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4 Essentials of resilience, revisited

4 Essentials of resilience, revisited
David D. Woods
The idea that systems have a property called ‘resilience’ has emerged and grown extremely
popular in the last two decades. The idea arose from multiple sources and has been
examined from multiple disciplinary perspectives including: systems safety (Hollnagel et
al. 2006), complexity (Doyle and Csete 20011), human organizations (Sutcliffe and Vogus
2003), ecology (Walker and Salt 2006), and others. However, with popularity has come
noise and confusion as the label continues to be used in multiple, diverse and, sometimes,
incompatible ways.
I advocated for studying resilience beginning in 2000 and then 2003 in the aftermath
of accidents, notably the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) space
exploration mishaps in 1999 and the space shuttle Columbia accident in 2003 (Woods
2003, 2005a). The idea was that (1) systems become increasingly brittle under ‘faster,
better, cheaper’ pressure; (2) signs of increasing brittleness are discounted under ‘faster,
better, cheaper’ pressure; (3) investments in building and sustaining sources of resilient
performance need to be valued and managed in order to offset the brittleness of systems
and to manage increasing complexity (Woods 2006).
In the first Resilience Engineering book (Hollnagel et al. 2006) I opened the volume with
a chapter called ‘Essentials’, which introduced a few initial fundamentals. The intent was
to begin and stimulate discovery of the fundamentals that lead to resilient performance in
complex systems. Based on results from interdisciplinary inquiry since 2006, this chapter
expands on the ‘essentials’ because there has been progress, despite the noise generated
by hyper-popularity. The intent again is to stimulate further inquiry and discovery of
fundamentals. This goal remains crucial given the confusion that has resulted from
overuse of resilience as a label. Understanding what generates resilient performance in an
increasingly interdependent and multi-scaled world continues to be important for every
industry sector and for communities at all levels.
This chapter covers some additional ‘essentials’ to demonstrate that we are able to see
through the diversity of systems and events to understand fundamentals that govern
adaptive systems across multiple scales. Studies of resilience in action have revealed a rich
set of patterns about how some systems overcome brittleness. Concepts have emerged on
what makes the difference between resilient performance and brittle collapse of perform-
ance as surprises occur and disturbances cascade. The chapter revisits and updates several
of the essentials introduced in the 2006 chapter and then covers additional ones – initia-
tive, managing the expression of initiative, and reciprocity. These are covered because they
raise scientific challenges, at the same time as they provide practical guidance (or could
do so) to working organizations plagued by complexity, surprise and brittleness (which
is virtually all of them).
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 53
Poised to Adapt
One of the first things we noted about resilience is that it refers to the potential for future
adaptive action when conditions change – resilience concerns the capabilities a system
needs to respond to inevitable surprises. Responding to surprise requires preparatory
investments that provide the potential for adaptive action in the future.
Definition Adaptive capacity is the potential for adjusting patterns of activities to handle
future changes in the kinds of events, opportunities and disruptions experienced, there-
fore, adaptive capacities exist before changes and disruptions call upon those capacities.
Systems possess varieties of adaptive capacity, and resilience engineering seeks to
understand how are these built, sustained, degraded and lost. Adaptive capacity means
a system is poised to adapt, it has some readiness or potential to change how it currently
works – its models, plans, processes and behaviors (Woods 2018). Adaptation is not
about always changing the plan, model or previous approaches, but about the potential to
modify plans to continue to fit changing situations. Space mission control is the positive
case study for this capability, especially how space shuttle mission control developed its
skill at handling anomalies, even as they expected that the next anomaly to be handled
would not match any of those they had planned and practiced for (Watts-Perotti and
Woods 2009). Studies of how successful military organizations adapted to handle sur-
prises provide another rich set of contrasting cases, as in Finkel (2011).
Adaptive capacity does not mean a system is constantly changing what it has planned
or does so all the time, but that the system has some ability to recognize when it is adequate
to continue the plan, to continue to work in the usual way and when it is not adequate to
continue on, given the demands, changes and context ongoing or upcoming. Adaptation
can mean continuing to work to plan, but, and this is a very important but, with the con-
tinuing ability to reassess whether the plan fits the situation confronted – even as evidence
about the nature of the situation changes and evidence from the effects of interventions
changes. The ability to recognize and to stretch, extend or change what you are doing
or what you have planned, has to be there in advance of adapting, even when there are
no adjustments to behavior visible to outside observers. There are great difficulties to be
overcome in studying how a system is poised to adapt, in assessing how much capability
is available or will be needed and in uncovering what factors will contribute to resilient
performance when future challenges arise. This capability can be extended or constricted
as challenges arise, expanded or degraded over cycles of change and re-directed or become
stuck as conditions evolve into new configurations.
All systems have an envelope of performance, or a range of adaptive behavior, owing to
finite resources and the inherent variability of its environment in a continuously chang-
ing world. A bounded competence envelope raises the question of how systems perform
when events push the system near the edge of its envelope. Descriptively, brittleness is
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54 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
how rapidly a system’s performance declines when it nears and reaches its boundary.
Brittle systems experience rapid performance collapses, or failures, when events challenge
boundaries. One difficulty is that the location of the boundary is normally uncertain and
moves as capabilities and conditions change.
In 2006, I was using resilience to mean the opposite of brittleness, or, how to extend
adaptive capacity in the face of surprise (Woods 2005a, 2009). I was asking how systems
stretch to handle surprises, since systems with finite resources in changing environments
are always experiencing and stretching to accommodate events that challenge boundaries.
Without some capability to continue to stretch in the face of events that challenge
boundaries, systems are more brittle than stakeholders realize (Woods and Branlat 2011).
All systems, however successful, have boundaries and experience events that fall outside
these boundaries – surprises, given that no system escapes the constraints of finite
resources and changing conditions for long.
However, I found I could no longer use resilience as the opposite of brittleness;
resilience-as-label pointed to too many different issues and concepts. As a result, I coined
the term graceful extensibility to refer to the opposite of brittleness (Woods 2015).
