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Abstract and Figures

Cyberbullying is an increasingly frequent problem among adolescents, and it produces considerable social concern. Using a cross-sectional and quantitative methodology, the main objective of this study was to analyze the differences among students involved in the perpetration and victimization of cyberbullying (non-involved, occasional, and severe), in their parental communication, and feelings of affiliation with classmates. The sample consisted of 849 adolescents (51.7% boys and 48.3% girls) from 12 to 18 years old (M = 14.5; SD = 1.62). Three comparison groups of aggressors and victims of cyberbullying were formed, depending on the intensity of the intimidation: non-involved, occasional, and severe. The results of the analysis of variance indicated that adolescents involved in cyberbullying as perpetrators or victims have less open and more avoidant communication with their parents than adolescents who are not involved in cyberbullying. Additionally, victims of cyberbullying perceive lower feelings of affiliation with their classmates, whereas cyberbullies show no differences between the groups on this variable. These new results provide insight into the important role of family and peers in the prevention and eradication of the growing problem of cyberbullying.
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social sciences
Parental Communication and Feelings of Affiliation in
Adolescent Aggressors and Victims of Cyberbullying
Jessica Ortega Barón1, * , Javier Postigo 2, Begoña Iranzo 3, Sofía Buelga 4and
Laura Carrascosa 4
1Department of Psychology of Education and Psychobiology, Faculty of Education,
International University of la Rioja (UNIR), 26006 Logroño, Spain
2Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Málaga, 29071 Málaga, Spain;
3Department of Health Sciences, Valencian International University, 46002 Valencia, Spain;
4Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia, 46010 Valencia, Spain; (S.B.); (L.C.)
Received: 12 November 2018; Accepted: 22 December 2018; Published: 25 December 2018
Cyberbullying is an increasingly frequent problem among adolescents, and it produces
considerable social concern. Using a cross-sectional and quantitative methodology, the main
objective of this study was to analyze the differences among students involved in the perpetration
and victimization of cyberbullying (non-involved, occasional, and severe), in their parental
communication, and feelings of affiliation with classmates. The sample consisted of 849 adolescents
(51.7% boys and 48.3% girls) from 12 to 18 years old (M= 14.5; SD = 1.62). Three comparison
groups of aggressors and victims of cyberbullying were formed, depending on the intensity of the
intimidation: non-involved, occasional, and severe. The results of the analysis of variance indicated
that adolescents involved in cyberbullying as perpetrators or victims have less open and more
avoidant communication with their parents than adolescents who are not involved in cyberbullying.
Additionally, victims of cyberbullying perceive lower feelings of affiliation with their classmates,
whereas cyberbullies show no differences between the groups on this variable. These new results
provide insight into the important role of family and peers in the prevention and eradication of the
growing problem of cyberbullying.
Keywords: cyberbullying; perpetration; victimization; parental communication; affiliation; peers
1. Introduction
The growing use of a wide variety of technologies has created new forms of possible interaction
and communication among adolescents (Betts and Spenser 2017;Goodyear and Armour 2018).
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide many advantages for young people.
However, the use of electronic devices at increasingly young ages also encourages their inappropriate
use (Campbell and Bauman 2018;Garaigordobil 2017). Cyberbullying is defined as an intentional
and aggressive behavior that is repeated frequently over a period of time through the use (by an
individual or group) of electronic devices against a victim who cannot easily defend him/herself
(Smith et al. 2008, p. 376
). Today, this is the most common form of digital bullying among peers in
adolescence (Watkins et al. 2016).
Cyberbullying is a serious and growing problem that affects more children and adolescents every
day in all developed countries. In fact, most researchers coincide in pointing out that the prevalence of
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cyberbullying has increased considerably in recent years (Kowalski et al. 2014;Machimbarrena and
Garaigordobil 2018;Watts et al. 2017). In the case of cybervictims, these authors have mentioned a 6.5%
prevalence of cyberbullying victims in their study (Ybarra and Mitchell 2004). Almost ten years later,
Floros et al. (2013) observed a cybervictim prevalence of 28.3%. Regarding cyberbullies, an increase
in their prevalence has also been reported over the years. In 2008, Slonje and Smith (2008) found a
10.3% prevalence of cyberbullies in their study. Almost a decade later, Lee and Shin (2017) noted a
34% prevalence of cyberbullies. Different studies reveal that there is a greater percentage of occasional
cyberbullies and cybervictims than severe ones (Buelga et al. 2015;Palermiti et al. 2017). In spite
of the studies mentioned above, one problem occurring in the scientific literature on the prevalence
of cyberbullying is the lack of consensus with respect to its definition and the methodologies used
for measuring cyberbullying and cybervictimization (Baldry et al. 2018;Hinduja and Patchin 2014).
This divergence
greatly complicates the comparison of research, both within countries as well as
between different countries and cultures.
In addition, cyberbullying has negative consequences for the psychosocial wellbeing of
adolescents involved in this problem. Cybervictims sometimes present depression, anxiety, suicide
ideation, fear, nervousness, irritability, somatizations, sleep disorders, and difficulties in concentrating
(Garaigordobil 2011;Navarro et al. 2015). Although the most pronounced effects are found in victims,
cyberbullying also has negative consequences for cyberbullies. Some studies indicate that cyberbullies’
behavior can be a precursor to criminal behavior (Buelga et al. 2015;Juvonen and Graham 2014).
Moreover, CCerezo (2006) also observed a lack of empathy and moral comprehension in the bullies
that keeps them from establishing normal social relationships and affects their psychological and
social development.
In this context, given the seriousness of cyberbullying, different studies emphasize the important
role of families in educating and preventing it (Taiariol 2010;Tsiplakides 2018). With regard to family
climate, on the one hand, different studies point out that family cohesion acts as a protective factor
against both cyberaggression and cybervictimization (Elsaesser et al. 2017;Sasson and Mesch 2017).
On the other hand, family conflict is conceived as a risk factor that increases the probability that an
adolescent will become involved in cyberbullying (Kowalski et al. 2014;Ortega-Baron et al. 2016).
In this regard, Ybarra and Mitchell (2004) found that a poor family relationship, characterized by low
supervision, lack of emotional ties, and severe discipline, is associated with a greater probability of
becoming a victim or aggressor through technologies.
Another family variable related to the appearance and continuity of violent behaviors in
adolescence is the adolescent’s communication with his/her parents. In fact, the quality of the
family atmosphere depends largely on the communication among the members of the family
Galvin et al. 2015)
. Regarding the issue of bullying, different studies show that bullies and victims
have less open and more avoidant and offensive communication than adolescents who are not involved
in this problem (Carrascosa et al. 2016;Ledwell and King 2015). With regard to cyberbullying, the study
by Dehue et al. (2008) showed that more difficulties in family communication were observed in both
cyberbullies and cybervictims. In addition, Larrañaga et al. (2016) found that cybervictims have more
avoidant communication, which contributes to prolonging the duration of the cybervictimization.
The negative or not very fluid communication between parents and adolescents makes it difficult
for parents to detect their children’s cyberbullying. Various studies indicate that up to 50% of victims
do not tell anyone about the bullying they are experiencing, or they do so rarely because they are
afraid of being cyberbullied again (Ang and Goh 2010;García-Maldonado et al. 2011). Furthermore,
according to the study by Li (2007), one-third of adolescents believe that even if adults know that
there is a cyberbullying problem, they will not be able to help them. Other studies have shown that,
in general,
the first people victims go to for help are their peers (Aricak et al. 2008;Brooks et al. 2012).
