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Methane prediction based on individual or groups of milk fatty acids for dairy cows fed rations with or without linseed


Abstract and Figures

Milk fatty acids (MFA) are a proxy for the prediction of CH4 emission from cows, and prediction differs with diet. Our objectives were (1) to compare the effect of diets on the relation between MFA profile and measured CH4 production, (2) to predict CH4 production based on 6 data sets differing in the number and type of MFA, and (3) to test whether additional inclusion of energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield or dry matter intake (DMI) as explanatory variables improves predictions. Twenty dairy cows were used. Four diets were used based on corn silage (CS) or grass silage (GS) without (L0) or with linseed (LS) supplementation. Ten cows were fed CS-L0 and CS-LS and the other 10 cows were fed GS-L0 and GS-LS in random order. In feeding wk 5 of each diet, CH4 production (L/d) was measured in respiration chambers for 48 h and milk was analyzed for MFA concentrations by gas chromatography. Specific CH4 prediction equations were obtained for L0-, LS-, GS-, and CS-based diets and for all 4 diets collectively and validated by an internal cross-validation. Models were developed containing either 43 identified MFA or a reduced set of 7 groups of biochemically related MFA plus C16:0 and C18:0. The CS and LS diets reduced CH4 production compared with GS and L0 diets, respectively. Methane yield (L/kg of DMI) reduction by LS was higher with CS than GS diets. The concentrations of C18:1 trans and n-3 MFA differed among GS and CS diets. The LS diets resulted in a higher proportion of unsaturated MFA at the expense of saturated MFA. When using the data set of 43 individual MFA to predict CH4 production (L/d), the cross-validation coefficient of determination (R²CV) ranged from 0.47 to 0.92. When using groups of MFA variables, the R²CV ranged from 0.31 to 0.84. The fit parameters of the latter models were improved by inclusion of ECM or DMI, but not when added to the data set of 43 MFA for all diets pooled. Models based on GS diets always had a lower prediction potential (R²CV = 0.31 to 0.71) compared with data from CS diets (R²CV = 0.56 to 0.92). Models based on LS diets produced lower prediction with data sets with reduced MFA variables (R²CV = 0.62 to 0.68) compared with L0 diets (R²CV = 0.67 to 0.80). The MFA C18:1 cis-9 and C24:0 and the monounsaturated FA occurred most often in models. In conclusion, models with a reduced number of MFA variables and ECM or DMI are suitable for CH4 prediction, and CH4 prediction equations based on diets containing linseed resulted in lower prediction accuracy.
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Milk fatty acids (MFA) are a proxy for the prediction
of CH4 emission from cows, and prediction differs with
diet. Our objectives were (1) to compare the effect of
diets on the relation between MFA profile and mea-
sured CH4 production, (2) to predict CH4 production
based on 6 data sets differing in the number and type
of MFA, and (3) to test whether additional inclusion
of energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield or dry matter
intake (DMI) as explanatory variables improves predic-
tions. Twenty dairy cows were used. Four diets were
used based on corn silage (CS) or grass silage (GS)
without (L0) or with linseed (LS) supplementation.
Ten cows were fed CS-L0 and CS-LS and the other 10
cows were fed GS-L0 and GS-LS in random order. In
feeding wk 5 of each diet, CH4 production (L/d) was
measured in respiration chambers for 48 h and milk
was analyzed for MFA concentrations by gas chro-
matography. Specific CH4 prediction equations were
obtained for L0-, LS-, GS-, and CS-based diets and
for all 4 diets collectively and validated by an internal
cross-validation. Models were developed containing ei-
ther 43 identified MFA or a reduced set of 7 groups of
biochemically related MFA plus C16:0 and C18:0. The
CS and LS diets reduced CH4 production compared
with GS and L0 diets, respectively. Methane yield (L/
kg of DMI) reduction by LS was higher with CS than
GS diets. The concentrations of C18:1 trans and n-3
MFA differed among GS and CS diets. The LS diets
resulted in a higher proportion of unsaturated MFA at
the expense of saturated MFA. When using the data
set of 43 individual MFA to predict CH4 production
(L/d), the cross-validation coefficient of determination
(R2CV) ranged from 0.47 to 0.92. When using groups of
MFA variables, the R2CV ranged from 0.31 to 0.84. The
fit parameters of the latter models were improved by
inclusion of ECM or DMI, but not when added to the
data set of 43 MFA for all diets pooled. Models based
on GS diets always had a lower prediction potential
(R2CV = 0.31 to 0.71) compared with data from CS
diets (R2CV = 0.56 to 0.92). Models based on LS diets
produced lower prediction with data sets with reduced
MFA variables (R2CV = 0.62 to 0.68) compared with
L0 diets (R2CV = 0.67 to 0.80). The MFA C18:1 cis-9
and C24:0 and the monounsaturated FA occurred most
often in models. In conclusion, models with a reduced
number of MFA variables and ECM or DMI are suit-
able for CH4 prediction, and CH4 prediction equations
based on diets containing linseed resulted in lower pre-
diction accuracy.
Key words: dairy cow, methane emission prediction,
methane mitigation, methane proxy, milk fatty acids
Methane is a greenhouse gas and a product of rumen
fermentation (Hristov et al., 2013). Methane produc-
tion (L/d) is a heritable trait, and genetic selection
for low-emitting cows is a promising mitigation option
(Pickering et al., 2015; Negussie et al., 2017). Meth-
ane emission quantification in respiration chambers
is considered as the gold standard but unsuitable for
large-scale individual animal measurements (Hammond
et al., 2016; Patra, 2016). One promising proxy for the
prediction of CH4 production is the concentration of
Methane prediction based on individual or groups of milk fatty
acids for dairy cows fed rations with or without linseed
Stefanie W. Engelke,1*UE]'Dú1 Michael Derno,1 Armin Tuchscherer,2 Klaus Wimmers,3 Michael Rychlik,4
Hermine Kienberger,5 Werner Berg,6 Björn Kuhla,1 and Cornelia C. Metges1,7*
1Institute of Nutritional Physiology “Oskar Kellner,” Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf,
2Institute of Genetics and Biometry, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf, Germany
3Institute of Genome Biology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf, Germany
4Analytical Food Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum, 85354 Freising, Germany
5Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 4, 85354 Freising, Germany
6Department of Technology Assessment and Substance Cycles, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB),
Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
7Nutritional Physiology and Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany
J. Dairy Sci. 102:1–15
© 2019, The Authors. Published by FASS Inc. and Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Received April 11, 2018.
Accepted October 25, 2018.
*Corresponding author: metges@ fbn -dummerstorf .de
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
milk fatty acids (MFA; van Gastelen and Dijkstra,
2016; Negussie et al., 2017). Dietary composition affects
the relationship between MFA and CH4 emission pa-
rameters (Mohammed et al., 2011; Dijkstra et al., 2016;
Rico et al., 2016). Milk fatty acids synthesized de novo
are predominantly generated from rumen acetate and
BHB (Shingfield et al., 2013), which are derived from
fiber fermentation, and they are positively associated
with ruminal CH4 production (Shingfield et al., 2013;
Castro-Montoya et al., 2016a). Forage type in ruminant
diets can affect CH4 production as well as MFA pattern
(Beauchemin et al., 2008; Hart et al., 2015; van Gastel-
en et al., 2015). Likewise, a high starch content favors
propionate synthesis, which consumes fermentative
hydrogen and can thus reduce CH4 production (Hook
et al., 2010; Knapp et al., 2014). The MFA groups of
long-chain MUFA and PUFA and the individual C18:0
originate from plant fat-derived UFA (Ferlay et al.,
2013; Kliem and Shingfield, 2016; Meignan et al., 2017)
are either directly transferred into milk fat (e.g., C18:3
n-3) or influence rumen fermentation, thereby altering
the pattern and level of precursors for MFA synthesis
and affect the postabsorptive lipid metabolism (de novo
MFA synthesis, saturation or desaturation rates, or FA
elongation; Angulo et al., 2012; Lanier and Corl, 2015;
Meignan et al., 2017). In addition, dietary fat-associat-
ed decreases of fiber degradability and toxic effects of
PUFA on archaea reduce CH4 production (Maia et al.,
2007; Benchaar et al., 2015). Furthermore, fat supple-
ments can also affect DMI and, thus, net production of
short-chain MFA.
Several authors have used MFA concentrations to de-
velop CH4 prediction equations that differ in type and
numbers of explanatory MFA (e.g., van Lingen et al.,
2014; Castro-Montoya et al., 2016b; Rico et al., 2016).
For example, van Lingen et al. (2014) developed CH4
predictions based on 21 individual and 3 groups of MFA
concentrations, whereas Rico et al. (2016) included 83
individual MFA and sums of different MFA propor-
tions. van Gastelen and Dijkstra (2016) pointed out
that only C17:1 cis-9 and C18:1 cis-11 appeared in 2
or more of the prediction equations published, indicat-
ing that explanatory MFA are extremely diverse, which
likely is a consequence of differences in diet composition
(Dijkstra et al., 2011; Mohammed et al., 2011; Rico et
al., 2016). We were interested to know how prediction
equations change when the MFA data changes in the
number of variables and whether individual MFA or
groups of related MFA are used.
It has been also discussed whether the combination
of MFA concentrations with additional explanatory
parameters would improve prediction (Castro-Montoya
et al., 2016b; Negussie et al., 2017; van Gastelen et al.,
2017). The DMI of cows is known as the main determi-
nant for CH4 production (Knapp et al., 2014), and DMI
is associated with milk yield (Hristov et al., 2013). Con-
sequently, milk yield could be a potential alternative
for DMI as a variable in prediction equations (Hristov
et al., 2013; Negussie et al., 2017). We have reported
that a prediction equation based on MFA, determined
by mid-infrared spectroscopy, which contained DMI as
an additional explanatory variable, showed a similar
coefficient of determination when DMI was replaced by
ECM (Engelke et al., 2018).
Thus, our hypothesis was that CH4 prediction equa-
tions based on MFA depend on the number of MFA
or MFA group variables, and that inclusion of DMI
or ECM together with MFA improves prediction equa-
tions. Hence, the objectives of this study were (1) to
determine the effect of dietary composition on the
relationship between MFA concentrations and CH4
production, with special emphasis on the effect of lin-
seed supplementation; (2) to compare CH4 prediction
models based on differently sized and composed MFA
data sets; and (3) to test whether the inclusion of DMI
or ECM in addition to MFA concentrations as variable
improves prediction.
Animals, Experimental Design, and Diets
The procedures performed in our study were in
agreement with the German Animal protection law
and approved by the relevant authority (Landesamt für
Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Fischere-
iwesen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; permis-
sion no. 7221.3–1-014/14). Twenty lactating German
Holstein cows (106 ± 28 DIM, 29.5 ± 7.7 kg of ECM/d,
580 ± 57 kg of BW; mean ± SD), of which 15 cows
were in second and 5 cows were in third lactation, were
purchased from a dairy farm located in the region of
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany. All cows
were sired by 1 bull (Omega 802670; Rinderzucht
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH, Woldegk, Ger-
many). Cows were kept in tiestalls, had free access to
water, and were offered a TMR for ad libitum intake.
