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Abstract and Figures

This paper examines the relationship between digitalization and sustainable development and presents the composite index used for measuring the digital competitiveness of nations – the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). Today’s environment is highly dependent on technological capabilities. Tracking contemporary technological development is becoming crucial at both micro and macro level. One of the major revolutions in modern business is switching from traditional to digital business models for achieving higher competitiveness level. Digitalization is one of the primary impetus of today’s development. To accept and implement these changes, it is important to highlight the macromarketing role in this process. It is necessary to have concrete measures for identifying the shortcomings, good practices, and track the development. For this purpose, European Commission developed DESI to measure digital performance of European Union countries. This paper examines the DESI methodology and observes how the digital performance of EU affects main sustainable development components: economic, social, and environmental. Thus, the paper explores the correlations of DESI and other composite indices that measure sustainability components. Besides, the research examined the relationships between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and digital performance. The paper highlights the importance of digitalization as another crucial component of society’s sustainable development.
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Milica Jovanović et al. • Digitalization and society’s sustainable development...
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2018 • vol. 36 • no. 2 • 905-928 905
Preliminary communication
UDC: 502.131.1:004
Digitalization and society’s sustainable
development – Measures and implications*1
Milica Jovanović2, Jasmina Dlačić3, Milan Okanović4
This paper examines the relationship between digitalization and sustainable
development and presents the composite index used for measuring the digital
competitiveness of nations – the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). Todays
environment is highly dependent on technological capabilities. Tracking
contemporary technological development is becoming crucial at both micro and
macro level. One of the major revolutions in modern business is switching from
traditional to digital business models for achieving higher competitiveness level.
Digitalization is one of the primary impetus of today’s development. To accept and
implement these changes, it is important to highlight the macromarketing role in this
process. It is necessary to have concrete measures for identifying the shortcomings,
good practices, and track the development. For this purpose, European Commission
developed DESI to measure digital performance of European Union countries. This
paper examines the DESI methodology and observes how the digital performance of
EU aects main sustainable development components: economic, social, and
environmental. Thus, the paper explores the correlations of DESI and other
composite indices that measure sustainability components. Besides, the research
examined the relationships between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and digital
* Received: 02-05-2018; accepted: 13-12-2018
1 This paper has been supported by the University of Rijeka for project ZP UNIRI 9/17 and
the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
project number TR-32013.
2 Teaching assistant, MSc, University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences, Jove Ilica
154, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. Scientic aliation: management of technology, innovation and
development, operations research. Phone: +381113950879. E-mail: milica.jovanovic@fon.
3 Assistant professor, PhD, University of Rijeka, Faculty of economics and business, Ivana
Filipovica 4, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Scientic aliation: marketing. Phone: +38551355111.
4 Assistant professor, PhD, University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences, Jove Ilica
154, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. Scientic aliation: marketing. Phone: +381113950848. E-mail:
Milica Jovanović et al. • Digitalization and society’s sustainable development...
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performance. The paper highlights the importance of digitalization as another
crucial component of society’s sustainable development.
Key words: digitalization, sustainable development, performance indicators, society,
JEL classication: Q01, E71, M38
1. Introduction
Throughout history, the main radical changes that occurred through industrial
revolutions shaped today’s society. Four eras of technology deeply changed
everything that surrounds us and aects everyday life (Schwab, 2016). Medicine,
education, transport, manufacturing, banking, business, sports, food industry, etc.,
everything changed under the inuence of these signicant changes. In this world
of fast changes, man forgot about his natural habitat, his environment. Technology
is continually developing, but sometimes the costs are great. Thus, it is signicant
to measure the impact that technological changes have on sustainable development,
the synergistic development of economy, society, and environment. Recently, there
is an emergence of various measures of national performance. Numerous indices are
used with the aim to measure dierent aspects of a nation’s economic development:
competitiveness, innovativeness, entrepreneurial activity, etc. (Jovanović et al.,
2017). However, there are indices oriented towards measuring dierent national
phenomena, such as goodness of a country, which inspects contribution of a nation
to the humanity; or overall sustainability that evaluates contribution to sustainable
development goals. In these recent trends, another index emerged because of rapid
digital development: The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).
In this paper, we examined the digitalization impact on the main sustainability
components: economy, society, and environment. The test hypothesis of the
research is that digitalization aects sustainable development. To conrm the
hypothesis, we proposed two research questions listed in the second section. We
analysed the correlation of DESI with selected methodologies that measure dierent
aspects of sustainability dimensions. We also observed the relationship between
cultural characteristics of a nation and country’s digitalization level by exploring
correlations of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and DESI.
Next section explains main concepts examined in this paper: digitalization,
sustainable development, macromarketing, relationship between sustainable
development and digitalization, with focus on DESI. Section three presents the
methods used for the research. The fourth and fth sections give empirical data and
results of the research, as well as the discussion. Finally, we complete the paper
with the conclusions of the research as well as point out limitations and propose
further research ideas.
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2. Literature review
Today’s environment is highly dependent on technological capabilities and keeping
track with contemporary development is becoming crucial at both micro and
macro level. Today’s societal characteristics are highly inuenced by the industrial
revolutions occurred in the last three centuries. Revolutions have occurred throughout
history when new technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world caused a
profound change in economic systems and social structures (Schwab, 2016). From the
rst industrial revolution and steam machine in the 1760s, technology has developed
exponentially by constantly upgrading itself and behaving as a sort of recursion
where new technologies were created by the old ones. The second revolution in the
late 19th and early 20th century was induced by the development of electricity and it
enabled mass production. Afterwards, the 60s of the 20th century brought computers
that shaped the third industrial revolution or, so-called, digital revolution. This era
introduced personal computers and the internet. Finally, based on the previous digital
revolution, the current, fourth industrial revolution is led by articial intelligence,
machine learning and Internet of things (Schwab, 2016). Schumpeter explained this
phenomenon through his waves of innovation (Figure 1). He claims that each wave
of innovation does not last equally, and that their length is shortened due to the rapid
development of new technologies (The Economist, 1999; Levi Jakšić et al., 2018a).
Currently, we are living in the 5th wave of innovation, where digital solutions are
becoming the leading impetus of change.
Figure 1: Schumpeter’s long waves of innovation
Water energy
Electric energy
IC engines
Digital networks
New media
1785 1845 1900 1950 1990
1st w ave
60 years
2nd wave
55 years
3rd wave
50 years
4th w ave
40 years
5th w ave
30 years
Source: Levi Jakšić et al. (2018a)
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One of the major revolutions in modern business is switching from traditional to
digital business models for achieving higher competitiveness level. In this, fth
wave of innovation, we can distinguish three eras of digital transformation (I-scoop,
1. Digitization: where the analog items are converted into digital versions (i.e.
electronic version of paper documents);
2. Digitalization: where digital technologies are used to change business models,
create revenue, improve business and value-producing opportunities; and
3. Digital transformation: where digital technologies are used to change all
business aspects.
Currently, we live in the third era of digital transformation, and new challenges are
put in front of governments, companies, entrepreneurs, and customers/consumers
(Schwab, 2016). Schmarzo (2017) stresses out that this era of digital transformation
represents “application of digital capabilities to processes, products, and assets”
with the aim to “improve eciency, enhance customer value, manage risk, and
uncover new monetization opportunities.” Similarly, Bertini (2016) points out that
digital transformation aects not just lives, but also individual’s experiences.