The quality and support of peer relationships is another important variable in adolescents’
wellbeing (Trejos-Herrera et al. 2018). Odacı and Kalkan (2010) demonstrated that victims
of cyberbullying experience greater isolation and social rejection from their peers. Moreover,
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different studies revealed that cyberbullies are popular and respected for their use of cyberviolence
Buelga et al. 2015;
Povedano et al. 2012). This lack of help and the reinforcement of the aggressor by
peers are variables that, together with family variables, also influence the occurrence and continuity of
cyberbullying over time (Wegge et al. 2016;Calvete et al. 2010).
In short, different studies have proven the important role of family and peers to prevent
intimidation among peers (Sasson and Mesch 2017;Price and Dalgleish 2010). According to
Cava (2011)
, victims with positive family communication and who feel that they can identify with
their peer group have a better psychological adjustment. According to this study, it is essential that the
victim has a climate of trust and support in their environment to be able to communicate the situation
experienced and overcome the problem of harassment.
Taking these antecedents into account, and in addition to the importance of parents and peers in
preventing and reducing cyberbullying, the objectives of this study are: (1) To determine the extent
of the relationship between cyberbullying (perpetration and victimization) and the variables in this
study: Open communication (mother, father), avoidant communication (mother, father),
and feeling
affiliation (peers); (2) analyze the prevalence of cybervictims and cyberbullies based on the intensity
(occasional and severe); (3) analyze whether there are significant differences among the three groups
of aggressors (non-cyberbullies, occasional cyberbullies, and severe cyberbullies) on the variables:
Open communication (mother, father), avoidant communication (mother, father), and feeling of
affiliation (peers); and (4) analyze whether there are significant differences among the three groups of
victims (non-cybervictims, occasional cybervictims, and severe cybervictims) on the target variables.
In short
, this study contributes to broadening the knowledge about the differences between victims
and aggressors of cyberbullying in the family communication and perception of feeling of affiliation
with peers.
2. Method
2.1. Participants
In this cross-sectional study, participant selection was carried out by means of a non-probabilistic
sampling for convenience due to their accessibility and prior interest in participating in the present
study. The strata were established according to the grade level in high school (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
course) of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and the sociodemographic equivalence between
the schools. The sample size of adolescents corresponding to the student group size in compulsory
secondary education (ESO) in the Valencian Community, with a sampling error of
3.5%, a confidence
level of 95%, and p=q= 0.5, (n= 190.872), was estimated at 781 students.
The sample was composed of 849 high school students between 12 and 18 years old (M= 14.09;
SD = 1.37
) who attended four public high schools in the Valencian Community (Spain). Sex distribution
of participants in this study was similar: 51.7% (n= 439) were boys, and 48.3% were girls (n= 410).
Regarding distribution by grade level, 22.4% (n= 190) of participants were in the first course of ESO,
(grade 7), 30.7% (n= 261) were in the second course (grade 8), 22.6% (n= 192) were in the third course
(grade 9), and 24.3% (n= 206) were in the fourth course (grade 10).
2.2. Measures
Adolescent victimization through the mobile phone and Internet scale (CYBVIC; Buelga et al.
2010,2012). This scale consists of 18 items, which are rated on a Likert-type scale from 1 to 4 (never,
seldom, often, and always). The items evaluate the bullying experienced through the mobile phone
and the Internet in the past year. Mobile phone victimization is composed of 8 items (for example,
“I have been insulted or ridiculed through messages or calls”), and Internet victimization is evaluated
with the same items and 2 other items related to identity theft (for example, “They stole my identity to
say or do bad things on the Internet”). In this study, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for the
scale was 0.88 and the coefficient omega was 0.86.
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Adolescent aggression through the mobile phone and Internet scale (CYB-AG;Buelga and Pons
2012). This scale consists of 10 items with a response range from 1 to 5 (never, rarely, sometimes,
frequently, quite often). The items evaluate the frequency with which the person has participated in
aggressive behaviors through new technologies in the past year (for example, “I have used a peer’s
identity to do bad things on the Internet or on the phone” or “I have told lies or rumors to annoy a
classmate over the Internet or on the phone”). In this study, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for
the scale was 0.82 and the coefficient omega was 0.80.
Parent–adolescent communication scale (PACS; Barnes and Olson 1982). This scale is divided into
two subscales (the adolescent’s communication with the mother and the adolescent’s communication
with the father), each containing 16 items, which are rated from 1 (never) to 5 (always). For the
purposes of this study, the dimensions of open communication and avoidance communication were
used. Open communication evaluates the degree of positive communication based on understanding
and the free exchange of information (for example, “In my family we express our opinions frequently
and spontaneously”). Avoidant communication evaluates the degree of lack of communication,
based on distancing and avoidance (for example, “In my family, we almost never openly show our
anger”). In this study, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the open communication dimension
were 0.72 (mother) and 0.69 (father). Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the avoidance
communication dimensions were 0.73 (mother) and 0.61 (father). The Omega coefficients for open
communication dimension were 0.70 (mother) and 0.67 (father) and for the avoidance communication
dimensions 0.71 (mother) and 0.60 (father).
Feeling of affiliation with peers subscale (Fernández-Ballesteros and Sierra 1989). For the
purposes of this study, the subscale of the classroom environment scale (CES; Spanish adaptation by
Fernández-Ballesteros and Sierra 1989) was used. This scale consists of 10 true–false items that evaluate
the adolescent’s perception of affiliation: Friendship and help among students (for example, “Students
like to help each other”). In this study, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for the subscale was 0.74
and the coefficient omega was 0.72.
2.3. Procedure
Various informative meetings were held with the schools selected to explain the study aims.
The selection of the high schools was carried out through non-probabilistic convenience sampling,
based on their accessibility and prior interest in participating in this study. After obtaining the
schools’ permission and informed consent from the parents, the instruments were applied during
school hours by previously trained researchers. Throughout the study, adolescents were informed
that their participation was voluntary and anonymous. The participants’ privacy was guaranteed,
and none
of the students refused to answer. The present study follows the ethical values required for
research on humans, in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
this study
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Valencia, Spain (Project
identification code: H1456762885511).
2.4. Data Analysis
All data were analyzed with the SPSS statistical package (version 23). First, a Pearson
correlation analysis was carried out to determine the relations between cyberbullying (perpetration
and victimization) and the variables being studied open communication (mother, father), avoidance
communication (mother, father), and feeling of affiliation (peers).
Second, subjects’ scores on the scales of aggression and victimization through the mobile phone
and Internet were used to classify students into three groups: (a) adolescent non-cyberbullies and
adolescent non-cybervictims; (b) occasional cyberbullies and occasional cybervictims; (c) severe
cyberbullies and severe cybervictims. The cut-off point used to assign the subjects to the group of
severe cyberbullies and cybervictims was 1 standard deviation (+1 SD) above the mean. These data
were M= 1.23, SD = 0.34 for the scale of cyberbullying (minimum score 10, maximum 50), and M= 2.46,
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SD = 0.60 for the scale of cybervictimization (minimum score 18, maximum 72).
