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Journal of Oleo Science
Copyright ©2019 by Japan Oil Chemists’ Society
doi : 10.5650/jos.ess18216
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
Nut Oils and their Dietetic and Cosmetic
Significance: a Review
Monika Michalak1, and Anna Kiełtyka-Dadasiewicz2*
1 Department of Dermatology and Cosmetology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Jan Kochanowski
University in Kielce, IX Wieków Kielc 19, 25-317 Kielce, POLAND
2 Department of Plant Production Technology and Commodity Science, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin,
Tree nuts rank third, behind spices and fruits, in terms
of content of bioactive constituents1)
. Tree nuts, dry fruits
with a single seed in which the ovary wall hardens at matu-
rity, are a rich source of phytochemicals with multi-faceted
effects2, 3)
. Nuts have played an important role in the diet of
many cultures, due to their wealth of nutrients, high
energy value, and vast variety of flavours. Nuts are used as
an ingredient in many dishes, such as snacks(roasted and
*Correspondence to: Anna Kiełtyka-Dadasiewicz, Department of Plant Production Technology and Commodity Science,
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, POLAND
Accepted November 26, 2018 (received for review November 4, 2018)
Journal of Oleo Science ISSN 1345-8957 print / ISSN 1347-3352 online
salted almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios), sauces, cold
soups, cakes, pastries and biscuits. They are also used as a
component of dietary supplements. Nuts are considered a
food with a high energy density(providing 23.4 to 26.8 kJ/
4, 5)
. They contain fats(mainly unsaturated fatty acids),
vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, and fibre, as well as a
number of phytochemicals(Fig. 1).
The type and content of phytonutrients in various nuts
depends mainly on the species, as well as on agronomic,
Abstract: Vegetable oils, which are a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamins and
antioxidants, have a significant effect on the functioning and development of the body and contribute to
health maintenance. They can be obtained from seeds, fruit stones, fruit, nuts or sprouts. This study
discusses various species of plants that are sources of nut oils consumed in the daily diet and also used in the
pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
Key words: nuts, plant oils, fatty acids, skin, health prophylaxis
Fig. 1 Macronutrient contents of nuts3−5)
M. Michalak and A. Kiełtyka-Dadasiewicz
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
seasonal, and environmental conditions7)
. Nuts contain nu-
trients with antioxidant properties, such as flavonoids(lu-
teolin, quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol), phenolic
acids, isoflavones(formononetin, daidzein and genistein),
hydrolysable tannins, proanthocyanidins(condensed
tannins), tocopherols, carotenoids and phytosterols. Nuts
are also a valuable source of minerals(e.g. calcium, magne-
sium and potassium)and vitamins(vitamins E and B, folic
acid and niacin)
2, 4, 6, 8−10)
(Table 1).
The synergistic effect of many bioactive compounds con-
tained in nuts determines their beneficial effects on human
. As a natural source of antioxidants, nuts can
potentially be used as ingredients in functional food10)
. Re-
search indicates the multi-faceted health benefits of nuts,
including inflammatory, prebiotic, anti-microbial, chemo-
preventive, and hypocholesterolaemic effects2)
. Research
carried out by Estruch18)
has shown that including nuts in
the diet may reduce the plasma level of pro-inflammatory
cytokines(particularly IL-6, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1)
. Con-
sumption of nuts as part of a balanced diet has been associ-
ated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, as well
as metabolic syndrome and diabetes19−21)
. In addition, nuts
improve mental health, reduce stress and the risk of de-
pression, and help to preserve cognitive functions22−24)
Long-term consumption of nuts reduces total cholesterol
and triglyceride levels and is associated with a reduced risk
of weight gain and obesity25, 26)
. Owing to their high content
of protein and fibre, nuts provide a longer-lasting feeling of
satiety. Although they contain high levels of fat, these are
mainly poorly absorbed unsaturated fats, which induce
energy expenditure by accelerating thermogenesis8, 26)
Moreover, oils derived from nuts, owing to their content of
bioactive compounds, such as phenolics, tocopherols,
sterols, or phospholipids, impart health benefits or desir-
able physiological effects7)
. For this reason, there has been
an increase in interest in and nut oils and in their use in
the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries2)
Nut oils are obtained from various species of plants
whose fruits are nuts. Sometimes, they are botanically
drupes whose stones are called nuts. Nut oils are a natural
source of fatty acids, including unsaturated fatty acids that
play an important role in the proper functioning of the
human body3, 27)
(Table 2).
