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Effect of erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet 2.7 nm laser on debonding of CAD/CAM endocrowns


Abstract and Figures

The most common method for the removal of all-ceramic restorations is to use a highspeed handpiece with a stone or bur. Unfortunately, this process can be difficult, time-consuming and may lead to the loss of healthy tooth structures. Lasers have been suggested and used to remove ceramic orthodontic brackets, laminate veneers and full anatomical crowns. Aim: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the debonding effect of ErCr: YSGG on CAD/CAM end crown restorations. Materials and methods: Overall, 30 molar samples were prepared for this study and divided into two groups as follows: Group A–(n = 15: Endocrowns subjected to ErCr: YSGG laser application. Group B–(n = 15): Endocrowns not subjected to the laser (control). Endocrowns were fabricated from lithium disilicate ceramics and manufactured using a CAD/CAM machine. Cementation was done using Bisco Duo Link Universal™ resin cement. ErCr:YSGG laser was used with wavelength 2780 nm, 0.3J energy, 10 Hz frequency and 1000 µm tip size. Pull out test was done using a universal testing machine. Results: It was found that Non-laser group recorded statistically significant (p < 0.05) higher mean value (258.14 ± 63.43 N) for debonding than Laser group mean value (156.66 ± 32.89 N) as indicated by student t-test.Additionally, no carbonization at the dentin/cement interface was observed. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, ErCr: YSGG application can be considered a conservative method for the debonding of all ceramic endocrowns. Clinical significance: Some practitioners have been against the use of endocrown restorations due to the difficulty faced in removal and retrieval, the use of laser is an alternative, effective and conservative method. © 2019, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Effect of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium, and Garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding
World Journal of Dentistry, September-October 2018;9(5):349-354
Effect of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium,
and Garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding of Computer-aided
Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Endocrowns
1Ahmed EL Hawary, 2Ahmed Abbas, 3Tarek Harhash
The most common method for the removal of all-ceramic res-
torations is to use a highspeed handpiece with a stone or bur.
Unfortunately, this process can be difcult, time-consuming
and may lead to the loss of healthy tooth structures. Lasers
have been suggested and used to remove ceramic or thodontic
brackets, laminate veneers and full anatomical crowns.
Aim: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the debonding
effect of erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium
and garnet (ErCr:YSGG) on Computer-aided design and com-
puter-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) end crown restorations.
Materials and methods: Overall, 30 molar samples were
prepared for this study and divided into two groups as follows:
Group A– (n = 15): Endocrowns subjected to ErCr:YSGG
laser application.
Group B–(n = 15): Endocrowns not subjected to the laser
(control). Endocrowns were fabricated from lithium disilicate
ceramics and manufactured using a CAD/CAM machine.
Cementation was done using Bisco Duo Link Universal™ resin
cement. ErCr:YSGG laser was used with wavelength 2780 nm,
0.3J energy, 10 Hz frequency and 1000 µm tip size. Pull out
test was done using a universal testing machine.
Results: It was found that Non-laser group recorded statisti-
cally signicant (p < 0.05) higher mean value (258.14 ± 63.43 N)
fo r de bondi n g th an Las e r gr oup me a n value (15 6.66 ± 32. 8 9 N)
as indicated by student t-test. Additionally, no carbonization at
the dentin/cement interface was observed.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, ErCr: YSGG
application can be considered a conser vative method for the
debonding of all ceramic endocrowns.
Clinical signicance: Some practitioners have been against
the use of endocrown restorations due to the difculty faced in
removal and retrieval, the use of laser is an alternative, effective
and conservative method.
Keywords: All ceramic restoration, CAD/CAM, Debonding,
Endocrown, Effect of erbium, Chromium-doped yttrium, Scan-
dium, Gallium and garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding of CAD/
CAM Endocrowns.
How to cite this article: Hawary AEL, Abbas A, Harhash T.
