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Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, Volume 60, 2018 (4), 451-492
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) –
a new test of eductive ability
Balázs Klein1, John Raven2 & Szilvia Fodor3
Inspired by the Raven’s Progressive Matrices a new, innovative, IRT-based online adaptive test, the
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) has been developed and used in talent identification projects
both in educational and work settings with more than 15 000 participants. The current article intro-
duces the test and shows results on reliability and validity as well as response time, motivational
concerns, adaptivity, security and the effects of external variables such as socio-economic status,
age, gender and pre-selection. The data show that the newly developed instrument is a feasible,
reliable and valid tool for ability assessment and talent identification in projects of all sizes.
Keywords: computerized adaptive testing, intelligence, item response theory, Raven Progressive
Matrices, validity
1 Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to: Balázs Klein, University of Pécs,
Research Center for Labor and Health Sciences, Hungary; email:
2 United Kingdom
3 University of Debrecen, Hungary
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
The purpose of this study was to investigate and report the properties of a new, IRT-
based online adaptive test of eductive ability – the Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM).
Inspired by the Raven’s Progressive Matrices the test was developed by Klein in 2015
and has been used in talent identification projects both in educational and work settings
with more than 15 000 participants since. The current study introduces the test and shows
results on reliability and validity as well as response time, motivational concerns, adap-
tivity, security and the effects of external variables such as socio-economic status, age,
gender and pre-selection.
Theoretical background
In the beginning of the 20th century Spearman discovered that different cognitive abili-
ties correlate highly with each-other and came to the conclusion that a common factor –
the general cognitive ability (“g”) - must be responsible for this phenomena (Spearman,
1924). He proposed that g consists of two very distinct abilities that complement each-
– “meaning making ability” which he called eductive ability, referring to the Latin
“educere” word meaning draw or take out,
– and the ability to reproduce previously learned information, which he termed “repro-
ductive ability” (Spearman, 1927).
Similarly to Spearman Cattel (1987) and Horn (1994) also proposed a two factor model
of intelligence:
– the fluid intelligence is the ability to solve new problems (independently from
knowledge accumulated in the past) while
– crystallized intelligence is the ability to recall and utilize past knowledge and experi-
Though it is important to emphasize that reproductive ability is not a crystallized form of
eductive ability and the two abilities have different origins, are affected by different
aspects of the environment, are related to different brain functions predict different out-
comes in life and change differently with age, in the literature “fluid intelligence” is
often used as a synonym of “eductive ability” while “crystallized intelligence” is used for
“reproductive ability” (Raven, 2008 a).
Measurement of eductive ability
While reproductive ability is usually measured by vocabulary scales, eductive ability is
usually measured by some sort of diagrammatical test like the Raven Progressive Matri-
ces (RPM) developed by J.C.Raven in 1936 (Raven, 1936).
Raven’s goal was to develop a test that
– requires no special training to administer,
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 453
– that can could be administered individually or in groups in a wide variety of settings
(including homes, schools, and workplaces where there might be noise, potential
“helpers”, and no quiet space),
– was easy to score and interpret,
– was theoretically sound,
– did not depend on the ability to read (e.g. written instruction) or write or even speak
the same language as the administrator, and
– yielded a reliable score for people of all abilities at all ages from 4 to 80 years.
He developed the test primary for the purpose of the research he was engaged in at the
time (Raven, 2000) although it quickly found application especially in the armed forces
in the second world war.
At the time many people wanted to define "intelligence" as "the inherited part of mental
ability". Raven’s goal was instead to create a test which made it possible to meaningfully
investigate the issue of inheritance instead of building it into the definition. This was one
of the good reasons for avoiding all use of the word "intelligence". Likewise, to use a
more recent term, the existing measures at the time were arbitrary in the sense that scores
on tests actually measuring a number of different things were arbitrarily combined to-
gether with essentially equal weights to yield a total score. By using item level measures
– essentially item characteristic curves calculated and drawn by hand as shown in Figure
1 – he demonstrated that whatever was being measured by the more difficult items was
"the same thing" as that measured by the easier ones - and in that sense the composition
of the scale was non-arbitrary. At the time it was not sufficiently appreciated that being
non arbitrary also implied having an interval scale so that the differences between the
Figure 1:
Hand-drawn item characteristic curves of the SPM
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
raw scores at different points in the scale meant the same thing. Failure to take steps to
achieve this has resulted in endless unjustified claims about the development of eductive
ability and effectiveness of "remedial" programs among the more and less able. These
defects have been rectified in the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM+).
Today the RPM is one of the best known instrument to measure eductive ability and
possibly the most pervasive non-individual test today (Kaplan – Saccuzzo, 2012). Its
central role among cognitive tests are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2:
The central role of the RPM drawn from the intercorrelations of different cognitive ability
tests (Snow, Kyllonen & Marshalek, 1984)
Description of the RPM
In the RPM the task of the participant is to find the missing piece of a 3 by 3 matrix
among the given options so that the pieces – containing black-and-white geometric fig-
ures – follow each other both horizontally and vertically in a logical order. Figure 3
shows an item from the Advanced Progressive Matrices.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Figure 3:
An example item from the Advanced Progressive Matrices test (Pearson, 2018)
In the past years online tests – similar or identical to the RPM – have appeared on the
internet in large numbers. Most of these tests however concentrate only in advancing the
delivery mechanism of the original test by making test taking and scoring easier. Figure
4 shows an example of the online version of the RPM.
Figure 4:
Sample item of the online version of the RPM (Schuhfried, 2016)
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
The way forward
The RPM aims and claims to measure eductive ability (Raven, 2008 b) as if this were a
general trait across all areas of thinking, while it is probably not. As Spearman noted
"the question is not 'how well can they think' but 'what do they tend to think about'".
