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Content Marketing: Concepts and its Relevance in the Tourism Industry
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Content Marketing: Concepts and its Relevance in the Tourism
Pramita Gurjara, Rahul Pratap Singh Kauravb, K.S. Thakurc
aResearch Scholar, SOS in Tourism, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
bAssistant Professor¸ Prestige Institute of Gwalior
cProfessor, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
With the advent of information technology especially the internet there has been a
shift in marketing strategies of companies from product oriented to customer
oriented strategies. The introduction of digital technology and the widespread of the
Internet have led to radical changes in the way firms meet the expectations and
interests of its stakeholders (Rancati, 2010; Wertime & Fenwick, 2008). Earlier
companies took care about the needs and preferences of the consumers mainly for
product development strategies but now the needs and preferences of consumers are
being included in the marketing strategies also. All thanks to digital media that has
enabled the flow of information to the consumers even faster. Digital media are any
media that are encoded in machine-readable formats (“Digital Media”, Technology
Brief, University of Guelph, September 2006). When digital media is used in
marketing, it becomes digital marketing, and when companies market its content
through digital media, it becomes digital content marketing.
Content marketing is a much broader term than it seems because actually, it is all
content which is being marketed whether through a traditional medium or any
digital medium. Information becomes a dominant element in the marketing
exchange (Rowley, 2008; Rancati Elisa, 2014). Content marketing is not a new
concept it was there even before the internet came in existence. The Internet has just
made it a buzzword in the modern marketing era. The digital dimension, in
particular, has given birth to terms such as digital content marketing which focuses
Content marketing
and tourism, digital
content marketing,
generated content
Introduction of information technology have changed
the way organizations market their products, especially
with the advent of web 2.0 technologies the whole
scenario has been changed. This has given rise to the
concept of content marketing as it is the content which
is being marketed these days by the organizations
directly or indirectly. This paper attempts to put light
on the basic concept behind content marketing along
with the definitions. Content marketing has been in
use but still there is no classified structure found yet.
This paper attempts to give more clear insights about
what content marketing is all about and it also
classifies the various categories of content marketing.
As tourism industry is an information-based industry
content marketing has significant role to play that we
have discussed in this paper.
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on the changes that technological innovation has produced on creation, delivery and
content (Rakic et al., 2014; Koiso-Kanttila, 2004; Rowley, 2008; Rancati Elisa, 2014
Content marketing can be classified into two phases or types on the basis of the time
1. Traditional Content Marketing
2. Modern Content Marketing (digital content marketing)
Traditional Content Marketing
Traditional content marketing includes all forms of content marketing that were used
before the internet or various online technologies came into existence for e.g.
magazines, brochures, editorials, newspaper ads.
Modern Content Marketing
Modern content marketing can also be called “digital content marketing” as it is done
through digital media. Digital content marketing includes providing relevant content
to consumers through digital media sources like blogs, websites, videos, social media
posts, web pages, search engine optimization, review sites etc.
In traditional content marketing practices, companies directly tell about the product
or services they are selling and persuade to buy them whereas in digital content
marketing companies do not directly sell the product or services instead they provide
all the relevant and useful information to help them solve their problems. In this
way, companies create brand awareness.
Although content marketing is not a new concept it has gain popularity in the digital
age. Therefore, definitions include the modern approach to content marketing.
Content marketing (CM) attracts potential consumers and increases their
engagement and empowerment (Kucuk & Krishnamurthy, 2007; Rancati Elisa, 2014)
through the creation, dissemination, and sharing of free content, and is relevant,
meaningful, valuable and able to inspire confidence in existing and potential
According to (Rowley 2008; Rancati Elisa, 2014) content marketing can be defined
as a management process where a firm identifies, analyze and satisfy customer
demand to gain profit with the use of digital content distributed through electronic
Content Marketing means to produce quality content, unique, significant, valuable,
dynamic and more relevant than its competitors competitors (Handley and
Chapman, 2010, 2011; Lieb, 2011; Jefferson and Tanton, 2013; Rose and Pulizzi,
2011; Rancati Elisa, 2014).
According to Gagnon, 2014; Pazeraite, & Repoviene, 2016), content used in content-
based marketing programs is defined as a base of substantive, reasonably objective
information, developed by or for a company.
According to the Content Marketing Institute, 2015, “content marketing is the
marketing and Business Procedure for creating and distributing significant and
valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood
target customer - with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”
Effective Content Marketing
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Content Marketing: Concepts and its Relevance in the Tourism Industry
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Content is a road by taking that consumers reach to the website or buy the product.