Effect of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium,
and Garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding of Computer-aided
1Department of Prosthodontics, MSA University, National
Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences, Cairo, Egypt
2,3Department of Prosthodontics, National Institute of Laser
Enhanced Sciences, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: Ahmed EL Hawary, Department of
Prosthodontics, MSA University, National Institute of Laser
Enhanced Sciences, Cairo, Egypt, e-mail:
Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Endocrowns. World
J Dent 2018;9(5):349-354.
Source of support: Nil
Conict of interest: None
Treatment of grossly damaged endodontically treated
teeth using all-ceramic crown restorations is a problem
facing many practitioners in their daily practice.1 Caries,
fracture and cavity preparation are the main reasons for
the decrease in fracture resistance of root canal treated
teeth, rather than dehydration or physical changes in
dentin.2 Traditionally, the functional and esthetic resto-
ration of teeth with endodontic treatment and extensive
coronal destruction has been achieved by fabricating
crowns supported on cast metal post and cores.3
With the advancement of adhesives and ceramics, a
macro-retentive design is no longer a requirement when
there are sufficient tooth surfaces available for bonding.4 A
new type of restoration was developed consisting of a cir-
cumferential preparation with a 1.0 to 1.2 mm butt margin
and a central retention cavity inside the pulp chamber, thus
constructing both the crown and core as a single unit, i.e.,
a “monobloc”. This restoration is called the Endocrown.5
Removal and retrievability are needed in cases when
the endodontic treatment under the restoration has failed.
A meta-analysis of conventional endodontic treatment pre-
viously conducted has reported a success rate in the range
of 78 to 84%.6 The major causes of endodontic failures were
inadequate obturation (45%) followed by missed canals
(32%) and then fractured or dislodged instruments (14%).7
As is the case in all ceramic veneers, the most common
method for removal of all ceramic endocrown restorations
is to use a highspeed handpiece with diamond stone.8
Unfortunately, due to the high bond strength and color
matching qualities of resin bonded ceramics and tooth
structure, this process can be difficult, time-consuming
and may lead to unnecessary loss of healthy tooth struc-
ture. The search for alternative methods that could safely,
quickly and predictably debond endocrowns without the
risk of iatrogenic damage to underlying tooth structure
was therefore greatly needed, seriously investigated and
would be encouraged and welcomed.
Ahmed EL Hawaryi et al.
Since the early 1995, lasers have been used experimen-
tally to remove ceramic orthodontic brackets, which was
afterward used in the debonding and removal of porce-
lain veneers and lam inate veneers. Tocchio et al.9 used Nd:
YAG laser at a wavelength of 1060 nm. Oztoprak et al.10
found that laser application significantly decreased the
required debonding load for porcelain laminate veneers.
Debonding was said to occur by three main effects,
thermal softening, where the bonding agent is softened
by heat. Secondly, thermal ablation where resin tempera-
ture is raised with high enough laser energy and finally
thermally induced photoablation when laser energy
interacts with the resin material.9,11
A total of 30 freshly extracted human teeth were selected
for this study. They were inspected under proper illumi-
nation and magnification (× 2.5) to ensure the absence of
cracks or fracture. Teeth of average crown length 6 ± 1 mm,
a mesiodistal dimension with average 10 ± 1 mm and
buccolingual dimension with average 12 ± 1 mm were
selected, while smaller teeth were discarded. The teeth
were placed in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) 2.5% for
24 hours to remove any attached debris. Teeth were then
stored in normal tap water during the experimentation
period at room temperature.