Graceful extensibility is the ability of a system to extend its capacity and to adapt when
surprise events challenge its boundaries. It can be thought of as a blend of two traditional
terms – graceful degradation and software extensibility. Software engineering emphasizes
the need to design in advance properties that support the ability to extend capabilities
later, without requiring a major revisions to the basic architecture, as conditions, contexts,
uses, risks, goals, and relationships change. Ironically, the best examples of graceful
extensibility come from biology (for example, Fairhall et al. 2001; Csete and Doyle 2002;
Meyers and Bull 2002; Wark et al. 2007). To enhance safety, we desire a system exhibit
graceful degradation where the system’s performance declines slowly as disturbances
grow and cascade, rather than experience a brittle fracture. The combination of software
extensibility and graceful degradation highlights how adaptation at the boundaries is
active and critical for how a system grows and adjusts in a changing world, not simply a
softer degradation curve when events challenge base competencies.
With low graceful extensibility, systems exhaust their ability to respond as challenges
grow and cascade. As the ability to continue to respond declines in the face of growing
demands, systems with low graceful extensibility risk a sudden collapse in performance.
With high graceful extensibility, systems have capabilities to anticipate bottlenecks ahead,
to learn about the changing shape of disturbances or challenges prior to acute events, and
possess the readiness-to-respond to meet new challenges (Woods and Branlat, 2011). As
a result, systems with high graceful extensibility are able to continue to meet critical goals
and even recognize and seize new opportunities to meet pressing goals.
Boundary refers to the transition zone where systems shift regimes of performance.
This boundary area can be more crisp or blurred, more stable or dynamic, well-modeled
or misunderstood. Brittleness and graceful extensibility refer to the behavior of the
system as it transitions across this boundary area. The latter refers to a system’s ability to
adapt how it works to extend performance past the boundary area into a new regime of
performance invoking new resources, responses, relationships and priorities. This process
has been studied in medicine; for example, Wears et al. (2008) describe how medical
emergency rooms adapt to changing and high patient loads, and Chuang et al. (2018)
describes how emergency departments adapted during a mass casualty event.
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 55
The third essential I noted in 2006 is that complex adaptive systems face fundamental
trade-offs, and how these systems manage these trade-offs determines the ability to
demonstrate resilient performance in complex environments. I specifically examined
one candidate – the acute–chronic trade-off – that was particularly relevant to NASAs
accidents in 1999 and 2003. The failure cases highlighted the sacrifice judgment that arises
in managing goal conflicts and how production pressure leads to discounting of evidence
that a system is encountering events at or beyond its competence envelope (Woods 2009).
Given a backdrop of schedule pressure, how should an organization react to potential
warning signs and seek to handle the issues the signs point to? If organizations never
sacrifice production pressure to follow up warning signs, they are taking too much risk.
However, if uncertain warning signs always lead to sacrifices on acute goals, the organiza-
tion may be unable to meet the pressures for greater efficiency and throughput. It is easy
for organizations that are working hard to advance the acute goal set to see responding
to such signs as risks to efficiency goals or as low-probability events that do not need a
response given current pressures. Also, they usually can point to a record of apparent
success and improvement. This occurred notably in the run-up to the Columbia accident
as the risk of insulating foam (debris) strikes during launch were discounted by managers
under schedule pressure. Afterwards, it was clear the foam debris strikes were events well
outside the boundaries established by safety and risk analyses – energy in this source of
debris strikes was two orders of magnitude greater than the assumed maximum for debris
strikes, and this was a different source of debris in a different phase of flight than had
been assumed in risk analyses.
Other work in the 2000s also identified fundamental trade-offs (Hoffman and Woods
2011) – optimality–brittleness, termed robust yet fragile (RyF) in Doyle’s work (Doyle et
al. 2005; Alderson and Doyle 2010) and efficiency–thoroughness (Hollnagel 2009). The
question was, what types of governance or architectures would balance these fundamental
trade-offs over multiple cycles of change? Doyle asked this question in terms of what are
the properties of architectures that balance basic trade-offs to sustain adaptive capacities
for layered networks in biological and physical systems using complexity science and
control engineering techniques (for example, Csete and Doyle 2002; Doyle and Csete
2011; Chen et al. 2015). Ostrom asked this question in terms of how human social systems
develop and sustain polycentric governance mechanisms over long time scales despite
pressures for groups to act selfishly (Ostrom 1998, 1999, 2012).
The ability to continue to adapt over multiple cycles of change is a type of adaptive
capacity – sustained adaptability, which refers to the ability to continue to adapt to
changing environments, stakeholders, demands, contexts and constraints, that is, the
ability to adapt how the system in question adapts (Woods 2015). Some layered networks,
biological systems, complex adaptive systems and human systems demonstrate sustained
adaptability. Well modeled examples in biology can be found in Li et al. (2014) on how the
cardiovascular system adapts to handle widely varying loads, and Wark et al. (2007) on
how sensory systems adapt to widely varying contexts. However, most layered networks
can fail to sustain adaptability when confronting new periods of change, that is, they
get stuck in adaptive shortfalls, unravel and collapse, regardless of their past record of
successes (for example, failures in matching markets in Roth 2008).
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56 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
Ostrom’s and Doyle’s work, from very different starting points, leads resilience engi-
neering to some basic scientific and practical challenges:
1. What governance or architectural characteristics explain the difference between net-
works that produce sustained adaptability and those that fail to sustain adaptability?
2. What design principles and techniques would allow someone to design or manage a
layered network that can produce sustained adaptability?
3. How would someone assess or know if they succeeded in their design or management
efforts to endow a system with the ability to sustain adaptability over time (similar
to evolvability from a biological perspective and like a new kind of stability from a
control engineering perspective)?
