5-min TT (% of MLSS; Figure 2). These results demonstrate that cyclists
who sustained the highest percentage in relation to MLSS during the 5-min TT tended to also
sustain a greater percentage in relation to the MLSS during the 20-min TT. These results can
be explained by the anaerobic capacity of cyclists, as demonstrated by de Souza et al.,35 where
cyclists who had a higher anaerobic capacity had a higher MAP (i.e., the power around the 5-
min TT).
Although power output is the best measure of intensity in cycling,26 there are still
cyclists who do not have power meters. In addition, training intensity is also prescribed and
monitored on the basis of HR. Allen and Coggan4 suggested five HR zones of intensity based
on the percentages of FTP20HR. The results of this study showed a bias ±95% LoA of 1.4 ±
8.2%, between HR corresponding to MLSS and FTP20. These results were smaller than those
reported previously between FTP20 and FTP60 (2.5 ± 10.5%) and between FTP20 and AnT 1.3
± 11.9% for HR measurement.11 However, in spite of the accuracy between the HR results, the
use of HR should be interpreted with caution because several factors can alter HR values, such
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
as the drastic increase in HR during prolonged exercise, especially in hot environments, which
is a phenomenon described as cardiac drift.26
To determine the MLSS, several visits to the laboratory were necessary; therefore,
determining this marker in athletes was a difficult task due to the need to change the training
routine for a relatively long period. Thus, the limitations in the present study refer to the
inclusion of non-professional cyclists; however, all the participants of this study had training
routines and participated in regular competitions. In addition, the limitation of the low number
of subjects (n = 15). According to Hopkins,21 a validity study must have at least 50 subjects to
have a good inference capacity for the population. Moreover, the prediction equation could be
used to calibrate the values.
This study has important practical implications because FTP is a key metric for
determining training zones and training load monitoring (i.e., IF, TSS, and derivates metrics).
Thus, on the basis of the perspective that the prediction errors between FTP and MLSS are
equal to or even smaller than those commonly reported in the literature, coaches and cyclists
can use FTP20 as an estimate of MLSS. However, we suggest that cyclists should be previously
familiar with the FTP20 protocol.
The present study demonstrates trivial differences, nearly-perfect correlation, and
moderate random errors of prediction between FTP20 and MLSS in T and WT cyclists. In this
way, T and WT cyclists and coaches can use FTP20 as a noninvasive and practical alternative
for estimating MLSS.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 1. The relationship between the MLSS and FTP20 for power output (A) and heart rate
(C) measures, solid and dashed lines represent the regression line and the 90% confidence
intervals, respectively. Bias (continuous line) and the 95% limits of agreement (discontinuous
lines) between the two variables using the Bland and Altman24 analysis for power output (B)
and heart rate (D) measures.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 2. Relationship between the 5-min TT performance (% of MLSS) and the bias between
FTP and the MLSS. Solid and dashed lines represent the regression line and the 90%
confidence intervals, respectively.
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Table 1. Parameters determined during the incremental test, FTP20 protocol and maximal
lactate steady state.
All cyclists
4.6 ± 0.5
4.8 ± 0.5
4.5 ± 0.4
62.3 ± 6.4
67.1 ± 3.9
57.5 ± 3.1
328.6 ± 30.3
345.4 ± 20.4
330.9 ± 39.0
4.6 ± 0.4
4.6 ± 0.3
4.2 ± 0.3
184.7 ± 7.2
182.7 ± 6.8
186.5 ± 7.5
5-min TTa
331.9 ± 33.0
330.1 ± 34.2
333.9 ± 34.2
4.5 ± 0.3
4.6 ± 0.3
4.3 ± 0.2
251.7 ± 26.3
257.1 ± 26.2
245.6 ± 26.9
3.4 ± 0.3
3.6 ± 0.2
3.1 ± 0.2
(% of MAP)
74.3 ± 3.7
74.3 ± 3.9
74.4 ± 3.7
157.6 ± 10.1
156.3 ± 8.2
158.8 ± 11.9
(% of HRmax)
85.3 ± 4.3
85.6 ± 3.9
85.1 ± 4.8
248.3 ± 25.0
253.4 ± 20.6
242.6 ± 29.9
3.4 ± 0.3
3.6 ± 0.2
3.1 ± 0.3
(% of MAP)
73.3 ± 3.2
73.3 ± 3.4
73.3 ± 3.2
[La] (mmol/L)
4.1 ± 1.0
4.1 ± 1.0
4.0 ± 1.0
159.8 ± 9.8
158.9 ± 4.3
160.6 ± 13.1
(% of HRmax)
86.5 ± 4.0
87.0 ± 2.2
86.1 ± 5.2
All data presented as mean ± SD; a = 5-min TT inserted in the warm-up protocol; b = determined as 95% of 20-
min TT; bpm = beats per minute; d = effect size; HRmax = maximal heart rate; L/min = liters per minute;
mL/kg/min = milliliter per kilogram of body weight per minute; MAP = maximal aerobic power; W = watts; W/kg
= watts per kilogram of weight; [La] = blood lactate concentration
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Table 2. Concurrent validity of FTP20 to predict MLSS based on power output measure.