Milking occurred at 0630 and 1630 h. To produce a
wide range of CH4 production values, we used 2 basal
TMR, which were composed close to what is commonly
used in German dairy farming. The major forage com-
ponent was either corn silage (CS) or grass silage (GS),
supplemented with (LS) or without linseed (L0; Table
1). Diets contained grass silage and corn silage at DM
levels of 130 and 450 g/kg (CS) or 360 and 190 g/kg
(GS), respectively. The LS diets contained 60 g of fat/
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
kg of DM, whereas the L0 diets had 30 g of fat/kg of
DM. The diets had the same target energy level of 7 MJ
of NEL/kg of DM, which was achieved by replacing the
linseed product with an isoenergetic amount of starch
in the TMR. Forage-to-concentrate ratio differed from
66:34 (GS-L0), 73:27 (GS-LS), 65:35 (CS-L0), to 68:32
(CS-LS). We randomly selected 5 of the 20 cows to be
fed the CS-L0 diet in the first 5-wk period (period A)
and the CS-LS diet in the second 5-wk period (period
B), whereas we randomly selected 5 other cows to be
fed the CS-LS diet during the first 5-wk period and
CS-L0 diet during the second 5-wk period. Another 5
cows were fed GS-L0 diet first and GS-LS diet second,
whereas the remaining 5 cows were given the opposite
treatments. The transition from the standard diet to an
experimental diet or from one experimental diet to the
other was made over 5 d in experimental week (EW) 0
and 6, respectively, in a step-wise fashion by replacing
20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of DM of the standard diet
by the experimental diet. The study was conducted in
5 experimental blocks. Each block ran over a total of
12 EW and included 4 cows, all 4 diets, and 2 peri-
ods (A and B). That means 2 cows per each diet were
measured within each block. Cows assigned to the CS
Table 1. Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental TMR consisting of basal rations based
largely on grass silage (GS) or corn silage (CS) without (L0) and with (LS) linseed supplementation (means
± SD; n = 5)
Ingredient (g/kg of DM)
Grass silage 343 ± 31.0 380 ± 15.0 122 ± 21.5 142 ± 34.3
Corn silage 181 ± 33.2 195 ± 37.9 445 ± 46.7 452 ± 44.0
Straw, barley 52.1 ± 7.0 60.8 ± 23.2 39.8 ± 7.2 34.0 ± 10.3
Grass hay 80.8 ± 12.0 93.5 ± 22.0 43.2 ± 3.1 43.5 ± 3.0
Corn, ground 92.7 ± 9.2 25.4 ± 27.2
Soy extract meal 25.4 ± 26.8 40.1 ± 19.2 114 ± 14.2 87.1 ± 9.2
Barley, ground 99.5 ± 17.9
Wheat, ground 101 ± 9.8
Linseed product1 143 ± 11.4 137 ± 9.9
Concentrate2109 ± 19.7 78.4 ± 13.0 129 ± 7.3 65.0 ± 32.6
Mineral/vitamin mix39.1 ± 0.5 9.5 ± 0.6 10.1 ± 0.6 10.1 ± 0.6
Calcium carbonate4 4.1 ± 0.3 4.1 ± 0.3
Grass to corn silage ratio 1.90 1.95 0.27 0.31
Forage: concentrate ratio 66:34 73:27 65:35 68:32
DM (g/kg of FM5) 468 ± 33.0 452 ± 45.0 446 ± 32.0 439 ± 33.0
Nutrients (g/kg of DM)
Crude ash 69.9 ± 2.8 75.8 ± 2.5 66.1 ± 3.0 65.7 ± 4.2
CP 161 ± 9.0 173 ± 14.4 169 ± 11.7 163 ± 11.1
Crude fiber 166 ± 7.9 186 ± 7.1 155 ± 3.3 161 ± 4.5
Crude fat 28.1 ± 1.7 58.3 ± 7.8 29.8 ± 2.4 56.4 ± 6.5
Sugar 51.3 ± 15.7 50.1 ± 16.2 31.4 ± 7.9 30.3 ± 11.1
Starch 218 ± 12.0 110 ± 18.7 261 ± 25.4 216 ± 34.5
aNDF6371 ± 18.1 410 ± 12.9 330 ± 10.9 352 ± 9.2
ADF 198 ± 9.8 224 ± 7.9 186 ± 5.4 194 ± 5.0
NEL (MJ/kg of DM) 6.9 ± 0.2 6.9 ± 0.1 7.0 ± 0.1 7.1 ± 0.1
1Omegalin 60 (Spezialfutter Neuruppin GmbH und Co.KG, Neuruppin, Germany; per kg feed; 88% DM): 60%
extruded linseed Tradilin and 40% bran. Composition: 19.5% CP, 25% crude fat, 8.5% crude fiber; fatty acids
(% of fat): 6% palmitic acid (C16:0), 18.4% oleic acid (C18:1 cis-9), 18.5% linoleic acid (C8:2 cis-9,cis-12), 55%
linolenic acid (C18:3 cis-9,cis-12,cis-15), and 12.8 MJ of NEL/kg of DM.
2Concentrate MF 2000 (Vollkraft Mischfutterwerke GmbH, Güstrow, Germany; per kg feed; 88% DM): 33%
extracted soy meal, 20% corn, 17% wheat gluten, 8% extracted rapeseed meal, 5% sugar beet pulp, 2% sodium
hydrogen carbonate, 1.3% calcium carbonate, 0.2% sodium chloride. Composition: 24% CP, 3.3% crude fat,
6.2% crude fiber, 8.4% crude ash, 0.7% calcium, 0.5% phosphorus, 0.65% sodium, and 7.1 MJ of NEL/kg of
3Rinderstolz 9522 Salvana (Tierernährung, Kl.-O. Sparrieshoop, Germany; per kg feed; 88% DM): 39.3% cal-
cium carbonate, 21.7% monocalcium phosphate, 21% sodium chloride, 11.9% magnesium oxide, 2% sugar beet
molasses. Composition: 92% crude ash, 20% calcium, 8% sodium, 6% magnesium, 5% phosphorus, 1,000,000
IU of vitamin A, 200,000 IU of vitamin D3, and 4500 mg of vitamin E.
4Kreidekalk (Spezialfutter Neuruppin GmbH und Co.KG): calcium carbonate; 37% calcium.
5Fresh matter.
6aNDF = (amylase) neutral detergent fiber.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
and GS diets did not differ in their mean baseline CH4
production (506 and 477 L/d, respectively; P = 0.441).
To keep feed composition as constant as possible
over time, experimental diets were mixed once a week,
conserved with 1% granulated propionic acid (BERGO
TMR-stabil G, Bergophor Futtermittelfabrik Dr.
Berger GmbH & Co.KG, Kulmbach, Germany), and
vacuum-packaged in thirty 40-kg plastic bags (NeuRo
Planen GmbH, Neuendorf, Germany). Cows were fed
ad libitum from these bags twice daily at 0730 and
1730 h. Feed intake was recorded daily. Three cows
had to be removed in the GS-LS period because of
illness or feed refusal. The diet composition was cal-
culated in accordance to recommendations of the Ger-
man Society of Nutritional Physiology (Gesellschaft für
Ernährungsphysiologie, 2001).
Feed Sampling and Analyses
Feed samples were collected during TMR mixing
and stored at −20°C. At the end of each experimental
block, feed samples were pooled to determine DM. The
DM content was determined by drying at 60°C for 24
h and then at 103°C for 4 h (Naumann et al., 1976).
Analyses of nutrient composition in feedstuffs (Table
1) were performed according to the Weender standard
analysis (Naumann et al., 1976), with modifications by
Van Soest et al. (1991), by the accredited feed labora-
tory of Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs-und Forsc-
hungsanstalt der LMS Agrarberatung GmbH (LUFA,
Rostock, Germany). The energy content (NEL) was cal-
culated according to the German Society of Nutritional
Physiology (Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie,
2001), except for the linseed product Omegalin 60 (Spe-
zialfutter Neuruppin GmbH und Co. KG, Neuruppin,
Germany) and concentrate MF 2000 (Vollkraft Mis-
chfutterwerke GmbH, Güstrow, Germany), which were
analyzed according to German feed regulations (Ger-
man Federal Law Gazette, 1981) §13 by LUFA. Nutri-
ent intake of cows was calculated from the DMI and
analyzed nutrient contents in feedstuffs (Supplemental
Table S1; https: / / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds .201814911).
Methane Measurements
Methane production (L/d) was recorded in EW 5
and 11 for 2 subsequent 24-h periods, each using 4
open-circuit respiration chambers as described by
Derno et al. (2009) and Bielak et al. (2016). Cows were
fed with respective TMR diets at 0730 and 1730 h and
feed intake was recorded continuously by feed troughs
placed on balances and summarized over 24 h. Milking
occurred at 0630 and 1630 h. Drinking water was freely
available. The concentrations of CH4 were measured at
6-min intervals throughout 23.9 h; the data were nor-
malized to 24 h. The temperature and relative humidity
in the chambers were 15°C and 65%, respectively. The
mean recovery rate of the chambers was 99.9 ± 0.96%.
Methane production parameters were calculated as
CH4 production (L/d), CH4 yield defined as liters of
CH4 per kilogram of DMI, and CH4 intensity defined
as liters of CH4 per kilogram of ECM (Table 2), where
ECM (kg/d) = [1.05 + 0.38 × milk fat (%) + 0.21 ×
milk protein (%)]/3.28 × milk yield (kg/d) (Spiekers et
al., 2009).
Milk Sampling and Analyses
During the CH4 measurements, aliquots of milk
from the evening of the first and the morning of the
second 24-h period were pooled proportionally ac-
cording to milk yield at each milking (0.25% of milk
yield). Proximate milk composition was analyzed by
the state control association Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania (Landeskontrollverband für Leistungs-und
Qualitätsprüfung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.,
Table 2. Performance and methane emission parameters of cows fed basal rations based on grass silage (GS) or corn silage (CS) with or without
linseed supplementation (LS or L0, respectively)
L0 LS L0 LS B L B × L
DMI (kg/d) 15.94 14.80 18.91 17.76 0.985 0.024 0.061 0.990
ECM (kg/d) 22.61 22.01 29.04 28.28 1.359 0.002 0.334 0.910
Milk fat (%) 4.48 4.50 4.08 3.83 0.202 0.035 0.364 0.292
CH4 emission parameters
CH4 production (L/d) 506.8 453.0 587.7 500.6 30.40 0.089 0.002 0.373
CH4 intensity (L/kg of ECM) 23.3 21.3 20.2 17.7 1.27 0.050 0.006 0.750
CH4 yield (L/kg of DMI) 32.7 31.9 31.1 28.2 1.84 0.289 0.011 0.138
2ANOVA F-test for the effects of basal ration (B), linseed supplementation (L), or their interaction (B × L).
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
Güstrow, Germany) for milk fat and protein content us-
ing mid-infrared spectroscopy (MilkoScan FT6000 and
MilkoScan FT+, Foss, Hillerød, Denmark). Aliquots of
the pooled milk samples were stored at −20°C until
MFA analysis using GC (Firl et al., 2014) performed
by the Bavarian Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry
Center (Freising, Germany). Milk lipid was extracted
by a 1:1 chloroform: methanol mixture and esterified
with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide to form FAME.
A GC-flame ionization detector instrument (Hewlett
Packard 6890, Palo Alto, CA) with a 7683 autosampler
was equipped with a 100 m × 0.25 mm column (CP
7420; 0.25 μm film thickness; Agilent Technologies,
Böblingen, Germany; Firl et al., 2014). Identifications
of peaks were made by comparison with known FAME
standards. The GC analyses resulted in the separation
and quantification (% of total lipids) of 46 individual
MFA. Because not all individual MFA were detected
in all milk samples, we excluded those which occurred
in less than 85% of the milk samples (C18:1 trans-10,
C18:2 trans-10,cis-12, and C21:0), which resulted in
a total of 43 individual MFA (Table 3). Because SFA
have been shown to be positively associated and UFA,
MUFA, PUFA, C18:1 cis and trans isomers, and n-3
MFA have been shown to be negatively associated with
CH4 emission (Chilliard et al., 2009; Castro-Montoya
et al., 2016a; van Gastelen and Dijkstra, 2016), we
were interested to know the predictive power of equa-
tions containing groups of biochemically related MFA
instead of individual MFA. Thus, MFA concentrations
were summed as groups of SFA, UFA, MUFA, PUFA,
C18:1 cis and trans isomers, and n-3 MFA (Supplemen-
tal Table S2; https: / / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911)
according to our previous study in which MFA were
predicted by infrared spectroscopy (Engelke et al.,
Calculations and Statistical Analysis
ANOVA. The dependent variables CH4 production,
DMI, and ECM yield were measured on 2 consecutive
days in EW 5 and 11 and were averaged per day in
each EW. Data were analyzed with repeated measures
Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The model contained the
fixed effects of basal ration (CS, GS), linseed supple-
mentation (LS, L0), the interaction effect between basal
ration and linseed supplementation, as well as effects of
experimental blocks (1–5), periods (A or B), and the
order (LS in period A or B first). The covariance struc-
ture was set to be compound symmetry. Effects were
considered significant at P < 0.05 and least squares
means were compared using the Tukey test with the
SLICE statement for performing a partitioned analysis
of the least squares means for the interaction. Data are
presented as least squares means ± standard error if
not given otherwise.
Regression Models and Validation. Correlations
were calculated between CH4 production (L/d) values
and concentrations of individual MFA and MFA groups
using PROC CORR of SAS. Regression equations for
the dependent variable CH4 production (L/d) were
constructed from MFA data of each diet separately
using PROC REG of SAS with the STEPWISE vari-
able selection method. Regression models for MFA
data from combined data categorized by basal diets or
linseed supplementation, as well as for data from all 4
diets collectively, were also estimated. Six data sets of
variables were used for the stepwise variable selection
to enter in the regression equations. Data sets 1 to 3
included 43 different individual MFA, whereas data
sets 4 to 6 were generated according to the MFA group-
ing of Engelke et al. (2018) and contained 7 groups
of MFA (SFA, UFA, MUFA, and PUFA, C18:1 trans,
C18:1 cis, and n-3 MFA) as summed concentrations
plus the individual MFA C16:0 and C18:0 as key MFA
in milk fat metabolism (Supplemental Table S2; https:
/ / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911). Data set 1 included
the 43 individual MFA only and data set 2 included
43 individual MFA and ECM data, whereas data set 3
included 43 individual MFA and DMI data. Data set
4 included the reduced data set of 7 groups of MFA
and the 2 individual MFA only. Data set 5 included
the same reduced data set of MFA variables as well as
ECM, whereas data set 6 included the same reduced
data set of MFA as well as DMI.
