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The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Terpenoids from Cannabis

  • School of Pharmacy, Ein Kerem Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Cannabinoids are well known to have anti-inflammatory effects in mammalians; however, the Cannabis plant also contains other compounds such as terpenoids, whose biological effects have not yet been characterized. The aim of this study was to compare the anti-inflammatory properties of terpenoids with those of cannabidiol (CBD). Materials and Methods: Essential oils prepared from three monoecious nonpsychoactive chemotypes of Cannabis were analyzed for their terpenoid content and subsequently studied pharmacologically for their anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo. Results:In vitro, the three essential oils rich in terpenoids partly inhibited reactive oxygen intermediate and nitric oxide radical (NO•) production in RAW 264.7 stimulated macrophages. The three terpenoid-rich oils exerted moderate anti-inflammatory activities in an in vivo anti-inflammatory model without affecting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) serum levels. Conclusions: The different Cannabis chemotypes showed distinct compositions of terpenoids. The terpenoid-rich essential oils exert anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities in vitro and in vivo, which vary according to their composition. Their effects seem to act independent of TNFα. None of the essential oils was as effective as purified CBD. In contrast to CBD that exerts prolonged immunosuppression and might be used in chronic inflammation, the terpenoids showed only a transient immunosuppression and might thus be used to relieve acute inflammation.
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The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Terpenoids
from Cannabis
Ruth Gallily,
*Zhannah Yekhtin,
and Lumı
´r Ondr
ˇej Hanus
Introduction: Cannabinoids are well known to have anti-inflammatory effects in mammalians; however, the Cannabis
plant also contains other compounds such as terpenoids, whose biological effects have not yet been characterized.
The aim of this study was to compare the anti-inflammatory properties of terpenoids with those of cannabidiol (CBD).
Materials and Methods: Essential oils prepared from three monoecious nonpsychoactive chemotypes of Can-
nabis were analyzed for their terpenoid content and subsequently studied pharmacologically for their anti-
inflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo.
Results: In vitro, the three essential oils rich in terpenoids partly inhibited reactive oxygen intermediate and nitric
oxide radical (NO
) production in RAW 264.7 stimulated macrophages. The three terpenoid-rich oils exerted
moderate anti-inflammatory activities in an in vivo anti-inflammatory model without affecting tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNFa) serum levels.
Conclusions: The different Cannabis chemotypes showed distinct compositions of terpenoids. The terpenoid-rich
essential oils exert anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities in vitro and in vivo, which vary according to their
composition. Their effects seem to act independent of TNFa. None of the essential oils was as effective as purified
CBD. In contrast to CBD that exerts prolonged immunosuppression and might be used in chronic inflammation, the
terpenoids showed only a transient immunosuppression and might thus be used to relieve acute inflammation.
Keywords: cannabis; terpenoids; anti-inflammation; antinociceptive; CBD
Human beings have used Cannabis or Cannabis prod-
ucts in various forms for thousands of years
and refer-
ences to therapeutic use of the plant are found in Hieratic
script on papyri dated around 1700 BC.
More recent re-
ports have reviewed the history and characteristics of the
and determined their clinical and biological
The Cannabis plant contains hundreds
of different compounds apart from the major psycho-
active compound D
-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Some of these are unique to the Cannabis plant,
while others are shared with other members of the
plant kingdom.
This century has seen a wealth of literature reports
on the therapeutic potential of Cannabis and/or its
constituents and a comprehensive review conducted
by the Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana:
An Evidence Review and Research
considered more
than 10,700 relevant abstracts on this subject. They
concluded that there was moderate to conclusive evi-
dence for beneficial effects on chronic pain, and for a
variety of other uses in different autoimmune and in-
flammatory diseases. While studies have focused on
THC and the anti-inflammatory effects of the other
major constituent, the nonpsychoactive cannabinoid
cannabidiol (CBD),
the effects of the aromatic
The Lautenberg Center for General and Tumor Immunology, The Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
Department of Medicinal and Natural Products, Institute for Drug Research, The Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
*Address correspondence to: Ruth Gallily, PhD, The Lautenberg Center for General and Tumor Immunology, The Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, P.O.B. 11272, Jerusalem 9112102, Israel, E-mail:
ªRuth Gallily et al. 2018; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Volume 3.1, 2018
DOI: 10.1089/can.2018.0014
Cannabis and
Cannabinoid Research
terpene constituents have been largely neglected.
Many of the terpenoids are of pharmacological val-
About 200 terpenoids have been described in
Cannabis and constitute the essential oil of the plant,
being responsible for the characteristic odor of the
The biochemical profiles of the terpenoids
in a given plant are more closely associated to the ge-
netics than the environment.
Physiologically, they
are responsible for protecting the plant from predators
and attracting pollinating insects among other func-
tions. Pharmacologically, they have been implicated
in influencing the properties of the cannabinoids, pos-
sibly by a so-called entourage effect.
Effects on anxiety
have been noted as well as positive or negative influences
on the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and sedative
properties of Cannabis components.
However, there
is no consensus on the mechanism by which this is
achieved and as to whether the terpenoids themselves
possess pharmacologically significant properties.
We have previously demonstrated the ability of a tri-
ple assay, measuring swelling, pain, and tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNFa) serum titers, to measure the anti-
inflammatory properties of CBD.
In this study, we
used a similar approach to investigate the antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory properties of three different
preparations of terpenoid-rich essential oils.
Materials and Methods
Essential oil samples
Samples rich in terpenoids were prepared from three
monoecious nonpsychoactive chemotypes of hemp
(legal in Europe). Tisza is a Hungarian variety, and
Felina and Ferimon are chemotypes adapted to the cli-
mate in France.
All three chemotypes of Cannabis were harvested in
August/September 2016 in the pre-Alpine region of
Slovenia (Upper Savinja Valley), latitude NS 4620¢
29.525 and longitude E 1450¢0.777. Samples of essen-
tial oil were prepared by steam distillation of female
flowers (upper third of the plant).
