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Nootropics also called as smart drug, memory enhancers, neuron enhancers, cognitive enhancers and intelligent enhancers are drugs, supplements, neutraceuticals and functional foods that provide one or more aspects of mental function. Specific effect can include improvement to working memory motivation or attention. Nootropics drugs are able to promote, enhance and protect cognitive functions. As cognition is the typically human higher activity of brain, nootropic concept looked quite appealing for scores of people dreaming to enjoy better and longer lasting mental activity and for drug maker keen to produce such enviable products. There are large number of drugs which can be used as nootropic agents and help to enhance memory of people. Nootropics offer lot of benefits for cognitive aptitude and brain health. Nootropics used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease, dementia and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.
Harikumar K. et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology, 6(1), 2016, 14-19.
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology e-ISSN - 2249-7560
Print ISSN - 2249-7579
K.Hari Kumar*, Mitta Srija, D.K.Sandeep, Ramisetty Davarika, Gunda Sai Mounica
Department of Pharmacology, Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy, R.V.S.Nagar, Chittoor-517127,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Nootropics also called as smart drug, memory enhancers, neuron enhancers, cognitive enhancers and intelligent
enhancers are drugs, supplements, neutraceuticals and functional foods that provide one or more aspects of mental function.
Specific effect can include improvement to working memory motivation or attention. Nootropics drugs are able to promote,
enhance and protect cognitive functions. As cognition is the typically human higher activity of brain, nootropic concept
looked quite appealing for scores of people dreaming to enjoy better and longer lasting mental activity and for drug maker
keen to produce such enviable products. There are large number of drugs which can be used as nootropic agents and help to
enhance memory of people. Nootropics offer lot of benefits for cognitive aptitude and brain health. Nootropics used for the
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, dementia and cognitive symptoms of
Keywords: Nootropics, Huntington’s disease, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease.
It is derived from Greek words “NOOS –Mind”
“Tropein Turn/Bend”. They are also called as memory
enhancers, Smart nutrients, Cerebroactive drugs and
cognition enhancers. Scientifically they are represented as
These are a heterogeneous group of drugs
developed in dementia and other cerebral disorders. They
do elicit pharmacological effects, but widely different
mechanisms of action are claimed. Therapeutic benefits
are limited, at the best, short lasting.
Types of nootropics
1. Racetams
2. Ampakines
3. Choline and ach intermediates
4. Synthetic B-vitamins derived nootropics
5. Natural drugs
6. Peptides
7. Smart drugs
Why do people use nootropics?
There are several reasons why people use
nootropics. They are most often used for medical
conditions such as ADHD and are regulated substances.
But non-ADHD medications and supplements are more
frequently used for performance enhancement. Many
individuals use these drugs for performance enhancement
and/or to gain some sort of competitive edge in academics
or occupational work.
1. Medical treatment: Nootropics are often used to treat a
variety of medical conditions ranging from ADHD to
wakefulness disorders. Those who receive various forms
of nootropics for medical conditions arguably need them
in order to properly function.
ADHD: Those who are diagnosed with attention-
deficit disorder generally are prescribed various forms of
psychostimulant medications. These medications improve
many aspects of cognition including: memory,
concentration, and organization of thoughts.
Chronic fatigue syndrome: In some cases, people
with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) need medication so
that they can function. Energy drinks only help these
individuals to a certain extent. Therefore a
psychostimulant or medication like Nuvigil is often
Neurodegenerative disorders: Many nootropics
have been suggested to provide benefit for those with
Corresponding Author:- K.Hari Kumar Email:-
Harikumar K. et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology, 6(1), 2016, 14-19.
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various neurodegenerative disorders such as: Alzheimer’s
disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and
dementia. Some have even been investigated to help treat
the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.
Sleep wakefulness disorders: People with
conditions such as: narcolepsy, excessive daytime
sleepiness, and shift-work disorder often benefit from
stimulating drugs, many of which are considered
Treatment-resistant depression: Some people are
able to obtain a prescription for various nootropics as a
result of having treatment-resistant depression. For
example, some psychiatrists may consider prescribing
Adderall for depression as an antidepressant augmentation
2. Performance enhancement: Nootropics are also
commonly used for the purposes of gaining an edge on
the competition. Using nootropics could be thought of as
being analogous to a bodybuilder taking steroids. In this
case it allows an individual to surpass their natural genetic
Academic advantage: In academics, students are
using nootropics to help them remember more and study
more efficiently. Students are taking these drugs to help
improve scores on various tests and to write papers. Let’s
face it, academics is becoming more competitive than in
years past, and any mental edge that a student has on the
competition will help them get into a good college and/or
build an optimal academic resume.
