In this article, I detail incremental microgenetic alterations in the development of one particular socio-interactive aptitude: making a relevant interactive contribution. Taking heed of Clark’s (2014) call for the need to reorient our attention to investigate the pragmatics of interaction by accounting for the multiple communicative modes through which this is acccomplished I detail the ways in which parental facilitation and a flexible participatory configuration, made possible by video-conferencing technology, create conditions enabling the agentive re-introduction of a psycho-socially relevant topic. Paramount are the ways in which residual interactive specificities in introduction, co-production and multimodal configurations re-manifest suggesting a more symbiotic relationship between traditional notions of ‘message’ and ‘production’. During the microgenesis of interactive aptitudes, children are not just learning what constitutes psycho-socially relevant topoi, they also acquire an understanding of exactly how to make the contribution through multimodal ensembles.