Terpenoid analysis
Samples (1 lL) of essential oil were analyzed by gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in a Hew-
lett Packard G 1800B GCD system with an HP-5971
gas chromatograph, with an electron ionization detec-
tor. The software used was GCD Plus ChemStation
and the column was an Rtx
5MS Low bleed GC/MS
column (30 m ·0.25 mm ·0.25 lmfilmthickness).For
then the temperature was programmed from 50Cto
280Cat8C/min; inlet 250C; detector 280C; splitless
injection/purge time 1.0 min; initial temperature 100C;
and with initial time 4.0 min. The helium flow rate was
1 mL/min. Compound constituents were identified by
comparison with standards and by the retention times,
Kovats indices and by comparison with mass spectra
from computerized libraries (HPCH2205, Wiley7N, and
The terpenoids isolated by steam distillation
as essential oil from each of the cannabis chemotypes
gave the test samples T1 (Tisza chemotype), T2 (Felina
chemotype), and T3 (Ferimon chemotype), whose an-
algesic and anti-inflammatory properties were charac-
terized in vitro and in vivo.
Cell culture
(BALB/c) was obtained from the American Type Culture
Collection (ATCC, Rockville, MD) and cultured in Dul-
becco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supple-
mented with 5% fetal calf serum (FCS), 1 mM sodium
pyruvate and 100 lg/L streptomycin, and 100 IU/mL
penicillin. The cell line is adherent and the cells were pas-
saged by scraping from the culture dish.
Reactive oxygen intermediate production
For reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) assay, RAW
264.7 cells were removed from the culture dish by
scraping, and were washed and resuspended at 10
cells/mL in Hank’s balanced salt solution without phe-
nol red. Cells (5 ·10
) were added to a luminometer
tube together with various concentrations of the essen-
tial oils (5, 10, 20, or 40 lg/mL). After 5 min, 10 lL
luminol (Sigma) and 30 lL zymosan (Sigma) were
added to each tube and the chemiluminescence was
measured immediately in a luminometer (Biolumate
LB 95; Berhold, Wilbad, Germany). A second set of
samples was incubated for 24 h with the essential oils
before adding luminol and zymosan. All experiments
were done in duplicates.
Nitric oxide (NO
) determination
and MTT evaluation of viability
RAW 264.7 cells were seeded at a density of 1 ·10
well in 24-well plates and incubated overnight at 37C
and 5% CO
. On the following day, the medium was
changed to fresh DMEM without FCS, containing vari-
ous concentrations of the essential oils. The cells were
then stimulated by the addition of lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) to a concentration of 1 lg/mL. Cell supernatants
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
(SNs) were harvested after 24 h for nitric oxide radical
) assay by addition of 100 lLSNtoanequalvolume
of Griess reagent (1% sulfanilamide, 0.1% naphthalene
diamine, and 2% H
). After 10 min of incubation,
the resultant color was measured at 550 nm. The amount
of NO
produced, and any inhibition by the test materi-
als, was calculated from a standard curve prepared with
The viability of the cells after incubation with the test
materials was determined by MTT viability staining.
The absorbance was measured at 550 nm on a micro-
plate reader.
Female Sabra mice (Israel), 7–8 weeks old, were main-
tained in the specific-pathogen-free unit of the Hadas-
sah Medical School, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
Israel. The experimental protocols were approved by
the Institutional Animal Care Ethics Committee. The
animals were maintained at a constant temperature
(20–21C) and a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle, and were
provided a standard pellet diet with water ad libitum.
Induction and treatment of paw inflammation
Inflammation was induced by injection of 40 lLofa
suspension of 1.5% w/v zymosan A (Sigma) in saline
into the subplanter surface of the right hind paw of
the mice. This was followed immediately by an injec-
tion of the sample intraperitoneally (10, 25, or 50 mg/
kg). For injection, the terpenoids were dissolved in ve-
hicle containing ethanol:Cremophore:saline at a ratio
of 1:1:18. CBD was used as a positive control. Paw
swelling and pain perception were assessed after 2, 6,
and 24 h. Blood was collected after 24 h for analysis
of TNFaserum levels.
Evaluation of edema
Calibrated calipers were used to measure paw swelling
(thickness) 2, 6, and 24 h after injection of zymosan.
Pain assay
Pain at 2, 6, and 24 h after zymosan injection was
assessed by the von Frey nociceptive filament assay,
where 1.4–60 g filaments, corresponding to 4.17–5.88 log
of force, was used to test the sensitivity of the swollen
paw. The untreated hind paw served as a control.
The measurements were performed in a quiet room
and the animals were handled for 10 s before the test.
A trained investigator then applied the filament, pok-
ing the middle of the hind paw to provoke a flexion re-
flex, followed by a clear finch response after paw
withdrawal. Filaments of increasing size were each ap-
plied for about 3–4 s. The mechanical threshold force
in grams was defined as the lowest force required to ob-
tain a paw retraction response.
FIG. 1. GC/MS spectra of essential oils from three
different chemotypes of Cannabis—Tisza (T1), Felina
(T2), and Ferimon (T3). Each chemotype displays an
individual, characteristic profile. The identity of each
peak is summarized in Table 1. GC/MS, gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
Measurement of TNFa
Blood was collected 24 h after zymosan injection, and
the sera were assayed for TNFausing a mouse TNFa
ELISA kit (R&D System), according to the manufactur-
er’s instructions.
Statistical analysis
Statistical calculations used the nonparametric Mann-
Whitney Utest and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The re-
sults are presented as average standard error.
