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Towards A Compliant and Accurate Cooperative Micromanipulator using Variable Admittance Control

Abstract— Micro-scale operation is a challenging and time-
consuming procedure for humans. With the involuntary
motions like physiological hand tremor and jerks, operator’s
performance is limited and the inaccuracy increases the risk of
damage to nearby tissues or products. A cooperative
micromanipulator whose end-effector with the instrument is
stiff in response to human’s intended force is a potential
solution to reduce the tremors and increase the accuracy of the
operation. However, operating such a stiff micromanipulator is
energy consuming in some particular operational path. For
instance, it requires the operator to move the instrument with
large force if a large operational path is desired. During tasks
with large movements, compliance is often needed rather than
accuracy. Hence, in this paper, we design a collaborative
control that ensures compliance or accuracy of the operation
based on human’s intended motion. Particularly, a variable
admittance controller is employed to achieve the best trade-off
between compliance and accuracy. We use micro-suturing as
an illustration and conduct the experiments. The experimental
results verify the effectiveness of the control design and the
improvement for performance of the micromanipulator.
Micro-scale operations, such as microsurgery [1]–[5] and
micro-devices assembly [6], have been gaining increases in
demand among different industries and have brought
revolution in many aspects. However, it is challenging to
deal with the micro-scale tasks because the accuracy
requirements of the operation are close to the limit of the
human hand accuracy. An example is in micro-assembly.
Automation is not possible during the design phase of micro-
devices as the parts are not fixed and micro-assembly is
required [6]. Another example is in microsurgery, where the
procedure is challenging and time-consuming for human
operation as some of the anatomical structures of sizes (e.g.,
veins on the human retina ranges 40 to 350 μm [3]) are small
and fragile [5]. Both mentioned operations are examples of
tasks that are limited by physiological hand tremors.
To improve the performance of micro-scale operation in
terms of accuracy, one of the potential approaches is the
cooperative micromanipulators whose end-effector is
response to the force exerted by the human operator. A
force/torque (F/T) is normally mounted on the end-effector
with the operational instrument to sense the human forces.
The force information is used as the input for robot
H.-Y. Li, and U-X. Tan are with Pillar of Engineering Product
Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
T. Nuradha, S. A. Xavier is with Department of Electronic and
Telecommunication, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri
Lanka (,
controllers to provide tremor-free, precise positional control
for the operator [3].
A well-established cooperative micromanipulator, Steady-
Hand, is developed to aid microsurgical operations by
providing precise movements on small scale tasks [1], [3],
[7]–[10]. Steady-Hand is designed with three Cartesian joints
in global motions and two degree-of-freedom (DOF) for tilt
mechanism along with proportional controllers to convert
human force to robot desired velocity [1], [3], [7], [8]. The
general motion is stiff since the robot is controlled for precise
and tremor-free cooperation. The other robotic manipulators
are also developed to assist vitreoretinal surgeons in [9], [10].
However, the cooperative controller usually provides stiff
co-manipulation to enhance the accuracy by tremor
suppression. Precise operator’s hand motion is achieved but
the compliance is compromised. Compliance is also essential
in some of the operational paths that involve large
movements. A stiff operation causes inconvenience for the
operators to execute the cooperative tasks with these robots
as it is time-consuming to maneuver the instrument.
Therefore, this paper is aimed towards developing a
cooperative micromanipulator with both accuracy and
compliance based on different operator’s intended motion.
To ensure the best trade-off between compliance and
accuracy, variable admittance/impedance control is widely
used in physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) [11]–[16].
Researchers in [11], [12] used variable admittance control to
conduct the cooperative task that requires compliance and
accuracy such as calligraphy. In [13]–[15], the robot is
controlled by human to follow or draw a narrow path. A tank-
based approach from [17], [18] was employed with variable
admittance in [16] to minimize the effort for the operator. In
[19], the variable admittance control is employed with an
adaptive controller to provide the interaction stably and
accurately between robot, human and environment. However,
the micro-scale level tasks have less been conducted with
variable admittance control to assist the operation with
respect to operator’s intention.