Dang and Pheng (2015: 13) explored new theories of economic development and
well noted, “on the way to achieve rapid economic growth, countries around the
world have been exploiting their natural resource reserves at alarming rates”. Both
science and society have noticed this occurrence, and consequently, sustainable
development has been increasingly highlighted as a priority for nations and
enterprises (Levi Jakšić et al., 2018b). Brundtland Commission (1987: 41) states
that: Sustainable development (SD) is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs.”. This concept suggests that the well-being of humanity can be achieved
only by the synergistic eect of three basic pillars: economic growth, social
equity, and environmental protection. Additionally, due to the complexity of
today’s society, culture has been identied as the fourth dimension of sustainable
development (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2007; Hawkes, 2001). Organization
Culture 21 states that “culture ultimately shapes what we mean by development and
determines how people act in the world“ (Culture 21, 2014). This component of SD
is important because it determines how the changes will be accepted in the society.
Thus, it could be a crucial factor in the adoption of the digital transformation.
Some authors criticize the SD denition given by the Brundtland Commission and
even consider ve determinants of sustainable development (Seghezzo, 2009):
Place: with three dimensions of space; Permanence: the dimension of time; and
Persons: human dimension. However, this concept is too abstract to be applied,
and not suciently explored and scientically conrmed. Recent researches
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also examine the inuence of culture on accepting digitalization. Benner (2017)
analysed the impact of the cultural acceptance of digitalization on the GDP in East
and West Germany. The research was based on measuring the data from Google
Trend, where the term “Facebook” occurred as a search term. The results showed
that positive cultural acceptance of digitalization increases GDP. However, this
research did not include the remaining SD dimensions. On the other hand, Hegyes
et al. (2017) examined the problem of digitalization and sustainable development
by comparing Hungary with other EU countries. The research was based on the
European Commission reports and empirical research in secondary education.
Again, the results did not give the whole picture of the digitalization impact
on sustainable development components, but they put the focus on Hungarian
performance in comparison to EU.
Relationship of the national cultural dimensions and technology innovativeness has
already drawn the attention of the researches. Zhao (2011) has empirically examined
whether national culture has an impact on e-government development in 84 countries
around the world. He has found that only individualism, power distance and long-
term orientation are signicantly correlated with e-government development. Khalil
(2011) also explored the relationship between values of national culture and practice
to e-Government readiness. He has found that, except for the performance orientation
and assertiveness, values of national culture and practices correlated negatively and
positively with e-Government readiness. Al-Hujran et al. (2011) have developed
an integrated model by extending the technology acceptance model (TAM) with
Hofstede’s national culture dimensions, which is used to evaluate the impact of
national culture on eGovernment adoption. Favourable cultural factors across nations
like religion, ethnicity, political freedom do help nation to support technological
progress (Coccia, 2014). Some researchers provided synthesis of previous research
related to information technology and national culture (Gallivan and Srite, 2005)
but not pointing out national cultural dimensions. Srite and Karahanna (2006) in
their research compared technology acceptance and cultural values. Their research
indicated that espoused cultural values have dierent inuence on behavioural
intention to use technology depending on cultural values like Masculinity, Power
distance and Uncertainty avoidance. Rinne et al. (2012) explored the link between
Hofstede’s measures of cultural values and innovation measured by the Global
Innovation Index (GII). Their analyses show a strong negative relationship between
Hofstede’s dimensions of Power distance and GII innovation scores as well as
a strong positive relationship between Individualism and GII innovation scores.
Considering other studies that investigate a relationship between culture and
environmental sustainability, Cox et al. (2011) found that economic development is
also related to cultural values. They found that Power distance was negatively related
to weighted gross domestic product per capita (GDPC), whereas Individualism
was positively related to weighted GDPC. GDPC in their study was balanced with
environmental sustainability.
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In these kinds of societal changes, managers should take care of companies’ impact
on society. Taking a systems perspective of marketing it is evident that everything is
networked: people, companies, society, and as such they must respond to customer
demand (Layton and Grossbart 2006). If we observe macromarketing from a
perspective of activities within society than marketing is helping to optimize overall
social benets form entire marketing process (Bartels and Jenkins, 1977), and
marketing processes are functioning as a result and determinant of economic and
social environment. Consequently, marketing from a macromarketing perspective is a
facilitating agent that helps to organize activities in society to improve conditions for
individuals in a specic society (Layton, 2009). Macromarketing is more oriented on
social aspects of marketing and institutions (Bartels and Jenkins, 1977). This concept
tries to explain the functioning of complex marketing mechanisms of economic
and social environments. As such, it is an important determinant of sustainable
development. Kilbourne et al. (1997) claim that only macromarketing can eectively
examine the relationship between sustainable consumption and quality of life. They
recognize four dimensions: technology, economics, ethics, and politics as crucial for
determining sustainable consumption. By fostering macromarketing activities and
mechanisms (information, individual actions, participation of business, measuring
indicators, political support of government) it is possible to transform society from the
state of hyperconsumption to the desired state of sustainable consumption (Kilbourne
et al., 1997). Macromarketing activities encourage a behavioral change of society by
raising awarenes and they are also responsible for accepting the radical technological
changes (i.e. digital transformation) (Shultz, 2007; Nills and Shultz, 1997). Also,
Mittelstaedt et al. (2014) argue that macromarketing approach is researching, among
others, globalization, the environment and quality of life, and due to that is the most
suitable for analysing and advancing sustainability.
Shultz and Peterson (2017) noticed the socioeconomic transition in Vietnam to
a market-oriented economy, and thus examined the macromarketing aspect of
their performance. They examined the Sustainable Society Index values with
macromarketing activities and concluded that it is crucial to foster macromarketing
activities in order to achieve a sustainable society. Further, one of the possibilities
for exploring this impact of macromarketing on society is to analyse global indices
(Simkins and Peterson, 2015). For example, the Sustainable Society Index can
oer important issues related to marketing and sustainable business practices.
Moreover, secondary data that also include various indexes are a lucrative pool
for approaching and researching sustainability issues through macromarketing. In
the process of adopting changes, macromarketing can be used as an approach that
takes into consideration dierent cultural aspects of the society where the change
is being implemented. Layton (2007) points out that culture and its elements are
an integral part of macromarketing approach to marketing systems. Therefore,
cultural context is important in dening and exploring marketing environment. It
interacts with other elements in the environment like economic development, level
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of technology and the physical environment to ensure sustainable development of
a society. In the era of digital transformation of society, the technological change
and the growth of knowledge are a driver of economic growth and wealth (Layton,
2009). Consequently, in this process of the digital transformation of the society, it is
important to consider dierent cultural dimensions. Dierent dimensions of culture
and cultural change operate together through marketing systems to change society
(Layton, 2009) and to inuence sustainable development of the society. Therefore,
there is interconnectedness between society, culture and macromarketing approach.
Having in mind the emergence of the digital transformation process, importance
of sustainable development issue, and the intermediary role of macromarekting, to
answer the main hypothesis of the research we proposed two research questions:
Whether and to what extent digital transformation aects sustainable
development and its components?