The terpenoid content of essential oils from three
different Cannabis chemotypes
The essential oils from each of the three different che-
motypes of Cannabis—Tisza (T1), Felina (T2), and
Ferimon (T3)—were analyzed by GC/MS analyses,
and up to 50 different compounds were identified
(Fig. 1 and Table 1). The spectra show similarities
and differences between the different Cannabis chemo-
types. As the amounts of the identified terpenoids were
Table 1. Terpenoid Content in the Three Chemotypes of Cannabis: The Results Are Presented as the Relative
Ratio to the Main Terpene in the Sample, Which Was Set to 100.00%
Terpene Kovats Index Tisza chemotype (T1) % Felina chemotype (T2) % Ferimon chemotype (T3) %
a-Pinene 5.85 31.420 14.007 19.413
Camphene 6.26 0.640 0.108
b-Pinene 7.04 20.461 13.434 10.153
Myrcene 7.43 100.000 100.000 52.755
a-Phellandrene 7.85 1.316 2.693 1.163
-Carene 8.10 13.020 2.240 2.103
a-Terpinene 8.30 1.094 2.376 1.018
o-Cymene 8.59 0.221 0.564
p-Cymene 8.53 0.105 0.396
Limonene 8.69 10.482 3.379 7.142
b-Phellandrene 8.70 3.537 6.794 2.668
cis-b-Ocimene 8.96 4.043 4.005 2.520
trans-b-Ocimene 9.42 51.700 39.864 32.634
c-Terpinene 9.78 1.151 2.041 0.880
Terpinolene 10.98 32.842 81.256 38.728
Linalool 11.32 0.905
1,3,8-para-Menthatriene 11.86 0.449 0.377
endo-Fenchol 12.10 0.263
allo-Ocimene 12.70 1.517 1.918 1.179
Terpinen-4-ol 14.66 0.294 0.665
p-Cymen-8-ol 14.91 0.421
Hexyl butanoate 15.40 0.362
a-Terpineol 15.21 0.303 0.466
Eugenol 22.70 1.199
a-Ylangene 23.43 0.191 0.148 0.205
a-Copaene 23.49 0.144 0.204
Hexyl hexanoate 23.83 0.411
7-epi-Sesquithujene 24.19 0.288 0.222
Sesquithujene 24.84 0.231
cis-Caryophyllene 24.95 1.778 1.669 2.072
cis-a-Bergamotene 25.10 0.148 1.517 0.846
trans-Caryophyllene 25.36 75.569 68.099 100.000
trans-a-Bergamotene 25.99 3.578 11.867 11.100
a-Guaiene 26.20 0.387
trans-b-Farnesene 26.92 3.157 14.176 11.811
a-Humulene 26.82 28.338 25.453 33.158
allo-Aromadendrene 27.07 1.744 3.130
ar-Curcumene 27.96 0.310 0.323
b-Selinene 28.37 4.745 6.653 6.007
a-Selinene 28.74 3.785 4.654 4.747
cis-a-Bisabolene 29.09 1.719
trans-a-Bisabolene 1.524
d-Cadinene 29.72 0.621
b-Sesquiphellandrene 29.70 2.011
Selina-3,7(11)-diene 30.66 2.343 2.577 2.813
Caryophyllene oxide 32.16 4.437 5.523
Humulene epoxide II 33.20 1.151 1.176
allo-Aromadendrene epoxide 34.42 0.426
a-Bisabolol 36.17 0.226
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
not quantified, the results in Table 1 are presented as
the relative ratio to the main terpene in the sample,
which was set to 100.00%.
In vitro studies
Suppression of ROI and NO
production by RAW mac-
rophages incubated with the terpenoid-rich essential
oils. To study the effects of terpenoids on essential mac-
rophage functions, the RAW 264.7 macrophage cell line
was either untreated or incubated with the essential oils
at indicated concentrations, before stimulation with zy-
mosan to induce ROIs or LPS to induce NO
The ROI production was measured by luminol chemilu-
minescence, while NO
production was measured by
resulting nitrite concentration in the supernatant. The
generation of ROI by RAW 264.7 macrophages was sig-
nificantly suppressed following a short 5 min-incubation
with 40 lg/mL terpenoids from chemotypes T1 and T2
(Fig. 2), while lower concentrations had barely any effect.
T3 terpenoids, however, showed only a moderate inhibi-
tion at 40 lg/mL (Fig. 2). When the macrophages were
incubated with terpenoids for 24 h before zymosan in-
duction of ROI, the terpenoids had barely any inhibitory
effect (Fig. 2). This observation suggests for a transient
inhibitory effect of terpenoids.
Similar to ROI inhibition, the T1 and T2 essential
oils significantly suppressed LPS-induced NO
tion by RAW macrophages when applied at a concen-
tration of 40 lg/mL (Fig. 3). Lower concentrations of
T1 and T2 had almost no effect. The T3 essential oil
had barely any effect at the concentrations used.
The MTT assay showed that the inhibition of NO
and ROI by terpenoids was not due to cytotoxicity,
since all the cells remained over 80% viable with all
concentrations tested (data not shown).
In vivo studies
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of
terpenoid-rich essential oils. In this study, we used
the well-accepted mouse model of zymosan-induced
inflammation to investigate the anti-inflammatory
and antinociceptive activities of the three terpenoid
preparations. The extent of hind paw swelling was de-
termined 2, 6, and 24 h following paw injection of
60 lg zymosan alone (control) or together with intra-
peritoneal injection of various concentrations of
FIG. 2. Zymosan-induced generation of ROIs by
RAW 264.7 macrophages was inhibited by essential
Cannabis oils from each of the three chemotypes
Tisza (T1), Felina (T2), and Ferimon (T3). RAW 264.7
macrophages (5 ·10
/500 lLHBSS)wereeither
untreated (Control) or incubated with 20 or 40lL
by zymosan. The ROI was measured by luminol
chemiluminescence. The percentage inhibition of
ROI production is presented. *p<0.05. ROI, reactive
oxygen intermediate; HBSS, Hank’s Balanced Salt
FIG. 3. LPS-induced generation of NO
by RAW
264.7 macrophages was inhibited by essential
Cannabis oils from each of the three chemotypes
Tisza (T1), Felina (T2), and Ferimon (T3). RAW 264.7
macrophages were incubated in serum-free
medium alone or in the presence of various
amounts of the essential oils, as indicated in the
figure. After 5 min, the macrophages were exposed
to LPS (1 lg/mL) for 24 h and the nitrite
concentration in the supernatant reflecting NO
production was measured using the Griess reagent.
*p<0.05, **p<0.01. LPS, lipopolysaccharide.
