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All content in this area was uploaded by Rollin McCraty on Mar 02, 2019
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In: K.H. Pribram, ed. Brain and Values: Is a Biological Science of
Values Possible. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Pub-
lishers, 1998: 359-379.
Please direct correspondence to: Rollin McCraty, HeartMath Re-
search Center, Institute of HeartMath, 14700 West Park Avenue,
Boulder Creek, CA 95006. Phone: 831-338-8500, Fax: 831-338-1182,
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The concept of an energy exchange between
individuals is culturally a universal belief and is
a central theme in many of the healing arts of
both Eastern and Western medicine, now often
referred to as Energy Medicine. One of the main
blocks to the acceptance of these so-called alter-
native therapies by western science has been the
lack of a plausible mechanism that could explain
the nature of this energy or how it is exchanged.
Nevertheless, numerous of studies of Therapeu-
tic Touch practitioners, healers and other indi-
viduals have demonstrated a wide variety of ef-
fects on healing rates of wounds,1, 2 pain,3, 4 he-
moglobin levels,5, 6 conformational changes of
DNA and water structure7 as well as psychologi-
cal improvements.8, 9 If we define energy as the
capacity to produce an effect, these experiments
suggest that an exchange of energy has occurred.
It has also been demonstrated that many of these
therapeutic effects occur without physical touch,
indicating that energy of some kind is radiated
or broadcast between practitioner and patient.8
References to the concept of an energy ex-
change between people can also be found in the
psycho-therapeutic field as a sense of energetic
interaction between the practitioner and patient.
This concept dates back at least to Freud, who
proposed in The Anxiety Neuroses that an energy
exchange between practitioner and patient op-
erated at an unconscious level to bring about
changes in the patient’s mental, emotional and
physical well-being.9
Many of the healing professions emphasize
the importance of the attitude or intention of the
practitioner in order for the greatest facilitation
of the healing process to occur.8, 10, 11 The impor-
tance of intention has been demonstrated in sev-
eral studies,12 including one at our laboratories.7
In addition, we have previously shown that a
person’s inner emotional state directly affects the
coherence in the electromagnetic field generated
by the heart,12, 13 and that sincere feelings of ap-
preciation, love or care produce increased coher-
The Electricity of Touch: Detection and measurement
of cardiac energy exchange between people
Rollin McCraty, PhD, Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, BA and William A. Tiller, PhD
KEY WORDS: Touch, energy, healing, ECG, EEG, coherence, emotion, stochastic resonance, signal averaging
The idea that an energy exchange of some type occurs between individuals is a central theme in many healing tech-
niques. This concept has often been disputed by Western science due to the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain the
nature of this energy or how it could affect or facilitate the healing process. The fact that the heart generates the strongest
electromagnetic field produced by the body, coupled with the recent discovery that this field becomes more coherent as the
individual shifts to a sincerely loving or caring state prompted us to investigate the possibility that the field generated by the
heart may significantly contribute to this energy exchange.
We present a sampling of results which provide intriguing evidence that an exchange of electromagnetic energy pro-
duced by the heart occurs when people touch or are in proximity. Signal averaging techniques are used to show that one’s
electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is registered in another person’s electroencephalogram (EEG) and elsewhere on the other
person’s body. While this signal is strongest when people are in contact, it is still detectable when subjects are in proximity
without contact.
This study represents one of the first successful attempts to directly measure an energy exchange between people, and
provides a solid, testable theory to explain the observed effects of many healing modalities that are based upon the assump-
tion that an energy exchange takes place. Nonlinear stochastic resonance is discussed as a mechanism by which weak,
coherent electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by the heart of an individual in a caring state, may be detected and
amplified by biological tissue, and potentially produce measurable effects in living systems. One implication is that the
effects of therapeutic techniques involving contact or proximity between practitioner and patient could be amplified by
practitioners consciously adopting a sincere caring attitude, and thus introducing increased coherence into their cardiac
ence in the cardiac field. This is especially sig-
nificant, as the heart generates the strongest elec-
tromagnetic field produced by the body, measur-
able a number of feet away from the body with
SQUID-based magnetometers13 and sensitive
electrostatic detectors.14
It has been argued that even if there were an
energy exchange between people, the energy
contained in the signal would be too weak to
produce significant effects in a biological system.
However, recent research has established that the
noise in biological systems can play a construc-
tive role in the detection of weak periodic sig-
nals via a mechanism known as stochastic reso-
nance.15 In essence, stochastic resonance is a non-
linear cooperative effect in which a weak, nor-
mally sub-threshold periodic (coherent) stimu-
lus entrains ambient noise, resulting in the peri-
odic signal becoming greatly enhanced and able
to produce large scale effects. The signature of
stochastic resonance is that the signal-to-noise
ratio in the system rises to a maximum at some
optimal noise intensity, corresponding to the
maximum cooperation between the signal and
the noise. Essentially, the noise acts to boost the
sub-threshold signal to a level above the thresh-
old value, enabling it to generate measurable ef-
fects. Stochastic resonance is now known to oc-
cur in a wide range of systems, including sen-
sory transduction, neural signal processing and
oscillating chemical reactions,15, 16 and is firmly
established as a valid and far more general phe-
nomenon than previously thought.
