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Meshoma, a Rare Complication of Abdomen and Hernia Repair-A Case Report

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J Minim Invasive Surg Sci. In Press(In Press):e12994.
Published online 2018 December 23.
doi: 10.5812/minsurgery.12994.
Case Report
Meshoma, a Rare Complication of Abdomen and Hernia Repair-A Case
Mostafa Sadeghi 1, Shaghayegh Beshtar1, Moussa Abolhassani 2and Alireza Tavassoli3, *
1Student Research Committee, School of Paramedical, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran
3Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
*Corresponding author: Professor of General Surgery,Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. Tel:
+98-5118012806, Fax: +98-5118402972, Email:
Received 2017 May 11; Revised 2018 September 09; Accepted 2018 October 24.
Introduction: In this study, we report a case of meshoma with ventral hernia recurrence symptoms after the use of mesh.
Case Presentation: A 52-year-old woman who had two ventral hernia surgery presented to our department. In the second surgery,
a mesh is used to repair the position. After 6 months of the second surgery, she was refered to us with symptoms of acute chole-
cystitis. In pathologic examination, sections of mesh with interaction of a foreign body around it, including chronic inflammatory
infiltration, bud cells of foreign body together with surrounding hyalinized irregular fibrotic fibers amidst the adipose tissue in the
abdominal wall could be observed.
Conclusions: Although using mesh is a suitable tool to repair abdominal wall defects, mesh shrinkage and meshoma could be
considered as its rare complications while it is possible to regard it as the differential diagnosis in hernia repair with the mesh in
the cases of abdominal wall masses.
Keywords: Meshoma, Abdomen, Hernia, Surgery, Case Report
1. Introduction
Risk factors of hernia include the pressure inside the
abdominal cavity due to obesity, carrying heavy objects,
coughing with chronic pulmonary disease, straining dur-
ing defecation or urination (1,2).
There are several ways to fix the hernia spot. Among
all of the current techniques, tension free method of mesh
implant due to the lower recurrence rate and reduction of
position stretch is considered as one of the most common
approach of support, especially in recrudescent hernia (3,
Meshoma (shrinkage mesh in form of a rounded mass
manifestation) is one of the rare complications of mesh.
Factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure such as
coughing, maneuver valsalva and the lack of appropriate
mesh fixation are the risks of meshoma (5). In this study,
we report a case of ventral-hernia recurrent following the
use of mesh.
2. Case Presentation
2.1. Patient Description
A 52-year-old woman who had two ventral hernia
surgery presented in our department. In the second
surgery a mesh was applied to repair the position. After 6
months of the second surgery, she was refered to us with
symptoms of acute cholecystitis. The patient had a pain
in her upper part of the previous operation midline inci-
sion and also in an epigastric zone in right upper quad-
rant (RUQ). Cholecystitis was announced as routine clin-
ical studies results. Sonographic examinations reported
an inflammatory mass associated with adhesion as well as
stones in the gallbladder. Thereforethe patient who was di-
agnosed with acute cholecystitis, underwent laparoscopic
surgery, in that standard method of cholecystectomy has
been done on her gallbladder.
In the case of dissection resection, the minimal inva-
sive approach was done in the laparoscopic method. Due
to the fact that the mass of the mesh was considerably nar-
rower than the laparoscopic incisions, we had to increase
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Sadeghi M et al.
Figure 1. A, Macroscopic view of the mass; B, Cross section view of the mass
the location of the subfamily of the Xyphoid and the mass,
out of the mesh as well as the mesh mass from the site.
During further evaluation, unusual or suspicious adhe-
sions in the lower part of the gallbladder below the inci-
sion were noticeable. An abnormal mass in the size of 100
mm and a length of 120 mm was observed in the area as
well. Therefore conversion to laparotomy was performed.
During laparotomy process, the mass made free from ad-
hesions and also completely isolated out of abdominal
wall. Then, the mass was sent to the patholog y department
for the examination.