Variable admittance control is used in [20], [21] to
improve the force scaling in micromanipulation. The
admittance is varied, however, based on the insertion depth
of the tool and it is applied only on 2-DOF to switch between
force scaling mode to virtual RCM which has different
intentions with this paper. Another application for variable
admittance control in cooperative tasks is developed in [22]
to achieve positional accuracy of neurosurgery based on prior
knowledge of surgical sites. Despite the promising
development, most of the cooperative micromanipulator are
aimed for high precision. The compliance is still lacked in
large operational motion and it appears that the source of the
gap stems from the challenges to design a controller with
both the compliance and accuracy.
Towards A Compliant and Accurate Cooperative
Micromanipulator using Variable Admittance Control
Hsieh-Yu Li
, Member, IEEE, Theshani Nuradha
, Student Member, IEEE, Sebaratnam Alex Xavier
Student Member, IEEE, and U-Xuan Tan
, Member, IEEE
2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics an
Mechatronics (ICARM)
978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 230
Hence, to address the need, variable admittance control is
employed in this paper to achieve the best trade-off between
accuracy and compliance. The intuitive human motion is
achieved by varying the admittance based on their
operational force. With such a controller and developed
robot, we hope to enhance the performance of the micro-scale
tasks in terms of accuracy with minimum human’s efforts.
Fig 1 illustrates an overview of our objective. To assist
the operators, in the existing cooperative micromanipulator
(A), the operation is stiff for precision and tremor
suppression. Our target (B) is to build a micro-scale
cooperative robot whose precision is achieved during fine
motion and at the same time more compliance is obtained for
large motion.
Large motion fine motion
Compliance Stiff
Large motion fine motion
Fig 1. (A) Existing cooperative micromanipulators are stiff (accuracy) for
all motion and (B) our proposed robot is compliant for large movement and
stiff for accuracy during fine motion.
In this paper, we use microsurgical suturing with the
cooperative robot as illustration to demonstrate our idea due
to the complexity of this task. Microsurgical suturing is
composed of knot tying, thread operation and dexterous
needle manipulation [23]. In general, needle insertion and
extraction are two main targeted points where the accuracy is
of the utmost importance. However, the operational paths
before and after these two points normally involve large
movements (e.g., pull the needle out of the extraction point)
where the compliance is required. Therefore, we focus on the
operation around these two main points in this paper as the
evaluation of the performance for the proposed controller in
terms of accuracy and compliance. To achieve compliance or
accuracy with respect to different paths, the controller varies
the cooperative behavior of the robot based on the operator’s
intention, which also serve as the main contribution.
The paper is structured as follows. The problem statement
of the control design in existing research for the
micromanipulator is first addressed in Section II. The
proposed variable admittance control is then designed and
discussed in Section III. Section IV describes the proposed
robotic system and experiments are conducted in Section V.
Finally, conclusion is presented in Section VI.
In pHRI using touch as the sense of interaction on the
end-effector, the direction and the magnitude of the force
measured by the F/T sensor is typically interpreted as the
human operator’s intention [24]. This force/torque
information is employed as input of the controller to
engender the desired velocity input for a velocity-controlled
robot [1], [11], [14], [16], [19], [24]. More specifically in
micro-scale tasks, a proportional controller is often employed
to deal with the human cooperative forces [1], [3]. The
controller is defined as
is the desired velocity, n is the number of
is the proportional gain and
is the
external human force applied on the F/T sensor.
Another type of control in pHRI is admittance control [25]
dd dd ext
Mx Bx F
is the desired acceleration, and
are the desired inertia and damping. However,
for both controllers, the adjustments of the parameters are
not flexible. In other words, the stiffness of the robot co-
manipulation with human interaction is fixed. If the robot is
compliant in response to human force, the accuracy is
compromised, and vice versa. Therefore, to address this
issue, we apply the variable admittance control to enhance
the performance by varying the inferred human force and
robot velocity.