Whether "thinking" – let alone eductive ability – as displayed while crafting a painting is
the same thing as attending to Matrix problems remains to be seen. While the ability to
create disruption in a classroom seems unlikely to rely on the same processes as the
ability to find a solution to mathematical problems our competence studies seem to indi-
cate this: effective disruptors of school classes study the effects of their actions and learn
from them, try experimental variations, turn their emotions into the task etc. But would
all of that show up if they were confronted with the RPM? So what is eductive ability as
an abstracted notion? And does the attempt to focus attention on it deflect attention from
other things? Should we be concerned by the measurement of intelligence or are there
more important factors that could contribute to the survival of mankind on Earth?
In any case if we are to measure eductive ability we should certainly do it well. Many
look-alikes of the Progressive Matrices have been published (Web, 2018), but a large
proportion of them were developed without a clear understanding of the theoretical basis
of the tests or the scaling procedures used in their development. Very few have involved
the creation of theoretically-based variants of the items. Many critiques have stemmed
from the attempt to fit Classical test theory to sets of item statistics. Many have been
based on attempts to factor-analyse the correlations between the items. As anyone famil-
iar with “the Rasch model” knows, and is more specifically demonstrated in Raven &
Fugard (2008) this results in claims that the tests measure a number of different things
supposedly identified as different “factors”. Yet what emerges from a plot of the Item
Characteristics Curves resulting from application of an appropriate Item Response Theo-
ry program (Figure 5) is clear evidence that the abilities required to solve the more diffi-
cult items are built upon, incorporate, and extend the abilities needed to solve the easier
ones (Raven, Prieler & Benesch, 2008).
They do not involve suddenly emerging “new abilities”. There are no “metamorphoses”
or “leaps in development”4. What is more, despite often huge differences in the average
scores of different cultural groups the test works, and works in the same way, among
people from different socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds (Raven, 2008). The ex-
traordinary graph on Figure 6 showing the test characteristic curves derived from large
samples of blacks and whites in South Africa (Taylor, 2008) makes this abundantly clear.
4 For the sake of academic integrity, it is necessary to say that Figure 5 is somewhat misleading in that the
parameters applied in the process of smoothing the curves have resulted in creating a somewhat mis-
leading impression. A more realistic figure based on 3-Parameter Model is available in Raven, Prieler &
Benesch (2008).
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 457
Figure 5:
Item characteristic curves of the SPM+ (Raven, Prieler & Benesch, 2008)
Figure 6:
Test characteristic curves for blacks and whites on the SPM (Taylor, 2008)
The Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM)
The Scrambled Adaptive Matrices was developed by Klein to fulfill the need for a high
quality online assessment test of eductive ability. The test can be used in ability assess-
ment, talent identification or research projects with large number of participants on desk-
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Ability in Logits
Probability of getting Item right
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
tops or mobile instruments. Test administration can be done through the admin interface
of the system or through computer application interface (API) by external applications.
The need to develop a new measurement of eductive ability
The Raven Progressive Matrices has been an excellent measurement tool of eductive
ability in the past almost hundred years, yielding useful information in both practical and
academic projects. The RPM however has a number of inherent properties that now with
the advances of technology provide some opportunities for further development.
– The RPM is a paper and pencil test.
Paper and pencil tests make running large, multi-thousand participate projects logis-
tically challenging and expensive. This is the delivery issue that the online versions
of the RPM mostly try to address.
– The RPM is a fixed test.
The RPM – like all paper and pencil tests – is fixed, meaning that all test takers re-
ceive the same tasks. In today’s world where information is easy to find the scoring
key of the RPM (similarly to other fixed tests) can easily be found on the internet,
thus making high-stake decisions based on its result risky. Though for some versions
of the RPM a parallel version is available this offers only a partial solution to the
– The RPM is long.
The length of the RPM is between 36 and 60 items. Testing time varies, different
versions have different time limits. There are frequent deviations in practice from
the time limit set by the test manual. According to the instructions there is no time
limit for the SPM or SPM+ and there is a 40 minutes time limit for the APM. In prac-
tice the SPM is often administered with a time limit. Though there is always a risk in
introducing time limit to a power test a shorter test with more consistently enforced
time limit has some advantages over the current situation.
– Secondary variables are not easily collected
With computer based testing the we can easily and consistently collect secondary
variables such as response time. This can possibly provide us important insights in
academic studies. Currently this information is not collected, or only collected on the
test level in most projects with the RPM.
– The RPM needs different versions for different ability levels.
The Raven’s tests have 6 versions in 4 difficulty level. These are shown in Table 1.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 459
Table 1:
Versions of the Raven’s test (Raven et al., 2000)
Version 1 2 3 4
Matrices Plus
(CPM parallel)
(SPM parallel)
For fixed tests to remain short different versions of the test had to be developed to opti-
mally measure at different ability levels. Choosing a wrong (too easy or too difficult) test
can largely increase the measurement error and cause a floor or ceiling effect. Therefore
it is essential to choose the right test prior to testing – which always introduce an element
of risk.
– The RPM uses only black and white images.
Raven items – except in the CPM – are black-and-white while color can be more en-
gaging to all ages and abilities.
– The RPM is timed for the whole test.
When time limit is applied to the RPM it is applied to the whole test. Results when
the test taker is running out of time may be affected by the lack of time. This is
against the item-independence presumption of IRT and can distort item parameter es-
– The RPM is difficult to update in the long term.
The RPM has been around in an unchanged format for almost a century now and so it
provided invaluable insight into the changes of IQ over time. However looking into
the future the further development of the paper and pencil based RPM is uncertain
(e.g. though it has outstanding psychometric properties it took considerable time and
effort to develop the SPM+ properties).
– The arrangement of the RPM is not optimal for handheld devices.
With the task format of the RPM the options take up a lot of valuable screen space
which can be a problem on handheld devices. The BiNona format of SAM addresses
this issue.
– Reduced differentiation at the very high end of the ability range
It has proved to be impossible to develop properly functioning items at the high end
of the ability range in the RPM therefore differentiation among most able test takers
is less than optimal.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
– The “interface” is static – trial and error is only mentally possible.
In the RPM the interface is static. The test taker simply marks the answer that she be-
lieves is correct and must mentally check the fit between the chosen option and the
remaining of the matrix.