Whether digital transformation level is aected by the cultural characteristics of
a society?
Thus, in this paper, we compare the measures of digitalization performance with
measures of sustainable development (as a concept, as well as its components). In
the research, we observed cultural dimensions as an important component of both
sustainable development and macromarketing. We based our conclusions on a set
of 28 EU countries. For the measure of digitalization, we observed the Digital
Economy and Society Index and compared the results with other measures related
to the sustainable development components.
To measure the level of achieved digitalization in a country, European Commission
developed The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), a composite
measure that summarises indicators related to the digital performance and digital
competitiveness of the EU member states. The index is compounded of a set of
indicators related to the digital policy mix and has a three-layer structure (European
Commission, 2017). At the rst level, there are ve principal dimensions:
Connectivity, Digital skills, Use of Internet, Integration of Digital Technology,
and Digital Public Services. Second level has 12 sub-dimensions, and the third
level has 31 individual indicators. Complete structure of DESI with the weighting
system is presented in Figure 2. The ve principal dimensions are dened by the
ve principal policies for digital economy and society. European Commission
(2017) claims that the digital development of the economy and society can only
be achieved by interconnected development of these areas (European Commission,
2017). As technological changes occur, this index is also changing the methodology,
so in 2016, they included some new indicators in the calculation (i.e. 4G coverage).
Regarding weighting system used for the computation of nal DESI score, not all
the dimensions have the same share: Connectivity and Human Capital are having
the largest impact with 25% each, then Integration of Digital Technology with 20%,
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while Use of Internet and Digital Public Services have the lowest impact of 15%.
Within dimensions, the sub-dimensions also have dierent weighting system shown
in Figure 2 (European Commission, 2017).
Figure 2: Digital Economy and Society Index structure
Source: Authors, based on European Commission (2017)
Analysing the structure and methodology used for computation of the DESI, we
can conclude that the indicators are carefully examined, selected and appropriate
for the phenomenon they measure. Also, as one of the biggest shortcomings of
numerous global index methodologies is equal weighting system (Jovanović et al.,
2017; Šegota et al., 2017), we can say that this is not the case with DESI, since the
dierent signicance of certain digitalization aspects has been considered. Finally,
all indicators at the lowest level of the hierarchy are quantitative, so they provide
objective measures of performance regarding the achieved level of digitalization.
To objectively examine the relationship between the digitalization process
and sustainable development, we measured the correlation between the DESI
and selected set of indicators that measure certain (or all) aspects of sustainable
development. We compared the DESI results with the following global indices:
Global Competitiveness Index
Global Innovation Index
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Gross Domestic Products
Global Entrepreneurship Index
The Good Country Index
Sustainable Development Goal Index
Sustainable Society Index
There is still no widely accepted index that measures overall sustainability, but some
of them deal with one or more SD dimensions (Savić et al., 2016). In this research,
we use indices explicitly dened for this purpose, but since their methodologies are
still developing (Sustainable Development Goal Index started being measured in
2015), or not measured each year (as Sustainable Society Index), we used measures
that relate to some SD dimensions and are widely accepted.
To examine macromarketing role in the process of digitalization, we included
measures of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in the research. Also, culture is identied
as the fourth dimension of SD, but not included in any ocial methodology for
measuring sustainability level. Thus, this was another reason to include a cultural
aspect in the research.
Having in mind that not all examined indices measure each SD aspect, we classied
them based on the set of indicators they are compounded of (Table 1). After the
explanation of each methodology, we noted the dimension they are related to.
3. Methodology
Further, we will briey explain the subject matter of each index. Global
Competitiveness Index (GCI) is measured by the World Economic Forum and
assesses the global competitiveness of 137 countries. It also gives an insight
into the catalysts of the economy that are crucial for the further development
and prosperity (WEF, 2017). The indicators of this methodology are oriented on
economy (i.e. quality of roads, pay and productivity, company spending on R&D,
etc.) and society development (i.e. Secondary education enrolment rate, Internet
users, quality of education, etc.).
Global Innovation Index (GII) measures innovation performance of 127 world
economies. Cornell University, INSEAD Business School, and World Intellectual
Property Oce annually publish The Global Innovation Report and provide data
related to the innovative activity of countries through the set of 81 indicators
(Cornell University et al., 2017). As in GCI, the components of this index are
related to economy and society. The only single indicator used in the research for
the comparison with the digitalization level is Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
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as one of the main indicators of a country’s economic performance (Syrquin,
2011). We also examined the scores of the Global Entrepreneurship Index
(GEI) published by the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute.
This index measures the health of 137 entrepreneurial ecosystems by measuring
entrepreneurial attitudes, abilities, and aspirations (GEDI, 2017). Although
entrepreneurial activities are not an explicit part of the sustainable development,
they relate to the social activities within the economic system, so it is also
connected to the economy and society dimensions of SD (Levi Jakšić et al.,
Another global index examined in the research oers a slightly dierent
perspective the Good Country Index (GoCI). Unlike other measures that are
oriented mostly towards economic and social performance, this index measures
the contribution of a country to “the common good of humanity” (Good Country,
2016). The Good Country organization collects the data from the ocial
institutions and evaluates the “goodness” of a country through its contribution
to seven dimensions: Science and Technology, Culture, International Peace and
Security, World Order, Planet and Climate, Prosperity and Equality, and Health
and Wellbeing. Unlike previous indices, this relates to all three sustainability
aspects: economy, environment and society. The listed indices are not primarily
oriented towards measuring sustainability but are focused on one or more
dimensions. Thus, we included methodologies developed solely to measure the
sustainable development: Sustainable Development Goals Index and Sustainable
Society Index. Sustainable Development Goals Index (SDGI) is the result of a
worldwide study that evaluates how much each country contributes to achieving
the Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Solutions
Network and the Bertelsmann Stiftung annually publish these reports with
guidelines to leaders how can identify priorities and track progress in achieving
the goals (Bertelsmann Stiftung and SDSN, 2017). Sustainable Society Index
(SSI) is another measure of sustainability level that the Sustainable Society
Foundation publishes every two years. The SSI calculates the performance at
three levels: 21 indicators, 7 categories, and 3 basic SD dimensions (Economic,
Environmental, and Human Wellbeing) (SSF, 2016a). However, this index does
not provide the aggregate measure of sustainability, but three dierent scores for
each dimension. Thus, we compared the DESI result with each of the three SSI
None of the listed indices includes the cultural perspective of a nation, although
it is identied as an important component of adopting technological changes
or component that moderates technology adoption, usage, and infusion (Srite,
1999). Kovačić (2005) in his work asserts that cultural values relate to technology
readiness. Others explored relationship between dierent national cultural
dimensions on technology acceptance or technology readiness (Sun, Lee and
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Law, 2018; Khalil, 2011; Yoon, 2009; Parasuraman, Edvardsson and Gustafsson,
2004). Thus, we included Hofstede’s cultural dimensions scores for the selected
set of countries. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions approach is one of the most
widely used tools that measure cultural characteristics of a nation (Hofstede,
1984; Masleand and Hoorn, 2009). We explored correlations with each of the six
dened dimensions. Each country achieves a certain score on a scale from 0 to
Power Distance dimension describes the level of orientation towards hierarchy.