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
essential oils from each of the three chemotypes Tisza
(T1), Felina (T2), and Ferimon (T3). For comparison,
a mouse group was treated with CBD (5 mg/kg), which
is well known to exert anti-inflammatory and antino-
ciceptive effects.
Intraperitoneal injection of each
of the three terpenoid preparations significantly re-
duced zymosan-induced paw swelling at all three con-
centrations tested (10, 25, and 50 mg/kg) (Fig. 4A).
There were no significant differences between the
three concentrations, meaning that a plateau effect
FIG. 4. Anti-inflammatory (A) and antinociceptive (B) effects of intraperitoneally injected CBD or essential oils
from each of the three Cannabis chemotypes Tisza (T1), Felina (T2), and Ferimon (T3). (A) Prevention of
zymosan-induced swelling of hind paw; 1.5% zymosan in 40 lL was injected into the subplanter surface of the
right hind paw. Immediately thereafter, CBD (5 mg/kg) or essential oils (10, 25, or 50 mg/kg) dissolved in vehicle
containing ethanol:Cremophore:saline at a ratio of 1:1:18 was injected intraperitoneally. The paw thickness
indicative for paw swelling was measured 2, 6, and 24 h thereafter. The paw thickness of untreated mice was
2.3 mm, which made the baseline of the graph. N=9 in each treatment group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. (B) The
hyperalgesia occurring after zymosan injection in control and treated mice as described in (A) was measured
by using the von Frey nociceptive filament assay. The higher the paw withdrawal threshold, the higher is the
antinociceptive effect of the drug. N=9 in each treatment group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. CBD, cannabidiol.
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
has been reached and no further inhibition can be
achieved by increasing the dose. Also, it should be
noted that the three terpenoids were less potent than
Next, we studied the antinociceptive effects of the
three terpenoid preparations in comparison to CBD.
To this end, the same mice described above for zymosan-
induced paw swelling were used to determine the paw
withdrawal threshold by applying von Frey filaments
on the paws. Higher paw withdrawal threshold is indic-
ative for better pain-relieving effects. As expected, CBD
significantly increased the paw withdrawal threshold
could significantly increase the pain threshold (Fig. 4B),
although less potent than CBD. T1 showed a correlative
doseresponseat6h,whileno significant difference
and 24 h (Fig. 4B).
In contrast, only a moderate pain inhibition could
be achieved with the T2 and T3 terpenoid prepara-
tions (Fig. 4B). No correlative dose–response could
be seen for T2 and T3, suggesting for having reached
a maximum effect. The more potent pain-relieving ef-
fects of T1 in comparison to T2 and T3 is correlative
to the better prevention of paw swelling by T1 (com-
pare Fig. 4B with 4A). Of note, the antinociceptive ef-
fects of all compounds, including CBD, were most
TNFaserum titer. TNFais one of the proinflamma-
tory cytokines that is produced during inflammation
and activates the nociceptive terminals that innervate
the inflamed tissue.
It was therefore important to
study the effect of terpenoids on TNFaserum levels.
However, none of the terpenoid preparations had any
significant effect on the TNFaserum level 24 h after zy-
mosan injection (Fig. 5). Under the same conditions,
CBD reduced the level of TNFasignificantly by about
48% (Fig. 5).
The terpenoids provide the cannabis plant with its
characteristic fragrance and it is generally accepted
that they provide protection from marauding in-
sects. Although more than 230 different named ter-
penoids have been identified, in Cannabis, only
about 50 known terpenoids have been identified in
a single plant sample, and the profile may be character-
istic of a given chemotype (Hanus
ˇLO, unpublished
data). This variety is reflected in the differences noted
between the three cannabis chemotypes used in this
study. Despite suggestions that differences in the
FIG. 5. TNFain the sera of mice treated with zymosan and essential oils. Twenty-four hours after injecting
zymosan and/or an intraperitoneal dose of CBD (5 mg/kg) or essential oils (10, 25, or 50 mg/kg) dissolved in
vehicle containing ethanol:Cremophore:saline at a ratio of 1:1:18, the TNFaconcentration in the serum was
determined by ELISA. N=3 for each treatment group. **p<0.01. TNFa, tumor necrosis factor alpha.
Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
pharmaceutical properties of different chemotypes may
be a consequence of the variety of terpenoids present,
there is almost no information about the biological
and medical properties of cannabis-derived terpenoids.
We have previously developed a triple assay to
demonstrate the anti-inflammatory and antinocicep-
tive properties of CBD.
This assay measures the
ability of any compound to inhibit zymosan-induced
paw swelling and to relieve zymosan-induced pain. In
addition, by collecting blood 24 h after zymosan in-
jection, the assay enables us to determine the effects
of the compounds on zymosan-induced TNFapro-
duction. We adapted this method to study the anti-
inflammatory properties of terpenoid-rich essential
oils from three different chemotypes of Cannabis.
Our data show that the three essential oils, which
contain various ratios of 48 identified terpenoids,
show moderate anti-inflammatory properties in an
induced paw swelling model in mice. All three prepa-
rations were much less potent than CBD. Also, no
correlative dose–response was observed, suggesting
that a maximum effect was observed already with
the lower dose. T2 was somewhat less potent than
T1 and T3 with regard to their paw swelling inhibitory
effects. T1, but not T2 and T3, exhibited moderate
antipain effects, but still, T1 was less potent than
CBD. The differences between terpenoids and CBD
might be explained by their different effect on TNFa
production. While CBD strongly reduces TNFapro-
duction in vivo, the terpenoids barely had any effect.