There has been much debate over the capac-
ity of extremely low frequency electromagnetic
fields to affect living tissue. Theoretical estimates
predict the interaction energies of these fields
after penetrating the tissue to be up to three or-
ders of magnitude smaller than the average en-
ergy of thermal fluctuations.16 However, the ef-
fect of stochastic resonance operating in the noisy
environment of a biological tissue would be to
greatly amplify the external field’s energy, pos-
sibly to the point of enabling it to have signifi-
cant repercussions in the system. The electromag-
netic energy patterns produced by the human
heart when an individual is in the internal co-
herence mode, a state reached when feeling sin-
cere love (Figure 1), is a clear example of a co-
herent, extremely low frequency electromagnetic
field.17, 18 Recent advances in our understanding
of the interaction between coherent signals and
noise in nonlinear systems has led to the hypoth-
esis that under certain circumstances these
nonthermal, coherent electromagnetic fields are
detectable by biological systems at the cellular
and sub-cellular level.15, 19, 20 For example, it has
recently been demonstrated that nonthermal,
extremely low frequency electromagnetic signals
can affect intracellular calcium signaling.21 In
addition, coherent electromagnetic fields have
been shown to produce substantially greater ef-
fects than incoherent signals on enzymatic path-
ways, such as the ornithine decarboxylase path-
way.22 This suggests that increased cardiac coher-
ence, and thus one’s emotional state, may affect
cellular function.
The fact that the heart’s electromagnetic field
(ECG) can be measured anywhere on the surface
of the body and also several feet away from the
Coherent ECG spectrum Incoherent ECG spectrum
Figure 1. Coherent and incoherent ECG spectra. Both of the above graphs are amplitude spectra of 10-second epochs of ECG data. The
lefthand graph is an example of the internal coherence mode of heart function. This coherence is associated with sustained, sincere
feelings of love and other positive emotions. The graph on the righthand side depicts an incoherent spectrum and is typical of feelings of
anger or frustration.
body, coupled with the recent discovery that this
field can become more coherent as the individual
shifts to a sincerely loving or caring state,
prompted us to investigate the possibility that
the field generated by the human heart may be
the source of the energy exchanged between
practitioner and patient in many healing prac-
tices. We therefore set out to develop a method
of measuring an electrical exchange between
people when they touch or are in proximity. This
paper presents a few examples from a number
of experiments demonstrating that when indi-
viduals touch or are in proximity, one person’s
electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is registered in
the other person’s electroencephalogram (EEG)
and elsewhere on the other person’s body. Simul-
taneously and independently, Russek and
Schwartz conducted similar experiments in
which they also showed the registration of one
individual’s cardiac signal in another’s EEG re-
cording when two people sat quietly opposite
one another.23 In a recent publication entitled
“Energy Cardiology,”24 Russek and Schwartz dis-
cuss the implications of this finding in the con-
text of what they call a “dynamical energy sys-
tems approach” to describing the heart as a prime
generator, organizer and integrator of energy in
the human body.
The research described here was not designed
as a comprehensive, rigorous study to yield re-
sults to be subject to statistical analysis, and is
not intended to be presented or evaluated as such
a study. Rather, we present here a small sampling
of results gathered over several years of experi-
mentation that provide intriguing evidence of the
exchange of electromagnetic energy produced by
the human heart that occurs when two people
touch or are in proximity, as well as an experi-
mental protocol that allows such effects to be
measured. The results described in this paper are
representative examples of the types of data that
have been collected from numerous experiments
conducted with many different subjects over sev-
eral years’ time. We recognize that these results
raise more questions that they answer; and it is
our intention that this initial compilation of data
might stimulate other interested researchers to
pursue the challenge of designing and conduct-
ing experiments that further address some of
these questions.
Signal Averaging
The measurements presented in this paper
were achieved using signal averaging tech-
niques. Signal averaging is a digital procedure
for separating a repetitive signal from noise with-
out introducing signal distortion (Figure 2). The
superimposition of any number of equal-length
epochs, each containing a repeating periodic sig-
nal, emphasizes the periodic signal at the expense
of irregular variations constituting the noise. The
technique was first used in detecting radar sig-
nals and was later applied in human physiology
to detect and record cerebral cortical responses
to sensory stimulation, now known as the corti-
cal evoked potential or event-related potential.25
The procedure is also used in cardiology to ana-
lyze the ECG and is known in this field as micro-
potential analysis. In this study, the signal aver-
aging technique was applied to detect signals that
were synchronous with the peak of the R-wave
of one subject’s ECG in recordings of another
subject’s EEG or body surface.
