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Emotional intelligence in first year medical students and its correlates: a study conducted at a faculty of medicine in Sri Lanka



Background: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an important attribute to possess in the practice of medicine, which requires skills such as the ability to adapt to clinical situations appropriately and have favourable interpersonal relations, which in turn may have an effect on the outcome of the patient. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the EI levels of first year medical undergraduates of a selected faculty of medicine in Sri Lanka and to determine whether there is a significant correlation between EI and gender, academic ability, number of siblings, self-motivation to study medicine, perceived levels of family support, socialization and religiosity. Methods: The Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment Concise Questionnaire, translated to Sinhala, was administered to a cohort of 194 first year medical students. This questionnaire included a supplementary section with personal details and questions on self- motivation to study medicine, perceived level of socialization, religiosity, family support and the Z score at the advance level examination. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22.0. Results and conclusions: The levels of EI of new entrant medical students admitted to a Faculty of Medicine in Sri Lanka was established using the validated Sinhala translation of the Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment Concise Questionnaire.EI was positively co-related with self- motivation to study medicine, perceived level of socialization and religiosity. There was no significant difference in total EI scores between males and females. Perceived level of family support, number of siblings and academic ability did not correlate significantly with EI.
DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
Received: 11/07/2018 Accepted revised version: 12/11/2018 Published: 22/12/2018
D. Edussuriya1*, K.N. Marambe2, S.U.B. Tennakoon3, R.M.I.S.D. Rathnayake1, B.G. Premaratne1,
S.K. Ubhayasiri1 and C.U. Wickramasinghe1
1 Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
2 Medical Education Unit, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
3 Department of Community Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Corresponding author: D. Edussuriya 1*
E-mail: Tel: 0711698916
Background: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an important attribute to possess in the practice
of medicine, which requires skills such as the ability to adapt to clinical situations
appropriately and have favourable interpersonal relations, which in turn may have an effect
on the outcome of the patient.
Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the EI levels of first year medical
undergraduates of a selected faculty of medicine in Sri Lanka and to determine whether there
is a significant correlation between EI and gender, academic ability, number of siblings, self-
motivation to study medicine, perceived levels of family support, socialization and
Methods: The Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment Concise Questionnaire, translated
to Sinhala, was administered to a cohort of 194 first year medical students. This questionnaire
included a supplementary section with personal details and questions on self- motivation to
study medicine, perceived level of socialization, religiosity, family support and the Z score at
the advance level examination. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22.0.
Results and conclusions: The levels of EI of new entrant medical students admitted to a
Faculty of Medicine in Sri Lanka was established using the validated Sinhala translation of
the Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment Concise Questionnaire.
EI was positively co-related with self- motivation to study medicine, perceived level of
socialization and religiosity. There was no significant difference in total EI scores between
males and females. Perceived level of family support, number of siblings and academic
ability did not correlate significantly with EI.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, medical students, Genos Emotional Assessment
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)
Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as
“the ability to perceive emotions
accurately, appraise, and express emotion;
the ability to access and/or generate
feelings when they facilitate thought; the
ability to understand emotions and
emotional knowledge, and to regulate
emotions to promote emotional and
intellectual growth”.1 The corporate world
has identified emotional intelligence as a
predictor of academic as well as
professional success.2 It has been reported
that people and college students with good
EI show better social functioning and
interpersonal relationships and peers have
identified them as less antagonistic and
A comprehensive survey in medicine
states that EI had a positive contribution in
doctor-patient relationships, with better
empathy, teamwork, communication skills,
stress management, organisational
commitment and leadership.4 EI is
important to medical professionals as it is
associated with self-monitoring, which
would not only facilitate adapting to
clinical situations appropriately but also
improve interpersonal relations. This result
both in a favourable outcome for the
patient and also promote the wellbeing of
the practitioner.