Nut oils are characterized by low content of saturated
fatty acids(SFAs)and high content of unsaturated fatty
acids, among which monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFAs)
Table 1 Minerals, folate and phytochemical compounds with antioxidant effects in nuts(per 100 g).
Nut Minerals (mg)3) Folate
(mg GAE)11)
(mg CA)11)
Tocopherol content (mg)12)
Antioxidant activity
Ca Mg Na K α β γ
Macadamia 85 130 5 368 11 116 497.8 137.9 0.54 0.00 0.00 13.4 µmolAAE/g11)
4.1 µM13)
Walnut 98 158 2 441 98 72 1580.5 744.8 0.70 0.15 20.83 458.1 µmolAAE/g11)
Hazelnut 114 163 0 680 113 96 314.8 113.7 15.03 0.33 0.00 7.1 µmolAAE/g11)
Brazil nut 160 376 3 659 22 47-14816) 169.2 107.8 5.73 0.00 7.87 16.0 µmolAAE/g11)
6.8 µM13)
Cashew 37 292 12 660 25 158 316.4 63.7 0.90 0.03 5.31 29.5 µmolAAE/g11)
2.2 µM13)
PS-plant sterols; TPC-total phenolic content expressed as gallic acid equivalent (GAE), TFC-total flavonoid content expressed as catechin equivalent
(CA), AAE- ascorbic acid equivalent. Source: 3, 11, 12); 13)Inhibition of oxidation of LDL+VLDL-EC50, DPPH inhibition percentage14-16)
Table 2 Total energy and oil content in nuts and fatty acid composition of nut oils - based on data from3, 11, 28−32)
Nut Energy
Oil content
Approximate fatty acid distributions (% of total fat) in nut oil
C14:0 C16:0 C16:1 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 C20:0 C20:1 C22:0 C22:1
Macadamia 3004 69-78 1.28 9.65 26.74 2.13 48.43 3.40 0.18 1.67 2.00 0.49 0.16
Walnut 2738 54-72 0.41 9.58 0.19 3.35 24.27 50.68 11.23 0.08 0.17 0.07 nd
Hazelnut 2629 60.4 0.13 5.82 0.29 2.74 79.30 10.39 0.46 0.16 nd nd nd
Brazil nut 2743 67.4 0.06 13.50 0.33 11.77 29.09 42.80 0.20 0.54 0.21 0.12 0.34
Cashew 2314 46.4 0.07 9.93 0.36 8.70 57.24 20.80 0.23 0.97 0.25 0.39 0.28
nd-not detected
Nut Oils and their Dietetic and Cosmetic Significance: a Review
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
predominate in most nuts(Fig. 2). Monounsaturated fatty
acids of the omega-9 series(ω-9 or n-9), together with
polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFAs)of the omega-3(ω-3 or
n-3)and omega-6(ω-6 or n-6)series, contribute about 91%
of the energy from fat28)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized in the
human body, so they must be supplied in the diet. Rich
sources include vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and products
made from vegetable oils. PUFAs are significantly accumu-
lated in specific tissues based on their selective need27, 34)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids can undergo enzymatic trans-
formation consisting in the introduction of successive
double bonds(involving Δ6, Δ5 desaturases)and elongation
of the carbon chain(mediated by elongase). Acids of the
n-3 and n-6 series are metabolized in the human body by the
same enzymes, indicating functional links between the meta-
bolic pathways of both series. That is why the correct ratio
of n-6 to n-3 acids in the human diet is so important27, 35)
N-3 and n-6 fatty acids are precursors of eicosanoids(pros-
taglandins(PG), prostacyclins(PGI), thromboxanes(TXA),
leukotrienes(LT)and lipoxins(LX)– tissue hormones with
a broad spectrum of activity(e.g. an anticoagulant effect,
reduction in triacylglycerol concentration, and regulation
of cardiovascular function, blood pressure or inflammatory
34, 36)