In socio-technical systems, sustained adaptability addresses a system’s dynamics
over life cycles or multiple cycles of change. The architecture of the system needs to be
equipped at earlier stages with the wherewithal to adapt or be adaptable when it faces
predictable changes and challenges across its life cycle. Central to resilience is identifying
what basic architectural principles provide the needed flexibility to continue to adapt
over long scales. Over life cycles, and the system in question will have to adapt to seize
opportunities and respond to challenges by readjusting itself and its relationships in the
layered network.
Progress has been made on the governance policies that operate across layered networks
in biological systems, human systems and technological systems – what governance poli-
cies sustain the ability of the network to continue to adapt and avoid falling into traps in
the trade spaces as conditions change over long timescales. This progress indicates new
research challenges. In the shorter term, the results also point to pragmatic guidance
for those who manage socio-technical systems. The chapter considers two key essential
characteristics of layered networks that demonstrate sustained adaptability – initiative
and reciprocity.
In work on human adaptive and complex systems, it turns out that:
1. initiative is critical to adaptive capacity as a unit has to possess some degree and form
of initiative to contribute to graceful extensibility; and
2. interactions across roles and units in the network affect the expression of initiative,
and those effects depend on the potential for surprise in that setting.
For example, the interactions across roles tend to support initiative when the potential for
surprise is high. This occurs in military operations in adversarial situations, as in Shattuck
and Woods (2000) and Finkel (2011), and in emergency departments’ ability to respond to
surges in patient load, as in Wears et al. (2008) and Chuang et al. (2018).
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 57
Interestingly, initiative arises in studies of human systems, but it is an explicit factor
much less often in engineered systems. However, even in human systems it is difficult to
identify what capabilities initiative refers to (for example, Shattuck and Woods 2000).
What is initiative in the context of human adaptive systems? Note: in the following I use
‘plan’ as a generic label to refer to any plan and any form of embodiment of a plan in
procedures, machines, computations, or automation. Also I use the label ‘unit’ to refer
generically to any role or group at any layer.
Initiative is
1. the ability of a unit to adapt when the plan no longer fits the situation, as seen from
that unit’s perspective;
2. the willingness (even the audacity) to adapt planned activities to work around
impasses or to seize opportunities in order to better meet the goals/intent behind the
plan; and
3. when taking the initiative, the unit begins to adapts on its own, using information and
knowledge available at that point, without asking for and then waiting for explicit
authorization or tasking from other units.
First, initiative requires the ability to see or recognize that the plan is not making
progress or that the plan does not fit the situation. Has the situation changed relative to
the assumptions behind the plan? Is an impasse or gap looming ahead or becoming clear?
Is there an opportunity to better achieve the intent of goals behind the plan? The unit in
the situation has to be able to see that the plan is no longer working to achieve goals – and
has to do this prior to a complete failure of the plan – that is, there is some anticipatory
or looking ahead component to initiative.
Second, initiative means that adaptations to the plan occur in order to better meet
goals and intent when difficulties accumulate or when new opportunities arise. The latter
is particularly important – recognizing and seizing opportunities is a critical part of what
it means to show initiative.
Interestingly, people who have experienced the necessity for initiative in order to be
sufficiently adaptive given real pressures and the possibility of tangible failures, often
want to use the word ‘audacity’ to capture the meaning of initiative. Audacity in some
ways refers to a characteristic of the people adapting – a readiness to go beyond the plan
or being poised to adapt. The use of audacity also refers to the risks that we take on when
we adapts plans to better fit situations.
Third, once a unit has recognized the need to adapt, it has to be willing to begin that
process on its own, based on its view of the situation and its perception of the goals,
intent, priorities and trade-offs. The unit that is adapting may seek additional guidance
and expand coordination over more roles, but it cannot wait for new tasking, additional
partners or authorization before initiating actions.
Why Does Initiative Matter in Human Adaptive Systems?
Initiative is almost synonymous with an ability to adapt, especially the role of anticipation.
Simply working to plan or carrying out standard activities for a role is not sufficient to
handle exceptions, anomalies and surprises, regardless of the contingencies built into the
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58 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
standard practice. All plans have a bounded competence envelope, given finite resources
in a world of continuing change (Woods 2006).
However, even more important, initiative is necessary in order for adaptive systems to
keep pace with events and the potential for difficulties to cascade. When a unit confronts
situations that challenge plans, delays are inevitable and significant if the unit must first
inform others and then wait for new instructions before initiating a response. If this is the
method for revising plans in progress, performance is guaranteed to be slow and stale, with
limited ability to keep pace with change. The risk is that adapting in time cannot match
the tempo of events, and breakdowns occur as ‘challenges grow and cascade faster than
responses can be decided on and deployed to effect’ (Woods and Branlat 2011, p. 130).
This risk is called decompensation (when the system exhausts its capacity to adapt as
disturbances or challenges cascade), and it is the primary of three basic failure modes for
adaptive systems (Woods and Branlat, 2011).
The 2010 Knight Capital runaway automation collapse in financial trading is an
example of this breakdown in a modern highly automated layered organization.1 In this
case, one part of the organization deployed new software in order to keep up with and
take advantage of changes in the industry – all changes regardless of type become changes
in software for computerized financial trading. The rollout did not go as expected and
produced anomalous behavior. The team then tried to roll back to a previous software
configuration as is standard practice for reliability, but the rollback produced more
anomalous behavior. The team did not understand why this was occurring and was not
sure what kind of interventions would be needed to resolve the situation. The team did
not take the initiative and felt it did not have the authority to stop trading. By the time
the team was able to decide to go to upper management and tell upper management that
there was a problem, that they did not understand the problem and that the only action
available was to stop trading, tens of minutes had gone by. When upper management
approved and trading was stopped, it was already too late – the company had lost almost
a half a billion dollars and was effectively bankrupt. The interaction and communication
vertically across layers was slow and stale, unable to keep pace with the cascade of effects.
