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Long in the tooth: Biological observations from at‐sea sightings of strap‐toothed beaked whales (Mesoplodon layardii)

  • Cetacean Research Centre (CETREC WA)
DOI: 10.1111/MMS.12575
Long in the tooth: Biological observations from at-sea
sightings of strap-toothed beaked whales
(Mesoplodon layardii)
Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, Southwest
Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 8901 La
Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, California 92037, U.S.A.; JOHN TOTTERDELL,
CETREC (Cetacean Research), PO Box 140, Exmouth, Western Australia 6707,
Australia; REBECCA WELLARD,Centre for Marine Science & Technology and
Project O.R.C.A (Orca Research and Conservation Australia), Curtin University,
GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia; PIERCE CULLEN ,
Project O.R.C.A (Orca Research and Conservation Australia), Curtin University,
GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia; MARIJKE DE BOER,
Seven Seas Marine Consultancy, PO Box 11422, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Among the 15 currently recognized species of mesoplodont beaked
whales (Ziphiidae, Mesoplodon spp.), only adult males have functional
teeth, and these have been reduced to a single, enlarged tooth emerging
from each side of the lower jaw. It has long been inferred that males use
their teeth as tusks to aggressively vie for access to breeding females
because only adult males acquire extensive tooth-rake marks on their
bodies (Kellogg 1940, McCann 1974, Heyning 1984, MacLeod 1998).
This repurposing of mesoplodont teeth has led to some remarkable,
species-specic variations in tooth size, shape, and placement. For
example, with the possible exception of the spiraled tusk of the narwhal
(Monodon monoceros), the strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon
layardii) has perhaps the most bizarre teeth in the animal kingdom. As
the males mature, a single, strap-like tooth emerges from the middle of
each lower jaw, and, as it grows, it curves up and back at a ca. 45
Corresponding author (e-mail:
MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, 9999(9999): 120 (2019)
© 2019 Society for Marine Mammalogy
angle, over the top of the rostrum. Full-grown teeth measure up to
34 cm in length (Best 2007) and often meet or overlap on top of the ros-
trum (Fig. 1a). Despite being by far the largest tooth of any beaked
whale, only the small, up-turned denticle at the tip of the tooth (Fig. 1b)
makes contact with opponents.
It would seem unavoidable that tooth development in male
M. layardii would restrict jaw movement and impair feeding. However,
Sekiguchi et al. (1996) reported that although an adult female and an
immature male M. layardii could both open their mouths 6.5 cm at the
tip, two adult males could open their mouths only 3.2 and 4.0 cm,
respectively, but both appeared to have been feeding normally prior to
stranding. Beaked whales suck in their prey, and a reduced aperture at
the tip should allow them to be more forceful and directed with their
suction feeding (Heyning and Mead 1996). Thus, male M. layardii may
not be as handicapped in their foraging as they might otherwise
appear to be.
M. layardii is also unique among mesoplodonts (and perhaps all
cetaceans) in having a denitive adult color pattern that is entirely dif-
ferent from its juvenile coloration (cf. Fig. 2, 3). Although tooth erup-
tion in male mesoplodonts generally coincides with the onset of
adulthood (Mead 1989), teeth in M. layardii begin to erupt while males
are still in their juvenile coloration (see below). Therefore, for the pur-
poses of this note, we will refer to the different color pattern stages of
M. layardii as juvenile(largely uniform gray), adult(denitive
black and white pattern), or subadult(transitioning between juvenile
and adult). These terms are only meant to be descriptive, with no
implications about the physical, social, or sexual maturity of the indi-
viduals. Further study with fresh-stranded animals will be necessary to
determine how maturity correlates with the tooth and color pattern
development in this species.
The combination of a distinctive, black and white adult color pattern
and the unique dentition of males make adult M. layardii perhaps the
most readily identiable of the 22 known species of beaked whales
(Best 2007, see Jefferson et al. 2015). Furthermore, M. layardii appears
to be common within its circumpolar range in the cold/temperate waters
of the Southern Hemisphereit has been cited as the most commonly
stranded mesoplodont worldwide (Mead 1989), including in South Africa
(Best 2007) and Australia (Bannister et al. 1996). However, despite being
distinctively patterned and relatively common, M. layardii has seldom
been identied alive in the wild. This may be due, in part, to the fact that
juveniles are mostly uniform gray and supercially similar to several other
mesoplodont speciestheir distinguishing eld marks have not been ade-
quately described. In addition, for well over a century, the type specimen
of the recently resurrected spade-tooth beaked whale (M. traversii)was
misidentied as M. layardii due to similarities in tooth and skull morphol-
ogy. There are no descriptions of fresh specimens of M. traversii,aliveor
dead, and it could resemble M. layardii (van Helden et al.2002,
Best 2007).
Herein we describe ontogenetic stages in M. layardii color patterning
and tooth development based on a series of photographs from two
Figure 1. (a) The skull of an adult male strap-toothed beaked whale
(Mesoplodon layardii) showing how the single tooth from each lower jaw
wraps up and back, over the rostrum, restricting the ability of the animal to
open its mouth; the denticle on the top tooth has been worn off. (b) A small,
sharp, up-turned denticle at the top of the tooth (arrow) is the only part of the
tooth that makes contact with opponents. Photo courtesy Iziko South Africa
Museum/Jofred Opperman.
recent observations at sea (Fig. 310). These descriptions should prove
useful for distinguishing M. layardii from other, similar-looking meso-
plodonts in the eld, especially if no adult M. layardii are observed.
We also discuss group size and social structure in this species based on
these observations.
Figure 2. (a) A breaching M. layardii (sex undetermined) shows the
distinctive and unique adult color pattern of this species, including the
prominent cape, largely white beak, and white-tipped dorsal n and ukes;
18 March 2005, 57240S, 39460W; photo by S. Howell; (b) An adult female
M. layardii stranded in Golden Bay, New Zealand, 21 January 2007; a pale
neckband extends from behind the black on the melon, to behind the
blowhole, and forms the base of a darker gray triangle on the back behind
the blowhole (see text). Photo © Department of Conservation, New Zealand.
Sighting #1 was observed by MdB on 12 April 2017, just north of Tris-
tan da Cunha Island in the South Atlantic Oceanthe location was
33.39S, 11.07W; the water temperature was 22C. Three animals were
present, and they were traveling slowly, abreast, about 10 m apart. Two
of the animals showed different stages of subadult color pattern (Fig. 7,
9), and a third individual was not photographed well enough to docu-
ment its color patterning. It was not possible to tell if any had erupted
teeth, and the sex was not determined.