The key is organisations do not directly tell them to take that road, but they provide
content, the more clearly road defines the goals of the consumers the more likely they
will take that road. Content marketing is not merely providing information, but it is
equally essential that the information provided is relevant to the needs of the
consumers. Information to be sufficient it has to be quality information which should
be relevant, reliable, value adding and unique (Ružkevičius, Guseva, 2006; Chasser,
Wolfe,2010; Gagnon, 2014; Abel, 2014; Creamer, 2012; Schui- Nanni et al., 2014;
Pazeraite, & Repoviene., 2016 ). Reliability determines the correctness of information
whereas adequacy of information is determined by completeness (Chasser, Wolfe,
2010). Some Lithuanian authors (Ružkevičius, Guseva, 2006) perceive valuable
content as an ability of the given content to comply with the consumer’s aspirations,
goals, and interests. The unique content can draw not only the attention of
consumers but also spreads word of mouth about the company’s unique skills.
Unique content could be foreseen as a positioning tool of the company in order to
become a unique and desirable market participant in comparison to its competitors.
(Gagnon, 2014). In order to content marketing be effective an entertainment factor
can also be included to retain the consumers’ interest alive. A study prepared by J.
Berger and K. Milkman (2012) showed that positive content has a stronger viral
effect than a negative one. Nevertheless, deeper analysis showed that the content,
which has an emotional character (positive or negative), is more interesting to
customers, than the neutral content. A company has only ten seconds to attract
consumer attention to the offered content. Therefore, every possible way should be
used to tell the client why he needs the company (Berkley, 2010).
Review of Literature
Content marketing may seem a new concept but it has always been present in
marketing but not as separate concept. Its presence can be traced back from 1895
when “John Deere launched The Furrow magazine focusing on providing solutions to
farmers in order to make their work more profitable. Today, it is sold in 40 countries
and 12 different languages” (Kuenn, 2013). The content was not only provided in the
form of a magazine. Content marketing was done through Guide and Cookbook also.
In 1900, André Michelin with his brother Édouard published the first edition of the
Michelin Guide. At that time, there were less than 3000 cars in France, but the guide
was published in over 35000 copies. “This Guide, distributed for free to drivers,
contained much practical information on the use and repair of tires, the list of fuel
depots, hotels, city maps, a list of mechanics (there was less than 600 for all France),
etcIn 1904, Jell-O salesmen went door-to-door, distributing their cookbook for free
as a means of associating deserts with their product. Two years after, the company’s
sales rose to over $1 million.
Although the concept of content marketing was there, but there was no established
theory or definitions until online technologies were introduced. The term "content
marketing" was used as early as 1996 when John F. Oppedahl led a roundtable for
journalists at the American Society for Newspaper Editors. In 1998, Jerrell Jimerson
held the title of "director of online and content marketing" at Netscape. The digital
dimension, in particular, has led to the birth of terms such as digital CM (Rakic et al.,
2014; Koiso-Kanttila, 2004; Rowley, 2008) which focuses on the changes that
technological innovation has produced on creation, delivery and content
management. Social media marketing can be defined as using social media channels
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Content Marketing: Concepts and its Relevance in the Tourism Industry
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to promote a company and its products (Barefoot & Szabo, 2010). Content marketing
is also known as story marketing (Sullivan, 2013) It enhances the purchasing process
by adding values to customers (Odden, 2013).
There are various media through which content can be disseminated to the target
consumers. Some of them are virtual communities (Illum, Ivanov, & Liang, 2010),
positions of social media in search engines (Xiang &Gretzel, 2010), and social media
adoption in national markets (Gretzel, Kang, & Lee, 2008) and social media impact
on destination branding strategies (Munar, 2011). One area of extraordinary internet
innovation over the past 2 years has been in user-generated content and peer-to-peer
applications variously known as Web 2.0 (O’Reilly, 2005). Consumers are active
participants and equal partners in these conversations who co-create value together
with marketers by exchanging resources and information (Vargo & Lusch, 2004).
Blogs tend to be interactive, and readers post comments (Pan et al. 2007; Cobanoglu
2006; Kelleher and Miller 2006; Ellion 2007; Reactive 2007). The activities of blogs
and bloggers have become known as the ‘‘blogosphere’’ (Carson 2008). Consumers
trusted more sites with reviews than professional guides and travel agencies
(eMarketer 2007) in Canada, Sweden, Austria, and New Zealand, for example, blogs
have been provided on official destination websites (Schmollgruber 2007;
Thraenhart 2007).