Task format
For obvious copyright reasons all tasks of the SAM test are new and different from the
RPM tasks. Furthermore while preserving the fundamental problem situation of the RPM
– which is identifying rules in chaos – , and the basic arrangement of the problem pieces
– 3 by 3 matrices – the SAM tasks are not only graphically but also structurally different
from the RPM tasks.
The task situation of the SAM test is to choose the two pieces of the 3 by 3
matrix that needs to be swapped for all pieces to be logically arranged both
horizontally and vertically. Later this format was found to be useful in other
tests as well. The name given to this format is BiNona from the latin bin (two)
and nona (nine) words describing the fact that the task is to choose two pieces out of
nine. The name of the test – Scrambled Adaptive Matrices – also refer to the new task
situation where the pieces are originally scrambled and the test taker must order them
correctly by swapping two pieces.
In the SAM test after choosing the two pieces the computer automatically swaps them so
the result of the swap can be confirmed or rejected by the test taker by a Next or an Undo
button. Typically 25 tasks are given with a time limit of 2 minutes. Completing all the
tasks usually takes around 20 minutes to solve. When the time elapses the system auto-
matically forwards the test taker to the next task – accepting any correct solution if al-
ready made. Candidates are therefore encouraged to take as much of their allocated time
as needed instead of hurrying and giving an answer even if they are uncertain of their
The following figure shows the three practice items of the test (Figure 7). For demonstra-
tion purposes the two tiles that needs to be swapped are marked with a double-headed
arrow. The practice items show that both rule types and item difficulties can be widely
different in the test. In the solutions it is visible that the background of the selected piec-
es is grey and their outlines are green. Since the swap is already made and (unless the
swap is undone) further interaction is not possible the task becomes locked which is
signaled by fading the task and placing locks in its four corners.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Task Solution
Swap two tiles
to make all tiles follow each other in a logical order both horizontally and vertically!
Figure 7:
Practice items of the SAM test
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
This arrangement is a significant change compared to the RPM. The test taker encounters
wrong or misleading information and rule making becomes an iterative process. In
Neisser (1976) paradigm – shown in Figure 8 – the process looks like the following:
1. The first step is the exploration of the information provided.
2. The next step is the creation of a hypothetical rule which directs further attention.
3. The next step is using the collected information to confirm or reject the hypothesis.
4. In case of a rejected hypothesis a new one is formed and the process continues.
Figure 8:
The interaction of the environment, its exploration and its mental schemas (Neisser, 1976)
This new tasks setting significantly changes the type of tasks that work well in the test.
While previously increasing the number of rules that effected the matrix inevitably in-
creased the complexity and difficulty of the task in the new setting this is not the case.
Here it is enough to identify which two pieces needs to be swapped by ANY of the rules
operating on them.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 463
Test taking procedure
The participant goes through the following procedure during test taking:
1. Login
In case of supervised group testing login is usually done using preprinted codes
handed out by the supervisor. In case of unsupervised testing login is usually done
using a link sent out in an e-mail. The system provides facilities for both options.
2. Wait page for group testing (optional)
In group testing projects it can be important that all test takers start at the same time.
This page requires a code – provided by the test supervisor – to continue.
3. Welcome page
The test starts with a welcome page. This is also the page from which test taking can
be continued from a previously interrupted occasion.
4. Terms and Conditions page (optional)
This page appears in some projects where test takers must accept the terms and con-
ditions of usage.
5. Instruction page
A page appears with detailed instructions that enable users to complete the test
without supervision.
6. Practice item page
A practice item that works the same way than the actual items, but is not scored.
7. Feedback page for the practice item
The computer feeds back whether the answer to the practice item was correct or not.
Some hints and insights are also provided. If the answer was not correct the user can
look at the correct solution, but in any case must try the practice item again until he
gives a correct response. The user can only proceed after giving correct answers to
all 3 practice items.
8. Final instructions page
Before starting the real test the user is presented with the final instructions. In group
testing projects (optionally) the user must wait until the test supervisor gives the
start code.
9. Item pages
Usually 25 items displayed adaptively. Although discouraged test taking can be in-
terrupted and continued. There is a 2 minutes time limit for each item.
10. Thanks page
After the item pages the participation of the user is thanked and the test is closed.
11. Results page (optional)
In some projects the result of the test taker is immediately fed back on a web page,
in a downloadable document or both.
The measurement paradigm of SAM
In the background the SAM is using an IRT based scoring algorithm. IRT (item-response
theory) is a measurement paradigm describing how we think about the development or
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
scoring of tests. The most important difference between IRT and classical test theory
(CTT) is that while CTT focuses on the test as a whole – as its name suggests – IRT
considers the properties (e.g. difficulty) of each individual item (van Alphen et al.,
1994). The theory states that the probability of a correct answer is dependent on the
ability of the test taker and the properties of the items. IRT has been around since the
1950s but started to spread only in the 1970s with the increasing availability of comput-
IRT assumes that the measured trait is unidimensional, that the responses are independ-
ent (e.g. there is no learning effect or test level time constraint) and that they can be
modelled using an item-response function.
The model used by SAM is based on the 2 parameter model. This means item character-
istic curves describing the behavior of an item in relation to the performance on the test
(like those on Figure 4) are using a difficulty parameter (the inflection point on the X
axis) and a difficulty parameter the (the slope of the curve at the inflection point).
Adaptive testing (CAT)
Item parameters calculated by IRT methodology not only help us to achieve more precise
estimation of the ability level of the test takers but enable us to get comparable results
independently from the fact that different test takers received different items.
Having comparable results independently from the items displayed enable us to select
tasks that yield the most information about the ability of the test taker. We achieve this
using an iterative algorithm.
1. We give an estimate of the ability of the test taker. At the beginning of the testing
this could be the mean ability (of the test takers group).
2. From the item bank we select the task that will yield the most information – a task
with high discrimination and close to the ability level of the test taker.
3. Based on the right or wrong answer that we receive we recalculate the ability esti-
mate and the process can restart.
By using this method we can get significantly more information about the ability of the
test taker than by using a fixed set of items therefore we can get more precise estimation
with the same amount of tasks or reduce the length of the test while maintain its preci-
sion. Computer adaptive testing (CAT) can usually reduce the length of tests by half
(Weiss - Kingsbury, 1984).