Countries that have high scores on this dimension accept unequal distribution of
power since low scores mean that power is equally distributed among society.
Individualism vs. Collectivism describes the strength of the community in the
society. A high score on this dimension means that people are not willing to take
other people’s responsibility, unlike those with low scores that are loyal to the
group they belong to and stand for their interest.
Masculinity vs. Femininity describes the roles of men and women in society.
Highly masculine societies defer the roles depending on the gender, and money
and achievement are important determinants of success, while the feminine
societies more orients towards the quality of life, and it is considered that men
and women roles are overlapping. Uncertainty Avoidance measures the level to
which people are willing to deal with the anxiety and are capable of accepting the
risk. A high score on this dimension denes that society prefers the situation that
they can control and situations that can predict, while the lower score signies the
relaxed and open communities.
Long-term orientation describes the degree to which people are oriented on past
and tradition. Nations with low scores are more religious, nationalists, and are not
easy to accept societal changes and thus are marked as short-term oriented, while
high scores describe the nations that are more persistent, pragmatic, thrifty and
respect education. Indulgence vs. Restraint measures a society’s characteristics
regarding enjoying life. Nations with low scores are restraint, pessimistic and
are regulated by strict social norms, while high score describes societies that are
more optimistic and focused on personal happiness (Hofstede, 2011).
4. Empirical data and analysis
To compare the results and derive conclusions, we collected data from 2014 to 2017
(since the European Commission started measuring DESI in 2014) for EU countries
(the scope of DESI). The SDGI values are available only for 2016 and 2017, while
the SSI is measured every two years and thus the results are provided only for 2014
and 2016.
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Table 1: SD dimensions and data source for the selected indices
Measure SD component Data source
GCI Economy, Society WEF (2014) WEF (2015) WEF (2016) WEF (2017)
GII Economy, Society
Cornell University et al.(2014)
Cornell University et al. (2015)
Cornell University et al. (2016)
Cornell University et al. (2017)
GDP Economy Eurostat (2018)
GEI Economy, Society GEDI (2014) GEDI (2015) GEDI (2016) GEDI (2017)
GoCI Economy, Society, Environment Good Country (2017)
SciTech Economy
Culture Society
Intern.Peace & Security Society
World Order Society
Planet & Climate Environment
Prosperity and Equality Economy, Society
Health and Wellbeing Economy, Society
SDGI Economy, Society, Environment Kroll (2015) Sachs et al. (2016) Sachs et al. (2017)
SSI Economy, Society, Environment SSF (2016b)
HCD Culture Hofstede Insights (2018)
Source: Authors
All data were collected from the ocial reports, websites, and databases, and
the sources are given in Table 1. Also, the table lists the dimensions of sustainable
development that is addressed by the selected indices. To calculate the correlation,
we used StatSoft’s software Statistica (StatSoft, 2018). We measured the Spearman’s
correlation coecient for comparing the Good Country Index and DESI since the
data from the GoCI methodology is ordinal (ranks). For the rest of the data, we
calculated Pearson’s correlation coecient. Although correlation coecients do not
imply causal relationship, they show the linkage between the observed variables and
the strength of the link. The results are discussed in the next section.
Correlations from Table 2 show that most of the measures signicantly correlate
with the DESI values (numbers agged). GCI, GII, and GEI have a strong positive
correlation with DESI for each year (from 0.7667 to 0.8856) which means that
highly digitalized countries are more likely to be more competitive, innovative, and
entrepreneurially oriented on the global market. The similar situation is with the
GDP level, which shows high positive correlation from 0.6125 to 0.6623 with DESI
index. This can be labelled as expected because higher digitalization level can be
related to the higher standard level of the countries. However, it is not as high as the
previous measures, which proves that the economic standard is not the only aspect
that is related to the more digitalized societies.
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Table 2: The correlation results
Measure SD component DESI
2014 2015 2016 2017
GCI Economy, Society 0.8047*0.8655*0.8546*0.7667*
GII Economy, Society 0.8071*0.8745*0.8682*0.8564*
GDP Economy 0.6687*0.6827*0.6614*0.6883*
GEI Economy, Society 0.8797*0.8712*0.8856*0.8521*
The GoCI Economy, Society,
Environment 0.6125*0.6623*0.6519*0.6377*
SciTech Economy 0.3175 0.3290 0.3372 0.2874
Culture Society 0.7767*0.8095*0.8161*0.8084*
Intern. Peace & Security Society 0.2759 0.3131 0.3098 0.2868
World Order Society 0.5249*0.5397*0.5008*0.5101*
Planet & Climate Environment 0.1527 0.1587 0.1637 0.1544
Prosperity and Equality Economy, Society 0.5435*0.5955*0.6015*0.5709*
Health and Wellbeing Economy, Society 0.7225*0.7564*0.7493*0.7504*
SDGI Economy, Society,
Environment N/A N/A 0.8302*0.6771*
SSI Economy, Society,
Environment N/A N/A N/A N/A
Human Wellbeing Society 0.5488*N/A 0.6132*N/A
Environmental Wellbeing Environment -0.5642*N/A -0.5890*N/A
Economic Wellbeing Economy 0.3156 N/A 0.3199 N/A
Hofstede’s dimensions
Power distance Culture -0.7201*-0.7079*-0.6992*-0.5613*
Individualism Culture 0.5593*0.5607*0.5528*0.5980*
Masculinity Culture -0.3814 -0.3610 -0.3870 -0.3465
Uncertainty Avoidance Culture -0.6427*-0.6598*-0.6470*-0.5791*
Long term orientation Culture -0.0681 -0.0772 -0.0920 0.0295
Indulgence Culture 0.6932*0.7092*0.7246*0.6844*
*signicant at p< 0.05; N/A – the data was not available for the observed years
Source: Authors
The Good Country Index also has a strong positive correlation with DESI (from
0.6125 to 0.6623). These results indicate that countries with higher level of
digitalization tend to contribute more to humanity. This tendency can also be
considered as a certain aspect of sustainability if we assume that these kinds of
contribution and responsible behaviour are leading towards higher sustainability. To
have results on correlations between the observed indices and DESI more visually
comparable we created Figure 3.
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Figure 3: Statistically signicant correlations of the observed indexes and DESI
Source: Authors
If we focus on the sustainability indices, SDGI also strongly correlates with the
DESI with correlations of 0.8302 and 0.6771.
From a cultural perspective (Figure 4), the results show that Power distance
dimension has a high negative correlation with DESI. Also, it has been identied
that more risk-oriented countries (have lower Uncertainty Avoidance scores) have
medium to a strong negative correlation score (-0.5791 to -0.6470).
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Figure 4: Statistically signicant correlations of Hofstede’s components and DESI
Source: Authors
Furthermore, Individualism has a medium positive correlation with digitalization
(0.5528 to 0.5980). Long term orientation does not detect any relationship with the
digitalization level. In the end, Indulgence has strong positive correlation with the
level of digitalization (0.6844 to 0.7246).