Sighting #2 occurred on 19 March 2018. The rst four authors were
conducting killer whale (Orcinus orca) research off Western Australia
when a group of M. layardii surfaced several times in front of their tran-
siting vessel. The sighting location was 34.99S, 119.28E, approximately
64 km due south of Bremer Bay, Western Australia, over Cheyne Can-
yon. The water depth was 2,2002,400 m, and the sea surface tempera-
ture was 20C21C. Two individuals surfaced initially, and the rest of
the group appeared several seconds later. Individuals were spread out
over an estimated 30 ×30 m area and seemed to coalesce during the
Figure 3. (Sighting #2). (a) A pair of young M. layardii in juvenile coloration
surfaces off Bremer Bay, Western Australia; species identication was based on
the presence of adult and subadult males photographed in the same group (see
Fig. 8, 10). Notice the long beak, paler melon with a slightly darkened neck-
stripejust behind the blowhole, and (b) otherwise nearly uniformly gray body.
course of the observation. After all of the whales had surfaced 34 times,
the entire group sounded almost simultaneously. At the surface, they all
seemed hurried and somewhat agitated perhaps due to the presence of
our vessel, which was heading in their direction and did not alter course
or change speed during the sighting. Less than 20 min prior to the sight-
ing, we had observed killer whales, which are known to prey upon
M. layardii in the waters offshore of Bremer Bay (Wellard et al. 2016),
and this also could have contributed to their apparent skittish behavior
at the surface.
When the whales rst surfaced, three of the authors had DSLR cam-
eras in hand, each with motor-drives and 100400 mm lenses. Although,
based on photograph metadata, the total observation period spanned
only 25 s (16:10:5116:11:16 LMT), 199 still images were recorded as the
whales surfaced approximately 200300 m ahead of the vessel. Although
at the time each of the authors independently estimated that there were
Figure 4. (Sighting #2). A roll sequence of the same juvenile M. layardii
shown in foreground of Figure 3 showing (a) a relatively straight gape with a
slight downturn toward the rear, (b) slightly paler melon and darker neck-
stripe, and (c) the dorsal n is starting to show a white tip; the orange patches
on the head and below the dorsal n are diatoms.
approximately 10 animals present, only seven separate individuals were
identied from the images, including four males and three unsexed juve-
niles. Males were identied by the presence of erupted teeth; individuals
without erupted teeth were classied as unsexed. Six of the identied
animals appeared to be swimming in pairs, which may have been ran-
dom given the brevity of the encounter. Pairs included two unsexed
Figure 5. (Sighting #2). A male M. layardii in juvenile coloration off Bremer
Bay, Western Australia, March 2018; (a, b) its tooth is just starting to erupt from
the lower jaw; (ac) it has lost its pale melon and darker neck-stripe, but has
not yet begun to transition into the adult color pattern; (d) its dorsal n does
not have a white tip yet. Its traveling companion in the lower right (b, c) is
shown in Figure 8.
juveniles (Fig. 3, 4); a juvenile male (Fig. 5) with a subadult male (Fig. 8);
and another juvenile male (Fig. 6) with another, unsexed juvenile (not
shown). The remaining individual in the group was an adult male
(Fig. 10), which appeared to be swimming alone, approximately 15 m
apart from the subadult and juvenile male pair. We did not identify any
females, i.e., individuals either having an adult or subadult color pattern
but without erupted teeth (see below) or with dependent calves.
Below, we present photographs and descriptions of ontogenetic color
pattern changes and tooth development in M. layardii based on these
two sightings; the gures are presented in order of what we infer to be
the youngest to the oldest individuals.
Young juveniles (Fig. 3, 4), sighting #2These were almost uniform
pale gray with long beaks and moderately prominent melons; they
were identied as youngjuveniles because they had a noticeably pale
melon (Fig. 3). At the trailing edge of the pale melon, immediately
behind the blowhole, was a slightly darkened area, which formed an
indistinct stripe on the side of the neck (neck-stripe) that traveled
down toward each eye (Fig. 3a; see also Jefferson et al. 2008, p. 141,
bottom right photo; Jefferson et al. 2015, p. 160, bottom right photo).
The visible body posterior to the neck-stripe was also pale gray but
lighter than the neck-stripe and slightly darker than the melon. The
dorsal n was low, triangular, slightly falcate, and set far back on the
body (Fig. 3b). The near animal in Figure 3b has a slightly whitish tip
to the dorsal n (see also this same animal in Fig. 4c) and the far ani-
mal does not, although they seem to be of similar age. The distant ani-
Figure 6. (Sighting #2). A young male M. layardii sighted off Bremer Bay,
Western Australia, in March 2018; the slightly longer teeth and whitening lips of
the lower jaw suggest that it is a bit older than the male in Figure 5, although it
still retains the juvenile coloration.
foreground, which could signify an older animal, a female (females of
at least some species of beaked whales have longer beaks than males;
von Haast 1876, Besharse 1971, Thompson et al. 2014), or, possibly,
individual variation. There was no visible blow when the animals
Figure 4 shows details of the animal in the foreground of Figure 3. It
has a long, uniformly pale gray beak, and the gape is largely straight,
with a slight downward turn toward the rear. It has a moderately sloping
forehead and the beak protruded at a 3045angle when it surfaced
(Fig. 4a). The paler melon and darker neck-stripe is evident in
Figure 4b; the orange area at side of the melon is a diatom patch.
Figure 4c shows the unmarked, pale gray back and anks, a dorsal n
that is starting to acquire a white tip, and another diatom patch at the
base of the n.
Figure 7. (Sighting #1). Two views of the same M. layardii of unknown sex
from a group of three photographed in April 2017 north of Tristan da Cunha
Island, in the South Atlantic Ocean. This animal is transitioning into the adult
color pattern: (a) the distal portion of the beak is white; (a, b) the white
neckband has formed, and (b) the shoulder patch, eye-patch, and melon are
darkening, and the rear, lower portion of the cape is starting to develop. Photo
by S. Steadman.
Juvenile males (Fig. 5, 6), sighting #2Figure 5 is a roll sequence of
one individual animal; Figure 6 is a different individual. Both were iden-
tied as juvenile males by their all gray coloration and the presence of a
tooth just starting to emerge from the lower jaw. As in all age classes,
the long beak jutted high up out of the water at a 3045angle when
Figure 8. (Sighting #2). A roll sequence of a subadult male M. layardii off
Bremer Bay, Western Australia, in March 2018. (a, b) Although the teeth are still
only partially grown, it has acquired much of the adult color pattern - the head
is black and the beak bicolored, although not as white as a full adult (see
Fig. 10); (c, d) the dorsal cape, although well developed, is still somewhat
muted; (c) there is a dark gray, triangular patch on the dorsal mid-line, forward
on the cape; (d) the dorsal n has a white tip and orange diatom patches are
evident in several places.
the animals surfaced. The tooth is just beginning to erupt and the beak
is still entirely gray (Fig. 5a, b). The forehead is moderately sloped, and
the pale melon and dark neck-stripe appear to be absent at this stage
(Fig. 5ac, 6). The body color is slightly darker gray compared to the
younger juveniles in Figures 3 and 4, but there is still no hint of black
on the head, no whitening of the beak, and the dorsal cape has not
begun to develop (Fig. 5bd). Pale mottling on the back (Fig. 5c, d)
appears to be due to scarring (including healed bites from cookiecutter
sharks, Dilatiidae, Isistius spp.; see below) and, perhaps, skin molt. The
dorsal n is uniformly dark with no evidence of white tip (Fig. 5d), and
comparing Figure 4c with Figure 5d, it is clear that some animals acquire
a white tip to the dorsal n later than others do.
Figure 6 shows a different juvenile male, also with a single tooth
erupting from each side of the lower jaw. The head, back and rostrum
are still uniform gray, but the lower lip in front of the right tooth is just
starting to turn white, perhaps the rst sign of transition into the sub-
adult color pattern. This male appears to be slightly older than the one
in Figure 5 due to this whitening of the lower lips and the somewhat
longer teeth.
Figure 9. (Sighting #1). Associated with the animal in Figure 7, this animal
was a bit older. (a, b) It has a white-tipped beak, blackish shoulder- and eye-
patches; the white of the cape has advanced dorsally and forward and has
become continuous with the white neckband. A dark gray triangle is still
evident behind the neckband.
Figure 10. (Sighting #2). A roll sequence of an adult male M. layardii sighted
off Bremer Bay, Australia, in March 2018. (a) The distal half of the beak is
snowy white, and the cream-colored tooth curves up and back, over the top of
the rostrum; (b, c) the dorsal cape is fully developed; it has completely merged
with the neckband and the gray triangle behind the blowhole is no longer
visible; there is a distinctive, uted border on the trailing edge; and (c) the
dorsal n has a conspicuous white tip. (b, c) Two dark spots on the cape are
recent bite wounds from cookiecutter sharks (Isistius spp.); (d) the wound
near the water line, mid-ank, is enlarged in to show its rectangular shape
(see text).
Unsexed subadult (Fig. 7), sighting #1This individual is transition-
ing from the juvenile to the adult color pattern. It is mostly dark gray
(Fig. 7a), with a dark shoulder patch and eye-patch (Fig. 7b); the distal
portion of the beak is white (Fig. 7a), and the melon is becoming black
(Fig. 7a, b). It was not possible to determine from the available photo-
graphs if it had erupted teeth. The cape is just beginning to develop,
and it appears to be formed by two separate processes. At this stage, the
most prominent part of the cape is a broad, pale, transverse band imme-
diately behind the black on the melon. This white neckbandextends
rearward only a short distance behind the blowhole and terminates in a
straight line, perpendicular to the back, which drops down between the
shoulder patch and eye-patch (Fig. 7a, b; see also Fig. 9a, b). Another
pale area is also developing, low, mid-body, on the side (Fig. 7b), which
will form the lower, trailing edge of the cape. Presumably, as the cape
develops, this second pale area will radiate dorsally and forward, even-
tually joining over the back and merging with the neckband. Another
photograph of M. layardii with a pale neckband and an incompletely
formed cape is shown in Jefferson et al. (2015, p. 160, bottom left
Subadult male (Fig. 8), sighting #2The beak juts up at a ca. 45
angle when surfacing (Fig. 8a). The tooth is longer than that of the juve-
nile males in Figures 5 and 6, but it still does not extend above the top
of the rostrum. (A suggested feature for distinguishing M. layardii from
M. traversii is that the leading and trailing edge of layardii tooth is
tapered toward the tip, while on the shorter, traversii tooth, the edges
are parallel [van Helden et al. 2002, Best 2007]; however, this may not
apply to M. layardii with partially grown teeth; Fig. 8b). The distal por-
tion of the beak is white on top and bottom, but the white does not
extend as far toward the base of the beak as in older adults (cf. Fig. 8b
with Fig. 2a, 10a). The black on the rostrum extends farthest forward on
the mid-dorsal line and mid-ventral line. The head and base of the beak
are black, extending almost as far back as the blowhole (Fig. 8b). The
cape on this animal is more developed compared to that in Figure 7; it
extends from the trailing edge of the black melon, just in front of the
blowhole, to two-thirds of the way back to the dorsal n, and reaches
furthest back on the mid-dorsal line (Fig. 8c). The trailing edge of the
cape has joined over the back, and the lower leading edge has merged
with the neckband on the side of the head (Fig. 8c). Embedded in the
cape, behind the blowhole, on the mid-line of the back, is a large dark
patch, which is the last area of the cape to develop. It is roughly triangu-
lar in shape, with the apex pointed toward the rear, and the base is
formed by the neckband (Fig. 8c; see also Fig. 9, and Jefferson et al.
2008, p. 141, middle photograph, right side). The cape of this animal
appears muted, more grayish, compared to the lighter cape of the older
adult in Figure 10; it also lacks the contrasting, uted border at the trail-
ing edge along the anks (cf. Fig. 8c with Fig. 10c). The dorsal n has a
pale gray tip, which is also not as conspicuous as in the older adult in
Figure 10c. There are several patches of orange diatoms visible on ligh-
ter areas of this animal (Fig. 8b, c).
Unsexed adult (Fig. 9), sighting #1This animal appears quite pale
because its cape is nearly completely developed, and only the upper,
forepart of the body is exposed. Again, due to water splashes partly
obscuring the base of the beak, it was not possible to positively deter-
mine from the available photographs if it had erupted teeth. The distal
portion of the beak is extensively white (Fig. 9a); the melon, shoulder
patch and eye-patch are all blackish (Fig. 9b); and there is only a
remnant of the dark triangle behind the blowhole (cf. Fig. 8c). The
noticeably paler neckband is still evident, although the expanding cape
has begun to merge with it. The dark spot near the waterline toward
the rear of the cape is probably a recent cookiecutter shark bite (see
Adult male (Fig. 10), sighting #2This adult male has a long beak
that is snowy white on the distal half; the base of beak and head are
black (Fig. 10a, b). The tooth erupts at the boundary between the white
and black on the side of the beak, and it angles back, over the top of the
rostrum; the blow is faint and angled forward (Fig. 10a). The teeth of
adult males are sometimes cream-colored and easy to discern (Fig. 10a),
but more often they are darkened by greenish-brown diatoms and can
be difcult to detect (Best 2007; RLP, personal observation). There is a
sharp boundary between the black head and the white or pale gray of
the cape (Fig. 10b). The cape is uniformly pale; it has completely
merged with the neckband, in this case obscuring it, and the gray trian-
gle behind the blowhole is no longer visible (Fig. 10b). Although the
neckband on this animal is no longer discernible, Shirihai (2007, p. 389,
top right) shows an M. layardii with a fully formed cape and a still-
evident neckband. The cape extends from the black on the melon, just
in front of the blowhole, to approximately two-thirds of the way back to
the dorsal n (Fig. 10c); it extends farthest back on the mid-dorsal line
and has a distinctive, uted border along the trailing edge on the anks
(Fig. 10c). The remainder of the back is black, and the dorsal n is black
but with a conspicuous white tip (Fig. 10c). Although not evident from
our photos, M. layardii also has white uke tips, which, like the dorsal
n tip, also appear to become lighter with age (Fig. S1a, b).
The adult male in Figure 10 shows none of the obvious linear scarring
often found on adult male mesoplodonts and attributable to tooth rake
marks from aggressive interactions with male conspecics (Heyning
1984, MacLeod 1998). Although it could be that this animal has not yet
had contact with other adult males, we suggest that the lack of visible
scarring is due to two other factors. First, unlike some species of Meso-
plodon, supercial esh wounds on M. layardii heal the same color as
the adjacent skin, making these scars nearly invisible (see MacLeod
1998). As evidence for this, cookiecutter sharks are small, oceanic sharks
(to 54 cm, Compagno 1984) that sometimes feed by excising a round or
oval plug out of the esh of larger animals, including cetaceans (Jones
1971, Best and Photopoulou 2016). These bite wounds typically leave
small (57 cm across long axis, Shirai and Nakaya 1992), round or oval
scars, which on some species of Mesoplodon heal conspicuously white
(i.e., unpigmented). On M. layardii, however, cookiecutter shark bites
heal the same color as the surrounding skin, so that the scars are nearly
invisible (Fig. S2a, b), and this would presumably apply to any tooth
rake marks that this species might acquire from conspecics, also. A sec-
ond factor contributing to a lack of conspicuous rake-mark scarring on
M. layardii is that, although the teeth of adult males are very large, as
mentioned previously, the actual cutting point is a tiny, up-turned denti-
cle on the top, leading edge of the tooth (Fig. 1b; MacLeod 2000). These
denticles leave relatively supercial scratches on conspecics, which are
much less conspicuous than the deep furrows left by mesoplodonts with
larger tusks(see below).
Currently, there are two recognized species of cookiecutter sharks,
I. brasiliensis and I. plutodus (de Figueiredo Petean and R. de Carvalho
2018), and because Isistius bite wounds and scars tend to be either
oval or round, it has been suggested that these shapes could be indica-
tive of the biting species (e.g., Williams and Bunkley Williams 1996,
Pérez-Zayas et al. 2002). However, the adult M. layardii male in
Fig. 10c-d has a conspicuous rectangular bite wound low on the mid-
body. Although less common than the round or oval shapes, rectangular
wounds and scars have been observed on various species of oceanic
cetaceans in low latitudes (Baird 2016; RLP, personal observation) and
could be evidence for another species of shark of similar size and feed-
ing habits, but with, perhaps, a different jaw structure (e.g., Grace
et al. 2015).
Group Size
Mesoplodonts generally occur in small groups (Mead 1989, MacLeod
2014)the largest that we are aware of was a mass stranding of a pur-
ported 28 Grays beaked whales (M. grayi, including holotype) from the
Chatham Islands, New Zealand, in 1875 (von Haast 1876), but conrm-
ing details about that event are lacking. Loughlin et al. (1982) reported
seven sightings of Stejnegers beaked whales (M. stejnegeri) from the
Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and the two largest groups were an estimated
12 and 15 individuals, respectively. These are the largest reported
group-size estimates for free-swimming mesoplodonts in the modern era
that we are aware of (see also MacLeod and DAmico 2006). However,
body length estimates for these two sightings were about 6 m,and
estimated body lengths for two other sightings were 58 and 68m,
respectively (Loughlin et al. 1982). These length estimates overlap the
size range of a newly identied, but yet undescribed, diminutive form of
Berardius sp. found in the North Pacic, including the Aleutian Islands
(Kitamura et al. 2013, Morin et al. 2017). The maximum reported body
length for M. stejnegeri is 5.7 m, and two adult males of the new dwarf
Berardius measured 6.6 and 7.3 m, respectively, compared to a maxi-
mum of 11.0 m for Bairds beaked whale (Berardius bairdii; MacLeod
2006, Morin et al. 2017). MacLeod and DAmico (2006) suggested that
beaked whales fall into two group-size categories: mesoplodonts were
in the small group category (mean 2.9 individuals, n= 354, range 115;
the 15comes from the aforementioned Loughlin et al. 1982), and
Berardius spp. was in the large category (mean 7.9 individuals, range
1100, n= 335). Furthermore, Loughlin et al. (1982) reported that the
animals in at least some of their sightings appeared to be traveling
abreast, almost touching each other. They surfaced and submerged in
unison.This shoulder-to-shoulder swimming behavior is commonly
observed in Berardius spp. (including B. arnuxii in the Southern
Ocean) and rarely, if ever, seen in mesoplodont groups (RLP, personal
observation). Based on these comparisons of length, group size, and sur-
face behaviors, it seems possible that at least some of the Loughlin et al.
(1982) sightings could pertain to the recently identied Berardius sp.,
and that their group-size estimates may not be applicable to
The largest credible group-size estimates for free-ranging mesoplo-
donts that we are aware of come from Claridge (2013) and Baird (2016)
who both reported maximums of 11 M. densirostris in the Bahamas and
off Hawaii, respectively. A group of 810 Sowerbys beaked whales
(M. bidens) was reported from the eastern North Atlantic by ynes
(1974; the same sighting was reported on by Benjaminsen et al. 1976
and Christensen 1977). Hooker and Baird (1999) also reported a group
of 8-10 M. bidens, from the western North Atlantic, and Patel et al.
(2016) reported a mass-stranding of 10 M. grayi in the Chatham Islands,
New Zealand. For M. layardii, Shirihai and Jarrett (2006), Groom et al.
(2014), and MacLeod (2014) all reported group sizes of up to 5, while
Best (2007) cited 26 individuals from at-sea sightings in the
South African subregion. Our sighting of an estimated 10 individuals off
Bremer Bay appears to be the largest group of strap-toothed beaked
whales reported to date, and may be near the maximum for all
Social Structure
The Bremer Bay sighting (#2) offers some insight into the social struc-
ture of M. layardii and perhaps other mesoplodonts as well. Among the
seven individuals identied in our photographs, at least four were males
of various ages, and the other three were unsexed juveniles. No adult
females or dependent calves were photographed or otherwise observed.
Lien et al. (1990) reported six M. bidens swimming near shore off New-
foundland in 1986; three that eventually stranded were all mature males,
and the authors speculated that M. bidens may form all male social
groups.Similarly, a group of 810 M. bidens observed by Hooker and
Baird (1999) in the western North Atlantic included at least four adult
males; they also reported another group of three that was all adult
males, and an aerial photograph in Jefferson et al. (2015, p. 151, top
left) shows what appears to be four adult male M. bidens swimming
together. Eight Stejnegers beaked whales (M. stejnegeri) that stranded
at Adak Island, in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in August 2018, were
adult females,
and 10 Bairds beaked whales that stranded on an island
in the Gulf of California, Mexico, in 2006 were all mature males (Urbán
Personal communication from Marc Webber, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Homer,
AK, September 2018.
et al. 2007). The prevalence and adaptive signicance of sexual segrega-
tion among beaked whales is unknown, but it could be fairly common
and widespread.
What little is known about mesoplodont social structure suggests
some interesting variability. Although more evidence is needed, the
observations above suggest that at least some species occur in sexually
segregated groups, or, at the very least, occur in groups with multiple
males present, although some mesoplodont species clearly do not. For
example, in M. densirostris, typically only one adult male associates with
one or more females in what appears to be a harem arrangement
(McSweeney et al. 2007, Claridge 2013, Dunn 2014), while M. grayi
(Patel et al. 2016), M. bidens (references above), and possibly
M. layardii (this study) occur in groups with multiple males, including adults.
Heyning (1984) was perhaps the rst to suggest a possible link
between tooth development and social behavior among mesoplodonts,
and we further propose that the degree of rostrum and tooth develop-
ment among the different species might correlate not only with aggres-
siveness, but could also have implications for social structure and
mating systems. For example, adult male M. densirostris have two mas-
sive tusks, each raised on a boney arch above the level of the head
(think horns), and a stout, densely ossied rostrum that helps protect
the beak against trauma when forcibly engaging opponents (Heyning
1984, MacLeod 2002). When M. densirostris males rake each other in
combat, they leave deep ruts(MacLeod 2002; RLP, personal observa-
tion), which is presumably why there is almost never more than one
adult male seen in a social group (MacLeod and DAmico 2006, McSwee-
ney et al. 2007, MacLeod 2014). On the other hand, adult males of spe-
cies with longer, more delicate beaks and/or smaller, more fragile teeth
(e.g.,M. bidens,M. grayi,M. layardii) tend to leave relatively light
scratches when they rake each other. The teeth of adult male ginkgo-
toothed beaked whales (M. ginkgodens), for example, barely erupt
above the gum line; as a result, adult males have almost no linear rake
marks on their bodies, which Heyning (1984) interpreted as a sign of
decreased aggressiveness. Reduced aggression among less well-armed
mesoplodont species could allow for multiple males within groups and
an altered social dynamic. Although M. layardii has the largest tooth of
any beaked whale and might seem to be an exception to the rule, as
mentioned above, its effective tooth size is actually very small because
only the tiny, upturned denticle at the tip of the tooth is used for raking
opponents (Fig. 1b; Best 2007).
We thank Legend Charters and Captain Andrew DundeeJohnson and Kyle
Simms of the M/V Dhu Force for their cheerful and capable support during our
research off Bremer Bay. We also thank Captain A. Nazarov and crew of the
M/V Plancius for their efforts and support allowing us to study the whales in
the South Atlantic. Research in Australia was conducted under the auspices of
Department of Environment/Cetacean Permit: 2014-0007 and Flinders Univer-
sity/Animal Welfare Committee: Project E460/17. A. van Helden provided some
thoughtful comments on an earlier draft of this paper; A. van Helden, S. N.
G. Howell, and S. Steadman provided photographs for this note.
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Received: 24 June 2018
Accepted: 27 November 2018
The following supporting information is available for this article online
Figure S1. (a) An aerial view of an adult M. layardii (an adult based
on uniformly pale cape; see text) photographed at 60280S, 155490W,
6 January 2014, showing prominent white tips to the ukes. Photograph
by E. Muirhead/Sea Shepherd; (b) top of the ukes of a female
M. layardii that stranded in Golden Bay, New Zealand, 21 January 2007
... Fig. 17.4). The two species with the largest amount of exposed tooth-Stejneger's M. stejnegeri and strap-toothed beaked whales-show conspicuous wear on the front and inner surfaces of the teeth (Yamada 1998;Pitman et al. 2019), which may be attributed to prey abrasion during suction feeding (Ramassamy 2016). In other species with large teeth (e.g., Blainville's, Hubbs' M. carlhubbsi, and Andrew's M. bowdoini beaked whales), most of the teeth is sheathed in bone or gum tissue, perhaps to prevent abrasion. ...
... and tooth rake marks from conspecific males. Cookie-cutter sharks are small (to 50 cm), mesopelagic, and feed by taking single bites of flesh out of large animals and retreating (Pitman et al. 2019). The wounds can form white scars that are visible for many years (Baird 2016), and although relatively small (5-7 cm), they are often numerous so that older beaked whales of both sexes are usually easily distinguished. ...
... From a group of six Sowerby's beaked whales swimming nearshore, three that stranded were all males, perhaps indicating a male social group (Lien et al. 1990). Additional evidence for sexual segregation among other species comes from at-sea sightings and whaling data, including Baird's beaked whale (Omura et al. 1955;, northern bottlenose whale (Benjaminsen and Christensen 1979), pygmy beaked whale (Pitman and Lynn 2001), and strap-toothed beaked whale (Pitman et al. 2019). Although sexual segregation at sea appears to be widespread among beaked whales, its adaptive significance is unknown, but it could be that females pregnant or with calves gain an advantage by foraging without males or need to avoid harassment or coercion by adult males (e.g., Würsig and Pearson 2015;Galezo et al. 2018;Markowitz et al. 2023, this book). ...
Full-text available
Beaked whales (Ziphiidae), with 24 currently recognized species, are arguably the least known large animals on the planet, despite being widespread and at times abundant. Mesoplodon , with 16 currently recognized species, is by far the most speciose cetacean genus. Recent technological and taxonomic advances, long-term photographic-identification studies, and historical whaling data have allowed new insights into their social and mating strategies and how these may have driven diversification within the family. In most beaked whales, only adult males have exposed teeth—a single “tusk” erupts from each lower jaw and is used in contests to determine access to breeding females. How forcefully males of different species engage conspecifics varies widely based mainly on differences in tooth size/placement and jaw structure. We compiled data on key dimorphic traits including beak modification, tooth size and location, and prevalence of scarring in adults, for all beaked whales. More detailed information is given for the four best-studied species—northern bottlenose whale and Baird’s, Cuvier’s, and Blainville’s beaked whales. We then compared these traits with what is known about their social organization and reproductive anatomy to make inferences about mating strategies. More aggressive species tend to occur in small groups with only one dominant adult male present and have small testes relative to body size, suggesting that male reproductive success is largely determined by precopulatory contest competition and female defense polygyny. Less aggressive species tend to occur (at least at times) in larger, mixed-sex groups with multiple adult males present, and females may mate with multiple males, which favors postcopulatory sperm competition and polygynandry. We further discuss how conflicting pressures arising from males using their beaks for both feeding and fighting could have sparked an adaptive radiation in tooth development and beak morphology among beaked whales, especially within Mesoplodon , which would have had implications for male-male competition, social structure, sexual strategies, and, perhaps ultimately, evolutionary divergence and speciation within this group.
... Both whales had acquired (i.e., adventitious) markings as well. Small, irregular patches of orangish-brown diatoms were scattered around the body, especially on Animal 1 (Figure 5a); diatom patches are common on beaked whales (e.g., Jefferson et al., 2015;Pitman et al., 2019;Ritter & Brederlau, 1999;Rosso et al., 2021). Both whales had a few superficial, short, linear scars, none of which appeared to be tooth-rake marks from conspecifics. ...
... least several species of Mesoplodon spp. (Pitman et al., 2019;Rosso et al., 2021). Animal 1 also appeared to have a damaged beak, perhaps the result of an injury: there was a prominent transverse crease on the rostrum, just forward of the base of the melon, and forward of the crease the rostrum had a slight upward bend (Figure 8). ...
... maturing M. carlhubbsi the beak starts to lighten first at the tip and along the lips and spreads from there, a pattern that has recently been described for another white-beaked Mesoplodon: the strap-toothed beaked whale (M. layardii;Pitman et al., 2019). ...
Although Hubbs' beaked whale ( Mesoplodon carlhubbsi ) was previously known from over 60 strandings on both sides of the North Pacific, it had been identified alive in the wild only once, off Oregon in 1994. In September 2021, we conducted a search effort for beaked whales off the coast of Oregon using a towed hydrophone array and a visual search team. Approximately 350 km off the Columbia River mouth, we detected the vocalizations of an unidentified mesoplodont whale; we stopped our vessel and waited in the area until two unidentified juvenile Mesoplodon surfaced and stayed near our vessel for almost 2 hr. During that time, we took numerous photographs and videos, made behavioral observations, and recorded their vocalizations. The DNA sequence from a biopsy sample identified them as M. carlhubbsi . In this paper, we discuss our biological observations, including color patterning and acquired markings, behavioral observations, and describe for the first time the acoustic characteristics of this species. We confirm that M. carlhubbsi is the source of a previously unidentified acoustic signal known as BW37V, and we update what is known about the at‐sea distribution of this species based on previous recordings and observational records.
... Beaked whales (family Ziphiidae) are among the least known of all mammalian groups comprising at least 23 species globally (Committee on Taxonomy 2020). Beaked whale species generally occur in deep offshore waters, and most information is gathered from stranded animals compared to only a few recorded high--quality observations of beaked whales sighted at sea (e.g., Bachara et al. 2018;Pitman et al. 2019;Rosso et al. 2020). All species of beaked whales are, therefore, incompletely described, and most knowledge regarding these species is based on examinations of a few stranded individuals (Hooker et al. 2019). ...
Full-text available
A group of Mesoplodon europaeus (Gervais, 1885), Gervais’ Beaked Whales, were recorded along the Demerara Plateau (Suriname) at depths of 2,300 and 2,700 m. These are the first records of the species within the Guiana Basin. The Demerara Plateau may well offer an important habitat for deep-diving beaked whales, but further research is needed. We emphasize that, in light of a recent increase in oil and gas exploitation activities, there is an urgency to develop effective regionally and nationally specific conservation measures for whales in Suriname.
... The other group was observed multiple times on May 14, 25, and 26, and in all cases, it consisted of the same five individually identified whales (Table S1). Sexual segregation was observed in several species of beaked whales (Pitman et al., 2019 and references therein), including Baird's beaked whales (Fedutin et al. 2018). ...
Beaked whales (Family Ziphiidae, Odontoceti, Cetacea) are one of the least studied groups of cetaceans. Their preference for shelf slope or deep ocean waters, long dives, low surface profile, elusiveness, and lack of visible blow in most species makes them difficult to spot, especially in rougher sea-state conditions. Due to these features, some species of beaked whales, including the third member of the genus Berardius, were discovered only recently using genetic analyses. Until recently, two Berardius species were officially recognized: Baird's beaked whale (Berardius bairdii) in the North Pacific and Arnoux's beaked whale (Berardius arnuxii) in the Southern Hemisphere. However, for decades, Japanese whalers have recognized two forms of Berardius off Hokkaido: the more common, slate-gray Baird's beaked whale, and another, smaller and darker form known as karasu (meaning “crow” or “raven”; Kasuya, 2017; Omura et al., 1955). Kitamura et al. (2013) reported that three specimens with morphological features indicative of that smaller “black form” had significantly different mitochondrial control region haplotypes from 64 specimens assigned to the “gray form.” Morin et al. (2017) also demonstrated strong genetic differences between the two forms, as well as between the “black form” and B. arnuxii; moreover, they found that the “black form” differs from the two recognized Berardius species to a greater degree than they do from each other (Morin et al., 2017). Finally, Yamada et al. (2019) published the formal description of the new species (Berardius minimus), which was named Sato's beaked whale in Brownell and Kasuya (2021). Fedutin et al. (2020) identified three Berardius minimus specimens among stranded beaked whales found on Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands, including Kunashir Island (Figure 1). All of the genetic samples analyzed so far from the above studies were taken from dead animals, and the purported observations of Sato's beaked whales at sea were not confirmed genetically (Yamada et al., 2019). Here, we report observations of Sato's beaked whales in Nemuro Strait (Figure 1) with species identification confirmed from a biopsy sample taken from an individual in one of the groups.
... To our knowledge, brown-colored healed cookie-cutter shark scars were previously reported from GBW (Pitman & Lynn 2001), the presumable DBW adult female photographed around Palmyra Atoll (see fig. 3 in Pitman & Ballance 2008), and from a strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii) (Pitman et al. 2019). However, as previously reported by Waller (2017), in one of the GBW males stranded in New Zealand ( fig. 8, Dalebout et al. 2014), numerous white scars apparently caused by the healed bites of the cookie-cutter shark were evident. ...
Full-text available
Beaked whales represent around 25% of known extant cetacean species, yet they are the least known of all marine mammals. Identification of many Mesoplodon species has relied on examination of a few stranded individuals. Particularly, the ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens) and Deraniyagala's beaked whale (Mesoplodon hotaula) are among the least‐known of beaked whale species, without confirmed sightings of living individuals to date. We present a sighting of 3 free‐ranging individuals of M. ginkgodens/hotaula whale from a dedicated marine mammal vessel survey carried out in the South China Sea in April and May 2019. Photographic data (301 photographs) from the sighting were compared to photos of fresh stranded ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale and Deraniyagala's beaked whale from both historical and unpublished records. We found that free‐ranging M. ginkgodens and M. hotaula individuals can be easily distinguished from other Mesoplodon species due to differences in melon and gape shapes and coloration patterns. However, accurate at‐sea differentiation of M. ginkgodens and M. hotaula may not be possible due to high similarity in both coloration and scarring patterns. In addition to our photo‐identification data, we collected what we believe to be the first preliminary descriptions of surfacing behavior and diving patterns of one of these species. Finally, the presence of scars possibly caused by fishing gear or marine litter raises concerns about anthropogenic impacts and conservation of these poorly known species.
... We combined sightings from both aerial and ship-borne PoP surveys ( Fig. 1) conducted over 3 years (2015)(2016)(2017) to provide one of the first descriptions of the cetacean assemblage of the Bremer Sub-Basin, off the southern coast of Western Australia (Fig. 2). The region encompasses an array of deep and biologically active submarine canyons (Huang et al. 2018) that attract a diversity of cetaceans, including sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) (Johnson et al. 2016), beaked whales (Mesoplodon spp.) (Wellard et al. 2016;Pitman et al. 2019) and killer whales (Wellard et al. 2015;Wellard and Erbe 2017). It is also the focus of multiple human uses, including seismic exploration, commercial fishing, and vessel traffic, with rates of increase in the cumulative impacts of anthropogenic activities among the highest on the globe (Halpern et al. 2019). ...
Full-text available
Cetaceans are iconic predators that serve as important indicators of marine ecosystem health. The Bremer Sub-Basin, south-western Australia, supports a diverse cetacean community including the largest documented aggregation of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Australian waters. Knowledge of cetacean distributions is critical for managing the area’s thriving ecotourism industry, yet is largely sporadic. Here we combined aerial with opportunistic ship-borne surveys during 2015–2017 to describe the occurrence of multiple cetacean species on a regional scale. We used generalised estimating equations to model variation in killer whale relative density as a function of both static and dynamic covariates, including seabed depth, slope, and chlorophyll a concentration, while accounting for autocorrelation. Encountered cetacean groups included: killer (n = 177), sperm (n = 69), long-finned pilot (n = 29), false killer (n = 2), and strap-toothed beaked (n = 1) whales, as well as bottlenose (n = 12) and common (n = 5) dolphins. Killer whale numbers peaked in areas of low temperatures and high primary productivity, likely due to seasonal upwelling of nutrient-rich waters supporting high prey biomass. The best predictive model highlighted potential killer whale ‘hotspots’ in the Henry, Hood, Pallinup and Bremer Canyons. This study demonstrates the value of abundance data from platforms of opportunity for marine planning and wildlife management in the open ocean.
Full-text available
Deraniyagala's beaked whale, Mesoplodon hotaula , was previously known from eight published strandings and no confirmed live sightings, making it one of the least‐known cetaceans. We conducted six cetacean survey cruises in the South China Sea between 2019 and 2023, and during 120 sea‐days we recorded 12 sightings of unidentified Mesoplodon . From biopsy samples and acoustic recordings, five sightings were subsequently confirmed as M. hotaula. Using photographs, we provide the first field descriptions and observations of this species. The calf/juvenile has a distinctive facial coloration and dorsal striping pattern that appear to be diagnostic among Indo‐Pacific Mesoplodon ; among adult males, the dark rostrum of M. hotaula and the distinctively white‐tipped beak of ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale, M. ginkgodens , distinguish these similar‐looking, partially sympatric species. Mean group size was small (3.0, n = 5), with a preference for deep (2,156 m, n = 5), warm (30.3°C, n = 3) water. We update the known distribution of this species, present evidence of fishery interactions, and document the first reported mixed‐species Mesoplodon group: a juvenile Blainville's beaked whale M. densirostris associated with four M. hotaula. These sightings identify the South China Sea as a potentially important area for this almost completely unknown species.
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A whale fall community of chemosymbiotic invertebrates living on cetacean bones has been identified off southwestern Australia during a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) survey at bathyal depths within the Bremer Marine Park, which is part of important marine mammal areas (IMMA) of the Albany Canyon Region. Cetacean bones on the seafloor of the Hood Canyon, consisted of isolated skulls of three species of beaked whales (family Ziphiidae): Mesoplodon cf. layardii, M. grayi, and M. hectori, a few vertebrae, and lower jaws. One of the beaked whale skulls (Mesoplodon cf. layardii) was sampled and found to be intensely colonised by hundreds of specimens of a bathymodilinae mussel (“Adipicola” s.l.). Live polychaetes (Phyllochaetopterus?), skeneimorph gastropods, and amphipods (Seba, Leptamphopus) colonised the skull bone, which represent a later stage (sulfophilic) of carcass decomposition. The reducing sediment below the skull was inhabited by lucinid (Lucinoma) and vesicomyid (Calyptogena) chemosymbiotic bivalves. Additionally, the sediment thanatocoenosis comprised shells of various other chemosymbiotic bivalves, such as Acharax, thyasirids, lucinids, vesicomyids, and limpets, representing the complex ecological turnover phases through time in this whale fall chemosynthetic habitat. With one exception, all bones recovered were colonized by bathymodiolin mussels. This is the first documented case of a chemosynthetic community and associated chemosymbiotic fauna relating to beaked whales, and the first fully documented record of a whale fall community within the Australian Southern Ocean region.
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There is a paucity of data on the family Ziphiidae (the beaked whales) and even basic information, such as body length, is not available for some species. This review examines published records of body length for 20 of the 21 currently recognised species of beaked whale. It considers maximum, median and modal body lengths, where possible by sex. For Cuvier’s, Blainville’s and Gray’s beaked whales, modal and median lengths were much shorter than the maximum reported lengths; this may reflect misidentification of the largest animals. Although males of some species reached a greater maximum size, there was only a significant difference in median body length for three species: True’s beaked whale; the strap-toothed whale; and Gervais’ beaked whale. In all three cases, females had a significantly larger median length. The apparent lack of consistent sexual dimorphism in body length suggests that, while male beaked whales use their tusks as weapons to compete aggressively for access to receptive females, large size does not give a competitive advantage. This may be a result of the way the sexually dimorphic tusks are used during combat. The only exception to this rule appears to be the northern bottlenose whale, for which males consistently reach greater body lengths than the largest females. Male-male combat appears to take a different form in this species.
