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Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers at Primary Care Level
Josephine Priyadarshini, RN; Seham Abdi, RN; Azza Metwaly, RN; Badria Al-Lenjawi, MD; Janelle San Jose, RN;
Hashim Mohamed, MD*
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Doha, Qatar
*Corresponding author
Hashim Mohamed, MD
Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Doha, Qatar; E-mail: fmcc2000@gmail.com
Article information
Received: January 9th, 2018; Revised: January 30th, 2018; Accepted: February 6th, 2018; Published: February 6th, 2018
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Priyadarshini J, Abdi S, Metwaly A, Al-Lenjawi B, Jose JS, Mohamed H. Prevention of diabetic foot ulcers at primary care level. Dermatol Open J. 2018; 3(1): 4-9.
doi: 10.17140/DRMTOJ-3-129
Review | Volume 3 | Number 1|
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFT) prevention is best achieved at primary care level and should begin with education, appropriate pro-
tective footwear, glycaemic control and regular screening for loss of protective sensation. In the west, specialized diabetic or
podiatry clinics may assess and quantify neuropathy with many tools including monolaments, biothesiometry, corneal confocal
microscopy and nerve conduction studies. Vascular assessment can be done via measuring ankle-brachial index, duplex ultrasound
studies and toe pressure. Other foot assessment may include measuring plantar foot pressure using computerized dynamic foot
studies (computerized insole sensor system). The ability to stratify patients based on risks is carried out on the basis of a thorough
medical and surgical history in conjunction with these measurements thereby allowing clinicians to determine the type of inter-
vention. Effective strategies for foot ulceration prevention include educating patients, their families, and healthcare workers about
adequate foot care and regular foot examinations along with optimal glycaemic control and smoking cessation. Other effective
clinical interventions may include, foot hygiene, debridement of calluses, management of foot deformities which may at times
require prophylactic foot surgery. Counseling patients regarding daily proper footwear and hygiene should be stressed during each
clinic visit. Educating, screening and managing patients with diabetic foot ulceration and or complications is an essential primary
healthcare strategy to prevent unnecessary morbidity and mortality related to diabetic foot. An integrated (interdisciplinary) ap-
proach including, family physicians with special interest in the diabetic foot, diabetic educators, nurses and family members is a
vital component in this regard.
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU); Neuropathy; Glycaemic control.
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFT) is the most common and neglected
complications of diabetes. The risk of death for those with
foot ulcers is 12.1 per 100 person-years of follow-up compared
with 5.1 in those without foot ulcers.1 Similarly, the risk for ampu-
tation in patients with diabetes is 15 times greater than for the non-
diabetic population and the majority of amputations are preceded
by DFU.2 It is documented that subjects with foot ulcers have a
poor quality of life and nearly 15% of all diabetics will develop
foot ulcers. It is also estimated that 15% of all diabetics who get
admitted to hospital do so mainly due to foot problems.3
In the US, direct hospital costs for the treatment of dia-
betic foot infections exceeds $200 million per year and that for am-
putation related to diabetes exceeds $350 million annually.4 How-
ever diabetic foot ulcer is preventable by appropriate education,
evidence-based counseling and preventative strategy.
Neuropathy is the main cause that gives rise to diabetic foot ul-
cer especially the insensate foot. Patients might not be aware of it
in the early stages, as they might not feel the pain.5 Furthermore,
neuropathic wound does not heal fast as it is not protected by pain
sensation. Optimal glycaemic control can reduce the incidence of
neuropathy and thereby foot ulcer.6 Foot deformities, on the other
hand, can also cause foot ulcers because of the abnormal pressure.7
In diabetes, deformity due to Charcot neuroarthropathy
Mohamed H, et al
Dermatol Open J. 2018; 3(1): 4-9. doi: 10.17140/DRMTOJ-3-129
5 Review | Volume 3 | Number 1|
is increasingly recognized.8 It is very important to prevent defor-
mity in diabetic subjects by the use of adequate footwear. Similarly,
acute Charcot neuroarthropathy should be aggressively treated
to maintain the normal architecture of the foot.8 There has been
no controlled trial on surgical correction of deformity in the pre-
vention of ulcers but it is worth considering. Recently, surgery to
lengthen the Achilles tendon has been shown to be useful in the
prevention of ulceration of metatarsal heads.9 If there is recur-
rence of ulceration over a bony prominence or on an abnormal
weight-bearing part, surgical correction may be indicated.
Key Interventions
• Regular follow-up and surveillance for diabetic retinopathy for
adults with diabetes is required and early laser treatment for
those identied with retinopathy is vital.
• Patients having microalbuminuria should be treated with an-
giotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and their rate of
progression to diabetic nephropathy.