All cyclists
Well- trained
Mean difference ± SD
(% [90% CI])
1.4 ± 4.7
(0.7 3.5)
1.3 ± 3.8
(-1.1 3.9)
1.4 ± 6.0
(-2.8 5.8)
d (90% CI)
(-0.47 0.73)
(-0.68 0.97)
(-0.78 0.98)
± 95% LoA (%)
TEE (% [90% CI])
(3.6 7.1)
(2.1 5.9)
(4.2 13.8)
TEEs (90% CI)
(0.27 0.78)
(0.17 0.86)
(0.19 1.32)
r (90% CI)
(0.79 0.97)
Nearly perfect
(0.76 0.99)
Nearly perfect
(0.60 0.98)
Nearly perfect
CI = confidence interval; d = effect size; LoA = limits of agreement; SD = standard deviation; TEE = typical error
of estimate; TEEs = typical error of estimate standardized; r = coefficient of correlation
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Is the Functional Threshold Power Interchangeable With the Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Cyclists?
by Klitzke Borszcz F, Ferreira Tramontin A, Pereira Costa V
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Table 3. Concurrent validity of FTP20HR to predict MLSSHR based on heart rate measure.
Mean difference ± SD (% [90% CI])
-1.4 ± 4.2 (-3.2 0.5)
d (90% CI)
-0.22 (-0.82 0.39) Small
± 95% LoA (%)
TEE (% [90% CI])
4.0 (3.0 6.0)
TEEs (90% CI)
0.75 (0.43 1.51) Large
r (90% CI)
0.80 (0.55 0.92) Very large
n = 15; CI = confidence interval; d = effect size; LoA = limits of agreement; SD = standard deviation; TEE =
typical error of estimate; TEEs = typical error of estimate standardized; r = coefficient of correlation
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... 3 For cycling, one of the most used tests is the functional threshold power protocol, which is primarily used to predict the maximal lactate steady state. 4,5 The protocol involves a 45-minute warm-up, including a 5-minute TT, followed by a 20-minute TT. 4 Allen and Coggan 4 stated that the 5-minute TT inserted in the warm-up has a 3-fold objective, including assessing the power output atVO 2 max. Recently, Sitko et al 6 proposed a novel approach to predicṫ VO 2 max without expensive equipment by testing the average power output normalized by body mass during the 5-minute TT (RPO 5-min ) from the functional threshold power warm-up protocol as a predictor ofVO 2 max. ...
... We utilized data from previous studies of our research group previously published, that addressed other research questions. 5,[12][13][14] So, a total of 49 male cyclists were included in the present study (mean [SD]; age 34.9 [6.5] y, height 1.77 [0.06] m, body mass 75.1 [8.6] kg,VO 2 max 59.9 [6.6] mL·kg -1 ·min -1 ). Note that some cyclists participated in more than one study, so the total pairs of comparisons between actual and predictedVO 2 max were 80. ...
Purpose: This study aimed to cross-validate a recently proposed equation for the prediction of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in cycling exercise by using the average power output normalized by the body mass from a 5-minute time trial (RPO5-min) as the independent variable. Further, the study aimed to update the predictive equation using Bayesian informative prior distributions and meta-analysis. Methods: On different days, 49 male cyclists performed an incremental graded exercise test until exhaustion and a 5-minute time trial on a stationary cycle ergometer. We compared the actual VO˙ 2max with the predicted value obtained from the RPO5-min, using a modified Bayesian Bland–Altman agreement analysis. In addition, this study updated the data on the linear regression between VO2max and RPO5-min, by incorporating information from a previous study as a Bayesian informative prior distribution or via meta-analysis. Results: On average, the predicted VO˙ 2max using RPO5-min underestimated the actual VO2max by −6.6 mL·kg–1·min–1 (95% credible interval, −8.6 to −4.7 mL·kg–1·min–1). The lower and upper 95% limits of agreement were −17.2 (−22.7 to −12.3) and 3.8 (−1.0 to 9.5) mL·kg–1·min–1, respectively. When the current study’s data were analyzed using the previously published data as a Bayesian informative prior distribution, the accuracy of predicting sample means was found to be better when compared with the data combined via meta-analyses. Conclusions: The proposed equation presented systematic bias in our sample, in which the prediction underestimated the actual VO2max. We provide an updated equation using the previous one as the prior distribution, which could be generalized to a greater audience of cyclists.
... The KICKR trainer was set to open test mode during the TT, allowing participants to change gears and intensity freely throughout. The participants were instructed to produce their maximal power output for the TT, adopt their personal pacing strategies [36][37][38], and to complete the total distance in the fastest time possible [33]. Participants were permitted to drink water as needed, select their own music, and listen to the same playlist during each visit. ...
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Background: Quercetin (QCT) and citrulline (CIT) have been independently associated with improved antioxidant capacity and nitric oxide (NO) production, potentially enhancing cardiovascular function and exercise performance. This study aimed to evaluate the combined and independent effects of QCT and CIT supplementation on NO metabolites and antioxidant biomarkers in 50 trained cyclists undergoing a 20 km cycling time trial (TT). Methods: In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design, forty-two male and eight female trained cyclists were assigned to QCT + CIT, QCT, CIT, or placebo (PL) groups. Supplements were consumed twice daily for 28 days. Biochemical assessments included NO metabolites (nitrate/nitrite), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and antioxidant capacity, measured pre- and post-TT. Results: NO metabolites were significantly elevated post-supplementation (p = 0.03); however, no significant interaction effects were observed for NO metabolites, FRAP, SOD, or antioxidant capacity across the groups (p > 0.05). Post-hoc analyses revealed that QCT significantly reduced FRAP concentrations compared to PL (p = 0.01), while no significant changes in SOD or antioxidant capacity were found across any groups. Conclusions: These findings suggest that combined and independent QCT and CIT supplementation did not significantly improve these biomarkers, suggesting that baseline training adaptations, supplementation timing, and individual variability may influence the efficacy of these compounds in enhancing exercise performance and oxidative stress markers. The ergogenic efficacy of QCT + CIT on antioxidant-related markers remains inconclusive.
... Despite the standard warm-up being relatively long, a shorter protocol consisting of 10 min of cycling at a light to moderate intensity has been shown not to affect FTP results [11]. Regarding the validity of FTP in predicting maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), previous research has demonstrated a nearly perfect correlation (r = 0.91) between FTP, calculated as 95% of the mean power sustained during the 20-min TT, and MLSS among trained and well-trained athletes [12]. Although FTP test is considered a reliable test and that there is a good association between FTP and MLSS and other physiological markers, there are a large limit of agreement between these measurements suggesting these parameters cannot be used interchangeably [13]. ...
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Purpose Previous study has shown that cycling is the most predictive modality in the Ironman 70.3 triathlon distance. As a result, understanding the physiological and anthropometric variables that are mostly closely related to cycling performance can help coaches and athletes to direct their training programs. This study aimed to investigate the physiological, anthropometric, and general training characteristics influencing overall race time and cycling split time in Ironman 70.3. The present study also investigated the significance of body composition as a performance-related variable. Methods A questionnaire was used to assess training characteristics in 12 athletes (six men and six women), body composition in dual X-ray absorptiometry, and physiological variables in an incremental cardiopulmonary test. Ironman 70.3 São Paulo–Brazil 2023 was completed by all participants. The relationship between performance and the variables measured were investigated, and a multiple regression model for cycling split time and overall race time was developed. Results Functional threshold power (FTP) can predict cycling split time in Ironman 70.3 (r² = 0.638, p = 0.002). Maximal oxygen uptake (V˙\dot{\text{V}}O2max) (r² = 0.667, p = 0.001) can predict overall race time. FTP and V˙\dot{\text{V}}O2max are also strongly related to lean mass and fat mass percentage. Conclusion While FTP is the most important predictor of cycling split time, V˙\dot{\text{V}}O2max is the most important predictor of overall race time in an Ironman 70.3. Furthermore, because body composition (fat mass %) and muscle mass (kg) are variables strongly related to FTP and V˙\dot{\text{V}}O2max, we recommend that coaches and athletes consider to conduct a body composition assessment.
... The KICKR Trainer (Wahoo Fitness, Atlanta, Georgia) was set in open test mode during the TT, allowing participants to change gears and intensity freely. The participants were asked to produce their maximal power output for the TT and adopt their personal pacing strategies [48][49][50] and were instructed to complete the total distance in the fastest time possible [45]. Participants were allowed to drink water ad libitum and were allowed to listen to the same playlist of music at each visit. ...
Background: There is growing interest in the use of nutrition and dietary supplements to optimize training and time-trial (TT) performance in cyclists. Separately, quercetin (QCT) and citrulline (CIT) have been used as ergogenic aids to improve oxygen (VO2) kinetics, perceived effort, and cycling TT performance. However, whether the combination of QCT and CIT can provide additive benefits and further enhance cycling performance production is currently unknown. Methods: We examined 28-days of QCT + CIT supplementation on TT performance and several performance measures (i.e. mean power, VO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE)). Forty-eight highly trained cyclists were assigned to one of four supplementation groups: (1) QCT + CIT (QCT: 500 mg, CIT: 3000 g), (2) QCT (500 mg), (3) CIT (3000 mg), or (4) placebo (3500 mg of a zero-calorie flavored crystal light package). Supplements were consumed two times per day for 28 consecutive days. Participants performed a 20-km cycling time-trial race, pre- and post-supplementation to determine the impact of the combined effects of QCT + CIT. Results: There were no potential benefits of QCT +CIT supplementation on TT performance and several performance measures. However, there was an improvement in VO2 from pre-to-post-supplementation in QCT (p = 0.05) and CIT (p = 0.04) groups, but not in the QCT+CIT and PL groups. Conclusions: QCT + CIT does not seem beneficial for 20-km TT performance; further exploration with a focus on an increase in cycling duration or QCT+CIT combined with additional polyphenols may amplify any perceived bioactive or metabolic effects on cycling performance. The efficacy of QCT + CIT supplementation to improve cycling performance remains ambiguous.
... El UPF 20.95% W o el FTP (Functional Threshold Power) por sus siglas en inglés, se correlaciona tanto con el umbral anaeróbico individual (Sanders et al., 2017) como con el umbral de lactato (Niño & Leguízamo, 2019; Morales, Foster, Lucia, & de la Villa, 2018) y con el máximo estado estable del lactato (F. K. Borszcz, Tramontin, & Costa, 2019). Sin embargo, el UPF 20.95% W no es adecuado para determinar zonas de entrenamiento en ciclistas de diferentes niveles de rendimiento, debido a que en ciclistas de bajo nivel de rendimiento, el UPF 20.95% W sobrepasa tanto los umbrales mencionados anteriormente (Valenzuela, Alejo, …, & 2023Valenzuela et al., 2018) como el tiempo de llegar hasta al agotamiento en P 20 (Sitko, Cirer-Sastre, & López-Laval, 2023), por eso se ha propuesto restar ocho o 10% al UPF y evaluar de forma independiente cada sujeto. ...