EI becomes especially important for
medical undergraduates due to the long
undergraduate period of 5 years and the
relatively high demands of the medical
course. Few studies have suggested that EI
training can help medical students build
leadership qualities and empathy.5,6 A
systematic review of the literature
concludes that EI should be recommended
as a component of the curricula for
developing physician leaders.7 Literature
surveys on emotional intelligence and
medicine, and physician leadership
qualities concludes that EI correlates with
competencies such as increased empathy,
teamwork, communication skills, stress
management, organisational commitment,
collaboration and interaction that modern
medical curricula seek to deliver, and that
leadership can be nurtured by improving
EI.7,8 However, Humphrey-Murto, et al.,
(2014) found that the level of EI at the
stage of admission to medical school could
not reliably predict academic success in
later years.8
Literature on EI in the Sri Lanka context is
sparse. The few studies done on EI have
been conducted among school children9
and in the field of management.10 The
published literature revealed a recent study
of EI among medical students.11
Studies conducted to determine factors that
contribute to a high level of EI have
revealed that there was a positive
meaningful relationship between
Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual
Intelligence.12 Sotodehasl, et al., (2016)
found that there was a positive significant
relationship between EI and academic
achievement, 13 while Ranasinghe et al.,
(2017) revealed that female medical
students had a higher EI than their male
counterparts and that those who engaged
in extracurricular activities and those who
were satisfied regarding their choice to
study medicine, had significantly higher
EI scores..11 This was reinforced by Ren
et al., (2016) who identified that the level
of socialization within the faculty, time
spent with family, arts and community
service correlated with higher empathy
scores which is one aspect of EI.14 Studies
have been conducted to determine
whether family structure and the number
of siblings have any effect on emotional
intelligence of secondary school
students.15 It was revealed that there was
no significant effect of family structure
and number of siblings on emotional
intelligence of students. Even though
Barbar, Christensen & Barchard (2004)
too found that there is no relationship
between family size and emotional
DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
intelligence, they found that people
coming from larger families have greater
externally oriented thinking.16 However,
Morand, 1999 supports the hypothesis that
emotional intelligence is positively
correlated with family size.17
Even though selection to Sri Lankan
medical faculties is not based on personal
attributes of students, the literature reveals
the importance of EI for courses like
medicine.4 Given the current environment
of medical education where there is
emphasis on patient-centered practice, the
use of a tool to assess emotional
intelligence of students may be useful.
Furthermore, exploration of the
relationship between EI and factors such
as gender, number of siblings, perceived
level of family support, self-motivation to
study medicine, level of socialization
within the faculty and perception of
religiosity in medical students would help
faculty to identify “at risk students” who
may require support and guidance through
the course.
The objective of the study was to
determine with regard to new entrants at a
faculty of medicine in Sri Lanka, the level
of EI and its association with academic
ability, gender, number of siblings,
perceived level of family support, self-
motivation to study medicine, level of
socialization within the faculty and
perception of religiosity.
The validated Sinhala translation of the
Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Concise Questionnaire was used for this
study.18 The questionnaire consists of 31
items designed to measure the frequency
with which an individual displays
emotionally intelligent behaviours across
seven dimensions (seven subscales). These
sub scaled are Emotional Self- Awareness
(ESA), Emotional Expression (EE),
Emotional Awareness of Others (EAO),
Emotional Reasoning (ER), Emotional
Self- Management (ESM), Emotional
Management of Others (EMO), Emotional
Self- Control (ESC). The items are scored
on a five-point Likert scale, from „Almost
Never‟ to „Almost Always‟. A
supplementary questionnaire was prepared
to include demographic data (gender, date
of birth, and number of siblings in the
family), and the rank (all island) at the
selection test for medical school (as an
indicator of academic ability).
Furthermore, student perception of level of
family support, self-motivation to study
medicine, level of socialization within the
faculty and religiosity were assessed by
students response on a five point Likert
scale to the following questions in the
supplementary questionnaire; “I get good
family support to carry out the academic
work”, “I‟m motivated by myself to study
medicine and be a competent medical
professional in the future”, “I think that I
am well socialized within the faculty” and
“I think I‟m a religious person”.
Participants and procedure
The Sinhala version of the Genos
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Concise Questionnaire with the
supplementary questionnaire was
administered to medical students at the
point of entry to the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,
subsequent to obtaining ethical clearance.
Foreign students were excluded from the
study. The students were informed that
participation was purely voluntary in
The total EI score was calculated by the
sum of the sub categories. The Genos EI
raw scores (subgroup scores and
cumulative score) were correlated to the
Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
island rank at the selection test to the
medical faculty, gender, number of
siblings in the family, level of family
support, self-motivation to study medicine,
level of socialization and students‟
perception of religiosity.
