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Axanthism in Emys orbicularis hellenica (Valenciennes, 1832) (Testudines: Emydidae) from Piedmont, northern Italy

  • Centro Emys Piemonte - Eleade Soc. Coop.
  • Independent scientist


36 Herpetological Bulletin 146 (2018)
The European pond Turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus,
1758) is a polytypic and polymorphic species with a
western palearctic distribution for which several subspecies
were described based on molecular and morphological
differences (Lenk et al., 1999; Fritz, 2003). In Italy, three
subspecies are currently recognised: E. o. ingauna Jesu,
Piombo, Salvidio, Lamagni, Ortale & Genta, 2004 in
Liguria, E. o. galloitalica Fritz, 1995 along the Tyrrhenian
coast and E. o. hellenica (Valenciennes, 1832) on the
Adriatic one (Zuf et al., 2011).
In the latter, the coloration is typically characterised
by a black carapace with yellow elements (spots in males
and lines organised in radial pattern in females) and a
yellow plastron. Yellow areas are also present on soft parts
like specks on limbs and also on the head in females. Iris
coloration is usually white or yellow in males (Zuf et al.,
2011), sometimes reddish (R. Cavalcante pers. obs.), while
females typically possess a yellow iris (R. Cavalcante
pers. obs.). As in other Mediterranean subspecies, E. o.
hellenica hatchlings present a well-dened yellow pattern
on the marginal scutes of the carapace and the plastron is
covered for at least two-thirds by a black central blotch,
leaving yellow coloration only on the lateral rim (Fritz et
al., 2006).
Given that E. o. hellenica is at risk of local extinction in
Piedmont (Zuf et al., 2011, Seglie & Cavalcante, 2016),
the Conservation Centre “Centro Emys Piemonte” has been
implemented in 2016, provided with an outdoor breeding
facility. The main activity of the Centre was to rescue adult
individuals in the Po and Orba natural reserves to create
breeding groups, which would then provide 3-4 years old
individuals to be reintroduced in restored habitats. All of
these operations were authorised by the Italian Ministry of
Environment, Land and Sea (Protocol number 0015025/
PNM-28/07/2015). A molecular characterisation was
carried on rescued individuals by Ana Rodriguez Prieto at
Museo delle Scienze (MUSE) in Trento, which ascribed
all the turtles to the hellenica subspecies. The outdoor
breeding facility is designed to allow the collection of the
eggs right after the deposition for articial incubation.
However, not all the nests are easy to spot, and some litters
are discovered only at the time of hatching.
On 3 September 2017 during an inspection of these
nests, in an area where three females and one male were
kept, two out of twenty-nine hatchlings were found to
display an anomalous coloration. In these individuals,
Axanthism in Emys orbicularis hellenica (Valenciennes, 1832)
(Testudines: Emydidae) from Piedmont, northern Italy
1Centro Emys Piemonte, Via Vasco Vittone, 6 13046 Livorno Ferraris (VC), Italy
2Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Boulevard de la Plaine 2, 1050 Ixelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
*Corresponding author Email:
SHORT COMMUNICATION The Herpetological Bulletin 146, 2018: 36-38
portions of the carapace, plastron and soft parts that are
typically yellow present a whitish-greyish coloration (Fig.
1A), and the iris is dark brown (Fig 2A). This particular
coloration was never observed before in wild individuals
or in other hatchlings born in the Centre (10 in 2016, 38 in
2017 and 44 in 2018).
Yellow, orange and red coloration in reptiles are
produced via the interaction between xanthophores
and the underlying iridophores (Cooper & Greenberg,
1992; Morrison et al., 1995; Steffen & McGraw, 2009).
Xanthophores contain pteridines like xanthopterin,
sepiapterin and riboavin inside pterinosomes and
carotenoids like carotenes and xanthophylls in carotenoid
vesicles (Obika & Bagnara, 1964; Watt, 1964; Bagnara &
Hadley, 1973; Morrison et al., 1995). Iridophores contain
guanine crystals responsible for structural coloration given
Figure 1. Comparison of the plastron of an axanthic individual
(left) with the one of a normal coloured individual (right): (A)
hatchlings in September 2017; (B) one-year old juveniles in
September 2018
by light reecting properties which depends on platelets’
size and disposition (Bagnara, 1966). Regarding pigments
within xanthophores, pteridine pigments have a major role
in reptiles, while carotenoids seem to be less important
(Olsson et al., 2008; Steffen & McGraw, 2009) and
sometimes to be even absent (Kikuchi & Pfennig, 2012;
Olsson et al., 2013). While carotenoids are assimilated
from the diet (Olson & Owens, 1998), pteridine pigments
are endogenously synthesised from purines (Watt, 1967).
Colour aberration for which a reduction or absence of yellow
occurs is known as axanthism, and it can be generated
through a lack or non-functionality of xanthophores and
iridophores (Jablonski et al., 2014).
Considering that the pale coloration was maintained by
both individuals in their rst year of life, whilst becoming
slightly yellow (Figs. 1B and 2B), we assume that
xanthophores are present and that this mild “yellowing”
may be caused through carotenoids sequestered from
the diet, since they have been also fed with KOI beauty
First (Tetra®), food pellets which contain β-carotene.