This case illustrates a combination of the two basic failure modes for adaptive systems:
inability to keep pace with events and working at cross-purposes, in this case across the
vertical layers, combined to produce a slow and stale response that resulted in the collapse
of the organization.
In contrast, studies of how emergency departments handle large surges in patient load,
as occurs in mass casualty events, reveal the critical role of initiative in keeping pace or
staying ahead of a cascade (for example, Cook and Nemeth 2006; Wears et al. 2008;
Chuang et al. 2018). Initiative in these situations proves critical to anticipate and prepare
for bottlenecks ahead, to avoid or reduce the risk of poor performance during a workload
crunch, and to synchronize coordination across roles and units.
Deary examined how a large transportation firm had learned to reconfigure relation-
ships across roles and layers to keep pace with unpredictable demands, and how the
organization used these techniques during hurricane Sandy in autumn 2012 (Deary et al.
1 See
most-go-bankrupt and (both accessed
24 April 2017).
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 59
2013). To adapt effectively, the organization had to re-prioritize over multiple conflicting
goals, sacrifice cost control processes in the face of safety risks, value timely responsive
decisions and actions, coordinate horizontally across functions to reduce the risk of miss-
ing critical information or side effects when re-planning under time pressure, control the
cost of coordination to avoid overloading already busy people and communication chan-
nels, and push initiative and authority down to the lowest unit of action in the situation
to increase the readiness to respond when new challenges arose. New temporary teams
were created quickly to provide critical information updates (weather impact analysis
teams). They created temporary local command centers where key personnel from differ-
ent functions worked together to keep track of the evolving situation and to re-plan. The
horizontal coordination in these centers worked to balance the efficiency–thoroughness
trade-off (Hollnagel 2009) in a new way for a situation that presented surprising chal-
lenges and demanded high responsiveness.
In the case of disruptions, this highly adaptive firm was able to synchronize different
groups at different echelons even with time pressure, surprises, goals conflicts and trade-
offs. The firm had developed mechanisms to keep pace with cascades and expand or speed
coordination across roles, though these sacrificed economics and standard processes,
because this firm’s business model, environment, clientele and external events regularly
required adaptation in smaller or larger ways.
What Governs the Expression of Initiative?
Initiative is fundamental to adaptive capacity. Units, regardless of the scale at which they
operate, have to possess some degree and form of initiative to contribute to graceful exten-
sibility. However, initiative can run too wide when undirected, leading to fragmentation,
working at cross-purposes and mis-synchronization across roles. Also, initiative can be
reduced or eliminated by pressure to work-to-rule or work-to-plan, especially by threats
of sanctions should adaptations prove ineffective or erroneous. Emphasis on work-to-rule
or work-to-plan – compliance cultures – limits adaptive capacity when events occur that
do not meet assumptions in the plan, when impasses block progress or when unforeseen
opportunities arise (Shattuck and Woods 2000; Woods and Shattuck 2000; Perry and
Wears 2012).
The hinge between these is the potential for surprise (Woods 2009; Woods and Branlat
2011). In worlds where the experience and risk of surprise is tangible – for example,
military operations (Finkel 2011), space mission operations (Watts-Perotti and Woods
2009) and emergency medicine (Wears et al. 2008) – initiative is pushed down to the unit
of action in that world to build adaptive capacity that goes beyond what was accounted
for in the plans themselves. Worlds that appear stable, that trust in their models of what
produces successes and that invest in building comprehensive plans tend to explain poor
performance as the result of failures to comply with rules or plans. In the former, revision
and adaptation is valued in the recognition that plans are limited and surprise is inevitable;
in the latter, compliance is valued in the belief that the world is well understood and
changes will be announced clearly and well in advance, with time to prepare. The rise of
resilience as a critical societal need recognizes that the latter state is at best temporary,
if not an illusion. Over cycles of change, (1) the competence boundaries of plans and
automata will be challenged by surprises, (2) compliance-based systems will be brittle and
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60 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
exhibit the characteristics of sudden performance collapses as a result, and (3) graceful
extensibility is a required fundamental capacity for adaptive systems at all scales.
Resilience engineering is then left with the task of specifying how a governance system,
or layered network architecture, balances the expression of initiative as the potential for
surprise waxes and wanes. The pressures generated by other interdependent units either
energizes or reduces initiative and, therefore, the capacity to adapt. These pressures also
change how initiative is synchronized across adapting units given their perspective, role
and relationships. The pressures constrain and direct how the expression of initiative pri-
oritizes some goals and sacrifices others goals when conflicts in the trade spaces intensify,
as in the stories of NASAs failures that precipitated one branch of inquiry into resilient
systems. Importantly, changing pressure on a role influences what goals are sacrificed
when demands and risks grow. Understanding these processes is a scientific challenge
and a practical necessity.
Social science, network science and computational social science have all identified that
reciprocity across roles, units and layers is essential in human adaptive systems (for example,
Ostrom and Walker 2003). The characterization of reciprocity varies: sometimes it is used in
general to make the point that cooperation is built on trust and altruism; at other times, par-
ticularly for computational simulations of network behavior, reciprocity is defined merely
as mutual linkage or influence between two nodes. Ostrom (2003) argues that polycentric
governance systems require mechanisms and norms that support reciprocity.
How can or should resilience engineering make use of reciprocity? On the one hand,
social norms and trust are part of building collaboration across units in a network; on the
other, how do we operationalize this to design systems that overcome brittleness and build
in the capacity to adapt over multiple cycles of change? Reducing reciprocity to mutual
linkage in a directed graph is computable, but seems to throw away all of the insight
associated with the concept. Or do solutions already exist in the large body of work in
experimental microeconomics (for example, Roth 2008)?
Ironically, inspired by the work of an eminent social scientist (Ostrom) and by an
eminent control engineering theorist (Doyle), and starting with the idea of resilience as
graceful extensibility (which derived from my previous work on how human and machine
cognitive systems cope with complexity), an integration with actionable potential emerged
(Woods 2018).