Data analysis
The normality of the total EI score was
tested with the Shapiro-Wilks test to
decide if parametric or non-parametric
statistical tests should be used. The
difference of EI scores between males and
females was tested with the Mann-
Whitney u test, which tests the difference
between two normally distributed
continuous variables. Kendall‟s rank
correlation method was used to look for
correlations between total EI and ESA,
EE, EAO, ER, ESM, number of siblings,
A/L rank, motivation, support,
socialization and religiosity as variables
were not normally distributed. The total EI
score was not normally distributed
(Shapiro-Wilks test statistic 0.91,
significance, 0.001). Since variables were
not normally distributed no linear
regression was carried out. Non-linear
regression would not be of value as it is
reserved for categorical variables, but
ordinal regression could have been used
after ordinally categorising EI, but it was
not attempted as EI categorisation was not
practical. Analysis was done using SPSS
version 22.0.
The response rate was 100%. Six point
seven percent (6.7%) of questionnaires
were incompletely filled thus excluded.
Hundred and eighty-four newly recruited
medical students, aged 19 to 21 years, who
had not commenced the academic
programme, participated in the study.
There were 93 males and 91 females.
The total EI score was not normally
distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test statistic
0.91, significance <0.001). There was no
significant difference in total EI scores
between males and females.
Table 1: Level of EI (subgroup and cumulative scores) of the study population
Theoretical range
Mean (% from
max score)
by sex
**P values for difference between sexes<0.05 - Mann-Whitney U test
DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
EI was positively co-related with self-
motivation to study medicine, perceived
level of socialization and religiosity. The
perceived level of family support, number
of siblings and academic ability did not
correlate significantly with EI.
Currently no tests of EI are used in the
selection of students for the undergraduate
program in medicine in Sri Lanka, where
the selection is based purely on academic
merit and on the district quota system. The
present study establishes a base level of EI
for new entrant medical students, with
identification of factors associated with EI.
Table 2: Correlation between EI (subgroup and cumulative score) and island
rank at the selection test to medical faculty, number of siblings, perceived level of
family support, self-motivation to study medicine, perceived level of socialization
and perception of religiosity.
A/L rank
A/L rank
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
Many tools have been identified in the
literature for the purpose of assessing EI.
The emotional competence inventory
(ECI), Bar-On Emotional Quotient
Inventory (EQI), and Mayer-salovey-
Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test
(MSCETT) are popular EI measures. The
Genos EI inventory which was designed to
be used in workplace settings (for
recruitment/promotion) has the potential to
be used in coaching, developmental and
educational fields.19 The concise version
of the Genos EI inventory (31items) was
chosen for this study over the complete
version (71 items) as it was assumed that
the response rate and the accuracy of
responses would be higher with the
concise version.
The study revealed a mean EI of 124
(range 54-149) among new entrant medical
students. The scores for the sub scale
Emotional Self- Awareness was highest,
with the lowest score being for Emotional
Reasoning (Table 1). Even though
Ranasinghe et al., 2017 established EI
levels for 2nd, 4th and final year medical
students at the University of Colombo, Sri
Lanka, using the Schutte Self-Report
Emotional Intelligence Test, this study is
the first to establish EI levels of new
entrant medical students in a medical
faculty in Sri Lanka. However, a similar
study using the Genos questionnaire had
been carried out to establish EI levels of
high school students in Sri Lanka, which
reported that highest scores were observed
for Emotional Expression while the lowest
was for Emotional Self- Control.9
Some studies have concluded that EI is
significantly co-related with gender8,20
explaining that females due to biological
factors, cultural influences, and upbringing
may be more emotionally intelligent.
However, this study revealed that there
was no significant difference in overall EI
between males and females, even though
the mean total score and the mean score
for each subscale was higher in females
compared to male students. A significant
difference between males and females was
only noted in the ER subscale (Table 1).
This indicates that females are
significantly better at considering one‟s
own and others‟ emotions when making
decisions, as well as expressing that such
consideration has taken place. This is
consistent with the findings of a similar
study conducted in Australia, even though
the tool used differed.21 Furthermore, a
study on Irish students revealed that
though there was no significant difference
in total EI score between males and
females, females had scored higher in self-
reported empathy, social responsibility22
and regulation of emotions.23 On the other
hand, a study among Sri Lankan high
school students revealed that higher EI
was found among males when compared
to females.9
Even though the Z score would have
enabled better identification of a
relationship between academic
performance and EI, the rank order was
used for this study as the Z scores of
students were seen to be very close with
difficulty in differentiating between
students. Ranasinghe et al., (2017)
concluded that EI was associated with
better academic performance amongst
final year medical students, in Sri Lanka.
However, this study did not reveal a
significant correlation between academic
performance (as assessed by the Advanced
level examination rank) and EI.11
Thererefore the question arises as to
whether it would be useful to assess EI
separately as entrance criteria to certain
courses, especially, those such as
medicine. EI as a selection criterion to
medical school has been studied by
Carrothers, et al., (2000). 24 A pilot study
done by Carrothers et al., (2000) states that
EI identifies applicants who are oriented
towards the social sciences and humanities
and EI scores correlated positively with
the interview assessment designed to test
interpersonal skills.24 Thus further research
DOI: Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
will be necessary to draw conclusion as to
measurement of EI as an ability to test
suitability for selection to medical school.
The literature reveals that siblings
through their conflicts, can develop
skills in perspective taking, emotion
understanding, negotiation, persuasion,
and problem solving.25 However, our study
did not reveal any significant association
between the level of EI with the number of
siblings. This finding may be due to the
fact that even a single child might have
faced a certain amount of emotionally
challenging situations outside the family,
such as with peers, which may have
resulted in development of EI.
An Iranian study concluded that there is a
direct significant association between EI
with the socio- economic status and a good
parental relationship.26 A study by Harrod
& Scheer (2005) concluded that EI is
positively co-related with the parent‟s
education and household income. It is
reasonable to assume that emotionally
intelligent medical students may have a
better family environment and support,
which would have influenced them
positively to cope with the stress of the
academic work and peer pressures.27
However, this study failed to reveal a
correlation between EI and the degree of
family support as perceived by the student
(Table 2). It is important to mention that
this study did not specify a level of family
support and assessed only the “student
perception of family support”, which does
not evaluate dimensions of family support
in detail and rigorously to draw reasonable
Selection of students for courses in Sri
Lanka are based on academic merit and the
district quota system and very few students
who are selected for medicine on this basis
reject this selection in favour of other
options. This brings forth the important
question as to whether students are in
reality self-motivated to do medicine or
whether social and family pressure plays a
role in their career choice. Self-
satisfaction over career choice was
positively correlated to EI in several
studies.26,28,29 This study too confirms the
finding in this study, self-motivation to
study medicine or their satisfaction in
choosing medicine as a career was
positively correlated with the total EI score
(Table 2).
A literature review on the role of EI in
medicine, revealed that teamwork,
communication and interpersonal skills
have a positive co relation with EI 8, which
may be reflected by better socialization
within the faculty, for example by
participating in group/team activities, and
social services. This study showed a
positive correlation between EI and
perceived level of socialisation (Table 2).
Similar to the result of this study, there
was a significant relationship between EI
and perceived positive religious coping
among medical students in the
Mazandaran University in Iran.30
However, some researchers had concluded
that perception of religiosity does not
show a positive effect on EI. 31
EI levels of new entrant medical students
at a Faculty of Medicine in Sri Lanka was
established using the Genos Emotional
Intelligence Assessment Concise
Questionnaire . Emotional intelligence in
new entrant medical students was
positively co-related with the
determination and self- motivation to study
medicine, the perceived level of
socialization within the faculty and the
perceived level of religiosity. There was
no significant difference in overall EI
between males and females. Perceived
level of family support, the number of
siblings and the island rank at the selection
Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine Vol. 27 No.2, 2018
test to medical school did not correlate
significantly with EI.
The relationship between motivation,
religiosity and socialisation and EI in this
study was assessed using a tool and was
based purely on student perceptions, so the
findings may not be definitive.