The Web has also been regarded as a threat to the power of organisations (Shih,
2009). For instance, the importance of destination organisations in marketing and
promotion may alter due to Internet-related transformations, even if their position is
often taken for granted (Cai, Gartner, & Munar, 2009; Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride,
2009; Munar, 2011). Internet has also challenged the role of intermediaries by
enabling the consumers to get directly engage with the suppliers (Buhalis & Law,
2008). Prior to web 2.0, internet worked in ‘read only ‘format in which only one-
way flow of information was allowed and that was generally from organisations to
the consumers (Buhalis, 2013; Hay, Page & Barges, 2009). This two-way information
flow could become possible with the rise of social media technologies. Social media
allowed users to share their thoughts, opinions and pictures with others at anytime
and anywhere in fractions of time. Since tourism is an information-intensive
industry, social media is particularly relevant to this industry (Hays, Page & Buhalis,
2013; Gretzel et al., 2000, p.147; Wang, Quaechee, & Fesenmaier, 2002).
Table 1. A literature review of content marketing
Author (year)
Aim/ source
Before the internet era
John Deere (1895)
The Furrow
André Michelin,
Édouard (1900)
Michelin Guide
Jell-O (1904)
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Content Marketing: Concepts and its Relevance in the Tourism Industry
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After the
of the
John F.Oppedahl
Led a roundtable for
journalists at the
American Society for
Newspaper Editors
Jerrell Jimerson
(Rakic et al. (2014),
Rancati Elisa, N. G.
Gave birth to the
terms such as digital
content marketing
Barefoot & Szabo,
(2010), Gretzel, U., &
Yoo, K. H., (2013)
Used the term
“Social media
Sullivan (2013)
Defined content
Gretzel, Kang, & Lee
Illum, Ivanov, &
Liang (2010),
Xiang &Gretzel
Munar (2011)
Given various media
through which
content can be
disseminated to the
target consumers.
of web 2.0
O’Reilly (2005)
Mentioned about
internet innovation
called web 2.0
Carson (2008)
Used the term
Cai, Gartner, &
Munar( 2009);
Morgan, Pritchard, &
Pride (2009); Munar
Power of
Hays, Page & Buhalis
(2013); Gretzel et al.
(2000), p.147;
Wang,Quaechee, &
Fesenmaier (2002 ).
Focused on the role
of social media in
Tourism industry.
Content Marketing in Tourism Industry
Maximum online transactions are done in the tourism industry (Werthner and Ricci
2004) which shows how much digitisation has been accepted in this industry. The
tourism industry is a service-based industry which is a combination of several other
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industries like hotel industry, transport industry etc. These industries need to
interact in order to provide a better tourism experience. Information is considered
the lifeblood of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is important to use information
technology effectively (Buhalis, 1998). In the age of digital media, there has been a
shift in the purchasing patterns of consumers in the tourism industry. Evolution of
web technologies has enabled travellers with more content which has been a
significant factor in changing patterns of tourist purchase and travel experience
behaviour (Munar & Jacobsen, 2013). Not only the purchasing behaviour but the
decision-making process of consumers in the tourism industry has also been
changed. Now consumers have more information available on just one click.
Therefore, they no more rely only on the tourist organisations for information about
any destination. Since tourism is an information-intensive industry, social media is
particularly relevant to this industry (Hays, Page & Buhalis, 2013; Gretzel et al.,
2000, p.147; Wang, Quaechee, & Fesenmaier, 2002). Social media allowed tourism
consumers to look for information and reviews from their sources instead relying
only on the organisations. In this regard personal recommendation sites have been
very influential (Hays, Page & Buhalis, 2013; Buhalis, 1998; Gretzel et al., 2000;
Litvin, Goldsmith & Pan, 2008). Hence it becomes critical for tourism organisations
to adopt social media in their marketing strategies and provide useful content to
their consumers (Hays, Page & Buhalis, 2013; Gretzel et al., 2000; Hjalager, 2010;
Ruzic &Bilas, 2010; Schegg et al., 2008). The tourism industry is based on intangible
products mostly as it is based on selling experiences.
Earlier this intangible factor was a challenge as tourism products cannot be shown to
the consumers as in other industries. They cannot try them out before buying and
this created a risk factor in the minds of consumers. Digital media technologies have
reduced that risk up to a much significant level as it has enabled consumers with
broad content about tourist destinations and services provided there. Digital content
marketing has played a significant role in the tourism industry. Content marketing is
especially important in the tourism industry as it is the content only (written, audio
or visual) that is the deciding factor about any destination. There is a lot of content
available on the digital media that can be used for marketing.
Based on its origin, content can be classified into two forms:
1) User-generated content 2) Organisation generated content
User-Generated Content: The text, pictures, videos, audio files, etc. created and
shared through social media are called user-generated contents (UGC) (Gillin, 2007).
In this corporate users have also been included but in the context of this paper user
only consumers have been included. There are virtual communities, which enable
people to share their experiences with others all over the world (Waldhör, 2007).