To have the most relevant explanatory variables in the
regression equations and to avoid over-fitted regression
models, we preselected candidate explanatory variables
through their correlation coefficients with the depen-
dent variable (i.e., CH4 production). For this purpose,
only variables that had a significant correlation (P <
0.05) with CH4 production were allowed to potentially
enter in the models. Thereafter, the preselected vari-
ables were allowed to enter and remain in the regression
equations with a significance threshold of P ≤ 0.05 (i.e.,
entry and stay levels of the stepwise variable selection
method). Subsequently, explanatory variables in the
final regression equations derived from data set 1 and 4
were made available to potentially enter in the regres-
sion models for data sets 2 and 5 together with ECM
or 3 and 6 together with DMI, respectively. In this way,
ECM or DMI was used to additionally improve regres-
sion models derived from data sets 1 and 4 or could
replace 1 or more of the explanatory variables in the
final regression models. In the final regression models
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
of each data set, multicollinearity was assessed through
variation inflation factor, and explanatory variables
were allowed to have a variation inflation factor <10,
as suggested by Kaps and Lamberson (2004).
As cows were used rotationally with 2 different di-
ets (L0 and LS) at 2 different periods, the regression
equations based on data specific to basal ration and
all diets included pooled data of periods (e.g., EW 5
and 11). This was possible because period did not af-
fect CH4 production and MFA profiles. The regression
equations based on data specific to linseed supplemen-
tation were not concerned with pooled data due to the
experimental setup. The performance of the developed
CH4 prediction equations was assessed by an internal
cross-validation with the existing data set. A cross-
validation was performed by leaving 1 animal out at a
time and performing a calibration with the remaining
animals per model (each diet separately, basal diets,
linseed supplementation or not, all diets collectively;
Moraes et al., 2014). The root mean square error of
Table 3 Individual milk fatty acid (MFA) composition (% of total lipids) of cows fed basal rations based on grass silage (GS) or corn silage (CS)
with (LS) or without (L0) linseed supplementation
MFA (% of total lipids)
L0 LS L0 LS B L B × L
C4:0 3.81 3.86 3.78 4.14 0.173 0.467 0.123 0.248
C6:0 2.46 2.11 2.50 2.22 0.094 0.472 0.001 0.577
C8:0 1.45 1.08 1.17 1.48 0.056 0.368 0.001 0.410
C10:0 3.25 2.04 3.34 2.32 0.122 0.165 0.001 0.265
C10:1 0.41 0.25 0.39 0.24 0.019 0.681 0.001 0.734
C11:0 0.13 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.016 0.869 0.001 0.125
C12:0 3.92 2.20 3.97 2.57 0.147 0.184 0.001 0.135
C12:1 0.12 0.06 0.11 0.06 0.008 0.885 0.001 0.651
C13:0 0.16 0.06 0.15 0.09 0.015 0.728 0.001 0.069
C14:0 11.13 8.79 11.55 9.45 0.239 0.038 0.001 0.510
C14:0 iso 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.013 0.398 0.019 0.128
C14:1 cis-9 1.36 0.91 1.32 0.91 0.068 0.791 0.001 0.637
C15:0 1.37 0.80 1.25 0.89 0.095 0.851 0.001 0.142
C15:0 iso 0.19 0.17 0.24 0.18 0.015 0.082 0.012 0.165
C15:0 anteiso 0.42 0.38 0.44 0.44 0.036 0.269 0.473 0.518
C16:0 34.40 24.05 33.07 22.93 1.007 0.312 0.001 0.860
C16:0 iso 0.25 0.21 0.28 0.24 0.030 0.430 0.031 0.936
C16:1 cis-9 2.06 1.39 1.89 1.11 0.137 0.120 0.001 0.593
C16:1 trans-9 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.004 0.090 0.058 0.558
C17:0 0.58a0.45c 0.56a0.51b0.020 0.306 0.001 0.015
C17:0 iso 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.27 0.021 0.420 0.132 0.747
C17:0 anteiso 0.45 0.36 0.40 0.47 0.028 0.363 0.001 0.547
C17:1 cis-9 0.26 0.17 0.23 0.16 0.017 0.244 0.001 0.373
C18:0 7.50 12.81 8.52 14.22 0.495 0.022 0.001 0.632
C18:0 iso 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.004 0.127 0.010 0.338
C18:1 cis-9 17.33b26.20a* 17.21b23.91a* 0.889 0.306 0.001 0.013
C18:1 cis-11 0.61 0.58 0.48 0.62 0.095 0.585 0.588 0.377
C18:1 cis-12 0.23 0.63 0.29 0.74 0.034 0.017 0.001 0.455
C18:1 trans-9 0.37 1.06 0.57 1.29 0.125 0.014 0.001 0.936
C18:1 trans-11 0.97 2.80 1.05 3.02 0.162 0.283 0.001 0.640
C18:2 cis-9,cis-12 2.15 2.92 2.24 1.87 0.576 0.396 0.666 0.219
C18:2 cis-9,trans-11 0.52 1.21 0.52 1.18 0.073 0.828 0.001 0.836
C18: 3n -6 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.002 0.655 0.309 0.843
C18: 3n -3 0.62 1.15 0.38 1.12 0.068 0.021 0.001 0.120
C20:0 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.007 0.126 0.001 0.429
C20:1 cis-11 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.023 0.117 0.175 0.474
C20: 2n -6 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.006 0.944 0.652 0.764
C20: 3n -6 0.07b0.04c 0.10a0.05c0.006 0.016 0.001 0.003
C20: 4n -6 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.008 0.822 0.385 0.416
C20: 5n -3 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.012 0.082 0.055 0.819
C22:0 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.003 0.100 0.495 0.784
C22: 5n -3 0.08a0.06b 0.07a0.08ab 0.007 0.642 0.168 0.043
C24:0 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.003 0.251 0.916 0.077
a–cValues within a row with differing superscripts denote B × L interactions (P < 0.05).
2ANOVA F-test for the effects of basal ration (B), linseed supplementation (L), or their interaction (B × L).
*P < 0.10.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
cross-validation and the cross-validation coefficient of
determination (R2
CV) were estimated (Moraes et al.,
2014). In addition, we report adjusted coefficient of
determination (R2
Adj) to account for the number of
variables in the final models. We further evaluated the
models using the concordance correlation coefficient
(CCC) as reported earlier (Dijkstra et al., 2016; van
Gastelen et al., 2017). Due to the low number of obser-
vations (n = 7–10) and variables with multicollinearity,
we refrained from reporting predictions for individual
Animal Performance and Methane Production
Cows fed the CS rations had a higher DMI (P =
0.024) and ECM yield (P = 0.002) than those fed GS
rations (Table 2). Accordingly, CP, crude fat, starch,
and NEL intakes (P < 0.05) were higher with CS than
with GS rations (Supplemental Table S1; https: / / doi
.org/ 10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911). The intake of sugar was
higher (P = 0.005) with GS rations but fiber intake was
similar with both basal diets. The percentage of milk
fat was higher (P = 0.035) with GS compared with
CS feeding (Table 2). Linseed supplementation had no
effect on ECM and milk fat (P > 0.3), but we noted
a tendency toward a lower DMI (P = 0.061) with LS
compared with L0 diets (Table 2). Feeding LS rations
resulted in twice the crude fat intake (P = 0.001) as
with L0 rations (Supplemental Table S1).
Cows fed the CS basal diets tended to have higher
CH4 production compared with those cows fed the GS
rations (P = 0.089; Table 2). The CH4 yield ranged
from a maximum 50 L/kg of DMI in cows fed the GS-
L0 ration to a minimum of 21 L/kg of DMI with the
CS-LS diet (Supplemental Table S3; https: / / doi .org/
10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911). Basal diet had no effect on
CH4 yield (P = 0.289), but CH4 intensity was lower
(P = 0.050) by about 15% with CS than with GS ra-
tions. Furthermore, LS decreased the level of all CH4
emission parameters as compared with cows fed L0.
The reduction of enteric CH4 emission levels due to LS
amounted to 10 and 13% for CH4 intensity and produc-
tion, respectively (P < 0.01). Methane yield (L/kg of
DMI) was reduced (P = 0.011) by approximately 6%
when diets with LS were fed.
MFA Composition and Correlations
with Methane Production
With CS compared with GS diets, C14:0, C18:0,
C18:1 cis-12, C18:1 trans-9, C20:3 n-6, and the sum of
C18:1 trans MFA concentrations were higher whereas
C18:3 n-3 and the sum of n-3 MFA were lower (Tables
3 and 4; P < 0.04). The LS diets resulted in lower
concentrations of individual even-chain SFA from C6:0
to C16:0, the group of SFA (P < 0.001), the off-chain
SFA from C11:0 to C17:0 (P < 0.001), and the indi-
vidual MUFA C10:1, C12:1, C14:1 cis-9, C16:1 cis-9,
C17:1 cis-9, as well as C18:0 iso and C20:3 n-6 (P <
0.05; Table 3). Most of C18 PUFA and C20:0 MFA
Table 4. Milk fatty acid (MFA) groups (% of total lipids) as sums of concentrations of individual MFA of cows fed basal rations based on grass
silage (GS) or corn silage (CS), with (LS) or without (L0) linseed supplementation
MFA (% of total lipids)
L0 LS L0 LS B L B × L
∑ SFA372.06 60.32 72.32 62.41 1.453 0.457 0.001 0.369
∑ UFA427.43 39.09 27.10 36.60 1.440 0.377 0.001 0.279
∑ MUFA 23.81 33.88 23.63 32.15 1.044 0.470 0.001 0.153
∑ PUFA 3.62 5.55 3.47 4.45 0.652 0.332 0.011 0.357
∑ C18:1 cis518.17 27.32 17.99 25.26 0.948 0.362 0.001 0.053
∑ C18:1 trans61.33 3.72 1.62 4.31 0.193 0.014 0.001 0.395
∑ n-3 FA70.76 1.29 0.49 1.25 0.079 0.031 0.001 0.128
∑ n-6 FA82.34 3.07 2.47 2.02 0.585 0.098 0.001 0.092
2ANOVA F-test for the effects of basal ration (B), linseed supplementation (L), or their interaction (B × L).
3Sum of C4:0, C6:0; C8:0, C10:0, C11:0, C12:0, C13:0, C14:0, C14:0 iso, C15:0, C15:0 iso, C15:0 anteiso, C16:0, C16:0 iso, C17:0, C17:0 iso,
C17:0 anteiso, C18:0, C18:0 iso, C20:0, C22:0, and C24:0.
4Unsaturated fatty acids (FA) represent the sum of MUFA (C10:1, C12:1, C14:1 cis-9, C16:1 cis-9, C16:1 trans-9, C17:1 cis-9, C18:1 cis-9,
C18:1 cis-11, C18:1 cis-12, C18:1 trans-9, C18:1 trans-11, and C20:1 cis-11) and PUFA (C18:2 cis-9,trans-11, C18:2 cis-9,cis-12, C18:3 cis-6,cis-
9,cis-12, C18:3 cis-9,cis-12,cis-15, C20:2 n-6, C20:3 n-6, C20:4 n-6, C20:5 n-3, and C22:5 n-3).
5Sum of C18:1 cis-9, cis-11, and cis-12.
6Sum of C18:1 trans-9 and trans-11.
7Sum of C18:3 n-3, C20:5 n-3, and C22:5 n-3.
8Sum of C18:2 n-6, C18:3 n-6, C20:2 n-6, C20:3 n-6, and C20:4 n-6.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
concentrations were higher with LS-containing diets (P
< 0.05; Table 3). A basal ration × linseed interaction
was found for 4 of the 43 individual MFA (P < 0.05;
C17:0, C18:1 cis-9, C20:3 n-6, and C22:5 n-3; Table 3).
The concentrations of the MFA groups UFA, MUFA,
PUFA, sums of C18:1 cis or trans isomers, and the sum
of n-3 FA were higher with LS compared with L0 diets
(P < 0.01; Table 4).
For combined data of all diets collectively, positive
correlations were found between CH4 production and
concentrations of selected individual SFA, the sum of
all SFA, as well as C18:3 n-6 (P ≤ 0.05; Figure 1 and
Supplemental Table S4; https: / / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds
.2018 -14911). We observed negative correlations be-
tween CH4 production and the levels of individual MFA
of C15:0 iso, C17:1 cis-9, C18:1 cis-9, C18:1 cis-11,
C18:1 cis-12, C18:1 trans-9, C18:3 n-3, and C22:0 and
groups of UFA, MUFA, C18:1 cis and trans isomers,
and n-3 MFA (P ≤ 0.05). Correlations of CH4 produc-
tion with the levels of individual MFA differed for data
of the various pooled diets (Figure 1 and Supplemental
Table S4). For example, correlations between C10:0
and CH4 production ranged from 0.07 (P = 0.76) for
the L0 diets to 0.63 (P = 0.006) for the LS diets, and
for C18:3 n-3 from −0.17 (P = 0.509) for the GS diets
to −0.70 (P = 0.002) for the LS diets; correlations for
C24:0 ranged from 0.14 (P = 0.605) for the LS diets to
0.83 (P = 0.001) for the CS diets.
