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Hierarchical assembly of gold nanorod
stripe patterns for sensing and cells
Shuang Wang
, Zefang Wang
, Ning Tang
, Chang Liu
, Shan He
Bohua Liu
, Hemi Qu
, Xuexin Duan
, Wei Pang
and Yanyan Wang
State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology & Instruments, School of Precision Instruments
and Optoelectronics Engineering, Nanchang Institute for Microtechnology, Tianjin University, 300072,
People’s Republic of China
School of Life Sciences, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China
E-mail: yanyanwang@tju.edu.cn
Received 8 November 2018, revised 25 December 2018
Accepted for publication 11 January 2019
Published 18 February 2019
Hierarchical assemblies of nanomaterial superstructures with controlled orientation affords a
multitude of novel properties of plasmonics and broad applications. Yet constructing multi-
functional superstructures with nanoparticles positioned in desired locations remains
challenging. Herein, gold nanorods (GNRs)assembled in stripe patterns with controlled
orientation and structures in millimeter scale for versatile application have been achieved.
Applications of patterned GNRs in sensing enhancement and engineering mammalian cells
alignment are investigated experimentally. The performance of patterned GNRs in surface
enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)and electrical sensing are found in orientational dependence.
The SERS signals of vertically arranged GNR arrays exhibit double the folder intensity than
those horizontally arranged. In contrast, the horizontally arranged GNRs exhibit twice as much
electrical conductivity. The system is further explored to pattern mammalian cells. For the first
time, we reveal the nanostructured topography of GNR confined cells to a specific region, and
direct the adhesion and extension of living cells, which opens up broad applications in tissue
engineering and biosensing.
Supplementary material for this article is available online
Keywords: gold nanorods, controllable orientation, surface enhanced Raman scattering, cell
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction
Plasmonic nanoparticles of gold nanorods (GNRs)have been
attracting significant attention owing to their anisotropic
shape showing polarization dependent optical and electrical
properties [1–3], which can be used in various applications of
biochemical sensing [4,5], biomedical technologies [6–8],
and electro-optical devices [9–11]. Exploiting such applica-
tions requires the organization of GNRs into superstructures,
as ordered structures of GNRs bring extremely large electric
field enhancements [12,13]and distinct collective plasmonic
modes [14,15]owing to the localized surface plasmonic
resonant (LSPR)coupling of the neighboring GNR. The
plasmonic coupling property of GNRs is strongly dependent
on the orientation and position relative to neighboring GNRs
[16,17]. Thus, significant research efforts have been directed
toward controlling the alignment of GNRs.
During recent years, plenty of methods have been sug-
gested for manipulating the alignment of nanorod super-
structures. Top-down approaches with a lithography technique
containing a focused ion beam and electron-beam have been
utilized to fabricate arrays of nanorods [18,19]. But cost, time,
Nanotechnology 30 (2019)175302 (9pp)https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aafddd
0957-4484/19/175302+09$33.00 © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK1