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Acta Clinica Belgica
International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine
ISSN: 1784-3286 (Print) 2295-3337 (Online) Journal homepage:
Prevalence of vitamin K deficiency in older people
with hip fracture
Celine Bultynck, N. Munim, D. J. Harrington, L. Judd, F. Ataklte, Z. Shah & F.
To cite this article: Celine Bultynck, N. Munim, D. J. Harrington, L. Judd, F. Ataklte, Z. Shah & F.
Dockery (2019): Prevalence of vitamin K deficiency in older people with hip fracture, Acta Clinica
Belgica, DOI: 10.1080/17843286.2018.1564174
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Prevalence of vitamin K deficiency in older people with hip fracture
Celine Bultynck
, N. Munim
, D. J. Harrington
, L. Judd
, F. Ataklte
, Z. Shah
and F. Dockery
Department of Ageing & Health, Guy’s & St. Thomas’NHS Trust, London, UK;
Nutristasis Unit, Guy’s & St. Thomas’NHS Trust, London,
Department of Orthopaedics, Guy’s & St. Thomas’NHS Trust, London, UK
Introduction: Vitamin K plays an important role in blood coagulation. Diet is the main source
of vitamin K and body stores are depleted in days, hence deficiency is common in malnour-
ished older people. A high proportion of people who sustain a hip fracture are already
malnourished, compounded by fasting for surgery which might further increase deficiency.
We wanted to explore the prevalence of vitamin K deficiency in hip fracture patients and the
impact of a short period of fasting.
Methods: In consecutive patients hospitalised with a hip fracture, we measured vitamin K and
PIVKA-II (undercarboxylated factor II –a marker of subclinical vitamin K status) on admission
and on first post-operative day. We excluded those on anticoagulants.
Results: N = 62 participated; 4 had missing pre-op vitamin K samples and n = 3 had no
surgery leaving n = 55 with paired samples. Mean age was 80.0 ± 9.6 years, 33% males.
Prevalence of subclinical vitamin K deficiency on admission was 36% (20/55) based on
reference range of > 0.15µg/L. The proportion with subclinical K deficiency after surgery
rose to 64% (35/55), p < 0.05. 13% had detectable PIVKA-II concentrations pre-operatively,
15% did post-operatively. None had abnormal prothrombin time. Vitamin K status was not
associated with post-operative haemoglobin drop or transfusion requirements.
Conclusion: Prevalence of vitamin K deficiency in hip fracture patients is high and increases
further following a short period of fasting. Though no significant impact was noted on peri-
operative blood loss, larger studies are warranted to explore this, and the potential role of
vitamin K supplements peri-operatively.
Vitamin K; phylloquinone;
PIVKA-II; coagulation; hip
Vitamin K is the collective name for a group of fat-
soluble compounds whose primary function is to acti-
vate glutamic acid residues (gla). Gla is essential for
the calcium binding capacity (and hence, activation)
of the hepatic procoagulant clotting factors II, VII, IX
and X as well as naturally occurring anticoagulants
protein C, S and Z. Vitamin K therefore, has an impor-
tant role in coagulation and its deficiency is asso-
ciated with excessive bleeding. This is of potential
importance in patients who are undergoing major
surgery such as hip repair or replacement [1–4].
The two natural forms of vitamin K are vitamin K
also known as phylloquinone, and vitamin K
also known as the menaquinones. Diet is the main source
of vitamin K. Vitamin K
is found in dark green leaved
vegetables and certain vegetable oils. Dietary sources of
include meat, liver and fermented foods, but their
contribution to total vitamin K intake is small in the
western diet. Vitamin K is predominately stored in the
liver as well as in fatty tissue and reserves are depleted by
fasting periods of as little as three days [2,4,5].
The most widely known laboratory test for vitamin K
deficiency is the prothrombin time (PT). However, this
test is insensitive to mild vitamin K deficiency [6,7].
Serum K
can be measured directly and can also be
assessed indirectly by using protein induced by vitamin
K absence-II (PIVKA-II). PIVKA-II concentration reflects
hypocarboxylated prothrombin and thus the functional
effects of vitamin K deficiency. These tests can offer very
sensitive measures of subclinical deficiency, before any
changes are detected in the PT [2,7–10].
A decline in vitamin K
concentrations have been
noted in patients following neurosurgery and gastro-
intestinal surgery, though no impact on perioperative
blood transfusion requirements was observed [8,11].
As a high proportion of older hip fracture patients are
already undernourished prior to admission and many
are anaemic, we wanted to ascertain whether vitamin
Kdeficiency is compounded by fasting for surgery in
this group. We also wanted to ascertain whether there
was any impact of deficiency state on subsequent
perioperative blood loss.