A classic sense of reciprocity in collaborative work is commitment to mutual assistance
(for example, Klein et al. 2005). Reciprocity can be explained in terms of the interaction
between two roles. Units 1 and 2 demonstrate reciprocity when unit 1 takes an action
to help unit 2 that gives up some amount of immediate benefit relative to its scope of
responsibility. The sacrifice by unit 1 relative to a narrow view of its role allows for a larger,
longer-run benefit for both units 1 and 2 relative to the broader goals of the network in
which these two units exist. However, in helping another unit cope with its difficulties,
unit 1 is relying on unit 2 to reciprocate in the future – when unit 1 needs help, unit 2 will
be responsive and willing to take actions that will give up some benefit to that role in the
short run in order to make both roles better off relative to common goals and constraints.
When reciprocity is seen as commitment to mutual assistance, one unit is donating
from their limited resources now to help another in their role, in order for both to achieve
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 61
benefits for overarching goals. Each unit operates under limited resources in terms of
energy, workload, time and attention for carrying out each role. Diverting some of these
resources creates opportunity costs and workload management costs for the donating
unit. Alternatively, a unit can ignore other interdependent roles and focus their resources
on meeting just the performance standards set for their role alone, even though this can
be short-sighted and parochial. In the latter case, ‘role retreat’ undermines coordinated
activity and increases brittleness. Negative accountability systems tend to produce role
retreat (Woods 2005b).
A potential instability arises because there is a lag between donating limited resources
and when that investment will pay off for the donating unit. It could pay off in better
performance on larger system goals – an investment toward common pool goals – but
that effect might be difficult to see and improve matters for the donating unit. It could
also pay off in the future when other units make donations of their limited resources to
help the unit that is donating now when it experiences challenges. The investment is now,
definite and specific; the benefit is uncertain and in the future. Also, the receiving unit
could act selfishly, exploiting the donating unit, by not being willing to reciprocate in the
future. Aligning the multiple goals will always require relaxing (a sacrifice) some local
short-term (acute) goals in order to permit more global and longer-term (chronic) goals
to be addressed. Interdependent units in a network should show a willingness to invest
energy to accommodate other units specifically when the other units’ performance is at
risk (again, look at how emergency departments handle surges in patients). Alternatively,
pressure to meet or improve on role-specific performance criteria can lead a unit to just
performing alone, walled off inside its narrow scope and sub-goals (or to ‘defect’ from
collaborations). Pressures for compliance and productivity (leaner systems struggling to
be faster, better and cheaper) undermine a willingness to reach across roles and coordinate
when anomalies and surprises occur. The latter tendency increases brittleness when that
system operates as part of interdependent units in a larger complex network of influences.
All I have provided above is another description of what is already understood in
the social sciences. This description now links reciprocity to brittleness and to graceful
extensibility, which will prove of some importance. We can go further; add in a basic idea
from control engineering – risk of saturation – and throw in some linkages to biological
systems (Woods 2018).
Control systems fail when their capacity to respond saturates, that is, they run out of
capacity to continue to respond as disturbances continue to grow. This is always very bad
if you want to control a physical process or vehicle. However, all control systems, both
physical and biological, have limits. Brittleness occurs if events push these systems near
their limits unless another mechanism can be called upon to stretch performance. These
other mechanisms constitute the capacity for graceful extensibility. Thus, all control
systems need to be able to recognize when risk of saturation is growing and then deploy
and mobilize new response capabilities. These processes of anticipation and building up a
readiness to respond are what we observe in studying settings such as emergency medicine,
military operations and space mission operations.
In these settings we see some human actors and teams are able to anticipate bottlenecks
ahead and adapt activities to generate the capacity to handle that bottleneck, or challenge,
should it arise. To fail to anticipate and prepare for the bottleneck ends up putting the
team in a situation where they have to generate the means to respond in the middle of the
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62 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
challenge event – greatly increasing the risk of failure to keep up with the pace and tempo
of events. This is the decompensation failure mode for adaptive systems, the risk of being
slow and stale to respond to the pace of events, and I have already covered how initiative
is essential for systems that anticipate rather than decompensate.
Thus, resilience is not about how well a system adapts to meets its targets and con-
straints, and not about how well such a system regulates its processes. Instead, however
an adaptive system regulates processes and however well it meets targets and constraints,
(1) its capacity to do these things is bounded and (2) the environment will present events
that fall outside its bounds. The system in question has to have some ability to continue
to function when this happens; if not, the system is too brittle and vulnerable to sudden
collapse, so that long-term viability declines. The risk of saturation is existential. The
ability of a system to continue to respond near or beyond the boundaries is its capacity for
graceful extensibility. Viability, over time, requires extensibility and this constraint exists
regardless of pressures in increased optimality on some specific criteria. Viability of an
entity in the long run requires the ability to stretch – to gracefully move its capabilities as
change, challenge and surprise reoccurs.
How does this connect to reciprocity? To see the connection, we look at the hospital
emergency department, or ER, as a well-studied exemplar of graceful extensibility (Miller
and Xiao 2007; Wears et al. 2008; Perry and Wears 2012; Stephens et al. 2015; Patterson
and Wears 2015). All systems have some built-in capacity matched to handle regulari-
ties and variations and variation of variations. This defines their base adaptive capacity
or competence envelope – what they can handle without risk of saturation. Some systems
are designed to be able to handle a range of changing demands. For example, ERs are
able to adjust their resources to handle a range of patient problems and varying numbers
of patients across every shift as well as over longer rhythms of human activity. Each ER
still has finite ability to handle surges in patient load. Situations occur that challenge the
boundaries even of systems, such as the ER, that are equipped to handle changing loads.
Then the issue is what happens when situations challenge boundaries – when risk of
saturation is high? Emergency departments regularly have experience with situations that
challenge their ability to respond, and they recognize increasing risk of saturation and
adapt in a variety of ways. However, failures can and do occur where triage goes astray,
patients are mis-prioritized or under-monitored, and patient condition deteriorates faster
than ER staff can recognize or respond.