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5. Results and discussion
If we examine the components of GoCI and the results given in Table 2, Science
and Technology development have low positive relationship with DESI, which at
rst do not seem logic, but this value in the GoCI methodology is computed based
on the number of international students, journal exports, international publications,
Nobel prizes, and patents, and is not closely linked to the ICT development.
Cultural component, however, has a strong positive relationship with digitalization
level, as well as Health and Wellbeing. World order, and Prosperity and Equality
have a medium positive correlation with the level of digitalization. These results
again emphasize that social components of the countries are inuenced positively
with the process of digitalization. On the other hand, for International Peace and
Security does not identify the statistically signicant relationship, although it is
positive. Also, for Planet & Climate component, the only component related to
environmental dimension, there is a weak positive correlation, which means that
does not have a statistically signicant relationship with digitalization level.
Table 2 and Figure 3 point out that sustainability index SDGI strongly correlates
with DESI. This implicates that, according to this measure, more digitalized
societies tend to perform better in achieving sustainability goals. To have
another perspective, we can investigate the SSI correlation results, since this
index diversies three components related to the sustainability dimensions and
do not provide a single (composite) measure of sustainability. Human Wellbeing
component (related to the social dimension) has a positive relationship with the
digitalization, meaning that digitalized societies have more satised basic needs and
better education. In comparison to Environmental Wellbeing, DESI has a negative
relationship. This is an important implication since it signies that societies with
higher digitalization level are scoring low regarding climate, energy use, renewable
energy, consumption etc.
The research also examined cultural component according to Hofstede’s dimensions
of culture (Figure 4 and Table 2) and shows several trends. Namely, Power distance
dimension has a high negative correlation with DESI. Also, it has been identied
that more risk-oriented countries (have lower Uncertainty Avoidance scores) tend
to be more digitalized. In addition, results show that collectivistic societies have
a lower level of digitalization than the individualistic (Individualism component).
Surprisingly, Long term orientation does not detect any relationship with the
digitalization level. This signies that there are no dierences found in accepting
the digitalization between the traditional and future-oriented societies. In the end,
Indulgence has a strong positive correlation with the level of digitalization. This
result indicates that the level of digitalization is higher in the societies that tend
to enjoy life and have fun in comparison to the restraint countries that resist the
fullment of desires. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are used in this research, but, it
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would be interesting, related to macromarketing eorts, to explore dierent cultural
tools that Fons Trompenaars and Shalom Schwartz developed (Trompenaars and
Hampden Turner, 2000; Schwartz, 2006).
Although we have derived important implications, this research has certain
limitations. Firstly, the set of countries is narrowed to 28 EU countries because
of the scope of DESI. This is important because cultural dierences may be even
stronger, and conclusions may signicantly dier when the rest of the world
countries are included (especially Asian and African). However, this cannot
be changed if some new ocial measures occur or the European Commission
methodology changes the scope of DESI. Regarding methodologies for
measuring sustainable development, SDGI is still young methodology, and SSI
is not measured annually and does not provide a unique score on sustainability.
Furthermore, observing countries based on the current level of development would
help researchers to distinguish between knowledge and information society. This
approach would be interesting to be applied in further research. In this research, we
used Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions to explore values and relationship
that society has on DESI. However, other methodologies can be applied to explore
relationship with macromarketing eorts, especially related to digitalization and
sustainability. As current research focuses only on exploring wheatear and how
digital transformation aects sustainable development, it would be interesting to
explore to what extent these elements inuence sustainable development. We
suppose that there will be dierences among dierent cultures and especially in
cultural dimensions as current research indicated. Also, there is a possibility to
structure the model of implications for policymakers with specic macromarketing
tools that should be applied for easier implementation of technological changes into
a society based on the cultural dimensions.
6. Conclusions
Technological changes are rapid. They signicantly shape our society. Since
the length of the waves is shortening, it demands quick and agile reaction on
the market. Currently, we are living in the era of digital transformation. Digital
technologies are changing all business aspects, and new challenges are occurring.
In adopting these changes, macromarketing has a special role with its specic
approach. Nonetheless, man must not forget his natural environment in chasing
the economic development. Thus, developing sustainably has been set as a priority
action, and the hypothesis was proposed that that digitalization aects sustainable
development. Consequently, two questions emerge: Whether and to what extent
digital transformation aects sustainable development and its components? and
Whether digital transformation level is aected by the cultural characteristics of
a society? For answering the posted questions, we conducted a research where
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the digitalization measure of EU countries is compared with other established
methodologies that measure one or more sustainability components. The results
show that digitalization signicantly correlates with the sustainable development
components, indicating that we can conrm our posited hypothesis. Higher
digitalization level is in a relationship with economic development through higher
competitiveness, innovativeness, and entrepreneurial activities. Also, GDP is
higher in more digitalized countries. Nevertheless, not just economic development,
but the social aspect is also positively inuenced by the digitalization. However,
environment is neglected with a medium negative impact of the digitalization.
Based on correlations results between dierent Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and
digitalization it is noted that cultural dierences have a large impact on the process
of digitalization. More hierarchy, individualism, risk orientation, and readiness to
enjoy life are leading to higher digitalization. On the other side, traditional societies
have similar digitalization level as the future-oriented ones. This also leads to the
conclusion that macromarketing has an important role in accepting digitalization if
the tools are used and shaped by a nation’s cultural characteristics.
It has been noted during the research that methodologies used for measuring the
level of sustainability are not developed enough and that more focus is put on
the economic and social development. Also, we based our conclusions on DESI,
measured only for the EU countries. We examined the methodology and concluded
that it had been carefully developed, with the appropriate structure and weighting
system. Since the digitalization is an important aspect of today’s development,
DESI should have a wider scope than 28 countries. This would enable future
research with a more representative set of countries for deriving implications,
especially regarding cultural characteristics that are important for shaping the set of
actions for implementation.
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Digitalizacija i održivi razvoj društva – Mjere i implikacije1
Milica Jovanović2, Jasmina Dlačić3, Milan Okanović4
Rad istražuje vezu između digitalizacije i održivog razvoja društva te analizira
kompozitni indeks koji se primjenjuje za mjerenje digitalne konkurentnosti nacije
– Indeks digitalne ekonomije i društva (Digital Economy and Society Index –
DESI). Današnje okruženje je visoko zavisno o tehnološkim sposobnostima.
Praćenje suvremenog tehnološkog razvoja postaje izrazito važno kako na mikro
tako i na makro nivou. Jedna od glavnih promjena u modernom poslovanju je
prelazak od tradicionalnog načina poslovanja prema digitalnom poslovanju kako
bi se dosegnula viša razina konkurentnosti. Digitalizacija je jedan od glavnih
pokretačkih sila suvremenog razvoja. Kako bi se prihvatile i implementirale
promjene koje se dešavaju u društvu potrebno je naglasiti ulogu makro-
marketinškog sagledavanja cijelog procesa promjena. Važno je imati konkretne
mjere za identiciranje nedostataka, dobrih praksi i praćenja razvoja. S tim ciljem,
Europska komisija razvila je DESI indeks kako bi mjerila i pratila digitalne
performanse država članica Europske unije. Rad istražuje DESI metodologiju i
promatra kako su digitalne performanse EU država povezane s glavnim
komponentama održivog razvoja: ekonomskim, društvenim i okolišnim. Dakle, rad
istražuje korelacije između DESI indeksa i ostalih kompozitnih indeksa koji mjere
komponente održivog razvoja društva. Pored navedenoga, istraživanje obuhvaća i
povezanost Hofsteadovih dimenzija kulture i digitalnih performansi. Rad
naglašava važnost digitalizacije kao ključnog elementa održivog razvoja društva.