Materials and methods
We conducted a prospective cohort study on 62 con-
secutive patients age 60+ years admitted to our
CONTACT Celine Bultynck Department of Ageing & Health, Guy’s & St. Thomas’NHS Trust, Westminster Bridge Rd,
London SE1 7EH, UK
© 2019 Acta Clinica Belgica
orthopaedic ward following emergency admission
with a fractured neck of femur. Patients on oral anti-
coagulant drugs, taking vitamin K supplements (or
multivitamins that contain vitamin K), severe liver dis-
ease, deranged coagulation bloods tests at baseline or
known bleeding disorder were excluded. The study
was approved by local Research Ethics Committee
and patients and/or carer (for those lacking capacity)
gave written consent to participate.
Once patients consented to the study, their stored
laboratory samples from admission and first post-
operative day were retrieved for later assay of serum
and PIVKA-II concentrations by the laboratory. All
blood samples are stored by this hospital’s laboratory
for 5 days as per standard practice. All patients also
had blood panel for haemoglobin, renal function and
coagulation testing as per hip fracture protocol.
Prothrombin analysis was performed using the
Owren PT-INR method and normal reference range
0.9–1.2 was used. Serum measurements of K
performed by using a modified high-performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with post-col-
umn chemical reduction and fluorescence detection
based on that described by Davidson and Sadowski
[12]. The non-fasting reference range for K
in healthy,
normolipaemic adults is 0.15–1.55 µg/L. By participa-
tion in KEQAS, an international scheme that monitors
and reports on the accuracy of vitamin K
quality assurance was monitored.
Serum PIVKA-II was measured by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on the method
previously described by Belle et al. [13]. The mono-
clonal antibody (C4B6 MAb) used in this assay is con-
formation-specific such that in the presence of
calcium ions it binds only undercarboxylated species
of prothrombin. Results are reported as arbitrary units
(AU) per millilitre, where 1 AU is equivalent to 1 µg of
multiple PIVKA-II species purified from patients trea-
ted with vitamin K antagonists. Using this assay, the
lower limit of detection for PIVKA-II in adults was <0.2
AU/ml (<200 ng/ml) and detectable PIVKA-II was con-
sidered to reflect subclinical vitamin K deficiency.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 25. For
the purpose of analysis, all laboratory values below the
limit of detection for a particular assay were recorded
as the lowest value for that assay. Pearson’s correlation,
chi-squared and student’sttests were used for ana-
lyses, with equivalent non-parametric tests for data not
fitting a normal distribution.
A total of 62 patients agreed to participate. Of those, 4
had missing pre-op vitamin K samples leaving 58 with
baseline levels only. A further 2 had no post-op vita-
min K sample and 1 had conservative management of
their fracture initially with surgery a week later so was
excluded leaving 55 patients with paired samples in
the study. Participants included were aged between
60 and 102. Baseline characteristics are in Table 1.
The prevalence of subclinical vitamin K deficiency on
admission was 36% (20/55) based on normal laboratory
reference range for vitamin K
of > 0.15 µg/L as per a
healthy population. The mean vitamin K
level was
0.34 ± 1.2 µg/L on admission and 0.15 ± 0.025 µg/L
after surgery. These numbers are comparable to pre-
vious studies in other populations like cancer patients
or morbidly obese patients [2,7]. Those with low vita-
min K levels on admission were frailer as per Clinical
Frailty Scale (CFS) than those with normal vitamin K
levels, but no other significant differences noted. The
proportion of patients with vitamin K deficiency after
the period of fasting for surgery had risen further to
64%, p < 0.001 for comparison to baseline (Figure 1).
Detectable PIVKA-II concentrations were present in
13% of the patients pre-operatively and in 15% post-
operatively. No patients had an abnormal prothrom-
bin time. There was a non-significant tendency to a
greater fall in haemoglobin level post operatively in
those who had low vitamin K status on admission
(p = 0.051, Table 1) but on regression analysis adjust-
ing for other patient characteristics and comorbidities
this was not significant. Similarly the relationship
between the fall in vitamin K levels and post-opera-
tive blood loss was non-significant.
In this study, we found a high prevalence of vitamin K
deficiency in patients who had been admitted acutely
with a hip fracture and a further increase in deficiency
state after a short period of fasting for surgery. This is
in keeping with previous studies showing low levels in
Table 1. Patient characteristics expressed as mean±SD, n(%)
or median[interquartile range] as appropriate.