Subjects were either seated in comfortable,
high-back chairs to minimize postural changes
or were lying down on a massage table. Prior to
each session, subjects were informed of the tasks
they were to perform and asked to refrain from
talking, falling asleep or engaging in exaggerated
body movements. The subjects were carefully
monitored to ensure that there were no exagger-
ated respiratory or postural changes during the
Disposable silver/silver chloride electrodes
were used for all bipolar ECG measurements. The
positive electrode was located on the left side at
the sixth rib and the reference was placed in the
right supraclavicular fossa. Grass model 7P4
amplifiers were used for ECG amplification and
Grass model P5 amplifiers were used for EEG
and body surface measurements. The low fre-
quency filters were set at the 1 Hertz setting and
the high frequency filters at 35 Hertz. EEG elec-
trodes were attached according to the Interna-
tional 10-20 system; the various recording sites
and referencing are specified in each experimen-
tal session. Electrode resistance was measured
with a UFI model 1089 electrode tester. Electrode
to electrode resistance was typically in the range
of 2 to 5 KΩ. All data were digitized by a Bio Pac
16 bit digitizer and software system. The sample
rate was 256 Hz. All post analysis was done with
DADiSP/32 digital signal processing software.
All of the experiments monitored various
recording sites on 2 subjects simultaneously. In
all experiments, both subjects were wired with
ECG electrodes as described above. To clarify the
direction in which the signals were analyzed, the
subject whose ECG R-wave peak was used as the
signal time reference for the signal averaging is
referred to as the “signal source,” or simply
“source.” It should be emphasized that the sub-
ject designated as the source did not consciously
intend to send or transmit a signal. The subject
whose EEG or body surface recordings were ana-
lyzed for the registration of the source’s ECG sig-
nal is referred to as the “signal receiver,” or sim-
ply “receiver.” Signal averaging techniques were
used to detect the appearance of the source’s ECG
signal on the surface of the receiver’s body at
various electrode locations. The resulting wave-
form appearing on the receiver is referred to as
the signal-averaged waveform (SAW). The sig-
nal-averaged waveforms were triggered by the
peak of the source’s ECG R-wave. The number
of averages used in the majority of the experi-
ments was 250 ECG cycles or roughly 4 minutes
of data.
Overlapped segments
before averaging
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Signal averaging is a digital
technique for separating a
repetitive signal from noise without
introducing signal distortion.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Resultant waveforms after
Figure 2. The signal averaging technique. The sequence of the signal averaging procedure is shown above. First, the signals recorded from
two subjects are digitized and recorded in a computer. The R-wave (peak) of the ECG recorded from the individual designated as the
“signal source” is used as the time reference for cutting the two signals into individual segments. The individual segments are then
averaged together to produce the resultant waveforms. Only signals that are repeatedly synchronous with the signal source’s ECG are
present in the resulting waveform. The signals which are not related to the signal source are eliminated by the process.
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.
m Volts
µ Volts
Blood pressure wave at ear lobe
Heartbeat evoked potential at CZ
Figure 3. Heartbeat evoked potential. Illustrates an example of
the heartbeat evoked potential when a subject’s own ECG is used
as the signal source. The top trace is the EEG recorded at the CZ
location and the middle trace is the blood pressure wave, which
was recorded at the earlobe. The signal from the heart arrives at
the CZ location around 10 milliseconds after the ECG R-wave
and the blood pressure wave arrives around 240 milliseconds
It is well known that the electrical potential
generated by one’s heartbeat can be recorded
from any site on the body, including the sites re-
corded by the EEG.23, 26, 27 (Figure 3). Therefore,
in each of our experiments, the possibility had
to be considered that the signal appearing in the
receiving subject’s recordings was the receiver’s
own ECG rather than that of the other subject
designated as the source. Given the signal aver-
aging procedure employed, this would only be
possible if the ECG of the source was continu-
ally and precisely synchronized with the
receiver’s ECG. To definitively rule out this un-
likely possibility, in all experiments both the
source and the receiver’s ECG were recorded.
Example 1: Holding hands
The purpose of these experiments was to test
the hypothesis that when 2 people touch, an ex-
change of electrical energy produced by their
hearts occurs. In the experiments reported on
here, 6 subjects were paired in groups of 2. Each
pair was monitored on a separate day. The ex-
periment was designed to test for the appearance
of the source’s ECG signal in the receiver’s EEG
recording when the subjects were sitting several
feet apart and when they held hands but made
no other contact. Data were also analyzed to
check for the transfer of energy in the reverse
The subjects were seated and fitted with ECG
and EEG electrodes. The EEG electrodes were
attached to the CZ, C3 and C4 locations on both
subjects. The reference for both the C3 and C4
electrode was at the CZ location. The 2 subjects
were simultaneously monitored using a 10-
minute baseline period during which they were
separated by 4 feet, followed by a 5-minute hand
holding period. In this experiment subjects were
instructed to hold hands and were not instructed
to have any specific intention or feeling state.