This section illustrates how our proposed controller
contributes to microsurgical suturing in terms of compliance
and accuracy. In addition, the conditions of passivity for our
proposed on-line adjustments of admittance parameters are
also discussed.
Controller Design Concept for Microsurgical Suturing.
In microsurgical suturing, needle insertion and extraction
are two key moments where the accuracy is most needed.
Targeting one precise insertion or extraction point and
holding the needle until insertion is energy consuming
causing hand-tremor. The robot with stiff co-manipulation
provides precise control with tremor suppression resulting in
better performance [1], [3]. On the contrary, when the
operator extracts the needle and makes the loop to tie knots,
the hand motion involves large movements where fast
acceleration is typically desired. The fast acceleration with
manual operational force is described as compliance. Using a
robot with compliant co-manipulation, the operator can move
the instrument with minimum efforts [13], [14], [24].
The objective of variable admittance control is to provide
compliant or accurate co-manipulation based on the human
intentions with respect to different operational paths [13]–
[15]. To ensure the best trade-off between accuracy and
compliance, the admittance is adjusted with the force exerted
by the operator. Low admittance parameters are required
when fine and accurate movements in low accelerations are
performed by the operator; and high admittance parameters
are recommended for movements involving large
accelerations [13], [14], [19], [24]. In microsurgery, to
2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics an
Mechatronics (ICARM)
978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 231
attenuate the physiological hand tremor for fine movement
(where the insertion and extraction are normally carried out),
low admittance should be designed because it provides the
stiff co-manipulation. On the other hand, compliance is
desired when the movement involves large acceleration,
such as knotting or dexterous hand motion, and high
admittance should be used. With the high admittance control,
the robot provides compliant co-manipulation for the
Hence, it seems to be a practical and feasible solution to
apply variable admittance control on the microsurgical robot
for suturing. With the variable admittance, the robot not only
maintains the precise control with tremor suppression for
needle insertion and extraction but yields the compliant co-
manipulation when the operator intends to execute large
Variable Admittance Control.
Control Design
The variable admittance control is defined as
() ()
d d d d ext
are the desired velocity and acceleration in
the task space, and
(), () nxn
are the desired
variable inertia and damping matrices, which are symmetric,
diagonal, positive definite for all
Fig 2. Control scheme of the variable admittance control
The control scheme is illustrated in Fig 2 where the human
force is the external force and the admittance parameters,
, are adjusted according to it. Based on the
concepts mentioned in the previous sub-section, the
admittance is reduced to improve accuracy at small
operational force profiles when fine movements are required;
vice versa, the admittance should be increased for compliant
motion when operational force exerted by the human is
larger. Therefore, for every axis, the parameter adjustment of
the admittance is therefore used as
() 0
di i i i
Bt B F
=− >
() 0
di i
Mt M B
are the initial values of the desired inertia
and damping in
axis when no external force is applied,
is the external force with respect to the corresponding
axis for the admittance,
is the updated gain for damping
= 1,…,
. With this approach, the admittance is
maintained in the smallest value (largest
) and
when the external force is zero. Moreover, for low
acceleration, the admittance will be near the initial values that
benefit the operator to execute fine movement as the robot is
stiff. Conversely, given
) and
) that are reduced if the
operators wants to create large hand motion, the admittance is
increased for compliant co-manipulation. This shows our
proposed controller varies the admittance of the robot with
respect to the variation of
to provide the corresponding
cooperative interaction based on human’s intention.
Proof of Passivity
Passivity condition of the proposed controller is derived in
this section. In the application of pHRI, the tracking error is
assumed to be negligible [13], [14], [16], namely,
is the robot velocity output. In addition, because
varies with time, equation (3) is taken as a closed-loop
time-varying system
() ()
with respect to the input-output pair
and with a
storage function
() () .
Vt t=
The derivative of
() () () .
