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Assessing the risk of autochthonous yellow
fever transmission in Lazio, central Italy
Mattia Manica
, Giorgio Guzzetta
, Federico FilipponiID
, Angelo Solimini
Beniamino Caputo
, Alessandra della Torre
, Roberto RosàID
*, Stefano Merler
1Department of Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology, Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund
Mach, San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy, 2Center for Information Technology, Fondazione Bruno Kessler,
Trento, Italy, 3Epilab-JRU, FEM-FBK Joint Research Unit, Trento, Italy, 4Department of Public Health and
Infectious Diseases, Laboratory affiliated to Istituto Pasteur Italia–Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Sapienza
University of Rome, Rome, Italy
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Yellow fever virus (YFV) causes a highly lethal mosquito-borne disease that has recently
reemerged after 30 years of low incidence due to vaccination campaigns. Large epidemics
occurred in Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2016 through 2017
(overall about 1,000 confirmed cases and 140 deaths) and in Brazil in 2017 through 2018
(2,037 confirmed cases and 674 deaths) [1,2]. The high international connectivity of Brazil
raises concern about the potential spread of disease to other countries by infected travelers [3,
4]; this possibility was confirmed during spring 2018, with the notification of six infected trav-
elers from five European countries, two of which had a fatal outcome [5]. Recent laboratory
experiments suggest that European populations of Aedes albopictus may be competent for
transmission of YFV [6], and therefore large areas highly infested by this species in Mediterra-
nean countries are potentially exposed to the risk of outbreaks [7].
Here, we provide a quantitative assessment of the risk of YFV transmission in Lazio, the
central Italian region where the metropolitan city of Rome is located and where the largest
arboviral outbreak in continental Europe occurred in summer 2017 [8]. To do so, we adapted
a stochastic transmission model, previously developed to assess the transmission risk of chi-
kungunya virus (CHIKV) [9] in the same area, to account for relevant epidemiological dynam-
ics of YFV, using existing field data on A.albopictus abundance [10] and biting rate on
humans [11].
Study sites
The assessment of YFV transmission risk was carried out on 18 sampling sites placed along a
70 km transect representing a wide range of ecological landscapes, from low–human-popula-
tion density areas (coastal and rural sites) to highly urbanized areas (metropolitan city of
Rome). The site-specific vector abundances over time were characterized by calibrating a mos-
quito population model against observed mosquito captures [8], taking as input the average
daily temperature [12]. The average vector density between July and September was estimated
to range between 154 and 4,866 female mosquitoes/ha, whereas the human density within
sampling sites ranged from 5 to 267 inhabitants/ha. The selected sites covered a wide range of
the vector-to-host ratio (4 to 138 female mosquitoes per inhabitant; see S1 Fig).
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | January 10, 2019 1 / 6
Citation: Manica M, Guzzetta G, Filipponi F,
Solimini A, Caputo B, della Torre A, et al. (2019)
Assessing the risk of autochthonous yellow fever
transmission in Lazio, central Italy. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis 13(1): e0006970.
Editor: Christopher M. Barker, University of
California, Davis, UNITED STATES
Published: January 10, 2019
Copyright: ©2019 Manica et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist
Transmission dynamics
The stochastic transmission model previously developed for CHIKV [9] was adapted to model
YFV transmission. Briefly, the overall model includes a temperature-driven model providing
the abundance of A.albopictus and was calibrated to mosquito-capture data, coupled with a
disease-transmission model, and was informed with available estimates on epidemiological
parameters for YFV and was initialized with a single imported infection in a fully susceptible
population. At the end of a patient’s incubation period, we sampled the occurrence of clinical
symptoms from a binomial distribution. In baseline simulations, we assumed that only symp-
tomatic patients (including both mild and severe cases) are able to transmit the virus. Fatal
outcome was modeled as a binomial process at the end of the infectious period for symptom-
atic individuals, given that severe symptoms develop in a small fraction of patients only after
the end of the viremic period [13]. The outcome of the importation of a single infected case
was evaluated at different times between May 1st and November 15th. To account for both sto-
chastic effects and the uncertainty in epidemiological parameters, we evaluated model simula-
tions by repeatedly sampling parameters from known distributions. The total number of
simulations for each study site was set to 30,000 (i.e., about 1,000 per week of importation).