Signal averaging was used to detect the ap-
pearance of the source’s ECG signal in the
receiver’s signal-averaged waveform (SAW) at
the various electrode locations. The SAW in the
receiver was triggered by the R-wave (250 ECG
cycles) of the source’s ECG.
When the subjects were seated 4 feet apart,
there was no indication of a transfer of energy
between them from the 250 averages used in
these experiments. However, when they held
hands, the source’s ECG could be clearly detected
in the receiver’s SAW at both the C4 and C3 lo-
cations. Figure 4 shows the data from one set of
0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.7
m Volts
µ Volts
µ Volts
0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75
m Volts
µ Volts
µ Volts
Source's ECG
Receiver's EEG-at C3
Source's ECG
Receiver's EEG-at C3
Source and receiver
holding hands
Receiver's EEG-at C4Receiver's EEG-at C4
Source and receiver sitting
4 feet apart
Figure 4. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms before and while holding hands. Signal averaged waveforms showing a transference of the
electrical energy generated by the source’s heart to the receiving subject’s head. The baseline recording (lefthand column) was from a
10-minute period during which the subjects were seated 4 feet apart. The righthand column of panels shows the recording from a 5-
minute period during which the subjects held hands. The EEG electrodes on the receiver were placed at the C3 and C4 locations.
subjects. In this particular subject pair, we were
not able to detect an energy transfer in the re-
verse direction (i.e. the receiver’s ECG did not
appear in the source’s SAW).
In all 3 sets of subjects, the ECG of one of the
subjects was easily detected in the other’s SAW.
However, in only one set of these 3 experiments
were we able simultaneously to see the effect in
both directions.
The data were also analyzed to see if the ECG
of the source was synchronized with the
receiver’s ECG. It was determined that there was
no synchronization between the two ECG’s, thus
confirming that the ECG signal appearing in the
receiver’s recordings was indeed transmitted
from the source’s heart rather than the receiver’s
own. This was true in all the experimental ex-
amples which follow.
Example 2: Hand holding orientation
This experiment was designed to determine
whether the transfer of cardiac energy, as ob-
served in Example 1, would be affected by
changes in the orientation of the subjects’ hand
holding (i.e. source’s left hand holding receiver’s
right hand vs source’s right hand holding
receiver’s left hand, etc.). Subjects were seated
and fitted with ECG and EEG electrodes. Elec-
trode placement was the same as in Example 1,
with the exception that the EEG electrodes were
referenced to linked ears. The subjects held hands
for 5 minutes in each of the four possible orien-
tations (source’s left hand holding receiver’s left
hand; source’s right hand holding receiver’s left
hand; source’s left hand holding receiver’s right
hand; source’s right hand holding receiver’s right
hand). The recordings were analyzed as in Ex-
ample 1.
In the four different hand holding orienta-
tions tested, measurable differences were ob-
served in the transfer of cardiac energy between
subjects, as measured by the amplitude of the
source’s ECG signal appearing in the receiver’s
EEG recording. As seen in Figure 5, the source’s
ECG appeared with the largest amplitude in the
receiver’s SAW at the CZ location when the
receiver’s right hand was held by either the
source’s left or right hand (top right and bottom
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
Source's right to receiver's left hand
Receiver's EEG-at CZ
Source's ECG
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
Source's right to receiver's right hand
Receiver's EEG-at CZ
Source's ECG
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
Source's left to receiver's left hand
Receiver's EEG-at CZ
Source's ECG
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
Source's ECG
Source's left to receiver's right hand
Receiver's EEG-at CZ
Figure 5. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms with different hand holding orientations. Signal averaged waveforms showing differences in
the transference of the electrical energy generated by the source’s heart to the receiving subject’s head depending on which hand holding
orientation was adopted. Subjects held hands for 5 minutes in each of the four orientations shown. Data shown are from the CZ location
on the receiver.
right panels). When the receiver’s left hand was
held by the source’s right hand, the source’s ECG
was could still be detected in the receiver’s SAW,
but at a somewhat lower amplitude. Finally,
when the receiver’s left hand was held by the
source’s left hand, the source’s ECG signal was
not detected in the receiver’s SAW.
Example 3: Wearing glove
This experiment was designed to see if the
source’s ECG could be picked up on the
receiver’s arms and to determine whether the
signal was being transferred by means of electri-
cal conduction or by radiation. Electrodes were
placed 8 inches apart on the reciever’s right up-
per arm and in the standard locations for ECG
measurement on both subjects. Once a 5-minute
baseline period was recorded, the subjects joined
hands and recording continued for the next 5
minutes. The experiment was then repeated with
the source wearing a form-fitting full-length la-
tex lab glove.
