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Effect of participative leadership style on employees productivity

  • Global Humanistic University Curacao
  • Ogun state institute of technology igbesa Ogun state

Abstract and Figures

This study was conducted based on the effect of participative leadership style on employee’s productivity using Midland Galvanizing Product Limited (MIDGAL) Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria. The study actually tried to find the extent to which participative leadership style helps to improve employee’s productivity and bring out their best. The study made use two hypotheses. Survey research design was used for the study. The sample for the study comprised 114 staff of MIDGAL. The instrument toled “Participative Leadership Inventory (PLI)” was used for the study. Regression analysis was used to measure the effect of the independent variable to the dependent variable of hypothesis one, while in hypothesis two Correlation analysis was used to measure the significance of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Cronbach’s Alpha method was employed for measuring questionnaire reliability. SPSS was also adopted for the research in testing the research hypothesis. The result of the findings shows that there is positive and significant relationship between participating leadership style and employee’s productivity. Also, the result shows that participatory leadership style can be used as a motivational tool for workers. Based on the results of the study, the study recommended that every organization should adopt participatory leadership style as it boost employee morale andenhance organizational productivity.
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... Kepemimpinan partisipatif didefinisikan sebagai sebuah proses pembuatan keputusan secara bersama-sama atau setidaknya ada pembagian pengaruh antara pemimpin dan anggota organisasinya dalam membuat keputusan. Organisasi saat ini mengakui bahwa produktivitas yang tinggi memerlukan jenis hubungan baru antara pemimpin dan anggotanya dalam mengorganisasi pekerjaan, yakni hubungan yang lebih memperhatikan pengembangan keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan motivasi dari anggota organisasinya (Akpoviroro, Kadiri, & Owotutu, 2018). ...
... Hal ini juga dikatakan oleh Fincham, bahwa kepemimpinan dengan pendekatan partisipatif mengikutsertakan anggotanya dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, terkait dengan menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan dan bagaimana hal tersebut harus dilakukan. Meski begitu, pemimpin tetap mempertahankan otoritasnya sebagai pengambil keputusan akhir (Akpoviroro, Kadiri, & Owotutu, 2018). ...
... Menurut Schein, pemimpin yang menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif bertugas untuk memastikan anggota organisasinya berpartisipasi dalam keputusan yang mempengaruhi pekerjaan mereka. Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk dilakukan dan juga tidak dilakukan oleh pemimpin (Akpoviroro, Kadiri, & Owotutu, 2018). ...
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This book encompasses the foundational aspects of strategic leadership, leader communication as a catalyst for change management, managing strategy in dynamic markets, the strategic design process, organizing strategic leaders, functions and roles of strategic leadership within organizations, stages of building organizational culture, skills requisite for a strategic leader, characteristics of a strategic leader, communication in the workplace, and a participative approach to enhancing motivation and productivity.
... Second: Democratic leadership: In this method, the focus is more on individuals, in addition to the fact that there is a participation in decisions so that tasks are divided. Third: Participative leadership: In this method, the leader respects everyone and does not try to mix too much and depends on the completion of tasks slowly without disturbances [36,49,50]. In the same context Leader-Centered Styles In this style, organizational success is achieved through the [37,38,51]. ...
... And employee performance does not mean a specific number of employees, but rather includes all employees because they are participatory efforts that affect the course of business within the organization [52,85]. Performance is defined as efforts made by employees to achieve the desired goals and according to the organization's vision [50]. Performance can be viewed as building various trends, a vital element for business organizations on a positive or negative level [86]. ...
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The performance of employees is considered the cornerstone of the success of the company's work path, and leadership styles have a prominent role in raising the performance of employees. Hence, the current study sought to clarify the relationship between leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, and participatory) and the performance of employees, and to achieve the purpose of the study, the comparative method was adopted. The democratic method has been the most influential method for employees in raising their practical performance, as it gives them the ability to be creative and give, which develops their expertise and skills, thus increasing their practical performance, and this is reflected positively on the company’s business path as a whole and its competitive position in the business market. Therefore, the study recommends the democratic leadership style because of its positive impact on employee performance. As for future purposes, the study recommends conducting more studies on the subject of the study, taking into account some of the modified variables that could add newly discovered results.
... Project managers with suitable leadership styles realise stakeholder engagement, quality and appropriate decisions (Famakin & Abisuga, 2016). The ability of a manager to engage stakeholders leads to generation of innovative ideas of change, improved output, and a decrease in stakeholder resistance and disputes (Akpoviroro et al., 2018). Resulting in advanced levels of execution for goals. ...