The ER as an adaptive unit demonstrates graceful extensibility, but studies also illustrate
that there are limits to how much graceful extensibility an ER can exhibit when challenged.
As an ER approaches saturation, extensibility requires help from other actors in other
parts of the health-care system, otherwise the risk of under-monitoring and under-treating
critically ill patients grows too large. When the ER risks saturation, continued graceful
extensibility requires other neighboring units in the health-care network to recognize this
risk and adjust their behavior to help. Chuang et al. (2018) studied adaptations to handle
a large mass casualty event, and the results highlighted the critical role of reciprocity and
initiative in resilient performance. Stephens et al. (2015) studied a problem in ERs that
arises when reciprocity across parts of the hospital fails – working at cross-purposes.
Any unit can be in either position, depending on events and context – the unit at risk
of saturation in need of assistance from neighbors, or the neighbor with the potential to
assist another at risk of saturation. In networks with high graceful extensibility, adaptive
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Essentials of resilience, revisited 63
units demonstrate reciprocity – each unit can anticipate assistance from neighbors should
the risk of saturation loom larger, even though that assistance requires adaptations by
the assisting units – adaptations that increase the costs and risks experienced by those
assisting units. This form of reciprocity is needed to ensure synchronization across units
in times of stress. Coordination across units depends on how nearby adaptive units
respond when another unit experiences increasing risk of saturating its ability to continue
to respond to meet demands. Will the neighboring units adapt in ways that extend the
response capability of the unit at risk, or will the neighboring units behave in ways that
further constrict the response capability of the unit at risk?
Complementarity across Engineering, Biological and Social Science Perspectives
Understanding the factors that govern the expression of initiative and reciprocity is a
line of work for building resilience that derives from the social sciences. Engineering
approaches need to incorporate these social science results in their work. Currently, there
is no explicit means to incorporate either initiative or reciprocity in layered architectures
for physical systems, for example, Doyle and Csete (2011). Also, when engineers such as
Doyle look at social science results they find some after-the-fact explanatory power, but
little traction on how to design architectures beyond general soft guidance (Ostrom 2012).
However, biological systems have to address both initiative and reciprocity, though
using other terms (for example, Meyers and Bull, 2002). As some commentators on evolu-
tion have put it, ‘Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking (Margulis
and Sagan 1986, p. 15, emphasis added). In the evolution of complexity in biological
systems, models have to address processes of goal alignment and sacrifice in a network as
conflicts arise or intensify (Michod 2003; ‘conflict mediation was a crucial aspect of the
emergence of complexity’ Blackstone 2016. p. 3). Ironically, Doyle and colleagues have
produced elegant mathematical accounts of systems of biological complexity (Chandra
et al. 2011; Li et al. 2014).
Reciprocity points to a space where the gulf across engineering and social science per-
spectives looms large. I have found myself often moderating a mixed group of engineers
and social scientists trying to integrate findings and concepts in order to characterize
what makes systems resilient. The discussions inevitably come to an impasse where social
scientists protest the engineers are not taking into account critical findings, and where
the engineers counter that those findings are too vague and not actionable to design or
modify real systems. In one setting, I started to talk about fundamental technical results
in human and cognitive systems when I realized the engineers in the room were all staring
at me confused. I asked why the puzzled looks, and they responded, ‘technical means
engineering’. At which point I stared back equally puzzled, ‘What do you mean? Of
course, social and cognitive sciences have technical results, empirical findings and lawful
generalizations that can, should and have guided design’.
The synthesis of the social science findings about reciprocity and the control engineer-
ing constraints on the risk of saturation, explained above, provides an example of a way
forward. In my own work on fundamentals that produce resilient performance across
settings, technology and scales, all of the insights come from combining engineering, bio-
logical, cognitive and social science perspectives (Woods and Branlat 2011; Woods 2015a).
The synthesis respects basic technical results in social science, while creating actionable
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64 Handbook on resilience of socio-technical systems
directions to design new architectures or polycentric governance mechanisms (for example,
Farjadian et al. 2018). These types of syntheses expand the set of tractable but real settings
that can be addressed (Seager et al. 2017). Syntheses such as the examples above provide
new ways to model, measure and design adaptive networks that are beginning to show
both scientific and practical results. The centrality of initiative and reciprocity in resilient
performance of complex human systems reveals basic mechanisms that determine whether
systems, of all types and at all scales, steer toward resilience or toward brittleness.
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... A prominent feature in resilience research is the link between resilience and complexity (Rosenow, 2012). Many scholars understand resilience as a mechanism for coping with complexity (Berkes, 2007;Brand & Jax, 2007;Chandler, 2014;Folke, 2006;Holling, 1973;Hollnagel et al., 2006;Walker, 2020;Woods, 2019). At the same time, most resilience scholars see adaptive capacity as the essential characteristic of resilience (Alexander, 2013;Edwards, 2009;Folke et al., 2002;Folke, 2006;Holling, 1973;Hollnagel et al., 2006;Luthar & Cicchetti, 2000;Provan et al., 2020;Walker et al., 2004;Walker, 2020;Woods, 2005Woods, , 2015Woods, , 2018. ...
... Following the tradition of Holling and other scholars, this article focuses on resilience thinking as prevalent in fields such as socio-ecological resilience research and resilience engineering research from organizational studies (Berkes, 2007;Carpenter et al., 2001;Folke, 2006;Folke et al., 2002;Holling, 1973Holling, , 1996Hollnagel et al., 2006;Provan et al., 2020;Walker, 2020;Walker et al., 2004;Woods, 2005Woods, , 2015Woods, , 2018Woods, , 2019Woods et al., 2017). Their basic commonality-despite being very distinct fields-is the importance of complexity when analyzing resilience. ...
