Several in-situ rock mass properties and blasthole parameters can affect the rock fragmentation. Because of the complexity of the variables affecting the fragmentation results of blasted rocks, to predict a proper value of the median fragment size has long been a difficult task. The blastability index (BI) represents the effect of five parameters of rock mass description (RMD), joint plane spacing (JPS), joint plane orientation, specific gravity and uniaxial compressive strength on the rock fragmentation. The median discontinuity spacing significantly varies with varying the scanline direction and an acceptable value of the median discontinuity spacing will not be expected in practice. The JPS rating also has a constant value of 20 for a wide range of joint spacing values between 0.1 and 1 m, whereas joint spacing can be in this range for most cases. A new method using image analysis of the in-situ rock mass was applied to represent JPS and RMD (belonging to one of the cases: friable, blocky and massive) as an alternative solution. The images contain the details of all individual discontinuities and interlocked in-situ small and large rock blocks. BI, rock strength factor, blasthole parameters, powder factor, fragment size distribution of blasted rock and in-situ block size distribution using image analysis technique were assessed in 15 zones of Sungun open pit copper mine, Angouran lead and zinc open pit mine, Bonab silica mine, Soufian limestone mine and Rashakan limestone mine. The results for rock mass properties and blasthole patterns cover a wide range using different mines. The fragment size distribution was assessed by Split Desktop program with proper delineating images using the Pixler software and blasting was carried out with electric delay detonators. The relations between fragment size and parameters such as in-situ block size (F50), σc, rating of joint plane orientation, powder factor (q), ϕh, Q and Lc were analyzed. The relations with high correlations were achieved by applying the new approach for the defined conditions. Not only the problem of assessing discontinuity spacing has been improved using this method but also the lower number of parameters that properly represent the factors affecting the rock fragmentation have been used. The results were also analyzed by the Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony model and modified Kuz–Ram models. The fragment size obtained by the new method in this study, Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony model and extended modified Kuz–Ram model by Cunningham (in: Proceedings of 3rd world conference on explosives and blasting, Brighton, 2005) after using correction factor [c(A)] significantly better fitted to the results than the modified Kuz–Ram models by Cunningham (in: Fourney, Dick (eds) Proceedings of 2nd international symposium on rock fragmentation by blasting, Keystone, 1987) and Gheibie et al. (Int J Rock Mech Min 46(6):967–973, 2009).