Figure 9 shows how the estimates to the ability changes during a test and how that ef-
fects the selection of the next task. In case of a correct answer the algorithm chooses a
more difficult tasks, while in case of an incorrect answer an easier task. Meanwhile the
estimate to the ability is becoming more and more precise. This technology helps reduc-
ing test length while ensuring that everyone receives a different test.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 465
Figure 9:
Adaptive testing and the error of ability estimation
The usual problem with adaptive testing is that since the computer needs to calculate the
next item based on the response given after each response the user must wait for the next
task. Our algorithm in SAM could eliminate this waiting time between tasks creating a
flawless user experience – which was found to be especially important with children.
Overall adaptive testing helps us to
– display different individualized tests for every test-taker while preserving compara-
– achieve very high levels of reliability in an extremely wide range of ability,
– shorten our test,
– constantly enlarge and enhance our item bank.
Test development under the IRT paradigm
Test development under the IRT paradigm is very different from classical test develop-
ment. While classical ability tests have a limited number of items that are usually pre-
pared within a limited time period before the publication of the test with an IRT based
adaptive test a large item bank is preferable. In case of a test used with a significant
number of test takers of a wide ability range the item bank may consists hundreds of
items with new items being constantly added and trialed. Table 2 describes the most
important differences between classical and IRT based test development in general.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Table 2:
Differences between traditional and IRT test development
Traditional IRT
Item bank max. 60 250+
Normgroup >1k >10k
Technology paper CAT
Updates minimal continuous
The item bank
Test adaptivity is based on a large and high-quality item-bank. The item bank of SAM
currently consists of more than 300 active items and many more in the trial phase. The
difficulty range of the items go beyond 3 standard deviation both below and above the
average. To ensure quality only items above 0.4 discrimination are retained in the item
The SAM test employs a 2 parameter IRT model for both scoring and item selection.
Since the algorithm always tries to select the most informative items tasks with higher
discriminatory power are displayed more often. The SAM test does not rely on artificial
protocols against item overexposure, instead new items are constantly added to the item
bank and trialed. This automatically reduces the frequency of individual item use.
Figure 10 shows the difficulty and discrimination of the items currently in the item bank.
One can see from the image that there are many items on every difficulty level with
Figure 10:
The difficulty and discrimination of the items in SAM
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 467
sufficient discrimination power. It is also visible that in the task setting of SAM it was
possible to create highly discriminative items even at the very high end of the ability
spectrum. In fact some of the best performing items of the test are around 2 standard
deviation above the average, which means that we have good tasks even for the top 2%
of the population and above.
In the following section we describe the projects in which the test was so far used and the
different results demonstrating the features of the test.
List of projects
The SAM test is somewhat unique in the sense that it is extensively used both in the
world of work and education.
Table 3 shows the major projects carried out until the end of 2018 September containing
cc. 15 000 test takers. These test takers have very different backgrounds. There are stu-
dents from elementary schools, secondary schools and universities as well as university
graduates, professionals and adults with little prior education. The language of the online
instructions were English or Hungarian. Results with unrealistically low testing times
(less than 10 seconds per response) are already filtered out of the data. The columns and
projects of the table are individually described below.
Column descriptions
The columns contain the following information:
– ProjektID – The unique reference name to the project.
– Language – The language of the instructions. Most projects were carried with Hun-
garian online instructions while some with English.
– Supervised – Was a supervisor present during test-taking? Some projects (especially
school projects) were carried out on the premises of the institution with a supervisor
present while others were registration based but completed unsupervised at home or
completely open to anyone wishing to participate.
– Country – Typical country of residence of the test taker. The large majority of the
projects were carried out in Hungary. In case of an open project the country given is
the one from which most test takers came from. There is one project where the coun-
try is non-disclosed (ND) to preserve the anonymity of the institution. A Hungarian-
speaking university outside of Hungary could be identifiable given the country.
– HighMotiv – Were test takers highly motivated to perform well? In some projects the
outcome of the test is taken more seriously than in others. In some settings a high
performance could contribute to a job offer or indicate eligibility to membership. In
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
these projects there was a good chance that participants were more motivated to per-
form well than in other cases.
– NumTests – The number of completed tests in the project. Normally the number of
people completing a SAM test. The only notable exemption is the test-retest study
where participants filled out the test multiple times so the number of completed test is
2-3 times higher than that of the test takers. This is marked by an asterix* in the table.
– Age – The average age of the test taker at test completion in years.
– Male% – The percentages of males in the group.
– RespSpeed – The average of response speed for an item in seconds. Response speeds
are individually recorded for every response. At the completion of the test a median
response speed is calculated for the whole occasion. The data in the table is the aver-
age of these medians in the project.
– Correct% – The average percent of correct answers in the group.
– Sem – The average of the individual standard errors of measurements.
– Theta – The average ability in the group.
Table 3:
Projects with the use of SAM
Male %
SamTrialHu_1 hu n hu n 1410 30 13 39 46 0.47 0.22
SamTrialEn_1 en n ph n 7450 24 38 37 44 0.43 -0.18
Consultancy_1 hu n hu y 102 64 61 55 0.30 0.79
SamTrialHu_2 hu n hu n 1607 38 34 47 54 0.31 0.43
IT_1 hu n hu y 151 84 64 54 0.30 0.93
UniStaff_1 hu n hu y 111 75 64 50 0.30 0.44
ElemKids_1 hu y hu n 1420 11 50 35 50 0.30 -0.38
ElemKids_2 hu y hu n 295 (11) 34 47 0.30 -0.24
UniStudents_1 hu n ND n 472 28 50 52 0.30 0.31
Agency_1 hu n hu y 254 60 62 56 0.30 0.52
Production_1 hu y hu y 63 (35) 67 68 49 0.28 0.40
ElemKids_3 hu n hu n 492 11 50 31 45 0.31 -0.67
TalentSite_1 hu n hu n 114 26 42 50 53 0.29 0.45
3sam hu n hu n 76* 51 61 0.25 1.06
ElemKids_4 hu y hu n 182 13 38 37 53 0.29 0.09
UniStudents_2 hu n hu n 402 49 58 0.27 0.89
ElemKids_5 hu y hu n 525 11 54 33 46 0.30 -0.43
Mensa_1 hu n hu y 68 35 53 66 63 0.29 1.83
SecKids_1 hu n hu n 152 15 41 55 0.27 0.53
Mensa_2 en n ch y 102 24 67 64 58 0.28 1.30
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 469
Project descriptions
Below are the descriptions of each individual project that appear in the table above.