The lefthand panel in Figure 6 shows that the
source’s ECG could be clearly detected on the
receiver’s right arm when neither subject was
wearing a glove. The righthand panel depicts the
results when the source was wearing the latex
glove. In this case, the source’s ECG signal was
still present in the receiver’s SAW; however it
was approximately tenfold lower in signal
Example 4: Light touch
This purpose of this experiment was to de-
termine whether the signal could be transferred
by the source lightly touching the receiver’s body
at different locations. In this experiment, the re-
ceiver was lying supine on a padded massage
table while the source stood next to the table.
Three separate trials were performed: In the first,
the source lightly placed his right hand on the
receiver’s forehead; in the second, he placed his
right hand lightly on the receiver’s stomach; in
the third trial, the source placed one hand on the
receiver’s forehead and the other on his stom-
ach. Electrodes were placed 4 inches apart on the
receiver’s left and right lower arms and on the
standard locations for ECG measurements on
both subjects.
In all three trials, the source’s ECG signal was
clearly detectable in the receiver’s SAW on both
arms; however, the signal measured across the
receiver’s right arm was consistently 5 times
greater in amplitude than the signal picked up
on the left arm (Figure 7; note scales).
Example 5: Wired together
This experiment was designed to determine
whether the cardiac energy transfer could be in-
creased through forming a hard wire connection
between the subjects. The subjects were seated
side by side with 18 inches between them. After
baseline recordings were established, 5 minutes
of data were collected with the subjects wired
together. A hard wire connection between sub-
jects was created by placing ECG electrodes on
the right side of each subject’s rib cage and con-
necting the electrodes with a 36-inch ECG lead
wire. Electrodes were placed 4 inches apart on
the receiver’s left and right lower arms, 2 inches
apart on the receiver’s forehead and at the stan-
dard locations for ECG measurements on both
The source’s ECG signal was detected in the
receiver’s SAW on both arms and on his fore-
head; however, the amplitude of the transferred
signal was not increased with respect to the hand
holding or light touch experiments. (Figure 8).
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
Source wearing rubber glove
while holding hands
Source's ECG
Receiver's Right Arm
Source's ECG
Receiver's Right Arm
Source and receiver holding
hands (no glove)
Figure 6. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms: holding hands with
and without glove. Illustrates the difference in signal strength
measured on the receiver’s arm with (righthand panels) and
without (lefthand panels) the source wearing a latex glove when
they held hands. Note that the source’s ECG signal is still present
in the receiver’s SAW when the glove is worn; however, its
amplitude is reduced by a factor of 10 (note scales).
As was also observed in the light touch experi-
ments (Example 4), the signal measured across
the receiver’s right forearm was approximately
5 times greater than that picked up on the left
Example 6: Proximity without contact
As the cardiac signal is known to be radiated
outside the body, in this experiment we sought
to determine whether the signal would be de-
tected by the receiver when subjects were not
touching. The subjects were seated side by side
with 18 inches between them at the closest point.
Electrodes were placed 4 inches apart on the
receiver’s left and right lower arms and on the
standard locations for ECG measurements on
both subjects. Two thousand averages were used
for this experiment (approximately 30 minutes
recording time).
Figure 9 is an overlay plot showing the read-
ings from the electrodes on the receiver’s arms
and the source’s ECG. We were able to detect a
signal on the receiver’s arms; however, there was
a phase shift of 10 ms between the source’s ECG
and the appearance of the signal across the elec-
trodes on the receiver’s arms.
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
u Volts
u Volts
Source's right hand on
receiver's forehead
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
Source's ECG Source's ECG
Receiver's right forearm Receiver's right forearm
Receiver's left forearm
Receiver's left forearm
Source's right hand on
receiver's stomach
Source's ECG
Receiver's right forearm
Receiver's left forearm
Source touching receiver's
stomach and forehead
Figure 7. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms: light touch. Signal averaged waveforms showing the transference of the electrical energy
generated by the source’s heart to the receiving subject’s forearms when the source lightly touched the receiver’s forehead (lefthand
panels), the receiver’s stomach (middle panels), or both stomach and forehead (righthand panels).
Source and receiver wired
together right rib to right rib
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
m Volts
µ Volts
µ Volts
µ Volts
Source's ECG
Receiver's right forearm
Receiver's left forearm
Receiver's forehead
Figure 8. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms: subjects wired
together. Signal averaged waveforms showing the transference
of energy generated by the source’s heart to the receiving
subject’s forearms and forehead when subjects were wired
together right rib to right rib. No increase in the amplitude of the
transferred signal was observed with respect to the experiments
in which subjects held hands or touched lightly.