The samples were then divided into two groups, Group
A n = 15: endocrowns subjected to Er Cr: YSGG laser appli-
cation and group B n = 15: endocrowns not subjected to the
laser (control). The sample teeth were then placed within
epoxy resin blocks. Teeth within their respective epoxy
blocks were placed on a surveyor (BEGO paraflex, Bremen,
Germany) with an attached straight handpiece (Fig. 1) and
were marked at a level 1 mm above the cementoenamel
junction, demarcating the level of decoronation. using a
medium grit disc attached to the straight handpiece the
Fig. 1: Surveyor with attached handpiece
Fig. 2: Endocrown preparation
Fig. 3: Designing of the endocrown copings with
occlusal extension and channel
teeth were cut uniformly at the desired level. Access cavity
and intracoronal endocrown preparation were performed
using an Endo-Z bur (Fig. 2), followed by root canal treat-
ment and obturation for all samples.
Rosetta® SM (HASS, Korea) lithium disilicate glass
ceramic blocks were used for the fabrication of the endo-
crown copings. Scanning of the prepared sample teeth
using Freedom HD extra oral scanner, DOF inc.©, Korea
and designing of the endocrown copings were performed
using Exocad softwareVhf, Germany. Cement gap was
designed to be 0.08 mm, and the occlusal surface was
designed with an occlusal extension of 5 mm height and
3 mm thickness with a 2-mm wide channelwas added
on the occlusal extension to provide a way of pulling the
coping during testing (Fig. 3).
To fabricate the endocrown copings, animes-icore®
(Germany) CORiTEC milling machine was used. After
milling was completed, the endocrown copings were
cemented to their respective samples using Bisco
(Illinois, USA) Duo Link Universal™ resin cement, to
Effect of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium, and Garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding
World Journal of Dentistry, September-October 2018;9(5):349-354
ensure the standardization of the cementation proce-
dure a custom-made cementation device was used for
these procedures (Fig. 4). All samples then underwent
5000 thermocycling cycles with dwell times set at 25
seconds in each water bath with a lag time of 10 seconds
in between.
Lasing was performed using a Waterlase iPlus,
BIOLASE© Inc. (Irvine, USA) ErCr: YSGG (erbium, chro-
mium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet)
unit, under the laser parameters shown in Table 1.
Laser irradiation was started on the occlusal surface of
the samples, the irradiation tip was moved in a back and
forth movement, like painting the surface with imagi-
nary 2 mm stripes, starting from one contact point to
the other for 30 seconds. This was repeated three more
times covering the whole of the occlusal surface, after
which, the same irradiation pattern was performed along
the buccal and lingual walls. Finally, the proximal walls
were irradiated in the same fashion but in a direction
parallel to the long axis of the tooth (Fig. 5). This pattern
resulted in a total irradiation time of approximately 4
minutes, and the irradiation distance was 5 mm away
from the ceramic surface, no changing in the transpar-
ency of the ceramics or discoloration was observed
during irradiation.
Pull out testing of the samples using a univer-
sal testing machine (Model 3345; Instron Industrial
Products, Norwood, USA) was performed with a load
cell of 5000 N and data were recorded using Bluehill
Litecomputer software. The endocrown coping was
suspended from the upper movable compartment of
the testing machine by orthodontic wire loop (1.5 mm)
through the hole made during milling. The device was-
subjected to a slowly increasing upward vertical load
(5 mm/min) until total dislodgment of the crown. The
load required to dislodgment was recorded in Newton.
The results were analyzed using Graph Pad Instat
(Graph Pad, Inc.) software for windows. A value of
p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Continu-
ous variables were expressed as the mean and standard
deviation. After homogeneity of variance and normal
distribution of errors had been confirmed, a student t-test
was done for compared pairs. Sample size (n = 15) was
large enough to detect large effect sizes for main effects
and pair-wise comparisons, with the satisfactory level
of power set at 80% and a 95% confidence level. Descrip-
tive statistics of retention (N) showing mean, standard
deviation (SD), minimum, maximum and 95% confidence
intervals (CI) (low and high) values for both lased and
non-lased are summarized in Table 2 and graphically
drawn in Graph 1.