A more extensive study on new entrants to
medical faculties in Sri Lanka may reveal
valuable information, which may provide
evidence to evaluate the criteria by which
students are selected to medical schools.
Also identification of factors which have
an impact on EI may help the faculty in
developing mechanisms to improve EI of
medical students, as well as identify
students who may require support.
Furthermore, a longitudinal study to detect
any change in the level of EI of students
following the medical course would reveal
useful information regarding possible
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... Selain itu, apabila tenaga kesehatan dapat memahami latar belakang dan reaksi emosional pasien, berbagai nasihat medis dan perawatan dapat sesuai dengan harapan pasien. 29 Secara garis besar, tenaga kesehatan yang cerdas secara emosional akan dapat memahami kebutuhan pasien, memberikan perawatan kesehatan yang lebih baik, serta meningkatkan kepuasan pasien. Seseorang dengan kecerdasan emosional tinggi cenderung memiliki keterampilan sosial yang lebih baik, sehingga dianggap lebih prososial dan kurang rentan terhadap konflik, hal ini kemudian menciptakan hubungan antara tenaga kesehatan dan pasien yang lebih baik, meningkatkan kepercayaan pasien, dan hasil perawatan yang lebih baik. ...
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Latar Belakang. Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran merupakan calon tenaga medis yang memerlukan empati untuk memahami pandangan dan pengalaman pasien. Namun, kecemasan akibat tuntutan tugas dan perkuliahan dapat menjadi penghalang dalam perwujudan empati. Kecerdasan emosional dapat berpengaruh pada penerapan empati dan dalam mengatasi kecemasan. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan tingkat empati dan kecemasan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura Angkatan 2020. Metodologi. Desain penelitian studi analitik potong lintang. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura Angkatan 2020. Dengan teknik total sampling, diperoleh jumlah sampel penelitian sejumlah 203 orang. Data diperoleh dari pengisian data diri, kuesioner L-MMPI, lembar stresor, kecerdasan emosional, JSE S-Version, JSE HPS-Version, dan BAI. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil. Hasil uji hipotesis variabel pengenalan diri (p= 0,050; r= 0,138), pengendalian diri (p= 0,109; r= 0,113), motivasi diri (p= 0,000; r= 0,305), kesadaran sosial (p= 0,039; r= 0,145), dan keterampilan sosial (p= 0,025; r= 0,157) terhadap tingkat empati. Hasil uji hipotesis variabel pengenalan diri (p= 0,000; r= -0,250), pengendalian diri (p= 0,013; r= -0,174), motivasi diri (p= 0,013; r= -0,174), kesadaran sosial (p=0,006; r= -0,192), dan keterampilan sosial (p= 0,000; r= -0,243) terhadap tingkat kecemasan. Simpulan. Terdapat hubungan positif bermakna antara variabel pengenalan diri, motivasi diri, kesadaran sosial, dan keterampilan sosial terhadap tingkat empati serta terdapat hubungan negatif bermakna antara variabel pengenalan diri, pengendalian diri, motivasi diri, kesadaran sosial, dan keterampilan sosial terhadap tingkat kecemasan.
... There were no gender differences in emotional intelligence and its components among the medical undergraduates, which is same as reported in other studies 18,[21][22][23][24][25][26] . However, a few studies showed contrast findings and females have shown to have higher emo-tional intelligence 20,27 . ...