Full details on the model’s structure are described in the S1 File.
We estimated the basic reproduction numbers over time, the probability of occurrence of
an outbreak, and the expected number of yellow fever (YF) cases and fatalities, under the
assumption of no disease control (either by vaccination or by vector management
The basic reproduction number R
represents the average number of secondary cases trans-
mitted by a typical infector during the entire period of infectivity; a value larger than 1 implies
potential for a sustained epidemic in the population. R
was computed for different times of
importation from standard equations [14,15], after adjusting to consider only symptomatic
cases (see S2 File). R
never exceeded the epidemic threshold in urban sites. However, some
coastal and rural sites had an average value of R
of about 2.1 at the peak, with an epidemic sea-
son (i.e., the time span over which R
exceeds 1) that extended from mid-July to the end of
Depending on the site, the average probability of autochthonous symptomatic YF cases
throughout the study period ranged between 1.0% and 11.8% (Fig 1); large outbreaks, here
defined as those involving more than 50 symptomatic cases, were unlikely (less than 0.65% in
all sites). The risk of YFV autochthonous transmission was uneven during the mosquito breed-
ing season but remained relatively stable between mid-July and mid-September in all sites.
However, the probability of occurrence of a large outbreak was higher for importations occur-
ring in mid-July, due to the broader time window during which transmission was possible.
Coastal and rural sites, characterized by high vector-to-host ratios, had a higher probability of
autochthonous transmission (up to 33.1%) and large outbreaks (up to 9.0%) compared to met-
ropolitan sites (maximum probability of autochthonous transmission: 25.9%; maximum prob-
ability of large outbreaks: 4.0%). The average probability of observing at least one death ranged
between 7.1% and 12.3% and that of observing more than 10 deaths was below 0.5% for all
sites; however, peak probabilities of observing at least one death reached 27.6% for importa-
tions occurring in mid-July in coastal and rural sites (see S2 Fig).
Given the observed importation of YFV in Europe via infected travelers [5] and the laboratory
competence of European A.albopictus populations to transmit this virus [6], we quantified the
risk of YFV transmission for Lazio, Italy, a region that was affected by a CHIKV outbreak
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | January 10, 2019 2 / 6
during the summer of 2017 [9]. We showed that, given one imported case in urban areas, the
risk of transmission is generally low and limited to sporadic cases. However, for some coastal
and rural sites there is a nonnegligible potential for large outbreaks, especially if importation
Fig 1. Autochthonous symptomatic YF cases. Probability of autochthonous symptomatic YF cases estimated by the model in 18 sites in Lazio region (Italy),
conditional to the introduction of a single imported case at different times of the year and disaggregated by number of secondary cases. Font colors for site
IDs represent the geographic classification of the site. Blue: coastal, red: urban, green: rural. YF, yellow fever.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | January 10, 2019 3 / 6
occurs during the second half of July. In practice, given the severity of disease caused by YFV,
it is likely that ongoing local transmission will be promptly identified and limited by integrated
control measures (not included in our model); nonetheless, this result confirms the impor-
tance of early outbreak detection capacity [16]. As previously shown for CHIKV [9], the higher
risk in coastal and rural sites is related to lower human population densities, which tend to
increase the vector-to-host ratio. One of the rural sites with highest estimated YFV transmis-
sion risk is Fiumicino, where the largest Italian international airport is located. This increases
the chance of presence of potentially infected travelers compared to other rural areas. It is rele-
vant to note that our estimates of vector abundance and vector mortality rates are based on
temperatures recorded during 2017. In addition, a precise quantification of risks is subject to
many uncertainties on epidemiological parameters of YFV transmission in European A.albo-
pictus mosquitoes. These uncertainties include, but are not limited to, their dependence on
temperature, potential variability across different strains of the virus, and deviations between
laboratory measures and actual conditions in the field.