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El papel inflamatorio del esfuerzo físico intenso ha sido demostrado. Por tanto, el objetivo fue determinar el comportamiento de interleucinas proinflamatorias, después del test de umbral de potencia funcional en ciclistas. Participaron 29 ciclistas hombres, edad promedio 22±3.9 años y experiencia en ciclismo de 6.9±4.2 años. La prueba consistió en una contrarreloj de 20 minutos. Se cuantificaron IL-6, IL-8 y TNF-α antes y después de 15 minutos del test, mediante toma de muestra de 5mL de sangre venosa. Resultados. Las interleucinas no presentaron variación significativa entre los momentos pre y post test. El umbral de potencia funcional fue UPF20.95%W=256.8±35.6. El perfil de potencia fue UPF20.95%W•kg-1=4.2±1, el cual corresponde a la categoría de rendimiento físico “muy buena”. Conclusiones. Las interleucinas IL-6, IL-8 y TNF-α no se incrementan significativamente cuando son cuantificadas 15 minutos post umbral de potencia funcional. Consecuentemente, determinar el umbral de potencia funcional no induce inflamación. Por tanto, el umbral de potencia funcional puede determinarse indistintamente en el periodo o mesociclo de entrenamiento dentro de la preparación anual de un ciclista, como herramienta para monitorear tanto el entrenamiento como el rendimiento físico en ciclistas. Palabras Clave: Atletas; Ciclismo; Citocinas; Interleucinas; Sistema inmune Abstract: The role of intense physical exertion in inflammation has been well-established. Thus, this study aimed to determine the behavior of proinflammatory interleukins following the functional threshold power test in cyclists. Materials and Methods: Twenty-nine male cyclists, with an average age 22±3.9 years and an average cycling experience 6.9±4.2 years, participated. The test comprised a 20-minute time trial. Interleukins IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were measured before and after 15 minutes of completing the test by collecting a 5mL sample of venous blood. Results: The concentration of the interleukins showed no significant between the pre-test and post-test moments. The functional threshold power was FTP20.95%W=256.8±35.6. The power profile was FTP20.95%W•kg-1=4.2±1. Conclusions: IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α interleukins do not significantly increase when quantified 15 minutes post functional threshold power. Determining the functional threshold power does not induce inflammation. Therefore, the functional threshold power can be determined indistinctly in the training period within a cyclist's annual training of a cyclist's annual preparation, as a tool to monitor both training and physical training and physical performance in cyclists. Keywords: Athletes; Cycling; Cytokines; Interleukins; Immune system
... Power meter estimates of the lactate threshold are referred to as the function threshold power (FTP). While, FTP and CP measures are practical, there is much confusion over numerous protocols, and how these measures should be used to estimate the transition from heavy to severe domains of exercise [239,242,243]. While the transition point can be used as a measure of fitness, which can be trained, CP is often used in practice to anchor training intensities. ...
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Track cycling events, both sprint and endurance, are primarily focused on performance of high and medium power durations, and it is suggested, measures of peak power govern performance in the sprint and pursuit cycling events. Various tests and metrics in the laboratory have been used to try and model track cycling. With the advent of power meters cyclists have been able to record power output in the field and several basic tests have evolved to use as a means to get started with training and racing with power. This thesis proposes a linear model based on total least squares regression, to evaluate these models and provide an option for coaches to see what durations are key for performance, and for sprint cyclists what types of training should be performed at a given part of a training build up. This analysis is applied to sprint cycling, male and female sprint cyclists, and pursuit cyclists to evaluate field-based data compared to lab and model derived metrics. The key conclusions from this thesis are: 1. For each specific power duration along the hyperbolic power-duration curve shows field-based data offers a better model for both sprint and pursuit durations. The linear model has a parabolic relationship the closer the inputs get to the specific duration assessed. 2. This disproves the contention of a linear process governed by peak power being the key metric of sprint cycling. The data in this thesis shows not only is this relationship incorrect, but strong relationships with sprint cycling durations hold for durations as long as 20-min. 3. This thesis finds there are sex differences for the model showing women have a higher variation of sprint power than men. 4. The linear model is applied to track endurance cycling to show, again, how a peak power (or maximal sprinting power or 𝑉̇O2max) does not govern performance, more a broad base of capacity reflected by a high lactate threshold, ventilatory threshold, critical power or other estimates of the maximal metabolic steady state. 5. Based on an understanding of the importance of capacity as well as peak power Chapter 6 shows this information can successfully be applied to the performance of sprint cyclists training towards peak performance.
... That is, FTP and CP relate to the transition between a steady-state and non-steady-state oxidative metabolism (Barranco-Gil et al., 2020), or between the heavy and severe domains (Poole, Burnley, Vanhatalo, Rossiter, & Jones, 2016). In other words, they should estimate the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) intensity (Borszcz, Tramontin, & Costa, 2019). However, FTP and CP give different values (Karsten et al., 2021). ...