• Strict blood pressure and blood glucose control in people with
diabetic nephropathy can reduce the rate of deterioration in
their renal function, as well as their risk of cardiovascular dis-
Specic Foot Care Advice Given to Patients with High-Risk Feet
in Order to Prevent DFU
• Wash your feet daily with mild soaps and keep it moisturized.
• Avoid walking barefoot indoors.
• Inspect your feet daily.
• Contact your doctor or podiatrist if there is redness or swelling
or a minor cut.
• Wear well-tting shoes which should offer enough room to
move your toes freely.
• If needed wear special shoes if you have been supplied with
• Never self-treat your own corn or callus. Consult a doctor in-
• Avoid using a hot water bottle.
• Wear woolen socks in bed if needed.
General Advice Necessary to Help you Protect your Feet
(Figure 1)
Foot Examination
1. Check your feet daily because some people may not feel injury
if the nerves in their feet are not working properly.
2. So, you should look for:
• Red spots.
• Cuts.
• Blisters.
• Wet or white areas in between the toes.
• Sores.
• Any skin change.
• You should use a mirror to see the bottom of your feet.
3. If you see thickened skin area (callus) consult your doctor be-
cause it means the pressure in that area is high; therefore, you
need a special insert or shoe to relieve the pressure and your
doctor may want to remove the callus.
4. If your feet feel cold don’t use hot water bottle because you
may burn your feet without even feeling it.
How Can I Take Care of my Feet?
1. Wash your feet daily using warm water (test it by your elbow),
a mild soap and dry using a towel especially the areas between
your toes.
2. Do not soak your feet because this will dry out the skin and
do not use whirlpool – water if you suffer from cold feet but
rather wear socks made of cotton and wool to keep your feet
3. Use a moisturizer (10% urea cream) because dry skin cracks
and if this happens it can lead to infection and ulcer forma-
4. Dry up between your toes after washing your feet.
5. Cutting your nails regularly once a week is usually enough
but if your nails are thick; don’t attempt to cut them because
you may injure yourself. Your doctor can help you by using a
special scissor. Nails should be cut across and not in a semi-
circular fashion and use a nail clipper instead of scissor & do
not cut nails too close to the skin.
1. Never walk barefoot even inside the house, socks should be
worn (cotton) all the time to keep skin moist and shoes must
also be worn, to avoid injury to your feet.
2. Check your shoes before you wear them because you may nd
foreign bodies such pieces of stones inside.
Figure 1. General Steps to Examine the Diabetic Feet
Mohamed H, et al
Dermatol Open J. 2018; 3(1): 4-9. doi: 10.17140/DRMTOJ-3-129
6Review | Volume 3 | Number 1|
3. Wear socks which are made of cotton or wool.
4. Shoes should be round in the front, made of leather top or
canvas to let your feet breath. Remember, that you should buy
shoes at the end of the day because feet swell up as the day
goes on. Remember that if shoes are comfortable, when your
feet are swollen at night they will be comfortable all day.
5. Avoid high heels shoes which may put extra pressure on the
bottom of your feet.
6. If you want to exercise you need to wear soft tennis shoes and
check your feet before and after exercise.
7. Sandals should not be worn nor should you wear nylon socks.
Consult your doctor: Consult your doctor before buying a new
pair of shoes and if you do, you need to wear it 1 hour daily initially
until it softens up slowly over several days
1. Let your healthcare provider check your feet on a yearly basis
at least, but if you are suffering from one of the following you
need to be checked more often:
A. Suffering from numbness or pins and needles in your feet.
B. Burning sensation in your feet.
C. Pain in your feet or back of your leg.
D. Cold sensation in your feet.
2. If you have abnormal looking toes.
Skin care: To help you have moist skin you need to
1. Use a moisturizer such as 10% urea cream or Lanolin.
2. Avoid barrier creams and ointments such as Vaseline because
it will not moisturize your feet.
3. Avoid applying a moisturizer in between your toes.
4. Avoid Henna because it will dry your skin & cause the skin to
If you see any of the following changes in the nail please consult
your doctor (Figure 2).
Similarly, if you see the following changes in your skin please con-
sult your doctor (Figure 3).
Things you need to take care of:
1. Keep your blood sugar under control since this will help in
preventing complications and speeds up healing. This can be
an achieved by eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercise and
proper medical follow-up.