Subclinical vita-
min K deficiency
Vitamin K
n = 35 p
Age (y) 80 ± 10 79 ± 9 0.673
Charlson comorbidity index ≥3
6 (30) 11 (31) 0.912
Clinical Frailty Scale ≥5 (%) 16 (80) 12 (34) 0.001
Living alone (%) 14 (70) 20 (57) 0.345
Independently mobile outdoors
9 (45) 22 (63) 0.199
Baseline Hb (g/L) 121 ± 22 118 ± 18 0.542
Baseline creatinine (µmol/L) 78 [57–102] 72 [56–
Delay >36hrs for surgery (%) 2 [10]6[17] 0.470
Mean fall in Hb post-operative
−29 ± 14 −21 ± 11 0.051
Patients with a clinically relevant
fall in Hb >20g/L (%)
60 49 0.575
Post-operative blood transfusion
7 (35) 8 (24) 0.331
hip fracture patients [14,15], and with studies showing
that serum vitamin K
rapidly declines after dietary
restriction though this has not been looked at in hip
fracture patients in the perioperative period before
[2,8]. We did not however observe an adverse impact
of this deficiency state on perioperative bloods loss or
need for blood transfusion though there was a ten-
dency to a greater fall in post-operative haemoglobin
in the K-deficient group. A larger study might have
ascertained this relationship more clearly.
The cohort who had low vitamin K status on admis-
sion were notably frailer despite similar baseline char-
acteristics otherwise, which may reflect their poorer
nutrition, but we did not have weight or body mass
index records to verify this. Frailty was assessed using
the CFS, a practical and efficient tool for measurement
of frailty based on clinical judgement. It is a well
validated and known to be an adverse outcome pre-
dictor in hospitalised older people, but the overall
predictive validity in the surgical setting should be
studied further [16,17].
ietary deficiency of vitamin K is rare in healthy
individuals but is relatively common in those who
are severely ill, who have chronic conditions or
who are malnourished [2,7]. Several studies have
demonstrated that subclinical vitamin K deficiency
is associated with an increased risk of osteoporotic
hip fracture, through synergistic interplay between
vitamin D and vitamin K metabolism. Whether vita-
min K supplementation will reduce the rate of
bone loss or the risk of fracture remains a matter
of debate [1,14,15,18].
Vitamin K
is mainly transported in triglyceride-rich
lipoproteins so postprandial triglyceride elevation
might confound measurements [5,7] however most
studies however have not corrected for triglyceride
levels and though our cohort’s blood samples were
non-fasting, it seems likely that the majority will have
eaten little considering the nature of the emergency
Though PIVKA-II has been found to be a more
sensitive measure of vitamin K status by others [2,8–
10], we did not see a significant rise in PIVKA-II post-
operatively. A possible explanation for this is the
known inter-subject variability in the amount of
PIVKA-II released into the circulation, as well as the
short fasting period and the half-life of its clearance.
Prothrombin has the longest half-life of the vitamin K-
dependent proteins (60 h), so there is a lag phase
while fully carboxylated prothrombin is catabolised
and gradually replaced with undercarboxylated pro-
thrombin species. The second sample was collected
during the first post-operative day, so this suggests
the lack of postoperative PIVKA-II detection is likely
related to early measurement [11,19]. In future
research we would propose to assay PIVKA-II on the
third and fifth post-operative days.
Another caveat to our results is that the contribu-
tion of vitamin K
to the overall vitamin K status was
not considered. However, previous studies have
shown that the role of K
in the production of coa-
gulation factors in the western population is
small [2,20].
In conclusion, the prevalence of vitamin K defi-
ciency in hip fracture patients is high and higher still
following a short period of fasting, by which time the
majority of our cohorts were deficient. Though no
significant impact was noted on clinical meaningful
consequences like perioperative bleeding or need of
transfusion, a larger study would be needed to
explore this further and to address to role if any, for
vitamin K supplementation keeping in mind the fra-
gile balance between bleeding and thrombotic risk in
the perioperative period.
Figure 1. Peri-operative change in vitamin K
Summary table
What is known about this topic:
●Vitamin K has an important role in normal coa-
gulation pathways.
●As diet is the main source of vitamin K, deficiency
is common in malnourished patients, including
those with hip fracture.
What this paper adds:
●The high prevalence of subclinical vitamin K defi-
ciency in hip fracture patients is exacerbated
further by a short period of fasting before surgery.
●Vitamin K deficiency is associated with increased
frailty in hip fracture patients.
●Vitamin K
deficiency was not associated with
peri-operative blood loss in this group, but larger
studies would be needed to ascertain this
Summary sentence
This work represents an advance in biomedical
science because it shows that vitamin K deficiency
worsens after a short period of fasting in hip fracture
patients, which has not been demonstrated in this
patient population to date.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Celine Bultynck
D. J. Harrington
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