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Objective: To find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-perception of medical and dental students. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the medical and dental institutions of Peshawar-Pakistan from November 2018 to June 2019. A convenience sampling technique was used. Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEiS) and Self-Perception Profile (SPP) were used for this study. Data were analyzed using SPSS v.25. Independent sample t-test was applied to find the differences in emotional intelligence and self-perception in students based on gender, private/public sector institutions, and medical/dental studies. Pearson correlation was used to find the relationship between SEiS, SPP, and their subscales. Results: The mean age of the sample (n=1722) was 20.88 ±1.48 years. Majority of the students showed a high level of emotional intelligence (n=959, 55.7%) while a total of 726 (42.2%) students showed a high level of self-perception. Emotional intelligence was weakly correlated with self-perception (r =0.305). There was no significant difference between male and female students on emotional intelligence while female students showed a significantly high level of self-perception (p =.000). Students of the private sector showed a high level of emotional intelligence (p =.034). Dental students showed a significantly high level of self-perception (p =.001), whereas there was no significant difference between them on emotional intelligence (p =0.974). Conclusion: Emotional intelligence is weakly correlated with the self-perception of the students. Female students had a higher level of self-perception while private sector students had a higher level of emotional intelligence. Key Words: Emotional intelligence, Self-perception, Medical students
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In the present millennium one factor that appears to be constant in organizations is change. As a result, of that organizations are forced to make significant transformations in order to adapt and survive in this new world. Revans (1983) says that in any epoch of rapid change, those organizations which are unable to adapt will soon find themselves in trouble, and adaptation is achieved only by learning. Organizational Learning (OL) is about the acquisition of new knowledge and highlights the importance of acquiring and disseminating information to assist organization actions (Miller, 1996)
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Abstract Background Previous research has shown that higher Emotional Intelligence (EI) is associated with better academic and work performance. The present study intended to explore the relationship between EI, perceived stress and academic performance and associated factors among medical undergraduates. Methods This descriptive cross-sectional research study was conducted among 471 medical undergraduates of 2nd, 4th and final years of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Students were rated on self administered Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SEIT). Examination results were used as the dichotomous outcome variable in a logistic regression analysis. Results Females had higher mean EI scores (p = 0.014). A positive correlation was found between the EI score and the number of extracurricular activities (r = 0.121, p = 0.008). Those who were satisfied regarding their choice to study medicine, and who were planning to do postgraduate studies had significantly higher EI scores and lower PSS scores (p
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Purpose: Physician empathy is a core attribute in medical professionals, giving better patient outcomes. Medical school is an opportune time for building empathetic foundations. This study explores empathy change and focuses on contributory factors. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study involving 881 students (63%) from Years 1 to 5 in a Singaporean medical school using the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Student version (JSPE-S) and a questionnaire investigating the relationship between reported and novel personal-social empathy determinants. Results: Empathy declined significantly between preclinical and clinical years. Female and medical specialty interest respondents had higher scores than their counterparts. Despite strong internal consistency, factor analysis suggested that the JSPE model is not a perfect fit. Year 1 students had highest Perspective Taking scores and Year 2 students had highest Compassionate Care scores. High workload and inappropriate learning environments were the most relevant stressors. Time spent with family, arts, and community service correlated with higher empathy scores, whilst time spent with significant others and individual leisure correlated with lower scores. Thematic analysis revealed that the most common self-reported determinants were exposure to activity (community service) or socialisation, personal and family-related event as well as environment (high work-load). Conclusion: While the empathy construct in multicultural Singapore is congruent with a Western model, important differences remain. A more subtle understanding of the heterogeneity of the medical student experience is important. A greater breadth of determinants of empathy, such as engagement in arts-related activities should be considered.
Relationship of Family Structure and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Islamabad
The concepts Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence play a very important and vital role in determining many variables in health psychology. Spiritual Intelligence is adaptive use of Spiritual information (SI) to facilitate everyday problem solving and goal attainment. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with Happiness and Stress Tolerance. The sample consisted of 270 students that were selected through random sampling from University of Medical Sciences in Alborz Province. Participants completed the oxford happiness questionnaire, Spiritual Intelligence Scale, scaling of life events, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. In this study Happiness and Stress Tolerance have been considered as criterion variables as well as four factors Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and spiritual Intelligence have been considered as predictor variables. Finally, we used Pearson correlation test, and Univariate and multivariate linear regression test for Analysis of data. It should be noted that the number of incomplete questionnaire were 21 from 270 that were left out and data related to the remaining 249 participants (118 girls, 131 boys) were used in the Analysis. The result showed that there were a positive meaningful relationship between Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and