Developing economies rely heavily on construction projects. However, not much is known about how stakeholders’ engagement and leadership styles affect public construction project success. This study examines whether, the relationship between leadership styles and the success of public construction projects in Uganda is mediated by stakeholders' engagement. Next, develops a model explaining the success of Ugandan public construction projects. In order to verify hypotheses, we adopted a cross-sectional quantitative design using structural equation modeling and SPSS. With a theoretical lens, a model that incorporates the complimentary effect of path goal and stakeholder theory helped to explain factors influencing project success. Based on a sample of 100 KCCA Construction projects, results indicate leadership style is correlated to project success; stakeholders’ engagement partly mediates the connection between leadership styles and public construction project’ success. Using a developing country (Uganda) in sub-Saharan Africa, the study adds to the literature on public project performance.
... Pengolahan data pada analisis kinerja karyawan, tidak hanya dilihat dari jumlah data, namun dilihat dari dimensi data. Dalam konsep metode data analitic, pengolahan dimensi data adalah terhadap penanganan jumlah fitur yang banyak dan relevan terhadap hasil metode analisis data [15][16][17][18]. Teknik yang umum digunakan dalam penanganan masalah jumlah fitur dalam model analisis data dikenal dengan istilah seleksi fitur [9,19,20]. ...
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Model Klasifikasi banyak digunakan dalam rangka menganalisis dan menemukan jenis kategori kelas data. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan metode klasifikasi adalah mengklasifikasikan hasil penilaian pengukuran kinerja karyawan. Metode klasifikasi yang umum dan dapat digunakan antara lain adalah metode Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, -NN dan Random Forest. Namun tidak semua metode dapat menghasilkan performa yang baik dalam penilaian kinerja Karyawan. Sehingga perlu dilakukan optimasi misalnya melalui penggunaan seleksi fitur. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan optimasi metode klasifikasi melalui penggunaan metode seleksi fitur dalam penilaian kinerja karyawan. Namun optimasi ini dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik data yang digunakan. Tidak semua teknik seleksi fitur sesuai untuk meningkatkan hasil klasifikasi dan jumlah penggunaan fitur dapat mempengaruhi performa model klasifikasi. Penelitian ini mengusulkan teknik analisis penggunaan jumlah fitur pada data kinerja dosen melalui metode seleksi fitur ANOVA untuk meningkatkan performa model klasifikasi metode -NN. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan jumlah fitur yang terbaik dalam peningkatan performa metode klasifikasi -NN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah fitur terbaik dari metode ANOVA adalah sejumlah 5 fitur dengan hasil akurasi klasifikasi -NN sebesar 0.839, precision 0.8323, recall 0.839 dan F1-score 0.833. Teknik analisis ini dapat digunakan oleh sebuah perusahaan dalam mengutamakan fitur terbaik dalam menilai kualitas kinerja karyawannya.
... Now, the leader always has the most responsibility with the same instruction. By using this approach, the staff members assist the leader in making decisions [43]. This leadership style stands out because it empowers and supports staff members, which fosters creativity in the workplace. ...
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Employee performance is regarded as the cornerstone of the company's work route, and leadership styles have a significant impact in improving employee performance. As a result, the current study intended to clarify the relationship between leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, and participative) and employee performance, and the comparative technique was used to accomplish this goal. The democratic method has been the most influential method for employees in raising their practical performance because it allows them to be creative and give, which develops their expertise and skills, thus increasing their practical performance, and this has a positive impact on the company's overall business path and competitive position in the business market. As a result, the study promotes democratic leadership since it has a good impact on employee performance. In terms of future research, the study proposes that more studies be conducted on the subject of the study, taking into account some of the adjusted variables that could add newly discovered results.
... Adopting a suitable leadership style such as participation and communication gives rise to quality and acceptable decisions as well as motivated stakeholders (Famakin and Abisuga, 2016;Yukl, 2006). Similarly, it leads to stakeholder engagement, acquisition of creative change ideas, increased stakeholder performance (Taylor, 2018), and reduction of conflicts and resistance of stakeholders which are all essential for project success (Akpoviroro et al., 2018). ...
... employees to achieve organizational goals (Shahi, Farrokhsheresht, Taghipourian, & Aghajani, 2020). Productivity is the result of members who have good motivation in the work of the organization must motivate employees as well (Akpoviroro, Kadiri, & Owotutu, 2018). Therefore, it is sufficient to conclude that any organization that has employees with high performance motivation will help encourage the achievement of organizational goals. ...