In vitro, the terpenoids only affected macrophage
production at high
concentration (40 lg/mL), which is in contrast to
6lg/mL CBD required to inhibit 90% of granulocyte-
induced ROI production
and 8 lg/mL CBD to in-
hibit 50% of zymosan-induced ROI in RAW 264.7
The effects were chemotype specific to a certain extent,
which is in agreement with the individuality of the es-
sential oils with terpenoids. Interestingly, in contrast to
CBD, none of the chemotype essential oil had any effect
on the levels of zymosan-induced TNFa.Thismightsug-
gest the terpenoids exert their anti-inflammatory effects
through a mechanism other than that employed by the
Different chemotypes of cannabis have a distinctive
composition of terpenoids. These essential oils do
have anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities
that vary according to their composition, but they
had no effect on TNFatiters. None of the essential
oils was as effective as CBD. We suggest that terpenoids
may be used to diminute acute inflammation effect,
whereas the cannabinoids to inhibit chronic inflamma-
tion symptoms.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Ronit Sionov for
her valuable editorial assistance.
Author Disclosure Statement
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Cite this article as: Gallily R, Yekhtin Z, Hanus
ˇLO (2018) The anti-
inflammatory properties of terpenoids from Cannabis,Cannabis and
Cannabinoid Research 3:1, 282–290, DOI: 10.1089/can.2018.0014.
Abbreviations Used
CBD ¼cannabidiol
DMEM ¼Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium
FCS ¼fetal calf serum
GC/MS ¼gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
KI ¼Kovats Index
LPS ¼lipopolysaccharide
NO ¼nitric oxide
ROI ¼reactive oxygen intermediate
SNs ¼supernatants
THC ¼tetrahydrocannabinol
TNFa¼tumor necrosis factor alpha
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Gallily et al.; Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2018, 3.1
... Terpenoids in Cannabis sativa L. play an important role in the biosynthesis of the cannabinoids that contribute to the much-appreciated aroma and flavor of cannabis seed oil (Booth and Buhlmann, 2019;Zager et al., 2019). More than 200 terpenoids have been identified in cannabis, with the main constituents being mono-and sesqui-terpenes (Gallily et al., 2018). Flower buds contain about 0.5−3.5% essential oil (Fischedick et al., 2017). ...
... Limonene has reported to have significant antimicrobial activity (Thielmann and Muranyi, 2019). Limonene, ocemene, terpinolene, caryophyllene, and bisabolene have been identified in the non-psychoactive chemotypes of Cannabis sativa harvested in Slovenia (Gallily et al., 2018). However, the absolute quantitative analysis for identification of terpenoids in the Thai strain of Cannabis sativa L. using internal standard could be further studied to identify precious major bioactive terpenoids. ...
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Introduction: Cannabis terpenoids, especially volatile terpenes, were used for the classification of cannabis strains. The leaves of Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa Thai strain ‘Hang Krarok’ are used legally in traditional Thai medicines, cosmetics, and food ingredients in Thailand under the control of the tetrahydrocannabinol (if lower than 0.2% dry weight). One of the specific characteristics of this plant is the volatile oil which consists of mono-and the sesqui-terpenoids. Materials and methods: Fresh cannabis leaves were ground and 1 g samples were kept in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry glass vials at 4 °C prior to measurement using headspace. Results: More than 50 terpenoids were identified from the fresh leaves in the cannabis samples. The major compounds were ?–ocimene, L–limonene, terpinolene, p–cymenene, ?–(E)–caryophyllene, (Z,E)–?–farnesene, ?–bisabolene, and (E)–?–bisabolene. Conclusion: The variation in the unique terpenoids in the Thai strain could be used in novel medicines and food and cosmetic products.
... The many biological activities of terpenes are well known and include antifungal, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities [16,85]. For example, Gallily, et al. (2018) analyzed the anti-inflammatory properties of terpenoid-rich Cannabis essential oils, through in vivo (7 to 8-week-old female Sabra mice) and in vitro (RAW 264.7 murine monocyte/macrophage cell line), and they found that the antiinflammatory and antinociceptive activities by the two methods vary according to the terpenoid profile. In addition, they found that the evaluated oils are not as effective as purified CBD [86]. ...
... For example, Gallily, et al. (2018) analyzed the anti-inflammatory properties of terpenoid-rich Cannabis essential oils, through in vivo (7 to 8-week-old female Sabra mice) and in vitro (RAW 264.7 murine monocyte/macrophage cell line), and they found that the antiinflammatory and antinociceptive activities by the two methods vary according to the terpenoid profile. In addition, they found that the evaluated oils are not as effective as purified CBD [86]. Oils rich in terpenes could therefore be used to relieve acute inflammation, and not chronic as in the case of CBD. ...
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo dar a conocer la composición química y el posible potencial medicinal de variedades de cannabis no psicoactivo cultivadas en el departamento del Cauca. Los cannabinoides fueron identificados y cuantificados por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución acoplada a un detector ultravioleta (HPLC/UV) para el análisis de la flor, y cromatografía de gases acoplada a un espectrómetro de masas (GC-MS) para el análisis de los extractos etanólicos y contenido terpenos. Los fenoles se cuantificaron por reacción con el reactivo de Folin & Ciocalteau; para la determinación de flavonoides y antraquinonas, los extractos fueron tratados con AlCl3. Finalmente, para determinar la actividad antioxidante se utilizaron tres métodos: DPPH, ABTS y FRAP. Se pudo determinar que las variedades A y B contenían porcentajes de tetrahidrocannabinol total (THC) menores al 1% y porcentajes de cannabidiol total (CBD) entre 9-15%. En los extractos etanólicos se alcanzaron concentraciones (m/m) de CBD en las variedades A y B, del 10% y 13,7%, respectivamente. Se identificaron y cuantificaron nueve terpenos de la muestra A y siete de la muestra B, siendo el β-cariofileno el más abundante en ambos. Teniendo en cuenta que existe evidencia en la literatura de que la relación CBD/THC influye en la actividad biológica, se espera que los extractos etanólicos de las variedades A y B tengan una actividad antioxidante de moderada a baja, lo que, según algunos investigadores, puede estar asociado con el efecto neuroprotector, que puede verse favorecido por la presencia de β-cariofileno.
... Our findings, combined with observations from other authors, emphasize that the full spectrum of extract components, including terpenes and other bioactive compounds, plays a crucial role in their pharmacological activity [24,25]. We observed that the chemical composition diversity of the studied cannabis varieties influences differences in their effects. ...