Another open question concerns the potential infectiousness of asymptomatic cases, which
is difficult to prove as they are mostly identified a posteriori using serological investigations.
Relaxing the assumption that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit and assuming in the
extreme opposite case that they transmit at the same rate as symptomatic patients, the esti-
mated risks would be much higher. For example, the peak probability of local transmission
would exceed 60% in some metropolitan sites and 80% in coastal and rural ones.
Recent estimates suggest that two YF cases were imported in Italy in 2017 [3]; the number
of imported cases for 2018 might be slightly larger due to a higher incidence of infection in
Brazil in 2018 (by about 50%) [2]. Imported cases are more likely to arrive during the Brazilian
summer, which corresponds to the European winter, when mosquito populations are not
active, and in crowded urban areas with lower vector-to-host ratios. This largely reduces the
likelihood of an importation in Italy at a time and site of favorable conditions for transmission.
Nonetheless, YF cases were confirmed in Brazil throughout June through September 2017, so
the possibility of importation during the European summer is not to be completely discarded.
Furthermore, many other areas of the world are at risk of YFV outbreaks because of their
international connectivity and insufficient vaccination coverage [4]: the possible expansion of
YFV to countries with year-round (rather than seasonal) transmission might significantly
increase the chances of importation in Europe during the summer in the near future.
Finally, we note that the estimated risk of locally transmitted symptomatic cases of YFV in
the considered study area is in the same order of magnitude of dengue (see S3 File). Although
introductions of dengue virus (DENV) are currently much more frequent (and indeed local
transmission of DENV has repeatedly been detected in France and Croatia [17]), the higher
severity of YF and the intrinsic stochasticity by which cases arrive over time and space suggest
that the risk of local YFV transmission should not be neglected.
Overall, the present work reveals a low, but nonnegligible risk of YFV transmission in Euro-
pean areas characterized by substantial A.albopictus infestation and medium-to-low human
density. Considering the severity of YF, this result highlights the need for public health author-
ities to ensure early diagnosis (not trivial since YF has not been reported in Italy since the 19th
century [18]), prompt notification of infected cases and swift responses targeting mosquito
populations through vector control interventions and the human population via reactive vacci-
nation campaigns. The recent unexpected rise of YF has caused a worldwide shortage in vac-
cine stockpiles, which has led to the adoption of fractional dosing immunization during the
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | January 10, 2019 4 / 6
recent Brazilian outbreaks [19]. Although this approach seems to have been effective in con-
trolling the epidemics locally, many questions remain open [19]. More generally, the availabil-
ity of YFV vaccine stockpiles at the global scale may be an important challenge to outbreak
control in the future. For these reasons, public health authorities might consider preventive
general-purpose risk reduction measures such as larviciding, given their demonstrated cost-
effectiveness in simultaneously preventing outbreaks of different arboviruses, even in areas
with limited risks [20].
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Map of the study sites. Location of the 18 sites for which mosquito abundance esti-
mates were available. The study sites are located along a 70 km transect encompassing the met-
ropolitan city of Rome, Lazio region, Italy. Four sticky traps were placed within each site and
weekly mosquito collection lasted from July to November 2012 [9]. The area of circles repre-
sents the estimated peak vector-to-host ratio of each site, averaged across the period July
through September. Dark grey areas indicate human density higher than 10 inhabitants/ha.
Base layers elaborated from ISTAT data ( Spatial data processing and map
layout generation were done using QGIS ( ISTAT, Istituto Nazionbale
di Statistica; QGIS, Quantum Geographic Information System.
S2 Fig. YF fatal cases. Probability of fatal outcome due to autochthonous YF transmission
estimated by the model in 18 sites in Lazio region (Italy), conditional to the introduction of a
single imported case at different times of the year and disaggregated by the number of expected
deaths. YF, yellow fever.
S1 File. YF model description. YF, yellow fever.
S2 File. YF basic reproductive number (R
). YF, yellow fever.