Review sites like TripAdvisor provide an opportunity to the consumers to share their
travel experiences and also rate the destinations and the services provided there. As
this content is made available by the travel consumers, they influence the consumers
User Generated
Organisation Generated
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who are planning for a trip. Consumers are active participants and equal partners in
these conversations who co-create value together with marketers by exchanging
resources and information (Vargo & Lusch, 2004). The sharing of experiences
through social media has also been considered as an integral part of tourism
experiences (Gretzel et al., 2011).
Organisation Generated Content: organisation generated content includes the
content which is made available by organizations on the digital media platforms
directly or indirectly (blogs, forums, websites, web pages, review sites etc.). Directly
they provide content on their websites and portals. Organizations may be indirectly
involving in generating content about their products by writing blogs by the
members of the organization, operating virtual community sources etc. VCs are in
most cases operated by organizations, which optimize their content with regard to
the different search engines. In addition, features like feeds, trackbacks, cross-
linking, etc. make those Web sites much more powerful tools. (Waldhör, 2007).
Content is available in abundance in this digital age the need is how organizations
market that content in order to gain the trust and loyalty of consumers. As tourism
products are intangible in nature by providing relevant, adequate and valuable
content some degree of tangibility can be given to the products which can be done by
employing effective content marketing strategies. Instead of focusing on tangible
resources, embedded value, and transactions, fully embraces intangible resources,
co-creation of value, and relationships (Vargo & Lusch, 2004).
In general, “content marketing is a marketing practice in which consumers are not
directly persuaded to buy a product or service instead valuable content in the form of
solution to the issues faced by consumers provided which in turn create the
awareness about the product or service through media which may or may not be
When content marketing is done through digital media it is called digital content
marketing which is in vogue these days.
Content marketing can be broadly classified into two types first, is traditional content
marketing that was mainly used before the digital age and second, is modern content
marketing which also called digital content marketing that is being presently used
through various forms of digital media.
Content marketing especially digital content marketing plays a pivotal role in the
tourism industry. Content is created through two sources in the tourism industry one
is by users (consumers) and second is by organizations (tourist organizations).
Tourism products are often seen as status symbols and important elements of
identity construction (Lee et al., 2009). Therefore, consumers are very much
motivated towards sharing their travel experiences through various media like blogs,
forums, videos, reviews etc. which create user-generated content. Through these
media, consumers have become co-creators of content which earlier only
organizations used to be. There was a one-way flow of content from organizations to
consumers but now there is two-way content creation.
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they can promote a particular brand by posting or reviewing about it on digital
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... electronic websites and social media platforms (Chauhan, 2023). Channels of digital tourism marketing include for instance, internet websites, promotional videos, tourism and travel blogs, tourism and travel related online platforms and many electronic applications (Halkiopoulos et al., 2023). These channels aim to create and distribute a content characterised by its value, relevance and consistence for appealing a large number of tourists in a profitable way, which is known as content marketing (Bu et al., 2020;Gurjar et al., 2019). ...
... Channels of digital tourism marketing include for instance, internet websites, promotional videos, tourism and travel blogs, tourism and travel related online platforms and many electronic applications (Halkiopoulos et al., 2023). These channels aim to create and distribute a content characterised by its value, relevance and consistence for appealing a large number of tourists in a profitable way, which is known as content marketing (Bu et al., 2020;Gurjar et al., 2019). Furthermore, there are some affiliate marketing tools that the digital marketing process depends on e.g. ...
Abstract Attracting a varied array of tourists through adopting convenient marketing tools is considered an effective way to achieve success for the tourism industry. Generation Z is one of the most important categories of tourists at the present time and in the forthcoming years. This research seeks to comprehend factors influencing the digital tourism marketing of Generation Z tourists "applied to the Egyptian tourist destination". The research depended on primary data through addressing a questionnaire form to a number of (435) Generation Z tourists; from April, 2023 to November, 2023. The research also depended on utilising different sources of secondary data related to its subject. The findings have revealed that Generation Z tourists depend regularly on modern technological applications of tourism e.g. online travel agencies, tourism social media platforms and websites, and they are fond of new technological trends in tourism e.g. virtual tourism. However, the digital tourism marketing practices in Egypt face some challenges and it is not perfectly implemented to target younger generations of tourists e.g. Generation Z. Therefore, the research recommends enhancing and increasing the adoption of digital marketing practices in the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, as well as in Egyptian travel agencies to effectively market the Egyptian tourist destination for Generation Z tourists. Keywords: Generation Z, Digital Marketing, Egypt, Tourist Destination.