First Hungarian trial project (SamTrialHu_1)
This was an openly accessible and advertised project where anybody could fill out the
instrument and received instant feedback in Hungarian. The feedback contained warning
that the instrument was under development. The aim of this project was to establish the
basic properties of the instrument. Since at this point we did not yet have item parame-
ters the items were randomly assigned to test takers. This is the cause of the high SEM
values. Probably because of the economics of the advertisement the 1410 test takers were
mostly women (87%) with the average age of 30 years, graduated from secondary
school, but not working at the time of completing the test.
First English trial project (SamTrialEn_1)
This was an openly accessible and advertised project, where anybody could fill out the
instrument and received instant feedback in English. The feedback contained warning
that the instrument was under development. The aim of this project was to establish the
basic properties of the instrument. Since at this point we did not yet have item parame-
ters the items were randomly assigned to test takers. This is the cause of the high SEM
values. Test takers for this project came from different countries, but – probably because
of the economics of the advertisements – the 7450 test takers mostly came from the
Philippines, were mostly women (62%) with the average age of 24 years, graduated from
college, but not working at the time of completing the test.
Hungarian consultancy firm (Consultancy_1 [[loxon]])
This project was part of the hiring process for a high-prestige Hungarian consultancy
firm. Testing in this and all subsequent projects were done adaptively based on the IRT
parameters calculated using previous data. The drop in the Standard Error of Measure-
ment is striking compared to previous random item selection. Test takers in this project
were mostly males (64%) soon after graduating from University. Since the job offer
partly depended on the test result participants in this project are presumed to be highly
motivated to perform well on the test.
Second Hungarian trial project (SamTrialHu_2)
This was the second Hungarian trial project. The project was openly accessible and ad-
vertised. Testing in this project was already done adaptively based on the IRT parameters
calculated using previous data. Similarly to the other advertised open access projects test
takers were mostly females (66%) graduated from secondary school and typically work-
ing at a white collar job.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Hungarian IT company (IT_1 [[nware]])
This project was part of the hiring process for a selective Hungarian IT firm looking for
programmers. Test takers were overwhelmingly males (84%) soon after graduating from
University. Since the job offer partly depended on the test result participants in this pro-
ject are presumed to be highly motivated to perform well on the test.
Selection of Hungarian University staff members (UniStaff_1 [[elte]])
This project was part of the hiring process for a major Hungarian University looking for
staff members at various administrative positions. Test takers were mostly males (75%).
Since the job offer partly depended on the test result participants in this project are pre-
sumed to be highly motivated to perform well on the test.
Elementary school kids in a Hungarian region 1 (ElemKids_1)
In this project kids at the fifth grade of the elementary school were tested in several
schools in a Hungarian region. Testing was done in groups within the schools under
supervised conditions. The average age of the test takers were 11 years. Boys and girls
participated in equal numbers in this project.
Elementary school kids in a Hungarian region 1 (ElemKids_2)
This project is considered to be the continuation of ElemKids_1.
University students in Central Europe (UniStudents_1)
In this project Hungarian-speaking student in a University of a neighboring country of
Hungary were tested. Interestingly test takers were mostly (72%) women.
Assessment company (Agency_1)
This group of test takers don’t belong to a particular project but to a particular agency
servicing different companies in their hiring decisions for positions ranging from basic
catering jobs to senior management positions. Test takers in this group were mostly men
Line managers in a modern factory (Production_1)
In this project a modern Hungarian factory was looking to promote existing factory
workers into line managerial position. Testing was a part of the selection process. Test
takers in this group were mostly men (67%).
Elementary school kids in Hungary 1 (ElemKids_3)
This was a pilot project for a large representative testing of school kids at Grade 5 aimed
at talent identification. The sample was aimed to be as closely representative to the total
Hungarian school system as possible in terms of location, settlement type or previous
competency scores. Testing was done supervised in the schools and included one com-
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 471
plete class at grade 5 from every selected school. The average age in the group was 11
years. Girls and boys were equally represented in the sample.
Talent site (TalentSite_1)
This was an openly available but barely advertised project on a Hungarian web portal for
high ability children.
Test-retest study (3sam)
In this project psychology students of a Hungarian University filled out the test prefera-
bly three times so that we could look at test-retest and learning effects. Therefore in this
project the number of tests (shown in the table) is two-three times of that of the test
Elementary school kids of 7th grade (ElemKids_4)
In this project elementary school kids filled out the test in supervised settings. Their
average age was around 13 years.
University pilot project (UniStudents_2)
This is a pilot project of another possibly large-scale University testing project. A large
number of background variable were collected in the project which is not yet available at
the time of this compilation. Testing was done in unsupervised setting.
Elementary school kids in Hungary 2 (ElemKids_5)
This project is the pair and continuation of the project ElemKids_3 for another batches of
Hungarian Mensa members (Mensa_1)
Interested members of the Hungarian Mensa could fill out the test voluntarily in an un-
supervised setting. The average age of the group is around 35 years and there were
roughly equal number of man and women in the group.
Secondary school kids (SecKids_1)
Secondary school kids in a Hungarian region with the average age of 15 years and rough-
ly equal number of boys and girls.