Ključne riječi: digitalizacija, održivi razvoj, indikatori performansi, društvo, makro-
JEL klasikacija: Q01, E71, M38
1 Rad je nastao uz potporu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, projekt ZP UNIRI 9/17 i Ministarstva obrazovanja,
znanosti i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, projekt TR-32013.
2 Asistentica,, Sveučilište u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacijskih znanosti, Jove Ilića 154,
11000 Beograd, Srbija. Znanstveno područje: menadžment tehnologije, inovacija i razvoja,
operacijska istraživanja. Tel.: +381113950879. E-mail:
3 Docentica,, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet, Ivana Filipovića 4, 51000 Rijeka,
Hrvatska. Znanstveno područje: marketing. Tel.: +38551355111. E-mail:
4 Docent,, Sveučilište u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacijskih znanosti, Jove Ilića 154, 11000
Beograd, Srbija. Znanstveno područje: marketing. Tel.: +381113950848. E-mail: milan.
... By contrast, (Knudsen et al., 2021) conclude that the effect of digitalization on competitive advantage and sustainability depends on the combination of big data and network impacts in a business model. (Novikova et al., 2022) emphasize the potential of digitalization to drive economic growth, whereas (Jovanović et al., 2018) underscore the importance of digitalization in achieving sustainable development, in accordance with the Digital Economy and Society Index. ...
... First, as a gauge for measuring digital advancement, the digital economy and society index (DESI) is utilized. This index comprises four key dimensions, namely, "connectivity", "human capital", "digital technology integration", and "digital public services" (Jovanović et al., 2018). It thoroughly represents a nation's socioeconomic digital evolution, focusing on both preparedness and progress. ...
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In the face of global environmental and economic challenges, the role of digitalization and eco-innovation in driving sustainable competitiveness remains underexplored, particularly in the context of EU countries. This study aims to examine how digitalization and eco-innovation contributed to enhancing sustainable competitiveness among 27 EU countries from 2017 to 2022. Using an unbalanced panel data analysis, we employed the Prais‒Winsten regression model with panel-corrected standard error (PCSE) to assess the effects of eco-innovation, digital integration, human capital, economic freedom, and internet usage on sustainable competitiveness. The results indicate that eco-innovation and economic freedom significantly enhance sustainable competitiveness, whereas population growth negatively impacts it. Human capital in the digital sector also plays a critical role, emphasizing the importance of developing digital skills to support sustainable competitiveness. The findings suggest that policies promoting eco-innovation and digital skill development are crucial for improving sustainable competitiveness. Future research should explore these dynamics longitudinally and across diverse economies to deepen the understanding of digital and environmental transformations.
... Esses et al. (2021) have also examined the relationship between digitalisation and sustainable development in the V4 countries, concluding that a strong relationship exists between sustainability and digitalisation. Jovanovic et al. (2018) investigated the correlation between the DESI and other indices measuring sustainable development and highlighted that digitalisation plays an important role in society's sustainable development. Esses-Szalmáné Csete (2022) examined the relationship between the digital transformation and sustainable transition in the EU capitals and concluded that digitalisation and sustainable development are significantly and positively correlated. ...
... The two composite indices are positively and significantly correlated to each other (Pearson coefficient: 0.577, p = 0.002) for the EU countries, mostly in line with earlier findings presented in the literature review on the global scale (Jovanovic et al. 2018). ...
... Existing literature also found a positive contribution of digitalization in most drivers of sustainable development (Kelly & Kamil-Thomas, 2020;Singh et al., 2024c). For instance, Jovanović et al. (2018) reported that digitalization is crucial to increase the sustainable development of society. Public health is also a significant pillar of sustainable development (Singh & Jyoti, 2023c). ...
... Here, DII and PHI are used as representative variables for digitalization and public health, respectively. Previous studies also used estimated indexes as DVs and IVs in the empirical analysis (Jovanović et al., 2018). Furthermore, the progress of digitalization and public health is also determined by many indicators like exports of goods and services, final consumption expenditure, GDP per capita, employment to population ratio, population density, population growth, scientific and technical journal articles and total vulnerable employment. ...
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This study assesses the influence of digitalization on the public health sector across 52 countries. For the above-mentioned investigation, it creates a digital infrastructure index (DII) which is used to observe the progress of these countries in digitalization. Public health index (PHI) is also created for selected countries during 2010 – 2022. Further, estimated values of the PHI are considered to explore the relative progress of these countries in public health. The Karl-Pearson correlation coefficient analysis is adopted to observe the association of digitalization and public health with other macro indicators. It also examines the association of digitalization with public health as including specific control variables in regression analysis. It found a positive causal association among the mentioned indexes. The global countries cannot improve their health sector without adopting digitalization. The empirical results are helpful to improve public health using digitalization, digitalization as improving public health.
... Digital platforms also support entrepreneurship, particularly in emerging markets where formal financial services might not be easily available. Jovanović et al. (2018) noted that the more digitized nations exhibit more viable, and advanced entrepreneurship actions. Consequently, DI would create sustainable entrepreneurship and business ecosystems. ...
... Nevertheless, these equal opportunities of DI can enable high-speed connectivity, and create collective efforts across G20 countries. In the past two decades, the societal structure has been highly dependent and shaped by DI (Jovanović et al., 2018). Rapid digital transformation could be helpful for increasing the change in social, and economic structures (Schwab, 2016). ...
This chapter examines the significance of digital infrastructure (DI) to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in G20 countries during 2010-2022. It develops a set of simultaneous models to assess the causal association of SDGs and its other drivers with DI. SDGI is the inclusion of its three main supportive drivers. It also detects the causal interlinkages of SDGI and its other supportive components with DI. There is also noted a diversity in a group of specific countries in DI and SDGs. Most European Union (EU) countries could achieve better positions in SDGs and DI. Hence, high diversity in SDGs and DI is creating obstacles to achieve SDGs in low-ranking countries. Moreover, SDGs and their other drivers (except environmental sustainability) have positive and significant interlinkages with DI. It also provides numerous policy suggestions to achieve SDGs in G20 countries and scope of further research.
... Based on the findings of their study, highly digitalized countries also have higher GDP. Nonetheless, the economic development, as well as the social aspect, can have a positive impact on digital transformation (Jovanović et al., 2018). Therefore, digital transformation in creative industries can lead to the attainment of sustainable development. ...
This chapter explores the effect of digital transformation and entrepreneurial orientation on the sustainable development of creative industries with the mediating role of social capital. The study's statistical population includes managers of creative industries during 2022, and the sample size is 221 managers of these companies. The data collected through a questionnaire were analyzed with PLS4 software. Results show that businesses adapt to survive in a competitive market by reducing negative impacts on society and the environment. By focusing on social capital, companies can improve relationships between team members and gain access to resources. Many businesses are investing in digital transformation, which allows creative industries to enhance relationships with the community and boost economic performance.