(Fig. 3). Essential unsaturated fatty acids
have an important role in health prophylaxis, especially
prevention of cardiovascular, allergic or inflammatory dis-
eases27, 34, 37)
. Proper intake of PUFAs, including ALA(18:3
n-3), a metabolic precursor of EPA and DHA, provides the
functional effects and health benefits of EPA and DHA38)
Omega-3 acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)and
docosahexaenoic acid(DHA), exert cardioprotective
effects and reduce platelet aggregation and vasoconstric-
tion19, 36)
. Properties reducing the risk of cancer are as-
cribed to them as well27)
Nut oils together with the mono- and polyunsaturated
fatty acids contained in them are not only an important
component of the daily diet, but are also used in the care
of the skin and its appendages(Fig. 4). Of particular cos-
metic significance are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, in-
cluding alpha-linolenic acid(ALA, 18:3, n-3), linoleic acid
(LA, 18:2, n-6)and gamma-linolenic acid(GLA, 18:3, n-6),
classified as essential fatty acids(EFA ). The cosmetic
effect of vegetable oils primarily involves softening, hydra-
tion and regeneration of the epidermis. Owing to unsatu-
rated fatty acids, which alongside ceramides and cholester-
ol are a component of intercellular cement, the skin acts as
an effective barrier to transepidermal water loss(TEWL),
which ensures an appropriate level of epidermal hydration
and protection against external factors39−41)
Common edible tree nuts include walnut, hazelnut,
almond, Brazil nut, cashew, macadamia, pecan, pine nut
and pistachio2, 4)
. The present study aims to draw attention
to selected plant species that are sources of nut oils of im-
portance in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
2.1 Macadamia nut oil
The macadamia(Macadamia integrifolia Maiden and
Betche), of the Proteaceae family, is a tree found in Aus-
tralia, South Africa, Brazil, Hawaii, Kenya and Costa Rica42)
Macadamia nuts are valued for their delicate taste, but also
for their health benefits29, 43)
. They are a rich source of nu-
trients and bioactive compounds. Depending on the variety,
seed maturity, location, and growth conditions, macadamia
nuts vary in their content of lipids(33-65%), protein(8-
20%), crude fibre(6-30%)and polyphenols(46-156 mg
GAE/100 g)
2, 44)
. Other bioactive components of the oil are
tocopherols, including α-tocopherol(0.8-1.1 μg/g),
δ-tocopherol(3.5-4.8 μg/g)and α-tocotrienol(17.2-48.4 μg/
g); and sterols(1.117-1.549 μg/g), including sitosterol(901-
Fig. 2
Percentages of monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA)and saturated fatty acids
(SFA )of nut oils11, 29, 32, 33)
M. Michalak and A. Kiełtyka-Dadasiewicz
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
Fig. 3
Biosynthetic pathways of unsaturated fatty acids in human body27, 34, 35, 37)
. Abbreviations: MUFAs-monounsaturated
fatty acids, PUFAs-polyunsaturated fatty acids, LA-linoleic acid, ALA-alphalinolenic acid, GLA-gammalinolenic acid,
DGLA-dihomogammalinolenic acid, AA-arachidonic acid, EPA-eicosapentaenoic acid, DPA-docosapentaenoic acid,
DHA-docosahexaenoic acid, Δ6-delta-6 desaturases, Δ5-delta-5 desaturases, PG-prostaglandins, PGI-prostacyclins,
TXA-tromboxanes, LT-leukotrienes.
Fig. 4 Importance of nut oils for the health, food and cosmetics industry.