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In this edition, we publish the results of scientific work by researchers in the fields of economics, business, and management from 6 countries, namely, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, France, Italy, and Germany. We have reviewed and processed scientific articles from various countries with the authors so that they become scientific works that we present in the January 2022 edition of TMJI. We would like to thank all those who helped in the publication of this edition. Thank you for all the hard work.
... President Donald J. Trump's primary personality-based leadership strength is a political ability to connect with critical constituencies, rally public support, and retain followers and self-confidence in adversity (Immelman, 2017). It can utilize the participative leadership style to motivate employees (Akpoviroro et al., 2018). Consensus on important causal beliefs for organizational adaptation and success developed over time (Carrington et al., 2019). ...
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During the current COVID-19 pandemic, many state leaders must make decisions quickly. Quick decision-making also has a positive impact on society and the country. Leadership style greatly influences a president in managing a pandemic. As head of state, the President can use his executive power to solve problems, especially pressing ones. This study aims to examine the model of the President's leadership style in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. In addition, this model will be the basis for forming a particular program that focuses on developing leadership competencies and being an evaluation in urgent situations. This type of research is qualitative. The data used in this study is a literature study that focuses on using secondary data in the form of forty news media articles taken from March 2, 2020, to October 2020. The analysis of news media data was managed using Nvivo 12 Plus software through coding and cross-tabulation analysis. The results of this study are the model of President Joko Widodo's leadership style, applying various leadership styles in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study concludes that the leadership style is inefficient in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, even though President Joko Widodo has directly taken over the handling of the crisis.
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Personnel performance has a very important role for every organization in realizing the work program targets that have been set. This study examines the effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel Performance, which is also moderated by Remuneration. This research is a study with a quantitative approach. The statistical analysis test is based on primary data collected from members of the Indonesian Army. The research sample is 310 respondents. The statistical test tool for this research is SmartPLS3. The results showed that Military Participative Leadership proved to have a positive effect on personnel performance. Additionally, Remuneration is proven to moderate the relationship between participative military Leadership and personnel performance. This study underscores that a Participative Leadership style can also be applied to improve personnel performance in certain parts of the military environment. Researchers found that managers must realize appropriate rewards or Remuneration when they can achieve work goals to maintain performance in the future.
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Government construction projects play an important role in both developed and developing countries. They contribute about 80% of total capital assets, 10 % of GDP, and more than 50% of the wealth invested in fixed assets and employment opportunities. As such, several countries like Sweden in Europe, Indonesia in Asia, South Africa and Kenya in East Africa have invested heavily and succeeded in construction projects. Similarly, Uganda has also invested heavily in construction projects; however, most of these projects have been unsuccessful, yet projects contribute to economic development. This study aimed to determine the contribution of leadership styles to the success of government construction projects in Uganda. The study was cross-sectional with a quantitative research design. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 100 Kampala Capital City Authority construction projects from a population of 120 projects that were stratified according to the five divisions of Kampala district. Four respondents were selected from each of the 100 projects selected, resulting in a total of 400 respondents for the study. Structural Equation Modelling was conducted using SPSS. Results show that leadership styles, especially communication and participation are positively and significantly associated with government construction project success. Therefore, government project managers should communicate effectively and involve stakeholders at every stage of the project cycle to realise project success. It is recommended that the path-goal theory be adopted for replicating the study. Also, government ministries must adopt the proposed model as it is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners, especially those involved in government construction projects. Similarly, the government, through the Ministry of Works and Transport, should constantly remind government project managers to ensure adequate internal and external communication and allow the participation of stakeholders during the implementation of government projects. Keywords Communication, Government Construction Projects, Leadership styles, Participation, Project Success, Structural Equation Modeling, Uganda
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This article studied and compared the two nonprobability sampling techniques namely, Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling. Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling are Nonprobability Sampling Techniques that a researcher uses to choose a sample of subjects/units from a population. Although, Nonprobability sampling has a lot of limitations due to the subjective nature in choosing the sample and thus it is not good representative of the population, but it is useful especially when randomization is impossible like when the population is very large. It can be useful when the researcher has limited resources, time and workforce. It can also be used when the research does not aim to generate results that will be used to create generalizations pertaining to the entire population. Therefore, there is a need to use nonprobability sampling techniques. The aim of this study is to compare among the two nonrandom sampling techniques in order to know whether one technique is better or useful than the other. Different articles were reviewed to compare between Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling and it is concluded that the choice of the techniques (Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling) depends on the nature and type of the research.