Occupational performance: Some people may
use these for a competitive advantage on certain
cognitively-demanding jobs. For example, a person who
needs to crunch numbers all day and critical thinking as
part of their job may benefit from using nootropics.
Sports: Many nootropics are known to improve
the performance of athletes. They can increase focus,
spatial orientation, and allow an athlete to surpass their
natural genetic limitations.
3. Biohacking: Individuals may want to try nootropics as
a means of biohacking. Usually people who are drawn to
these substances are individuals looking to alter their
natural biological state of functioning. Many people put
themselves through nootropic “trials” in order to
determine how their mental functioning improves as a
result. As a result, there are many intriguing reports
surfacing on the internet from people that have used
Concentration: These substances are known to
increase concentration, but many vary in their effects.
Some people are taking these in varying amounts to self-
experiment ant determine the degree to which they help
people concentrate.
Motivation: Some nootropics are known to
increase overall levels of motivation. This is a very
common effect when a person begins using stimulants
their motivation skyrockets and they get more done.
Memorization: In addition to improving
concentration, many also boost memory functions. If a
person needs to boost their memory function,
Productivity: Others are taking these drugs just
to see how much they can accomplish. Those who are
looking to increase their productivity in all aspects of life
may experiment with nootropics.
Less sleep: Those who want to get more done
and sleep less, may take a nootropic like Nuvigil (which
promotes wakefulness). This allows the person to
accomplish quite a bit throughout the day without any
Comprehensive List of Nootropics (Smart Drugs)
Below is an extensive list of nootropics or “smart
drugs.” It is important to understand that while many may
improve cognition, there are concerns regarding long-
term effects. Additionally among individuals without
fully developed brains, the usage of these substances
should be discouraged. Keep in mind that many of the
substances listed below have not been medically tested,
thus having scientifically unverified or poor evidence to
support nootropic claims. Long-term effects and safety of
nootropics haven’t been established.
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
Huperzine A
This is a class of nootropics that is suggested to
improve attention, learning, memory, and vigilance. The
classification as “Ampakines” is derived from the fact that
they influence the AMPA receptor, responsible for
binding to glutamate.
Ampalex (CX-516)
Farampator (CX-691)
This class of supplements influences the
neurotransmission of acetylcholine in the brain.
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with
cortical excitement and is well-known to influence
attentional tasks, alertness, as well as reward processing.
Nootropics that influence choline tend to increase levels
of acetylcholine.
Alpha GPC
Choline Bitartrate
Choline Citrate
Citicoline (CDP-Choline)
Harikumar K. et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology, 6(1), 2016, 14-19.
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This is a classification of substances that
influence levels of the neurotransmission dopamine
throughout the brain. They can include dopamine
reuptake inhibitors, enzymes, and other antidepressants.
Many psychostimulants are of dopaminergic nature, and
thus could also fit within this classification.
DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA)
Mucuna Pruriens
Phenylethylamine (PEA)
Stablon (Tianeptine)
Tyrosine (4-hydroxyphenylalanine)
This classification of drugs is known as
“wakefulness-promoting.” Eugeroic drugs are often
prescribed to treat those with narcolepsy, excessive
daytime sleepiness, and chronic fatigue. Some have
suggested that they may provide benefit for those with
ADHD, but they are not FDA approved to treat attentional
deficits. Most eugeroics influence arousal-promoting
neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine.
Adranfinil (Olmifon)
Armodafinil (Nuvigil)
Fladrafinil (CRL-40,941)
Modafinil (Provigil)
This is a classification of nootropics that
contains any substances that elicit GABAergic effects
within the brain. In other words, they tend to influence the
neurotransmission of GABA, which is known for
decreasing levels of arousal and stress in the central
nervous system. GABA reduces mental activity and over-
excitement within the brain typically eliciting an
anxiolytic response.
Herbal Supplements
Artichoke Extract
Bacopa monnieri
Ginkgo biloba
Grape Seed Extract
Green Tea
Panax ginseng
Kava Kava
Lion’s Mane
Lemon Balm
Oat Straw Extract
Rhodiola Rosea
This classification of nootropics involves
hormonal-based nootropics. In other words, specific
hormones are known to improve cognition when they are
released within the body. When hormones are released,
they can elicit a response from certain neurotransmitters
and alter brain activity. Certain hormones may increase
arousal and brain activation, while others may promote a
sense of calm concentration.