The adolescents
scored 1 (“never”) on all items on these scales were placed in the non-cyberbully and non-cybervictim
groups. The remaining adolescents were assigned to the groups of occasional cyberbullies and
occasional cybervictims.
Third, the prevalence of cyberbullies and cybervictims based on the intensity (non-involved,
occasional, and severe) was calculated.
Finally, a one-factor ANOVA was performed to analyze differences among the three comparison
groups (non-cyberbullies, occasional cyberbullies, and severe cyberbullies and non-cybervictims,
occasional cybervictims, and severe cybervictims) on the variables: open communication (mother,
father), avoidance communication (mother, father), and feeling of affiliation (peers). Post-hoc
Games–Howell tests were applied when there were significant differences between the comparison
groups on the variables studied.
3. Results
The Pearson correlation analysis reveals statistically significant correlations between cyberbullying
(perpetration and victimization) and almost all the variables analyzed in this study (Table 1). The only
variable that did not present statistically significant correlations with cyberbullying (perpetration) is
the feeling of affiliation with peers (p=0.013).
Table 1. Pearson correlations between cyberbullying (perpetration and victimization) and the study variables.
Variables Cyberbullying Perpetration Cyberbullying Victimization
Cyberbullying perpetration - 0.443 **
Cyberbullying victimization 0.443 ** -
Open communication (mother) 0.174 ** 0.178 **
Open communication (father) 0.125 ** 0. 123 **
Avoidant communication (mother)
0.097 ** 0.161 **
Avoidant communication (father) 0.077 * 0.147 **
Feeling of affiliation (peers) 0.013 0.051 *
Note: * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01.
Cyberbullying perpetration correlated positively at p< 0.01 with cyberbullying victimization and
avoidant communication with the mother. A positive significant correlation between cyberbullying at
p< 0.05 and avoidant communication with the father was also observed. Further, cyberbullying
perpetration correlated negatively at p< 0.01 with open communication with both the mother
and father.
In relation to cyberbullying victimization, findings showed that this variable correlated positively
at p< 0.01 with cyberbullying perpetration, avoidant communication with the mother, and avoidant
communication with the father. In addition, cyberbullying victimization correlated negatively at
p< 0.01 with open communication with both the mother and father.
Regarding the prevalence of cybervictimization, results indicated that 73.5% (n= 624) of
adolescents participating in this study have never been victimized through the Internet or the mobile
phone, whereas 26.5% (n= 225) have been victims of cyberbullying in the past year. In this scale (range
score 18–72), from these victims, 22.4% (n= 190) were cyberbullied occasionally with a mean score of
24.01 (SD = 4.68), and 4.1% (n= 35) severely with a mean score of 31.97 (SD = 7.20).
For the prevalence of cyberbullying (range score 10–50), findings indicated that 53.7% (n= 456)
of adolescents in this study have never bullied their peers through the Internet or mobile phone,
whereas 46.3% (n= 393) have been cyberbullies in the past year. Of these aggressors, 35.5% (n= 301)
cyberbullied their peers occasionally, with a mean score of 13.01(SD = 1.01), and 10.8% (n= 92) severely,
with a mean score on the cyberbullying scale of 20.08 (SD = 4.08).
With regard to the analysis of variance between cyberbully groups, results showed (Table 2) that
on the variables of open communication with the mother and with the father, the non-cyberbully
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adolescents presented significantly higher scores than the cyberbullies, with no significant differences
between the occasional cyberbullies and the severe ones (open communication with the mother:
F= 11.87
,p< 0.001; open communication with the father: F= 10.87, p< 0.001). Furthermore, results
indicated (Table 2) that on the variables of avoidant communication with the mother and with the
father, the non-cyberbully group presented significantly lower scores than cyberbullies, with no
significant differences found between occasional and severe cyberbullies (avoidant communication
with the mother: F= 5.69, p= 0.003; avoidant communication with the father: F= 5.47, p= 0.004).
In relation
to the feeling of affiliation with peers, no significant differences were observed between the
comparison groups (F= 0.53, p= 0.589).
Table 2.
Mean (Standard Deviation), ANOVA of differences between cyberbully groups in variables
family communication and feeling of affiliation.
Variables Non-Cyberbullies Occasional
Cyberbullies Fη2
Open communication (mother) 3.86 a(0.94) 3.64 b(0.91) 3.39 b(0.98) 11.87 *** 0.027
Open communication (father) 3.58 a(0.93) 3.36 b(0.86) 3.16 b(0.87) 10.87 *** 0.013
Avoidant communication (mother) 2.83 b(0.75) 2.98 a(0.69) 3.03 a(0.76) 5.69 ** 0.025
Avoidant communication (father) 2.90 b(0.75) 3.06 a(0.68) 3.07 a(0.67) 5.47 ** 0.013
Feeling of affiliation (peers) 1.45 (0.24) 1.46 (0.25) 1.47 (0.21) 0.53 0.001
Note: F= Welch; α= 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001; Games–Howell Test, a > b; small effect size: η20.06.
Regarding differences between cybervictim groups, findings indicated (Table 3) that on the open
communication with the mother variable, non-cybervictim adolescents presented significantly higher
scores than cybervictims, with no significant differences between cybervictim groups depending on
the intensity (open communication with the mother: F= 22.45, p< 0.001). However, on the open
communication with the father variable, the group of severe cybervictims presented significantly lower
scores than the occasional cybervictims, who, in turn, presented lower scores than the non-cybervictims
(open communication with the father: F= 13.25, p< 0.001).
Table 3.
Mean (Standard Deviation), ANOVA of differences between cybervictim groups in variables
family communication and feeling of affiliation.
Variables Non-Cybervictims Occasional
Cybervictims Fη2
Open communication (mother) 3.85 a(0.88) 3.42 b(1.05) 3.18 b(1.02) 22.45 *** 0.050
Open communication (father) 3.54 a(0.92) 3.29 b(0.78) 2.88 c(1.01) 13.25 *** 0.011
Avoidant communication (mother) 2.86 b(0.74) 3.02 a(0.68) 3.09 a(0.69) 4.76 ** 0.030
Avoidant communication (father) 2.92 b(0.74) 3.11 a(0.63) 3.25 a(0.81) 7.94 *** 0.018
Feeling of affiliation (peers) 1.46 a(0.24) 1.45 a(0.23) 1.33 b(0.21) 4.75 ** 0.011
Note: F= Welch; α= 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001; Games–Howell Test, a > b > c; small effect size: η20.06.
Further, on the variables avoidant communication with the mother and with the father, as in the
cyberbullies, the results indicated (Table 3) that the non-cybervictim group presented significantly
lower scores than cybervictims, with no significant differences between occasional and severe
cybervictims (avoidant communication with the mother: F= 4.76, p= 0.009; avoidant communication
with the father: F= 7.94, p< 0.001). Regarding the feeling of affiliation with peers, significant differences
were observed (F= 4.75, p= 0.009). Specifically, severe cybervictims had a lower feeling of affiliation
than non-cybervictims and occasional cybervictims.