The data presented here clearly show that
when people touch or are in proximity, a trans-
ference of the electromagnetic energy produced
by the heart occurs. This energy exchange was
evidenced by the registration of one individual’s
electrocardiogram R-wave peak at different sites
on another person’s body surface. The transfer-
ence of the signal appears to depend on the dis-
tance between individuals, as would be expected
if the signal transferred is electromagnetic in na-
ture. The effect was evident when people were
touching or positioned 18 inches apart, but it was
not detectable when subjects were separated by
a distance of 4 feet and 250 averages were used
in the signal averaging process. However, it is
quite possible that by measuring longer time
periods and using more averages, signal trans-
fer could be detected at greater distances. Russek
and Schwartz’s measurement of an exchange of
cardiac energy between subjects separated by 3
feet certainly supports this possibility.23 The ob-
servation that the signal was still transferred
when subjects were not in contact demonstrates
that the transference occurs at least to some de-
gree through radiation. However, the tenfold re-
duction in the amplitude of the transferred sig-
nal observed in both the non-contact experiment
and in the hand holding trial in which one sub-
ject wore an insulated glove suggests that skin-
to-skin contact plays an important role in facili-
tating the signal transfer. Interestingly, forming
a hard wire connection between subjects did not
increase the amplitude of the transferred signal
with respect to the experiments in which sub-
jects simply held hands or touched lightly. The
signal amplitude was also unaffected in other
experiments (data not shown) in which electrode
gel was used to decrease skin-to-skin contact re-
There were a number of interesting observa-
tions made for which we feel there is not yet suf-
ficient data to attempt to offer an explanation at
this point. These include: (1) While in all cases a
signal transfer between two subjects was mea-
surable at least in one direction, a transfer was
sometimes, but not always, detectable in both
directions (i.e. In some cases the designated
“receiver’s” ECG was not observed in the
“source’s” recordings). From other experiments
we have done, this does not appear to be related
to the gender of the subjects. (2) Significant dif-
ferences were observed in the amplitude of the
transferred signal depending on the hand hold-
ing orientation adopted. The amplitude was
highest when the receiver’s right hand was held
by the source’s left hand, and the transfer was
not detected at all when subjects held hands left
hand to left hand. (3) In the light touch and wired
together trials reported on here (Examples 4 and
5), the signal picked up on the receiver’s right
forearm was consistently 5 times greater in am-
plitude than the signal registered on the left fore-
arm. This difference was observed in some, but
not all, similar experiments performed. (4) In the
0 0.125 0.25 0.375
Receiver (µ Volts)
Source (m Volts)
Source's ECG
Receiver's left arm
Receiver's right arm
Figure 9. Cardiac signal averaged waveforms: subjects in proximity without contact. Overlay plot showing the signal averaged waveforms
recorded from the receiver’s arms and the source’s ECG when subjects were seated 18 inches apart without touching. Note that the
source’s ECG signal is detected in the receiver’s SAW on both arms, but is delayed by 10 milliseconds. Waveforms are the result of 2000
non-contact experiment (Example 6), but in none
of the other trials, a phase shift of 10 ms between
the sender’s ECG and the appearance of the sig-
nal across the receiver’s arms was observed. All
of these observations pose intriguing research
questions and invite additional experimentation
to determine whether they do, in fact, represent
significant trends to consider in further charac-
terizing this energy exchange.
It should be noted that the appearance of the
source’s ECG signal in the receiver’s EEG does
not necessarily indicate that the signal has pro-
duced an alteration in the receiver’s brainwaves.
These data simply indicate that the source’s ECG
signal can be measured on the receiver’s scalp
as well as at other sites on the receiver’s body
surface, such as the forearms and legs. The fact
that the signal is indeed registered, however, to-
gether with the recent demonstration of nonlin-
ear stochastic resonance effects in several biologi-
cal systems, certainly raises the possibility that
it may exert some effect on the receiving subject’s
brain and/or other components of the receiver’s
This possibility is in fact supported by experi-
ments conducted by Schandry and co-workers
which demonstrated that cortically generated
potentials are affected by one’s own ECG. These
experiments have shown that the registration of
one’s own ECG R-wave in the EEG is modulated
by psychological factors such as attention and
motivation, in a fashion analogous to the corti-
cal processing of external stimuli.26, 28-30 This is also
supported by work in our laboratory which has
shown that when individuals focus their atten-
tion in the area of the heart and consciously gen-
erate a positive emotion, the heart rate variabil-
ity patterns become more orderly and coherent.17
When a person is in this more coherent state, the
portion of the heartbeat evoked potential which
reflects cortical processes28 is dramatically
changed.27 The idea that the registration of an-
other person’s ECG across the scalp could also
give rise to characteristic cortical potentials is
certainly a possibility that deserves further in-
A biological response to an externally applied
field implies that the field has caused changes in
the system greater than those due to random fluc-
tuating events, or “noise.” Traditional linear
theory predicted that weak, extremely low fre-
quency electromagnetic fields, such as that radi-
ated from the human heart, could not generate
enough energy to overcome the thermal noise
limit and thus to affect biological tissue. How-
ever, a number of experiments have revealed
cellular responses to electric field magnitudes far
smaller than the theoretical estimates for the
minimum field strength required to overcome the
thermal noise limit in these systems.31-33 (cited in
34). It has been proposed that this discrepancy can
in part be accounted for by biological cells’ ca-
pacity to rectify and essentially signal average
weak oscillating electric fields through field-in-
duced variation in the catalytic activity of mem-
brane-associated enzymes or in the conformation
of membrane channel proteins.20, 34 Signal rectifi-
cation and averaging provide a mechanism by
which a signal from an external periodic electric
field could be accumulated over time by a cell,
and would significantly lower theoretical esti-
mates of the system’s threshold of response to
external fields, though still not enough to fully
explain all the experimental data.