... Digital marketing that can reach audiences on social media platforms is digital content marketing (Krasniak & Zimmerman, 2021). Content marketing on social media provides space to create continuous interaction with audiences (George, 2021). The existence of conten t on social media platforms presents a new form of communication, namely social word of mouth. ...
... While organization-generated content proposed by Gurjar, et al. (2019) has the same meaning as Firm-Generated Content (FGC), a form of social media communication published by companies or brands to consumers who are followers or fans of their social media channels. This is a company or brand marketing strategy to create brand awareness, brand recall, or brand image on social media platforms. ...
... Industri teknologi telah menyaksikan transformasi yang mendalam dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, didorong oleh kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi digital, meluasnya penggunaan internet, dan meningkatnya konektivitas global. Transformasi ini memiliki dampak yang luas terhadap strategi pemasaran, ketika perusahaan di sektor teknologi menavigasi kompleksitas beroperasi di pasar yang terglobalisasi (Zainal et al., 2022;Шпак et al., 2020;Stonehouse & Konina, 2020;Shaheer, 2020;Sheth, 2020;Shajrawi & Khan, 2020;Samiee, 2020;Haro et al., 2020;Bakshi, 2019;Soegoto & Utomo, 2019;Katsikeas et al., 2019;Gurjar et al., 2019;Gupta, 2018;Ogbuji & Obot, 2018;Leeflang et al., 2014;Shankar, 2010;Spillan, 2010;Sengupta et al., 2006;Rao, 2001;Javalgi & Ramsey, 2001). ...
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Industri teknologi telah menyaksikan transformasi yang mendalam dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, didorong oleh kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi digital, meluasnya penggunaan internet, dan meningkatnya konektivitas global. Transformasi ini memiliki dampak yang luas terhadap strategi pemasaran, ketika perusahaan di sektor teknologi menavigasi kompleksitas beroperasi di pasar yang terglobalisasi (Zainal et al., 2022; Шпак et al., 2020; Stonehouse & Konina, 2020; Shaheer, 2020; Sheth, 2020; Shajrawi & Khan, 2020; Samiee, 2020; Haro et al., 2020; Bakshi, 2019; Soegoto & Utomo, 2019; Katsikeas et al., 2019; Gurjar et al., 2019; Gupta, 2018; Ogbuji & Obot, 2018; Leeflang et al., 2014; Shankar, 2010; Spillan, 2010; Sengupta et al., 2006; Rao, 2001; Javalgi & Ramsey, 2001). Globalisasi pasar teknologi telah membawa perubahan signifikan dalam cara produk dan layanan diciptakan, dirancang, dan disampaikan kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia. Munculnya korporasi multinasional dan semakin seragamnya kebutuhan pelanggan secara global mendorong pengembangan program pemasaran yang disesuaikan untuk setiap pasar nasional, karena masing-masing wilayah mungkin memiliki persyaratan hukum, tradisi budaya, dan praktik bisnis yang unik (Zainal et al., 2022; Шпак et al., 2020; Mishra, 2020; Shajrawi & Khan, 2020; Sheth, 2020; Alekseeva et al., 2019; Sridhar & Fang, 2019; Katsikeas et al., 2019; Cooley, 2018; Moctezuma & Rajagopal, 2016; Rao et al., 2016; Leeflang et al., 2014; Spillan, 2010; Shankar, 2010; Ferguson & Yen, 2006; Herbsleb & Moitra, 2001). Ekonomi digital juga memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk strategi pemasaran global, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan memanfaatkan platform digital untuk pemasaran dan distribusi (Youssef & ALFakharany, 2023; Zainal et al., 2022; Dutta & Sarma, 2021; Siska & Prapto, 2021; Keegan & Green, 2020; Haro et al., 2020; Min et al., 2020; Brodowsky, 2020; Shaheer, 2020; Nam & Kannan, 2020; Goldman et al., 2020; Septina et al., 2019; Katsikeas et al., 2019; Ziyadin et al., 2019; Soegoto & Utomo, 2019; Keller-Bacher & Zerfaß, 2019; Gupta, 2018; Fierro & Pérez, 2018; Sharma et al., 2018; Hagen & Zucchella, 2018; Zhao & Priporas, 2017; Watson et al., 2017; Zou & Myers, 2014; Cloodt et al., 2014; House et al., 2014; Mehta et al., 2010; Peltz, 2009;Augustine & Cooper, 2008; Ghandour et al., 2004; Xie & Johnston, 2004; Morris et al., 1998; Davies & Brush, 1997; Varadarajan & Cunningham, 1995; Cunningham, 1982).
... Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan, maka peneliti mengambil penelitian dengan judul "Pengaruh Content Marketing dan Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Makanan dan Minuman Pengikut Akun Instagram @surabaya_foodies di Kota Surabaya". Gurjar et al. (2019) menjelaskan content marketing mampu memberikan pelanggan akses ke konten terkait dengan mempergunakan media digital semisal sosial media, blog, situs web, halaman web, video, serta lainnya. Konten tertulis, audio, video, gambar, foto, dan lainnya semuanya dapat digunakan sebagai content marketing, sedangkan menurut Artvanka & Hidayat (2021), content marketing melibatkan kompilasi dan penyebaran materi untuk platform media sosial. ...
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This research aims to analyze the effect of Content Marketing and Electronic Word of Mouth on Purchase Decision of buy food and beverage followers of the instahram account @surabaya_foodies. The research method used is a quantitative method. The sampling method used is non-probability sampling with pirposive sampling method consist of 108 respondents. Partial Least Square (PLS) is used to analyze the data with SmartPLS 3.0 program. Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis consist of 3 steps. First step is Outer Model analyzation (validity & reability variable test), then Inner Model analysis and Hypothesis Test. The result of this research shows that (1) Content Marketing has significant and positive effect on Purchase Decision and (2) Electronic Word of Mouth (e -WOM) has significant and positive effect on Purchase Decision.
... Therefore, it can be said that content is the operational heart of this type of marketing, by which organizations communicate with their audience regardless of the format of content (including text, image, video, and audio). Unique content cannot only attract customers' attention, but also acts as a competitive tool for organizations (Gurjar, Kaurav & Thakur, 2019). Due to the importance of the issue, organizations must take advantage of the principles of content marketing, incorporate it into their management methods, and focus on the wants and needs of users and customers (Shabani, Emadi, Mohammadi Ostani & Soleyman, 2014;Chu, 1999). ...
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The present study aims to design a model for the effect of content marketing on e-customer relationship management (E-CRM) in the Iran Public Libraries Foundation (IPLF). This research is applied in terms of its objective and mixed (quantitative-qualitative) in terms of its approach. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research consists of experts who are fully acquainted with the subject of content marketing, including 17 professors in the departments of information science and knowledge, business management with the marketing orientation, information technology (IT), computer engineering and content production experts have chosen using purposeful and snowball sampling method. The statistical population of the research in the quantitative stage includes all managers, staff, and, librarians of Iranian public libraries, i.e. 7000 people. Using Cochran's formula and by stratified random sampling method, 364 people are selected as the total sample size. Due to sampling error (0.05) and the possibility of non-return of some questionnaires, 375 questionnaires are distributed and 366 questionnaires are collected and analyzed. Data collection tools are semi-structured interviews in the qualitative part and researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part, which is designed based on the findings of the qualitative part of the research. Also, the standard Kamalian, Amini Lari and Moezzi (2009) questionnaire is used to assess ECRM. In this study, theme analysis is used to identify the factors affecting content marketing, the fuzzy Delphi technique is used to consolidate the opinions of experts, and confirmatory factor analysis is used to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaires. Results: Based on the study of texts and exploratory interviews with experts, five dimensions of strategic planning, content supply, and production, content distribution and dissemination, content analysis, pricing, and sales are identified for content marketing. Among these, content supply and production factor with an impact factor of 0.931 has the most impact and is the priority. Factors of content distribution and dissemination with a coefficient of 0.917; content analysis with a Designing a Model for the Effect of Content... IJISM, Vol. 20, No. 3 July-September 2022 188 coefficient of 0.894; strategic planning with a coefficient of 0.877; and pricing and sales with a coefficient of 0.642 are in the second to fifth priorities in terms of effectiveness, respectively. Also, the impact factor of content marketing on the effectiveness of ECRM is calculated to be 816%. Findings at the error level of 0.05 indicate that content marketing has a significant effect on the effectiveness of ECRM in IPLF. ECRM in IPLF can be explained by the content marketing model. In addition to producing useful content related to the needs and preferences of its audience, it creates a powerful tool to gain trust and change the audience's attitude towards the services provided. Moreover, by increasing the skills of staff and managers, IPLF has made more efforts to identify, attract and retain audiences, which in the long run will lead to customer satisfaction, increased revenue growth, and achievement of competitive advantage.
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Digital marketing significantly influences travellers’ decision-making processes. This research aims to analyze the specific digital marketing strategies affecting Gen-Z travellers’ decisions. Machine learning techniques were employed to uncover key insights. Data were collected through a survey using a convenience random sampling of 346 university students in Thailand. Correlation analysis and machine learning approaches, such as logistic regression and neural network analysis, were used to explore the relationships between various digital marketing strategies and their impact on Gen-Z travellers’ destination choices. The findings indicate that Online Travel Agency (OTA) websites exert the most significant influence on Gen-Z travellers’ decision-making processes, with an odds ratio of 1.6879. This is followed by the use of social media marketing strategies and businesses having their own websites. To validate these results, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique was also employed, confirming the importance of rankings derived from the logistic regression analysis. This research provides valuable insights into which digital marketing strategies most influence Gen-Z travellers’ decision-making processes. These insights can help tourism businesses make informed investments in digital marketing strategies, prioritizing those that align with the preferences of Gen-Z travellers.