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The dalatiid genus Isistius Gill (1864) has three valid species currently recognized in the literature: Isistius brasiliensis Quoy & Gaimard (1824), I. plutodus Garrick & Springer (1964), and I. labialis Meng, Zhu & Li (1985). The most common species, I. brasiliensis, has a wide geographic distribution and is found in subtemperate and tropical seas circumglobally. A comparative analysis of specimens from different localities throughout its range, however, had never been undertaken. In the present paper, the morphological variation of this species along its entire distribution has been thoroughly analyzed, corroborating that it represents a single widespread species and that I. labialis is its junior synonym. The other congeneric species, I. plutodus, is known from only a few specimens and is also distributed worldwide. A detailed comparative analysis of available material of I. plutodus was conducted verifying its validity as a single widespread species. The present study analyzed in detail the external morphology (coloration, dentition, dermal denticles), internal morphology (skeleton, musculature), lateral-line canals, and morphometric and meristic characters of species of Isistius in order to better define the genus and its included valid species.
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Some marine mammals are so rarely seen that their life history and social structure remain a mystery. Around New Zealand, Gray's beaked whales (Mesoplodon grayi) are almost never seen alive, yet they are a commonly stranded species. Gray's are unique amongst the beaked whales in that they frequently strand in groups providing an opportunity to investigate their social organisation. We examined group composition and genetic kinship in 113 Gray's beaked whales with samples collected over a 20 year-period. Fifty-six individuals stranded in 19 groups (two or more individuals), and 57 whales stranded individually. Mitochondrial control region haplotypes and microsatellite genotypes (16 loci) were obtained for 103 whales. We estimated pairwise relatedness between all pairs of individuals and average relatedness within, and between, groups. We identified six mother-calf pairs and two half-siblings, including two whales in different strandings 17 years and 1500 km apart. Surprisingly, none of the adults stranding together were related suggesting that groups are not formed through the retention of kin. These data suggest that both sexes may disperse from their mothers, and groups consisting of unrelated subadults are common. We also found no instances of paternity within the groups. Our results provide the first insights into dispersal, social organisation and the mating system in this rarely sighted species. Why whales strand is still unknown but, in Gray's beaked whales, the dead can tell us much about the living.
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Observations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on the remains of beaked whales have been previously documented; however, to date, there has been no published account of killer whales actively preying upon beaked whales. This article describes the first field observations of killer whales interacting with, hunting and preying upon beaked whales (Mesoplodon spp.) on four separate occasions during 2014, 2015 and 2016 in the Bremer Sub-Basin, off the south coast of Western Australia. © 2016 Wellard et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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A complete and convenient reference to every species of cetacean, pinniped and sirenian in the world, along with the marine and sea Otters, and Polar Bear. Every species is illustrated with magnificent colour paintings and a stunning collection of photographs, chosen to illustrate the key field marks which can be used to separate each species in the field.
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The presence of crater-like wounds on cetaceans and other large marine vertebrates and invertebrates has been attributed to various organisms. We review the evidence for the identity of the biting agent responsible for crater wounds on large whales, using data collected from sei (Balaenoptera borealis), fin (B. physalus), inshore and offshore Bryde's (B. brydeii sp) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) examined at the Donkergat whaling station, Saldanha Bay, South Africa between March and October 1963. We then analyse the intensity and trends in its predation on large whales. Despite the scarcity of local records, we conclude that a cookie-cutter shark Isistius sp is the most likely candidate. We make inferences about the trends in (1) total counts of unhealed bitemarks, and (2) the proportion of unhealed bitemarks that were recent. We use day of the year; reproductive class, social grouping or sex; depth interval and body length as candidate covariates. The models with highest support for total counts of unhealed bitemarks involve the day of the year in all species. Depth was an important predictor in all species except offshore Bryde's whales. Models for the proportion of recent bites were only informative for sei and fin whales. We conclude that temporal scarring patterns support what is currently hypothesized about the distribution and movements of these whale species, given that Isistius does not occur in the Antarctic and has an oceanic habitat. The incidence of fresh bites confirms the presence of Isistius in the region. The lower numbers of unhealed bites on medium-sized sperm whales suggests that this group spends more time outside the area in which bites are incurred, providing a clue to one of the biggest gaps in our understanding of the movements of mature and maturing sperm males.
Two species of cigar or cookiecutter sharks (Isistius hrasilensis and l. plutodus) are known to predate by causing crater wounds on pelagic fishes off Puerto Rico and in marine mammals in other parts of the world. No records exist for wounds caused by the largetooth cookiecutter shark (I. plutodus) in marine mammals. and furthermore, no records exist for the Caribbean of wounds inflicted on whales or dolphins by either of these sharks. We report the first record of cookiecutter shark predation in a stranded Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) from Puerto Rico. We attributed this wound to have been caused by a largetooth cookiecutter shark. based on its size and shape, in addition to the characteristic teeth markings creating pointedgrooves on the borders and the inside of the bite. The finding of a largetooth cookieeutter shark attack on this specimen is of particular interest since it is the first time we have observed this type of fresh wound in our study area. Cookiecutter shark wounds attributed to the widely-distributed cigar shark. have been reported in ten species of seals, whales. and dolphins. However. this is the first record ofa largetooth cookiecutter shark wound on a cetacean. Key words: Caribbean. Isistius brasilensis. Isislius• plutodus. Ziphius cavirostris. predation. cookiecutter shark. Cuvier•s beaked whale. Pérez-Zayas, J. J., A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni, G. M. Toyas-González, R. J. Rosario-Delestre, and E. H. Williams, Jr. 2002. Incidental predation by a Largetooth Cookiecutter Shark on a Cuvier’s Beaked Whale in Puerto Rico. Aquatic Mammals 28: 308-311. [288]
There are two recognized species in the genus Berardius, Baird's and Arnoux's beaked whales. In Japan, whalers have traditionally recognized two forms of Baird's beaked whales, the common “slate-gray” form and a smaller, rare “black” form. Previous comparison of mtDNA control region sequences from three black specimens to gray specimens around Japan indicated that the two forms comprise different stocks and potentially different species. We have expanded sampling to include control region haplotypes of 178 Baird's beaked whales from across their range in the North Pacific. We identified five additional specimens of the black form from the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, for a total of eight “black” specimens. The divergence between mtDNA haplotypes of the black and gray forms of Baird's beaked whale was greater than their divergence from the congeneric Arnoux's beaked whale found in the Southern Ocean, and similar to that observed among other congeneric beaked whale species. Taken together, genetic evidence from specimens in Japan and across the North Pacific, combined with evidence of smaller adult body size, indicate presence of an unnamed species of Berardius in the North Pacific.