S3 File. Results for dengue transmission.
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... Another recent global ecological niche study confirmed that Ae. albopictus could contribute to the emergence of chikungunya outbreaks and clusters of dengue autochthonous cases in southern France, Spain and Italy [21]. The Lazio region, which includes the metropolitan city of Rome and its international airport, with established Ae. albopictus populations, has already experienced autochthonous cases of dengue and chikungunya, and could potentially be at risk of yellow fever infections [22]. ...
Full-text available
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread widely throughout Italy since its introduction, with significant public health implications. We examine how decadal temperature trends and sub-monthly heatwave events affect its climate-driven geographical distribution and temporal dynamics using a new regional-scale dynamical Aedes model. The model is calibrated using 12 years of ovitrap data for Emilia-Romagna and reproduces the vector seasonality and, to a lesser extent, its inter-annual variability. Simulated vector density hotspots overlap with densely populated areas in Rome, Milan, Naples, Foggia, Catania, Palermo, Lecce, Cagliari, Genoa, Turin and large urban centres in Emilia-Romagna. Lower risk is simulated over the Central Apennine mountains and the Alps. At decadal time scale, we simulate a lengthening of the active mosquito season by 0.5–3 weeks per decade, with the vector becoming homodynamic in southern Italy. Depending on the climatic setting, heatwaves can increase or reduce vector populations and, in some locations, can temporarily decrease mosquito populations. Such decreases can be followed by a population rebound and overshoot. Given the model’s skill in reproducing key spatio-temporal Ae. albopictus features, there is potential to develop an early warning system to inform control efforts at a national scale.
... Furthermore, there are no data on the dynamics of arbovirus dispersal in areas where the main mosquito vector is Aedes albopictus, a more exophilic species compared to A. aegypti and characterized by longer flight ranges [9,10]. The widespread and abundant presence of A. albopictus in temperate, non-endemic areas of Europe, the USA, northern China, the Korean Peninsula, and southern Australia [11] has created conditions for transmission of arboviral tropical diseases such as dengue [12], chikungunya [13,14], and potentially Zika [15] and yellow fever [16]. The expected expansion of its habitat [17] in the future will put an even larger territory at risk of sustained arboviral transmission. ...
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Background: The spatial spread of many mosquito-borne diseases occurs by focal spread at the scale of a few hundred meters and over longer distances due to human mobility. The relative contributions of different spatial scales for transmission of chikungunya virus require definition to improve outbreak vector control recommendations. Methods: We analyzed data from a large chikungunya outbreak mediated by the mosquito Aedes albopictus in the Lazio region, Italy, consisting of 414 reported human cases between June and November 2017. Using dates of symptom onset, geographic coordinates of residence, and information from epidemiological questionnaires, we reconstructed transmission chains related to that outbreak. Results: Focal spread (within 1 km) accounted for 54.9% of all cases, 15.8% were transmitted at a local scale (1-15 km) and the remaining 29.3% were exported from the main areas of chikungunya circulation in Lazio to longer distances such as Rome and other geographical areas. Seventy percent of focal infections (corresponding to 38% of the total 414 cases) were transmitted within a distance of 200 m (the buffer distance adopted by the national guidelines for insecticide spraying). Two main epidemic clusters were identified, with a radius expanding at a rate of 300-600 m per month. The majority of exported cases resulted in either sporadic or no further transmission in the region. Conclusions: Evidence suggest that human mobility contributes to seeding a relevant number of secondary cases and new foci of transmission over several kilometers. Reactive vector control based on current guidelines might allow a significant number of secondary clusters in untreated areas, especially if the outbreak is not detected early. Existing policies and guidelines for control during outbreaks should recommend the prioritization of preventive measures in neighboring territories with known mobility flows to the main areas of transmission.