Therefore, it is probable that the observed axanthism
involves primarily iridophores or some metabolic defects
in pteridine production (Olsson et al., 2013).
In literature, axanthism and other chromatic anomalies
were never reported before in the European pond Turtle.
Axanthism seems also rare in general in testudines, since
only cases of albinism (e.g. Türkozan & Durmuş, 2001;
Sönmez & Özdilek, 2011), leucism (e.g. Erickson &
Kaefer, 2015), melanism (e.g. Yabe, 1994; Gronke et al.,
2006), hypomelanism (e.g. Turner, 2011; Di Giuseppe et
al., 2014) and amelanism (e.g. Martìnez Silvestre & Soler,
2001) are currently published.
The permit for the collection, the housing and the breeding
of the European pond Turtles was issued by the Italian
Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (Prot. 0015025/
We would like to thank Silvia Fiore and Renzo Aimaro
of the Associazione Culturale Docet Natura for their great
help in the conservation project, Daniele Seglie for his
precious teachings, help and patience, the Management
Entities of the protected areas of Po vercellese-alessandrino
and Park Pallavicino for their collaboration, Ana Rodriguez
Prieto for the molecular characterisation of the animals,
the veterinarian Giancarlo Barlaro for his essential support
and Giorgio Russo for the linguistic revision and his useful
Bagnara, J. T. (1966). Cytology and cytophysiology of
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Bagnara, J.T. & Hadley, M.E. (1973). Chromatophores and
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Kikuchi, D. W. & Pfennig, D. W. (2012). A Batesian mimic
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Zoology 58: 658-667.
Herpetological Bulletin 146 (2018) 37
Figure 2. Comparison between one-year old axanthic (left) and
normal coloured (right) individuals: (A) coloration of head and
eyes; (B) coloration of the carapace
Axanthism in Emys orbicularis hellenica
38 Herpetological Bulletin 146 (2018)
Lenk, P., Fritz, U., Joger, U. & Wink, M. (1999).
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Zuf, M. A. L., Di Cerbo, A. & Fritz, U. (2011). Emys
orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). In Fauna d’Italia, vol.
XLV, Reptilia, pp 155-165. Corti, C., Capula, M.,
Luiselli, L., Razzetti, E. & Sindaco, R. (Eds.) Bologna:
Edizioni Calderini de Il Sole 24 Ore.
Accepted: 27 November 2018
Riccardo Cavalcante & Giacomo Bruni
... Colour aberrations in turtles range from the nearcomplete lack of color in albinos to very dark in melanistic individuals, but also other variations such as yellow, without yellow, and golden yellow ones (Jubber & Leyendecker, 2016;Cavalcante & Bruni, 2018;Devkota et al., 2020). We did not find any previously reported cases of amelanism or any other abnormal coloration in T. grayi under its current or previous Herpetological Bulletin 162 (2022) (Perrault & Coppenrath, 2019). ...
Conference Paper
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We used capture-mark-recapture (CMR) techniques for estimating european pond turtle population abundance within the SCI IT1180005 Ghiaia Grande, located along the Po river in the Province of Vercelli and Alessandria. Turtles were captured using floating baited funnel traps and double fyke nets for eels; we collected a total of 25 European pond turtles: 11 females, 13 males, and 1 juvenile. Individuals over the age of 7 represent 50 percent of the sample; no individuals younger than 4 were found. We calculated Emys orbicularis abundance estimates using the r package rcapture; we estimated a total of 58 turtles: the low population abundance and the absence of juveniles point out the necessity of urgent actions to prevent the extinction of this population that, because of its strategic location, it is of high importance for the natura 2000 ecological network.