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
Pregnenolone (P5)
Vasopressin (AVP)
Metabolic Enhancers
This is a classification of nootropic supplements
that increase metabolic processes and energy among
neurons. Some of these substances function by boosting
cellular membrane functioning and oxygen within cells.
In other words, these supplements are able to give brain
cells more energy, and have been thought to improve
cognition. Some are thought to eliminate toxins and act as
neuroprotective agents.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Neuroprotective Agents
This is a classification of nootropics that are
known to promote healthy brain functioning by repairing
damage, promoting nerve growth, and maintaining
Harikumar K. et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology, 6(1), 2016, 14-19.
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neuronal health. Many of these supplements are taken for
their antioxidant properties and are thought to help
maintain optimal cognition and prevent cognitive decline.
These help increase the likelihood of long-term healthy
brain functioning.
Co-Enzyme Q10
Many nutrients are thought to have nootropic
effects on the human brain. Many nutrients have been
suggested to improve focus, prevent cognitive decline,
and promote neuroprotection. The proper intake of
various healthy nutrients is thought to enhance overall
cognitive function
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Krill Oil
Fish Oil
SAMe (S-Adenosyl Methionine)
The psychostimulant class of drugs contain
medications that are known to treat attention-deficit
disorders as well as wakefulness disorders like
narcolepsy. They stimulate the production of dopamine
in the brain and activate the sympathetic nervous system,
leading to increased physical and mental arousal. When
taken for ADHD, many of the psychostimulants are
considered safe long-term treatment options. However,
among individuals taking them solely for nootropic
benefit, they may lead to a significant crash characterized
by dysphoria and inability to concentrate upon
Cylert (Pemoline) Dextroamphetamine
Guanfacine (Intuniv)
Methylhexanamine (DMAA / Geranamine)
Ritalin (Methylphenidate)
Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine)
Racetams are a class of compounds that are
typically touted as having the ability to significantly
improve cognition. These compounds are of similar
structure, hence all of these contain “racetam” in their
chemical name with differing prefixes. In some cases,
these can be purchased over-the-counter. In any regard,
the racetam class of nootropics aren’t well understood and
researchers aren’t sure how some of them work.
This is a classification of nootropic substances
that elicit their effects via the serotonin system in the
brain. Substances that fall within the serotonergic
classification include supplements like 5-HTP, enzymes,
and various antidepressants. Certain serotonergic
substances boost serotonin to improve cognition and brain
functioning, while others reduce it.
5 HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)
Griffonia Simplicifolia
There are many other drugs and supplements that
may not fit particularly well within any classifications.
While some drugs like clonidine could fit within a
classification of “atypical” its better to describe the
substances below as uncategorized.
Hydergine (Ergoloid mesylates)
Nicergoline (Sermion)
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Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothetic Acid)
Vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxine)
Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
1. Medical treatment
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Neurodegenerative disorders
Sleep wakefulness disorders
Treatment-resistant depression
2. Performance enhancement
Academic advantage
Occupational performance
3. Biohacking
4. Concentration
5. Motivation
6. Memorization
Huntington’s disease
1. Autosomal dominant progressive chorea and dementia
2.Defective hunington protein (chromosome 4)
3.Degeneration of cholinergic and GABA ergic cells
4. Relative excess of dopamine .
Bacopa Monnieri is a herb that grows naturally
in India. It has been used for numbers of years in the
tradition of Ayurvedic medicine because it increases
levels of serotonin in the brain. It is one of the best
neurotransmitters to target for the purposes of reducing
anxiety and improving mood. With long-term use, it can
also improve learning and memory. It can also increase
the rate of particular types of information processing in
the brain.
Lion’s mane
Ginko billoba:
Fig 1. Stimulated neurons in brain leads to learning and
memory process
Nootropics work
Fig 2. Physiological roles of nootropics
Harikumar K. et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology, 6(1), 2016, 14-19.
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Fig 3. characteristic features of dementia disease
Alzheimers disease
Fig 4. Brain features in alzheimer’s disease
Nowadays memory loss is a problem to perform
daily activities. Recent nootropic based cognitive energy
level enhancers are presenting great results, helping
people, work longer and accomplish more. Nootropics
having greater importance in treating dementia,
alzheimer’s disease and various cognitive disorders.
These are non- prescription products offer healthy
overachievers a way to improve thinking and focus.