Theoretical estimates of the limitations on the
detection of very small signals by sensory sys-
tems imposed by the presence of thermal noise
(thermal noise limit) were traditionally made
using linear approximation under the assump-
tion that the system is in a state of equilibrium.35
More recently, it has been recognized that a lin-
ear and equilibrium approach is not appropriate
for biological systems, which are intrinsically
nonlinear, nonequilibrium and noisy. The recent
advent of the nonlinear stochastic resonance con-
cept15 has caused further revisions of the theo-
retical estimates for the minimum field strengths
required to affect biological systems. The concept
of stochastic resonance was first used in a theo-
retical study of the ion binding model for the
explanation of weak EMF effects on biological
systems.19 The effect of very weak, coherent elec-
tromagnetic signals as small as one hundred to
one thousand times smaller than the amplitude
of the surrounding random noise was studied
using numerical simulation. It was shown that
coherent signals having an amplitude substan-
tially below that of the background thermal noise
could change the mean time it takes for a bio-
logical ion to escape from the binding site of a
regulatory protein, and thus influence cellular
response.19 Remarkably, in subsequent experi-
mental studies36-38 the effect of subthermal, co-
herent signals was observed in different biologi-
cal systems for signal amplitudes as small as one-
tenth or even one-hundredth the amplitude of
the random noise component. Whereas initial
studies of stochastic resonance in biological sys-
tems dealt exclusively with single-frequency sig-
nals embedded in a broadband noise back-
ground, recent experimental work has shown
that stochastic resonance can also be observed
with broadband stimuli,37 thus further general-
izing this phenomenon. In addition, a voltage-
dependent ion channel system has recently been
shown to exhibit stochastic resonance with no
detectable response threshold.38 These data con-
firm that biological systems under certain cir-
cumstances are able to detect arbitrarily small
coherent signals. Theory, simulation and experi-
mental data all suggest that nonlinear stochastic
resonance may play an important role in the dy-
namics of sensory neurons,15, 37, 39 and the dem-
onstration of over a thousand-fold increase in
signal transduction across voltage-dependent ion
channels induced by the addition of external
noise provides evidence that stochastic resonance
may also be operative at a sub-cellular level.36, 38
Many healing modalities involving contact
or proximity between practitioner and patient,
including Therapeutic Touch, holoenergetic heal-
ing, healing touch, Chi Gong, Reiki, Shiatsu, the
Trager technique and polarity therapy, are based
upon the assumption that an exchange of energy
occurs to facilitate healing. While there exists
scientific evidence to substantiate the physiologi-
cal and psychological effects of many of these
treatments, science has as yet not been able to
describe a mechanism by which this putative
energy exchange between individuals takes
place. This study, together with the work of
Russek and Schwartz, represents one of the first
successful attempts to directly measure an ex-
change of energy between people. As such, it
provides a foundation for a solid, testable theory
to explain the observed effects of these healing
modalities. We propose that through cellular sig-
nal averaging and nonlinear stochastic reso-
nance, a therapist’s cardiac field, registered by
the patient, may be amplified so as to produce
significant effects. As a weak field signal becomes
more coherent, the greater its capacity becomes
to entrain ambient noise and thus to produce ef-
fects in biological tissue. Recent research has
shown that the heart’s electromagnetic field de-
creases in electrical coherence as an individual
becomes angry or frustrated and increases in
coherence as a person shifts to such positive
emotional states as sincere love, care or appre-
ciation.17 Preliminary results indicate, further,
that individuals who intentionally increase their
cardiac coherence by maintaining a focused state
of sincere love or appreciation can induce
changes in the structure of water7 and in the con-
formational state of DNA.40 An obvious impli-
cation, if the stochastic resonance model is valid,
is that the effects of therapeutic techniques in-
volving contact or proximity between practitio-
ner and patient could be amplified by practitio-
ners adopting a sincere caring attitude, and thus
introducing increased coherence into their car-
diac field.