4. Discussion
The main objective of this study was to analyze possible differences in family communication
and the feeling of affiliation amongst adolescents involved in perpetration and victimization of
cyberbullying. These two groups, cyberbullies and cybervictims, were classified and analyzed
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according to the frequency of intimidation: Severe, occasional and non-involved; the differences
between open and avoidant communication with both the mother and father; and in the feeling of
affiliation with peer companions. Prior to carrying out this main purpose, the relationship between the
study variables was determined, as well as the prevalence of cybervictimization and cyberbullying
(severe, occasional, and non-involved).
Thus, regarding relationships between variables, the existence of a positive association between
cybervictimization and cyberbullying has been demonstrated in accordance with previous literature.
This result seems to indicate that some adolescents involved in cyberbullying behaviors could also be
victims of cyberbullying and vice versa, suggesting the idea of the double role of cyberbully–victim.
In this regard, several authors suggest that this double role is more common in the virtual world
than in traditional bullying (Buelga et al. 2017;Mishna et al. 2012), because adolescents can hide their
identity online (Aboujaoude et al. 2015;Betts and Spenser 2017;Baldry et al. 2018). On the other hand,
our work has shown that cyberbullying and cybervictimization are positively related to avoidant
communication with the mother and father, and negatively with open communication with both
parents. The quality of family communication proves to be, therefore, as highlighted in the literature,
a protective
or risk factor for children’s involvement in cyberbullying and cybervictimization behaviors
(Larrañaga et al. 2016;
Navarro et al. 2013;Buelga et al. 2017). In addition, we have confirmed that the
feeling of affiliation with the peer group does not correlate significantly with cyberbullying, but it does
have a relationship with cybervictimization, although weak. With regard to cyberbullying, among
peers, social self-concept, popularity or social reputation are more important variables than the feeling
of affiliation, as highlighted in research (Buelga et al. 2015;Garaigordobil 2017;Wegge et al. 2016).
Regarding the findings related to the prevalence of cyberbullying and cybervictimization, our data
indicated that approximately more than a quarter of adolescents have been victims of cyberbullying
(22.4% occasional and 4.1% severe). This incidence of cybervictimization coincides with the results
found by Zych et al. (2016) in their systematic review of prevalence of cyberbullying, which
showed an average prevalence of 24.4% of cybervictimization. With respect to aggressors, our data
demonstrated a much higher prevalence; almost half of adolescents have been cyberbullies (35.5%
occasional and 10.8% severe cyberbullies). This high prevalence of cyberbullies was also found in
Spain by other authors, such as Calvete et al. (2010), who reported a 44 percent of cyberbullying.
One possible
reason for this high incidence of cyberbullying in Spain may be due to the fact that
98% of 14-year-old Spanish adolescents have a smartphone (
Ditrendia Digital Marketing Trends 2016)
This widespread
use of smartphones by adolescents is combined with the fact that the virtual world
has specific characteristics that seem to contribute to a greater expression of violent behaviors
(Kowalski et al. 2014;Ortega-Baron et al. 2017)
. With regard to cyberbullying severity, previous
studies also noted that the prevalence of occasional cyberbullying is much more frequent than severe
cyberbullying (Larrañaga et al. 2016;Sorrentino et al. 2018).
Regarding the main purpose of our study, our results indicated the importance of the quality
of family communication in children’s adjustment when dealing with both cybervictimization and
cyberbullying. Significant differences between cyberbullies (severe and occasional) with respect to
adolescents not involved in cyberbullying have been confirmed. Thus, cyberbullies have obtained
lower scores in open communication and higher scores in avoidant communication, both with the
mother and father. These findings coincided with the vast amount of research that reports that
positive, open, and fluid communication is related to a lower involvement in aggressive behavior in
the child, both in traditional bullying (Galvin et al. 2015;Ledwell and King 2015) as in cyberbullying
Appel et al. 2014;
Buelga et al. 2017). On the contrary, communication that is not very fluid or negative
with parents is associated with a greater participation by children in antisocial and violent behavior
(Braithwaite et al. 2017;Carrascosa et al. 2016;Estévez and Emler 2010). In this regard, in a study
conducted by Buelga et al. (2015), it was observed that cyberbullies presented inadequate patterns
of family communication, characterized by offensive communication, full of negative and unclear
messages. In this line, Solecki (2016) also noted that cyberbullies show negative communication with
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their parents, in addition to receiving little parental supervision of their online behavior. Many parents
do not supervise or have a dialogue with their children about their Internet browsing, so they do not
know the behavior they have in the online environment and if they are cyberbullies or cybervictims
(Elsaesser et al. 2017;Livingstone et al. 2011).
Indeed, our work has also demonstrated that cybervictims, like cyberbullies, perceive less
open communication and more avoidant communication with both parents compared to adolescents
not involved in cyberbullying. This result is consistent with previous studies that also detect
a greater deterioration in family communication in victims of cyberbullying (Appel et al. 2014;
Larrañaga et al. 2018)
. Likewise, studies on traditional bullying have discovered that poor quality
in the family climate, and especially parent–child communication, is a risk factor for school
victimization (Cava 2011;Cerezo 2006). Inadequate patterns in family communication, as occurs
with bullying,
are closely
linked to the perception of poor parental support (
Hinduja and Patchin 2014)
This negative
family climate consequently increases the persistence in the dynamics of cybervictimization
Cuesta Medina et al. 2018;
Royne et al. 2017). Frequently, children try to resort to peers to get out of the
situation of harassment, but often they do not find the expected help because peers lack the necessary
resources to resolve this situation (Brooks et al. 2012;Varela et al. 2013),
or because
they do not have a
network of friends to turn to (Ortega-Baron et al. 2016;Wegge et al. 2016).
In this regard, in this study, we have verified that cybervictims obtain lower scores in the feeling of
affiliation (friendship and help) than adolescents not involved in cyberbullying. These findings coincide
with studies that suggest that victims experience loneliness, social isolation, and rejection by their peers
(Olenik-Shemesh et al. 2012;¸Sahin 2012). This situation does not seem to occur with cyberbullies who
are perceived by their peers as important figures in their group (Barli´nska et al. 2013). Cyberbullies are
popular and accepted among their peers (Pellegrini and Bartini 2000). Thus,
our results
have revealed
that, unlike the situation with cybervictims, there is no difference in feelings of affiliation between
cyberbullies and adolescents not involved in cyberbullying, which seems to confirm that cyberbullies
do indeed belong and feel they can identify with a group of friends (Buelga et al. 2015).
Finally, this study has some limitations. The cross-sectional design does not allow us to see
relationship changes between the variables over time. Future longitudinal studies can help to
understand how the variables in the cyberbullying problem influence each other over the years.
In addition, adolescents answered self-reports, which can present certain social desirability effects.
On this matter, Flisher et al. (2004) confirmed that the use of self-reports to investigate violent behaviors
in adolescence is acceptable. Regarding the instruments used, the reliability obtained in the avoidant
communication scale is limited; it has been demonstrated that by eliminating an item from the scale,
the internal consistency of the instrument increases significantly. This weakness will be reviewed in
future research. Finally, in this study, only adolescents participated. Future studies should include the
point of view of parents and peers.