... One of these refers to enhancing or modifying organizational processes, termed novel to the organization (Cijan et al., 2019;Legner et al., 2017;Ulas, 2019;Verhoef et al., 2021). Another one refers to the target market indicated as novel to market (Almeida et al., 2020;Branca et al., 2020;Jovanović et al., 2018;Mergel et al., 2019). Additionally, 24.1% of the articles concentrated on Dimensions Results from the scoping review meeting the needs of both the target market and the organization simultaneously (Hagberg & Jonsson, 2022;Kuusisto, 2017;Zoppelletto et al., 2020). ...
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The aim of this study was to develop and validate a taxonomy designed to assist organizations in formulating their Digital Transformation Project implementation strategies. In creating this taxonomy, we sought to blend both conceptual frameworks and empirical data. The initial phase involved a scoping review that synthesized existing literature to lay the foundation for the taxonomy. Subsequently, we aimed to validate the taxonomy by gathering feedback from industry experts in Germany using a closed card sorting technique, complemented by case study analysis. This structured compilation of information regarding implementation strategies, presented through the taxonomy, simplifies the process for practitioners. Such a taxonomy enables practitioners to adopt a standardized vocabulary, which supports decision-making, encourages learning from previous successes and challenges, and facilitates the application of these lessons to their projects. Additionally, we have included practical case scenarios within the taxonomy, offering guidance for organizations on leveraging it in the execution of digital transformation projects.
... As shown in Fig. 4, high IND can positively moderate the BDA-OA relationship. A previous study suggested that greater IND positively influences a country's creativity, as well as the willingness and ability of employees in that country's firms to innovate and adopt new technologies (Jovanović et al., 2018). A past study highlighted that BDA usage supports organizational innovation processes (Capurro et al., 2022). ...
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Big data analytics (BDA) is widely adopted by many firms to gain competitive advantages. However, some empirical studies have found an inconsistent relationship between BDA and firm performance (FP). Therefore, an underlying mediating mechanism may exist that facilitates their relationship. Based on the dynamic capabilities view (DCV) theory, this study aims to investigate the relationships among BDA, organizational agility (OA), and FP through meta-analysis. Additionally, we explore the mediating effect of OA on the BDA-FP relationship and the moderating effect of national culture (NC) on the BDA–OA–FP relationship. Furthermore, we examine potential methodological moderators in the BDA-FP relationship. Using the random-effect model, meta-analytic structural equation modeling, subgroup analysis, and meta-regression, we analyzed 34 studies with 42 independent samples conducted between 2019 and 2024. The results indicate that, firstly, BDA has a positive impact on OA and FP. Secondly, OA partially mediates the BDA–FP relationship, especially at the process level. Moreover, individualism and indulgence moderate the BDA–OA relationship, while uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation moderate the OA–FP relationship at the marginal significance level. Regarding methodological moderators, the time dimension and analytical technique also moderate the BDA–FP relationship. This study contributes to the DCV theory in information system research and provides practical insights for firms.
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Introduction In recent years, the frequency and intensity of natural disasters and public emergencies around the world have been steadily increasing. Emergency logistics plays an irreplaceable role in providing rapid material and service support in the aftermath of disasters. Therefore, systematically analyzing the differences in emergency logistics responsiveness across various regions of China and understanding their underlying causes are of great significance for optimizing emergency logistics systems and improving disaster responsiveness. Methods In order to identify the regional differences and causes of China’s emergency logistics responsiveness under the impact of public emergencies, this paper pioneered the development of an index system for evaluating emergency logistics responsiveness. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2012 to 2021, this paper used the entropy-weighted TOPSIS method to quantify the emergency logistics responsiveness of various regions in China. In addition, this study uses a panel quantile regression model to evaluate the differences in emergency logistics responsiveness in various regions of China under the impact of public emergencies, and the causes of regional differences are explored. Results The research results show that: (1) China’s emergency logistics responsiveness is upward, but the regional differences are expanding. (2) Compared with the central and eastern regions, the western region’s emergency logistics responsiveness has continuously improved due to the expanding scale of public emergencies. However, the emergency logistics responsiveness of the eastern region has constantly been reduced due to the impact of public emergencies. In contrast, the central region has been reduced first and then improved. (3) The level of emergency logistics technology cannot effectively promote emergency logistics responsiveness. Under the impact of public emergencies, the labor input of the logistics industry cannot effectively meet the needs of emergency logistics activities. The administrative command method and the level of marketization inhibit emergency logistics responsiveness. The improvement of the social labor input level, urbanization level, logistics development level, and digitalization level can effectively promote emergency logistics responsiveness. Discussion The above results show that China should pay attention to regional differences. Each region should rely on the existing logistics system and plan and build emergency logistics hubs according to the characteristics of emergencies in each region. Continue to strengthen regional exchanges and cooperation to narrow the gap in regional emergency logistics responsiveness. At the same time, this paper plays a driving role in China’s joint emergency logistics rescue cooperation with other countries worldwide.
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The research aimed to investigate the impact of training on digital citizenship skills in developing attitudes toward sustainable development among university students. The study involved 25 first-year students from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, including 13 Medical Sciences College students in the experimental group and 12 Engineering College students in the control group. The researcher administered the following tools: the training program and the Sustainable Development Attitude Scale. A quasi-experimental design was employed, and data were analyzed statistically using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. The research results revealed statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the scores of individuals in the experimental and control groups on the Sustainable Development Attitude Scale after the implementation of the program in favor of the experimental group. Additionally, statistically significant differences were found between the mean ranks of the scores of individuals in the experimental group on the Sustainable Development Attitude Scale in the pre-test and post-test measures in favor of the post-test. However, no statistically significant differences were found between the mean ranks of the scores of the experimental group on the Sustainable Development Attitude Scale in the post-test and follow-up measures (after one month). The researcher provided a comprehensive discussion of the study variables: attitudes towards sustainable development and its components, as well as the training program based on digital citizenship skills in the current study. Furthermore, the researcher presented some recommendations and proposed further research.
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Despite of the rising awareness of the urgency in finding more efficient and effective ways to achieve sustainable development, comprehensive and consistent meaning is still elusive both in theory and practice. The aim of this paper is to create a more structured theoretical framework related to macro and micro perspectives of sustainable development, relevant also to enhancing sustainable practices. We here propose a comprehensive framework model for structuring multiple sustainability principles and practices, detected in the literature as different sustainability categories related to both macro and micro perspectives of sustainability in the economy and society. The focus is on relevant sustainability principles of technology and business innovation in relation to basic technology and business innovation models as a contribution to less investigated theoretical aspects of sustainable business development. We developed a set of related matrices indicating the relevant roles and relationships between these principles in achieving sustainable business goals related to sustainable economy dimensions. Finally, the paper shows that the proposed Related Matrices Framework fulfils the main objective set in the initial research stages, i.e. to be of both theoretical and practical relevance. As a contribution to the theory it meets the need of building a structured, integrated, comprehensive model that serves the needs of better understanding different sustainability of macro and micro categories, indicating mutual relations and influences. In a practical sense, it can be used as a tool to support the management of change in companies oriented at achieving sustainable business goals based on sustainable technology and business innovation.