It was found that the retention mean ± SD values
recorded for the laser group were (156.66 ± 32.89 N) with
the minimum value (106.25 N) and the maximum value
(232.02 N). Meanwhile, the retention mean ± SD values
recorded for the non-laser group were (258.14 ± 63.43 N)
with the minimum value (155.96 N) and the maximum
value (253.09 N).The non-laser group recorded statisti-
cally significant (p < 0.05) higher mean value (258.14 ±
63.43 N) than Laser group mean value (156.66 ± 32.89 N)
as indicated by student t-test.
Table 1: Laser parameters
Wavelength 2780 nm
Energy 0.3 J
Pulse Duration 60 µs (H-mode)
Frequency 10 Hz
Average Power 3 W
Peak Power 5000 W
Tip Size MZ10 (1000 µm)
Fig. 4: Custom made cementation device
Fig. 5: Laser irradiation of the samples
Ahmed EL Hawaryi et al.
Recently, CAD/CAM endocrowns has served as a new
method for restoring endodontically treated teeth instead
of using a post and core.12 Endocrowns are onlays that
build up and restores damaged coronal potion of a tooth,
having an extension into the pulp chamber of said tooth.13
This extension serves to provide better stabilization and
improve adhesion of the restoration.14 Usually, removal
of endocrown restorations was done using a diamond
stone or bur, this process was difficult, time consuming
and unconservative.
In this study, natural human caries free molars were
selected for clinical simulation, as recommended by
Aktas et al.15 Decoronation of the tooth was performed
using a surveyor to insure uniformity across all samples,
it was done at a level of 1 mm above the cemento-enamel
junction in accordance with Rocca et al.16 Milling of
the endocrown samples was done using a CAD/CAM
machine to provide predictable quality to the final resto-
ration as well as save time. The use of CAD/CAM offers
a more accurate fit, higher durability and more ease of
construction, by eliminating human error.17 Prepared
teeth were scanned, and an 80-µm relief18 cement space
was chosen when designing the endocrown copings,
this amount of space was considerate optimal by Wilson
et al.19 finding out that there was a significant correlation
between increased cement space and decreased seating
time and seating discrepancy. The occlusal surface of the
endocrown coping was designed with a 5 mm occlusal
extension having a 2 mm channel to allow the pulling the
copings during retention testing, as was recommended
by Saryazdi et al.20
Adhesive cementation of all-Ceramic restorations
is achieved through resin based luting cements, which
require conditioning of both the tooth and the restoration
surface before application of the luting resin cement. In
this study conditioning of the tooth surface was done
through a combination of selective etching and bonding.
Although, Peumans et al.,21 claimed that additional selec-
tive etching of enamel does not significantly affect the
bonding of ceramic restorations, selective etching was
done using 37% phosphoric acid on enamel to ensure
maximum bonding and higher retention rate between
the restoration and prepared teeth as concluded by
Szesz et al.22
In this present study it was decided against using
abrasion in the conditioning of the endocrown samples
because of the difficulty in production of uniform rough-
ness on the fitting surface of the restoration and fear of
the potential damage it may cause to the margin which
might lead to poor marginal adaptation as noted by
Fleming and Addison.23 Acid etching was performed
on the ceramic surface using 9.5% hydrofluoric acid
creating a surface that is more accepting for bonding,24
after which, the application of a silane coupling agent
is of utmost importance to increase the chemical bond
strength between the resin cement and the endocrown
as recommended by Matinlinna et al.25
Debonding of all ceramic restorations is based on
the thermal softening of the adhesive resin cement.10
This is achieved through thermal-mechanical inter-
action on the water content in those cements under
laser application,26 despite resin cements being gener-
ally less soluble that other luting cements, they still
absorb water which in turn allows laser penetration
and ablation.27
ErCr: YSGG laser was used in this present study as per
the recommendation of Gurney et al.,28 who stated that
although it has a less coefficient and has less wavelength
than Er: YAG lasers traditionally used in debonding pro-
cedure studies, ErCr: YSGG has the same strong absorp-
tion in water and lower absorption in hard dental tissues.