Vt t t=+
Mx xMx
from (6) and replace it in (8), we obtain
() () () .
ext d d
Vt t t=−+
FBx xMx
By rearranging some terms, equation (9) becomes
() () 2 () .
ext d d
Vt t t
FxM Bx
Stored Energy Dissipated Energy
() (0)
( ) 2 ( )
( ) (0) ( )
Vt V W d
xM B x
If the dissipated energy
() 0,
we can obtain
() (0) (0).
dVtV V
Hence, the passivity is guaranteed if
() 2 () 0.
The condition (14) guarantees the closed-loop system (6) is
always dissipative, which also ensures the stable interaction
2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics an
Mechatronics (ICARM)
978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 232
between variable-admittance-controlled robot and the human
In this section, the developed micromanipulator and the
mechatronic units are described. The 5-DOF robotic system
for micro-suturing is developed as shown in Fig 3. Motion
control is implemented with a 3-axis translational motor
actuated stage (8MT173-30; Standa Ltd., Lithuania), 1
rotational stepper (8MR191-28; Standa Ltd., Lithuania) for
yaw axis at the base and another rotational stepper (8MR174-
11-28; Standa Ltd., Lithuania) for roll axis at the end-
effector. The control units are 3 multi-axis controller
(8SMC4; Standa Ltd., Lithuania). A 6-DOF F/T sensor
(HEX-70-XE-200N, OptoForce Ltd, Hungary) is mounted on
the last joint, roll axis, with a needle holder. A customized
portable USB digital camera is used to carry out microscope
imaging. A customized platform that consists a thin and
flexible natural rubber latex is used to simulate the artificial
tissue surface. The shape of the microsurgical needle is 3/8
and the size is 7-0.
F/T Sensor
Artificial Tissue
Operator’s Hand
Needle Holder
(instrument) xy
Fig 3. The appearance of our microsurgical robotics system
In this section, the experimental setup is described first.
Experiments are then conducted to verify the effectiveness of
the proposed variable admittance controller. (A video
demonstration is in )
Experimental Setup
A general experimental setup is depicted in this sub-
section. Three needle paths under microscope imaging of the
artificial tissue surface that consists of the cut and two
targeted points, namely insertion and extraction, are shown
in Fig 4. The operator guides the needle with the instrument
using the hand to the first targeted point for insertion (path
1). After crossing beneath the first point to the second one
for extraction (path 2), the needle is pulled out by non-
dominant hand (path 3).
In addition, to evaluate our proposed variable admittance
control that achieves the best trade-off between compliance
and accuracy of the robot, each experiment compares with
constant low and high admittance. High admittance is
designed for compliance and low admittance is desired for
accuracy. Parameters of the variable admittance controller
are M
= diag[10 10 50 0.01 0.01] kg and kgm
, B
diag[1000 1000 1000 5.75 0.192] Ns/m and Ns/rad and
diag[100 100 100 8.64 0.152]. Parameters of constant
admittance are set as: low admittance B
= B
maximum value of B
(t)); high admittance B
= diag[500
500 500 1.8. 0.1] Ns/m and Ns/rad with M
= M
= M
Moreover, the hand tremor in one of the gestures, such as
tool spin, is not significant [3]. Hence, for better stability,
the rotational axes are conducted with constant inertia and
variable damping [14]. A low pass filter of 5Hz cut-off
frequency with dead-zone and saturation [13] is used for
noise cancellation. The condition (14) is guaranteed by
that is chosen empirically.
1 mm
Targeted point 1
Targeted point 2
(Extraction) Artificial cut
starting point
Above tissue
Beneath tissue
Fig 4. The path of the needle from insertion (targeted point 1) to extraction
(targeted point 2) under the microscope imaging.
B. Best Trade-off Between Compliance and Accuracy
In the experiments, compliance and accuracy of the robot
have been evaluated here. Two experiments have been
tested: (1) an operator extracts needle from point 2 to test the
performance of compliance, and (2) a subject test for the
proposed system in suturing, from insertion to extraction, is
reported to compare the compliance and accuracy.