Chinese Mensa pretest (Mensa_2)
Candidates aspiring membership into the Chinese Mensa could fill out the test checking
their chances to get in before participating in the actual admission testing. Testing was
done unsupervised with English instructions. Their average age was 24 years and most
(67%) of them were males.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Response time
Response times are collected during testing and aggregated within each test occasion into
the median response time in seconds of all responses (Figure 11). Further analyses of
response time will refer to this data as the response time of an individual. As can be seen
in the table of projects the median response times are usually far below (ranging from 33
sec to 68 sec) the maximum allowed 120 sec. This suggests that the SAM is a power (as
opposed to speed) test where the performance of the test taker would not or only mini-
mally increase if they were allowed to spend more time on the tasks.
Figure 11:
Distribution of median response times of tests
The claim that SAM is a power test is further supported by looking at the distribution of
individual response times. Figure 12 shows that the percentage of all responses are mon-
otonically decreasing by the time spent on them until the end of the time limit where we
find an increase (on the left side of the figure). This could be by both the automatic sub-
mission of responses at the end of the time limit or by test takers deciding to submit their
responses in the last moments. This could indicate a time pressure on the test takers.
However if we look at the percentage of correct answers (on the right of the figure) we
see no increase at the last moments. We can also see that the correct answers submitted
in the last moments remain below 1% of all the responses. This suggests that given more
time the increase of correct answers would be negligible thus qualifying SAM as a power
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
test. This calculation of course is unable to account for the effect of the known time limit
– how much more time people would have spent on the tasks if there was no time limit at
Figure 12:
Percentage of responses by response time
Performance and response time
When looking at the relation of performance and response time on an individual project
level we usually see a strong (r = 0.56) positive correlation (Figure 13).
Figure 13:
Correlation between standardized performance and response time in the UNK project.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
This suggests that more time spent on the tasks result in higher performance OR (since
this is an adaptive test and to perform higher test takers need to answer more difficult
items) that more difficult items require more time to solve. The difference between the
two explanation is important. One of them suggests a motivational reason in the sense
that those who are willing to spend more time with the test will have higher scores. The
other explanation is a cognitive one claiming that although test takers get items that
match their abilities the more difficult tasks take longer to solve – even for those with
high ability. These explanations are of course not mutually exclusive and both effects are
possible at the same time. This question requires further studies.
Looking at our results in the complete dataset (Figure 14) we can see that the relationship
between time and performance is not linear. Spending more time with the test yields
progressively less and less result and indeed spending more than 75 seconds with a task
on average yields virtually no incremental performance increase.
Figure 14:
Speed and performance in the complete dataset
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Motivation and response time
On a group level test-takers in high-motivation projects spend significantly more time
with the test even after factoring out the effect of higher performance (Figure 15). This
suggests that there is an effect of motivation on time spent with the test beyond that of
the more time required to solve more difficult tasks.
Figure 15:
Test performance and response time in high and low motivated test-taker groups
Further – non-conclusive – evidence of the effect of motivation to response time and
performance came from the testing project of elementary school children where two
online tests (SAM and a vocabulary scale called NOVO) were administered to school
classes by a supervisor. The order of the two test was randomly determined for each
class. The project was carried out in two phases identical to each-other except that in the
first phase the children who finished earlier could play between the two tests and in the
second phase they were asked to read on their own or stay silent. Figure 16 shows that in
the first phase – where early finishers could play – the performance was significantly
better and time spent on the tests were longer if they started with SAM and not with the
Vocabulary scale; in the second project we found no such interaction. We know that
response time and performance is related in the SAM test but not in the vocabulary. We
believe therefore that the difference between the two phases are due to the motivational
difference in the children – when early finishers could play they were less willing to
devote more of their time and mental energy to cognitive problem solving. The same
motivational difference does not affect the recollection of word meanings.
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Ability Response time
Test applied first: Test applied second:
Figure 16:
Test performance and response time on SAM and NoVo by order and project conditions
The hypothesis that motivation plays an important role in response time is further sup-
ported by the fact that the ability level of the test taker and the difficulty of the item
explains only 20% of the variation in response time.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 477
The effectiveness of the adaptive algorithm
The adaptive algorithm aims to select items that would provide the most possible infor-
mation about the ability of the test takers. Since ability follows a normal distribution an
effective adaptive algorithm will use items with medium difficulty and high discrimina-
tion the most. Figure 17 shows that this is exactly the situation in our case. The group of
items on the bottom of the chart are items currently trialed.
Figure 17:
Item use by item difficulty and discrimination
Next we will examine how effective the adaptive algorithm of the test proved to be in
two ways. First in terms of how successful the algorithm was to generate different tests
to prevent the leaking of the solutions. Subsequently we examine how well the algorithm
could keep the difficulty of the displayed tasks at the ability level of the test taker, which
is important for precise measurement as well as for keeping the test-takers motivated.
Item reuse (how different are two tests for the same ability level)
It is relatively easy to get metrics of item reuse from simulations. However – since there
are so many external factors that can’t easily be added to a simulation - we looked at our
real-life data. Figure 18 shows the average number of common items (out of 25) between
test takers of different ability levels. The image shows that test takers of identical ability
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
levels get 10 common items on the average, while test takers with a difference of 3 only
get 1 common item on the average. Of course the order in which these common items are
displayed could still be very different. Therefore we conclude that at this point it seems
to be difficult to obtain and disseminate a usable scoring key by filling out the test or – in
a group testing setting – rely on the answers of other test takers.
-2 10
-1,-2 8 7
0,-1 10 7 4
1,0 10 7 4 2
>1 10 7 4 2 1
>1 1,0 0,-1 -1,-2 -2
Figure 18:
Average number of common tasks by ability levels
Success rate of answers
In a well-balanced adaptive test we expect roughly half of the answers to be correct at
every ability level. Figure 19 shows the percentage of correct answers in our projects by
the average ability level of the participants in the project. Although there is a clear in-
crease in the percent of the correct answers in absolute terms this has very little effect.
While projects are in a very wide ability range (more than 2sd between the averages) the
percent of correct answers remain in the range of 44%-63% - remarkably close to 50%.
This shows that the adaptive algorithm can follow well the ability estimates and can
provide optimal tasks to every ability level.