Laser parameters used were set according to Gurney’s
study and the laser application procedure was based on
the protocol first suggested in 2014 by Rechmann et al.29
This protocol recommended that the tip be placed 5 mm
away from the ceramic surface and then a cross hatch
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of retention results (Mean ± SD) between lased and non-lased groups
Variable Mean ± SD
Range 95%CI
Minim. Maxim. Lower Upper
Group A-Laser 156.66 32.89 106.25 232.02 138.44 174.87
B-Non-laser 258.14 63.43 155.96 253.09 223.01 293.26
Graph 1: Column chart showing retention results mean values
for both lased and non-lased groups
Effect of Erbium, Chromium-doped Yttrium, Scandium, Gallium, and Garnet 2.7 nm Laser on Debonding
World Journal of Dentistry, September-October 2018;9(5):349-354
pattern was drawn as if “painting with a paint brush” on
the ceramic surface. This procedure resulted in between
3 to 4 minutes of laser irradiation.
Pull out test was chosen in this study, as it has
several advantages over other testing methods,30 such
as having better stress distribution, the ability to test
irregular surfaces and its efficiency in testing small
areas. Results of the pull-out test showed statistical
significance between both groups, those with laser
application before debonding (group A) and those
without (group B), this was in accordance with all previ-
ous studies regarding the effect of laser on debonding
of either ceramic brackets, laminate veneers or full
coverage crowns. But as of writing, this study is the
first to prove it on endocrowns that have a much larger
thickness than those previously mentioned especially
in the intra-radicular portion of the endocrown present
within the pulp chamber. Scanning electron microscope
images of both the tooth and the restoration surface
of group A showed both surfaces covered with the
bonding cement indicating an adhesive failure of the
cement upon laser application, which is in accordance
with Morford et al.31 findings.
According to the results of this present study, laser
application, specifically that of ErCr: YSGG could be
considered an effective and conservative method for
the debonding and subsequent removal of all ceramic
endocrown restorations.
Some practitioners have been against the use of endo-
crown restorations because of the difficulty of its
removal when needed, according to this present study it
is advisable to use ErCr: YSGG laser in the conservative
removal of such restorations.
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Full-text available
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the debonding strength of laminate veneers after using erbium-doped: yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) laser. Materials and Methods: A total of 60 bovine mandibular incisor teeth were divided into two groups (n = 30). Cylindrical specimens (0.7 mm × 5 mm) were fabricated from Empress II ceramic. Then, they were cemented to incisors using dual-cured resin cement (Variolink II). In the first group, no laser application was performed. The Er:YAG laser was applied on each laminate veneer at the test group for 9 s by using the scanning method. Shear force to remove the laminate veneers were applied with universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Results: Results of this study exhibited significant differences between the control (27.28 ± 2.24 MPa) and test group (3.44 ± 0.69 MPa) (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study shows that application of Er:YAG laser decreased the bond strength of laminate veneers.
Full-text available
Despite the predictable longevity of implant prosthesis, there is an ongoing interest to continue to improve implant prosthodontic treatment and outcomes. One of the developments is the application of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to produce implant abutments and frameworks from metal or ceramic materials. The aim of this narrative review is to critically evaluate the rationale of CAD/CAM utilization for implant prosthodontics. To date, CAD/CAM allows simplified production of precise and durable implant components. The precision of fit has been proven in several laboratory experiments and has been attributed to the design of implants. Milling also facilitates component fabrication from durable and aesthetic materials. With further development, it is expected that the CAD/CAM protocol will be further simplified. Although compelling clinical evidence supporting the superiority of CAD/CAM implant restorations is still lacking, it is envisioned that CAD/CAM may become the main stream for implant component fabrication.