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Full-text available
As science learns more about how the brain works, and fails to work, the possibility for developing "cognition enhancers" becomes more plausible. And the demand for drugs that can help us think faster, remember more, and focus more keenly has already been demonstrated by the market success of drugs like Ritalin, which tames the attention span, and Prozac, which ups the competitive edge. The new drug Aricept, which improves memory, most likely will join them. Whether such drugs are good for individuals, or for society, is an open question, one that demands far more public discussion.
Full-text available
In this paper we analyse some ethical and philosophical questions related to the development of memory enhancing drugs (MEDs) and anti-dementia drugs. The world of memory enhancement is coloured by utopian thinking and by the desire for quicker, sharper, and more reliable memories. Dementia is characterized by decline, fragility, vulnerability, a loss of the most important cognitive functions and even a loss of self. While MEDs are being developed for self-improvement, in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) the self is being lost. Despite this it is precisely those patients with AD and other forms of dementia that provide the subjects for scientific research on memory improvement. Biomedical research in the field of MEDs and anti-dementia drugs appears to provide a strong impetus for rethinking what we mean by 'memory', 'enhancement', 'therapy', and 'self'. We conclude (1) that the enhancement of memory is still in its infancy, (2) that current MEDs and anti-dementia drugs are at best partially and minimally effective under specific conditions, (3) that 'memory' and 'enhancement' are ambiguous terms, (4) that there is no clear-cut distinction between enhancement and therapy, and (5) that the research into MEDs and anti-dementia drugs encourages a reductionistic view of the human mind and of the self.
Nootropic drugs used as a memory enhancer can improve thinking, memory, and alertness in people with Alzheimer's disease and other disease that affect the mind. Memory is perhaps the most vital of all aspects that differentiates human beings from other animals. However, memory can become faulty due to several reasons, and in that case the person is not able to make full use of his or her potentials. Since ages, drugs and natural remedies have been prescribed to enhance memories in people. 4 million people are thought to be suffering from age related memory and increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Although several nootropic drugs are available to treat memory problems. In recent years research on medicinal plants have been studied for nootropic activity. Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Evolvulus alsinoides (Shankhpushpi), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Acorus calamus (Bach) etc., are used as a memory enhancer drugs. The abstract refers to several plants with their activity. The main aim of this article is to give up the data reviews on plants with nootropic properties. INTRODUCTION: Nootropics also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, and cognitive enhancers, are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that are purported to improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.
The learning and memory deficits have been recognized as severe and consistent neurological disorders associated with numerous neurodegenerative states. Research in this area has gained momentum only in the recent past after the biochemical and physiological basis of these processes have been understood. A considerable alteration in the neurotransmission is a consistent finding in cognitive disorders. Therefore, many therapeutic strategies to augment the concentration of neurotransmitters in brain such as cholinergic agents, biogenic amines and neuropeptides etc. have been evaluated in cognitive deficits. CNS modulators are the type of antiamnesics that act via modulation of the neurological processes underlying memory storage. These include psychostimulants, excitatory amino acids and most important of all "nootropics". Nootropics are a heterogeneous group of compounds of diverse chemical composition and biological function that allegedly facilitate learning and memory or overcome natural or induced cognitive impairments. The literature survey incorporated in this article hallmarks the success achieved in the design and development of potential nootropic agents. Additionally, this review is an attempt towards discussing various approaches available to enhance memory, along with the classification of the known memory enhancers, authors research work towards various structural modifications carried out and the biological screening.
Memory, attention and creativity represent three different cognitive domains, which are interconnected and contribute the “mental performance” of an individual. Modern neuroscience has investigated some of the neuronal circuits and of the neurotransmitters and molecular events underlying the above-mentioned cognitive functions. Within this renewed reference context, some of the properties of the components of the remedies to increase mental performance have been studied and validated in experimental models and, to date, these substances are named “smart drugs”, “memory enhancing drugs” or “nootropic drugs” (from the Greek root noos for mind and tropein for toward). Recently pharmaceutical industries are increasingly focusing on the research for potential substances in this field: several “smart drugs” are in clinical trials and could be on the market in few years. Furthermore, a quick survey from Internet highlights the presence of a great variety of both approved and non-approved drugs, with some of them addressing to only medical and others to performance-oriented use, opening room to some reflections or speculations from scientific and ethical points of view.
Ritalin: Memory and Practice
  • L L Greenhill
  • B Osman
Greenhill LL, Osman B, Ritalin: Memory and Practice. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers, Larchmont, NY, 2 nd ed, 2000.
  • Dwivedi
Dwivedi et al., A Traditional Approach to Herbal Nootropic Agents: an Overview. IJPSR, 3(3), 2012, 630 -636