Figure 19:
Percent of correct answers by ability average in different projects
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 479
Test improvement and stability over time
One of the most important parameter in the quality of an adaptive test is the size and
quality of its item bank. While in traditional testing the risk of the scoring key eventually
leaking out increased with prolonged, widespread use in IRT based online testing it is
possible to increase the quality proportionately with test use both by constantly adding
new items and by refining the model with new data. The price of this continuous im-
provement is that we need to constantly monitor if results remain comparable between
the recalculations of the model. In this section we present data showing that we can
continuously improve the quality of the instrument by test use, while keeping the scores
comparable over time.
As new items and new response data are constantly added to the data bank and the model
is periodically updated we expect a continuous improvement of the reliability of the test
over time. Figure 20 shows how the – moving – average of the standard errors of the
measurement changes over time. To counter the effect of different ability levels on the
measurement error only tests with Theta estimate between -0.8 and 1.2 were used. The
chart clearly shows that after the initial trial period (when items were still randomly
displayed) the reliability of the test constantly improved. The most recent data shows that
the average measurement error in this ability level is below 0.3 – which shows outstand-
ing reliability.
Figure 20:
Measurement error (SEM) around the mean by test order (recency)
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
It is important that scores remain comparable over time and despite of the changes in the
item bank and estimation model. In this section we compare the estimates we made at the
time of test completion with the estimate we would currently make using the all the
currently available data. The timespan we can study our results this way is currently 2
years. Since the model has been regularly updated in the meantime we expect that recent
estimates will be more similar to our current estimates than older ones.
Figure 21 shows the current and the original ability estimates for three projects taken at
different times and with different average ability levels. The chart shows that the ability
estimates stayed very stable over time and ability levels.
Figure 21:
Original and current ability estimates in different projects
To quantify stability correlation coefficients between current ability estimations and the
estimations made at the time of finishing the test (with projects over 100 participants)
were calculated. Not counting the two trial projects (where the discrepancies were ex-
pected) all other projects have a correlation higher than 0.96 showing that the ability
estimations remain very stable over time despite of the changes in the item bank and the
model (Figure 22).
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Figure 22:
Correlations between original and current ability estimations in different projects
By using IRT based adaptive testing with a large and high-quality item bank we aim to
achieve high levels of reliability with short tests. The continuous line on Figure 23 shows
the theoretical reliability of the current item bank while the dots on the chart show the
actual standard errors achieved during testing by using 25 tasks at different ability levels.
The chart shows that between -2 and +2 the actual standard errors consistently remain
well below 0.35 (the equivalent of close to 0.9 reliability coefficient) – which shows that
our test indeed provides us with reliable results in a very wide ability range. The margin-
al reliability of the whole model is above 0.99.
Figure 23:
Standard error of measurement by ability
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Test-retest coefficient is a traditional measure of reliability. It must be noted that test-
retest correlation figures are traditionally interpreted on fixed tests where test takers
answered the same set of questions twice. This way one can ensure high test-retest corre-
lation by simply answering the same set of questions the same way both times – inde-
pendently from the construct reliability of the underlying instrument. In our adaptive
setting the tasks are different in the two occasions (we previously showed that more than
half of the items were previously unseen) so in this case any similarity between the re-
sults are mostly the result of the reliability of the test construct.
In our test-retest study we asked university students to do the SAM test 3 times in three
different days but preferably within a week. Table 4 contains the correlations of the 3
testing occasions. Though these high correlations are – of course – highly significant,
unfortunately the number of test takers in this project are yet very small, therefore we
consider this to be only (very) promising preliminary results.
Table 4:
Test-retest correlations of SAM
n T1 T2 T3
T1 24
T2 20 0.85
T3 18 0.93 0.93
Learning effect
Using results from the test-retest study we can examine if and how much the perfor-
mance of the test takers increased with practice. As literature predicted (Scharfen, Peters
& Holling, 2018) there was a highly significant increase in performance between the first
and the subsequent occasions but no significant difference between the second and the
third occasion (Figure 24). When comparing the effect size it must be noted that retest
effect between alternate forms (such as those generated by adaptive testing) are generally
found to be significantly smaller than those between identical tests.
While performance increased response times dropped significantly with each subsequent
testing occasions. On one hand it is expected that speed should increase with practice on
the other hand though previously increasing performance was always linked to increas-
ing response times. This finding requires further investigation.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Figure 24:
Performance and response time by number of times the test is taken
Culture dependence
At this point we have limited data on culture dependence or independence. In the data we
have we found no evidence of culture dependence on the test level. Figure 25 shows the
standard error of measurement by ability for adults in Hungary and in China. In case of a
Figure 25:
Measurement error by ability level among Chinese and Hungarians
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
cultural bias we would expect to find higher level of error in the Chinese sample at the
given ability levels than in the Hungarian sample. No such evidence was found - at every
ability level the measurement errors are smaller in the Chinese sample than in the Hun-
garian sample. We are certainly aware of the fact that more studies are needed about the
culture dependence of the instrument.
The validity of the instrument is the extent to which the instrument measures the intend-
ed construct. Out of the many existing validity types this study focuses on parallel validi-
ty results. In this section the relation of SAM with external variables such as other tests,
performance measures or background variables are examined with the aim of finding
hypothesized correlations.
Socio-economic status
As found in previous studies (Klein et al., 2008) there is strong positive correlation be-
tween the RPM and the socio-economic status (SES) of the test taker. We expected to
find similar correlation between SES and SAM. It has been proved to be very difficult to
obtain data about SES. On the individual level in open-access projects self-reported
education of the test taker had a significant positive effect on test scores. On a group
level elementary schools with higher SES had significantly higher average scores on
SAM (r = 0.4, n = 60, p < 0.01). We found a significant difference between schools in
different settlement types. In our near-representative study of 10 year old elementary
school students schools in Budapest had significantly higher average SAM scores than
schools in middle sized settlements that had still significantly higher scores than those in
small villages.
Further studies are needed to establish the relation of SES and SAM scores on an indi-
vidual level.
School grades
Cognitive abilities are important components of any learning process. Therefore we
expected to find a significant correlation between SAM scores and school grades. Figure
26 shows a significant (r = 0.55) correlation between SAM results and school grades.