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The concept of resilience intrinsically links with both complexity and adaptive capacity. Scholars from different fields agree on this. Still, the detailed relations between resilience, complexity, and adaptive capacity need a more thorough theoretical analysis. This article analyses resilience with the help of assumptions from complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory to answer two questions in more detail: What is the relation between resilience and complexity? How can adaptive capacity contribute to resilience? By applying basic ideas from CAS theory to the resilience discourse, the article deduces that complexity of a system is a necessary condition for resilience because complex systems consist of agents that possess adaptive capacity, whereas simple systems consist of mere elements that cannot adapt to unexpected disruptions. The relation between complexity and resilience is multidimensional. Growing complexity leads to a growing need for resilience because the chances for severe, unexpected disruptions increase. The analysis of adaptive capacities revealed that systems and the agents they consist of can possess of specialized and general adaptive capacity. General adaptive capacity is the core feature of resilience because it enables systems to cope with unexpected disruptions. System design principles such as diversity within functional groups and redundancy help to increase general adaptive capacity. The same is true on the community level for social capital and on the individual level for disaster preparedness measures because they increase coping capacities independent of specific hazards.
... Actor participation in these coordination patterns highlights an increase in reciprocal patterns throughout the crisis, suggesting a flexible interchange between onedirected and reciprocal patterns. This observation emphasises the significance of reciprocity (Ostrom, 2003;Stachowski et al., 2009;Woods, 2019;Zijlstra et al., 2012), and its flexible use in facilitating effective coordination under challenging situations. In the normal phase, we observe more explicit, shorter and less complex action-related coordination initiated by the Capsule Communicator (CAPCOM), whose primary responsibility involved transferring information and decisions from Mission Control to the Astronauts. ...
... However, during the emergency, we see more implicit, information-related behaviours exchanged from the Lunar Module Pilot (LMP), responsible for navigation and guidance as well as operating the Lunar Module, and from the Commander (CDR) responsible for leading the crew. This reflects restructuring based on role distribution, and further provides support to the importance of initiative, a characteristic behaviour of resilient teams (Woods, 2019). Initiative in the Apollo 13 team emerged throughout the crisis and was allocated effectively in alignment with robust transactive memory systems (i.e. ...
... Coordinating frequent, critical trade-offs between adaptive capacity and operational efficiency maintains system balance through disturbances. Consequently, strategic decision-making navigates the complexities of resilience (Woods, 2019). ...
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This study aims to develop the Global Resilience In Transport-and-Logistics (GRIT) framework designed to reinforce the resilience of global supply chains against a variety of disruptions, from pandemics to geopolitical tensions and environmental challenges. It facilitates devising robust, adaptable logistics and transportation strategies that help mitigate the challenges of supply chain disruptions. The research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining a literature review with the conceptual foundation of the Stress and Strain model and the Theory of Graceful Extensibility. It adapts these concepts to the global transportation and logistics sector to develop the GRIT framework. The findings reveal the GRIT’s potential in identifying critical areas for strategic intervention and thus enabling logistics managers to adeptly navigate disruptions. Through its application in a real-world scenario, the framework demonstrates its applicability and effectiveness in mitigating the impact of supply chain disruptions.
... These strategies come into light when demands converge and automation can no longer maintain performance [23]. The strategies include monitoring other system agents and the environment, anticipating unintended behavior or challenging contexts, and responding to such behaviors and events by navigating trade-offs [20], [24]. ...
Conference Paper
Conceptualized low-altitude flight operations specify highly autonomous vehicles and communication systems with humans responsible for monitoring and supervising such technologies. Parallel efforts suggest that the overall performance of such operations may be improved by supporting the interactions between technologies and humans, which is particularly useful in diagnosing off-nominal behavior. To work towards integrating human and machine decision-making, this paper details the information representation designs and scenarios challenging automation monitoring tasks specified to projected operations. The designs have been implemented as a plugin to the popular BlueSky Air Traffic Management simulation software, with future work planned to test the usefulness of such designs via Human-in-the-Loop investigations. Additionally, a discussion is provided detailing how the developed plugin fits into broader human-automation teaming design and evaluation methodologies (e.g., computational simulation and cognitive walkthroughs), informing the foundation of overall system resilience and supporting the integration of human and machine decision-making in safety-critical systems.
... The idea is to be able to distinguish between resilience and other means to mitigate disasters [21]. Thus, resilience is the ability to adapt to unforeseen disruptions [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Adaptive capacity is the essential characteristic of resilience [22,26,27,[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. ...
... Unanticipated events serve to show how brittle particular incarnations of these safety-critical systems can be. Brittleness here is taken to represent a system's inability to respond successfully to a range of external sources of stress and perturbation to its continuing operation (e.g., Billings, 2018;Woods, 2019). We here postulate a relationship between any system's degree of brittleness and the frequency of what are noted as its reported incidents and/or accidents. ...
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Crisis management during the pandemic stimulated a bulk of analyses and debates on how states and societies coped with this challenge. In many countries, authority migrated temporarily from parliaments to executives and from the subnational to the national level, involving even violations of democratic and individual rights. Such reactions are motivated by the assumption that crisis management requires prompt, decisive, and uniform responses best delivered by a strong and centralised leadership. In contrast to this widespread assumption, crisis and disaster management research compellingly stresses the virtues of polycentric governance and processes based on flexibility, decentrality, and dispersed information in coping with turbulence. In this article, a framework is proposed for analysing empirically the question of what makes states and societies resilient. Core to this framework is the notion of resilience resources. In linking resilience resources to properties of socio-ecological systems and their reactions to turbulence, the resilience concept becomes accessible to empirical analyses. The potential of the framework is illustrated by an empirical example of the coordination of decentralised pandemic management by the German Minister-Presidents’ Conference. This example shows how the resilience resource of polycentric governance is put into practice. The results of the analytical, as well as the empirical part of the article, underpin the claim that resilience is fostered by coordinated decentrality, flexible adaptation, and bricolage instead of centralisation of authority. Fostering resilience in this sense provides also a safeguard against authoritarian tendencies.