Nut Oils and their Dietetic and Cosmetic Significance: a Review
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
1.354 μg/g), campesterol(61-112 μg/g), and δ-5-
avenasterol(82-207 μg/g)
. The kernel, the edible part of
macadamia, contains more than 60% oil44)
. The results of
research carried out by Kaijser et al.29)
indicate varying oil
content(69-78%)in different varieties of macadamia nut.
Macadamia oil, in addition to saturated fatty acids(13.2-
17.8%), contains polyunsaturated fatty acids(2.8-4.7%)
and large amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids(80%),
predominantly oleic and palmitoleic acid29, 44)
. The low
content of polyunsaturated fatty acids makes the oil more
stable and less susceptible to oxidation29)
. Due to the high
content of monounsaturated fatty acids, consumption of
macadamia nuts maintains health and reduces serum levels
of low density lipoproteins(LDL)and cholesterol43, 44)
These properties may be associated with high content of
other bioactive compounds such as tocopherols, phytoster-
ols and squalene45)
. Literature data confirm the benefits of
including macadamia nuts in the diet to reduce the risk of
coronary disease46)
. Macadamia oil is used in the food,
pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. It can be used to
make gluten-free products, as ingredients for baked goods
and beverages, or in the production of protein powder sup-
plements. Macadamia oil capsules are used as a dietary
supplement with nutritional and health-maintenance prop-
erties. In the production of cosmetics, oils with high
content of essential fatty acids, which are the main compo-
nent of the skin barrier, have the most important role. Mac-
adamia oil quickly penetrates the skin, has a softening
effect, and influences the condition and proper functioning
of the skin. For this reason it is an important component of
skin repair products, moisturizers, products preventing
over-drying and irritation, and anti-ageing products. It can
also be used in products intended for bleaching dark spots,
regenerating the skin after excessive exposure to UV radia-
tion, and reducing wrinkles. Macadamia oil is used in cos-
metics for skin and hair care and other personal care prod-
2.2 Walnut oil
The walnut(Juglans regia L.), of the Juglandaceae
family, is the most common tree nut in the world. The
walnut is a highly popular nut because of its good flavour.
Due to its nutritional and therapeutic benefits, walnut has
also been recognized as a functional food47, 48)
. Walnut
seeds contain 54% to 72% oil(depending on the variety
and cultivation conditions), 25% protein(including glute-
lin, prolamin, globulin and albumin)rich in essential amino
acids, and 12-16% carbohydrates. In addition, it contains
1.5-2.0% cellulose; 1.7-2.0% minerals, e.g. sodium(0.30-
0.41 mg/100 g), potassium(277-296 mg/100 g), calcium
(68.15-75 mg/100 g), magnesium(71-94 mg/100 g), phos-
phorus(289-365 mg/100 g), iron(2.41–3.36 mg/100 g), zinc
(1.92-3.02 mg/100 g), copper(0.65-1.11 mg/100 g)and
manganese(2.21-2.43 mg/100 g); and polyphenols(1.558-
1.625 mg GAE/100 g), including pedunculagin, ellagic acid,
tellimagrandin I, casuarictin, tellimagranin II, casuarinin
and gallic acid2, 30, 49, 50)
. Walnut oil contains saturated fatty
acids, i.e. palmitic acid C16:0(3.9-11.4%)and stearic acid
C18:0(1.1-5.2%), and unsaturated fatty acids – linoleic
C18:2(n-6, 46.9-68.6%), α-linolenic C18:3, n-3, 6.9-
17.6%), and oleic 18:1(n-9, 10.0-25.1%)
. The bioactive
compounds in the oil include tocopherols(186.54 to 436.2
mg/kg), such as γ-tocopherol(81.58%), δ-tocopherol(6.19-
15.79%), α-tocopherol(1.03-2.93%)and β-tocopherol(0.1-
0.6%), carotenoids, mainly β-carotene(0.22-0.62 mg/kg),
and phytosterols(144-1.679 mg/kg), including β-sitosterol
(69.42-89.26%), campesterol(0.33-5.24%)and δ-5-
avenasterol(0.1-7.34%). Due to its high nutritional value,
walnut oil has not only dietetic importance but health-pro-
moting value as well51)
. The mild-flavoured, yellowish oil of
the walnut is recommended as an addition to foods pre-
pared at low temperatures, such as salads or cold des-
. The polyphenols naturally occurring in walnut oil
are responsible for the stability of the oil during storage.