Despite its limitations, this study contributes to a greater understanding of the role of family
communication in cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. The fact that in both roles,
these adolescent groups perceive family communication patterns as less open and more avoidant
with parents proves the relevance of this variable to prevent children’s online risk behaviors
Elsaesser et al. 2017;
Sasson and Mesch 2017). Encouraging open and fluid dialogue in the family
is certainly one of the strategies that helps children to perceive that their parents are a source of
support they can count on when they have problems. Therefore, talking about the benefits and
risks of the Internet in a positive environment increases the capacity of parents to support their
children emotionally and psychologically when cybervictimization situations occur (Buelga et al. 2017;
Navarro et al. 2013)
. This is, without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges for parents, because victims
often avoid talking to their parents about their negative experiences online.
Soc. Sci. 2019,8, 3 9 of 12
5. Conclusions
This study shows the differences among students involved in the perpetration and victimization
of cyberbullying (non-involved, occasional, and severe) in their parental communication and feelings
of affiliation with classmates.
The results showed that adolescent cyberbullies and cybervictims have less open and more
avoidant communication with their parents than adolescents who are not involved in cyberbullying.
Regarding the feeling of affiliation with peers, cybervictims felt less affiliation with this group of
friends. However, no significant differences were observed in the perception of affiliation with peers
in the perpetrators of cyberbullying.
In summary, this study contributes to a greater understanding of the role of parental
communication and the perception of peer support in cyberbullying perpetration and victimization.
Author Contributions:
J.O.B. designed, conducted this study, drafted the manuscript and processed feedback
from the author, reviewers, and editor; J.P. administrated the instruments, introduced and realized the data
curation, drafted the manuscript; B.I. realized and reviewed the references, realized formal analysis, and provided
constructive feedback on drafts of the manuscript; S.B. calculated the statistical results of the study, drafted the
manuscript, and processed feedback from the author, reviewers, and editor; L.C. reviewed the manuscript and
provided constructive feedback on drafts of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This research was financed by the project ACIF/2014/110 “Prevention of the harassment in adolescents
through the New Technologies of Information and Communication: Prev Program@cib”, funded by Consellería
de Educació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana, Programa VALi+d).
Acknowledgments: We thank the students, professors, and directors of the participating schools.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Several studies that identified the characteristics of the perpetrators observed that bullies were more likely to be angry, frustrated, sad, and emotionally unstable. [17][18][19] These attributes can further cause a bully to manifest internalized problems as they might fail to achieve the social power they desire. [9] Association of being victim does not statistically relate to their Age, gender, grade, or parent's education. ...
... A parent's education level is a unique factor that shapes the behavior of children. [19] However, in the current study, neither mother's nor father's education level had a statistically significant association with being cyberbullied. Educated families can easily identify and act as a protective factor from cyberbullying. ...
... Educated families can easily identify and act as a protective factor from cyberbullying. [19] Nationality was found to be a statistically significant factor of cyberbullying in our study. Though the results are significant, it is important to contextualize them and apply them to the diversity of the school setting, since most of the respondents came from schools in which Southeast Asians dominated. ...
A BSTRACT Purpose To identify the awareness, behaviour and psychological impact of cyberbullying among adolescent. Method A Cross-sectional questionnaire-based study conducted on secondary school students from grades 9-12 th . The study got approval from the Institutional Research Board. The Inclusion criterion was school students of all nationalities who were willing to participate. Signed informed consent signed was taken. We used a P value of < 0.05 and a 95% confidence interval (CI). Result Out of 513 enrolled, 450 completed the survey (response rate 87.7%). Age ranged between 13 to 20 years of them 303 (67.3%) were female. Awareness of cyberbullying was 96.2%. The prevalence of cyberbullying among adolescence was 22.2% (95% CI: 18.89-26.93). 42% of Victims reported cyberbully event leading to stoppage in 78.6% of cases. Most of the victims reported to their parents followed by friends then cyber helpline or Police. Characteristics of perpetrators were males, below-average academic performance and social relations, from same batch, and had emotionally unstable personalities. Association of being a victim does not relate to their Age, gender, grade, or parent’s education but relate to their nationality ( P < 0.001) and being younger siblings ( P < 0.027). Association between event reporting and gender was not significant ( P < 0.859). Association between worsening social relationships (teachers and parents) ( P < 0.001), feeling neglected ( P < 0.001), personality type (agreeableness and emotional instability) ( P < 0.016) and being a Cyberbully victim was statistically significant. Association of depression and anxiety with being a cyberbully victim was statistically significant ( P < 0.001) and directly proportional to the severity. Conclusion High rate of awareness and Low prevalence of cyberbullying was found among adolescence. High risk of psychological problems was reported and a good social relationship (teachers and parents) was an important protective factor from it.
... As vítimas cibernéticas relataram manter uma comunicação menos aberta, mais ofensiva e mais evitável tanto com o pai quanto a mãe do que as não-vítimas. Algumas pesquisas recentes apontam que as dificuldades de comunicação familiar podem surgir devido ao facto de as vítimas de cyberbullying não compartilhar as experiências de cibervitimização com seus pais, por pensar que estes possam não pôr um fim ao problema e que isso leve a efeitos aditivos mais graves (Ortega-Barón et al., 2019). À medida que a intensidade e a duração da cibervitimização aumentam, aumentam os sentimentos de solidão e os problemas de comunicação familiar e ajuste escolar nas vítimas cibernéticas (Cañas et al., 2020). ...
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A Internet é utilizada como ferramenta para colmatar a sensação de solidão, ao permitir a comunicação com os outros, mas pode ser, também, um contexto de risco para o desenvolvimento dos jovens. O presente estudo tem como objetivo explorar a relação entre a solidão, a comunicação parental-filial e a cibervitimização. O estudo foi feito com uma amostra de 401 adolescentes e jovens adultos, com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 24 anos. Recorreu-se à Escala de Solidão (UCLA), à Escala de Avaliação da Comunicação na Parentalidade (COMPA-A) e ao Questionário de Cibervitimização (CYVIC) para a recolha dos dados. Os resultados indicam uma prevalência total de 78.3% foi vítima de, pelo menos, um comportamento de cyberbullying. Sugerem que a solidão se correlaciona positivamente com a cibervitimização e negativamente com um padrão de comunicação positivo com os pais. Por fim, constatou-se que a cibervitimização e o padrão comunicacional negativo predizem positivamente a solidão e a expressão de afeto e apoio emocional da figura materna prediz negativamente a solidão. Estes resultados indicam que é necessário ter em conta as consequências psicológicas decorrentes do cyberbullying, e dotar estilos parentais que favoreçam a comunicação parental-filial direcionada para o uso problemático da Internet.
... In this sense, our results provide empirical evidence of the fact that the mother-child relationship is a very significant factor in the regulation of violent child behaviour, especially that of daughters, and in particular in the case of CPV. The most likely explanation is that it consists of a response to the negative family climate in which they are immersed and in which they constantly perceive a lack of empathy and support from their parents [61]. They also find their mother figure to be a permanent source of conflict. ...
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According to official sources, the amounts of children-to-parent violence (CPV) in most advanced countries have been on an increasing trend for more than a decade, which generates great social concern. This phenomenon has also aroused enormous interest among researchers, who have identified risk and protective factors related to adolescent CPV in numerous studies. The aim of the present study was to analyse the relationship between offensive family communication and CPV in adolescence, and the moderating role that two psychosocial adjustment factors may be playing: a positive attitude towards the transgression of rules and psychological distress. A total of 7787 adolescents between 11 and 16 years of age (M = 13.37, SD = 1.34) from secondary schools in the state of Nuevo León (Mexico) participated in the study (51.5% boys, 48.5% girls). Structural equation modelling was performed using structural equation modelling software (EQS). The results showed that offensive family communication has a direct and significant relationship with CPV. It was also observed that there is an indirect relationship between both variables, through the relationships of psychological distress and a positive attitude towards the transgression of rules. The multigroup analysis performed showed gender differences in some of these relationships. Finally, the results and their implications in the field of family intervention are discussed.