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This research aims to investigate the synergistic influence between Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing on the formation of Brand Awareness and Purchase Interest of TikTok Shop users in Cirebon City. The aim is to analyze the impact of these two marketing strategies on brand awareness and purchase intention and to test their influence significantly. The research method uses a quantitative approach using research instruments and statistical analysis, especially with SPSS version 24. Samples were taken through non-probability sampling with purposive sampling criteria for respondents aged 17-30 years who are users of the TikTok application in the Cirebon area. Research variables include Content Marketing (X1), Influencer Marketing (X2), Brand Awareness (Y1), and Purchase Intention (Y2). The analysis results show that Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing have a significant influence on Brand Awareness and Purchase Interest, with a high R Square value indicating the influence of these variables on the outcome. In conclusion, this research found that Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing play an important role in forming brand awareness and interest in purchasing products on the TikTok Shop. Recommendations include strengthening content-based marketing strategies and collaboration with influencers, as well as paying attention to the relationship between Brand Awareness and Purchase Interest to improve sales performance through the TikTok Shop platform. This research can be the basis for further research regarding the influence of Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing in the context of digital marketing.
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تهدف هذه الورقة إلى تتبع ظهور تسويق المحتوى وإظهار التغيرات التي حدثت عليه ليصبح معروفا بتسويق المحتوى الرقمي، وهو إستراتيجية تهدف إلى تقديم محتوى قيم وجذاب وذو صلة باهتمامات العميل ونشره على الوسائط الرقمية، بغرض زيادة الوعي بالعلامة التجارية. كما تم الإشارة إلى مدى أهميته كإستراتيجية فعالة في صناعة السياحة باعتبارها صناعة خدمية تقوم على كثافة المعلومات التي وفرها تسويق المحتوى الرقمي، الأمر الذي ساعد كثيرا في معالجة الآثار السلبية لخاصية اللاملموسية التي تتميز بها الخدمات بصفة عامة والسياحة خاصة.
Conference Paper
تهدف هذه الورقة إلى تتبع ظهور تسويق المحتوى وإظهار التغيرات التي حدثت عليه ليصبح معروفا بتسويق المحتوى الرقمي، وهو إستراتيجية تهدف إلى تقديم محتوى قيم وجذاب وذو صلة باهتمامات العميل ونشره على الوسائط الرقمية، بغرض زيادة الوعي بالعلامة التجارية. كما تم الإشارة إلى مدى أهميته كإستراتيجية فعالة في صناعة السياحة باعتبارها صناعة خدمية تقوم على كثافة المعلومات التي وفرها تسويق المحتوى الرقمي، الأمر الذي ساعد كثيرا في معالجة الآثار السلبية لخاصية اللاملموسية التي تتميز بها الخدمات بصفة عامة والسياحة خاصة.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, sosyal medyadaki içerik pazarlaması faaliyetlerinin tüketici güveni üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 18 yaş ve üzeri 415 katılımcıya geliştirilen anket formu kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile yüz yüze uygulanmıştır. Katılımcıların mobilya sektöründe yer alan firmaların içerik pazarlama uygulamalarını değerlendirmeleri, içerik pazarlama uygulamalarının tüketici güveni üzerindeki etkisinin anlaşılmasında oldukça önemli rol oynayacaktır. Araştırma modeli geliştirilirken teknoloji kabul modeli çalışmaya uygun olarak uyarlanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizi için SPSS 21 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları değerlendirilirken ölçeklerin güvenilirlik analizleri genel anlamda oldukça yüksek çıkmıştır. Ölçeklerin normallik varsayımları değerlendirildiğinde ölçeklerin tümünün normal dağılım gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Faktör analizi sonuçları örneklem büyüklüğünün yeterli olduğunu, değişkenler arasında yüksek korelasyon olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına göre hipotezleri test etmek amacı ile yapılan basit doğrusal regresyon analizlerinin tümünün pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır dolayısıyla ortaya konulan tüm hipotezlerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
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Consumer-generated content (CGC) is growing in importance. Especially online travel reviews written by consumers are ever more available and used to inform travel-related decisions. A Web-based survey of users of the most prominent travel review site, TripAdvisor, was conducted to investigate how other travellers' reviews inform the trip planning process. Since current CGC statistics show generational and gender differences, the study also aimed at examining whether those carry over into the realm of travel review use. The results show that reviews are used mostly to inform accommodation decisions and are currently not used much for en route travel planning. Gender differences were found for perceived impacts of reviews, with females reaping greater benefits from using reviews, especially in terms of enjoyment and idea generation. Age differences occurred across a variety of perceptions and use behaviours. Implications for travel marketing and travel information systems design are provided. Keywords: online travel reviews; consumer generated content; trip planning; age differences; gender differences.