2. Avoid smoking.
3. Have a regular follow-up with your doctor regarding foot care.
4. Report any change in your skin no matter how trivial it may
The lack of blood supply or ischemia is one of the major reasons
for diabetic foot ulcers and thereafter amputations. Atherosclerotic
lesions are more diffuse and distal in diabetics.10 The risk of vascu-
lar diseases in diabetics can be reduced, by lifestyle modications
including daily exercise and avoiding smoking. Many drugs are out
in the market promoted as being useful in the prevention of DFU
and peripheral vascular disease; however, adequate controlled trials
supporting these claims are lacking. Despite this, an argument for
the use of aspirin, clopidogrel, statins, brates, ACE inhibitors and
folic acid in diabetics can be made in the light of these pieces of
evidence.11-14 On the other hand, agents such as naftidrofuryl and
cilostazol, although helpful in controlling symptoms of intermit-
tent claudication, have not found widespread use in diabetics with
peripheral vascular disease as there is paucity of data on preven-
tion of DFU or amputation.15,16 If a leg is fully ischaemic, vascular
surgery could improve the blood supply.17
Normal glucose level is the rst line of defense against chronic
complications of diabetes. Optimal glycaemic control may prevent
the development of neuropathy. Intensive blood glucose control
reduced the development of neuropathy by 40% in patients with
type II diabetes18 and by about 60% in patients with type 1 diabe-
tes.19 Raised HbA1c has also been associated with DFU, amputa-
tions and peripheral vascular disease. Therefore, it is very impor-
tant to optimize glycaemic control to prevent DFU in the long run.
Podiatry services are essential in the prevention and treatment of
DFU.20 Patients should avoid self-treating corns and calluses and
Figure 2. General Changes Observed in the Nails of Diabetic Foot Patient
Figure 3. General Changes Observed in the Skin of Diabetic Foot Patient
Mohamed H, et al
Dermatol Open J. 2018; 3(1): 4-9. doi: 10.17140/DRMTOJ-3-129
should avoid nail clippings especially if there is retinopathy or the
nails are thick, dystrophic along with the history of the peripheral
vascular disease. If a callus or corn is present it ultimately leads to
unnecessary shear forces and results in high pressure in the foot.21
At each visit, it’s the clinician utmost responsibility to examine the
foot and also reinforce foot care education. Prescription footwear
is of paramount importance, as it prevents pressure sores and ul-
cers. A shoe that allows free movement of toes is a way of identify-
ing rightly tting shoes.
Patients with low or medium risk of ulceration should
be advised to buy good quality shoes but those with high risk and
in subjects who already developed DFU, custom-made prescrip-
tion footwear should be prescribed as these have been shown to
prevent recurrences of DFU.22 Orthotists are of great help in de-
signing appropriate footwear especially when there is a severe foot
deformity.23 Patients should be advised to ensure that shoes are in a
good state of repair and check for any foreign objects before they
are worn.
The patient should be taught about foot care. The patient or their
care taker should examine the feet at least once a day if needed
with the help of a mirror to look into the under surface. A proper
foot care education program has been shown to reduce the risk
of ulceration.24,25 Patients usually become more receptive to medi-
cal advice after rst ulceration, so a thorough counseling with the
physician or podiatrist or specialist nurse should be arranged to
discuss foot care.
Screening programs are available in various parts of the world. It’s
better to screen patients in 3 months after diagnosing patients with
diabetes. All diabetic subjects should be offered a comprehensive
foot-screening program. The patients are classied into high, me-
dium and low-risk categories by the screening clinician depending
upon previous foot ulcers, neuropathy, ischemia, deformity, smok-
ing habit, and vision. If the patients are high or medium risk, they
are screened annually by the podiatrist, but patients with low-risk
feet are screened by their diabetes care provider and can be re-
ferred to podiatrist if their risk status changes.
There has not been any study to specically look into various life-
styles and the development of DFU. In view of available knowl-
edge based on the general population, the following changes can
be advocated.
Smoking increases the morbidity and mortality of people with dia-
betes. Epidemiological studies revealed that diabetic subjects who
smoke may have an increased risk of foot complications. All pa-
tients should be encouraged to stop smoking.
Maintenance of adequate and balanced diet is the main treatment
for diabetes to improve glycaemic control. Obesity should be
prevented. These subjects should be actively encouraged to lose
weight if they are obese. This will not only improve the diabetes
control but will also reduce the pressure on the foot. Similarly, a
low-fat diet is important to reduce cardiovascular disease.26
Exercise is the cornerstone and prevents peripheral neuropathy.
Exercise or activity is benecial for people with diabetes. Physio-
therapy can correct the gait abnormality and possibly prevent the
development of DFU.27
Excessive intake of alcohol has been associated with the devel-
opment of diabetic neuropathy.28 On the other hand, moderate
consumption has been shown to improve diabetes control and
mortality in general population including diabetic subjects.29 Men
should drink no more than 21 units and women no more than 14
units each week.
It is essential to screen diabetic patients to identify those at risk for
foot ulceration. Prevention of diabetic foot ulcer is best achieved
through effective health education30 and evidence-based counsel-
ing to the patient and family, early identication, regular assess-
ment and proper foot examination. Specialized clinics such as po-
diatric clinic use advanced foot assessment methods to determine
the type of clinical intervention which proves benecial for dia-
betic patients.
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
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