Objectives: to explore fatigue limits of ceramic endocrowns for premolars. Methods: Forty-eight devitalized premolars were cut at the CEJ. They were restored with standardized CAD-CAM lithium disilicate reinforced ceramic restorations (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar-Vivadent) and divided into four Groups (n=12): overlays (Group A, no endo-core, negative control), endocrowns with an endo-core of 2mm (Group B), 4mm (GroupC) and crowns with post and core (Group D, positive control). All specimens were first submitted to thermo-mechanical cyclic loading (TCML)(1.7Hz, 49N, 600000 cycles, 1500 thermo-cycles). Margins were analysed before and after the loading. Survived specimens were then submitted to cyclic isometric stepwise loading (5Hz, 200N to 1200N) until completion of 105000 cycles or failure. In case of fracture, fragments were analysed using SEM and failure mode was determined. Results of stepwise loading were statistically analysed by Kaplan-Meier life survival analysis and log rank test (p=0.05). Results: All the specimens survived the TCML test except four specimens of Group A (early restorations' debonding). No difference in percentages of closed margins was found between endocrowns (Groups B, C) and crowns (Group D). After the stepwise test, differences in survival within the groups were not statistically significant. Most of restorations experienced non-reparable fracture. Conclusions: Endocrowns with both 2-mm and 4-mm long endo-cores displayed outcomes after fatigue equivalent to classical crowns. Results of this study discourage the use of flat overlays with only adhesive retention. Clinical significance: When restoring extremely destroyed devitalized premolars, adhesive strategies should be coupled to a macro-mechanical retention in the root.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of different silica-based ceramic materials on the mechanical failure behavior of endocrowns used in the restoration of endodontically treated mandibular molar teeth. Materials and methods: Thirty-six intact mandibular molar teeth extracted because of a loss of periodontal support received root canal treatment. The teeth were prepared with a central cavity to support the endocrowns, replacing the occlusal surface with mesial-lingual-distal walls. Data acquisition of the prepared tooth surfaces was carried out digitally with a powder-free intraoral scanner. Restoration designs were completed on manufactured restorations from three silicate ceramics: alumina-silicate (control), zirconia-reinforced (Zr-R), and polymer-infiltrated (P-I). Following adhesive cementation, endocrowns were subjected to thermal aging, and then, each specimen was obliquely loaded to record the fracture strength and define the mechanical failure. For the failure definition, the fracture type characteristics were identified, and further analytic measurements were made on the fractured tooth and ceramic structure. Results: Load-to-fracture failure did not differ significantly, and the calculated mean values were 1035.08 N, 1058.33 N, and 1025.00 N for control, Zr-R, and P-I groups, respectively; however, the stiffness of the restoration-tooth complex was significantly higher than that in both test groups. No statistically significant correlation was established in paired comparisons of the failure strength, restorative stiffness, and fractured tooth distance parameters. The failure mode for teeth restored with zirconia-reinforced glass ceramics was identified as non-restorable. The resin interface in the control and P-I groups presented similar adhesive failure behavior. Conclusion: Mechanical failure of endocrown restorations does not significantly differ for silica-based ceramics modified either with zirconia or polymer.
Objectives: To identify if selective etching of enamel (SEE) margins improves the retention rates and marginal discoloration of cervical composite restorations in non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) of adult patients. Source: MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, BBO Library, Cochrane Library and SIGLE were searched without restrictions, as well as IADR abstracts and gray literature via trial registries. Dissertations and theses were searched using the ProQuest Dissertations and Periódicos Capes Theses databases. Study selection: We included randomized clinical trials that compared the clinical effectiveness of SEE using the self-etch adhesive for direct composite resin restorations in NCCLs in the permanent dentition. Data: After removal of duplicates, 2689 articles were identified. Following screening of abstracts, 10 studies remained in the qualitative synthesis. Seven were considered to be at "low" risk of bias. The report of the studies varied from 1-5 years. Except for one-year follow-up, there was a significantly lower marginal discoloration and marginal adaptation during all follow-up periods. Significantly less loss of retention of restorations at the 3-year follow-up was observed with the selective enamel etching technique. Conclusions: Selective enamel prior to application of self-etch adhesive systems in NCCLs might improve clinical performance of resin-composite cervical restorations, although further research is required to confirm this. Clinical significance: Selective enamel etching prior to application of self-etch adhesive systems in NCCLs can produce composite restorations with higher longevity.