Moreover, polyphenolic compounds, including flavonoids,
have a significant role in the treatment of a number of dis-
eases due to their antioxidant and radical-scavenging abili-
. Consumption of walnuts and walnut oil, which is
rich in natural antioxidants, may offer protection against
certain cancers and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes11, 30, 52)
. Research shows that walnuts
improve the lipid profile and have a cardioprotective
. In addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts
contain a number of compounds with neuroprotective
effects. Research on a rat model has shown that walnut
consumption significantly contributes to maintenance of
protein homeostasis in the brain, which was associated
with improved cognitive and motor function53)
. Vadivel et
also emphasize the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
properties of walnuts. Walnut oil has been shown to be
capable of scavenging DPPH radicals, which is linked to the
presence of polyphenolic compounds and tocopherols30)
Walnut oil can also be used in the cosmetics and pharma-
ceutical industries. The results of a study by Tsamouris et
indicate that walnut oil can be used for encapsulation
and delivery of drugs and active ingredients in cosmetics.
Other studies have shown that walnut oil can be a valuable
base for pharmaceutical or cosmetic emulsions. As a com-
ponent of an oil/water(O/W)emulsion, possibly through a
humectant mechanism, it helps to improve skin hydration.
For this reason, it can be a valuable component of natural
skin care products, including those recommended espe-
cially for dry skin, as well as medicinal products, e.g. for
the treatment of atopic dermatitis or psoriasis55)
2.3 Hazelnut oil
The hazelnut(Corylus avellana L.)belongs to the Betu-
laceae family. Hazelnuts are often recommended as part of
M. Michalak and A. Kiełtyka-Dadasiewicz
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
a healthy diet, but have also found application in cosmet-
ics56, 57)
. They are a valuable source of vitamins(including
vitamin E, with 22.4 mg/100 g), minerals(magnesium, po-
tassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and
copper)and polyphenols(291-835 mg GAE/100 g)
2, 58)
They contain flavonoids(e.g. flavan-3-ols, catechin, epicat-
echin, myricetin-3-rhamnoside, and quercetin-3-rhamno-
59, 60)
; phenolic acids(6.21-14.31 mg/100 g), including
gallic, caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and sinapic acid; con-
densed tannin(941-3163 mg CE/100 g)
61, 62)
; and stilbene
. The seeds, containing from 54.6% to
63.2% oil, are an important source of saturated and unsat-
urated fatty acids, including oleic acid(39.5%), palmitoleic
acid(37.0%), linoleic acid(6.9%), eicosaenoic acid(4.6%),
docosenoic acid(3.4%), eicosanoic acid(2.3%), palmitic
acid(2.3%), linolenic acid(1.1%), stearic acid(0.5%)and
tetraeicosanoic acid(0.3%)
56, 63)
. Hazelnut oil has been
found to contain 98.4% triacylglycerols and less than 0.2%
phospholipids(phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinosi-
. It also contains tocopherols(462-508 mg/kg oil),
predominantly α-tocopherol(382-472 mg/kg)and
γ-tocopherol(61.2 mg/kg), and phytosterols(1.2-2.2 g/kg),
including sitosterol(1416-1693 μg/g), campesterol(78-114
μg/g)and delta 5-avenasterol(110-170 μg/g)
63, 65)
. Hazelnuts
are used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics indus-
tries. The nuts and the oil obtained from them are often
recommended as part of a healthy diet due to their strong
antioxidant properties, which is linked to their high
content of polyphenols and tocopherols2, 57)
. Research
results have shown that the inclusion of hazelnuts in the
diet as a source of monounsaturated fatty acids is associat-
ed with favourable plasma lipid profiles and reduced risk of
coronary heart disease(CHD)
. It has also been suggested
that MUFA-rich nuts may moderately improve oxidative