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Although this book is written completely in German, readers who are not fluent in this language should not despair. The many range maps, labeled drawings of skeletal and other parts, black-and-white-photographs of habitats in different parts of the E. orbicularis range, tables, and especially the excellent color images of the various subspecies of Emys orbicularis, provide much information by themselves. Moreover, the 23-page list of references (in small print), many of them in English, is invaluable. In these ways, the book will be a treasure in your herpetological library, especially if you love the study of turtles, as many of us do. J. Alan Holman in Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society (2003) Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Europäische Sumpfschildkröte, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758)  Eine Einführung 2. Evolution, Fossilbericht und Zoogeographie 2.1. Systematik und Phylogenie 2.2. Fossilbericht 2.2.1. Ursprung der Emydidae 2.2.2. Geographische Verteilung und Alter von Emys-Fossilien 2.2.3. Fossile Taxa der Gattung Emys 2.3. Zoogeographie 2.3.1. Besiedlung der Paläarktis und altweltliche Radiationen im Tertiär 2.3.2. Arealgeschichte im Quartär 2.3.3. Arealexpansion und -restriktion im Holozän 3. Verbreitung 3.1. Nordafrika 3.2. Iberische Halbinsel, Balearen und Madeira 3.3. Korsika, Sardinien, Festlands-Italien und Sizilien 3.4. West- und Mitteleuropa 3.5. Balkan 3.6. Osteuropa 3.7. Mittelasien und Kaukasus 3.8. Kleinasien 4. Beschreibung 4.1. Maße 4.2. Äußere Merkmale 4.3. Allgemeine Anatomie 4.4. Penis 4.5. Blutmerkmale 4.6. Karyotyp 4.7. Merkmalsvariation 4.7.1. Geschlechtsdimorphismus 4.7.2. Altersbedingte Variation, Jugendentwicklung 4.7.3. Jahreszeitlich und ökologisch bedingter Wandel 4.7.4. Geographische Variation und Unterarten 5. Taxonomie 5.1. Gattungs- und Artdiagnose 5.2. Unterartgliederung 6. Naturgeschichte 6.1. Biotop 6.2. Nahrung 6.3. Fortpflanzung 6.3.1. Phänologie, Eiablage 6.3.2. Nestform 6.3.3. Eier 6.3.4. Inkubationsdauer und Schlupf 6.3.5. Temperaturabhängige Geschlechtsbestimmung 6.4. Populationsdynamik 6.4.1. Populationsdichte 6.4.2. Altersstruktur 6.4.3. Geschlechterverhältnis 6.4.4. Prädatoren und Prädationsraten 6.5. Verhalten und Verhaltensrepertoire 6.5.1. Jahreszeitliche Rhythmik und Aktivität 6.5.2. Tageszeitliche Rhythmik und Aktivität 6.5.3. Orientierung 6.5.4. Fortpflanzungsverhalten 6.5.5. Territorialverhalten, Hierarchie und Lautäußerungen 7. Schriftenverzeichnis
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Batesian mimics are harmless prey species that resemble dangerous ones (models), and thus receive protection from predators. How such adaptive resemblances evolve is a classical problem in evolutionary biology. Mimicry is typically thought to be difficult to evolve, especially if the model and mimic produce the convergent phenotype through different proximate mechanisms. However, mimicry may evolve more readily if mimic and model share similar pathways for producing the convergent phenotype. In such cases, these pathways can be co-opted in ancestral mimic populations to produce high-fidelity mimicry without the need for major evolutionary innovations. Here, we show that a Batesian mimic, the scarlet kingsnake Lampropeltis elapsoides, produces its coloration using the same physiological mechanisms as does its model, the eastern coral snake Micrurus fulvius. Therefore, precise color mimicry may have been able to evolve easily in this system. Generally, we know relatively little about the proximate mechanisms underlying mimicry.
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During our studies on the nesting biology of Green and Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas) on Samandaḡ and Fethiye beaches, Turkey, in 1994 and 1995, live albino hatchlings were encountered. The contents and various features of the nests that produced albino hatchlings are described.
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An amelanistic female Hermann's tortoise ( Testudo hermanni hermanni ) was admitted to the C.R.A.R.C. (Catalonian Reptile and Amphibian Rehabilitation Center) after it had been confiscated with other tortoises from a trafficker by the authorities. The tortoises, originaries from the Balearic Islands, were maintained in captivity two years ago. Tortoise was hospitalizated in the CRARC dependences. Fluids and parenteral nutritional complex were administered. The tortoise died after two weeks of hospitalization. Necropsy showed that it was in poor condition, with absence of fat reserves. Hermann's tortoise has a Mediterranean distribution. Nowadays, its presence in Spain is reduced to a few areas: the Mountains of L'Albera, the Mountains of Garraf, the Ebro Delta, Mallorca and Menorca Islands (Fèlix et al., 1989; Bertolero and Martínez-Vilalta, 1994; Martínez Silvestre and Soler, 1998). Reintroduction projects are planned for the Mountain of Montserrat and the Mountains of Cadiretes (Catalonia) and Desert of Palmas (Valencia). Isolated individuals are being monitored in other locations. Their presence at these sites is associated from captive individuals escaping from gardens or zoological collections.
Mark-recapture study on a population of Reeves' turtle, Chinemys reevesii, was conducted at two adjacent ponds in the southwestern part of Gifu Prefecture. A total of 111 turtles was marked during the period from 1986 to 1987, comprising 42 males, 68 females, and one young individual. It was speculated from the age structure that females lived longer on average than males. The females were larger than the males, growing to more than 200mm in carapace length (CL), whereas the males grew to about 160mm in CL. Melanistic individuals occurred only in males. Submelanistic males were six to nine years old and their mean CL was 140.3mm. Melanistic males were older than six years and larger than 120mm in CL. The mean CL of melanistic males was 149.6mm.
Adult male Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus possess ventral color patches that are used to communicate social status. Three discrete color morphs occur in natural populations, two that are prevalent (orange and yellow morphs) and one that is rare (melanized morph). We sought to describe the cellular basis of bright ventral coloration. Contributions of each of three types of chromatophores (xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores) to overall tissue color in orange, yellow, gray, and blue tissues were determined by transmission electron microscopy and thin-layer chromatography. Qualitative differences occurred among all three color morphs. Additionally, an integrated color change mechanism that accounts for both ontogenetic and seasonal color changes at the cellular level is hypothesized.