(1). Compliance Test - Extraction (Path 3)
In this experiment, in order to demonstrate the compliance
of the system, an extraction experiment is designed as this
hand motion that involves large movement. Before the test,
the needle is inserted in the artificial surface and the tip of it
is at the other side of point 2. To simply the test, the operator
extracts the needle out of the targeted point with the robot
along the x-axis rather than along multi-DOF. The force
exerted on the x-axis is shown in Fig 5. A largest force is
demanded in the low admittance and a smaller force is
applied for the high admittance. The result of variable
admittance control is the same with [13]–[15], i.e., the force
is closer to the result of the high admittance when it involves
large movement. Based on this conclusion, subject tests are
evaluated next.
Fig 5. Compliance Test, the lower admittance the higher compliant of the
(2). Subjects Test – Insertion and extraction (Path 1 to 3)
The paths including needle insertion and extraction are
carried out in this experiment with the same parameters
above. The paths involve a) compliant movement when the
2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics an
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978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 233
needle is approaching the insertion point and b) fine
movement when two of the points are being inserted or
extracted. During the experiments, the position of the robot
begins at the starting point. Point 1 is targeted for needle
insertion and point 2 is desired for the operators to extract
the needle. Once the needle is pulled out, the task is
The experiments are performed by 5 subjects aged
between 23 and 29, who have no experience in suturing.
After some practice runs, subjects perform the task using
their dominate hand for 3 times for each admittance
controller. The subjects are asked to perform the task as
accurately as possible. They have to drive the needle till it is
inserted into the correct points. Given this accuracy task that
involve fine movement (insertion and extraction), the
operational forces are recorded with respect to each
admittance to check the compliance. In addition, another
performance parameter is execution time of the task, defined
as when the subject starts from path (1) to approach the
insertion point till the needle is extracted in path (3).
The properties and performance of the controllers for a
single test can be seen in Fig 6. Because low admittance
only provides stiff co-manipulation with any human
intention (blue), the operational forces in our proposed
controller (red) is smaller as the damping is varying resulting
in minimum human efforts. While high admittance (green)
ensures the compliance of the operation, it takes longer time
than the other two methods.
Fig 6. The results in x direction for subject #1. (Top) Time history of
damping, and (bottom) the absolute value of external force with respect to
each admittance controller.
We found out that during the paths that require
compliance and large movement, the subjects tend to drive
the needle with the maximum speed of the robot (as a
normal free hand motion is usually faster than the maximum
speed of a micromanipulator). This cause similar execution
time of these paths with all three admittance controllers.
However, during insertion and extraction, the execution time
is significantly affected as a low admittance provides stiff
co-manipulation with tremor suppression resulting in easier
operation for the operators to target the precise points. This
explains why low and variable admittance control achieves
better performance in terms of time.
Fig 7 and Fig 8 show the task completion time and the
magnitude of resultant forces of translational axes and
torques of rotational axes. The large marks represent the
average of five subjects. As seen from the figures, the low
admittance engenders less total execution time as the
operators have more precise control on targeting fine
movement, but compliance is compromised and the
operators need to apply larger forces or torques on the robot.
On the contrary, the compliance is achieved in high
admittance but it takes longer execution time since the robot
is sensitive to the applied force and the operators now have
the difficulty on fine movement. Finally, with the proposed
variable admittance controller, the operator is able to target a
precise movement and is also able to conduct a large motion
with relatively small force. Hence, the results conclude that
the robot now is controlled in decent trade-off between
compliance and accuracy based on the operator’s intentions.
Fig 7. Magnitude of resultant translational forces in the experiments on five
subjects using constant and variable admittance control. Larger marks
represent the average of the corresponding group of results.
Fig 8. Magnitude of resultant rotational torques in the experiments on five
subjects using constant and variable admittance control. Larger marks
represent the average of the corresponding group of results.