Statement of problem: The use of lasers is growing widely in dentistry. Despite its clinical implications, most information and clinical data related to the removal of ceramic restorations with the aid of a laser is either anecdotal or in the form of clinical reports. Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to establish a parameter on the removal of lithium disilicate crowns with a laser and conduct an in vitro trial of crown removal based on the wattage and time of application. Material and methods: Twenty extracted molars were prepared to accommodate a lithium disilicate disk specimen, which was cemented with resin cement. An erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser was applied at different wattages (3, 3.5, 4, and 5 W) to determine the optimal wattage for the removal of the lithium disilicate specimens. Once the optimal wattage was established, 25 extracted teeth were mounted in stone, then prepared to receive milled lithium disilicate computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing complete coverage crowns. The crowns were cemented with a dual-polymerizing resin cement. The groups comprised 3.5 and 4 W output with 30-, 60-, and 90-second application time (n=5), and 5 crowns were removed using traditional handpiece and electric handpiece with coarse grit diamond rotary instruments. The results and time required to remove the crown were recorded. The chi-square test was performed to assess any significant differences in removing the crown with the laser according to wattage or time of application (α=.05). Results: Laser application at 3.5 and 4 W was best for removing crowns conservatively. Eight crowns (40%) of 20 specimens were successfully removed at the first attempt. The majority of the crowns came off during the second attempt. The chi-square test revealed no significant difference between the combination of wattage and time of application (P= .92). The mean time to remove the lithium disilicate crown with a diamond rotary instrument was 6 minutes, and removal required 1.8 instruments on the average. Conclusions: An Er,Cr:YSGG laser can safely remove lithium disilicate crowns with the settings used this study.
Background and Objectives The removal of all-ceramic crowns is a time consuming procedure in the dental office. Little research has been done in alternative removal techniques for all-ceramic crowns. The objective of the second phase of this proof-of-principle laboratory pilot study was to evaluate whether Ivoclar Vivadent all-ceramic crowns can be efficiently removed from natural teeth without damage to the underlying tooth structure using an Erbium laser.Study Design/Materials and Methods The ceramic materials used were IPS E.max CAD Lithium-disilicate (LS2) (E.max CAD) and IPS E.max ZirCAD Zirconium-oxide (ZrO2) (ZirCAD) (Ivoclar, Vivadent, Liechtenstein).Molars, either as stand-alone teeth or placed in an artificial row of teeth, were prepared to receive all-ceramic crowns. Copings and full contour crowns with either featheredge or regular margins were produced. The all-ceramic crowns were bonded to the teeth with Ivoclar Multilink Automix. The time for Er:YAG laser debonding of each crown was then measured. The Er:YAG (LiteTouch, Syneron, Yokneam, Israel) was used with an 1,100 µm diameter fiber tip with energies up to 600 mJ per pulse (wavelength 2,940 nm, 10 Hz repetition rate, pulse duration 100 µs at 126 mJ/pulse, and 400 µs at 590 mJ/pulse). The irradiation was applied at a distance of 10 mm from the crown surface following a defined pattern. Air-water spray was applied to the crowns at a rate of 67 ml/minute.ResultsAll of the all-ceramic crowns were successfully debonded with the laser. On average, an all-ceramic E.max CAD crown was debonded in 190 ± 92 seconds (average ± SD). The debonding time for ZirCAD featheredge crowns was 226 ± 105 seconds and for ZirCAD crowns with regular margins it was 312 ± 102 seconds. No crowns fractured and no damage to the underlying dentin was detected. The bonding cement deteriorated due to the Er:YAG irradiation. Additionally, no carbonization at the dentin/cement interface was observed.Conclusion Er:YAG laser energy can successfully be used to efficiently debond all-ceramic full contour crowns from natural teeth without damage to the underlying tooth structure. Lasers Surg. Med. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Information about the influence of zirconia crown surface treatment and cement type on the retention of zirconia crowns is limited. It is unclear whether zirconia crowns require surface treatment to enhance their retention. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of surface treatment on the retention of zirconia crowns cemented with 3 different adhesive resin cements after artificial aging. Ninety extracted human molars were prepared for ceramic crowns (approximately 20-degree taper, approximately 4-mm axial length) and were divided into 3 groups (n=30). Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing zirconia copings were fabricated. Three surface treatments were applied to the intaglio surface of the copings. The control group received no treatment, the second group was airborne-particle abraded with 50 μm Al2O3, and the third group was treated with 30 μm silica-modified Al2O3, The copings were luted with a self-etch (RelyX Unicem 2), a total-etch (Duo-Link), or a self-etch primer (Panavia F 2.0) adhesive cement. They were stored for 24 hours at 37°C before being artificially aged with 5000 (5°C-55°C) thermal cycles and 100 000 cycles of 70 N dynamic loading. Retention was measured on a universal testing machine under tension, with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Statistical analysis was performed with 1-way and 2-way ANOVA. Mean retention values ranged from 0.72 to 3.7 MPa. Surface treatment increased crown retention, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>.05), except for the Duo-Link cement group (P<.05). Analysis of the adhesives revealed that the Duo-Link cement resulted in significantly lower crown retention (P<.05) than the other 2 cements. For zirconia crowns, retention seems to be dependent on cement type rather than surface treatment.
Dental ceramics are extensively used to restore damaged or missing tooth structure but these fracture in service. Finite element analysis and quantitative fractography of failed restorations have demonstrated that all-ceramic crowns fracture due to the extension of pre-existing surface defects that occupy the inner 'fit' surface of the restoration under tensile loading. Clinically the environment of the inner surface defects is influenced by the dental cement used to retain the restoration on the prepared tooth structure. The use of methacrylate resin-based cements is associated with enhanced clinical performance and in vitro laboratory investigations have demonstrated that thin coatings of resin-based cements can significantly increase the flexural strength of a number of all-ceramic crown materials. Mechanisms to account for the apparent strengthening have been proposed including the generation of crack closure stresses, crack 'healing' effects and the creation of a 'hybrid layer' which radically modifies the stress patterns in the region of the critical defect. However, conjecture remains regarding the basis of the strengthening mechanism, thereby preventing the optimisation of resin-based cementation materials and clinical techniques. The aim of the current article is to provide an insight into resin cementation and the mechanisms by which adhesive cements may determine all-ceramic restoration performance.
Objective The purpose of this study was to use meta-analysis statistics to determine the influence of factors such as apical limit (short vs. overextension), status of the pulp (vital vs. nonvital), and periapical status (presence or absence of radiolucency) on endodontic prognosis.Study designThe study-list was obtained by using a MEDLINE search and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina search. Only those papers in which the criteria for success or failure was exactly described were accepted.ResultsThe cumulative success rate of 82.8 ± 1.19% (average ±95% confidence interval) was obtained for vital pulp; and 78.9 ± 1.05%, for nonvital ones. There was a significant difference between the 2 groups.The cumulative success rates with overextension, flush, and underextension in vital teeth were 70.8 ± 1.44, 86.5 ± 0.88, and 85.5 ± 0.98% respectively. There was a significant difference between flush and overextension and between flush and underextension. The rates for nonvital pulp were similar to those for vital ones.Conclusion The root canal should be filled to within 2 mm of the radiographic apex.