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The sine qua non of laissez-faire leaders is that they do nothing. Despite many managers’ belief that doing nothing does not impact performance, managers change employee behavior by their inaction as well as their action. Management nonresponse to desirable or undesirable employee performance changes future worker behavior for the worse. Some managers seem incapable of expressing their gratitude and appreciation to those employees who perform well and act as if their feedback philosophy should be one of “no news is good news.” Conversely, some supervisors hesitate to challenge employees needing corrective counseling and appear to endorse a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” management approach. Both practices lead to poor performance and supervisors who do nothing substantially damage their firms. Firms pay a high price for supervisors who do nothing.
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Using a field experiment in the United Arab Emirates, we compared the impacts of directive and empowering leadership on customer-rated core task proficiency and proactive behaviors. Results of tests for main effects demonstrated that both directive and empowering leadership increased work unit core task proficiency, but only empowering leadership increased proactive behaviors. Examination of boundary conditions revealed that directive leadership enhanced proactive behaviors for work units that were highly satisfied with their leaders, whereas empowering leadership had stronger effects on both core task proficiency and proactive behaviors for work units that were less satisfied with their leaders. We discuss implications for both theory and practice.
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In order to advance our knowledge of leadership, it is necessary to understand where the study of leadership has been. McCleskey (2014) argued that the study of leadership spans more than 100 years. This manuscript describes three seminal leadership theories and their development. Analysis of a sampling of recent articles in each theory is included. The manuscript also discusses the concept of leadership development in light of those three seminal theories and offers suggestions for moving forward both the academic study of leadership and the practical application of research findings on the field.
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This research examines the effect of leadership on financial performance of two Ghanaian banks. The autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles theories have been extensively discussed. Correlational research design was employed to determine the predictive relationship between the independent variables (autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles) and the dependent variable (financial performance). Multiple Regression test was used to test the hypothesis in the study. The result showed that, none of the leadership styles significantly predicted financial performance of the two banks. However, democratic leadership style was found to account for more variance in financial performance than autocratic and laissez-faire. The implications for practice and theory have been discussed.
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A vast array of knowledge has been accumulated on leadership and leadership effectiveness in particular with a large number of studies over the past years. However, the effect of leadership of managers on some behavioral aspects of employees that are not in the immediate interest of managers in organizations is relatively unattended by the leadership researchers. The effect of leadership on union commitment of employees is such an issue that has been least attended by researchers. The objective of this study is to examine the effect flaws exist between transactional and transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and union commitment of unionized employees. A sample of 380 employees from the 33 public sector organizations in Sri Lanka was drawn. The parallel model testing procedure based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for testing the hypothesized models. The results revealed that transactional and transformational leadership has a direct effect and an indirect effect as well via union commitment on organizational commitment of employees.
In a longitudinal, randomized field experiment, we tested the impact of transformational leadership, enhanced by training, on follower development and performance. Experimental group leaders received transformational leadership training, and control group leaders, eclectic leadership training. The sample included 54 military leaders, their 90 direct followers, and 724 indirect followers. Results indicated the leaders in the experimental group had a more positive impact on direct followers' development and on indirect followers' performance than did the leaders in the control group.
The main purpose of this paper is of twofold: to investigate the relationship among effective leadership and employees' job performance at TVS Pvt., Ltd., and Solamalai Automobiles Pvt,. Ltd., from Madurai and to assess the employees' preference over leadership behaviours out of transformational, transactional and laissez faire leaders. A quantitative research design had been employed for the present study. The research instrument consisted of 40 questions covering transformational, transactional and laissez faire leadership and the various performance variables. A total of 200 questionnaires were issued and received 158 valid replies. Descriptive statistics and the regression analysis were used to find out the most relevant leadership styles in the selected enterprise and the relationship of these leadership styles with the selected outcomes such as extra effort, effectiveness and satisfaction. From the study, it was concluded that the transformational leadership was able to predict extra-effort, effectiveness and satisfaction of the employees in the case of both full-scale and sub-scale models. In the case of Passive Leadership, it was observed a negative significance on extra-effort and effectiveness, but, not on satisfaction. This implies that the avoidant behaviour was not at all satisfying the employees in any sense. The Transactional Leadership did not have any significant predictability in the level of Extra Effort, Effectiveness, or Satisfaction. However, when one of the sub-scale of Transactional Leadership (i.e. Management by Exception (Active) was reversed, it significantly predicted Effectiveness and Satisfaction but not Extra Effort.