C. Discussion
Fig 9 depicts the paths (side view) that require accuracy or
compliance. During the experiments, the most critical points,
where precision and tremor suppression are required, are
insertion and extraction. At these two points (path (1b) to
(2b)), the desired human intention is to guide the instrument
in a low acceleration. Low admittance provides a stiff co-
manipulation with tremor suppression for the operator to
target the point precisely. On the contrary, the motions that
involve approaching or pulling require (path (1a) and (3))
large acceleration. High admittance ensures compliance of
robot for the operator to execute the tasks with smaller
forces, such as the result in Fig 5, where the accuracy is less
required. The experimental results show the performance in
micro-scale operation with our robot achieves the best trade-
off between compliance and accuracy which concludes our
contribution in this paper.
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978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 234
Tissue surface
(Side View)
(Compliance) (Compliance)
Fig 9. Path (side view) of microsurgical insertion and extraction with
respect to compliance and accuracy. Based on the function, path 1 is
separated into 1a & 1b and path 2 is 2a & 2b. Path 1a & 3 involve large
motion such as pulling out the needle and the compliance is recommended.
Path 1b, 2a and 2b which are critical for precision require tremor
suppression for accuracy.
In this paper, a cooperative robotic system is developed
for micro-scale operation. An instrument at the end-effector
of the robot is controlled in response to the operator’s force.
With the proposed variable admittance control, compliance
or accuracy of co-manipulation is achieved with respect to
different human’s intended motion. The experiments of a
micro-suturing that involves insertion and extraction are
illustrated. Experimental results support that the
performance of the robot achieves the best trade-off between
compliance and accuracy based on operator’s intentions. In
addition, though the controller is specifically applied to
micro-suturing in this paper, it can also be applied into other
application such as the development of micro-devices
assembly that also requires dexterity and accuracy of hand
With the proposed system, we hope to contribute towards
the efficiency and performance enhancement of micro-scale
operations. The goal is to assist the operators by increasing
the accuracy for the operations with minimum human
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2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics an
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978-1-5386-7066-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 235
... the proposed method was tested in a trajectory tracking task. Hsieh-Yu Li [11] developed a variable admittance method for the micro-suturing task by directly mapping external force to virtual damping. In [12], a variable admittance method was proposed by using a multilayer feedforward neural network. ...
... Apparently, condition (1) is fulfilled by substituting 0 ω = into (10) and (11). ...
... When ω is not equal to 0, following (19) and (20) have same roots with (10) and (11). ...
... More specifically, we propose a variable admittance controller whose admittance between human force and robot velocity is varied based on human's intention. We have developed a micromanipulator in [8] for microsurgical suturing, and in this study, we extend our results by conducting more experiments. Our target (as shown in Figure 1(a)) is to ensure that the robot provides stiff and accurate cooperation in fine motion while also allowing compliant cooperation in large motion. ...
... The closed-loop system (4) is always dissipative by condition (8), ensuring stable interaction within proposed-controlled robot and human operator. ...
... In terms of controller parameters, to ensure the parameters are updated without the violation of (8), minimal values of the admittance (2), (3) are chosen and set empirically. (The rest of the specification and parameters of the controller can be found in [8].) Three needle paths of the artificial tissue surface under microscope imaging are shown in Figure 1(c). ...
... There are several studies in the literature utilizing the forcebased information to infer the human intention as well. For instance, Li et al. [20], [21] utilized force applied by human to interpret human intention to adjust the controller parameters accordingly. In their approach, damping was increased to improve accuracy (decreased for more compliance), when the human force was small (high). ...
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The goal of this study is to design an admittance controller for a robot to adaptively change its contribution to a collaborative manipulation task executed with a human partner to improve the task performance. This has been achieved by adaptive scaling of human force based on her/his movement intention while paying attention to the requirements of different task phases. In our approach, movement intentions of human are estimated from measured human force and velocity of manipulated object, and converted to a quantitative value using a fuzzy logic scheme. This value is then utilized as a variable gain in an admittance controller to adaptively adjust the contribution of robot to the task without changing the admittance time constant. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach by a pHRI experiment utilizing Fitts reaching movement task. The results of the experiment show that there is a) an optimum admittance time constant maximizing the human force amplification and b) a desirable admittance gain profile which leads to a more effective co-manipulation in terms of overall task performance.