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Inflammation is the critical component of neuropathic pain; therefore, this study aimed to assess the potential anti-inflammatory effects of Cannabis sativa L. extracts in a vincristine-induced model of neuropathic pain. The effects of different doses (5.0–40.0 mg/kg) of two Cannabis sativa L. extracts (B and D) on COX-1, COX-2, TNF-α, and NF-κB mRNA and protein levels were examined in the rat hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and blood lymphocytes. There were statistically significant differences in COX-1, COX-2, and TNF-α mRNA and protein expression in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, with significant differences in COX-2 and TNF-α in the lymphocytes. Extract D dose-dependently increased COX-1 mRNA and protein in the hippocampus and cortex. In contrast, Extract B dose-dependently increased COX-1 mRNA and decreased COX-2 mRNA (in a dose of 7.5 mg/kg) and TNF-α protein levels in the cortex. Cannabis sativa L. extracts significantly influenced the expression of inflammatory genes and proteins, with effects varying based on dose and tissue type. The increased expression of COX-1, COX-2, and TNF-α (in comparison to groups receiving NaCl, vincristine, and gabapentin) in the rat hippocampus and COX-1 in the cerebral cortex suggests that Cannabis may have a pro-inflammatory effect. Due to species specificity, the results of our research based on rats require confirmation in humans. However, Cannabis sativa should be recommended with caution for treating pain with an inflammatory component.
... In addition, terpenes showed synergistic effects with cannabinoids like CBD; for example, terpenes such as limonene, pinene, caryophyllene, and myrcene combined with CBD were used as a new antiseptic for social anxiety disorder and acne therapies [1]. Moreover, terpenes demonstrated anti-cancer, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic properties [6,8]. Terpenes have been mostly determined by GC-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) [21], and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) [4,10,12,17], and some coupled with headspace-FID-MS [9] and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) [2,5,15], or direct injection [19]. ...
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We developed a rapid and user-friendly method to detect bioactive terpenes in different Cannabis flower samples based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). We validated the method in terms of linearity, repeatability, detection and quantitation limits and recovery. We quantitatively determine the amounts of six terpenes in seven Cannabis samples.
... Medicinal benefits of cannabis are generally attributed to anti-inflammatory properties mediated through agonistic activation of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is comprised of endogenous cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and the enzymes responsible for the synthesis and degradation of endocannabinoids [17,18] . A study of 5,363 adults found decreased levels of systemic inflammation biomarkers (hsCRP, IL-6, and fibrinogen) 30 days following cannabis use [20][21][22] . CBD has been shown to possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties [23][24][25][26] . ...
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Aims : Using an investigator-designed survey tool to confirm that adult patients with type 1 Gaucher disease (GD1) often self-prescribe cannabis products to try to alleviate symptoms such as lingering fatigue, chronic bone and joint pain, loss of energy, anxiety, and depression that persist despite enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) or substrate restriction therapy (SRT). Additionally, to explore whether patient reports of symptom relief and adverse side effects relate to frequency and duration of cannabis use. Methods : We conducted an anonymous, cross-sectional questionnaire study to elicit GD1 patient-reported experiences with cannabis used to alleviate symptoms they attributed to their underlying disease. Eligible participants included individuals with GD1 aged ≥ 18 years, regardless of sex, gender, country of residence, ethnicity, state of health or GD1 treatment status. The questions included basic socio-demography (n = 9), GD diagnosis and pre-treatment signs and symptoms (n = 16), GD treatment information (n = 9), current GD symptoms (n = 12), concurrent manifestations of Parkinson’s disease (n = 6), details of cannabis use (n = 24), perceived effect of cannabis on symptoms (n = 13), and interest in participating in future studies (n = 2). Results: 159 GD1 adults (81.5% US) responded to advertisements on patient online sites or to informational posts in advocacy group newsletters. The most frequent pre-treatment symptoms were fatigue (83.8%), bone or joint pain (79.7%), and bleeding problems (73.0%). Hemostasis substantially improved, but pain, achiness, fatigue, and anxiety often persisted. Sixty-two respondents (39%) reported very heterogeneous cannabis use. There was a positive association between the severity of persistent symptoms and the likelihood of cannabis use. Cannabis users reported improvements in muscle pain (84.3%), bone pain (82.4%), joint pain (82.4%), anxiety (70.6%), and general achiness (66.7%). However, moderate and extreme bone manifestations, fatigue, breathing problems, memory loss, and episodic dyscoordination were more prevalent among frequent users of inhaled cannabis than among non-users. Conclusion: Our results justify further investigations to determine the efficacy and safety of cannabis specifically for GD1 patients. Although randomized controlled trials would be optimal, well-designed observational GD registry studies may be a more practical approach. Although some patients may be reluctant to talk openly with their doctors about cannabis, they should routinely be queried about such use by primary care physicians and GD specialists who, in turn, must be able to provide informed guidance on safety, dosage, and potential interactions with other medications the patient is using.
... They can increase protease inhibitor expression or inhibit the production of factors that suppress protease inhibitor expression. An increase in protease inhibitor levels by terpenoid compounds can inhibit proteolytic enzyme activity and prevent tissue damage (Gallily et al., 2018). Savitri & Kasimo's (2022) study on the effect of kentut leaf extract (P. ...
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Kentut leaves (Paederia foetida L.) are a type of medicinal plant that can be used as a preventative medicine against sepsis. This plant contains secondary metabolite compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, and other active compounds. This research aims to determine the influence and effective dosage of Kentut leaf extract as a preventive measure against IL-6 expression in the livers of mice in a sepsis model injected with E. coli. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The study involved 24 white male mice divided into 6 groups. Data analysis was performed using One Way ANOVA. The average values of IL-6 expression in the mouse livers for each group are as follows: KN at 7.09%±0.06; K+ at 26.36%±0.02; K- at 72.60%±0.05; PI (100mg/kgBW) at 71.04%±0.04; PII (300mg/kgBW) at 62.22%±0.02; and PIII (500mg/kgBW) at 40.92%±0.01. The research results indicate that there is an influence of kentut leaf extract as a preventive measure against IL-6 expression in the livers of mice in the sepsis model injected with E. coli, with a significance value of 0.000 or p-value 0.005. The effective dosage of kentut leaf extract as a preventive measure against IL-6 expression is the PIII dosage of 500mg/kgBW. The anti-inflammatory mechanism in sepsis is thought to be caused by the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, and terpenoid compounds. The most likely anti-inflammatory mechanism is believed to involve flavonoids inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes involved in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which can trigger IL-6 production.