Methane Prediction Models Using the Complete
Set of MFA Variables
The prediction of CH4 production based on data sets
1 to 3 resulted in coefficients of determination of the
models (R2
Model) between 0.36 and 0.91 (P < 0.01),
R2Adj between 0.32 and 0.89, R2CV between 0.47 and 0.92,
and root mean square error between 38.78 and 97.41,
whereas CCC was between 0.53 and 0.95 (Table 5). The
R2Adj values were slightly but systematically lower than
that for R2Model. The additional inclusion of ECM (data
set 2) resulted in higher R2Model values, ranging from
0.61 to 0.91, and R2CV, from 0.71 to 0.92, as compared
with data set 1. Nevertheless, for all diets combined,
the R2Model (0.69) and R2CV (0.74) of the equations for
data set 2 were lower compared with that of data set
1 (R2Model = 0.81 and R2CV = 0.85). The inclusion of
DMI (data set 3) instead of ECM (data set 2) resulted
in comparable prediction values, with an R2Model range
from 0.62 to 0.91 and R2CV from 0.70 to 0.92 (Table 5).
With the exception of the GS diets, the R2CV and CCC
values based on data sets 1 to 3 were at least 0.74 and
0.82, respectively, or higher. The R2CV based on GS
diets was always lower compared with that of CS diets
Figure 1. Heatmap of correlations between individual and groups
of milk fatty acids (% of total lipids) and methane production (L/d)
calculated from data of the combined basal diets [grass silage (GS),
corn silage (CS)], each basal diet with (L0) or without (LS) linseed
supplementation, and all diets collectively.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
CV from 0.47 to 0.71 vs. 0.89 to 0.92). We found no
discernible pattern of predictive MFA as explanatory
variables in the prediction equations. However, C18:1
cis-9 and C24:0 appeared more often in the prediction
equations than others (Supplemental Table S5; https: /
/ doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911).
Methane Prediction Models Using a Reduced
Number of MFA Variables
Three data sets (data sets 4 to 6) comprising the con-
centrations of a reduced number of MFA and biochemi-
cally related groups of summed MFA (Supplemental
Table S2; https: / / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911)
were used to develop multiple regression equations. Us-
ing data set 4, prediction of CH4 production resulted in
R2Model between 0.26 and 0.57, R2Adj between 0.21 and
0.52, CCC between 0.42 and 0.72, and a R2CV between
0.31 and 0.67 (Table 5). The additional inclusion of
ECM (data set 5) or DMI (data set 6) increased the
R2Model and R2CV values, respectively, compared with
data set 4. The R2Adj values were similar to R2Model but
systematically lower. Models for CS diets always re-
sulted in a higher prediction (R2CV from 0.56 to 0.84)
and higher CCC values (from 0.59 to 0.89) compared
with GS diets. Similarly, models of data from L0 diets
(R2CV from 0.67 to 0.80, CCC from 0.72 to 0.85) gave
higher predictions as compared with LS diets (Table 5).
Table 5. Summary of quality parameters and validation results of the multiple regression equations predicting
methane production (CH4, L/d) using the complete data set of 43 milk fatty acid (MFA) variable (data sets
1–3), or a reduced number of MFA variables and groups of MFA (data sets 4–6)1
Pooled diets N R2Model PModel R2Adj CCC RMSE R2CV
Data set 1
GS 17 0.36 0.011 0.32 0.53 97.41 0.47
CS 20 0.86 0.001 0.84 0.93 45.54 0.89
L0 20 0.85 0.001 0.83 0.92 60.74 0.87
LS 17 0.78 0.001 0.75 0.88 41.77 0.84
All diets 37 0.81 0.001 0.78 0.90 56.38 0.85
Data set 2
GS 17 0.61 0.001 0.58 0.75 77.84 0.71
CS 20 0.91 0.001 0.89 0.95 41.79 0.91
L0 20 0.91 0.001 0.89 0.95 48.25 0.92
LS 17 0.78 0.001 0.75 0.88 41.77 0.84
All diets 37 0.69 0.001 0.67 0.82 75.28 0.74
Data set 3
GS 17 0.62 0.001 0.60 0.77 79.74 0.70
CS 20 0.91 0.001 0.89 0.95 39.55 0.92
L0 20 0.90 0.001 0.88 0.95 50.25 0.91
LS 17 0.81 0.001 0.79 0.90 38.78 0.87
All diets 37 0.74 0.001 0.73 0.85 66.86 0.80
Data set 4
GS 17 0.26 0.035 0.21 0.42 106.50 0.31
CS 20 0.42 0.002 0.39 0.59 83.24 0.56
L0 20 0.57 0.001 0.52 0.72 93.39 0.67
LS 17 0.49 0.002 0.46 0.66 60.61 0.62
All diets 37 0.30 0.001 0.28 0.46 93.75 0.48
Data set 5
GS 17 0.61 0.001 0.58 0.75 77.67 0.71
CS 20 0.74 0.001 0.71 0.85 61.84 0.79
L0 20 0.70 0.001 0.69 0.82 74.30 0.80
LS 17 0.49 0.002 0.46 0.66 60.61 0.62
All diets 37 0.69 0.001 0.67 0.82 64.57 0.80
Data set 6
GS 17 0.62 0.001 0.60 0.77 79.56 0.70
CS 20 0.80 0.001 0.78 0.89 54.31 0.84
L0 20 0.73 0.001 0.72 0.85 73.34 0.80
LS 17 0.56 0.001 0.53 0.72 57.01 0.68
All diets 37 0.73 0.001 0.71 0.84 62.45 0.81
1Each row summarizes validation results for a regression equation specific to data of diets based on combina-
tions of basal ration [grass silage (GS), corn silage (CS)] and linseed supplementation [without (L0), with (LS)]
or all diets collectively. Data set 1 included MFA only. Data sets 2 and 3 included individual MFA and ECM
or DMI, respectively, as independent variables. Data set 4 included MFA variables (reduced number of vari-
ables) only, whereas data sets 5 and 6 additionally included ECM or DMI, respectively. The R2Model and PModel
values, the adjusted R2Adj, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of the model, the root mean square
error (RMSE) of cross-validation as well as the cross-validation coefficient of determination (R2CV) are given
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
However, for the LS diets, the inclusion of ECM (data
set 5) did not improve the model. Predictions based on
data from all 4 diets collectively including ECM as an
explanatory variable in the model enhanced the predic-
tive power by 130% (R2Model = 0.69) and 69% (R2CV
= 0.80) compared with data set 4 (R2Model = 0.30 and
R2CV = 0.48). The dominant predictive MFA variable in
the regression equations of data set 4 to 6 was the MFA
group MUFA (Supplemental Table S5; https: / / doi .org/
10 .3168/ jds .2018 -14911).
Animal Performance, Methane Production
Parameters, and MFA Composition
The CS diets resulted in a higher DMI and ECM
yield than the GS diets, which was comparable to what
was reported previously for diets with higher propor-
tions of corn silage than grass silage (Kliem et al., 2008;
Sterk et al., 2011; Livingstone et al., 2015). In contrast
to earlier studies, the type of the basal ration did not
affect CH4 yield (L/kg of DMI) of cows (Beauchemin et
al., 2008; Hart et al., 2015; van Gastelen et al., 2015).
This was likely due to similar crude fiber, ADF, and
NDF intakes with grass- and corn silage-based diets.
To make the diets isoenergetic, wheat and barley were
added to the GS-L0 diet, and this added starch, diluted
the fiber content, and aligned the fiber intake of the 2
basal diets. Furthermore, effects of starch and sugar
in the GS-L0 diets might have reduced CH4 produc-
tion, which otherwise was expected to be higher with
diets containing higher proportions of grass silage (van
Gastelen et al., 2015). Although the NDF/DMI value
was still higher in GS-based diets, the DMI and energy
intake of cows fed GS diets was, on average, 3 kg and
17% MJ of NEL less per day, respectively, as compared
with the CS-based diets. This is a limitation of our
study and possibly affected the width of range of CH4
production. Methane production (L/d) tended to be
higher with CS compared with GS diets due to the
higher DMI, which is known to explain 52 to 64% of
CH4 production (Knapp et al., 2014). In contrast, CH4
intensity tended to be lower in the CS than in the GS
group due to higher ECM yield, which illustrates the
importance of a high milk performance to mitigate CH4
intensity (Yan et al., 2010; Zehetmeier et al., 2012;
Gerber et al., 2013).
We observed only few differences in MFA concentra-
tions between basal rations, although others reported
more diverse MFA patterns with different silage types
(Kliem et al., 2008; Livingstone et al., 2015; van Gas-
telen et al., 2015). For example, diets with different
proportions of grass and corn silage differed in the MFA
concentrations of C18:1 isomers, total CLA, C18:2 n-6,
and C18:3 n-3 (Kliem et al., 2008; van Gastelen et al.,
2015). The small differences in concentrations of only
a few MFA among basal diets found here were due to
similar crude fiber, ADF, and NDF intakes with the
basal diets, as discussed above. This can limit the range
of MFA concentrations, and thus may affect CH4 pre-
In the present study, dietary supplementation of
linseed decreased the level of all CH4 emission param-
eters by 6, 10 and 13% for CH4 yield, intensity, and
production, although the reductive effects were greater
with CS diets, as was observed earlier (Benchaar et al.,
2015; Martin et al., 2016). Others found reductions in
CH4 yield between 8 and 20% by feeding various diets
supplemented with extruded linseed (5 to 10% of di-
etary DM) or linseed oil (4% of dietary DM; Benchaar
et al., 2015; Martin et al., 2016; Bayat et al., 2018).
A 10 g/kg of DM increase in dietary fat resulted in a
lower CH4 yield by 1 g/kg of DMI in cattle (Grainger
and Beauchemin, 2011). An increase of 1% in dietary
lipid content led to a 4 to 5% reduction of CH4 produc-
tion (Clark, 2013). In our study, the LS diets contained
28 g/kg of DM more crude fat than the L0 diets, which
corresponds to a lower CH4 yield by 2.8 g/kg of DM,
or 12 to 15%. The actual reduction of CH4 yield by LS
supplementation of GS and CS diets was 0.7 and 2.1
g/kg of DM or 2.7 and 9.4%, respectively. Thus, in our
study, the linseed supplementation reduced CH4 yield
less than predicted by Grainger and Beauchemin (2011)
or Clark (2013), but the reduction was larger with the
corn silage-based diet. The lesser mitigation observed
in our study compared with Grainger and Beauchemin
(2011) might be due to the fact that we did not add
linseed oil but linseeds to the diets. This might reduce
or slow down the release of linseed oil in the rumen and
is thus less suppressive to methanogens. As argued by
Benchaar et al. (2015), the type of basal diet might
influence the effect of linseed oil on CH4 mitigation.
For example, Chung et al. (2011) observed a mitigation
effect of linseed only in combination with feeding barley
silage (33% of CH4 yield) but not with grass hay. This
is similar to what was found in our study, which might
be due to the opposite effect of linseed and grass, grass
hay, or grass silage on CH4 production.
Linseed supplementation tended to reduce DMI.
Others observed no decrease of DMI when linseed sup-
plementation was moderate (≤60 g of fat/kg of DM) as
compared with a control diet (Ferlay et al., 2013 Kliem
et al., 2017; Meignan et al., 2017). In the present study,
the higher concentrate content in L0 diets was used to
compensate for the higher energy density of linseed,
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
which might have led to a slightly higher DMI because
concentrate is known as a favored feedstuff of cows
when forage is provided ad libitum (Reynolds, 2006;
Allen, 2014). The LS-supplemented diets contained
twice the amount of fat than the nonsupplemented
diets, which affected the concentrations of the majority
of MFA. Almost all SFA were decreased with linseed
supplementation through the direct inhibitory effect of
long-chain SFA and UFA on fiber digestibility and de
novo synthesis of MFA (Maia et al., 2007; Glasser et
al., 2008; Shingfield et al., 2013). In contrast, C4:0 in
milk fat was not affected by LS-containing diets. Ef-
fects of linseed on C4:0 concentrations are inconsistent
in the literature (Ferlay et al., 2013; van Lingen et al.,
2014; Kliem et al., 2017). Concentrations of off- and
branched-chain MFA, which are derived from micro-
bial synthesis (Vlaeminck et al., 2015), decreased when
diets were supplemented by linseed. Lower levels of
off- and branched-chain MFA are presumably related
to the toxic effects of dietary PUFA on rumen micro-
biota (Enjalbert et al., 2017). The intake of increased
levels of C18:3 n-3 MFA with LS-supplemented diets
increased the proportion of C18 MFA in milk fat due
to biohydrogenation (Buccioni et al., 2012; Meignan
et al., 2017). Diets containing linseed decreased SFA
and increased UFA, trans MFA, n-3 MFA, and C18:0
(Chilliard et al., 2009; Ferlay et al., 2013; Meignan et
al., 2017); the magnitude of changes in MFA pattern
depended on the amount and form of linseed supply
(Chilliard et al., 2009; Shingfield et al., 2013). Ferlay
et al. (2013) showed that the C18:1 cis/trans isomer
profile was specific for the forage type. This was simi-
lar to our study, where the C18:1 trans isomers were
forage type-dependent, whereas the addition of linseed
increased both C18:1 cis and trans isomers.