... In non-endemic countries like Italy, the spread of arboviruses is facilitated by the flux of travelers that included sick individuals (i.e., viremic) arriving from endemic areas, increasing the risk of local outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever [4][5][6]. Predictive models [6] and surveillance data suggest that the majority of imported cases involve Italian residents travelling in tropical areas for holidays or business or members from long established communities of migrants returning to Italy after visiting friends and relatives in their home country, as it was with the case of the chikungunya outbreak in 2007 [7]. One of the key factors in preventing the expansion of local outbreaks obviously includes the public health system preparedness to act and respond once early cases have been clinically discovered [8]. ...
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The invasion of Aedes albopictus has played a major role in the resurgence of mosquito-borne diseases in Italy, generating the two largest chikungunya outbreaks in Europe (2007, 2017). Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) are important in order to prevent Aedes-borne disease transmission, yet so far they have not been assessed. To this scope we used multivariate logistic regression to investigate KAP of citizen-to-Aedes ecology and transmitted diseases. Data were collated by a structured questionnaire (18 questions) in 2016. Participants were selected in the Lazio region from members of native populations and two resident communities (RC) originating from the Indian subcontinent where Aedes-transmitted diseases are endemic. Results showed that compared to Italians, RC respondents had a higher knowledge and concern of Aedes-transmitted diseases (Odds Ratio = 2.61 (95%CI: 1.03–6.05); OR = 3.13 (2.15–4.65)) as well as their life cycles (OR = 2.49 (1.75–3.56); OR = 9.04 (6.22–13.66)). In contrast, they perceived a lower nuisance due to the presence of Ae. albopictus (OR = 0.2 (0.13–0.32); OR = 0.55 (0.38–0.78). These findings suggest that citizens in the Lazio region are not prepared to face a potential outbreak of arboviruses and further efforts should be made to increase knowledge, awareness and best practices.
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A survey at the household level was carried out on KAP regarding major mosquito-borne diseases. Data was collected from 967 respondents based on the population. The results revealed that 78.80% of the respondents had formal education at least basic (primary) education. Of the 967 respondents, 71.04% and 68.98% of the population had the right knowledge of major mosquito diseases and mosquito vectors, respectively. Common sources of information on these diseases are mainly from health workers (29.78%) and broadcasting media 26.88%. Transmission of the diseases is linked to mosquito bites by 66.80%, usually at night (76.11%), while 20.41% and 23.84% of the respondents knew other means and times. 100% of the respondents correctly knew the signs and symptoms of any one of the diseases. General lack of clearing of house surrounding (43.85%), draining of gutter (24.30%), bush clearing (20.06%), proper disposal of empty cans (11.79%) keeps more mosquitoes. Mosquito-treated bed nets (53.05%) are the most preventive method against mosquito bite practice, mosquito coils (20.57%), window screen netting (11.79%), cloth covering (7.80%), and traditional plant repellents (6.83%) attest to be effective. On attitudes toward treatment, 52.64% seek treatment at the nearest hospital/clinic within 1-3 days of the symptoms; however, some of the respondents visit drug stores/chemists (23.88%) for treatment. Given the success of the public enlightenment campaign launched by the government on mosquito diseases control, more is needed to be done against self-medication and visiting of medical stores for treatment, to avert the danger of these practices in the areas.
Full-text available
An external quality assessment of yellow fever virus (YFV) molecular detection in European laboratories was organised in rapid response to an increase in human cases in Brazil in 2018 with risk of import to Europe. Detection of YFV was assessed among 32 laboratories in 23/31 European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries and two laboratories in one non-EU/EEA country. Adequate capabilities were lacking in 10/23 countries; five did not participate as they lacked implemented assays.
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We report two yellow fever cases in unvaccinated French travellers in Brazil in January and March 2018, respectively; one exposed during an excursion in Minas Gerais and the other in Ilha Grande. Both presented with fever, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. Yellow fever diagnosis was based on RT-PCR and serological tests. Both patients recovered within a few days. The increasing occurrence of cases in unvaccinated travellers highlights the need to reinforce vaccination recommendation for travellers at-risk.