2.2. Macroscopic Pathology
In macroscopic feature there was a round tumor-like
lesion 120 mm in 100 mm size with an inflammatory reac-
tion, and in cross section view of a thick corse capsule con-
taining source fibrotic and foreign string was seen (Figure
The irregular cut mass is a relatively soft brown dense
2.3. Microscopic Pathology
In pathologic examination, sections of mesh with in-
teraction of a foreign body around it, including chronic
inflammatory infiltration, bud cells of foreign body to-
gether with surrounding hyalinized irregular fibrotic
Figure 2. Microscopic examination of the meshoma. A, Sections of mesh with
fibrotic response, chronic inflammation around mesh bundles in adipose tissue
around the abdomen hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] ×100; B, A dense collection of
cross-section and longitudinal view of mesh with severe reactive tissue, including
chronic inflammation, external bud cells, and capillary-vascular proliferation with
fibrosis around it: hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] ×400
fibers amidst the adipose tissue in the abdominal wall
could be observed (Figure 2).
Pulled and irregular pulp with a diameter of 100 ×120
mm and a relatively smooth and fairly smooth perforated
surface observed.
3. Discussion
Meshoma, an inflammatory mass with collagen and fi-
broblast and resulting from the use of mesh, is considered
as one of the rare complications that can be seen in pa-
tients as the result of inappropriate use of the mesh. To
repair the herniated positions of patients, surgeons can
benefit from various surgical procedures. Hernia Infection
and recurrent are common complications of hernioplasty
(6,7). Jun et al. in the United States and Van Laree et al.
2J Minim Invasive Surg Sci. In Press(In Press):e12994.
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Sadeghi M et al.
in Denmark suggested that hernia relapse rate after using
mesh has dramatically reduced (7). So recently mesh appli-
cation is considered as one of the most common methods
for hernia repair. However using mesh may have some sub-
sequent complications.
Failure to fix the mesh in position, inappropriate fix-
ation and lack of proper position dissection in order to
put mesh can lead to shrink mesh in position and conse-
quently, in long-term the mass may convert to the quiet
ball-like mass.
In order to prevent meshoma after surgery, it is neces-
sary to accurately observe the sterility during the opera-
tion, also appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis need to pre-
scribe to the patient. Inserting a flat mesh properly and
avoiding it to be folded is of other measures that can be
used to prevent meshoma (5). In these patients, localized
pain, neuropathy (due to meshoma compression on nerve)
and recurrent hernia is seen (7). Since chronic pain is re-
garded as the only symptom that can be observed in these
patient, so we are dealing with a wide range of differen-
tial diagnosis. Using ultrasound and CT scan images can
be useful to determine the exact location of meshoma (7).
Finally, it is suggested that further studies should be
done to compare other current procedures with these two
methods, especially with respect to relapse and long-term
complications, in order to better determination,as well as
the best and most effective treatment in patients with her-
Conflict of Interests: The authors declare no conflict of
Ethical Consideration: In this study, all ethical consider-
ations regarding human beings considered.
Funding/Support: This work was supported by the vice
chancellery of research of Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, and performed in the Endoscopic
and Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center of Mash-
had University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Patient Consent: The patient was enrolled with their com-
plete consent and no compulsion. Patient personal infor-
mation was kept confidential.
1. Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL. Sabiston text-
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3. Brunicardi F, Brandt M, Andersen D, Billiar T, Dunn D, Hunter JG.
Schwartz’s principles of surgery ABSITE and board review. McGraw Hill
Professional; 2010.
4. Sabiston DC, Townsend CM. Sabiston textbook of surgery: The biological
basis of modern surgical practice. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2002.
5. Bjurstrom MF, Nicol AL, Amid PK, Chen DC. Pain control following
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90. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S47005. [PubMed: 24920934]. [PubMed Central:
6. Hosseini SVS. Evaluation effect of local Cefazolin on postoperative in-
fection in herniorrhaphy with Mesh. New York Sci J. 2014;7(11):132–7.