... Low self-esteem due to cyberbullying can cause depression (Pradhan et al., 2022) [32] . Cyberbullying has several negative consequences in children and adolescents: anxiety (Han et al., 2018) [16] , depression and substance abuse (Iranzo et al., 2019) [5] , risk behaviors (Gunther et al., 2016) [12] and somatic problems. The victims of cyberbullying have a higher risk of depressive symptoms (Maurya et al., 2022) [28] . ...
... Adolescent girls engage in more verbal CPV towards their mothers than boys. The most likely explanation is that it consists of a response to the negative family climate in which they are immersed and in which they constantly perceive a lack of empathy and support from their parents [61]. They also find their mother figure to be a permanent source of conflict. ...
Full-text available
According to official sources, the numbers of children-to-parent violence (CPV) in the most advanced countries have been on an increasing trend for more than a decade, which generates great social concern. This phenomenon has also aroused enormous interest among researchers, who have identified risk and protective factors related to adolescent CPV in numerous studies. To contribute to a better explanation of CPV, the aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between family communication problems and CPV, through psychosocial adjustment variables -psychological distress and positive attitude toward the transgression of social norms- in schooled adolescents. The sample consisted of 8115 adolescents enrolled in schools in the State of Nuevo León (Mexico) (51.5% boys, 49.5% girls), whose ages ranged from 11 to 16 years (M = 13.34, SD = 1.04). Structural equation modeling was performed using Structural Equation Modeling Software (EQS). The results showed that family communication problems have a direct and signif-icant relationship with CPV. It was also observed that there is an indirect relationship between both variables, through the relationships of psychological distress and positive attitude towards the transgression of social norms. The multigroup analysis performed showed gender differences in some of these relationships. Finally, the results and their implications in the field of family intervention are discussed.
... This fact could be attributed to the association between a negative family climate, characterized by offensive communication, and the perpetuation of cybervictimization behaviors. The affected individuals often use social media to compensate for the deficiencies they perceive within their families, as well as to obtain support, which increases their time spent on the Internet and their exposure to this phenomenon (Buelga et al., 2017;Ortega et al., 2018). ...
The use of Information and Communication Technologies is clearly widespread among adolescents from a young age. Although it poses a significant contribution at the academic, social, and emotional levels, it can also involve a set of important risks, including cyberbullying and, therefore, cybervictimization. Previous studies have pointed out the importance of family context since parental control and family communication emerge as contributors to this phenomenon. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of family communication on cybervictims and the moderating role of different sociodemographic variables (age, gender, nationality, and culture), as well as social, emotional, and personality variables. In this context, a meta-analysis was performed with a random effects model, using a total meta-sample of 29,093 adolescents (mean age: 14.50 years) distributed in k = 20 samples belonging to nine studies on cybervictimization published in English in Q1 journals between 2015 and 2020. The results showed that family offensive communication is related to cybervictimization. This could be because the affected individuals often use social media to compensate for the deficiencies they perceive within their families, as well as to obtain support, which increases their time spent on the Internet and their exposure to this phenomenon. These findings highlight the need for family and community interventions, not only school-based or individual interventions.
... As their actions show that they knew each other before, it is argued that this is peer cyberbullying behavior. Barón et al. (2018) discovered that cyberbullying is becoming a more common problem among teenagers, and it is causing widespread societal concern. The major goal of this study, which used a cross-sectional and quantitative technique, was to look at the disparities between adolescent who perpetrated and were victimized by Distance education students scored low on cyberbullying and mid-level on cyber victimization, indicating that they have a strong sensitivity to cyberbullying and that there is a statistically significant divergence between cyberbullying and cyber victimization. ...
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Legislation aimed at regulating internet use among adults has been prompted by media reports on the incidences of abuse on the internet, particularly among teenagers and adults, which are increasing at an alarming rate and are raising a lot of concern among organizations, academia, and parents of teenagers. Social networking services (SNS) and ethnocentrism have come under fire for being breeding grounds for cyberbullying, cyber victimization, and harassment by coworkers, classmates, friends, and acquaintances. However, there is a lack of rigorous research studies that specifically identify risk factors for adult internet abuse and investigate whether recent increases in online abuse, disrespect, and rage are the results of cyberbullying and victim behavior on social networking sites (SNS) or something else. This study sought to pinpoint the crucial elements and connections between ethnocentrism and cross-cultural online adult victimization in Ahmedabad, India, and Kabul, Afghanistan. Humans are born with the ability to be hegemonies, but long-term favoritism of one person over another is problematic. Individuals occasionally cede dominance to clans, tribes, and countries, which can lead to a variety of issues, including bullying, abuse, conflict, mocking, taunting, etc. Additionally, ethnocentrism is the source of the cultural disparity used for hegemonic aims. Ethnocentric conduct, on the other hand, is altering one group's preference in this virtual technology. Cyberbullying is another adverse effect of social networking sites, and it is primarily caused by ethnocentrism. It is one of the rising difficulties for both students and regular residents. Students do, however, encounter these problems on social networking sites. Cyberbullying is the act of intimidating and threatening another person via the use of internet communication. The need for the government and citizens to be concerned about this phenomenon has grown. Studies that concentrate on the problems of cyberbullying and ethnocentrism are few and far between. However, there are several hate-based inconsistencies in both virtual and non-virtual conversations due to cultural prejudices and ethnocentric group advantages. An international syndrome of attitudes and actions is known as ethnocentrism. It is, in other words, a commitment to the group. The foundation of in-group bias might be easily triggered. One of the main issues of virtual conflict on the internet is cyberbullying. There are new ways of living thanks to the development of cyber technology. The phenomenon known as "cyber victimization" occurs when someone suffers an injury online. Furthermore, the social and psychological conduct of Homo sapiens is impacted by this virtual injury. This study's methodology employed an inductive approach to the development of new hypotheses. More specifically, cross-cultural research was applied to cover the two countries' data. A cross-cultural study, which was done to compare and systematize the differences and similarities between at least two cultures throughout the world, is a type of scientific research. The cross-sectional design was a subtype of the descriptive study design. On the other hand, through exploratory research, the research problems were elaborated. It is uncertain if ethnocentrism has any connection to cyberbullying and the behavior of those who have been cyberbullied. In other words, the inductive technique refers to the process of taking a result from a particular sample and applying it to the generalization of the result, which provides us with a new theory. There were 1550 questionnaires distributed. Out of these distributed questionnaires, between a thousand and five hundred were retrieved and other were discarded. Furthermore, the exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied to the data. Finally, we had 1416 participants from both cities of both countries. The data was collected through a random sampling technique. There were 707 participants from India (Ahmedabad) and 709 participants from Afghanistan (Kabul) who made up the sample, which was drawn from these two nations. For the