This may explain why many healing prac-
tices have as a core tenet that the therapeutic ef-
fects of the treatment are dependent upon the
intention of the practitioner to help or heal the
patient. The Therapeutic Touch literature de-
scribes the role of the practitioner of this tech-
nique as attempting “to focus completely on the
well-being of the recipient in an act of uncondi-
tional love and compassion.41 It has been dem-
onstrated that hospitalized cardiovascular pa-
tients treated with Non-Contact Therapeutic
Touch experienced a significantly greater de-
crease in post-treatment state anxiety than did
patients who were administered a control inter-
vention in which nurses mimicked the move-
ments of the Therapeutic Touch technique but
did not focus their intention on helping the pa-
tients.8 Of particular relevance to the work de-
scribed in the present study is Russek and
Schwartz’s finding that people more accustomed
to receiving love and care appear to be better re-
ceivers of others’ cardiac signals.23 In a group of
subjects in late adulthood, those who in college
had rated themselves as having been raised by
loving parents exhibited significantly greater reg-
istration of an experimenter’s cardiac signal in
their EEG in a non-contact experiment than those
who had rated their parents low in loving. This
implies that the exchange of cardiac energy de-
scribed here may be influenced not only by the
degree of coherence of the transmitted signal
(which, in turn, can depend on the source’s emo-
tional state and intention), but also by the de-
gree of the receiver’s receptivity to the signal.
Individuals raised in an environment which they
perceive to be loving are not only more accus-
tomed to receiving others’ love, but also often
tend to be more loving themselves. Thus, it is
possible that signal registration may be enhanced
by increased coherence in the receiver’s system.
It is not surprising that many of the healing mo-
dalities mentioned above emphasize not only
that the practitioner have the intention to heal
but also that there be a mutually caring relation-
ship between practitioner and patient.
It should also be mentioned that there is an
extensive literature concerning nonlocal effects,
prayer and distance healing. Larry Dossey has
pointed out that the term “energy” as it is used
in this paper may not be the appropriate term to
describe nonlocal effects, which cannot be ex-
plained by conventional electromagnetic theory.42
We use the term “energy” here, as we believe that
the results described in this paper can be ex-
plained by conventional electromagnetic theory.
This paper does not attempt to explain nonlocal
effects; however, it would be interesting to de-
termine whether the effectiveness of nonlocal
forms of healing is related to the degree of co-
herence in the practitioner’s cardiac field. Gough
and Shacklett43 as well as Tiller44 have proposed
models which expand and connect conventional
electromagnetic theory with an inherently
nonlocal and multidimensional realm. Paddison
has also written at length concerning the cou-
pling between the electricity generated by the
heart and more subtle levels of reality.45 Accord-
ing to these models, increased coherence in con-
ventional electromagnetic fields would serve to
enhance nonlocal effects.
If the electromagnetic field generated by our
heart indeed has the capacity to significantly af-
fect those around us, the implications of this
would of course extend far beyond healer-patient
interactions. It has long been observed that our
emotions have the capacity to affect those in our
proximity. Evidence that the cardiac field changes
with different emotions experienced, combined
with the finding that this field is registered physi-
ologically by those around us provides the foun-
dation of one possible mechanism to describe the
impact of our emotions on others at a basic physi-
ological level. In addition, if touch, as we have
shown, serves to facilitate this exchange of car-
diac energy between individuals, this would give
new and more precise meaning to the concept of
touch as the first and most fundamental means
of communication46 and facilitator of human in-
teractions. Future study of the effects of the elec-
trical exchange that occurs when individuals are
in contact or proximity may eventually foster
increased awareness of our inner feeling states
both in therapeutic interventions and in the
broader context of our daily interactions with
those in our immediate environment.
Future Directions
These experiments represent an initial at-
tempt to identify and objectively measure an ex-
change of energy between individuals. The phe-
nomenon highlighted by the results presented
here is an intriguing one that has many potential
implications and certainly invites further char-
acterization. It is our hope that these data will
serve to stimulate critical discussion and encour-
age interested researchers to pursue further the
investigation of the many unanswered questions
that have been raised by this work. The repeti-
tion of the experiments discussed in this paper
with expanded sample sizes will help to distin-
guish anecdotal observations from real trends
and also begin to paint a picture of the variabil-
ity that exists among individuals with regard to
this phenomenon. To continue to characterize this
energy exchange, it will be important to refine
our understanding of how it varies with distance.
More precisely mapping out how transmission
of the signal decays with distance will allow us
to determine whether there exists an effective
“cut-off” point and whether this varies among
We feel that individual variability in both the
transmission and reception of cardiac energy is
an important area of investigation that raises a
number of questions. Future research might seek
to increase our understanding of how one’s emo-
tional state affects both energy transmission and
reception as well as investigate the role that in-
tention may play in facilitating the energy ex-
change. In particular, does consciously shifting
to a state such as sincere love or appreciation, in
which the heart’s energy field becomes measur-
ably more coherent, affect signal transference?
Also along these lines, does the exchange vary
according to the type of relationship people
share? Would the signal transference be measur-
ably different in subjects who did not know each
other as compared to people who shared a close
personal relationship? Finally, studies analyzing
the exchange of cardiac energy between indi-
viduals in conjunction with the practice of vari-
ous therapeutic techniques may serve to eluci-
date any relationships that may exist between
this type of energy exchange and the physiologi-
cal effects of these treatments.
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