... In pHRI, kinetic information such as force is also used for anticipating the intention of human. Li et al. [6], [7] estimated the intention based on the force exerted by human, and then altered the controller parameters accordingly. Wakita et al. [8] anticipated the intended movement direction based on the interaction force between human and robot and designed an adaptive admittance controller to eliminate undesired motions during assisted-walking. ...
Conference Paper
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With the recent advances in cobot (collaborative robot) technology, we can now work with a robot side by side in manufacturing environments. The collaboration between human and cobot can be enhanced by detecting the intentions of human to make the production more flexible and effective in future factories. In this regard, interpreting human intention and then adjusting the controller of cobot accordingly to assist human is a core challenge in physical human-robot interaction (pHRI). In this study, we propose a classifier based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) that predicts intended direction of human movement by utilizing electromyography (EMG) signals acquired from human arm muscles. We employ this classifier in an admittance control architecture to constrain human arm motion to the intended direction and prevent undesired movements along other directions. The proposed classifier and the control architecture have been validated through a path following task by utilizing a KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800 cobot. The results of our experimental study with 6 participants show that the proposed architecture provides an effective assistance to human during the execution of task and reduces undesired motion errors, while not sacrificing from the task completion time.
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Microsurgical techniques have been widely utilized in various surgical specialties, such as ophthalmology, neurosurgery, and otolaryngology, which require intricate and precise surgical tool manipulation on a small scale. In microsurgery, operations on delicate vessels or tissues require high standards in surgeons’ skills. This exceptionally high requirement in skills leads to a steep learning curve and lengthy training before the surgeons can perform microsurgical procedures with quality outcomes. The microsurgery robot (MSR), which can improve surgeons’ operation skills through various functions, has received extensive research attention in the past three decades. There have been many review papers summarizing the research on MSR for specific surgical specialties. However, an in-depth review of the relevant technologies used in MSR systems is limited in the literature. This review details the technical challenges in microsurgery, and systematically summarizes the key technologies in MSR with a developmental perspective from the basic structural mechanism design, to the perception and human–machine interaction methods, and further to the ability in achieving a certain level of autonomy. By presenting and comparing the methods and technologies in this cutting-edge research, this paper aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of MSR research and identify potential directions for future development in MSR.
This article presents a multi-degree-of-freedom variable damping controller to manage the trade-off between stability and agility and to reduce user effort in physical human-robot interaction. The controller accounts for the human body's inherent impedance properties and applies a range of robotic damping from negative (energy injection) to positive (energy dissipation) values based on the user's intent of motion. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in balancing the trade-off between stability/agility and reducing user effort, two studies are performed on both the human upper-extremity and lower-extremity to represent both industrial and rehabilitation applications of the proposed controller. These studies required subjects to perform a series of multidimensional target reaching tasks while the human user interacted with either the end-effector of a robotic arm for the upper-extremity study or a wearable ankle robot for the lower-extremity study. Stability, agility, and user effort are quantified by a variety of performance metrics. Stability is quantified by both overshoot and stabilization time. Mean and maximum speed are used to quantify agility. To quantify the user effort, both overall and maximum muscle activation, and mean and maximum root-mean-squared interaction force are calculated. The results of both the upper- and lower-extremity studies demonstrate that the controller is able to reduce user effort while increasing agility at a negligible cost to stability.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the co-activation level of the arm muscles is used as an indication of the end-point stiffness for improving human-robot cooperation. A variable admittance controller is proposed to adjust the virtual damping in real time by measuring the operator's muscle activation by means of surface EMG. An experimental user study is conducted that simulates both high accuracy and fast transition movements, involving human-robot interaction with a 7-DOF LWR serial manipulator. The proposed method is compared to constant admittance and is evaluated in terms of movement accuracy, execution time, and the operator's energy consumption. The results demonstrate that there is a significant reduction of the operator's effort and an improvement of the cooperative motion accuracy.