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Introduction Cannabinoids, both natural and synthetic, are a subject of scientific interest. Cannabis is widely used, and its impact on health and the immune system is being studied. The endocannabinoid system influences inflammation, including the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), a potential diagnostic tool. Our study investigates the connection between cannabis use and NLR. Methods Our systematic review was registered in Prospero (#CRD42023463539). We searched six databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and CINAHL Complete) for records in English from inception to May 2024. We included observational studies that measured the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) in cannabis users and control participants. We used the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale to assess the quality of the included studies. We selected a random-effects model, and the statistical analysis was performed using Stata software version 17. Results Out of a total of 4,054 records, only five articles were selected for inclusion in the meta-analysis. All of these chosen studies utilized a retrospective design. Furthermore, it's worth noting that all of the studies included were of high quality. In five studies involving 3,359 cannabis users and 10,437 non-users, no significant difference in NLR was found (WMD: 0.12 [-0.16, 0.41], I2: 39.89%). Subgroup analysis on healthy and schizophrenia participants didn't show significant NLR differences (p=0.76). Secondary analysis revealed cannabis users had higher Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) (67.80 [44.54, 91.06]), neutrophil count (0.68 [0.25, 1.12]), white blood cell count (0.92 [0.43, 1.41]), monocyte count (0.11 [0.05, 0.16]), and Systemic Immune Inflammation Index (SII) (83.48 [5.92, 157.04]) compared to non-users Conclusion Our systematic review and meta-analysis reveal that cannabis use may affect NLR and hematologic parameters, suggesting a potential immune impact. Complex associations exist, requiring further research. Schizophrenia and pro-inflammatory factors are discussed, highlighting the need for ongoing investigation into cannabis-related immune changes and mental health. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42023463539.
Pancratium maritimum, a bulbous geophyte from the Amaryllidaceae family, thrives primarily in the subtropical biome on both sides of the Mediterranean. Thus, our purpose was to explore the chemical composition of P. maritimum L. essential oil grown in Tunisia and its microemulsion and evaluate their antibacterial, antibiofilm, and anticoagulant effects. The volatile oil was extracted using the hydro-distillation method, and then its phytochemicals were identified by the GC–MS process. The microemulsion was prepared with Arabic gum biopolymer dissolution, Tween 20 was used as a surfactant. Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities were evaluated using the microdilution method against a wide range of strains. The anticoagulant activity was estimated in vitro by measuring prothrombin time (PT) and PTT-activated partial thromboplastin time. The molecular docking approach was performed via the Auto Dock 4.2 program package. The analysis by GC/MS revealed the presence of the following major components: 3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1-ol (37.67%), trans-isoelemicine (9.80%), phytol (4.39%), limonene (3.26%), fenchone (2.31%), and T-muurolol (2.06%). A microemulsion was obtained with a polydispersity index of 0.186, a Zeta potential of 24.1 Mv, pH value of 6, and an encapsulation efficiency of 79.7 ± 0.3. The P. maritimum emulsion showed strong antibacterial (MICs between 1.625 and 26 mg/mL), antibiofilm (> 80% at 4xMIC), antifungal (0.4 mg/mL against Candida albicans), anticoagulant (18.6 s for PT and 48 s for aPTT) activities, and molecular docking results showed that T-muurolol’ had the best binding score of − 6.4 kcal mol−1 with 1kzn enzyme and − 5.7 kcal mol−1 with 6mki receptor compared to its analogues. Pancratium maritimum could be a source of new antibacterial and anticoagulant compounds, as well as a tool for controlling bacterial biofilms in food and food-related environments.
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Rodents are commonly used to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of pain as studies in humans may be difficult to perform and ethically limited. As pain cannot be directly measured in rodents, many methods that quantify “pain-like” behaviors or nociception have been developed. These behavioral methods can be divided into stimulus-evoked or non-stimulus evoked (spontaneous) nociception, based on whether or not application of an external stimulus is used to elicit a withdrawal response. Stimulus-evoked methods, which include manual and electronic von Frey, Randall-Selitto and the Hargreaves test, were the first to be developed and continue to be in widespread use. However, concerns over the clinical translatability of stimulus-evoked nociception in recent years has led to the development and increasing implementation of non-stimulus evoked methods, such as grimace scales, burrowing, weight bearing and gait analysis. This review article provides an overview, as well as discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used behavioral methods of stimulus-evoked and non-stimulus-evoked nociception used in rodents.
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Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) plants produce and accumulate a terpene-rich resin in glandular trichomes, which are abundant on the surface of the female inflorescence. Bouquets of different monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are important components of cannabis resin as they define some of the unique organoleptic properties and may also influence medicinal qualities of different cannabis strains and varieties. Transcriptome analysis of trichomes of the cannabis hemp variety ‘Finola’ revealed sequences of all stages of terpene biosynthesis. Nine cannabis terpene synthases (CsTPS) were identified in subfamilies TPS-a and TPS-b. Functional characterization identified mono- and sesqui-TPS, whose products collectively comprise most of the terpenes of ‘Finola’ resin, including major compounds such as β-myrcene, (E)-β-ocimene, (-)-limonene, (+)-α-pinene, β-caryophyllene, and α-humulene. Transcripts associated with terpene biosynthesis are highly expressed in trichomes compared to non-resin producing tissues. Knowledge of the CsTPS gene family may offer opportunities for selection and improvement of terpene profiles of interest in different cannabis strains and varieties.