Diet Effects on the Relationship Between MFA
and CH4 Production and CH4 Prediction
Each diet produces a characteristic MFA pattern
(Kliem et al., 2008; Ferlay et al., 2013; Shingfield et
al., 2013). We compared the correlations of individual
MFA with CH4 production among pooled diets (GS,
CS, L0, LS, all diets) and found—depending on the
dietary group—positive, negative, or no correlations.
When using MFA data of all 4 diets collectively, we ob-
served moderate correlations between CH4 production
and individual MFA (maximum r = 0.52 vs. −0.62).
In a meta-analysis combining data from studies with
a variety of different diets, weak to moderate correla-
tions between CH4 yield and intensity and MFA were
detected (maximum r = 0.36 vs. −0.56; van Lingen et
al., 2014). This suggests that direction and strength of
correlations between individual MFA and CH4 emis-
sion parameters can be explained by the interaction
of different dietary constituents on MFA patterns and
CH4 production. Thus, when MFA data derived from
different diets were combined to determine the overall
relationship between individual MFA and CH4 produc-
tion, the average correlation was weak to moderate. In
general, our results confirm earlier observations that
correlations between CH4 production and some of the
de novo-synthesized MFA and groups of SFA are posi-
tive, but negative for C18:1 cis isomers, UFA, MUFA,
and n-3 FA (Chilliard et al., 2009; Mohammed et al.,
2011; van Lingen et al., 2014).
When comparing CH4 prediction among the tested
diets, the coefficients of determination were lower for
GS diets compared with CS diets. The effect of basal
diet (GS and CS) on the CH4 prediction potential was
likely limited in our study because of few differences in
MFA concentrations between basal rations, as discussed
above. The prediction equations based on MFA data of
diets containing linseed (LS vs. L0) produced 15 to 23%
lower R2CV values compared with data from diets with
no linseed, irrespective of the data set used. That linseed
supplementation deteriorates CH4 prediction confirms
earlier observations (Williams et al., 2014; Dijkstra et
al., 2016; Rico et al., 2016). Williams et al. (2014) con-
cluded that the CH4 prediction model by Chilliard et
al. (2009) is a result of linseed oil supplementation and
cannot accurately predict CH4 when cows are fed other
diets. Furthermore, Dijkstra et al. (2016) adopted the
CH4 prediction equations by van Lingen et al. (2014)
and concluded that MFA profile and CH4 yield of cows
fed grass- or grass silage-based diets differ from those
fed other diet types, especially for diets containing fat
additives. In this context, Rico et al. (2016) pointed
out that interaction effects of basal rations and linseed
supplementation may influence prediction equations.
Thus, as outlined above, we concluded that the high
intake of n-3 FA affected interrelated biochemical
pathways on several tissue and metabolic levels but in
opposite directions for CH4 production and MFA con-
centrations. Furthermore, we cannot exclude that tis-
sue FA synthesis, desaturation, and elongation, which
are unrelated to changes in rumen fermentation and
thus CH4 production, play a more dominant role when
higher amounts of n-3 FA were fed.
Methane Prediction Models Using Full and Reduced
Data Sets for MFA Variables
Our second objective was to compare CH4 prediction
models based on differently sized and composed data
sets of MFA. Therefore, we compared CH4 prediction
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
equations based on all 43 quantified MFA (full set; data
sets 1 to 3) to equations constructed from a reduced
number of MFA variables containing groups of biochemi-
cally related MFA (data sets 4 to 6). In previous studies
it has been shown that the selected MFA groups as
well as the individual MFA are positively (SFA, C16:0)
or negatively (UFA, MUFA, PUFA, n-3 MFA, C18:0)
associated with CH4 emission (Castro-Montoya et al.,
2016a; van Gastelen and Dijkstra, 2016). Models based
on all 43 MFA showed a better prediction than those
based on the reduced number of MFA group variables.
In other studies, the prediction for CH4 emission based
on 24 to 83 MFA variables ranged between coefficients
of determination of 0.47 and 0.95 (Chilliard et al., 2009;
van Lingen et al., 2014; Rico et al., 2016), which is in
the same range as with our equations, except for the
GS diets in data sets 1 and 4.
The MFA entered in the equations as explanatory
variables using data sets 1 to 3 differed within the data
sets. Explanatory individual MFA frequently (4 to 7
times) occurring in our prediction equations were also
found in other CH4 prediction equations [i.e., C17:1
cis-9 (Mohammed et al., 2011; Castro-Montoya et al.,
2016b; Rico et al., 2016), C18:1 cis-9 (van Lingen et
al., 2014), and C24:0 (van Gastelen et al., 2017)]. van
Gastelen and Dijkstra (2016) pointed out that only
C17:1 cis-9 and C18:1 cis-11 appeared in several pub-
lished equations, but in our study C18:1 cis-11 did not
play a major role. When ECM or DMI were addition-
ally included, C18:1 cis-11 was not considered. The
explanatory MFA variable C17:1 cis-9 is derived from
rumen microbial membrane lipids or from propionate
(Vlaeminck et al., 2006) and is negatively associated
with CH4 production (g/d; Mohammed et al., 2011;
Castro-Montoya et al., 2016b; Rico et al., 2016). In
contrast, C18:1 cis-9 is derived directly from plant feed
or is a desaturation product of C18:0, one of the major
products when diets rich in forage and plant oils are fed
(Alves et al., 2013; Meignan et al., 2017). Long-chain
MFA (≥C20) are scarcely reported because they seem
to be less frequently analyzed in CH4-prediction studies
(Dijkstra et al., 2011; van Lingen et al., 2014). Only a
few publications reported long-chain MFA (C20:1 cis-9,
C20:1 cis-11, C20:4 n-3, C22:0, C22:6 n-3, C24:0) as
explanatory variables for CH4 prediction (Mohammed
et al., 2011; Castro-Montoya et al., 2016b; van Gastelen
et al., 2017). Models based on a reduced number of
MFA variables using concentration sums of groups of
biochemically related MFA showed MUFA as dominat-
ing explanatory variable. The group of MUFA includes
biohydrogenation intermediates and was therefore re-
ported to be negatively associated with CH4 production
(Mohammed et al., 2011; Castro-Montoya et al., 2016a;
Vanrobays et al., 2016). Although SFA could not be
identified as important explanatory variable for CH4
production in our study, Weill et al. (2009) proposed
SFA <C16 as predictors for CH4 intensity.
Additional Inclusion of ECM and DMI
in Prediction Models
Recently, it was suggested that the combination of
MFA data sets with other CH4 proxies could improve
CH4 prediction (van Gastelen and Dijkstra, 2016;
Negussie et al., 2017). Rico et al. (2016) predicted CH4
production (g/d) for cows with models including diet
components, MFA, and DMI as variables in the data
sets, but it turned out that in the best-fit model diet
components as explanatory variables did not play a
role; this indicates that the inclusion of DMI or ECM
could be more meaningful as explanatory variables for
the prediction models than dietary composition. The
best equation reported by Chilliard et al. (2009) also
included forage DMI as a parameter, indicating its
potential importance. Thus, our third objective was
to test the effect of additional inclusion of ECM and
DMI. Dry matter intake is the major determinant for
CH4 production (Knapp et al., 2014) and ECM can
reflect DMI (Hristov et al., 2013). Inclusion of ECM
or DMI improved CH4-prediction equations, resulting
in an increase of the R2CV by approximately 30% when
based on pooled data from all diets. This was only true
for the data set 5 and 6 with a reduced number of
MFA variables, showing that CH4 prediction by the
complete set of 43 MFA variables could explain more
variability of CH4 production than DMI or ECM. van
Gastelen et al. (2017) reported improved prediction of
CH4 production by 29% when using equations contain-
ing MFA plus volatile and nonvolatile metabolites of
milk as compared with equations based on 42 MFA
variables alone, indicating that accuracy of prediction
can be gained from inclusion of CH4 proxies other than
only MFA as explanatory variables. Interestingly, with
MFA data based on the GS diet with addition of ECM
(data sets 2 and 5) or DMI (data sets 3 and 6) as a
variable excluded MFA as explanatory variable from
the equation. This might explain why the predictions
for GS diets resulted in the lowest-quality parameters,
because GS diets combine feedstuffs and nutrients with
opposite effects on CH4 production (Maia et al., 2007;
Shingfield et al., 2013; Castro-Montoya et al., 2016a).
In contrast, based on data of the LS diets, inclusion of
ECM (data sets 2 and 5) did not improve the prediction
as compared with predictions with data sets 1 and 4,
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 102 No. 2, 2019
respectively, containing MFA variables only, suggesting
a dominant effect of linseed (i.e., n-3 MFA) on the MFA
pattern and thus CH4 prediction.
Our study shows that the effect of the 2 basal diets
containing either a large proportion of grass silage or
corn silage on CH4 production and MFA profile was
small due to only moderate intake differences in crude
fiber, ADF, and NDF, nutrients known to have a large
effect on both CH4 production and MFA profile. How-
ever, with CS diets DMI was higher and resulted in a
tendency for higher CH4 production. In contrast, the
supplementation of the basal diets with linseed strongly
reduced CH4 emission parameters, and modified the
MFA profile considerably. The developed CH4 predic-
tion models for dairy cows based on a data set of 43
individual MFA provided good prediction (R2Adj 0.32
to 0.89; R2CV 0.47 to 0.92), which was reduced by 10
to 15% for models based on a reduced data set with 9
MFA parameters (biochemically related MFA groups
and C16:0 and C18:0 MFA). Prediction of CH4 produc-
tion based on a reduced data set can be improved when
ECM or DMI are added as variables, indicating a gain
of prediction accuracy when combining CH4 proxies.
In this study, prediction equations based on GS diets
resulted in the lowest prediction accuracy, which might
be due to fiber and starch as TMR ingredients in our
GS diets with opposite effects on methane production.
Prediction equations based on diets with linseed supple-
ments had a lower prediction accuracy compared with
equations based on data from diets without linseed.
Therefore, caution is needed when prediction equations
are derived from data sets including fat-supplemented
diets or when diet-specific prediction equations are ap-
plied to cows fed nonmatching diets.
The authors express their gratitude to K.-D. Witt, B.
Stabenow, D. Oswald, T. Lenke, R. Gaeth, A. Schulz,
and K. Pilz, staff members at the EAR and the Tiertech-
nikum of the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
(FBN), for preparation of TMR, feeding, and animal
care as well as assistance with sample collection and
indirect calorimetry measurements. The assistance of
F. Schultz (RinderAllianz GmbH, Woldegk, Germany)
in the selection of cows is gratefully acknowledged. We
thank DANONE GmbH, Haar, Germany, for providing
milk composition data and V. Krüger and B. Göschl
of DANONE GmbH for their involvement and fruit-
ful discussions. This work was part of the project “In-
novation potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
in the dairy supply chain” (INNO MilCH4) and was
supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food,
and Agriculture (BMEL, Berlin) based on a decision
of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany
via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE,
Bonn) under the innovation support programme (grant
no. 2817501011).
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... Each period consisted of dietary adaptation for 14 days and 7 days of sampling. Treatments comprised total mixed rations (TMR) based on grass silage containing either a high (65: 35) or low (35:65) forageto-concentrate (FC) ratio supplemented with 0 (HF and LF, respectively) or 5% rapeseed oil (RO) in diet DM (HFO and LFO, respectively; for details, refer to Razzaghi et al. [18]). In addition, the cows received 2 × 300 g of concentrate daily from the milking parlor. ...
... As mentioned earlier, the effect of diets on intake, milk production, energy and N metabolism, and milk fatty acid composition are presented and discussed by Razzaghi et al. [18], but briefly, rapeseed oil supplementation at 5% diet DM tended to decrease DM intake, leading to lower intake of other nutrients (CP, NDF, pdNDF, water-soluble carbohydrate, and starch) without affecting GE intake, which is consistent with the previous studies on oil [34] or oilseeds [35]. On the other hand, cows receiving a diet lower in forage level (65 vs. 35% DM) increased DM intake by about 9%, leading to increased intake of OM, CP, EE, water-soluble carbohydrates, starch, and GE and reduced intake of NDF and pdNDF. ...
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An experiment was conducted to examine how dietary interventions reducing enteric methane (CH4) emissions influence manure CH4 emissions in biogas production (as biochemical methane potential (BMP)) or under static conditions mimicking natural manure storage conditions. Experimental treatments consisted of a factorial arrangement of high (HF: 0.65) or low (LF: 0.35) levels of forage and 0 or 50 g of rapeseed oil per kg of diet dry matter. Oil supplementation reduced daily enteric CH4 emissions, especially in the HF diet, by 20%. Greater dietary concentrate proportion reduced CH4 yield and intensity (6 and 12%, respectively) and decreased pH, increased total volatile fatty acids, and molar proportions of butyrate and valerate in feces incubated under static conditions. Oil supplementation increased daily BMP and BMP calculated per unit of organic matter (OM) (17 and 15%, respectively). Increased dietary concentrate had no impact on daily BMP and BMP per unit of OM, whereas it reduced daily CH4 production by 89% and CH4 per unit of OM by 91% under static conditions. Dietary oil supplementation tended to decrease fecal CH4 production per unit of digestible OM (23%) under static conditions. Diets had no impact on the alpha diversity of ruminal prokaryotes. After incubation, the fecal prokaryote community was significantly less diverse. Diets had no effect on alpha diversity in the BMP experiment, but static trial fecal samples originating from the HF diet showed significantly lower diversity compared with the LF diet. Overall, the tested dietary interventions reduced enteric CH4 emissions and reduced or tended to reduce manure CH4 emissions under static conditions, indicating a lack of trade-off between enteric and manure CH4 emissions. The potential for increasing CH4 yields in biogas industries due to dietary interventions could lead to a sustainable synergy between farms and industry.
... milk yield, BW), and milk or meat components (Sejian et al. 2011;Ramin and Huhtanen 2013;Patra and Lalhriatpuii 2016). One promising proxy for the prediction of enteric methane production in dairy species is represented by the concentration of milk fatty acids (FAs) Engelke et al. 2019;Requena et al. 2020) because they share biological pathways with enteric methane production (Chilliard et al. 2009;Dijkstra, Van Zijderveld, et al. 2011). Published prediction equations based on milk FA profile are almost all for dairy cattle and they were developed for predicting methane yield per unit of DMI (enteric methane yield (eMY); g CH 4 /kg DMI) and methane intensity per unit of fat/protein-corrected milk (enteric methane intensity (eMI); g CH 4 /kg FPCM). ...
... milk yield, BW), and milk or meat components (Sejian et al. 2011;Ramin and Huhtanen 2013;Patra and Lalhriatpuii 2016). One promising proxy for the prediction of enteric methane production in dairy species is represented by the concentration of milk fatty acids (FAs) Engelke et al. 2019;Requena et al. 2020) because they share biological pathways with enteric methane production (Chilliard et al. 2009;Dijkstra, Van Zijderveld, et al. 2011). Published prediction equations based on milk FA profile are almost all for dairy cattle and they were developed for predicting methane yield per unit of DMI (enteric methane yield (eMY); g CH 4 /kg DMI) and methane intensity per unit of fat/protein-corrected milk (enteric methane intensity (eMI); g CH 4 /kg FPCM). ...
... The savvy interpretation of the MFA / enteric CH 4 emission relationship, coupled with the accessibility and practicality of the MIRS recording technique, provides an incredible opportunity for CH 4 mitigation in a commercial farm setting. This realization has revitalized dairy cattle CH 4 emission prediction, with a wealth of studies investigating the development of a variety of MFA-based, commercially applicable, prediction models (Williams et al., 2014;Bougouin et al., 2019;Engelke et al., 2019). ...
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Measuring dairy cattle methane (CH4) emissions using traditional recording technologies is complicated and expensive. Prediction models, which estimate CH4 emissions based on proxy information, provide an accessible alternative. This review covers the different modeling approaches taken in the prediction of dairy cattle CH4 emissions and highlights their individual strengths and limitations. Following the guidelines set out by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA); Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, PubMed and PubAg were each queried for papers with titles that contained search terms related to a population of “Bovine,” exposure of “Statistical Analysis or Machine Learning,” and outcome of “Methane Emissions”. The search was executed in December 2022 with no publication date range set. Eligible papers were those that investigated the prediction of CH4 emissions in dairy cattle via statistical or machine learning (ML) methods and were available in English. 299 papers were returned from the initial search, 55 of which, were eligible for inclusion in the discussion. Data from the 55 papers was synthesized by the CH4 emission prediction approach explored, including mechanistic modeling, empirical modeling, and machine learning. Mechanistic models were found to be highly accurate, yet they require difficult-to-obtain input data, which, if imprecise, can produce misleading results. Empirical models remain more versatile by comparison, yet suffer greatly when applied outside of their original developmental range. The prediction of CH4 emissions on commercial dairy farms can utilize any approach, however, the traits they use must be procurable in a commercial farm setting. Milk fatty acids (MFA) appear to be the most popular commercially accessible trait under investigation, however, MFA-based models have produced ambivalent results and should be consolidated before robust accuracies can be achieved. ML models provide a novel methodology for the prediction of dairy cattle CH4 emissions through a diverse range of advanced algorithms, and can facilitate the combination of heterogenous data types via hybridization or stacking techniques. In addition to this, they also offer the ability to improve dataset complexity through imputation strategies. These opportunities allow ML models to address the limitations faced by traditional prediction approaches, as well as enhance prediction on commercial farms.
... With the sole exception of Engelke et al. (2018), who predicted the FA by mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRs), the milk FA profile was determined by GC. In a later study, these authors also determined the FA profiles by GC (Engelke et al., 2019). In the majority of the studies examined, EME was measured in an RC. ...
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Greenhouse gas emission from the activities of all productive sectors is currently a topic of foremost importance. The major contributors in the livestock sector are ruminants, especially dairy cows. This study aimed to evaluate and compare 21 equations for predicting enteric methane emissions (EME) developed on the basis of milk traits and fatty acid profiles, which were selected from 46 retrieved through a literature review. We compiled a reference database of the detailed fatty acid profiles, determined by GC, of 992 lactating cows from 85 herds under 4 different dairy management systems. The cows were classified according to DIM, parity order, and dairy system. This database was the basis on which we estimated EME using the selected equations. The EME traits estimated were methane yield (20.63 ± 2.26 g/kg DMI, 7 equations), methane intensity (16.05 ± 2.76 g/kg of corrected milk, 4 equations), and daily methane production (385.4 ± 68.2 g/d, 10 equations). Methane production was also indirectly calculated by multiplying the daily corrected milk yield by the methane intensity (416.6 ± 134.7 g/d, 4 equations). We also tested for the effects of DIM, parity, and dairy system (as a correction factor) on the estimates. In general, we observed little consistency among the EME estimates obtained from the different equations, with exception of those obtained from meta-analyses of a range of data from different research centers. We found all the EME predictions to be highly affected by the sources of variation included in the statistical model: DIM significantly affected the results of 19 of the 21 equations, and parity order influenced the results of 13. Different patterns were observed for different equations with only some of them in accordance with expectations based on the cow's physiology. Finally, the best predictions of daily methane production were obtained when a measure of milk yield was included in the equation or when the estimate was indirectly calculated from daily milk yield and methane intensity.
... Among these, milk mid-infrared spectra, which are readily available from milk recording agencies, and milk volatile fatty acids have been studied extensively. Diet influences milk composition, and these proxies show a wide range of accuracy depending on diet composition (76) or statistical model (77). Predicting methane levels from efficiency-related traits, such as intake or residual feed intake, has also been proposed, but considerable variation has been reported with conflicting results, including a lack of association with methane emissions (63,(78)(79)(80). ...
Mitigation of methane emission, a potent greenhouse gas, is a worldwide priority to limit global warming. A substantial part of anthropogenic methane is emitted by the livestock sector, as methane is a normal product of ruminant digestion. We present the latest developments and challenges ahead of the main efficient mitigation strategies of enteric methane production in ruminants. Numerous mitigation strategies have been developed in the last decades, from dietary manipulation and breeding to targeting of methanogens, the microbes that produce methane. The most recent advances focus on specific inhibition of key enzymes involved in methanogenesis. But these inhibitors, although efficient, are not affordable and not adapted to the extensive farming systems prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. Effective global mitigation of methane emissions from livestock should be based not only on scientific progress but also on the feasibility and accessibility of mitigation strategies. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, Volume 12 is February 2024. Please see for revised estimates.
... Nevertheless, many different supplements have been investigated resulting in different reduction potentials (Hristov et al., 2013;Jayanegara et al., 2020). Our assumptions are based on supplementation with linseed, which is relatively well studied and easily available in Switzerland (Engelke et al., 2019;Poteko et al., 2020). Such uncertainties, heterogeneous mitigation potentials and (partially) high costs are among the major challenges of integrating agriculture in general climate policies (Fellmann et al., 2018). ...
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To reduce agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, farmers need to change current farming practices. However, farmers' climate change mitigation behaviour and particularly the role of social and individual characteristics remains poorly understood. Using an agent‐based modelling approach, we investigate how knowledge exchange within farmers' social networks affects the adoption of mitigation measures and the effectiveness of a payment per ton of GHG emissions abated. Our simulations are based on census, survey and interview data for 49 Swiss dairy and cattle farms to simulate the effect of social networks on overall GHG reduction and marginal abatement costs. We find that considering social networks increases overall reduction of GHG emissions by 45% at a given payment of 120 Swiss Francs (CHF) per ton of reduced GHG emissions. The per ton payment would have to increase by 380 CHF (i.e., 500 CHF/tCO 2 eq) to reach the same overall GHG reduction level without any social network effects. Moreover, marginal abatement costs for emissions are lower when farmers exchange relevant knowledge through social networks. The effectiveness of policy incentives aiming at agricultural climate change mitigation can hence be improved by simultaneously supporting knowledge exchange and opportunities of social learning in farming communities.
In the face of escalating climate change impacts on agriculture, understanding the mechanisms by which farmers adapt and mitigate becomes imperative. This study investigates the role of farmer social networks in shaping adaptive capacities and resilience within agricultural communities. Employing a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and network analyses, we examine how information flows, resource sharing, and collective action dynamics within social networks influence farmers' responses to climate variability and change. Drawing on data from diverse agricultural settings, our findings shed light on the nuanced interplay between social networks and climate adaptation strategies. By elucidating the pathways through which social networks facilitate or constrain adaptive behaviors, this research offers valuable insights for enhancing the effectiveness of climate change interventions and fostering sustainable agricultural development. The research findings indicate that a minority of respondents, specifically 23% and 11%, lack access to financial services and climate adaptation knowledge, respectively. Assistance to farmers primarily encompasses dissemination of marketing information and provision of farm equipment by community-based organizations, whereas private institutions supply weather forecasting services. Public institutions exhibit limited presence in the network analysis. Additionally, extension services emerge as pivotal entities in the climate adaptation network, whereas agricultural credits, post-harvest services, and produce marketing dominate but exhibit weak interconnections in the financial support network. Moreover, the study reveals that as farm-level service provision increases, farmers not only enhance their adaptation efforts but also transition from low-cost and short-term measures to more advanced strategies. To enhance stakeholder networking and bolster adaptation to climate change, this study advocates for an integrated framework that fosters partnerships across various sectors.
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Agriculture is a significant source of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making reduction targets crucially needed. Worldwide, countries have set agricultural GHG reduction goals and discussed methods to reach them. A crucial aspect is, whether the policy target level is set at the individual farm or at a regional level. In this context, we assess the advantages regarding cost-effectiveness and GHG-reduction potential of targets at the regional level. First, we use the bioeconomic farm-level model FarmDyn to simulate the changes in income and GHG emissions of 65 Swiss dairy farms. Secondly, we develop an optimization algorithm to compare the efficiency and efficacy of these two target approaches. Our analysis reveals that regional targets, which consider the heterogenous abatement costs of the sector, are more cost-efficient than farm-level ones. Specifically, they enable a 10 per cent GHG reduction at 88 per cent lower costs, suggesting they might be a more cost-effective alternative to taxation.
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Reducing agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is key to achieve overall climate policy goals. Effective and efficient policy instruments are needed to incentivize farmers' adoption of on‐farm climate change mitigation practices. We compare action‐ and results‐based policy designs for GHG reduction in agriculture and account for farmers' heterogeneous behavioral characteristics such as individual farming preferences, reluctance to change and social interactions. An agent‐based bio‐economic modeling approach is used to simulate total GHG reduction, overall governmental spending and farm‐level marginal abatement cost of Swiss dairy and beef cattle farms under both action‐ and results‐based policy designs. We find that total governmental spending associated with the compared policy designs depends on the cost and benefits of the considered measures as well as behavioral characteristics of farmers. More precisely, if farmers are reluctant to change, additional incentives are needed to increase adoption of a win‐win measure. In such a case, targeting the payment on the cost of that particular measure (action‐based design) instead of paying a uniform amount for abated emissions (results‐based design) can lower governmental spending for agricultural climate change mitigation. Farm‐level marginal cost of reducing GHG emissions are lower with results‐based payments independent of the cost of measures. Moreover, we find that farmers' individual preferences and reluctance to change substantially lower the adoption of mitigation measures and hence overall GHG reduction potential of farms.