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In recent years, the number of scientific publications related to sports performance, and in particular cycling performance, has increased exponentially. Several authors want to make their contribution to scientific advances. However, it should be questioned whether all these contributions really represent progress. In many cases, their contribution is simply a different way of referring to the same concept. For example, nowadays it seems that referring to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism is a classic terminology of the past, with the terms oxidative and glycolytic being more appropriate. Without going into the details, the underlying concept is similar. Rather than putting one label or the other, the important point should be to understand, in each case, the predominant way in which energy is obtained. However, on the other hand, it is still common to use concepts that have been known to be erroneous for years. A clear example is the role of lactate: among many other functions, it is an essential metabolite in energy production and in the reduction of acidosis (Robergs, 2011). Despite this, it is still common to observe many professionals mistakenly claiming that its accumulation in the body is the cause of metabolic acidosis. In cycling, and particularly since the appearance of power meters, several metrics have been developed for the monitoring and control of training. This has led to the existence of different terms to refer to the same concept. Worst of all is that, sometimes, some coaches –or pseudo-coaches– tend to generate noise and confusion by using a large number of metrics, without being aware –or intentionally so– that, in some cases, the terms used refer to the same concept. Therefore, table 1 shows metrics whose underlying concept is the same or similar, related to those used by two of the most widely used software in cycling: Golden Cheetah and Training Peaks/WKO5. Table 1. Equivalences of some metrics used in Training Peaks/WKO and Golden Cheetah. Training Peaks/WKO5 Golden Cheetah Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Critical Power (CP) Functional Reserve Capacity (FRC) W' Normalized Power (NP) IsoPower / xPower Intensity Factor (IF) BikeIntensity / Relative intensity Training Stress Score® (TSS) BikeScore / BikeStress Acute Training Load (ATL) Short Term Stress (STS) Chronic Training Load (CTL) Long Term Stress (LTS) Training Stress Balance (TSB) Stress Balance (SB) Of all these metrics, we will briefly describe similarities and differences of four of them. Specifically, reference will be made to 1) Functional Threshold Power (FTP) vs Critical Power (CP); 2) Functional Reserve Capacity (FRC) vs W’; 3) Normalized Power (NP) vs xPower; and 4) Training Stress Score® vs BikeScore. Functional Threshold Power and Critical Power Both FTP and CP are metrics that aim to provide a sustainable intensity over time without fatigue. That is, FTP and CP relate to the transition between a steady-state and non-steady-state oxidative metabolism (Barranco-Gil et al., 2020), or between the heavy and severe domains (Poole, Burnley, Vanhatalo, Rossiter, & Jones, 2016). In other words, they should estimate the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) intensity (Borszcz, Tramontin, & Costa, 2019). However, FTP and CP give different values (Karsten et al., 2021). This is because they are obtained from different tests –see Jones, Burnley, Black, Poole, & Vanhatalo (2019) for CP and Allen & Coggan (2012) for FTP–. Hence, differences with respect to the MLSS intensity are sometimes reported (Galán-Rioja, González-Mohíno, Poole, & González-Ravé, 2020; Jones et al., 2019; Lillo-Beviá et al., 2022). In our opinion, rather than arguing about whether CP or FTP, the important question is to know how their values are obtained and to be consistent in their assessment. Both tests are simpler and more practical alternatives to the traditional method of determining MLSS. Functional Reserve Capacity and W’ When working above FTP or CP, much of the energy comes from anaerobic –or phosphagen and glycolytic– metabolism. The energy that can be obtained by this route is limited, which is why the concept of anaerobic energy reserve or anaerobic work capacity is proposed. This existing concept is what has been coined as W' or FRC. That is, the amount of work that can be done above CP or FTP, respectively. The two terms are therefore equivalent. Their differences lie exclusively in the measurement of CP or FTP. Normalized Power and xPower The NP proposed by Coggan and the xPower proposed by Skiba are virtually identical 4-step mathematical algorithms that aim to estimate the average power that could have been maintained constant for the physiological cost incurred. The only difference between both algorithms lies in the first step: Coggan proposes a 30-second moving average, and Skiba modifies it performing a 25-second exponentially weighted moving average, considering that it better represents the physiological delay of the organism –see Clarke & Skiba (2013) for xPower algorithm and Allen & Coggan (2012) for NP algorithm–. Training Stress Score® and BikeScore BikeScore and TSS are two quantification indexes whose formula is identical, except that the former uses xPower and CP, and the latter NP and FTP in its calculations (see equations 1 and 2 for BikeScore and TSS, respectively). In both cases, an effort of 1 hour at CP or FTP would give a value of 100 points. In essence, rather than using a large number of metrics, the important question is to know what they mean, as many of them are equivalent or very similar. Another matter is that there is some hidden interest in using a lot of terms in order to generate noise and confuse athletes. Perhaps, some coaches prefer to look like “sophisticated” scientist rather than being better understood by athletes, at the time some brands or authors create new terms for old and well defined concepts.
... To date, the scientific literature has accumulated a large amount of data that any form of adaptive response of the athlete's body to physical exertion is provided by a complex of physiological reactions that can have different variations and combinations of the athlete's morpho-functional features [14][15][16][17]. Such elements of the athlete's response to physical exertion can be represented as a physiological reactivity of the body and as a property of a living system to respond to changes in the external and internal environment [8,18]. ...
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Background The mechanisms of neurovegetative interaction of the functional reactivity of the oxygen transport system (OTS) and genetically determined typological properties of the central nervous system (CNS) were studied. Material and methods The typological properties of the central nervous system of elite football players (32 individuals) were determined on the “Diagnost-1” neurodynamic complex. The reactivity of the OTS was investigated in a step-increasing running speed test using the Jaeger Oxycon Mobile gas analyzer. Results The dependence of the reactive properties of the OTS on the genetically determined functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP) was established. Statistically significant higher indicators of blood stroke volume, carbon dioxide release rate (VCO2) and blood lactate (HLa) were found in the athletes with a higher level of FMNP than in individuals with a low degree of typological property (p=0.033-0.045). The athletes with low FRNP were characterized by statistically significant high values of heart rate (HR) and rate of oxygen uptake (VO max). The indicators of minute volumes of blood and respiration did not show statistically significant differences in groups of sportsmen with different gradations of FMNP (p=0.064-0.078). Conclusions The theoretical model and mechanisms of interaction of the individual-typological property of FMNP with the functional reactivity of OTS and the possibility of using the results to evaluate the playing activity of football players were discussed.