Phytocannabinoids modulate inflammatory responses by regulating the production of cytokines in several experimental models of inflammation. Cannabinoid type-2 (CB2) receptor activation was shown to reduce the production of the monocyte chemotactic protein-2 (MCP-2) chemokine in polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly-(I:C)]-stimulated human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells, an in vitro model of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). We investigated if non-psychotropic cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) produced similar effects in this experimental model of ACD. HaCaT cells were stimulated with poly-(I:C) and the release of chemokines and cytokines was measured in the presence of CBD or other phytocannabinoids (such as CBDA, CBDV, CBDVA, CBC, CBG, CBGA, CBGV, THCV, THCVA) and antagonists of cannabinoid type-1 (CB1), CB2 or transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) receptors. HaCaT cell viability following phytocannabinoid treatment was also measured. The cellular levels of endocannabinoids [anandamide (AEA), 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)] and related molecules [palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), oleoylethanolamide (OEA)] were quantified in poly-(I:C)-stimulated HaCaT cells treated with CBD. We showed that in poly-(I:C)-stimulated HaCaT cells, CBD elevated the levels of AEA and dose-dependently inhibited poly-(I:C)-induced release of MCP-2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α in a manner reversed by CB2 and TRPV1 antagonists, AM630 and I-RTX, respectively, with no cytotoxic effect. This is the first demonstration of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD in an experimental model of ACD.
An advanced Mendelian Cannabis breeding program has been developed utilizing chemical markers to maximize the yield of phytocannabinoids and terpenoids with the aim to improve therapeutic efficacy and safety. Cannabis is often divided into several categories based on cannabinoid content. Type I, Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-predominant, is the prevalent offering in both medical and recreational marketplaces. In recent years, the therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol have been better recognized, leading to the promotion of additional chemovars: Type II, Cannabis that contains both Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, and cannabidiol-predominant Type III Cannabis. While high-Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and high-myrcene chemovars dominate markets, these may not be optimal for patients who require distinct chemical profiles to achieve symptomatic relief. Type II Cannabis chemovars that display cannabidiol- and terpenoid-rich profiles have the potential to improve both efficacy and minimize adverse events associated with Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure. Cannabis samples were analyzed for cannabinoid and terpenoid content, and analytical results are presented via PhytoFacts, a patent-pending method of graphically displaying phytocannabinoid and terpenoid content, as well as scent, taste, and subjective therapeutic effect data. Examples from the breeding program are highlighted and include Type I, II, and III Cannabis chemovars, those highly potent in terpenoids in general, or single components, for example, limonene, pinene, terpinolene, and linalool. Additionally, it is demonstrated how Type I – III chemovars have been developed with conserved terpenoid proportions. Specific chemovars may produce enhanced analgesia, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, and anti-anxiety effects, while simultaneously reducing sequelae of Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol such as panic, toxic psychosis, and short-term memory impairment.
The golden age of cannabis pharmacology began in the 1960s as Raphael Mechoulam and his colleagues in Israel isolated and synthesized cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol, and other phytocannabinoids. Initially, THC garnered most research interest with sporadic attention to cannabidiol, which has only rekindled in the last 15 years through a demonstration of its remarkably versatile pharmacology and synergy with THC. Gradually a cognizance of the potential of other phytocannabinoids has developed. Contemporaneous assessment of cannabis pharmacology must be even far more inclusive. Medical and recreational consumers alike have long believed in unique attributes of certain cannabis chemovars despite their similarity in cannabinoid profiles. This has focused additional research on the pharmacological contributions of mono- and sesquiterpenoids to the effects of cannabis flower preparations. Investigation reveals these aromatic compounds to contribute modulatory and therapeutic roles in the cannabis entourage far beyond expectations considering their modest concentrations in the plant. Synergistic relationships of the terpenoids to cannabinoids will be highlighted and include many complementary roles to boost therapeutic efficacy in treatment of pain, psychiatric disorders, cancer, and numerous other areas. Additional parts of the cannabis plant provide a wide and distinct variety of other compounds of pharmacological interest, including the triterpenoid friedelin from the roots, canniprene from the fan leaves, cannabisin from seed coats, and cannflavin A from seed sprouts. This chapter will explore the unique attributes of these agents and demonstrate how cannabis may yet fulfil its potential as Mechoulam's professed “pharmacological treasure trove.”
Cannabis sativa L. is a prolific, but not exclusive, producer of a diverse group of isoprenylated resorcinyl polyketides collectively known as phytocannabinoids. The modular nature of the pathways that merge into the phytocannabinoid chemotype translates in differences in the nature of the resorcinyl side-chain and the degree of oligomerization of the isoprenyl residue, making the definition of phytocannabinoid elusive from a structural standpoint. A biogenetic definition is therefore proposed, splitting the phytocannabinoid chemotype into an alkyl-and a b-aralklyl version, and discussing the relationships between phytocannabinoids from different sources (higher plants, liverworts, fungi). The startling diversity of cannabis phytocannabinoids might be, at least in part, the result of non-enzymatic transformations induced by heat, light, and atmospheric oxygen on a limited set of major constituents (CBG, CBD, D 9-THC and CBC and their corresponding acidic versions), whose degradation is detailed to emphasize this possibility. The diversity of metabotropic (cannabinoid receptors), ionotropic (thermos-TRPs), and transcription factors (PPARs) targeted by phytocannabinoids is discussed. The integrated inventory of these compounds and their biological macromolecular end-points highlights the opportunities that phytocannabinoids offer to access desirable drug-like space beyond the one associated to the narcotic target CB 1 .
This chapter reviews the enzymatic pathways involved in the biosynthesis of cannabis constituents and the variety of phytocannabinoids and terpenoids that are produced. While phytocannabinoids are often referred to as the “active” ingredients in cannabis, the other chemical constituents have a broad spectrum of pharmacological properties and can contribute to the effects seen upon cannabis ingestion or combustion and inhalation, and may also be contained within and contribute to the activity of extracts, tinctures, and other cannabis formulations. The chapter concludes with a focus on the detailed ways in which these processes are manifested in vitro, in laboratory animals, and in the therapeutic use of cannabis preparations.
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