sample, the age factor was taken into account between the ages of seventeen to thirty years old (17 to 30). There were 772 males and 644 females participated in this study. Additionally, this data was collected using a straightforward random sample method. For instance, participants might choose from a set of Yes or No cards that were put. The participant was at the same time taping one of the cards' backs. If the participant pressed "YES," the questionnaire was given and, after completion, it was collected from them, and vice versa, if they clicked "NO." The research participants willingly and voluntarily took part and provided anonymous responses. Each questionnaire also had a unique serial number. Every student was asked to participate in the survey, and they were free to stop at any point. All individuals gave their consent to participate in the study. Students freely took part. During the academic year, May 2020 through December 2021, data was gathered. They have a 30-minute time limit to complete the questionnaire. The participants also received thorough verbal and written training. Each participant also had the option to discontinue the questionnaire at any point if they so desired. In other words, they had full access to the questionnaire. All of the information was gathered during their leisure time in various locations, including the open spaces and classrooms of each institution. Additionally, demographic information was gathered, including age, daily internet usage, social media use, and whether a person had engaged in cyberbullying in the previous year as a perpetrator, victim, or witness. The age component, which spanned from seventeen to thirty years, was also included in the data, and its mean was 21.65 years, respectively. Additionally, participants' daily internet usage varied from fifteen (15) minutes to twenty (20) hours per day. In other words, the average hours of internet surfing of the Indian participants was 3.58 hours per day, and the average hours of internet surfing of the Afghan participants was 3.17 hours per day. The Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 24 has been used to analyze data using descriptive and inferential methods. Standardized questionnaires, including the Ethnocentrism scale, the Revised Cyberbullying Inventory (RCBI), and the Revised Cyberbullying Inventory-II (RCBI-II), were used to gather the core data for this study. The results and findings of this study proved that the relationship between age and ethnocentrism, cyberbullying on the RCBI and RCBI-II scales, and cyber victimization on the RCBI-II scale factors was almost nil. On the RCBI scale, there is just one instance of age being associated with the cyber victim; this link was significant at the 0.05 level. Cyberbullying on the RCBI and RCBI-II Scales exhibited a substantial link with the ethnocentrism variable, and cyber victims on the RCBI Scale had a significant association at the 0.01 level. However, the RCBI-II scale behavior of cyber victims did not significantly correlate with the ethnocentrism component. At a 0.01 level, there was a significant correlation between cyberbullying conduct on the RCBI-II scale and a cyber-victim. On the RCBI scale, there was a 0.01 degree of correlation between cyberbullying activity and cyber victim behavior. The RCBI-II Scale on cyberbullying and cyber victims is more generic. The RCBI's scale for measuring cyber victims and cyberbullying, however, is more specific. According to statistical evidence, Afghan participants scored much higher than Indian participants did on measures measuring ethnocentrism, cyberbullying, and cyber victimization. Additionally, the ethnocentrism variable, cyberbullying behavior of the RCBI scale, cyber victimization behaviors of the RCBI, and the RCBI-II scales' variables were statistically significantly different, except for cyberbullying behavior of the RCBI-II scale, all participants of both countries displayed similar behavior. The ethnocentrism, cyberbullying conduct on the RCBI-II and RCBI measures, and cyber victim behavior on the RCBI scale were substantially different between male and female participants. The RCBI-II scale's cyber victimization behavior, however, did not alter substantially from the baseline. In other words, compared to female participants, men were statistically more likely to engage in cyberbullying, cyber victimization, and ethnocentric conduct. The gender-interaction of the ethnocentrism behaviors of India and Afghanistan revealed that both male and female Afghans exhibited higher degrees of ethnocentrism than the Indian gender. Afghan male participants exhibited greater cyberbullying (RCBI-II) activity than the Indian gender and Afghan female participants, according to cyberbullying (RCBI-II) behavior of Indians and Afghans with gender interaction. However, as compared to the Indian gender and Afghan male participants, Afghan female participants showed the lowest levels of cyberbullying (RCBI-II) conduct. Indian men were the least likely to have been victimized (RCBI-II) online compared to Afghan men. In addition, compared to Afghan female participants, Indian women were more frequently cyber victimized. On the Cyberbullying (RCBI) scale, Afghan male participants scored the highest, and Afghan female participants scored higher than the Indian gender. The participants from India, however, scored the lowest on cyberbullying (RCBI). On the Cyber Victim (RCBI) scale, Afghan male participants scored the highest, and Afghan female participants scored higher than the Indian gender. On the RCBI scale, however, the Indian female participants received the lowest scores for cyber victimization. Cyberbullying (RCBI-II) had less of an impact on the ethnocentrism of Indian individuals. Additionally, it did not significantly change the behavior of cyber victims (RCBI�II). On the RCBI scale, cyberbullying was highly impacted by the ethnocentrism of Indian individuals. On the RCBI scale, it had no appreciable impact on cyber victim behavior. Ethnocentrism among participants from Afghanistan had a substantial impact on cyberbullying (RCBI-II). Additionally, add 0.067 points of cyberbullying (RCBI-II) to one point of ethnocentrism. However, it did not significantly alter the behavior of the cyber victim (RCBI-II). Additionally, on the RCBI scale, the ethnocentrism of the participants from Afghanistan had a substantial impact on cyberbullying. For instance, one point of ethnocentrism causes cyberbullying (RCBI) to rise by 0.091 points. On the RCBI scale, it also had a considerable impact on how cyber victims behaved. For instance, a rise of 0.089 points in cyber victimization (RCBI) for every point of ethnocentrism. Finally yet importantly, it is urged that both the Afghan and Indian governments have clear rules and regulations to guard against and stop any type of cyberbullying conduct that has negative knock-on effects. The road for legal authorities, academics, and non-academic groups is more clearly defined. Therefore, academic researchers are strongly encouraged to conduct further studies in this area of ethnocentrism and cyberbullying. Further research is required to fully understand ethnocentrism, including all of its negative effects and how it came into being. This will operate as a guiding principle for the manipulation and direct it toward its advantageous ends. Every person is also able to take legal and preventative actions. Launching awareness campaigns using various channels, including the media, protests, conferences, etc. Understanding one another's goals and needs is facilitated by teaching one another about the new cultures of different societies. By demonstrating and establishing the negative effects of cyberbullying behavior on the general public, organizational stakeholders, and students, it may be curbed and prevented. It has been observed that schools and institutions must set policies and guidelines for handling professors, coworkers, and classmates who are subjected to cyberbullying by students. Everyone should check out anti-bullying websites, anti�ethnocentrism efforts, and family support organizations. Criminal and forensic psychologists are advised to add this new arena to their investigation and scope of work that destabilizes individual psychological health and social lives. The psychological counselor must assist the victims and exhibit anti-cyberbullying, and ethnocentric attitudes. Programs for social awareness are also necessary to educate young people about the dangers of cyberbullying. Anti-cyber ragging laws and regulations should be made in India and Afghanistan to solve the existing problem. User-friendly Information about cyber rights must be accessible to everyone. These internet users are aware of their rights, nevertheless. This will also act as a warning to stop kids from abusing the internet. It is important to take into account the research's suggested solutions and those that the respondents favored. Bystanders should step in to defend the online victim, stop online bullying, and alert the relevant organizations.