. Hazelnut oil is used in cosmetic products as well,
such as face and body cleansing and care cosmetics(day
and night cream), bath oil, shampoo, personal care prod-
ucts, shaving products, and tanning products. It is used as
a moisturizing, occlusive and regenerating agent for skin
conditioning. Studies on hazelnuts as a cosmetic ingredient
have dealt with concentration of use; methods of extrac-
tion/manufacture and quality control(chemical analyses);
and contaminants and methods of their extraction(espe-
cially pesticides and heavy metals). The scientific literature
on the safety of oils from various hazelnut species shows
that the available data on the use of hazelnut oil as an in-
gredient in cosmetics are insufficient. Experts point out
the need for research on questions such as dermal irrita-
tion and sensitization, UV absorption(if absorption is sig-
nificant, then a photosensitization study is needed), 28-day
dermal toxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity,
and genotoxicity56)
2.4 Brazil nut oil
The Brazil nut tree(Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.), of the
Lecythidaceae family, grows throughout the Amazon Basin
in South America. The Brazil nut, whose nutritional value
is known all over the world, is one of the most important
oleaginous seeds from the Amazon region10, 12)
. The total
content of oil in the seeds is 60.8 g/100 g32)
. On an industri-
al scale, oil is extracted by hot or cold pressing68)
. The pale
yellow oil, with a characteristic pleasant aroma and flavour,
contains 15% saturated fatty acids(SFAs), including large
quantities of palmitic acid(13.50%)and stearic acid
(11.77%), 5% MUFAs, including large quantities oleic acid
(41.40%), and 21% PUFAs, predominantly linoleic acid
11, 67, 68)
. The oil also contains tocopherols, includ-
ing α-tocopherol(82.9 μg/g oil)and γ-tocopherol(116.29
μg/g oil), as well as phytosterols, including β-sitosterol
(1325.4 μg/g oil), campesterol(26.9 μg/g oil), stigmasterol
(577.5 μg/g oil)and brassicasterol(1.50 mg/100 g)
11, 16)
Brazil nuts contain polyphenols(112-310 mg GAE/100 g),
including flavonoids, as well as squalene2, 11)
. They also
contain magnesium(325 mg/100 g), calcium(180 mg/100
g), selenium(11.48 g/g), copper(1.4 mg/100 g), iron(2.98
mg/100 g), potassium(675.0 mg/100 g), zinc(3.51 mg/100
g), phosphorus(610.0 mg/100 g), niacin, and vitamins E, B1
and B6
11, 69, 70)
. Due to their content of bioactive compo-
nents, including those with antioxidant properties, Brazil
nuts help to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease
and eliminate risk factors such as oxidative stress, inflam-
mation, high cholesterol or diabetes6)
. Their rich micronu-
trient composition can help to prevent heart disease and
. Selenium, as an essential micronutrient which is
present in large quantities in Brazil nuts and has good bio-
availability, supports physiological processes such as
immune system modulation and thyroid hormone regula-
tion. As an antioxidant, it protects the body against the
harmful effects of free radicals and also prevents the accu-
mulation of heavy metals6, 69)
. Due to their wealth of nutri-
tional and functional compounds, Brazil nuts and the oil
obtained from them can be used to produce pharmaceuti-
cals, foods, and skin care products70, 71)
. The dietary and
health-promoting properties of Brazil nut oil are linked to
the presence of unsaturated fatty acids from the ω-9(oleic
acid), ω-6(linoleic acid)and ω-3(linolenic acid)families70)
Due to the high content of sitosterol in the oil, it can be
used as a component of an anti-cholesterol diet. Owing to
its favourable proportions of unsaturated fatty acids and
the presence of sterols, tocopherols and tocotrienols, Brazil
nut oil can be used in the health food industry and in some
areas of medical science70, 71)
. It is also a natural material