The City of Jackson, Mississippi, has faced numerous problems related to its water supply in the last three decades. The most recent water crisis stemmed from the flooding of two water treatment plants, resulting in contamination and the shutting down of the water supply. The study examines antecedents to the Jackson Water Crisis and how it was addressed. The article investigates the following questions: (1) What is the effect of jurisdictional vulnerability on the resiliency of the Jackson Water Crisis, and (2) What role does the subsidiarity principle play in the resiliency of the Jackson Water Crisis? The study draws from social vulnerability theory to investigate Jackson's changing racial demographics starting in 1970 to understand the crisis. It then draws from the subsidiarity principle that underpins federal assistance to subnational governments to explain how multilevel governments cooperate to address social inequity and create a more resilient community.
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How are trust and reslience related? There is a lack of conceptual discussions. This paper analyzes trust and resilience with respect to the system of critical infrastructures and engineers working on critical infrastructure resilience. The results are three findings based on the assumption that resilience and trust are mechanisms to cope with complexity and uncertainty inherent to modern societies and critical infrastructures. First, they are no functional alternatives. Trust is an everyday process where favorable expectations help to act "as if" uncertainty was successfully resolved. Resilience helps to cope in "what if" cases when disaster strikes. Second, resembling the risk perception paradox, too much trust in critical infrastructures might lead to complacency, decreasing individual coping capacities and subsequently resilience. People need a healthy dose of distrust-distrust being a functional alternative to trust and not its opposite-to be aware that a disruption might happen and prepare for it. Third, notwithstanding the difficulties of uncertainty communication, engineers need to communicate limits to knowledge resulting from complexity transparently. This might decrease trust in specific solutions, but could sustain overall system trust, because it helps to adjust favorable expectations.
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The paper introduces the theory of graceful extensibility which expresses fundamental characteristics of the adaptive universe that constrain the search for sustained adaptability. The theory explains the contrast between successful and unsuccessful cases of sustained adaptability for systems that serve human purposes. Sustained adaptability refers to the ability to continue to adapt to changing environments, stakeholders, demands, contexts, and constraints (in effect, to adapt how the system in question adapts). The key new concept at the heart of the theory is graceful extensibility. Graceful extensibility is the opposite of brittleness, where brittleness is a sudden collapse or failure when events push the system up to and beyond its boundaries for handling changing disturbances and variations. As the opposite of brittleness, graceful extensibility is the ability of a system to extend its capacity to adapt when surprise events challenge its boundaries. The theory is presented in the form of a set of 10 proto-theorems derived from just two assumptions-in the adaptive universe, resources are always finite and change continues. The theory contains three subsets of fundamentals: managing the risk of saturation, networks of adaptive units, and outmaneuvering constraints. The theory attempts to provide a formal base and common language that characterizes how complex systems sustain and fail to sustain adaptability as demands change.
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Despite federal policy directives to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure systems to extreme weather and other adverse events, several knowledge and governance barriers currently frustrate progress towards policy goals, namely: 1) a lack of awareness of what constitutes resilience in diverse infrastructure applications, 2) a lack of judgement about how to create resilience, 3) a lack of incentives that motivate resilience creation, and 4) obstacles that prevent action or reform, even where incentives exist, within existing governance systems. In this chapter, we describe each of these barriers in greater detail and provide a catalog of theories for overcoming them. Regarding awareness, we contrast four different characterizations of resilience as robustness, recovery, graceful extensibility, and sustained adaptability. We apply Integral Theory to demonstrate the necessity of integrating multiple investigative perspectives. Further, we illustrate the importance of recognizing resilience as a set of processes, in addition to resources and outcomes, and the difficulty of measuring quality and quality of resilience actions. Regarding judgement, we position infrastructure as the principal mechanism by which human rights are realized as human capabilities, and propose applying theories of human development such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs to identify the most critical infrastructure in terms of the services they provide to end users. Regarding a lack of incentives, we examine the modes and tools of financial analysis by which investments in resilience infrastructure may be prioritized and find two failings: the difficulty of estimating the monetary value of optionality, and the problem of exponential discounting of future cash flows. Regarding obstacles to action, we describe a hierarchy of adaptive actions applicable 2 to physical infrastructure and the essential dimensions of organizational maturity that determine how these adaptive actions might be initiated. Additionally, we discuss the difficulty of education and training for resilient infrastructure systems and propose simulation gaming as an integrative research and education approach for capturing lessons learned from historical catastrophes, play-testing scenarios, sharing knowledge, and training a workforce prepared for the challenges of the post-industrial infrastructure age. Finally, we suggest establishing a National Network for Resilient Infrastructure Simulation to coordinate research and practice focused on interactive case studies in resilient infrastructure systems.
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Two major obstacles hinder the application of evolutionary theory to the origin of eukaryotes. The first is more apparent than real-the endosymbiosis that led to the mitochondrion is often described as "non-Darwinian" because it deviates from the incremental evolution championed by the modern synthesis. Nevertheless, endosymbiosis can be accommodated by a multi-level generalization of evolutionary theory, which Darwin himself pioneered. The second obstacle is more serious-all of the major features of eukaryotes were likely present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor thus rendering comparative methods ineffective. In addition to a multi-level theory, the development of rigorous, sequence-based phylogenetic and comparative methods represents the greatest achievement of modern evolutionary theory. Nevertheless, the rapid evolution of major features in the eukaryotic stem group requires the consideration of an alternative framework. Such a framework, based on the contingent nature of these evolutionary events, is developed and illustrated with three examples: the putative intron proliferation leading to the nucleus and the cell cycle; conflict and cooperation in the origin of eukaryotic bioenergetics; and the inter-relationship between aerobic metabolism, sterol synthesis, membranes, and sex. The modern synthesis thus provides sufficient scope to develop an evolutionary framework to understand the origin of eukaryotes.