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This paper provides a review of techniques and technology relevant to the field of micro-devices assembly (MDA). MDA is an emerging domain of importance which is expected to have a substantial impact on a range of industrial fields including sensors, surveillance devices, and semiconductor devices. This paper provides a review of a cross-section of research including micro-gripping design and manipulation techniques, work cell design and factory automation, self-assembly techniques, and virtual reality-based approaches in micro-assembly. A discussion of the key challenges for this domain along with directions for future research is also provided.
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This paper presents an experimental study on human–robot comanipulation in the presence of kinematic redundancy. The objective of the work is to enhance the performance during human–robot physical interaction by combining Cartesian impedance modulation and redundancy resolution. Cartesian impedance control is employed to achieve a compliant behavior of the robot's end effector in response to forces exerted by the human operator. Different impedance modulation strategies, which take into account the human's behavior during the interaction, are selected with the support of a simulation study and then experimentally tested on a 7-degree-of-freedom KUKA LWR4. A comparative study to establish the most effective redundancy resolution strategy has been made by evaluating different solutions compatible with the considered task. The experiments have shown that the redundancy, when used to ensure a decoupled apparent inertia at the end effector, allows enlarging the stability region in the impedance parameters space and improving the performance. On the other hand, the variable impedance with a suitable modulation strategy for parameters’ tuning outperforms the constant impedance, in the sense that it enhances the comfort perceived by humans during manual guidance and allows reaching a favorable compromise between accuracy and execution time.
This paper presents a novel variable impedance control method for a human-robot cooperative task. There is a possibility that an impedance control system based on a positioning control of a robot with time delay of the robot and a human operator becomes unstable, when stiffness of a human arm is increased in the human-robot cooperative task. A proposed variable impedance controller varies a viscosity coefficient of the robot in proportion to an estimated value of the stiffness of the tip of the human arm. A proposed variable impedance control makes the human-robot cooperative system stable and the cooperative task easy.
In physical human-robot interaction, the coexistence of robots and humans in the same workspace requires the guarantee of a stable interaction, trying to minimize the effort for the operator. To this aim, the admittance control is widely used and the appropriate selection of the its parameters is crucial, since they affect both the stability and the ability of the robot to interact with the user. In this paper, we present a strategy for detecting deviations from the nominal behavior of an admittance-controlled robot and for adapting the parameters of the controller while guaranteeing the passivity. The proposed methodology is validated on a KUKA LWR 4+.
Introducing some form of autonomy in robotic surgery is being considered by the medical community to better exploit the potential of robots in the operating room. However, significant technological steps have to occur before even the smallest autonomous task is ready to be presented to the regulatory authorities. In this paper, we address the initial steps of this process, in particular the development of control concepts satisfying the basic safety requirements of robotic surgery, i.e., providing the robot with the necessary dexterity and a stable and smooth behavior of the surgical tool. Two specific situations are considered: the automatic adaptation to changing tissue stiffness and the transition from autonomous to teleoperated mode. These situations replicate real-life cases when the surgeon adapts the stiffness of her/his arm to penetrate tissues of different consistency and when, due to an unexpected event, the surgeon has to take over the control of the surgical robot. To address the first case, we propose a passivity-based interactive control architecture that allows us to implement stable time-varying interactive behaviors. For the second case, we present a two-layered bilateral control architecture that ensures a stable behavior during the transition between autonomy and teleoperation and, after the switch, limits the effect of initial mismatch between master and slave poses. The proposed solutions are validated in the realistic surgical scenario developed within the EU-funded I-SUR project, using a surgical robot prototype specifically designed for the autonomous execution of surgical tasks like the insertion of needles into the human body.