There is an obvious ceiling effect on school grades suggesting that school grades do not
differentiate between high performers in school and that this has a stronger effect on
those with higher cognitive abilities. We found similar results in all our projects with
elementary school children.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability
Figure 26:
School grades by SAM results
Standard Progressive Matrices
As the SAM aims to assess the same underlying construct than the RPM correlation with
the Matrices tests are especially important figures of validity. Figure 27 shows results of
Standard Progressive Matrices scores in relation to SAM scores of elementary school
children. Correlation between the two tests were found to be r = 0.68 (n = 1060) which
is somewhat lower than expected. Our primary explanation for this result is related to the
restriction of range (participants were exclusively children around the age of 10) and the
lack of motivation to complete the tests which could explain the larger discrepancies at
the lower end of the results. A new project to assess the relation between the two tests
are under way with university students. Having the finally established correlation be-
tween the two tests much lower than the test-retest correlations of the individual tests
would raise important questions about the ways in which the tests differ. Further studies
are needed to establish first a more reliable estimate of the correlation between the two
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
Figure 27:
SPM scores by SAM results
Competency measures
In different projects several competency measures were used with test takers together
with SAM. In the following section the hypothesized correlations between these compe-
tency measures and SAM results are reviewed. Our hypothesis is that competencies
related to task orientation and thinking will have high correlation with the SAM results
in both self-descriptive and descriptive competency measures.
BETA Questionnaire
BETA Questionnaire is an ipsative, forced-choice, self-descriptive, online questionnaire
for the world of work similar to DISC (Wallace, Clarke & Dry, 1956). Out of the 4
measured competencies “Patience” – working calmly and persistently while paying
attention to tasks was found to correlate the highest with SAM with a small, but signifi-
cant effect size (r = 0.18, n = 220). The effect of the ipsative question format must be
taken into account when considering the relative low correlation size.
Spectrum Questionnaire
Spectrum Questionnaire is an ipsative, forced-choice, self-descriptive, online question-
naire measuring competencies with 360 questions from the world of work. Out of the 20
measured competencies “Effective thinker” – one who prefers building theories, making
judgements, thinking quickly, thinking in systems and producing solutions – was found
to correlate the highest with SAM with a small, but significant effect size (r = 0.15, n =
724). The effect of the ipsative question format must be taken into account when consid-
ering the relative low correlation size.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 487
Renzulli Scales for Rating The Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students
The Renzulli Scales is a normative questionnaire used by teachers describing the behav-
ior of students (Renzulli et al., 2002). Out of the 14 measured scales Motivation, Learn-
ing, Mathematics and Planning had the highest correlations with SAM results
(r between 0.5-0.45, n = 500) while music had the lowest (r = 0.1, n = 500).
Proprietary questionnaire for teachers to rate students
This questionnaire was created as a trial instrument and was used in the second phase of
the same project than the Renzulli scales were used for similar purpose. The question-
naire yielded information about the children described by the teachers on 7 scales. Math-
ematics was found to correlate highest with SAM results (r = 0.48, n = 183) while Mo-
tion was found to relate the least (r = 0.1, n = 183).
Altogether from the correlations collected between competency questionnaire data and
SAM results we can conclude that both according to self-description data and teacher
ratings SAM measures a behavioral feature in the domain of thinking, learning and
Score differences
Ability scores in SAM are calculated using IRT estimation and given in Theta (θ) which
has a theoretic standard normal distribution. Figure 28 displays the frequencies of actual
ability estimates showing that the distribution of actual results follow closely the theoret-
ic standard normal distribution.
Figure 28:
Distribution of SAM results
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
One of the fundamentals of developmental psychology is that abilities increase in early
childhood. Therefore we expect to see an increase in ability scores in the early years –
though we have no clear hypothesis until what age should this increase last. Figure 29
shows the average SAM results by the age of the test taker. From the figure we can clear-
ly see a significant and large increase of performance in the 9-15 age range (n = 3738) .
Data in later years start to be more sparse and unreliable – greatly affected by the differ-
ent samples taken.
Figure 29:
Average SAM results by age
Though there is a large increase in performance by age in the early teenage (9-15) years
it must be noted that there are large individual performance overlaps between age
groups. Figure 30 shows the distribution of performance in the early years with the large
overlaps between the groups.
Scrambled Adaptive Matrices (SAM) – a new test of eductive ability 489
Figure 30:
Ability distributions between 9-15 years of age
In the closed projects of our dataset two significant differences between the performance
of males and females were found – one of them showed higher results for males, the
other for females. Altogether there was no evidence of gender difference on test perfor-
mance. Open projects were excluded from the analysis because of the unreliable nature
of participation criteria (e.g. the Facebook algorithm in our experience tended to reach
significantly more women than man).
Current data suggests that SAM results explain around 50% of the variations of the RPM
results. Future research is needed to establish to what extent are the two test measuring
different things (e.g. the study of those who get high scores on one but low on the other
should shed some interesting light on this).
Further research is also needed to set up age norms for all ages and to examine the de-
velopmental tendencies of eductive ability. It is also recommended to work on the validi-
B. Klein, J. Raven & Sz. Fodor
ty issues and compare SAM results to various other ability tests and nonperformance
assessment measures.
Imposing a time limit on a power test always corrupts its purpose to some extent. The
online format of the test enables us now to easily collect and study response time. Using
this data attempts have been made in the current study to establish the effect time limit
has on the results. In general the study of the relationship between the time spent to come
up with a solution, item difficulty and motivation is probably one of the most interesting
aspects of the current study.
Cultural differences in the test are also a challenging and interesting topic for future
In the present study we provided evidence to the validity and reliability of the SAM test.
We showed that this new online adaptive test of eductive ability measures quickly and
reliably the cognitive construct it aims at in an extremely wide ability range which ena-
bles its use with children and adults alike in both supervised and unsupervised manner.
We believe that overall this test is an exciting new development that takes forward the
idea of measuring the ability to make sense out of confusion in situations where infor-
mation is inherently misleading or controversial. Science – and life in general – is full of
such situations.
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