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Milk fatty acid (FA) profile has been previously used as a predictor of enteric CH4 output in dairy cows fed diets supplemented with plant oils, which can potentially impact ruminal fermentation. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between milk FA and enteric CH4 emissions in lactating dairy cows fed different types of forages in the context of commonly fed diets. A total of 81 observations from three separate 3×3 Latin square design (32-day periods) experiments including a total of 27 lactating cows (96±27 days in milk; mean±SD) were used. Dietary forages were included at 60% of ration dry matter and were as follows: (1) 100% corn silage, (2) 100% alfalfa silage, (3) 100% barley silage, (4) 100% timothy silage, (5) 50 : 50 mix of corn and alfalfa silages, (6) 50 : 50 mix of barley and corn silages and (7) 50 : 50 mix of timothy and alfalfa silages. Enteric CH4 output was measured using respiration chambers during 3 consecutive days. Milk was sampled during the last 7 days of each period and analyzed for components and FA profile. Test variables included dry matter intake (DMI; kg/day), NDF (%), ether extract (%), milk yield (kg/day), milk components (%) and individual milk FA (% of total FA). Candidate multivariate models were obtained using the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator and Least-Angle Regression methods based on the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion. Data were then fitted into a random regression using the MIXED procedure including the random effects of cow, period and study. A positive correlation was observed between CH4 and DMI (r=0.59, P0.19). Milk FA profile and DMI can be used to predict CH4 emissions in dairy cows across a wide range of dietary forage sources.
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Ruminant enteric methane emission contributes to global warming. Although breeding low methane-emitting cows appears to be possible through genetic selection, doing so requires methane emission quantification by using elaborate instrumentation (respiration chambers, SF6 technique, GreenFeed) not feasible on a large scale. It has been suggested that milk fatty acids are promising markers of methane production. We hypothesized that methane emission can be predicted from the milk fatty acid concentrations determined by mid-infrared spectroscopy, and the integration of energy-corrected milk yield would improve the prediction. Therefore, we examined relationships between methane emission of cows measured in respiration chambers and milk fatty acids, predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy, to derive diet-specific and general prediction equations based on milk fatty acid concentrations alone and with the additional consideration of energy-corrected milk yield. Cows were fed diets differing in forage type and linseed supplementation to generate a large variation in both CH4 emission and milk fatty acids. Depending on the diet, equations derived from regression analysis explained 61 to 96% of variation of methane emission, implying the potential of milk fatty acid data predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy as novel proxy for direct methane emission measurements. When data from all diets were analyzed collectively, the equation with energy-corrected milk yield (CH4 (L/day) = − 1364 + 9.58 × energy-corrected milk yield + 18.5 × saturated fatty acids + 32.4 × C18:0) showed an improved coefficient of determination of cross-validation R²CV = 0.72 compared to an equation without energy-corrected milk yield (R²CV = 0.61). Equations developed for diets supplemented by linseed showed a lower R²CV as compared to diets without linseed (0.39 to 0.58 vs. 0.50 to 0.91). We demonstrate for the first time that milk fatty acid concentrations predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy together with energy-corrected milk yield can be used to estimate enteric methane emission in dairy cows.
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Four lipid supplements varying in chain length or degree of unsaturation were examined for their effects on milk yield and composition, ruminal CH4 emissions, rumen fermentation, nutrient utilization, and microbial ecology in lactating dairy cows. Five Nordic Red cows fitted with rumen cannulas were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square with five 28-d periods. Treatments comprised total mixed rations based on grass silage with a forage-to-concentrate ratio of 60:40 supplemented with no lipid (CO) or 50 g/kg of diet dry matter (DM) of myristic acid (MA), rapeseed oil (RO), safflower oil (SO), or linseed oil (LO). Feeding MA resulted in the lowest DM intake, and feeding RO reduced DM intake compared with CO. Feeding MA reduced the yields of milk, milk constituents, and energy-corrected milk. Plant oils did not influence yields of milk and milk constituents, but reduced milk protein content compared with CO. Treatments had no effect on rumen fermentation characteristics, other than an increase in ammonia-N concentration due to feeding MA, RO, and SO compared with CO. Lipid supplements reduced daily ruminal CH4 emission; however, the response was to some extent a result of lower feed intake. Lipids modified microbial community structure without affecting total counts of bacteria, archaea, and ciliate protozoa. Dietary treatments had no effect on the apparent total tract digestibility of organic matter, fiber, and gross energy. Treatments did not affect either energy secreted in milk as a proportion of energy intake or efficiency of dietary N utilization. All lipids lowered de novo fatty acid synthesis in the mammary gland. Plant oils increased proportions of milk fat 18:0, cis 18:1, trans and monounsaturated fatty acids, and decreased saturated fatty acids compared with CO and MA. Both SO and LO increased the proportion of total polyunsaturated fatty acids, total conjugated linolenic acid, and cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid. Feeding MA clearly increased the Δ9 desaturation of fatty acids. Our results provide compelling evidence that plant oils supplemented to a grass silage-based diet reduce ruminal CH4 emission and milk saturated fatty acids, and increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and total conjugated linoleic acid while not interfering with digestibility, rumen fermentation, rumen microbial quantities, or milk production.
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This study investigated the relationships between methane (CH4) emission and fatty acids, volatile metabolites (V) and non-volatile metabolites (NV) in milk of dairy cows. Data from an experiment with 32 multiparous dairy cows and four diets were used. All diets had a roughage : concentrate ratio of 80 : 20 based on dry matter (DM). Roughage consisted of either 1000 g/kg DM grass silage (GS), 1000 g/kg DM maize silage (MS), or a mixture of both silages (667 g/kg DM GS and 333 g/kg DM MS; 333 g/kg DM GS and 677 g/kg DM MS). Methane emission was measured in climate respiration chambers and expressed as production (g/day), yield (g/kg dry matter intake; DMI) and intensity (g/kg fat- and protein-corrected milk; FPCM). Milk was sampled during the same days and analysed for fatty acids by gas chromatography, for V by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and for NV by nuclear magnetic resonance. Several models were obtained using a stepwise selection of (1) milk fatty acids (MFA), V or NV alone, and (2) the combination of MFA, V and NV, based on the minimum Akaike's information criterion statistic. Dry matter intake was 16.8±1.23 kg/day, FPCM yield was 25.0±3.14 kg/day, CH4 production was 406±37.0 g/day, CH4 yield was 24.1±1.87 g/kg DMI and CH4 intensity was 16.4±1.91 g/kg FPCM. The observed CH4 emissions were compared with the CH4 emissions predicted by the obtained models, based on concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) analysis. The best models with MFA alone predicted CH4 production, yield and intensity with a CCC of 0.80, 0.71 and 0.69, respectively. The best models combining the three types of metabolites included MFA and NV for CH4 production and CH4 yield, whereas for CH4 intensity MFA, NV and V were all included. These models predicted CH4 production, yield and intensity better with a higher CCC of 0.92, 0.78 and 0.93, respectively, and with increased accuracy (C b ) and precision (r). The results indicate that MFA alone have moderate to good potential to estimate CH4 emission, and furthermore that including V (CH4 intensity only) and NV increases the CH4 emission prediction potential. This holds particularly for the prediction model for CH4 intensity.
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Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of milk production through selection and management of low-emitting cows require accurate and large-scale measurements of methane (CH4) emissions from individual cows. Several techniques have been developed to measure CH4 in a research setting but most are not suitable for large-scale recording on farm. Several groups have explored proxies (i.e., indicators or indirect traits) for CH4; ideally these should be accurate, inexpensive, and amenable to being recorded individually on a large scale. This review (1) systematically describes the biological basis of current potential CH4 proxies for dairy cattle; (2) assesses the accuracy and predictive power of single proxies and determines the added value of combining proxies; (3) provides a critical evaluation of the relative merit of the main proxies in terms of their simplicity, cost, accuracy, invasiveness, and throughput; and (4) discusses their suitability as selection traits. The proxies range from simple and low-cost measurements such as body weight and high-throughput milk mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIR) to more challenging measures such as rumen morphology, rumen metabolites, or microbiome profiling. Proxies based on rumen samples are generally poor to moderately accurate predictors of CH4, and are costly and difficult to measure routinely on-farm. Proxies related to body weight or milk yield and composition, on the other hand, are relatively simple, inexpensive, and high throughput, and are easier to implement in practice. In particular, milk MIR, along with covariates such as lactation stage, are a promising option for prediction of CH4 emission in dairy cows. No single proxy was found to accurately predict CH4, and combinations of 2 or more proxies are likely to be a better solution. Combining proxies can increase the accuracy of predictions by 15 to 35%, mainly because different proxies describe independent sources of variation in CH4 and one proxy can correct for shortcomings in the other(s). The most important applications of CH4 proxies are in dairy cattle management and breeding for lower environmental impact. When breeding for traits of lower environmental impact, single or multiple proxies can be used as indirect criteria for the breeding objective, but care should be taken to avoid unfavorable correlated responses. Finally, although combinations of proxies appear to provide the most accurate estimates of CH4, the greatest limitation today is the lack of robustness in their general applicability. Future efforts should therefore be directed toward developing combinations of proxies that are robust and applicable across diverse production systems and environments.
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Milk fatty acid (MFA) have already been used to model methane (CH4) emissions from dairy cows. However, the data sets used to develop these models covered limited variation in dietary conditions, reducing the robustness of the predictions. In this study, a data set containing 140 observations from nine experiments (41 Holstein cows) was used to develop models predicting CH4 expressed as g/day, g/kg dry matter intake (DMI) and g/kg milk. The data set was divided into a training (n=112) and a test data set (n=28) for model development and validation, respectively. A generalized linear mixed model was fitted to the data using the marginal R 2 (m) and the Akaike information criterion to evaluate the models. The coefficient of determination of validation (R 2 (v)) for different models developed ranged between 0.18 and 0.41. Form the intake-related parameters, only inclusion of total DMI improved the prediction (R 2 (v)=0.58). In addition, in an attempt to further explore the relationships between MFA and CH4 emissions, the data set was split into three categories according to CH4 emissions: LOW (lowest 25% CH4 emissions); HIGH (highest 25% CH4 emissions); and MEDIUM (50% remaining observations). An ANOVA revealed that concentrations of several MFA differed for observations in HIGH compared with observations in LOW. Furthermore, the Gini coefficient was used to describe the MFA distribution for groups of MFA in each CH4 emission category. The relative distribution of the MFA, particularly of the odd- and branched-chain fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fatty acids of observations in category HIGH differed from those in the other categories. Finally, in an attempt to validate the potential of MFA to identify cases of high or low emissions, the observations were re-classified into HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW according to the proportion of each individual MFA. The proportion of observations correctly classified were recorded. This was done for each individual MFA and for the calculated Gini coefficients, finding that a maximum of 67% of observations were correctly classified as HIGH CH4 (trans-12 C18:1) and a maximum of 58% of observations correctly classified as LOW CH4 (cis-9 C17:1). Gini coefficients did not improve this classification. These results suggest that MFA are not yet reliable predictors of specific amounts of CH4 emitted by a cow, while holding a modest potential to differentiate cases of high or low emissions.
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Animal production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. Depending on the accounting approaches and scope of emissions covered, estimates by various sources (IPCC, FAO, EPA or others) place livestock contribution to global anthropogenic GHG emissions at between 7 and 18 percent. The current analysis was conducted to evaluate the potential of nutritional, manure and animal husbandry practices for mitigating methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) – i.e. non-carbon dioxide (non-CO2) – GHG emissions from livestock production. These practices were categorized into enteric CH4, manure management and animal husbandry mitigation practices. Emphasis was placed on enteric CH4 mitigation practices for ruminant animals (only in vivo studies were considered) and manure mitigation practices for both ruminant and monogastric species. Over 900 references were reviewed; and simulation and life cycle assessment analyses were generally excluded. In evaluating mitigation practices, the use of proper units is critical. Expressing enteric CH4 energy production on gross energy intake basis, for example, does not accurately reflect the potential impact of diet quality and composition. Therefore, it is noted that GHG emissions should be expressed on a digestible energy intake basis or per unit of animal product (i.e. GHG emission intensity), because this reflects most accurately the effect of a given mitigation practice on feed intake and the efficiency of animal production. Enteric CH4 mitigation practices Increasing forage digestibility and digestible forage intake will generally reduce GHG emissions from rumen fermentation (and stored manure), when scaled per unit of animal product, and are highly-recommended mitigation practices. For example, enteric CH4 emissions may be reduced when corn silage replaces grass silage in the diet. Legume silages may also have an advantage over grass silage due to their lower fibre content and the additional benefit of replacing inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Effective silage preservation will improve forage quality on the farm and reduce GHG emission intensity. Introduction of legumes into grass pastures in warm climate regions may offer a mitigation opportunity, although more research is needed to address the associated agronomic challenges and comparative N2O emissions with equivalent production levels from nitrogen fertilizer. Dietary lipids are effective in reducing enteric CH4 emissions, but the applicability of this practice will depend on its cost and its effects on feed intake, production and milk composition. High-oil by-product feeds, such as distiller’s grains, may offer an economically feasible alternative to oil supplementation as a mitigation practice, although their higher fibre content may have an opposite effect on enteric CH4, depending on basal diet composition. Inclusion of concentrate feeds in the diet of ruminants will likely decrease enteric CH4 emissions per unit of animal product, particularly when above 40 percent of dry matter intake. The effect may depend on type of ‘concentrate’ inclusion rate, production response, impact on fibre digestibility, level of nutrition, composition of the basal diet and feed processing. Supplementation with small amounts of concentrate feed is expected to increase animal productivity and decrease GHG emission intensity when added to all-forage diets. However, concentrate supplementation should not substitute high-quality forage. Processing of grain to increase its digestibility is likely to reduce enteric CH4 emission intensity. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised so that concentrate supplementation and processing does not compromise digestibility of dietary fibre. In many parts of the world, concentrate inclusion may not be an economically feasible mitigation option. In these situations improving the nutritive value of low-quality feeds in ruminant diets can have a considerable benefit on herd productivity, while keeping the herd CH4 output constant or even decreasing it. Chemical treatment of low-quality feeds, strategic supplementation of the diet, ration balancing and crop selection for straw quality are effective mitigation strategies, but there has been little adoption of these technologies. Nitrates show promise as enteric CH4 mitigation agents, particularly in low-protein diets that can benefit from nitrogen supplementation, but more studies are needed to fully understand their impact on whole-farm GHG emissions, animal productivity and animal health. Adaptation to these compounds is critical and toxicity may be an issue. Through their effect on feed efficiency, ionophores are likely to have a moderate CH4 mitigating effect in ruminants fed high-grain or grain-forage diets. However, regulations restrict the availability of this mitigation option in many countries. In ruminants on pasture, the effect of ionophores is not sufficiently consistent for this option to be recommended as a mitigation strategy. Tannins may also reduce enteric CH4 emissions, although intake and milk production may be compromised. Further, the agronomic characteristics of tanniferous forages must be considered when they are discussed as a GHG mitigation option. There is not sufficient evidence that other plant-derived bioactive compounds, such as essential oils, have a CH4-mitigating effect. Some direct-fed microbials, such as yeast-based products, might have a moderate CH4-mitigating effect through increasing animal productivity and feed efficiency, but the effect is expected to be inconsistent. Vaccines against rumen archaea may offer mitigation opportunities in the future, although the extent of CH4 reduction appears small, and adaptation and persistence of the effect is unknown. Manure management mitigation practices Diet can have a significant impact on manure (faeces and urine) chemistry and therefore on GHG emissions during storage and following land application. Manure storage may be required when animals are housed indoors or on feedlots, but a high proportion of ruminants are grazed on pastures or rangeland, where CH4 emissions from their excreta is very low and N2O losses from urine can be substantial. Decreased digestibility of dietary nutrients is expected to increase fermentable organic matter concentration in manure, which may increase manure CH4 emissions. Feeding protein close to animal requirements, including varying dietary protein concentration with stage of lactation or growth, is recommended as an effective manure ammonia and N2O emission mitigation practice. Low-protein diets for ruminants should be balanced for rumen-degradable protein so that microbial protein synthesis and fibre degradability are not impaired. Decreasing total dietary protein and supplementing the diet with synthetic amino acids is an effective ammonia and N2O mitigation strategy for non-ruminants. Diets for all species should be balanced for amino acids to avoid feed intake depression and decreased animal productivity. Restricting grazing when conditions are most favourable for N2O formation, achieving a more uniform distribution of urine on soil and optimizing fertilizer application are possible N2O mitigation options for ruminants on pasture. Forages with higher sugar content (high-sugar grasses or forage harvested in the afternoon when its sugar content is higher) may reduce urinary nitrogen excretion, ammonia volatilization and perhaps N2O emission from manure applied to soil, but more research is needed to support this hypothesis. Cover cropping can increase plant nitrogen uptake and decrease accumulation of nitrate, and thus reduce soil N2O emissions, although the results have not been conclusive. Urease and nitrification inhibitors are promising options to reduce N2O emissions from intensive livestock production systems, but can be costly to apply and result in limited benefits to the producer. Overall, housing, type of manure collection and storage system, separation of solids and liquid and their processing can all have a significant impact on ammonia and GHG emissions from animal facilities. Most mitigation options for GHG emissions from stored manure, such as reducing the time of manure storage, aeration, and stacking, are generally aimed at decreasing the time allowed for microbial fermentation processes to occur before land application. These mitigation practices are effective, but their economic feasibility is uncertain. Semi-permeable covers are valuable for reducing ammonia, CH4 and odour emissions at storage, but are likely to increase N2O emissions when effluents are spread on pasture or crops. Impermeable membranes, such as oil layers and sealed plastic covers, are effective in reducing gaseous emissions but are not very practical. Combusting accumulated CH4 to produce electricity or heat is recommended. Acidification (in areas where soil acidity is not an issue) and cooling are further effective methods for reducing ammonia and CH4 emissions from stored manure. Composting can effectively reduce CH4 but can have a variable effect on N2O emissions and increases ammonia and total nitrogen losses. Anaerobic digesters are a recommended mitigation strategy for CH4 generate renewable energy, and provide sanitation opportunities for developing countries, but their effect on N2O emissions is unclear. Management of digestion systems is important to prevent them from becoming net emitters of GHG. Some systems require high initial capital investments and, as a result, their adoption may occur only when economic incentives are offered. Anaerobic digestion systems are not recommended for geographic locations with average temperatures below 15 °C without supplemental heat and temperature control. Lowering nitrogen concentration in manure, preventing anaerobic conditions and reducing the input of degradable manure carbon are effective strategies for reducing GHG emissions from manure applied to soil. Separation of manure solids and anaerobic degradation pre-treatments can mitigate CH4 emission from subsurface-applied manure, which may otherwise be greater than that from surface-applied manure. Timing of manure application (e.g. to match crop nutrient demands, avoiding application before rain) and maintaining soil pH above 6.5 may also effectively decrease N2O emissions. Animal husbandry mitigation practices Increasing animal productivity can be a very effective strategy for reducing GHG emissions per unit of livestock product. For example, improving the genetic potential of animals through planned cross-breeding or selection within breeds, and achieving this genetic poten tial through proper nutrition and improvements in reproductive efficiency, animal health and reproductive lifespan are effective and recommended approaches for improving animal productivity and reducing GHG emission intensity. Reduction of herd size would increase feed availability and productivity of individual animals and the total herd, thus lowering CH4 emission intensity. Residual feed intake may be an appealing tool for screening animals that are low CH4 emitters, but currently there is insufficient evidence that low residual feed intake animals have a lower CH4 yield per unit of feed intake or animal product. However, selection for feed efficiency will yield animals with lower GHG emission intensity. Breed difference in feed efficiency should also be considered as a mitigation option, although insufficient data are currently available on this subject. Reducing age at slaughter of finished cattle and the number of days that animals are on feed in the feedlot by improving nutrition and genetics can also have a significant impact on GHG emissions in beef and other meat animal production systems. Improved animal health and reduced mortality and morbidity are expected to increase herd productivity and reduce GHG emission intensity in all livestock production systems. Pursuing a suite of intensive and extensive reproductive management technologies provides a significant opportunity to reduce GHG emissions. Recommended approaches will differ by region and species, but will target increasing conception rates in dairy, beef and buffalo, increasing fecundity in swine and small ruminants, and reducing embryo wastage in all species. The result will be fewer replacement animals, fewer males required where artificial insemination is adopted, longer productive life and greater productivity per breeding animal. Conclusions Overall, improving forage quality and the overall efficiency of dietary nutrient use is an effective way of decreasing GHG emissions per unit of animal product. Several feed supplements have a potential to reduce enteric CH4 emission from ruminants, although their long-term effect has not been well-established and some are toxic or may not be economically viable in developing countries. Several manure management practices have a significant potential for decreasing GHG emissions from manure storage and after application or deposition on soil. Interactions among individual components of livestock production systems are very complex, but must be considered when recommending GHG mitigation practices. One practice may successfully mitigate enteric CH4 emission, but increase fermentable substrate for increased GHG emissions from stored or landapplied manure. Some mitigation practices are synergistic and are expected to decrease both enteric and manure GHG emissions (for example, improved animal health and animal productivity). Optimizing animal productivity can be a very successful strategy for mitigating GHG emissions from the livestock sector in both developed and developing countries.
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Supplementing dairy cow diets with oilseed preparations has been shown to replace milk saturated fatty acids (SFA) with mono- and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, PUFA), which may reduce risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases in humans consuming milk and dairy products. Previous studies demonstrating this are largely detailed, highly controlled experiments involving small numbers of animals, but in order to transfer this feeding strategy to commercial situations further studies are required involving whole herds varying in management practices. In experiment 1, three oilseed supplements (extruded linseed (EL), calcium salts of palm and linseed oil (CPLO) and milled rapeseed (MR)) were included in grass silage-based diets formulated to provide cows with ~350 g oil/day, and compared with a negative control (Control) diet containing no supplemental fat, and a positive control diet containing 350 g/cow per day oil as calcium salt of palm oil distillate (CPO). Diets were fed for 28-day periods in a 5×4 Latin Square design, and milk production, composition and fatty acid (FA) profile were analysed at the end of each period. Compared with Control, all lipid supplemented diets decreased milk fat SFA concentration by an average of 3.5 g/100 g FA, by replacement with both cis- and trans-MUFA/PUFA. Compared with CPO, only CPLO and MR resulted in lower milk SFA concentrations. In experiment 2, 24 commercial dairy farms (average herd size±SEM 191±19.3) from the south west of the United Kingdom were recruited and for a 1 month period asked to supplement their herd diets with either CPO, EL, CPLO or MR at the same inclusion level as the first study. Bulk tank milk was analysed weekly to determine FA concentration by Fourier Transform mid-IR spectroscopy prediction. After 4 weeks, EL, CPLO and MR all decreased herd milk SFA and increased MUFA to a similar extent (average -3.4 and +2.4 g/100 g FA, respectively) when compared with CPO. Differing responses observed between experiments 1 and 2 may be due in part to variations in farm management conditions (including basal diet) in experiment 2. This study demonstrates the importance of applying experimental research into commercial practice where variations in background conditions can augment different effects to those obtained under controlled conditions.
Although fat content in usual ruminant diets is very low, fat supplements can be given to farm ruminants to modulate rumen activity or the fatty acid profile of meat and milk. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are dominant in common fat sources for ruminants, have negative effects on microbial growth, especially protozoa and fibrolytic bacteria. In turn, the rumen microbiota detoxifies unsaturated fatty acids through a biohydrogenation process, transforming dietary unsaturated fatty acids with cis geometrical double bonds into mainly trans unsaturated fatty acids and, finally, into saturated fatty acids. Culture studies have provided a large amount of data regarding bacterial species and strains that are affected by unsaturated fatty acids or involved in lipolysis or biohydrogenation, with a major focus on the Butyrivibrio genus. More recent data using molecular approaches to rumen microbiota extend and challenge these data, but further research will be necessary to improve our understanding of fat and rumen microbiota interactions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The objectives of this study were to quantify the effects on production performance and milk fatty acid (FA) profile of feeding dairy cows extruded linseed (EL), a feed rich in α-linolenic acid, and to assess the variability of the responses related to the dose of EL and the basal diet composition. This meta-analysis was carried out using only data from trials including a control diet without fat supplementation. The dependent variables were defined by the mean differences between values from EL-supplemented groups and values from control groups. The data were processed by regression testing the dose effect, multivariable regression testing the effect of each potential interfering factor associated with the dose effect, and then stepwise regression with backward elimination procedure with all potential interfering factors retained in previous steps. This entire strategy was also applied to a restricted data set, including only trials conducted inside a practical range of fat feeding (only supplemented diets with <60 g of fat/kg of dry matter and supplemented with <600 g of fat from EL). The whole data set consisted of 17 publications, representing 21 control diets and 29 EL-supplemented diets. The daily intake of fat from EL supplementation ranged from 87 to 1,194 g/cow per day. The dry matter intake was numerically reduced in high-fat diets. Extruded linseed supplementation increased milk yield (0.72 kg/d in the restricted data set) and decreased milk protein content by a dilutive effect (-0.58 g/kg in the restricted data set). No effect of dose or diet was identified on dry matter intake, milk yield, or milk protein content. Milk fat content decreased when EL was supplemented to diets with high proportion of corn silage in the forage (-2.8 g/kg between low and high corn silage-based diets in the restricted data set) but did not decrease when the diet contained alfalfa hay. Milk trans-10 18:1 proportion increased when EL was supplemented to high corn silage-based diets. A shift in ruminal biohydrogenation pathways, from trans-11 18:1 to trans-10 18:1, probably occurred when supplementing EL with high corn silage-based diets related to a change in the activity or composition of the microbial equilibrium in the rumen. The sum of pairs 4:0 to 14:0 (FA synthesized de novo by the udder), palmitic acid, and the sum of saturated FA decreased linearly, whereas oleic acid, vaccenic acid, rumenic acid, α-linolenic acid, and the sums of mono- and polyunsaturated FA increased linearly when the daily intake of fat from EL was increased. In experimental conditions, EL supplementation increased linearly proportions of potentially human health-beneficial FA in milk (i.e., oleic acid, vaccenic acid, rumenic acid, α-linolenic acid, total polyunsaturated FA), but should be used cautiously in corn silage-based diets.