Spiritual Intelligence with happiness and stress tolerance. The result of regression analysis also revealed that four factor Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and spiritual Intelligence were the best predictors of Happiness and Stress Tolerance. Theoretical literature and researches studying have displayed that Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are relevant to many variables in mental health and psychological well-being. consistent with theories and previous findings present study showed that all dimension of the Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence were significantly related to Happiness and Stress Tolerance among the students. © 2016, Oriental Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the most important issues in many aspects, especially in educational area. Its relationship with academic achievement depends on culture and may reflect in various educational topics in different forms. This study investigates the relationship between EI and academic achievement of students of Semnan University of Medical Sciences (Iran). Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 607 students of Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Iran were participated. The research instrument included two parts, demographics and 90 questions Bar-On EI questionnaire. The Grade-Point Average (GPA) of previous semester was considered as indicator of participant’s academic achievement. Results: A positive significant relationship was observed between EI and academic achievement (r=0.122, P=0.003). There was a positive significant relationship between academic achievement and all EI components, except empathy, social responsibility, interpersonal relationship (p<0.05).In other words there was not significant relationship between any of the interpersonal components and academic achievement, but all components of other aspects of EI had significant association with academic achievement. There was a significant relationship between interapersonal (r=0.125, p=0.002), adaptability (r=0.124, p=0.002), stress management (r=0.110, p=0.007), general mood(r=0.124, p=0.002) and academic achievement, but the association between interpersonal component and academic achievement was not significant. Conclusion: Generally, there was a positive significant relationship between EI and academic achievement, therefore, it seems to be necessary for the educational centers, especially universities, to conduct practical programs to upgrade students' emotional and social skills and capacities. With increasing students 'capabilities to cope with environmental pressures, a more stable base will be provided for academic achievement and emotional intelligence’s long term effects such as increased performance in occupational and social functionalities. © 2016, Semnan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
This review evaluates the current understanding of emotional intelligence (EI) and physician leadership, exploring key themes and areas for future research. We searched the literature using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Business Source Complete for articles published between 1990 and 2012. Search terms included physician and leadership, emotional intelligence, organizational behavior, and organizational development. All abstracts were reviewed. Full articles were evaluated if they addressed the connection between EI and physician leadership. Articles were included if they focused on physicians or physicians-in-training and discussed interventions or recommendations. We assessed articles for conceptual rigor, study design, and measurement quality. A thematic analysis categorized the main themes and findings of the articles. The search produced 3713 abstracts, of which 437 full articles were read and 144 were included in this review. Three themes were identified: (1) EI is broadly endorsed as a leadership development strategy across providers and settings; (2) models of EI and leadership development practices vary widely; and (3) EI is considered relevant throughout medical education and practice. Limitations of the literature were that most reports were expert opinion or observational and studies used several different tools for measuring EI. EI is widely endorsed as a component of curricula for developing physician leaders. Research comparing practice models and measurement tools will critically advance understanding about how to develop and nurture EI to enhance leadership skills in physicians throughout their careers.
Medical school admissions committees are increasingly considering noncognitive measures like emotional intelligence (EI) in evaluating potential applicants. This study explored whether scores on an EI abilities test at admissions predicted future academic performance in medical school to determine whether EI could be used in making admissions decisions. The authors invited all University of Ottawa medical school applicants offered an interview in 2006 and 2007 to complete the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test (MSCEIT) at the time of their interview (105 and 101, respectively), then again at matriculation (120 and 106, respectively). To determine predictive validity, they correlated MSCEIT scores to scores on written examinations and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) administered during the four-year program. They also correlated MSCEIT scores to the number of nominations for excellence in clinical performance and failures recorded over the four years. The authors found no significant correlations between MSCEIT scores and written examination scores or number of failures. The correlations between MSCEIT scores and total OSCE scores ranged from 0.01 to 0.35; only MSCEIT scores at matriculation and OSCE year 4 scores for the 2007 cohort were significantly correlated. Correlations between MSCEIT scores and clinical nominations were low (range 0.12-0.28); only the correlation between MSCEIT scores at matriculation and number of clinical nominations for the 2007 cohort were statistically significant. EI, as measured by an abilities test at admissions, does not appear to reliably predict future academic performance. Future studies should define the role of EI in admissions decisions.
This article presents an overview of the ability model of emotional intelligence and includes a discussion about how and why the concept became useful in both educational and workplace settings. We review the four underlying emotional abilities comprising emotional intelligence and the assessment tools that that have been developed to measure the construct. A primary goal is to provide a review of the research describing the correlates of emotional intelligence. We describe what is known about how emotionally intelligent people function both intra- and interpersonally and in both academic and workplace settings.