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Content marketing evolves to be a powerful marketing tactic in the digital, fast moving, information driven world. It is not a new strategy but more and more enterprises begin to engage in content marketing gradually. So what are the reasons of the rise of content marketing in today's society? This paper discusses about the use of content marketing in businesses and how it brings benefits to the companies. The conclusion summarizes six strategies companies use during the implementation of content marketing in their businesses.
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In recent years both practitioners and academics have shown an increasing interest in Content Marketing and in the metrics to measure its impact on firm performance. However the literature remains fragmented. In attempting to fill the gap, this paper has two main objectives. Firstly, we review the existing literature on content marketing and the main metrics used. Secondly, we analyse the degree of use and effectiveness of content marketing strategy and metrics, on a sample of 235 Italian firms.
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Consumers see many brands during the course of a day but often pay very little attention to how such exposures will influence their subsequent decisions. This research examines how being exposed to multiple brands at once affects consumers' reactions to these brands, particularly when little effort is exerted in processing this information. Focusing on the role of brand personalities, we argue that when a focal brand is seen with a brand that has a dissimilar personality, it will seem more distinctive and thus garner more positive consumer reactions than if it is seen with a brand that has a similar personality. The first two experiments provide support for the positive impact of dissimilar brand personalities under low-elaboration settings. The last two experiments examine the process that leads to stronger preferences for the focal brand and suggest that enhanced distinctiveness benefits the focal brand by differentiating it from similar competitors.
If you have a website, a blog, or even a Facebook or Twitter presence, you are a publisher. Think like one: build a digital content strategy that embraces words, images and multimedia to systematically enhance consumer engagement and conversion rates. In Content Marketing, world-renowned digital content expert Rebecca Lieb offers all the detailed, actionable guidance you'll need. Lieb guides you through planning what you'll say online, how and where you'll say it, how often you'll communicate, and how you'll measure your effectiveness. She offers practical guidance for "listening" to conversations about your brand, products, and services, responding more effectively, and effectively informing those conversations. You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and of course, your website. Lieb drills down to offer detailed, actionable advice for issues such as choosing distribution channels making sure you don't run out of things to say making your content "findable" promoting two-way dialogue. Using her techniques, you can market far more effectively and personally build loyalty as you inform and entertain customers and reduce or even eliminate advertising costs. Think about it: why buy media when, today, you are the media?
OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE - - Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism : While utilisation of electronic social media is increasingly relevant as tourism practices, there is still a deficiency of empirical research on tourists' creation and use of various types of online content. This study maps and explores Scandinavian tourists' perceptions of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 information sources and scrutinises influence of electronic social media on holidaymakers' information sharing, based on a summer season survey in the mature and well-known destination of Mallorca, Spain. Empirical evidence is presented on perceived trustworthiness of social media platforms and other Internet-based information. The study also examines tourists' involvement in developing and sharing of virtual content. It critically analyses technological mediation through electronic word-of-mouth and involvement factors related to virtual dissemination of travel narratives. Moreover, the paper discusses information intensity, hedonic aspects and utilitarian values of tourist information in relation to interaction aspects of social media, in a context of holiday choices and online booking.
Social media are gaining prominence as an element of destination marketing organisation (DMO) marketing strategy at a time when public sector cuts in their funding are requiring them to seek greater value in the way marketing budgets are spent. Social media offers DMOs with a tool to reach a global audience with limited resources. The aim of this study is to explore the usage of social media among the DMOs of the top 10 most visited countries by international tourists. The study uses content analysis and semi-structured interviews to examine the usage and impact of social media marketing strategies and identifies a framework of best practice for other national tourism organizations (NTOs) to learn from. The study argues that social media usage among top DMOs is still largely experimental and that strategies vary significantly.
The industrial revolution was to manufacturers what the digital revolution is to consumers. What we are seeing today is a renegotiation of the relationships between companies and consumers, and a fundamental recasting of conventional marketing in favor of the consumer. This study, therefore, discusses consumer power in marketing theory and analyzes consumer power sources and changing power dynamics with case studies. Finally, it contributes to theory by investigating power dynamics in each stage of the consumer decision-making process.