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Parenting styles are closely related to bullying behavior in children and adolescents. However, differences in study design and inconsistent results create uncertainty regarding the relationship between parenting and bullying. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between four parenting styles and bullying perpetration/victimization through a meta-analysis, identifying sources of study heterogeneity by examining moderating effects. This meta-analysis included 107 studies with 624 effect sizes and 162203 participants (49.28% female, Mage = 13.51, SDage = 2.56). Results indicated that positive parenting was negatively correlated with bullying perpetration and victimization, while negative/harsh parenting and uninvolved parenting were positively correlated with bullying perpetration and victimization. A positive correlation was also found between psychologically controlling parenting and bullying victimization (not perpetration). Significant moderating variables included the identity of the caregiver, country of origin, ethnic group, reporter of parenting, reporter of bullying, and measure of bullying. Specifically, the mother’s psychological control was more related to bullying perpetration and victimization than the father’s. Compared to other countries and ethnic groups, the relationships between psychologically controlling parenting or negative/harsh parenting and bullying were more positive in studies of Chinese and Asians. The relationship between negative/harsh parenting and bullying demonstrated a greater effect size in self-reported measures of parenting and bullying. Finally, a stronger correlation was found between negative/harsh parenting and bullying victimization when using the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire to measure bullying. The current study deepens the understanding of the relationship between different parenting styles and bullying, emphasizing that adopting appropriate parenting, particularly positive parenting behaviors, helps mitigate bullying issues and achieve positive developmental outcomes for children and adolescents.
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La pandemia de COVID-19 incrementó las conductas de bullying y ciberbullying a consecuencias del aislamiento social. El objetivo del trabajo fue construir un modelo explicativo para las conductas de acoso entre pares en adolescentes escolarizados de la ciudad de Córdoba. Se administró una batería de test a 745 adolescentes entre 12 y 19 años durante el año 2022. Se realizó un análisis de correlación y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados demuestran un solapamiento entre los diferentes roles y una interrelación entre las variables individuales y sociales. Se destaca el papel del clima familiar y escolar como factores protectores para el involucramiento en estas conductas y la importancia del rol de observador en su mantenimiento.
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: It has been reported from numerous international and socio-economic contexts that young people are becoming increasingly interested in and/or using social media, apps, and wearable devices for their health. Yet, there are few robust empirical accounts on the types of health-related information young people find, select, and use, the reasons for their choices, and how young people use these technologies in a way that influences their health-related knowledge and behaviors. This paper synthesizes findings from three separate projects that investigated over 1600 young people’s (age 13–19) perspectives on and experiences of health-related social media, apps, and wearable health devices. The findings show that young people are both critical and vulnerable users and generators of digital health technologies. Many young people experience a range of positive benefits for their physical activity, diet/nutritional, and body image related behaviors. Yet there are a number of risks, and young people report on the power of digital health technologies to shape, influence, and change their health-related behaviors. The paper concludes by providing new and evidence-based direction and guidance on how relevant adults (including teachers, parents/guardians, health professionals/practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers) can better understand and support young people’s engagement with digital health technologies.
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Bullying has been recognized as an important risk factor for mental health. A growing number of researchers have encouraged parents to work collaboratively with schools to prevent and intervene in bullying situations. This study explores the relationship between parents’ awareness of bullying involvement, adolescents’ self-reported victimization, and six possible parents’ responses to their child’s victimization. The participants were 1044 seventh–tenth grade students and their parents. Logistic regressions analyses were applied to determine if parents’ awareness of victimization and adolescents’ self-reporting of victimization were associated with parents’ responses to bullying victimization. The results showed that parents’ awareness of bullying and adolescents’ self-reported victimization were only associated with the “defends herself/himself” and “talks to bully” response. In other words, the parents who believe their child has been bullied are less likely to encourage their children to talk with the bully, and when children are victimized, it is less likely that their parents will encourage them to defend themselves or talk with the bully.
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Access to online information and communication and the use of social networks have all increased considerably among pre-adolescents over the last decade. These trends are directly related to the similarly growing phenomenon of cyberbullying: as pre-adolescents’ exposure to online social interaction increases, so does their potential involvement in harmful online interactions. Thus, there is a need to design and implement cyberbullying prevention programmes that prepare pre-adolescents for both the risks and opportunities of a technology-driven world. This qualitative study analyzed the effects of a cyberbullying prevention programme supported by the use of technologies for the safe use of social media in pre-adolescents. Data were collected from 151 participants (aged 9–11), at five schools in Bogotá, Colombia. Results indicate that pre-adolescents increased their understanding about cyberbullying as they came to appreciate how building confidence and self-efficacy could prepare them to better face cyberbullying threats. Thus, the study advocates for the early teaching of self-regulatory skills to help youngsters develop conflict resolution skills and ease their gradual empowerment to face cyberbullying. The study suggests specific considerations that will help communities to shape future prevention plans and policies, supporting the development of more inclusive school learning environments framed upon collaboration, equity, and social justice principles.
Bullying and cyberbullying pose a serious problem in our schools. Despite this research area’s increasing relevance, most research into cyberbullying in the present day has focused only on adolescents. However, given the long-lasting effects of victimization, it is necessary to understand its prevalence throughout the different educational stages of students. This study aims to clarify the prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying among students in the 5 th and 6 th grades. A sample of 1,993 ( Mage = 10.68, SD = 0.71; range 9–13) students completed the “Cyberbullying: Screening of Peer-Harassment” test. The results reveal that 20.3% ( n = 404) were pure victims, 6.1% ( n = 121) pure bullies, 23.9% ( n = 476) bully-victims, and 28.9% ( n = 575) pure bystanders of bullying. With respect to cyberbullying, 13.4% ( n = 267) were pure cybervictims, 0.7% ( n = 13) pure cyberbullies, 3.1% cyberbully-victims ( n = 62), and 25.6% ( n = 510) pure cyberbystanders. In addition, the results reveal that verbal aggression and offensive or insulting messages were the most prevalent forms of aggression in bullying and cyberbullying, respectively. 36.6% of the sample had suffered verbal aggression and 8.4% had received offending or insulting messages. These data show that bullying and cyberbullying are considerably prevalent in this educational stage.
Reducing Cyberbullying in Schools: International Evidence-Based Best Practices provides an accessible blend of academic rigor and practical application for mental health professionals, school administrators and educators, giving them a vital tool in stemming the problem of cyberbullying in school settings. It features a variety of international, evidence-based programs that can be practically implemented into any school setting. In addition, the book looks at a broad array of strategies, such as what can be learned from traditional bullying programs, technological solutions, policy and legal solutions, and more.
This book brings together an international group of experts to present the latest psychosocial and developmental criminological research on cyberbullying, cybervictimization and intervention. With contributions from a wide range of European countries, including Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Italy, France, Hungary, Spain, and the United Kingdom, as well as from Canada and the USA, this authoritative volume explores the nature, risk factors, and prevalence of cyberbullying among children and adolescents. A particularly original focus is directed towards the Tabby project (Threat Assessment of online Bullying Behaviour among Youngsters), an intervention programme based on the threat and risk assessment approach which seeks to prevent the occurrence of violence and its recidivism. Presenting cutting-edge research on developmental criminology and legal psychology, International Perspectives on Cyberbullying is a comprehensive resource for practitioners, teachers, parents, and researchers, as well as scholars of criminology, psychology, and education.