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The authors apply methods and perspectives from several disciplines to explore the effects of Vietnam's economic development on various ecosystems, to offer a macromarketing view of sustainable development in Vietnam. An adapted version of the Sustainable Society Index was used to assess Vietnam's sustainability, how Vietnam's measures compare to other countries, with implications for future sustainable-development. Among several findings, Vietnam earns favorable sustainability ratings in absolute terms for water resources, healthy living, energy use, greenhouse gases, genuine savings, and employment. Ominously, Vietnam and some of its nearby neighbors post poor scores for energy savings and education. Going forward, energy savings, a well-educated population, and a coordinated marketing system will be required to ensure favorable sustainability measures. Drawing on macromarketing explorations of complex and interdependent systems, key factors are considered to redress unsustainable resource exploitation and degradation. Particular attention is given to the complexities and dilemmas inherent to waterways, such as the Mekong River Basin and Delta. The authors argue for multi-win goals, systemic understanding, stakeholder inclusion, and resolutions via cooperation and constructive engagement—including projects, products, services, and institutional leadership for best practices designed and administered to enhance sustainability and citizen/societal well-being.
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Competitiveness represents a concept that has occupied a great deal of the economic theorists’ attention for decades. Due to its complexity and different perceptions, it has not been uniquely defined yet and neither has its measurement system been completely developed. The problem of the conducted research arises from the fact that the countries mostly due to structural and other constraints in the economy (or in cases where they have high levels of GDP) do not use the available inputs in the best way, i.e. they do not achieve a satisfactory level of economic efficiency, which is then reflected on the competitiveness of their economies. The aim of the research paper is to demonstrate how a combination of using Data Envelopment Analysis Method (DEA) and the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) in ranking the countries according to the macroeconomic competitiveness is more realistic than it is in the case of using the traditional indicators. In the paper, in evaluating the competitiveness of selected EU Member States the Data Envelopment Analysis Method (DEA) is used. Based on the previous researches and our research results it is found that the traditional indicators of competitiveness are incomplete because they do not consider the macroeconomic efficiency of the country. Therefore, we propose to apply a combination of GCI and the efficiency results obtained by DEA in order to achieve a more realistic evaluation of macroeconomic competitiveness. As a key outcome of the research, the new measure of competitiveness is proposed: a combination of traditional competitiveness indicator and the results of the evaluation of countries’ macroeconomic efficiency obtained by applying BCC model of DEA method.
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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by member states of the United Nations in September 2015, set ambitious quantitative goals to be achieved by 2030 in every country. The SDG Index and Dashboard benchmark country performance and facilitate peer-learning for a successful implementation of the goals and targets. The annual report provides a report card for tracking SDG progress and ensuring accountability. These reports show how leaders can deliver on their promise and they urge countries not to lose the momentum for important reforms. In order to achieve the ambitious goals, immediate and comprehensive action is needed in the crucial first years of implementation of the new global agenda.
Nowadays knowledge has become a strategic resource, and plays a crucial role in education, innovation, different development processes, thus, in economic growth. Considering the rapidly and continuously changing business environment, the impacts of globalisation and digitalization, staying competitive is a great challenge for companies both in public and private sectors in the 21 st century. Through the information society or knowledge-based society came to the fore, the use of diverse information technology tools and methods has become a significant influence factor in the daily life of both individuals and organisations. In this new economy the appearance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the different online applications-especially social media-represent a completely different and new structure in communication and education. Although the relationship between education and sustainable development is complex, there is no doubt that education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability. Also United Nations highlighted the importance of sustainability and the role of education and digitalization in it-in 2015 UN General Assembly emphasized the cross-cutting contribution of ICT to the newly defined Sustainable Development Goals as ICT can accelerate the progress of sustainability. The current paper is intended to summarize the most important related literature and provide a better understanding of knowledge-based economy, digitalization and education for sustainability. Furthermore, the study offers a brief introspection into the current situation of Europe-compared with Hungary-in terms of digital competence and use of ICT. The research methods are the analysis of different related articles and reports, a comparative analysis of digital skills and competences between Hungary and European Union based on the reports published by the European Commission: Measuring Digital Skills across the EU: EU wide indicators of Digital Competence (2014); Survey of Schools: ICT in Education (2013) and Europe's Digital Progress Report 2017. Moreover, Authors mapped the current situation of ICT usage habits in secondary education in Hungary based on their own empirical research. The main findings of the study show that Hungary has a better position in terms of digital skills in comparison with the average of the European Union. Although it is obvious that usage of different ICT tools is essential in education in order to make knowledge transfer easier, the inconvenience of the older generation can reduce the efficiency of the new technology in education. Summarizing the results it can be clearly seen that confidence of digital skills are higher in Generation Y and Generation Z, as they have the basic need to use different ICT tools, mobile and online technologies in their everyday life.
Digital technology in the modern world is not only a tool, but also a living environment that opens up new opportunities: learning at any convenient time, continuing education, etc. This article aims to describe the specificity of digital education, the current state of its implementation, the expected results and concerns in this respect. Having shown the core of the digital education and the state of its implementation in modern society, this type of education must be critically analyzed in terms of advantages and risks with reference to contemporary students and the effectiveness of the teaching – learning process, in which they participate. In the study pros and cons of digital learning are revealed.
The impacts of cultural values on technology acceptance at national level have been investigated by previous studies, but not at individual level. Hence, the research question of the present study is what are the impacts of cultural values at individual level on technology acceptance? The detailed objective is to investigate the impacts of cultural values at individual level on the extended technology acceptance model by considering technology readiness. A research framework was developed, and the technology acceptance model was extended from the perspective of hotel employees. Results showed that highlighting long-term benefits of hotel technology such as workload reduction and performance enhancement can be considered to improve the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, introducing a new hotel technology under a less masculine cultural environment can greatly help hotel employees minimize their discomfort. Accordingly, an effective and successful hotel technology can be achieved.
Conference Paper
Diffusion of information and communication technologies is a global phenomenon. In spite of rapid globalization there are considerable differences between nations in terms of the adoption and usage of new technologies. Several studies exploring causal factors including national cultures of information and communication technology adoption have been carried out. The focus of this paper is slightly different from other studies in this area. Rather than concentrating on the individual information technology an overall eGovernment readiness is the focus. This research conducted an analysis of the impact national culture has on eGovernment readiness and its components for 95 countries. eGovernment readiness assessment used in this study is based on the UN Global eGovernment Survey 2003, while the national cultural dimensions were identified using Hofstede’s model of cultural differences. The research model and hypotheses were formed and tested using correlation and regression analysis. The findings indicate that worldwide eGov-ernment readiness and its components are related to culture. The result has theoretical and practical implications.
This chapter reviews some of the most prominent theories of economic development. These theories describe tools and strategies for making development goals achievable. The chapter starts with early views about the nature of economic prosperity. The chapter then reviews classical theories with four main clusters: linear stages of growth models; structural change models; international dependence models; and neoclassical counter-revolution models. Subsequently, contemporary theories of economic development, including new growth theory and theory of coordination failure, are reviewed. Finally, implications of the changes in the development thoughts and their importance in studying development problems in the developing countries conclude the chapter.