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The 8-minute time trial (TT) is a methodological alternative to the 60-minute TT for evaluating the Functional Threshold Power (FTP) of cyclists, however, studies that tested its validity were not found in the researched literature. Therefore, research aims to assess the validity of the 8-minute TT. The study included 9 trained male cyclists, aged between 25.46 ± 7.49 years, who were assessed on three different days. On the first day, we measured personal data, anthropometrics, ventilatory thresholds and peak oxygen consumption. On the other days, we submitted the volunteers to the 8-and 60-minute TT. We analyzed the agreement between the procedures using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and its validity by Bland-Altman. We adopted a significance level of 5%, and we performed all analyses using the SPSS. The results suggest great agreement, especially between the second 8-minute stimulus and the reference test, for FTP (ICC: 0.792, p= 0.016), Wats per kilogram (ICC: 0.952, p< 0.001), Wats per kilogram of lean mass (ICC: 0.912, p= 0.001) and peak oxygen consumption (ICC: 0.882, p= 0.001). In addition, in all these variables, the volunteers were within the mean ± two standard deviations, as verified by the Bland-Altman plots. These results demonstrate the validity of the 8-minute TT, with more robust data being observed by the second stimulus of this protocol. RESUMO O contrarrelógio de 8 minutos (TT) é uma alternativa metodológica ao TT de 60 minutos para avaliar a Potência de Limiar Funcional (FTP) de ciclistas, no entanto, estudos que testaram sua validade não foram encontrados na literatura pesquisada. Portanto, a pesquisa visa avaliar a validade do TT de 8 minutos. O estudo incluiu 9 ciclistas do sexo masculino treinados, com idade entre 25,46 ± 7,49 anos, que foram avaliados em três dias diferentes. No primeiro dia, medimos dados pessoais, antropometria, limiares de ventilação e pico de consumo de oxigênio. Nos outros dias, submetemos os voluntários ao TT de 8 e 3 CUADERNOS DE EDUCACIÓN Y DESARROLLO, Portugal, v.16, n.3, p. 01-23, 2024 60 minutos. Analisamos a concordância entre os procedimentos utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e sua validade por Bland-Altman. Adotamos um nível de significância de 5% e realizamos todas as análises utilizando o SPSS. Os resultados sugerem grande concordância, especialmente entre o segundo estímulo de 8 minutos e o teste de referência, para FTP (ICC: 0,792, p= 0,016), Wats por quilograma (ICC: 0,952, p< 0,001), Wats por quilograma de massa magra (ICC: 0,912, p= 0,001) e consumo máximo de oxigênio (ICC: 0,882, p= 0,001). Além disso, em todas essas variáveis, os voluntários estavam dentro da média de ± dois desvios-padrão, conforme verificado pelos gráficos de Bland-Altman. Esses resultados demonstram a validade do TT de 8 minutos, com dados mais robustos sendo observados pelo segundo estímulo deste protocolo. Palavras-chave: ciclismo, mountain bike, potência, FTP, teste de exercícios. RESUMEN La contrarreloj de 8 minutos (TT) es una alternativa metodológica a la TT de 60 minutos para evaluar la Potencia de Umbral Funcional (FTP) de los ciclistas, sin embargo, los estudios que probaron su validez no se encontraron en la literatura investigada. Por lo tanto, la investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la validez del TT de 8 minutos. El estudio incluyó 9 ciclistas masculinos entrenados, con edades entre 25,46 ± 7,49 años, que fueron evaluados en tres días diferentes. El primer día, medimos datos personales, antropometría, umbrales ventilatorios y consumo máximo de oxígeno. Los otros días, enviamos a los voluntarios al TT de 8 y 60 minutos. Se analizó la concordancia entre los procedimientos utilizando el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC) y su validez por Bland-Altman. Adoptamos un nivel de significancia del 5% y realizamos todos los análisis utilizando el SPSS. Los resultados sugieren un gran acuerdo, especialmente entre el segundo estímulo de 8 minutos y la prueba de referencia, para FTP (ICC: 0.792, p= 0.016), Wats por kilogramo (ICC: 0.952, p< 0.001), Wats por kilogramo de masa magra (ICC: 0.912, p= 0.001) y consumo máximo de oxígeno (ICC: 0.882, p= 0.001). Además, en todas estas variables, los voluntarios estuvieron dentro de la media ± dos desviaciones estándar, según lo verificado por las parcelas de Bland-Altman. Estos resultados demuestran la validez del TT de 8 minutos, con datos más robustos observados por el segundo estímulo de este protocolo. Palabras clave: ciclismo, bicicleta de montaña, potencia, FTP, prueba de ejercicio.
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The 8-minute time trial (TT) is a methodological alternative to the 60-minute TT for evaluating the Functional Threshold Power (FTP) of cyclists, however, studies that tested its validity were not found in the researched literature. Therefore, research aims to assess the validity of the 8-minute TT. The study included 9 trained male cyclists, aged between 25.46 ± 7.49 years, who were assessed on three different days. On the first day, we measured personal data, anthropometrics, ventilatory thresholds and peak oxygen consumption. On the other days, we submitted the volunteers to the 8- and 60-minute TT. We analyzed the agreement between the procedures using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and its validity by Bland-Altman. We adopted a significance level of 5%, and we performed all analyses using the SPSS. The results suggest great agreement, especially between the second 8-minute stimulus and the reference test, for FTP (ICC: 0.792, p= 0.016), Wats per kilogram (ICC: 0.952, p< 0.001), Wats per kilogram of lean mass (ICC: 0.912, p= 0.001) and peak oxygen consumption (ICC: 0.882, p= 0.001). In addition, in all these variables, the volunteers were within the mean ± two standard deviations, as verified by the Bland-Altman plots. These results demonstrate the validity of the 8-minute TT, with more robust data being observed by the second stimulus of this protocol.