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A review of 100 cases. Pak J Med Sci. 2006;22(4):416–9.
J Minim Invasive Surg Sci. In Press(In Press):e12994. 3
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Full-text available
Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries performed worldwide. With the success of modern hernia repair techniques, recurrence rates have significantly declined, with a lower incidence than the development of chronic postherniorrhaphy inguinal pain (CPIP). The avoidance of CPIP is arguably the most important clinical outcome and has the greatest impact on patient satisfaction, health care utilization, societal cost, and quality of life. The etiology of CPIP is multifactorial, with overlapping neuropathic and nociceptive components contributing to this complex syndrome. Treatment is often challenging, and no definitive treatment algorithm exists. Multidisciplinary management of this complex problem improves outcomes, as treatment must be individualized. Current medical, pharmacologic, interventional, and surgical management strategies are reviewed.
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Objective: To see the prevalence of groin sepsis following Lichtenstein inguinal hernioplasty without antibiotics prophylaxis Design: A prospective observational study Place and Duration: Department of Surgery Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi from Dec 2002 to July 2004. Patient and Methods: A total of first consecutive 100 cases of inguinal hernia were included in the study. All patients were subjected to Lichtenstein repair without antibiotic prophylaxis. Prolene mesh was used in all cases. Results: Three percent of patients developed postoperative wound infection, which was treated conservatively without any significant morbidity. Conclusion: Lichtenstein's repair is an easy procedure with less complication rate even without antibiotic prophylaxis.
The Fifth Edition of Greenfield's Surgery has been thoroughly revised, updated, and refocused to conform to changes in surgical education and practice. Reflecting the increasingly clinical emphasis of residency programs, this edition features expanded coverage of clinical material and increased use of clinical algorithms. Key Points open each chapter, and icons in the text indicate where Key Points are fully discussed. Many of the black-and-white images from the previous edition have been replaced by full-color images. This edition has new chapters on quality assessment, surgical education, and surgical processes in the hospital. Coverage of surgical subspecialty areas is more sharply focused on topics that are encountered by general surgeons and included in the current general surgery curriculum and ABSITE exam. The vascular section has been further consolidated. A new editor, Diane M. Simeone, MD, PhD, has joined the editorial team. This edition is available either in one hardbound volume or in a four-volume softbound set. The lightweight four-volume option offers easy portability and quick access. Each volume is organized by organ system so you can find the facts you need within seconds. The companion website presents the fully searchable text, an instant-feedback test bank featuring over 800 questions and answers, and a comprehensive image bank. Unique to this new edition's website are 100 "Morbidity and Mortality" case discussions. Each case reviews a specific surgical complication, how the complication was addressed, and reviews the literature on approaches and outcomes. © 2011 by LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, a WOLTERS KLUWER business. All rights reserved.
Schwartz's principles of surgery ABSITE and board review
  • F Brunicardi
  • M Brandt
  • D Andersen
  • T Billiar
  • D Dunn
  • J G Hunter
Brunicardi F, Brandt M, Andersen D, Billiar T, Dunn D, Hunter JG. Schwartz's principles of surgery ABSITE and board review. McGraw Hill Professional; 2010.
Pain control following inguinal herniorrhaphy: Current perspectives
  • M F Bjurstrom
  • A L Nicol
  • P K Amid
  • D C Chen
Bjurstrom MF, Nicol AL, Amid PK, Chen DC. Pain control following inguinal herniorrhaphy: Current perspectives. J Pain Res. 2014;7:27790. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S47005. [PubMed: 24920934]. [PubMed Central: PMC4045265].
Evaluation effect of local Cefazolin on postoperative infection in herniorrhaphy with Mesh
  • Svs Hosseini
Hosseini SVS. Evaluation effect of local Cefazolin on postoperative infection in herniorrhaphy with Mesh. New York Sci J. 2014;7(11):132-7.