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Objective To examine the potential for international travel to spread yellow fever virus to cities around the world. Methods We obtained data on the international flight itineraries of travellers who departed yellow fever-endemic areas of the world in 2016 for cities either where yellow fever was endemic or which were suitable for viral transmission. Using a global ecological model of dengue virus transmission, we predicted the suitability of cities in non-endemic areas for yellow fever transmission. We obtained information on national entry requirements for yellow fever vaccination at travellers’ destination cities. Findings In 2016, 45.2 million international air travellers departed from yellow fever-endemic areas of the world. Of 11.7 million travellers with destinations in 472 cities where yellow fever was not endemic but which were suitable for virus transmission, 7.7 million (65.7%) were not required to provide proof of vaccination upon arrival. Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Peru and the United States of America had the highest volumes of travellers arriving from yellow fever-endemic areas and the largest populations living in cities suitable for yellow fever transmission. Conclusion Each year millions of travellers depart from yellow fever-endemic areas of the world for cities in non-endemic areas that appear suitable for viral transmission without having to provide proof of vaccination. Rapid global changes in human mobility and urbanization make it vital for countries to re-examine their vaccination policies and practices to prevent urban yellow fever epidemics.
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A large chikungunya outbreak is ongoing in Italy, with a main cluster in the Anzio coastal municipality. With preliminary epidemiological data, and a transmission model using mosquito abundance and biting rates, we estimated the basic reproduction number R0 at 2.07 (95% credible interval: 1.47–2.59) and the first case importation between 21 May and 18 June 2017. Outbreak risk was higher in coastal/rural sites than urban ones. Novel transmission foci could occur up to mid-November.
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In the last decades, several European countries where arboviral infections are not endemic have faced outbreaks of diseases such as chikungunya and dengue, initially introduced by infectious travellers from tropical endemic areas and then spread locally via mosquito bites. To keep in check the epidemiological risk, interventions targeted to control vector abundance can be implemented by local authorities. We assessed the epidemiological effectiveness and economic costs and benefits of routine larviciding in European towns with temperate climate, using a mathematical model of Aedes albopictus populations and viral transmission, calibrated on entomological surveillance data collected from ten municipalities in Northern Italy during 2014 and 2015.We found that routine larviciding of public catch basins can limit both the risk of autochthonous transmission and the size of potential epidemics. Ideal larvicide interventions should be timed in such a way to cover the month of July. Optimally timed larviciding can reduce locally transmitted cases of chikungunya by 20% - 33% for a single application (dengue: 18–22%) and up to 43% - 65% if treatment is repeated four times throughout the season (dengue: 31–51%). In larger municipalities (>35,000 inhabitants), the cost of comprehensive larviciding over the whole urban area overcomes potential health benefits related to preventing cases of disease, suggesting the adoption of more localized interventions. Small/medium sized towns with high mosquito abundance will likely have a positive cost-benefit balance. Involvement of private citizens in routine larviciding activities further reduces transmission risks but with disproportionate costs of intervention. International travels and the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases are increasing worldwide, exposing a growing number of European citizens to higher risks of potential outbreaks. Results from this study may support the planning and timing of interventions aimed to reduce the probability of autochthonous transmission as well as the nuisance for local populations living in temperate areas of Europe.
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States in south-eastern Brazil were recently affected by the largest Yellow Fever (YF) outbreak seen in a decade in Latin America. Here we provide a quantitative assessment of the risk of travel-related international spread of YF indicating that the United States, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Italy and Germany may have received at least one travel-related YF case capable of seeding local transmission. Mitigating the risk of imported YF cases seeding local transmission requires heightened surveillance globally. © 2017, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). All rights reserved.
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Background Aedes albopictus is an aggressive invasive mosquito species that represents a serious health concern not only in tropical areas, but also in temperate regions due to its role as vector of arboviruses. Estimates of mosquito biting rates are essential to account for vector-human contact in models aimed to predict the risk of arbovirus autochthonous transmission and outbreaks, as well as nuisance thresholds useful for correct planning of mosquito control interventions. Methods targeting daytime and outdoor biting Ae. albopictus females (e.g., Human Landing Collection, HLC) are expensive and difficult to implement in large scale schemes. Instead, egg-collections by ovitraps are the most widely used routine approach for large-scale monitoring of the species. The aim of this work was to assess whether ovitrap data can be exploited to estimate numbers of adult biting Ae. albopictus females and whether the resulting relationship could be used to build risk models helpful for decision-makers in charge of planning of mosquito-control activities in infested areas. Method Ovitrap collections and HLCs were carried out in hot-spots of Ae. albopictus abundance in Rome (Italy) along a whole reproductive season. The relationship between the two sets of data was assessed by generalized least square analysis, taking into account meteorological parameters. Result The mean number of mosquito females/person collected by HLC in 15′ (i.e., females/HLC) and the mean number of eggs/day were 18.9 ± 0.7 and 39.0 ± 2.0, respectively. The regression models found a significant positive relationship between the two sets of data and estimated an increase of one biting female/person every five additional eggs found in ovitraps. Both observed and fitted values indicated presence of adults in the absence of eggs in ovitraps. Notably, wide confidence intervals of estimates of biting females based on eggs were observed. The patterns of exotic arbovirus outbreak probability obtained by introducing these estimates in risk models were similar to those based on females/HLC (R0 > 1 in 86% and 40% of sampling dates for Chikungunya and Zika, respectively; R0 < 1 along the entire season for Dengue). Moreover, the model predicted that in this case-study scenario an R0 > 1 for Chikungunya is also to be expected when few/no eggs/day are collected by ovitraps. Discussion This work provides the first evidence of the possibility to predict mean number of adult biting Ae. albopictus females based on mean number of eggs and to compute the threshold of eggs/ovitrap associated to epidemiological risk of arbovirus transmission in the study area. Overall, however, the large confidence intervals in the model predictions represent a caveat regarding the reliability of monitoring schemes based exclusively on ovitrap collections to estimate numbers of biting females and plan control interventions.
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We assessed the ability of a French population of Aedes albopictus to transmit yellow fever virus (YFV). Batches of 30 to 40 female mosquitoes were analysed at 7, 14 and 21 days post-exposure (dpe). Bodies, heads and saliva were screened for YFV. Infectious viral particles were detected in bodies and heads at 7, 14 and 21 dpe whereas the virus was found in saliva only from 14 dpe. Our results showed that Ae. albopictus can potentially transmit YFV. © 2016, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). All rights reserved.
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Aedes albopictus is a tropical invasive species which in the last decades spread worldwide, also colonizing temperate regions of Europe and US, where it has become a public health concern due to its ability to transmit exotic arboviruses, as well as severe nuisance problems due to its aggressive daytime outdoor biting behaviour. While several studies have been carried out in order to predict the potential limits of the species expansions based on eco-climatic parameters, few studies have so far focused on the specific effects of these variables in shaping its micro-geographic abundance and dynamics. The present study investigated eco-climatic factors affecting Ae. albopictus abundance and dynamics in metropolitan and sub-urban/rural sites in Rome (Italy), which was colonized in 1997 and is nowadays one of the most infested metropolitan areas in Southern Europe. To this aim, longitudinal adult monitoring was carried out along a 70 km-transect across and beyond the most urbanized and densely populated metropolitan area. Two fine scale spatiotemporal datasets (one with reference to a 20m circular buffer around sticky traps used to collect mosquitoes and the second to a 300m circular buffer within each sampling site) were exploited to analyze the effect of climatic and socio-environmental variables on Ae. albopictus abundance and dynamics along the transect. Results showed an association between highly anthropized habitats and high adult abundance both in metropolitan and sub-urban/rural areas, with “small green islands” corresponding to hot spots of abundance in the metropolitan areas only, and a bimodal seasonal dynamics with a second peak of abundance in autumn, due to heavy rains occurring in the preceding weeks in association with permissive temperatures. The results provide useful indications to prioritize public mosquito control measures in temperate urban areas where nuisance, human-mosquito contact and risk of local arbovirus transmission are likely higher, and highlight potential public health risks also after the summer months typically associated with high mosquito densities