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Purpose: The mean power output (MPO) from a 60-min time trial (TT) - also known as "functional threshold power" or "FTP" - is a standard measure of cycling performance; however, shorter performance tests are desirable to reduce the burden of performance testing. We sought to determine the reliability of 4-min and 20-min TTs and the extent to which these short TTs were associated with 60-min MPO. Methods: Trained male cyclists (n = 8; age = 25 ± 5 years; VO2max = 71 ± 5 mL/kg/min) performed two 4-min TTs, two 20-min TTs, and one 60-min TT. Critical power (CP) was estimated from 4-min and 20-min TTs. The typical error of the mean (TEM) and intraclass correlation (ICC) were calculated to assess reliability, and R2 values were calculated to assess relationships with 60-min MPO. Results: Pairs of 4-min TTs (Mean: 417 [SD: 45] W vs. 412 [49] W, p. = 0.25; TEM = 8.1 W; ICC = 0.98), 20-min TTs (342 [36] W vs. 344 [33] W, p = 0.41; TEM = 4.6 W; ICC = 0.99), and CP estimates (323 [35] W vs. 328 [32] W, p = 0.25; TEM = 6.5; ICC = 0.98) were reliable. The 4-min MPO (R2 = 0.95), 20-min MPO (R2 = 0.92), estimated CP (R2 = 0.82), and combination of the 4-min and 20-min MPO (adj. R2 = 0.98) were strongly associated with the 60-min MPO (309 [26] W). Conclusion: The 4-min and 20-min TTs appear useful for assessing performance in trained, if not elite, cyclists.
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Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and the Lactate Threshold (LT). Methods: 20 male cyclists performed an incremental test in which the LT was determined. At least 48 h later, they performed a 20-minute time trial and 95% of the mean power output (P20) was defined as FTP. Participants were divided into recreational (Peak Power Output [PPO] < 4.5 W∙kg-1, n=11) or trained cyclists (PPO > 4.5 W∙kg-1, n=9) according to their fitness status. Results: The FTP (240 ± 35 W) was overall not significantly different (effect size[ES]=0.20, limits of agreement [LoA]=-2.4 ± 11.5%) from the LT (246 ± 24 W), and both markers were strongly correlated (r=0.95, p<0.0001). Accounting for the participants’ fitness status, no significant differences were found between FTP and LT ([ES]=0.22; LoA=2.1 ± 7.8%) in TC, but FTP was significantly lower than the LT (p=0.0004, ES=0.81; LoA=-6.5 ± 8.3%) in RC. A significant relationship was found between relative PPO and the bias between FTP and the LT markers (r=0.77, p<0.0001). Conclusions: The FTP is a valid field test-based marker for the assessment of endurance fitness. However, caution should be taken when using the FTP interchangeably with the LT as the bias between markers seems to depend on the athletes’ fitness status. Whereas the FTP provides a good estimate of the LT in trained cyclists, in recreational cyclists FTP may underestimate LT.
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Purpose: Several studies have demonstrated that physiological variables predict cycling endurance performance. However, it is still unclear whether the predictors will change over different performance durations. The aim of this study was to assess the correlations between physiological variables and cycling time trials with different durations. Methods: Twenty trained male cyclists (maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max] = 60.5 ± 5.6 mL/kg/min) performed 4 separate experimental trials during a 2-week period. Cyclists initially completed an incremental exercise test until volitional exhaustion followed by 3 maximal cycling time trials on separate days. Each time trial consisted of 3 different durations: 5 min, 20 min, and 60 min performed in a randomized order. Results: The main results showed that the physiological measures strongly correlated with long cycling performances rather than short and medium time trials. The time-trial mean power output was moderately high to highly correlated with peak power output and VO2max (r = .61-.87, r = .72-.89, respectively), and was moderately to highly correlated with the lactate threshold Dmax method and second ventilatory threshold (r = .52-.75, r = .55-.82, respectively). Conclusions: Therefore, trained cyclists should develop maximal aerobic power irrespective of the duration of time trial, as well as enhancements in metabolic thresholds for long-duration time trials.
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This study evaluates the relationship between a field-based 8-min time trial (8MTT) and physiological endurance variables assessed with an incremental laboratory test. Secondly, lactate thresholds assessed in the laboratory were compared to estimated functional threshold power (FTP) from the 8MTT. Nineteen well-trained road cyclists (aged 22 ± 2 yr, height 185.9 ± 4.5 cm, weight 72.8 ± 4.6 kg, VO2max 64 ± 4 ml·min-1·kg-1) participated. Linear regression revealed that mean 8MTT power output (PO) was strongly to very strongly related to PO at 4 mmol∙L-1, PO at initial rise of 1.00 mmol∙L-1, PO at Dmax and modified (mDmax) (r = 0.61 – 0.82). Mean 8MTT PO was largely to very largely different compared to PO at fixed blood lactate concentration (FBLC) of 2 mmol·L-1 (ES = 3.20) and 4 mmol·L-1 (ES = 1.90), PO at initial rise 1.00 mmol∙L-1 (ES = 2.33), PO at Dmax (ES = 3.47) and mDmax (ES = 1.79) but only trivially different from maximal power output (Wmax) (ES = 0.09). The 8MTT based estimated FTP was moderate to very largely different compared to PO at initial rise of 1 mmol∙L-1 (ES = 1.37), PO at Dmax (ES = 2.42), PO at mDmax (ES = 0.77) and PO at 4 mmol∙L-1(ES = 0.83). Therefore, even though the 8MTT can be valuable as a performance test in cycling shown through its relationships with predictors of endurance performance, coaches should be cautious when using FTP and PO at laboratory-based thresholds interchangeably to inform training prescription.