valued by the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries68)
2.5 Cashew nut oil
Cashew(Anacardium occidentale L.)belongs to the
family Anacardiaceae. It is generally grown in coastal
Nut Oils and their Dietetic and Cosmetic Significance: a Review
J. Oleo Sci. 68, (2) 111-120 (2019)
regions, especially Brazil, and has spread to some tropical
regions. A. occidentale was used for centuries for medici-
nal purposes, to treat headache and topical diseases such
as dermatitis, and for its antidiarrheal properties. Today,
cashew nuts, with their desirable flavour and significant
content of proteins(20%), carbohydrates(23%), and fats
(45%), are an important component of the human diet all
over the world72, 73)
. Cashew nut consumption has been
shown to have cardioprotective, anti-obesity, anticancer
and antioxidant effects11, 72)
. Cashew nuts not only reduce
the risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke, but
also lower the risk of metabolic syndrome74)
. Attention has
also been drawn to the nutritional and health benefits of
cashew nut oil. As a chemically stable oil rich in phytonu-
trients, cashew nut oil can be consumed directly(served
fresh, e.g. in salads)or for frying75)
. Its high content of al-
kyl-phenols and naphthoquinones, which have antibacterial
and antioxidant properties, helps to preserve the oil against
. Cashew nut oil is recommended as part of a
healthy diet due to its antioxidant properties, which are
linked to its content of polyphenols(346.52 mg/kg oil), in-
cluding quercetin(3.18 mg/100 g), kaempferol(4.24 mg/100
g), isorhamnetin(2.62 mg/100 g), naringenin(1.64 mg/100
g), resveratrol(1.41 mg/100 g), gentisic acid(104.04 mg/
kg), benzoic acid(31.77 mg/kg), abscisic acid(22.71 mg/
kg), ferulic acid(21.91 mg/kg), p-hydroxybenzoic acid
(21.94 mg/kg)and naphthylacetic acid(10.38 mg/kg), as
well as tocopherols(171.48 mg/100 g oil), including
β-tocopherol(9.4 mg/100g), γ-tocopherol(30.03 mg/100g),
α-tocopherol(8.5 mg/100g)and δ-tocopherol(0.63 mg/100
33, 72, 73)
. The anacardic acids present in cashew nuts have
been shown to exhibit greater antioxidant activity than
well-known antioxidants such as 1-(+)-acetoxy pinoresin-
ol, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, salicylic acid and caffeic acid76)
Scientific research demonstrates that tocopherols, as
natural antioxidants present in vegetable fats, display
stronger properties in combination with other antioxi-
. Tocopherols are known to have numerous benefi-
cial properties. They exhibit anti-inflammatory and antip-
roliferative properties, and also play a protective role
against lipid peroxidation of membrane lipids and lipopro-
teins2, 78)
. The monounsaturated(oleic)and polyunsaturated
(linoleic, linolenic)fatty acids in cashew nut oil reduce the
level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and the risk of
coronary heart disease73)
. Phytosterols are used in the food
industry(as anti-cholesterol additives in functional foods),
pharmaceutical industry(in production of therapeutic ste-
roids)and cosmetics industry(in creams and lipsticks)
The presence of potentially bioactive compounds in cashew
nuts may be interesting for many branches of industry,
where they can be used as a natural source of antioxi-
Nuts are complex plant foods, which, apart from vegeta-
ble protein, fibre, micronutrients, plant sterols and antioxi-
dants, are a rich source of oil. Due to their favourable fatty
acid profile, nut oils are an important element of the diet,
contributing to health maintenance and playing an impor-
tant role in the prevention of many diseases. Numerous
scientific studies have also confirmed the beneficial effect
of vegetable oils in maintaining proper skin structure and
function. For this reason, they are increasingly used as
cosmetics or potential ingredients in cosmetic products.
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