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Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine, i) the reliability of blood lactate and ventilatory-based thresholds, ii) the lactate threshold that corresponds with each ventilatory threshold (VT1 and VT2) and with maximal lactate steady state test (MLSS) as a proxy of cycling performance. Methods Fourteen aerobically-trained male cyclists (V˙O2max 62.1±4.6 ml·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹) performed two graded exercise tests (50 W warm-up followed by 25 W·min⁻¹) to exhaustion. Blood lactate, V˙O2 and V˙CO2 data were collected at every stage. Workloads at VT1 (rise in V˙E/V˙O2;) and VT2 (rise in V˙E/V˙CO2) were compared with workloads at lactate thresholds. Several continuous tests were needed to detect the MLSS workload. Agreement and differences among tests were assessed with ANOVA, ICC and Bland-Altman. Reliability of each test was evaluated using ICC, CV and Bland-Altman plots. Results Workloads at lactate threshold (LT) and LT+2.0 mMol·L⁻¹ matched the ones for VT1 and VT2, respectively (p = 0.147 and 0.539; r = 0.72 and 0.80; Bias = -13.6 and 2.8, respectively). Furthermore, workload at LT+0.5 mMol·L⁻¹ coincided with MLSS workload (p = 0.449; r = 0.78; Bias = -4.5). Lactate threshold tests had high reliability (CV = 3.4–3.7%; r = 0.85–0.89; Bias = -2.1–3.0) except for DMAX method (CV = 10.3%; r = 0.57; Bias = 15.4). Ventilatory thresholds show high reliability (CV = 1.6%–3.5%; r = 0.90–0.96; Bias = -1.8–2.9) except for RER = 1 and V-Slope (CV = 5.0–6.4%; r = 0.79; Bias = -5.6–12.4). Conclusions Lactate threshold tests can be a valid and reliable alternative to ventilatory thresholds to identify the workloads at the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism.
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The maximal lactate steady-state (MLSS) is frequently assessed for prescribing endurance exercise intensity. Knowledge of the intra-individual variability of the MLSS is important for practical application. To date, little is known about the reliability of time-to-exhaustion and physiological responses to exercise at MLSS. Twenty-one healthy men (age, 25.2 (SD 3.3) years; height, 1.83 (0.06) m; body mass, 78.9 (8.9) kg; maximal oxygen uptake, 57.1 (10.7) mL·min⁻¹·kg⁻¹) performed 1 incremental exercise test, and 2 constant-load tests to determine MLSS intensity. Subsequently, 2 open-end constant-load tests (MLSS 1 and 2) at MLSS intensity (3.0 (0.7) W·kg⁻¹, 76% (10%) maximal oxygen uptake) were carried out. During the tests, blood lactate concentrations, heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), variables of gas exchange, and core body temperature were determined. Time-to-exhaustion was 50.8 (14.0) and 48.2 (16.7) min in MLSS 1 and 2 (mean change: −2.6 (95% confidence interval: −7.8, 2.6)), respectively. The coefficient of variation (CV) was high for time-to-exhaustion (24.6%) and for mean (4.8 (1.2) mmol·L⁻¹) and end (5.4 (1.7) mmol·L⁻¹) blood lactate concentrations (15.7% and 19.3%). The CV of mean exercise values for all other parameters ranged from 1.4% (core temperature) to 8.3% (ventilation). At termination, the CVs ranged from 0.8% (RPE) to 11.8% (breathing frequency). The low reliability of time-to-exhaustion and blood lactate concentration at MLSS indicates that the precise individual intensity prescription may be challenging. Moreover, the obtained data may serve as reference to allow for the separation of intervention effects from random variation in our sample.
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Critical power (CP) conceptually represents the highest power output (PO) at physiological steady-state. In cycling exercise, CP is traditionally derived from the hyperbolic relationship of ∼5 time-to-exhaustion trials (TTE) (CPHYP). Recently, a 3-min all-out test (CP3MIN) has been proposed for estimation of CP as well the maximal lactate steady-state (MLSS). The aim of this study was to compare the POs derived from CPHYP, CP3MIN, and MLSS, and the oxygen uptake and blood lactate concentrations at MLSS. Thirteen healthy young subjects (age, 26 ± 3years; mass, 69.0 ± 9.2 kg; height, 174 ± 10 cm; maximal oxygen uptake, 60.4 ± 5.9 mL·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹) were tested. CPHYP was estimated from 5 TTE. CP3MIN was calculated as the mean PO during the last 30 s of a 3-min all-out test. MLSS was the highest PO during a 30-min ride where the variation in blood lactate concentration was ≤ 1.0 mmol·L⁻¹ during the last 20 min. PO at MLSS (233 ± 41 W; coefficient of variation (CoV), 18%) was lower than CPHYP (253 ± 44 W; CoV, 17%) and CP3MIN (250 ± 51 W; CoV, 20%) (p < 0.05). Limits of agreement (LOA) from Bland–Altman plots between CPHYP and CP3MIN (–39 to 31 W), and CP3MIN and MLSS (–29 to 62 W) were wide, whereas CPHYP and MLSS presented the narrowest LOA (–7 to 48 W). MLSS yielded not only the maximum PO of stable blood lactate concentration, but also stable oxygen uptake. In conclusion, POs associated to CPHYP and CP3MIN were larger than those observed during MLSS rides. Although CPHYP and CP3MIN were not different, the wide LOA between these 2 tests and the discrepancy with PO at MLSS questions the ability of CP measures to determine the maximal physiological steady-state.
Functional threshold power is defined as the highest power output a cyclist can maintain in a quasi-steady state for approximately 60 min (FTP60). In order to improve practicality for regular evaluations, FTP60 could theoretically be determined as 95% of the mean power output in a 20-min time trial (FTP20). This study tested this assumption and the validity of FTP20 and FTP60 against the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT). Twenty-three trained male cyclists performed an incremental test to exhaustion, 20- and 60-min time trials, and a time to exhaustion at FTP20. Power output, heart rate and oxygen uptake representing FTP20, FTP60 and IAT were not different (p>0.05), and large to very large correlations were found (r=0.61 to 0.88). Bland-Altman plots between FTP20, FTP60 and IAT showed small bias (-1 to -5 W), but large limits of agreement ([-40 to 32 W] to [-62 to 60 W]). Time to exhaustion at FTP20 was 50.9±15.7 min. In conclusion, FTP20 and FTP60 should not be used interchangeably on an individual basis and their validity against IAT should be interpreted with caution.